Leaving City, Girl Buys Abandoned House by River ~ Transformation and Building a Beautiful Garden

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I am Xiao Miao A genuine rural girl In the fast pace of our farm work Let us always want to find time to travel Go far away to see the beautiful scenery Speaking of which In fact, it is all to make myself more relaxed Enjoy life more I came here , I fell in love with this place So I spent tens of thousands to buy this old house. The house has been in disrepair for many years. Dilapidated The east wall ca n't stand the baptism of time A big belly was stabbed out Looks like I need to put in some effort to clean it up. In the days to come I will share my pastoral life with you do you think I should build it? I am Tian Yuan Xiao Miao I spent tens of thousands of yuan to buy four tiled houses in the countryside The first thought was to knock it down. Life is a journey I rushed to my yard with my tools. Today's task is to remove the roof To maintain the rustic feel I went to buy two carts of old bricks to lay on the ground It turns out that they are professional house builders with 30 years of experience . The bricks and tiles are dismantled in an orderly manner In order to complete the renovation of the courtyard faster I also joined the demolition team My small body Big things can't be fixed I can only do a small job Push Cart Floor tiles Finally finished removing the roof The adults sat on the roof frame and enjoyed a moment . I hope the days ahead will be smooth. to tear down the east wall again today Look at the strength of these men's arms You can't tell that she is already in her sixties or seventies . Small hammer 30 Large hammer 80 Sure enough, the sledgehammer is still effective It only took a few seconds to tear down the east wall . I am Tian Yuan Xiao Miao Today is the fourth day of the renovation of the old house . Many people sent me private messages saying that it is recommended to open a window on the east wall. This way the lighting is better also see the cherry blossom forest Just do it Today , The wall has been renovated I am still a small worker as always. Moving bricks and mud Move wherever you need it Thin wall Let the professionals do it. Tao's ancient bricks are now also useful I used it for window surrounds . Add some rustic flavor We sometimes Always like to let nature take its course the thorns and bumps on the road of life But rarely admit Really let nature take its course In fact , it is not forcing after doing everything possible. Rather than just throwing up your hands and doing nothing Many people like old houses. I don't think it's because the house itself is so good. But everyone misses the people inside The love inside and the peace inside To save time I bought the finished product directly on Weibo We are here There must be a top beam OK A friend sent me 9 copper coins in advance . Let me hang on the beam Represents good luck Peace and longevity Life is like a glass of water If you put a little sugar it will be sweet Add a little salt and it will be salty What kind of life do you want to live? In fact, it's all decided by yourself Maybe 80% of people want to escape. The sun has set Almost finished today I really went through several villages. I just found a small car But be careful These days of renovating the old house My work skills are becoming more and more proficient We can't do the work of climbing walls and houses. The work on the ground is still barely possible. Who will build a house in the future ? Shout The soil left after mowing Later used to grow flowers and vegetables The courtyard is now more chaotic than before. the walls of the house today. original walls were all covered with yellow mud. Simply scrape away all the walls Revealing the original stone later also think these uneven stones are not beautiful. Then I asked the master to paste it with cement. least it 's stronger My cousin dug a few more pits outside the yard before leaving . By the way, I also planted peach trees . I'll take care of the rest of the details . There is strength in numbers The effort of planting a peach tree The interior walls are almost finished. The windows on the east wall were also removed. Said he wanted to learn the craft from the old man Many skills are always a burden The thatch on the windows is a little too long I'll give you a straight bangs cut After all, it will be the facade in the future I have food and wine here The only thing missing is you who has a story A thin film is laid underneath Prevent ground moisture Blocked it all . sometimes us Don't always try to make up for your inherent weaknesses You will find A lifetime is not enough to cut it off. Whose words I borrowed a generator from a friend. Prepare to use an air gun to fix the board I just finished building two rows of fences. The generator has a new situation Can't use it anymore There is no choice but to measure the board first. Almost the same height Prepare for the future It feels like it could rain at any time Looks like we need to speed up. it will be troublesome if the wires leak electricity when it rains. The speed has indeed increased by more than double It took about four or five days . It's not that the generator is broken. It's raining and can't continue . No matter what Slow or small steps are fine As long as you keep moving forward My cousin's excavator is too big So I called my second cousin over. I dug a pit on the edge of the courtyard. Bury all the previous stones . The good soil dug out will be used to plant flowers later Use paint to draw the shape of a fish pond