Lecture 01: Hermeneutics - Dr. James Rosscup

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pulse I want to give are from Philippians chapter 4 in verse 1 and we'll be looking at that shortly realize that in the readings you are to do for next week that on page 13 that's XIII it will give you two pages of examples from John 15 to two pages of examples from John 15 to you could read those as you're reading for next week but we will take a second passage today in class so that you'll have two different examples and look at Philippians 4 1 the first paper which is on Ephesians 5:18 will ask you to do observations 35 of them on one passage which will be Ephesians 5:18 and be not drunk with wine but be filled with the spirit and at first it will seem impossible to come up with 35 things and you may have to leave what you're doing pray some more maybe take a break and come back to it and trust God to help you see things more than you've seen and how many students have told me that's what's happened they thought that they were at their wit's end that there was no human possibility of coming up with anything further they thought it was an unfair assignment to expect so much of them and as they have been stretched and have continued to work at it God's Spirit helping them they found lo and behold they could do it they did do it like the little train that was climbing the hill I think I can I think I can I think I can and then it had gotten to the top is that I know I can I did it and so it's not necessarily first easy however it is possible and we should pray much we should study hard we should keep at it we'll be asked - you'll be asked to do three different areas on Ephesians 5 18 what is sad that you observe what is said in the passage what is said for sure no reading in what said you can point to it you can show others that's what said they can see them things verified first area what is said the second area what is not said in the passage and oftentimes when we are interpreting Scripture what is not said is also important because people do tend to read things into passages that they don't say if we get very sharp and attentive and alert about what is not said there we can be better leaders of the flock we can head them off on maybe erroneous ways they're following by showing them that the passage doesn't really say what they think the passage is saying the third area that you'll be asked to make observations on is to come up with the key interpretive questions key questions of things you don't yet as you observe she answers to like certain terms phrases in the passage that you don't understand and you don't know what they mean or you don't know how they fit with some other passage that you may that may tick in your brain and you say how might this possibly relate to so-and-so if it does this is something for further study I must do further observation to get the answers here and if we will learn to come up with really key interpretive questions if we will learn to ask questions about the more decisive things in the passage things that will really make a difference then we will become better interpreters if we ask questions about things that are peripheral that don't amount to much anyway then we won't get very far we can sharpen our learning process by asking the right questions of course when you're first starting off with this you will not always ask the right questions that's understood with the beginners or basic people basic study it's understood that you will get sharper as you go along so give yourself the room to improve and God will improve you okay let's look at three areas on Philippians 4 1 then as let me read this passage for us reading from the new American Standard therefore my beloved brethren whom I long to see my joy in crown so stand firm in the Lord my beloved notice in the English a period it's a statement that stands alone it seems it's not grammatically linked with connected with the next verse it's just a statement on its own let's let's look at what it says what it does not say and then asks some questions about it let's do the same kind of process that we'll be asking you to do on your own in Ephesians 5:18 now remember when we do this we not only can see what's in verse 1 but we can see how what's in verse 1 may possibly possibly relate to things before it or after it what we call context before and after whether immediate verses before immediate verses after or many verses before many verses after or the entire epistle so that to come to an interpretation of verse 1 and to do that without isolating it away from any proper relationship to its context would be false we want to be able to plug it in properly to its true picture and see the real relationships that are there so that the flow of thought the progression of developing thought is there for us ok what is sad just a few examples the word therefore appears to build upon some preceding thought notice I'm very cautious I use the word appears it's good to be cautious at the beginning of this and to use cautious words words which thus that we still need to do some further reflection before we can be sure because sometimes initial quick thoughts don't turn out to be the wisest sometimes they do sometimes there will be flashes of thought that will just be great once we always need however to test them by further observation so that we give the text a fighting chance to say what it really wants to say so the word therefore appears to build upon some preceding thought which could be and now we go back and we observe the verses before to see if we can find any thing within those verses that might meaningfully connect with and set the stage for word therefore what meaningfully could the word therefore refer back to possibly notice again I'm cautious possibly three twenty and twenty-one where the writer says for our our citizenship is in heaven from which also we eagerly wait for a savior the Lord Jesus Christ he goes on notice the thought is connected verse 21 by a comma in the English we would always need to check that in the Greek and make sure that's what the Greek says because the English is only a rendering by scholars what they think the Greek says and we need to get into the habit of ourselves checking it first and if we can if we don't know the Greek yet we can't do that but we can also we can