Leaving Religion (Part 1) - 10th Anniversary

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so I just had a birthday I'm 28 now July 20th I feel old yeah I decided to use the snapchat for the first time the other day and I had to have a young person show me how that how I know I'm old it was intimidating and scary and when I reached the age section of the sign up the options were 12 to 17 18 to 25 and 26 to dead so that didn't help much anyways this is kind of my 10th anniversary on the outside so I figured I'd tell the story of how I left the religion I've alluded to it before in other videos but this is a good opportunity for me to devote an entire video to it because it's an important story so here we go when I was 17 I was in high school and I found the only Jehovah's Witness girl in my school she wasn't a fantastic witness she wasn't even baptized but she did go to a Kingdom Hall sometimes outside of my district and her family was drove is witnessed but they were all inactive so they didn't go to meetings they didn't go in service or any of that stuff they just believed it anyways that was the first crack in the wall they couldn't dissociate me because I was just dating a jehovah's witness girl but she was unbaptized so i was shunned by friends eventually she ended up breaking up with me and it crushed me I've been working at Burger King and I knew a few people from there so I decided to go over to a friend's house from work one night I tried my first cigarette I had still been going to meetings at that point so I was kind of spiraling down because I was so crushed by the breakup and at this point the elders had found out about the cigarette because of some other jobs witnesses that went to school with me they were feeding the elders information they heard from others at the school now before I go any further let me just back up a little bit and tell you where I was living up to that my dad had been physically abusive throughout my entire childhood and CPS was in and out of my life from a very young age I knew the CPS worker by name when I turned 17 CPS showed up and drew the line they said that if my mom didn't move out of the house with me then they were putting me in foster care the reason she hadn't left before that was because she was following biblical law if she had divorced him she would have faced repercussions by jehovah's witnesses she would have been disfellowshipped she could have separated from him but she still would have been punished by being pre shunned by the congregation anyways my mom moved out when I was a couple of months into seventeen years old back to what I was saying the elders were trying to contact me to set up a Judicial Committee to dissolution me for the cigarette thing so at that point I went straight downhill there was his girl I had known from high school that had been interested in me since she met me a few years before so I started hanging out with her at her house drinking a little bit smoking cigarettes whatever on my 18th birthday before I was officially dispel oh my mom kicked me out July 20th 10 years ago she told me I couldn't stay there anymore I had nowhere to go so I went to the girl's house who I had been hanging out with climbed in her window and lived in her bedroom for three weeks without her family knowing I had nowhere else to go but on the street I told some co-workers at Burger King what was going on and one of them had a trailer of the road she offered to be my roommate so I paid him one hundred and fifty dollars a month out of my Burger King check to live with him as long as I kept going to school that was his condition I moved in with him and the girl came with me I was going to high school and working full-time while living with this girl in a tiny trailer in a tiny bedroom in a tiny bed that was so tiny that my feet hung off the end we barely fit on the bed together it felt like I was constantly working finally I didn't have the energy to go to school and work so I had to drop out of high school so I could survive at this point I had no contact with childhood friends or family the only person I knew was this girl nine months after all this went down she and I got married April 21st 2008 and exactly nine months to the day after we got married my daughter was born alpha forces era January 21st 2009 since then my ex and I have been split up for about five six years but we're still on really good terms I live a block away from her now and her parents and grandparents have adopted me they have become my family in place of the family that so brazenly abandoned me and if there's one lesson I've learned through all of it it's that unconditional love comes before everything I will love alpha force zero unconditionally which is something that I didn't get until I was in my 20s and it wasn't even from my family showing me the unconditional love no it was my family it just wasn't my blood relatives it was a very rough road my whole life has been harsh and brutal but I wouldn't trade any of it being kicked out like that was the best thing to ever happen to me I know there are some people on my channel going through a very similar situation I can tell you the best thing to happen to you is to leave the poison behind the religion the friends the family members I miss my best friend who I've known since I was 8 but I wouldn't trade anything for being on the inside again not even my best friend good luck and know that you aren't alone [Music] thanks to you
Channel: Telltale
Views: 73,933
Rating: 4.9602222 out of 5
Keywords: christian, christ, jesus, jehovah, god, yahweh, telltale, telltail, telltale atheist, telltail atheist, religion, church, bible, jehovahs witnesses, witnesses, cult, JW, crazy, propaganda, JWs, exjws, jehova witness, jehovah witness, disfellowship, education, college, shun, shunned, story, leaving jehovahs witnesses, 10th anniversary, leaving jehovahs witnesses - 10th anniversary
Id: Th9PICR1hsM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 12sec (372 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 21 2017
Reddit Comments

I cried after these 2 videos.

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