Let my second cousin dig it up for me . there's no way This yard is all yellow mud. Very very hard Let me dig my own fish pond I guess it won't be found in a week. Now it looks like this Go drink some water My second cousin also dug the door I'll have to pick a day to install the door some other day. mine in Yuchi has been dug All that remains is to take care of the details Guess what shape the fish pond is dug ? Look at the fish ponds made by others They all say that filtering is necessary I came to my brother's house early in the morning . To show his hospitality He even personally carried the curtain to the car for me. Still those familiar red sweaters Distant relationships are a normal part of life And one day I suddenly mentioned still feel gentle in my heart This is a good friend. On the way back to the courtyard There is a big bag of oatmeal on it. We call this American medicine Use it and yellow mud together Re-decorate the walls of the inner room afternoon when I came back . these days. It feels like it could rain at any time Bring the curtain inside first. much harder to nail this than to nail wood . It's only a short while My arms are so sore that I can't stand it. Do you think this is pretty ? Eat a lot without getting fat I am also helpless Who can give me some advice? Let me gain some weight. The old house is close to the lake The wind is particularly strong To make the door stronger I also weighed two pieces of wood below. Use a nail gun to temporarily fix it Once the cement is dry, you can nail the boards on. it won't rain tomorrow . Otherwise, I 'll have to push the door back again. It finally stopped raining today Hurry to the courtyard and tidy up the entrance It rained for several days. The morning air is cool My sister also put on a scarf The door adopts the simplest way Three beams were placed on the basis of the gate posts. Then nail the boards one by one Broken steel , I finally sent it for a long time It can be used today The scene This looks like a brick . Soak it in water and it will become nutrient soil Because the soil of the old house is all yellow mud Especially hard He planted flowers and seedlings but they didn't survive Mix it together The survival rate will be higher The flower seeds ordered in the past two days have arrived one after another . I'm about to start planting flowers. do you think is best to plant it? Many people have been thinking about the fish pond Why haven't you started yet? To be honest, it's not that I don't want to take care of it. Yes, we really need to plan well . Otherwise, you will have to counterattack again. The cost is too high. Please give me some suggestions this fish pond better? Look at my sister 's posture Isn't it handsome ? Measure the distance with a ruler Dig a hole and press the bamboo inside See here I think everyone knows what I'm going to do. right , it's a hard back wall In fact, most of the things that happen in daily life Originally without color How do we express kind of colors will it be? Is it off? How come your house is right there? The car isn't open. No, I was touching it. Come and have a look quickly Reload now. Overload we can't protect It's really funny Sunny day with plum blossoms 's been windy these days. Use straw to secure the bamboo Give them more water How long does it take to grow up ? The picture is a big red flower Now I don't know if it's right just because I have the root outside the fence with nutrient soil Pour some of the remaining raw powder from last time Such a small seedling I don't know if a flower wall will grow next year . styles for the path in the courtyard. Please give me some advice . Which one is more suitable for my old house? Pack on him At first I thought it was just a joke here early this morning . renovation of the small courtyard also gave a good Recommendations First, my sister and I laid the pipes for the fish pond . Take it off, take it off, take it off, take it off, take it off into the ditch Move the washbasin to the toilet Drilling a hole in a water bottle All in one go Welcome to my home to wash your hands I like the color of the washing machine. Let’s fix the toilet floor first . Waiting for the cement to dry Clear the fish pond drain pipe There's nothing wrong with being vulnerable One person doesn't have to live like a team . Just live like a human being. Dignity and pursuit There are dreams but also weaknesses dilapidated courtyard has been renovated What do you think ? First move the stone slab at the door into the yard. Level the rocks and garbage in the yard Lay a good foundation for future paving A few seconds of video In real life I'm so tired that I can't even straighten my back . Fortunately, it rained Otherwise the yard will be full of yellow mud When exposed to the sun, it becomes like a stone . I can't even run Not to mention leveling the yard. Water is the source of life This sentence vividly in my old house Xiaore is completed . What do you think ? The path is paved But it still feels a bit empty you think is good to add? Back to the courtyard already afternoon Prepare to plant a flower at the door From now on, the door basket will be all covered with flowers. Red represents joy So I put it at the door This yellow rose is placed on the east wall. Stone room with big flowers a different scenery See the finished product I regretted not going to the flower market earlier. Instead, I bought Suqian Laogen I don't know when it will bloom. Everyone thinks that planting flowers in the yard Doesn’t it look better? Cover the hole with small tiles . Do you know why this is done ? Planting this