still read good Greek commentaries of experts who can do it and check different ones and see what possibilities are before we learn it ourselves who goes on to say in verse 21 who will transform the body of our humble state into conformity with a body of his glory by the exertion of the power that he has even to subject all things to himself and then period in the English and the word therefore and for one possibly might go back to those thoughts about the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ and that transforming that he will perform for believers in our bodies when he does come back if he's indeed going to do something so astounding as that so wonderful for us therefore we should stand fast whatever our difficult circumstances are it would have great meaning that way when you have a hope like that you then have the motivation to stand fast that would be a very possible connection or to be cautious we could say the thought might even go back a bit farther to at least the beginning of verse 17 3:17 because you'll notice in verses 17 to 19 he emphasizes ungodly people and they're wrong lifestyle and then he contrasts this with godly people whose citizenship is not in the things of this world and worldly motives and values but in the Lord and what he is and what he will do for us so verses 17 through 19 the ungodly verses 2021 the godly might be felt to embrace a more total thought than just to look at verses 2021 alone let the larger picture replace the smaller one because the larger picture includes embraces even the verses 20 and 21 that is another possibility we keep observing our possibilities it might be that the writer of for one intends us to think back all the way to the beginning of chapter 3 where he says finally my brethren rejoice in the Lord to write the same things again is no trouble to me and it is a safeguard for you beware of the dogs aware of the evil workers beware of the false circumcision for we are the true circumcision who worship in the Spirit of God and glory in Christ Jesus and put no confidence in the flesh if anyone else has a mind to put confidence in the flesh I farm or and then he goes into a personal testimony of his past background and things he used to count on as meritorious for himself but later he met Christ and found out that the true hope was in Christ now he wants in verse 10 to know him and the power of his resurrection the Fellowship of his sufferings and so on and not to put stock in those things that he counted on so much and fast when he was unsaved and it may be that the thought of for one the call - therefore to stand fast is in light of that whole picture chapter three that includes the contrast between the ungodly the godly at the end of chapter three and also includes a larger picture where again he's contrasting ungodly people in three - three different groups of them and then those who worship God in the spirit again the godly and then he gives the contrast of himself back in the past when he was ungodly undone counting on the wrong things and how he met Christ and found the only one in whom he could really have true standing so it could be that the entirety of chapter 3 were just observing here the possibilities we're letting the context provide for us possibilities as we observe them or it may be that we would say that the therefore even could go back farther than 3:1 even into chapter 2 where he in to one uses the word therefore that again points back into chapter one before it - one back into chapter one showing that there is encouragement in Christ and into one calling up on the believers to make his joy complete by being of the same mind in unity and not doing anything selfishly verse three and such a calling to a high lifestyle and then let this mind be in you which was also in Christ verse 5 and then verses 6 through 11 the great example of Christ and his selfless attitude becoming a servant of obedience what a model what an example of one who went into a very lowly estate but whom God has raised up to a very high exalted state and then he goes on in the rest of chapter 2 following that great example of Christ to call upon to summon the believers in verse 12 to 12 to exhort them to a lifestyle that would be based upon really taking this seriously really letting it have its full impact upon them and as he's doing that in chapter 2 he even gives examples of Timothy and this other man at the end of chapter 2 Pafford itis in verse 25 so he gives his own example in chapter 3 but before that he gives the great example of Christ chapter 2 and the two examples of Timothy and up aphrodite's and with those three examples the summons the exhortation to these believers in Phillip I to take note and make applications and live a lifestyle its proper a servanthood life such as that that Jesus lived that he exemplified we could go back into chapter 1 because the to 1 therefore points back into chapter 1 I personally believe that if we would keep observing our answer to our question in 401 would be that there for refers back to the Holy pistol up to that point the whole picture not just a small part of it only but we would need you would need to do that on your own and observe as you pursue the therefore and wonder what it should be connected back with therefore so you see how that one observation has its many spin-offs into various other connected observations that just keep taking us back and thus inviting us to learn the context learn the context learn the context get the whole picture what an invitation that is what a thrill what an exhilaration that gives to the spirit is doctor may you in Chapel said today the greatest thing going for him was to study the Word of God what a thrill and then secondly what is said the writer we haven't yet observed who the writer is well you may say that's obvious it's Paul but I would ask you the question then how do you assume that the writer of 4/1 is Paul this is way into an epistle give me some proof for that and so if you do this kind of thing on Ephesians five and you say that Paul wrote don't be drunk with wine but be filled with the spirit don't just jump to that and assume that but tell me what observation you made and where it was that told you that Paul wrote it in this case one one would help back in Philippians 1:1 Paul and Timothy bond servants of Christ Jesus and then