LeBron James Became 'The GOAT' In The 2016 Playoffs 👑🐐 | COMPLETE Highlights | FreeDawkins

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it's the Pistons and the Cavaliers the 2016 NBA playoffs day two to begin the best of seven opening round series between these two teams Morris tips it the right to Thompson James to love for three here's Reggie Jackson poked away from behind by Irving love Dives on the floor and tips it James drives past moris and finishes Here Comes James one man to beat Jackson moves away and James finishes Irving finds James James finds a path to the rim Irving gets past Drummond does he hold on to his fivet foot I guess so as James Banks it in there's the cut there's the lay off the glass at the buzzer James inside second effort oh gorgeous pass as J.R Smith goes back door Rond kicks it out Harris struggling with it James with the steal kicks it out Irving puts it in Jam guarded by Morris that much you can do when he's hitting that delova misses tipped up and in by James Harris drives whack from behind blocked by James there was plenty of contact James on the drive back to love bang five on the 24 [Applause] James backs it in rley Johnson Working on James backing his way in playoff bumps swapping a little paint and LeBron gives him a star down after he finishes it's difficult but you know this as LeBron James gets the l two points in the first quarter for LeBron oh LeBron so strong in there LeBron's got that look right now and LeBron just bullying his way in on Bullock finishes at The Rim first lead of the night for the Cleveland Cavaliers B had it blocked up ahead tough pass good catch James finishes El Dela looking for James who LeBron James bringing the heat oo J.R Smith and Irving and looking up top for LeBron James all the way across from James J.R Smith hits another what a f by LeBron mind that was blocked I think that was a pass and elova finds Jefferson and Jefferson can't get it to go LeBron the offensive board and the putback James across to love Ball moving well right there and Kevin Love hits James trying to get him on their feet again he hits a three LeBron James Johnson on James it'll turn around LeBron got it he puts the Cavs back up nine LeBron James barries a threes hit two threes in this quarter Pistons are in the danger zone and LeBron just making it look easy great pass LeBron to L well that was beautiful that was a one-handed catch and pass with some hair on it folk still in the building it's unbelievable has not cleared yet James attacks and finishes he has been attacking the rim throughout the first two games of this series James inside the ark his second field goal James steps back two-pointer for LeBron James Grumman did his job forc LeBron James to be a jump shooter James rifles a pass to delova his floaters up and good J.R Smith on the drive beats inside and James with a flush shot clock is off James looking puts up the jumper and Nails it with three1 of a second remaining Irving blows past Jackson layup can't get it the fall James right there on the follow another offensive rebound for the Cavaliers love up top James Quick Pass J.R Smith the quick release and it's a three and again and this equals their largest lead of the game James gets inside gets hit and Johnson call for the foul James straight on three Nails it LeBron James finding some offense it's back up by nine Irving to James out to Smith takes the three one dribble puts it in JR Smith from downtown Drive blocked by James game two they got ran over in the second half in Cleveland but other than that the Pistons have proved they could stay in there with Cleveland as LeBron goes strong to the ho as calwell Pope cannot get the tip to go and with a head of steam going LeBron James boy LeBron talk about running downhill flying past everybody and strong to the basket now James on a breakaway all the way in Lebron vintage out to Jefferson for three and Richard Jefferson hits so we're all tied at 3 form as Morris hits one James on the tag board LeBron James just so strong takes the contact hangs in the air and the body control to finish he is something to watch o LeBron James with an answer and a star down Kyrie Irving passed it up move it inside dishes it to James who finishes LeBron looking at a for a foul Tobi Harris on James little Fade Away off one foot no problem for LeBron yeah I don't think that pass was Tobias Harris as Thompson finds himself wide open and now Kyrie Irving on the attack and James there to clean it up boy just heartbreaking for Detroit three looks at it and a two in transition on the other end LeBron James all the way in LeBron James adds to the lead they go up six got to hustle it up Reggie Jackson looking for help two one Jackson the three short [Applause] game over Cavaliers win they sweep the Detroit Pistons they've been waiting in Cleveland for round two to begin for over a week waiting for LeBron James and the Cavaliers to continue their run as the top seed in the East well the wait is over welcome to the NBA playoffs round two game one as the Atlanta Hawks take the defending Eastern Conference Champion Cleveland Cavaliers Al Horford whose shot was not falling at the tail end of that series they just got over he was only shooting from distance about 35% and they go inside with a quick two right there and LeBron comes up with it a new shot clock