flower pot looks a bit like morning glory Look at this small pot of flowers. The root system is so complex When buying told me a bunch of foreign names I don't remember either. The older generation said that the spring water is the blood of the house. There is a fish pond in the courtyard which is the finishing touch The fish pond is dug into a stepped layer The shallowest part is 60 centimeters The deepest is 80 cm First lay a waterproof membrane for the fish pond with bricks Today is Xiaoman It indicates that the hot summer is really coming. to stay up all night tonight . Fix the fish pond The lights are brought over . I am still responsible for the small work as always Sometimes I think In this life Go and see Eating and drinking well without getting sick is a blessing If you can meet a group of like-minded friends Make some more money That is a great blessing. To speed up the progress I also came down to try to catch it As a result , several pieces failed Either too tall or too short I guess I should go back to my job. Huang Jin said Spray more water on the fish pond This will be more solid . Water the flowers by the way The sky turned cloudy again in the afternoon Keep laying bricks! Many friends suggested me last time The fish pond must be filtered Do a good job of circulating water Otherwise the fish will get sick later. Easy to keep alive At first, I thought the fish pond was relatively simple. Just dig a hole and cement it in. Later, many seniors who renovated old houses told me No Filter Over time , it becomes a pool of stinky water. I am Tian Yuan Xiao Miao I renovated an old house in my hometown three days to work on this fish pond alone. Thanks to Director Gold More than two years of experience Today I built the edge of the fish pond . Apply a layer of cement the stones I picked up from the river a few days ago on it. the stones must be divided Even so it looks good This place is ready for styling haven't figured out how to do it yet . you think is appropriate? The house is a mess. I ordered will be installed in two days . Clean the house first Because there is cement dust in the gaps between the floor tiles Spray more water I watered it more frequently. Afraid of any mishaps said he would come to install the door tomorrow. Go to the lumberyard and pick out some wood Used for gazebo and swing Then let them pull it to the courtyard together Saved another sum It also saves the cost of hauling wood. Out in a hurry Forgot to bring gloves Carrying Wood A lot of thorns were stabbed again Handsome boss Finally, I was given wood chips from a mixer truck . Say no Give it to me to keep for cooking Carpentry is really a purely technical job. One look, two touch, three clear, four smell , five knock There are skills in the steps of wood turning Just discovered I was possessed by an evil spirit today. Rebuilding an old house from the beginning I've been looking for a carpenter . But it's really hard to find Now most families use aluminum alloy doors and windows. So there are fewer and fewer carpenters . I found this master from another town . That 's the bad thing about old houses. The stones are big and small Door frame made to size Blocked by stones Just can't put it in You can only change the thickness again The window itself is round The master forgot to explain it to the carpenter . The result is a triangle I can only add wooden boards on it again. Measured the size Draw a mold with paper shell some wood yesterday . the oil chainsaw is freezing, Save yourself the trouble of knotting wood by hand Arriving at the old man 's wood processing site Fill in the missing window . It's really not easy to be a craftsman Sawdust kept coming into my mouth and nose Drill inside I kept coughing . I returned to the courtyard and started debugging non-stop. I am small Relatively thin More informed I took the initiative to take on the job of marking the upper level . of the courtyard have been installed you think we should add some color ? What color should I paint to match the courtyard? before that I wanted to build a swing here . We started work today. First , cross the wood vertically. Finally, put a crossbeam on top. Such a swing becomes stronger with use. Measure the balance with a water pipe Fix it temporarily with nails . This piece of wood is too long . Cutting wood with a chainsaw Waiting to be placed on the top of the swing I think a lot of times There are many things that can make people happy . We 're just too accustomed to it. gradually forget how beautiful these things are. Sometimes it 's a simple meal Or the lights that come on at night Or a cool breeze in summer It's too common to have it Until one day I suddenly lost Only then will you discover this is so important in life Finally, add some cement Just fix the pillar. The gazebo I rented was the kind with wood on top. spread out into a grape rack or a flower rack later. Not only cool but also more beautiful Some people say my fish pond doesn't look like a fish pond It's a bit like a swimming pool. Don't mention today 's temperature. I really want to go down and take a dip to cool down What puzzles me is fish ponds are crystal clear. Why am I so muddy ? Level the surrounding soil. Height callback Tried several times got on the swing before dark Xiaobai is very clingy Put up the gazebo The wood is too heavy. My arms became sore after lifting them for a while. also a good idea to use your head to hold it It's just a bit annoying The bag uses the most primitive method to measure the level This will also shade the fish pond from the sun. As a result , I was just able to tie