he goes on then he also a further observation would be that there's a whole string of personal pronouns these are strung out through these chapters in a connected sequence so that it's obvious that no different writer has come in in the meantime it's the same one who wrote one one and for word we with me here but what you're doing is you're actually supplying concrete observations of the text itself which verifies that what you are claiming is God's Word and not just your claim people are doing all kinds of things with God's Word today that they think are right they may be sincere about that they're sincerely wrong maybe in some cases they're right however we need to make sure that we're men and women of the book and it's what God says for sure that counts yes what is that in the paper they'd like us to do we can write how it relates to the rest of the book yes the question is when you do your papers can you relate a verse in what it says to the rest of the book yes the answer will be yes you would need to if you make that claim that it is related to such-and-such you would need to give me the verse so that I would see the obvious connection you've actually put down the concrete evidence or proof you haven't just left me in the air wondering how did he know that or why did he say that I agree with him but where'd you get it where'd you get it I want you to get into the habit as I want myself to be in the habit of always being able to point to something in the scripture itself thus saith the Lord and not take anything for granted it just builds sharper instruments to expound the Word of God because as I say there are many people today who with various degrees of sincerity are claiming all kinds of things even some false doctrines oh how they insist that they're right they've got proof text they can point to but we can come along and show that they're misusing those verses using them out of context with other verses and so on number two then is that the writer is apparently Paul don't just say Paul wrote this because my natural reaction is the greater would be I fully agree from what I know but how does he know that because I've asked him to observe the text you with me here be concrete you'd only have to go into a long paragraph but just shoot straight to the mark and give me even a very concise statement that shows me that you're aware of which verse where it says that and that is your your proper proof bow however if you make a claim on a verse you can even refer to some other book of the Bible like some other book that Paul wrote and but you would need to show me what it is that you saw and where and how you make the connection so that I can see it's a valid connection if you say that Paul says in Galatians show me how you know Paul wrote Galatians galatians 1:1 just briefly to verify that point and then maybe you're referring to something like be filled with a spirit possibly might relate to walking in the spirit Galatians 5:16 so don't just tell me that that's true but tell me what it is you know that shows you that that's a possible real connection and that the writer is the same writer be concrete even though not going into elaborate long paragraph to do it but which I don't think is good we need to cut right to the mark and not be all over the Milky Way maybe being too verbose number three looking still at what is said what is said the word beloved makes a claim about the recipients about their relationship to the writer they are his beloved a very natural thing to say in addition to that is that you have observed in the context that this same writer back in 317 believe it's 317 calls them brethren not beloved but brethren you might make a statement such as the writer shows that the recipients are very closely related to him as he uses the word beloved of them the same writer in the same context back in 317 even calls the same recipients about brethren what that does is it gives me the wider picture it gives me some connection his flow of thought so that might lead to the question is there a close relationship between being beloved and being brethren you don't know yet the answer to that but that's a you know because of your observations it's just a natural question that can pop into the mind and then you would need further observations out of the scripture itself to be able to build up a case for what their what the relationship is between brethren and beloved one natural question on the word brethren would be what you give a natural question on that word it sounds male doesn't it yeah what does he mean by brothers he mean all male only only the male parts of the church or is the word brethren possibly an all-embracing word that sometimes is used to refer both the males and females all the believers in a congregation in an area see what you're asking here and then you know once you've asked that question you could put that in section 3 on questions and you don't know yet the answer to that question but you but it's a valid question to put down however if you have already discovered by good concrete observations what the answer is then give the answer and leave the question out I'll ask the question but answer it and put your new questions under section 3 so that you're you're leaving questions there that yet need to be answered what I'm saying in effect is this if you already have the answer that you've observed give me that be as direct as you can why ask a question about something you've already answered you know these rights obvious in the text and you could tell me where let's make some ground here not just not make ground I hope that's clear go as far as you can validly go and don't leave the reader hanging so the word beloved makes a claim of the recipients relationship to the writer just as the word brethren seems to do and notice again caution seems to do in 3:17 and that would lead me to another question even are there other places in in Philippians where he uses such terms if so in which verses in what connection what might they show me about his more total conception of who brethren are who the beloved ones are does he use any other terms also along with brethren or beloved that fill out the picture of how he really feels toward them well right here in verse 1 notice whom I long to see boy that shows something in the relationship they have with him he's not