with which to work LeBron for the Triple James a full head of steam too big and too strong Del LeBron picking R how about the Look Away by delova Reflection by C retried by James shot clock at four it's Jefferson with three and there's Thomson out to James fre lead pass to Jefferson got to be kidding me what a pass by LeBron James you know I got to say that's Magic Johnson es right there that's LeBron LeBron is sephilia posting leaning firing scoring LeBron James LeBron grinding his way on basemore get us in help that's too easy LeBron three he's hit a couple iring LeBron Look Away Lov three kned away here comes LeBron they've got numbers three on two beautiful feet Irving LeBron Kyrie open three Irving James and got it in midf flight and LeBron shot clock is down to three defended by Horford and again one of those Point link layups that you've got to convert versus this Cavaliers team that's a go and LeBron the other way one of two so far finding Irving threee is down look at LeBron triple team spinning grinding scoring just got screen by LeBron who puts up a three he hit his first three-point attempt in game one he hits his first three-point attempt here in game two Smith three Here Comes LeBron with a three screen by shord a side step by corver outside delova Three delova is out Kyrie is in a three from Jane oh my goodness number 13 I was told the conversation was really really about having some individual Pride they want to come out here with some aggressiveness so miss their last six missed their last seven full head of steam LeBron James Irving will carve LeBron te's up a triple it continues LeBron going behind the back and out of the corner Kevin Love and here they go again great Dive by James met by Milsap absorbs the contact and score like Scott primary defense James on the attack Look So Easy 2 and 1/2 seconds remaining great Dive by James 36 28 C seia back in the game James no problem taking him inside a for Cleveland Jamber Gomer spot here goes Jr C more ball movement more passing as we've gone deeper in this quarter like that one to Thompson from James who got the rebound and put it back in the bigs are camped out in the corners space for LeBron to get to the rim and throw it down now just watch this he's going strong right corver was right on him could have been a three-point play BR lines it up and knocks it down to give the Cavaliers the lead late clock Milsap what a play by J.R Smith ahead of the field fry for the dunp timeout Atlanta excellent team defense James over Sephia LeBron James Kevin Love It Good complete Game 15 rebounds good defense at the end and there goes LeBron to the back B shut off James on that drive pitched to J.R Smith who continues his three-point shooting noap guarding James LeBron with a step back counts down the outside shot about the extra games that he plays every single season and then comes back fresh and Begins the following year at a high level massive number of playoff games in regular season games James has hit all three field goals he has six of the Cavaliers 17 Jenning fry hits the three from the corner LeBron with ahe of steeve shuder gives the foul up top continuation LeBron has the chance for the three-point play Love tries that home run out hit James oh come on now how about that pass they've done it before James hits the [Applause] three Ron comes across all the attention comes his way and love knows where to go well they're doing it very easily Mike you know all of the movement is causing defensive rotations Kevin Love Again coach you mentioned it earlier PA milap the only Hawk to shoot a free throw he shot all ten of them love again that's his third same action here we go let's see how the Hawks have adjusted love comes to the corner challenged by Sephia but it doesn't matter this one a two all right now you see now Sephia was lazy on that coverage right get back two 15 for LeBron James on the attack able to finish that time yeah he finally he finally opened up on Sephia Corner three five shatting fry oh jam comes to the basket he's blocked again this one's going to be a goal 10 now clock it two James jab jumper got it LeBron shudder has been the hot man will he go for the win shudder to the basket turned away James pulls it away jump ball is called 78 Ines to James who wins the tap it goes to the corner Horford tries to get to it the three is on the way mil saap it's off and it's over and the Cavaliers have swept the Hawks and Cleveland is back in the Eastern Conference Finals there was a lot of holding as the two players were going for the ball in the corner no call it looked like Milsap got the shot off in time but the Cavaliers have swept Atlanta for the second straight year they've beaten them all 12 playoff games in franchise history and Northeast Ohio is going to host the Conference Finals again as the Cleveland Cavaliers have gone through the first two rounds without a loss LeBron that kid truder was hot take me through that defensive stand that led to the jump ball ah it go I came down shot the long three and uh was it a great shot I don't think so but uh I got to get back on defense and try to make a play and uh I seen Scher turn the corner got downhill and uh once he gave a pump fake he kind of had a blinds side where I was and I was able to I was able to get my hand on the ball for the jump ball and then close