the rope. Forget it , let 's just leave it like this for now. I'll choose the wood another day. said yesterday that watering at 10 o'clock is a bit late So I came to the yard to water the plants at around 7 o'clock today. these past two days. I water the flowers every day , but they still wilt. There may also be no shade to protect from the sun . The water evaporates quickly Many people have sent me private messages Want me to mail you some roses just planted this flower . I don't know if the survival rate is high. Let 's try it out together . Another windy day There are more green plants in the courtyard weather in June changes suddenly It was a clear sky just now In the blink of an eye, dark clouds appeared . Some people say I can't work. The direction of weeding is wrong Some people also say that the construction of the courtyard is too slow. Even the New Year may not be able to be done well Here I want to say I really don't know how to work. a treasure in my parents' hands since I was a child. Choose to renovate an old house the things in the fields little by little. There are many things I don't understand I also suffered a lot of losses. Jumped a lot of pits I'm not some boss. Not a rich man . Two months There hasn't been much change in the courtyard. But it's as small as buying a few boxes of screws So big that it needs machine repair around the roses in the yard was just cleaned a few days ago . Now it 's starting to sprout again. This endless weeding is really frustrating . If you don't understand, just ask Is it the case that the only option is to take medicine ? Because I usually have work So I'm not in the courtyard every day. I can only say that if you have time , come and clean up. A friend suggested that I raise some geese . Not only can you eat the grass in the yard also eat goose eggs But I I remember when I was a kid, I was chased by a goose and ran around the yard. I broke out in a cold sweat Let 's forget about raising geese . to transform this old house. It's not about surpassing others. grows water lilies gave me some water lilies . I rented a car for several days. them in water first to relieve fatigue stones under the flower pot This way the soil won't be exposed in the water. If you want soil , you can put about half of it. correct A friend said that it would be better to put a few fertilizers at the bottom of the pot. the water lily shallowly in the soil Put stones on top Do you know why this is done ? When buying flower pots The boss lady gave me some aquatic plants said that no soil is needed Just throw it into the water Is this really possible ? Forgot to put the water curtain first Let's add water. I thought I was putting the water curtain in barefoot . The well water is icy cold. I dare not go into the water again Let him find a place by himself . water lily leaf over Just put the water lily shark fin Somewhat turbid Will it be much better tomorrow after it settles down? Three people studied for half a day It's dark before it even starts Put up the lights Keep going In my hometown, we use a big pot to cook. The rice cooked in the iron pot is particularly fragrant Do you have any friends who like to eat big pot stew? We can come to the courtyard for a drink later. Complete the last step Measure the water bottle with a hose this slow progress ? Tilt the clock slightly So that when it rains or you clean the table Water can flow smoothly axis I found as a stool. The broken half is buried in the soil to fix it. Considering the different heights and weights of the friends who come to play each six- axis are also different Wipe off the cement on top. Imagine sitting under the pavilion, drinking tea , staring at the wind The view should also be an interesting thing The fish pond will be rebuilt in a few days. Filter For pouring cement, I will use the water here for now . You have to make full use of it. brick of this cauldron The appearance is really not good-looking Build it with cement Fix the pipe first Put the cigarette butt on That's hot sweaty shower work There has been heavy rain recently The dirt road next to the fish pond is covered with mud. As long as it doesn't rain today But when I saw the smooth stones by the river The plan suddenly changed . Use big stones to circle the general direction Fill the gaps with small stones Three people have clear division of labor My sister is weeding in the front Golden Brother spreads sand I filled it with stones hot and humid weather The stones were also a little hot from the sun. Draw the direction first on the table with my sister end time is long I felt really dizzy when I stood up. The stones were previously piled without cement. I walked back and forth to get a lot of money off. Build it again Forget not to be lazy Well, it rained not long after we paved the floor . Stop it. Stop it . It's raining heavily Help me, Miss, I'm having a big orgasm The rain is falling heavily and fast Hurry and move all the tools into the house I said the heat at noon wasn't enough. Actually , I don't really encourage you to act on impulse . Blindly remodel the yard It doesn't mean that getting away from the city will be better. Not all good things are far away. Of course, I don't mean to say that you can't do it. have a test The water output is good Put some sand around the pipe. you know why we do this ? The fish pond is ready to be pumped The circulation pipe is also laid together Dig twice more after waking up This feels like a clean and neat job . I'm really ashamed of myself Two little men came to the yard Just to experience life Looks like he's working hard least two