Lecture #6 | DBMS | Transaction and schedules | Meghna Dubey (IIIT B)
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Channel: i-Gate Computer Science Bhilai
Views: 1,397
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Keywords: probability, gate cse, gate cs, igate bhilai, live classes, live cs gate classes, gate cse live classes, gate cs video lecture, permutation and combination, aptitude training videos, aptitude test preparation, igate cse, gate cse lectures, gate cse preparation strategy, cse gate lectures, gate cse 2021, gate cse 2021 preparation, gate cse 2021 preparation strategy, work and time, motivational, motivational video, success, success story, dbms, gate dbms, dbms lectures
Id: D-P6Z1R0vBw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 38sec (3638 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 24 2020
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