the game out but even after you controlled the tip they still get a shot off what were you thinking when you saw it was a pretty good look it was it was I was just hoping that the red light went on before uh milap was able to get it off you know Jr was able to B the ball back in and we was able to get the stop it's just it's a great rooll win for us what made this one so difficult just the desperation they were playing with you know we want to be just as desperate as they are but obviously under the circumstances we're not down 3 0 uh they gave us everything they had these last two games and I'm happy our guys showed up and we was able to represent the way uh we know how to play Cav basketball now you're allowed to tell us who you would like to see in the Eastern Conference Finals you don't know who you're going to face yet but who would you rather see Toronto or Miami uh I'm just blessed to be able to advance to another finals it doesn't matter for us um we got a little banged up in this series so we get an opportunity to rest our bodies and I know our coaching staff will have us me and physically prepared for the next round what would it mean for you to face your old team and your old and your old boys Dwayne and the boys uh I mean obviously I don't think they thinking about me and I'm not thinking about them right now this is a hardfought series and uh you know I'm just so proud of my guys the way uh we was able to close this series out tonight all right thanks congratulations on closing it up James against Carol that's a key matchup and LeBron James gets the Cavs on the board three-on-one break for the catch James to the [Applause] basket James gets him out of the way it's scores easily this is an offensive explosion compared to the previous series with Toronto and Miami nice entry pass in James another easy bucket he's four for four D rozan blocked by James delova lobs it up and James throws it down James on the drive here's James goes right left handed off the glass Carl's a strong guy James is just so tough as follow count it and one James with another layup James goes to Johnson well defended by James Johnson but LeBron James gets it back Irving knocks over to Rosen probably got away with a foul and James finishes at the other end James on the pass from Irving listen you to do something great you've got to as James Goes Baseline and find Smith Carol tries to draw the offensive foul nice pass again and Thompson the Finish pass inside stolen by James clear path to the [Applause] basket James ahead of the pack in the Finish Sher thread the needle again threads the needle love finishes James drives down the lane an easy two and a [Applause] foul James goes to back door James in the post onehanded James drives and finishes Raptor trying to make one last run they're down 16 nice feed inside and Fry the beneficiary James guarded by Biondo a rare outside shot for LeBron James who's done all his scoring in the paint and he nails that one a great offense by the Cavs James and that's two jumpers for LeBron James James love throws that long pass and James throws it down see but Mike that can't happen [Music] James James the three drills it LeBron James from downtown Skol is stripped and stolen by James James on the run dragg down and he still gets it to go wow James the crossover gets inside floats it up won't go second effort is good Irving back to James Smith for three it's good open look for Smith not that time James grabs it as bomo and Thompson were maing each other nice back door and Smith throws it down Kyrie Irving throws it up to James one-handed slam deard de rozan goes at James shot block and knocked off of the rozen Lowry goes for a reach in Irving finds James James nice adjustment bio was ready to block it and James with a gorgeous move Ross went for the steel bomo picks up James his jump shot is good point of the screen to get their guys quality looks James meanwhile who has struggled shooting earlier in the series is found a nice touch Irving to James back out Irving nice pass inside and James with 14 Kevin Love Finds James James with a left hand just calmly BS it off the glass James hits the three-pointer he has struggled mightily from downtown Ali up to James adova with a beautiful setup James head down drives layup got it to go James drives on Patterson inside Jefferson he's three for three they have not missed a shot in the fourth quarter delova looking for an opening throws it inside James on a nice back door cut back door Jefferson love fakes the three nice pass inside and James able to B it in James drives finishes with the left hand delova to James they float it up and Jefferson throws it down James drives and lays it in with a foul Here Comes James and the Cavaliers are taking apart the Raptors here on the first half love throws it down perfect pass to James James with the steel on the D rozan and LeBron James quickly down the other end James left open and hits a three pass inside to love what a pass getting it done defensively scoring in bunches I wouldn't count out that Warrior team though Championship experience James has it James sets three-pointer Bas good LeBron James with a couple of Threes as Irving the steal James the Finish that's a pretty incredible number James steps into a three and nails that one three on one Alli up to James beautifully executed off