chicken legs are needed for lunch Shovel a few carts of soil Lay stone slabs around the pot This way you won't step on mud when cooking . Can come out to work this week Either to make a living Or it's pure love Making a living is hard Love is hard work and happiness I hope that in the days to come Sometimes , everyone thinks that transformation is very simple. But in fact Most of the renovation I researched it myself bit by bit. The transformation will start soon How to transform and how to operate for me I can't catch up But you can learn how they run. Also take two steps forward Even if there is nothing in the end least I was illuminated by the light live by the light This is not a shameful thing When I was in primary school, my teacher told me The first step to success is to learn to imitate This branch has so many flower buds. Do you need to cut some off? The rest of the evening was of better quality . The air is not so hot and dense every night Fill the gaps between the slabs with stones While there is still light in the sky Then lay stones on top This way the rain won't splash into the fish pond . process is done on the other side . It rained all day yesterday The weeds have started to grow wildly again Some people say that all I do every day is weeding. I have no other options . what rural areas are like A rain, a crop of grass way to spray the grass next to the flowers. You can only pull it yourself Behind all the beautiful things a bit embarrassing . Some friends said they couldn't understand my filtering It's actually very simple Just put the sponge on this stall Just block the dirt . fish farming will be higher Then sprinkle some lime on the water The limestone melted into a lump as soon as it hit the water. I don't know about water. lotus have any influence? pennywort bought from the flower market is placed in the stone trough These flowers are ready to be moved into the pot I met a painter friend I bought two pots of spider plants from his house. There are two pots of copper coin grass planted in soil Also moved into the jar Make a hole in the largest jar One is too small Then call one more Place it on top of the rockery Put the circulation pipe inside The smallest water flow is still a bit large The copper coin grass is a little wilted. Or put a can to buffer the water flow. Two rows of pennywort are also placed One on each side Put lime in the fish pond The water circulation is a bit turbid Finally, I still broke the copper coin grass apart and ate it One on each side Don't waste the scattered leaves . In a pottery jar Rockery with green plants Is this little feeling different again ? Although it's slow, the courtyard is getting better every day I studied the interior walls for a long time. I always wanted that retro earth wall feeling I had decided to use malt. Later I thought rice husks were better. You can use putty powder and pigment to color This is not only strong but also dust-proof Adjusted the color many times Finally decided on this darker one Set up Get started Professional matters should be left to professionals. is scraped quickly and smoothly Debug more tubes to see the details This texture is still good This is the effect of a wall Look forward to the completion of the cabin with me As for dry Why is it all white? The previous base color may be too dark. After it dried, it came out again Another room originally had cement walls. applying putty , it looks brand new This color turns white . What is the reason? Is there any remedy ? Today I will restore the electricity in the old house . Because the house made of stone There is no rule It really took a lot of effort to drill the holes for the wires. Didn't it get blocked by a rock halfway through drilling ? The drill is crooked and the line can't pass Measure the required length of wire in the house Then run outside and fix the wires I really don't want to drill any more holes. Just walk through the door Previously, I took it from Brother Zhou’s orchard. Pulled a temporary wire There has never been a partition Wherever electricity is needed , the wires will be pulled there Not to mention getting it dirty It's also very inconvenient Secure the wires with a junction box The overall appearance is also more beautiful It's this wall . Too much nails after being knocked in , but I didn't knock in a few smelled a burst of fragrance while working Sand the door before changing the color . This will make the paint more even. It won't hurt anymore. What color is good for the door ? It is also water-based paint Mainly, there is no pungent smell safer Plus it's outdoors in the wind and rain said that just applying this oil can make it waterproof and anti-corrosion The key is to prevent it from being ugly I chose a walnut brown Just painted out the color is light This is what it looks like after brushing a door Brush the back as well. In this way , no matter whether it is raining, snowing or hail I'm not afraid anymore This is what it looks like after a coat of paint A lightly carbonized effect Do you think it looks good ? The stains on the paint edges were also cleaned up The top of the wall is the oil stain . Even scraping putty can't cover it Still haven't processed it Anyone know about decoration? How to do this ? I paved the entrance with stones. At least it can ensure that your feet won't stick to you on rainy days. What to do in this situation ? I 'd better order another window first . I don't know how to get the gloves. Lost another one the things here are just like leather needles, forks and socks. really only throw away as much as you buy . Glue the