just aware of them but he longs to see them not only that but notice further observation what it says six things at least in verse 1 about their relationship to him their brethren their beloved he longs to see them there his joy there he's crown again he says their beloved and not only that but the word beloved appears twice hear the word beloved appears the beginning of the verse at the end of the verse that's a good observation in itself you're preaching to a congregation you see notice that the verse begins with beloved and observe that it ends with beloved but makes a point doesn't it that sets the stage for really a great focus upon who the beloved ones are what that means you've got your your crowd focus now on that point and they can see it right there in the text they can observe it to further observation the word longed for that expression states Paul's concern we've already established that Paul wrote this Paul's concern for these receiving the letter and then I might ask the you know I've made that observation that it does express his concern for them that's valid in itself but then I might go even further and I might say I'm going to read back in the earlier verses even in Chapter three and two and one and see if there are any similar expressions so that I get the larger picture I want to get the whole thing here back in 1:7 for example for it is only right for me to feel this way about you all because I have you in my heart he says I have you in my heart well that's along the same line apparently so we've answered a question we've gotten more of the larger picture here than just for one studying the context the whole context helps us to put things together just as when you put a a puzzle together until that whole beautiful picture is before you every piece has been put into the place where it belongs number six heaping up of terms of endearment actually we we mentioned that a few minutes ago we mentioned six different terms which in effect would be a heaping up of terms of endearment all occurring in verse one and as I said to we we could go back to one seven and show that early on in the letter he he says I have you in my heart and it would be a good thing to point out when you're when you're expounding for one look he's already said something along this line earlier and number seven what it does say but as we mentioned the board beloved is repeated at the beginning of the verse at the end of the verse now once I see the theft is repeated don't just stop with that yeah it's repeated but to ask the question then let let observations trigger further question C so this observation process gets richer and richer and sharper and sharper if you see that that term is repeated in for one what question might that tick in your mind okay you've got a reputation in verse one what what question is natural that follows up on that repetition is there any other repetition in Philippians if so what does he repeat your verse reading the verses before the verses after notice first for rejoice in the Lord again I say rejoice the word is repeated beginning of the verse end of the verse it's good to observe that in it or back into 17 and 18 to 17 and 18 or even if I I'm being poured out as a drink offering upon the sacrifice and service of your faith I rejoice and share my joy notice two different expressions of joy in that verse something is repeated there and then verse 18 does it again and you too I urge you rejoice in the same way and share your joy with me two expressions of joy there as well in two verses we add four of these the repetition is tremendous into 17 and 18 so if you're preaching on the repetition that occurs on the word beloved in 401 you can say you know this this this group of people in Philip I were very very precious to him and he uses a lot of repetition in the letter for example back at 2 1718 he calls them to joy joy here in for for joy joy and that might even lead you to say now are there any further places where there might be some kind of repetition so what that does is it invites us to just keep reading and rereading and as we get as we do that well more the picture really floods into our hearts minds into our notes and into the process that leads toward the message the preaching the teaching the sharing it gets richer and richer and you know what else it gets more and more true to the Word of God you're really expounding the word not simply giving a message on relationships with people with a little bit of dab of the word here and there mingled in so many messages of today you are doing that and some of them are very well preached with tremendous illustrations they can really rock people and do a lot of good of course but if if there's not a solid preaching of God's word itself over the weeks over the months over the years it does something to it also doesn't do something that might be very very tragic in terms of the possibilities of the growth in that crowd of people they don't grow much they don't have much to grow on what it has said now let's look as time is passing what is not said and again you are to do this in Ephesians 5:18 what is not said this first does not associate Timothy with Paul as one one does notice in 4 1 he says therefore my beloved brethren whom I long to see and so on it's it's all Paul's own relationship with these people but back in 1:1 Paul and Timothy to all the saints in Christ Jesus grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ he always relating both himself and Timothy to them not so in 4:1 you might ask then the spin-off question is natural out of that why not what is the difference it's not necessarily that there's any Fault in this it's just that there is a difference and you want to note that you might tell your people as you preach that already he's cleared this up back in 1:1 that that Timothy was involved as well and Timothy's the example of Timothy will even be used there in chapter 2 Timothy in 1 1 Timothy in chapter 2 but that at this point Paul is zeroing in focusing in on his own personal individual intimate relationship with them without necessarily ruling out some possible personal feeling that Timothy also might have toward this same group of people he's just not commenting on that but you're just being clear with the people that that's what's taking place part of the mind of God second thing of