Lec-3: File System vs DBMS | Disadvantages of File System | DBMS Advantages
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Channel: Gate Smashers
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Keywords: file processing system, Disadvantage of File System, File System vs Database Management System, File System vs DBMS, difference between file processing system and dbms, file system vs dbms, file system in hindi, file system and dbms difference, file system and database system, why file system used, why dbms used, dbms over file system, file system problems, problems in file system, dbms kya hai, dbms gate, ugc net dbms, nielit dbms, dsssb dbms, dbms it officer, dbms college
Id: ZtVw2iuFI2w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 0sec (780 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 13 2018
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