another another fine defensive play Casey doing a very good job as James knocks down another jumper James drives and finishes should have brought that one down with two hands James kicks it out fry again chanting fry James spins gets in the paint Lefty layup strong move from LeBron James Irving to James James tries another three and hits Irving shuffle pass James fakes and finishes nice pass Irving Banks it in what a gorgeous look from LeBron James Carol blocked from behind by James and he grabs the rebound [Music] James Carol tried to draw the foul James jump shot is good he has been hitting the perimeter shot ball deflected tip to take it by James James racing up the floor Smith catches and hits the three-pointer JR Smith from downtown James Quick spin move and finish James to adova delova back to James back to delova beautiful give and go shot clock down to five again says clear out James puts his head down drives layup is good James out to love open three James tip is good Irving good feed inside and James with the left hand and for LeBron James it would be his sixth consecutive trip that's the company he joins again all the other seven or Celtics he'll be the eighth player to do it the Cleveland Cavaliers win the Eastern Conference Final in six games and now advance to the NBA finals the crowd ready to Roar here at Oracle Arena for one of these NBA Finals the rematch from last year Warriors and Cavaliers best of seven to decide an NBA champion inside nice move from James as James drives inside and a beautiful finish Gala guarding LeBron James James the spin move boy makes it look so easy the Cavs have had some stretches in these playoffs where they have been superb defensively as James again gets inside James jump shot is good James pulls up that's a three rattles it home James James floats it up and Thompson throws it down seven on the 24 James blows past him Lefty layup barbos is cing LeBron James and the mismatch easily goes to Cleveland James sets and connects to three-pointer James the rebound James hasn't scored yet he's 0 for four Ali up to Thompson James again posting up gets inside an easy layup for LeBron James's first points delova on the drive inside the James for the flush James left-handed Banks it in James oh what a cross over and finish LeBron James the freight train James Powers his way to the basket again James puts his head down and drives hard to the basket with authority James puts up a three knocks that one down James Goes at Green layup is good curry turns it over J.R Smith fakes throws it back to Jefferson into James James thought about a long three Iguodala in the game and James Banks it in nice back door and James throws it down Here Comes James meanwhile James rattles in a two-pointer green blocked by James five to shoot James steps back jumper it's good James fires away and hits a three James he's been hot from outside that continues James keeps his dribble somehow Irving back to Jane oh he throws it down ja clock turned off inside Jefferson Jefferson throws it down James to the basket and a foul Irving green picks him up James open lays it up and in as James drills another Curry guarding James backing in there's the double team can't get it the go tips it in with the left hand James to the basket Banks it in stolen by James and James lays it in green was yelling to CL Thompson don't foul don't foul James nice pivot left-handed Scoops it in right from the opening tip they've let them play for the most part James hits a three James has seven assists so far this a two-pointer drills it back to Sher shupper has a good open look in and out James the rebound back up and in shot clock winding down Curry to the basket blocked by James James guarded by the young McAdoo James drives P him in an easy two Irving clear path to the basket get layup he missed it James on the follow James sees an opening drives inside layup is good LeBron James drives in left-handed layup keeps charging James goes right to Klay Thompson and throws it down he sniffs out the action that they're running and he automatically switches as LeBron knocks Down The Long ball LeBron James straight on knocks down his second three-pointer and they've tied the game James drives and easily finishes James jumper again LeBron James hodala ahead to Curry Shumpert in Pursuit blocked by James rejects it out of bounds he says to Curry get it out of here James puts his head down drives and finishes Sher with a good luck James the rebound and the putb 16 points and eight rebounds for LeBron James James steps back his jumper has been working tonight does again Spates gives him some room James knocks it down James the drive James the Finish James fakes James drives James finishes and the foul James with four to shoot he's going to have to knock up a three and does LeBron James with his third three-pointer Tak byala off to the racers drive past Irving gets inside layer blocked by James the second chase down block of the game Love Finds James who got free in an easy two and this is the largest lead of the game for the Cavaliers LeBron James with the left hand James steps back he tries another three that's good LeBron James from downtown James jump shot again all night long he's been hitting from the perimeter James against Rush leans in tried to draw the foul got him up count it and one 40 points for LeBron