what is not said the word sisters is not mentioned in 4-1 she says brethren beloved brethren you know it's interesting to me and more interesting all along as I interact with people that people will come up with some amazing things in verses they will look at a verse like 4:1 and say my beloved brethren all he was only interested in males why does he leave up the sisters they'll say you know wait why some woman will ask you that why why did he leave us out here why he mentions women in verse 2 but in a negative light I urge yo TIA I heard sent a key to live in harmony in the Lord they've got a real rift going and it's negative why didn't he put sisters in there what did I see brothers and brothers and sisters brothers sisters and then then of course if you've done your homework you would say oh let me share something with you when he uses the word brethren he means both males and females let me show you how I know that let me show you some things I've observed in in this epistle and other epistles of Paul or other writers you've got some data stored up in the Treasury of your heart that you could share that overflows to far more than what you gave in your message and we all should be so well prepared when we teach on a given passage that what we know about that passage is far far far far far beyond what we have time for in 30 minutes or 40 minutes of preaching it's called reservoir preaching overflow preaching another term for it would be rivers of living water John 7:37 239 rivers of living water by the Holy Spirit so filled with God's words so fill with a spirit that the Spirit can just naturally have us primed and ready to come out with far more and more and more we're not people who at the end of our message are so wrung out that we've just given everything we've got but we've still got more and the way that comes is not because we're anything but it's because the Word of God so fills us the Word of God is everything in a sense so what it does not say other things it does not say nothing is said about descriptions associated with crown the word crown he just says you're my joy and Crown wear crown appears alone it occurs with the word joy but crown appears alone here you don't do very much reading in the New Testament before you have observed that he speaks about the crown of rejoicing 1st Thessalonians 2 19 and 20 notice that of rejoicing is associated with crown word crown does not occur there alone as here or incorruptible crown first Corinthians 9:25 the crown that doesn't fade like at the ancient earth mian games near Corinth where an athlete would receive a crown for having won his event and after those hours by the time he received that crown at the award seat the leaves of the crown were already beginning to fade and Paul talks spiritually about the incorruptible crown the one that doesn't fade but he says incorruptible crown yet just say crown or crown of life James 1:12 not just crown but of life so it's what we call a genitive phrase in the Greek we need to learn our Greek so we understand what the significance of that is probably it means the crown of life the crown which consists of life a generative of a position the of the genitive idea it is the crown and then that crown is defined described as being one that consists of life or the crown of glory 1st Peter 5 for the crown of glory crown is being defined described it's the crown which consists of glory but the point is here what the passage does not say this passage at this point does not say crown of life crown of rejoicing crown of glory crown of righteousness incorruptible crown was five different descriptions and other passages but if you're preaching on this you can say notice it just says crown here but there are five other passages in the New Testament that give us such such descriptions and you could give the more total picture to your people then you could say now there are some expositors who have taught that these are five different crowns that different believers might win why there's the soul-winners crown there's the crown for living a pure godly life and on and on five different crowns at different segments of Christians my turn and then you can say but there's another view that it's not talking about five different crowns it's five different passages with five different descriptions of the same wonderful sphere of reward reward is a many-splendored thing its life its glory its rejoicing for sure it's righteousness it is incorruptible and thus very different from that fading crown that the people winning awards it is pious yes pious games would would gain see you learn these things by observation and then you can come to a given passage this does not say but notice Paul is probably being briefed at this point and in other passages of the New Testament the word of God shows us that the crown of which he speaks is is one that is incorruptible that it is one of joy it is one of on and on you can go depending on what your convictions are which view you take on that I take the latter view five different descriptions of the same thing rather than like the breastplate of faith and love in one passage and another passage speaks of the breastplate of righteousness I don't think it's two different breastplates for a believer but it's two different descriptions showing that the believer will receive righteousness or has righteousness he also has faith in love see that's an interpretive matter different views on that one has to decide what the observation is show em but notice the word crown appears alone and so what has not said thirdly questions key questions on the passage well we've already seen some haven't we could the word brethren include women along with the man you see our very process of observation of positive things well itself bring up spin-offs to any thinking mind to an alert sharp mind in different degrees of different ones of us I think the better trained we are the more we'll see things that we would have missed earlier that's part of the sharpening of the saints and we ought to expect growth like that see far more now many years down the line that I could see when I was a student at seminary thank God for that all those hours of study of paid off so the word about brethren second question how might a group of believers be an individual persons crown how could that be and it could it be