Leaving Thailand for an OPPORTUNITY of a Lifetime 🇹🇭

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oh man yes guys it's real today I leave [Music] [Applause] for I can't [Music] [Applause] see all right guys you're heading out problem oh so sad PA H oh I will give an a hug we'll miss my doggies too guys I will see you baby bye Mye [Music] [Applause] sugar oh two corners they all busy getting food and stuff why you come [Music] you see oh my gosh you don't want to hug me no no no no my my I will miss [Applause] [Music] you new song okay God God okay see you CH last day in Thailand spending my last few moments with my little brother and Paul we're going to eat right now at this isan the restaurant let's watch out for some cars here don't want to die before I make it to my next destination let me enjoy this food right quick then we're going to buy some shirts I want to buy some more for more shirts attired for this opportunity that I have let's check out this restaurant pretty nice [Music] do oh my ow they have egg they have egg ETS man this is like the real Ean food soap let's see spicy not [Music] [Applause] [Music] spicy [Music] all right guys we have to we have to figure something out right here you know one thing I'm Ean they have a lot of salad so spicy salads here nothing but spicy mixes okay in back so they have lot more I love they have sticky rice too yeah lot more got sticky rice C we get lot more sticky rice I have order with chicken chicken and uh po [Music] po [Music] fries want some time guys how do y'all like this shirt I love it but I want go to I haven't been to the store we can buy some traditional Thai Silk in a long time so I will go and buy something maybe like a pink one or orange one it's more guys grill pork we have sticky rice sticky rice I wish we can keep these things here [Music] guys this is the aftermath demolish this watch outside okay all right guys it's time to head out guys we made it to the Tha Sil shop hopefully they have some clu but supposedly this is a place once before I see somebody coming they don't have it guys unfortunately it look like she directed us to another place so we will try it all right we reached our final destination I've been here once before they're quite expensive compared to the other places but I water shirt [Music] what think so let me go to the area where they sell our [Music] [Music] stuff I remember exactly where they are too they are over here they're over here in the [Music] back I'm so excited I am so excited I need to know what size though this S size hm small size small size last one oh this is beautiful is beautiful yes guys I'm in heaven right now it's medium I should probably get large right last time last time I got I bought three I can't fit I have to T which color you want this pink pink here right the different style oh I like I really like the pink how much is it P last this real tight silk h no it's C okay so the other ones we were going to get were tie Sil but this is the cot which is still authentic to me I like the design so it's cool it's cool man oh you like Po what the [Music] lights I think it maybe this glass glass okay I think it's fit it's fit right it's okay okay okay for you it's time that's nice see her red here last extra large okay probably go over here okay long legs have long hand too oh you have long hand oh long hand is how much is this one 90 you see how fast I let that go boy I went from holding like this to Yeah medium medium [Music] medium should I try one I try one this one medium medium I will try just in case all right this is really nice for yes only if I could fit it yeah oh oh look this man if last okay this one is medium [Music] [Music] size oh nice partying party oh okay it's medium okay it's better that's color that's color I would get both okay I wear this so this one that one and AA one more one more two piece two piece oh yes yes it's same size same same size in the this one okay that's one minium medium let's see which one FS better small too small huh that's too small I large but that look better on me huh yes that's on need guys I'm getting prepared to come home so yeah guys sorry to wait this long but I'm coming back to America for a speech how do I look let see it's okay that's gentle he see so gentle gentle yeah hey same yes yes gentle so gentle oh guys I got three look at this look at this so so I love this pattern here this one is so okay this color this one I like that small oh they don't have it any other color seem same okay try this one just to make sure wear these every day so guys I'm going back home I'm speaking at my old University for a TED Talk see which is like a dream come true I never thought I'll go back I was a commitement speaker which I spoke at my graduation when I graduated for my class but now it's it's been 2 years and I apply for the Ted Talk and they said I can come back and speak so I'll be going for about 2 weeks so I'm coming back it's not like I'm leaving for for good good but I wanted to get some formal attire so when I go to speak and go to ceremonies I look like I'm from Thailand hey I look good good so guys don't don't miss me too much I won't be going don't wor I'm hopping on my plane in just a few hours about to go check in leaving Paul leaving the family leaving sister leaving brother Grandpa it was so sad had to say goodbye but you know I'll be back but I appreciate you Paul for bringing me here I know these people are getting mad at me for constantly trying this s like all right bro you better get it now okay ready so guys I just had a little malfunction at checkout four I made the same mistake I got all all of them en llarge and I really couldn't fit them they fit good up top but like it was super baggy on the bottom but I like it this fited guys it's real getting real man we made it to the airport ah snow delaying the inevitable how to depart let me get my stuff together h okay guys seems like we're all good here let me make sure all right I have everything okay oh look at this Meo imagine I take [Music] out all righty oh I will miss you thank okay I miss you [Music] too okay everything right yes sir not forgot something no sir everything I need okay I see you go I see you let's take one more picture I will let you know when I make it okay okay Paul okay all right guys never to the airport come on my own until I get to Florida I have to get to Soul South Korea first and then I have another flight from Soul to Atlanta then another flight from Atlanta to Orlando so I have a long long trip guys you f with ti area TI area yes okay where is that I think the H is not open yet maybe you can ticket off over there to ask about information okay thank you so much
Channel: Lotothemax
Views: 1,786
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: America, Black in thailand, Black man, Leaving Thailand, Leaving home, Opportunity of a lifetime, Reuniting, Reuniting with family, Shocking, Surprise, Thailand, USA, United States, Village life, ateez bouncy, eggs, evanescence - bring me to life, expat, leaving thailand, life in thailand, life with serg, living in thailand, lomad, lotothemax, moving to thailand, speed in japan, thailand travel, thailand vlog, travel, กามิน
Id: Iv-kkPFf3WY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 23sec (923 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 10 2024
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