James toson chased by LeBron James poked away from behind then releases and Curry has to back off as James throws it down games against Curry BS it in eight nothing Irving fakes drives James on the throw down James Thompson running it finishing James as Iguodala on the attack goes to the go left handed lays it in James to Thompson oh what a pass from LeBron James James puts up the three and Nails it LeBron James from downtown Al to Thompson James the crossover the layup off the glass Tristan Thompson huls in the rebound his 11th of the game finds James barrence two for 14 in game five 0 for eight here tonight he's missed 14 straight shots blocks the shot there good recovery from Barnes Jr Smith hits the three way downt James on the attack left-handed once again lays it in pass inside stolen by Irving throws it ahead to Smith Smith Alli up to James wow as James lines it up and hits a threee green went for the steal lost his balance James gets to the paint puts up the shot and puts it in green down the other end James right there blocked by James Barbosa can't hold on oh what a defensive play from LeBron James Irving misses James offensive rebound back up and in shot clock winding down James has to put it up puts it in Irving fakes the three to James L Banks it in Gala trying to stay in front Falling Away hey it's good James floats it up and tops and throws it down it's bedam here in Cleveland Curry blocked by James making a statement on both sides of the floor says to the two-time MVP get it out of here not on my watch James finishing touches on a magnificent performance 41 in back-to- back Finals game James comes out of the pack back fakes drives on Barnes left-handed Banks it in rebound James again J.R Smith releases and lays it in beautiful pass pass right through the hands of Curry James the two-handed slam James drives in hard nice adjustment with the left hand green leading the break Green's pass stolen by James and Mo Williams all alone fifth turnover for Golden State James drives Curry has to get out out of the way and James gets the friendly roll Curry drives again left-handed blocked by James rejected out of bounds James on the drive fouled layup counted and one theala fakes shut off nicely by Jefferson Barbosa shot blocked by James Curry tries to deny James gets it shot clock winding down into love and love lays it in as the shot clock expires James looking a post up sea Livingston backs in tough fallway shot it's good James drives gets in the paint puts it up and puts it in James drives down the lane running shot Banks and it's good five to shoot ail again goes back up on him James steps back for three puts it in LeBron James from downtown theala to Curry back to Iguodala up for the layup oh blocked by James LeBron James with a rejection my goodness great pass by Curry running hard by Iguodala and superhuman defensive recovery by LeBron James Irving drives to James misses the jam but fouled rattles in the second Sher trying to stay with curry catches one dribble steps back puts up a three won't go rebound tip taken by Spates final seconds it's over it's over Cleveland is a city of Champions once again the Cavaliers are NBA champions Cleveland's long Sports nightmare has ended the drought is over 52 years time to celebrate a title oh my God and the emotions for LeBron James who delivers on his promise to come home and bring a championship to his beloved Hometown two years ago he wrote a letter to his fans in which he said I'm coming home and he said nothing is given to you in Northeast Ohio everything is earned and LeBron it was unanimous Most Valuable Player 2016 NBA Finals [Applause] congratulations [Applause] LeBron in that letter that Adam Sila referenced you said the most important thing to you was to bring a championship to Northeast Ohio why was that so important um I understood what the people of Northeast Ohio been through the last 50 plus years I kept it I kept it at Bay I never stressed the fact that I didn't feel the pressure that none of those things so always kept me levelheaded but I understood what everyone in North soio I've been through the last 50 plus years and I'm happy to be a part of History uh I can't wait to get back home I'm ready to get to you guys what kind of character did it require of a group that had so many playing in their first NBA Finals to come out and win on this floor we've been through so much adversity these last two years I just knew we was capable of even being being down 3-1 versus the greatest regular season team ever you know 73 and9 and everybody counted us out and that's when we strive the most when everybody count us out and that's definitely when I strive the most when everybody count me out LeBron you won two titles in Miami and I know they meant the world to you why does this one feel different I'm home I'm home this is what I came back for uh I'm at a loss for words uh this is unbelievable it doesn't feel real right now congratulations Leon thank you Doris thank you so much
Channel: FreeDawkins
Views: 225,826
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lebron james 2016 playoffs, lebron james, lebron 2016 championship
Id: 5M_cJ3wF6Ws
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 33sec (2013 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 15 2023
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