that this same group of believers in Philip AIA were in some degree Timothy's crown as well or appt afroditi scrounge they're mentioned in the letter as well and Paul not only mentions them a chapter too but might as he put them in a good light they must have had a tremendously close relationship with these Philippians and an impact on them an interrelationship with them so could these many of these believers back at Philip IV a crown to Timothy to paradise does God deal that way as he has integrity and deals justly we don't we asked the question could the same group of people in a local church be a certain pastors crown but he moves on to another area and that same people when things roll around in the judgment seat of Christ that same group of people would be the correct in some sense the crown of this other pastor we asked these questions we would need to search the New Testament to see if there are there are answers that we can observe there may be there may be not be but at least we ask the questions and the more we ask the questions and then really really really study the scripture the more we're bound to find out and some will be answered with negatives some will be answered with very positive things a third question what background lies in the past to cause these recipients to be Paul's beloved ones what great background if there is one well you know you don't read very far in acts until you come back 16 remember that and if you if you're a young believer you may not realize this yet but you go on reading you'll find it out that acts 16 just lays out an awful lot about Paul's visit to to Philip I and how that certain people were converted like a slave girl Philippian jailer and his whole household and others Lydia and so if you ask the question what background might be there to show that the recipients would have this close relationship as being beloved you could lay out some of that background for your people and not just to kind of preach to them in a vacuum questions then are you getting the hang of this it's not it's not easy necessarily at first but it's it's nor is it difficult in a sentence there's some difficulty involved yes but it's not beyond us and remember this that the spirit of living God dwells in you if you're believer and he wants to teach you what's that old song spirit of God my teacher be showing the things of Christ to me and as you as you work on this paper number one on Ephesians and you're going to have several weeks yet to do that and further classes will give you further help input to sharpen you on how to do it so don't freeze up but freshen up and get encouraged you're going to find out that amazing new discoveries will come to you valid ones and you will experience the joy of personal discovery you will say I found it I found it I found this in Scripture no feather in my cap but glory be to God and I found this and I found this and I thought I found this of course later on when you begin to use commentaries like on paper number two you'll find out what they found out and they will give you observations maybe far beyond anything you ever dreamed of you say oh well I never knew that wasn't there but I see it now now that they pointed it out where have I been what a hell how could I have missed this and it will really excite you and ignite you even more to say boy look at the possibilities I just can't wait to get in there and again next time I'm in there boy there's gonna be a whole lot more productivity than I've ever had God helping me and it will it will be that way God will help you to grow and the green in these things and you will know at the end of this semester a lot more about how to observe things than you know now if you have the spirit of a learner if you don't have the spirit of a learner you probably won't but that would be a tragedy why have you come hundreds of miles maybe to be here if you don't have the all-out spirit I just longed to learn I remember Dallas seminary when I was a first-year student and one of my most electrifying professors at that early point was Howard Hendricks you may have heard him one of the top spiritual speakers probably in the world as so it has developed through these years but he was out there he was our teacher in hermeneutics at that time and he was sitting on a bench out in front of the seminary theer four of us were gathered around him I said you know mr. Henriques I came from a secular University it was Arizona State I said everything's new to me I don't even know how to ask an intelligent question I mean I heard these guys from Multnomah School of the Bible in Wheaton College and Biola and other places of biblical learning and they had already had a lot of biblical courses and here they were and raising their hands asking questions sometimes using terms I had never heard of what in the world is he talking about so I had no idea what the answer was because I didn't know really what the question was I say well mr. Hendrix it's all new to me and he looked at me and he said something that really encouraged me he said Jim that's good let's hope it never becomes old was he had a different meaning different spin on that praise God it's never become old just keeps being new the excitement no ignition to come like dick mayhue said in chapels won't come to the Word of God and how exciting that can be to study even in a passage that I thought I had drenched before I'd I've gotten everything that could be found out of it and come to it afresh and find things I have never seen in my life that are right there learning to observe we must learn to observe once we get the raw materials a proper observation then we have the proper building blocks as a basis for then beginning to move on to interpretation and then to move on from interpretation to correlation with other passages to observe them as well to interpret them as well and then put this all together into proper relationships does fill with a spirit of any relationship with walking in the spirit v that's correlation and then application after I really have the truth for sure it is the Word of God now how do I apply it in shoe leather to my life how do I give it to other people and so on
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Length: 48min 32sec (2912 seconds)
Published: Wed May 08 2013
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