buckle Make it stronger Also prevents drafts in winter The owner of the glass shop said The drawings I sent It took me half a day to cut it. Because it's handmade Although the windows are all on one door But the size of each glass is different . This also makes me nail the glass Become more careful be broken by another hammer . experience in fixing glass . My parents rarely let me touch these things. Maybe he was afraid that if he smashed it , he would get hurt . Only in winter every year When sealing the windows at home I've seen them hammer nails like this. think carefully Life is a very interesting thing When I was a kid, I liked to secretly wear my mother 's high heels Covered with sheets , pretending to be a fairy Watching TV secretly I still firmly believed that my parents wouldn't find out. Imitating adults to chat and do things The biggest hope is to grow up quickly After all, the world is so big really want to go out and see But when I really grow up I look forward to returning to my childhood The world is really too big Still the most secure home It's a feather breeze Looking forward to flying Spreading wings and flying , longing to return I accidentally said too much. Back to the topic last step Use foam glue Fill the gaps between doors , windows and stones Old stone house with irregular wall This is a really good invention . ugly now. Wait until it's dry then cut off the excess. A little bit adds up Let us always give our all to the things we love I don't know what these old furniture are made of It's a bit difficult for three people to lift it I wanted to put it in the yard and clean it up. As a result, the sky was gloomy. It's going to rain soon I can only move into the house first. Fortunately , there are friends My old furniture and I are still in Guilin The flowers were stolen I am indeed very sad Not because they are expensive . But I have raised it for so long. With feelings Although it is sad But I feel that ups and downs are all part of life Lost Maybe it will appear again in another form. And the new part will also shine May we In this cruel and lovely world Keep a gentle and innocent side for yourself is rare today Take out all the old stools and clean them yourself I have asked you before how to maintain old furniture . Some say to polish and then apply clear Some people also say that you can just wipe it clean with a rag . Some people also say to apply some walnut oil or olive oil In order to preserve the old and aggravate the traces of time I cleaned it and then applied walnut oil Walnuts are natural skin care products After drying, it will form a film Prevents wood from drying out More and more people know about this old house. people coming one after another every day So I used a wire brush instead. Simply brush off the dust Cool autumn weather The wind is also very strong The pumpkins are ripe. Graphite is not suitable for my height . A little bit high So I put a thick layer of soil underneath. Now clean the cement on the grinding disc with water. It depends on the weather If I don't tell you where I am Do you still think it is in the Northeast ? Fear of rain The soil underfoot is sticky A few more slabs of stone were laid Then collect some small stones to fill the gaps . The back door on the west side has never been painted. After several storms The color is a bit old. Maybe I 've been busy these days. Didn't sleep well When painting the door , there was still half a bucket of water-based paint left . I originally wanted to use this backdoor The result is a black color. I still don't know what my brain was like at that time. What is Zili thinking? My dad got his cell phone today. The old girl on the bed also became very diligent Collect water, mix mud, dry sand, move bricks Almost no time After we agreed on a plan, we started working My earthen kang is 3 meters long Two meters wide and spacious Sleep however you want And the earthen kang is also more practical Warm in winter and cool in summer Facing the south window The lighting is also better Old craftsmen are different Less than an hour cement board on the platform For safety reasons I put some bricks underneath. winter This is the most leisurely time of the year for farmers. snows outside There is a warm kang in the house Friends who come to play sit down The bottom is warm I don't want to move for a long time like this big kang ? Before the cement dries up Clean the floor first To be honest, I am now looking forward to waiting for the kang to dry Lay out the mat Put on the bedding Sleeping soundly at night Clean up during the day Put the table on the kang Sit cross -legged Eat melon seeds and fruits A pleasant life of drinking tea and playing cards something you made yourself. That's really a sense of accomplishment. The key is also affordable Sometimes we should not look down little thing you do Just make them beautiful. To achieve great things in the future Such a simple and affordable lamp you learned it ? The day of Barre's kang took some time to polish the oak table I found. There are many marks of water cups on it Some friends said that I was too slow in reforming. But I study alone Do it alone The progress is indeed very slow. Many things ca n't be done at once. Just finish it when you have time. Sand it again with fine sandpaper today Apply wood wax oil I used 800 grit sandpaper. Polished to be smoother Sprayable wood wax Oil is really tiring. alone took nearly an hour. Find a sunny day sand it with sandpaper This will make the subsequent painting better. As soon as I turned my head , the sky turned gloomy. I have to hurry up and work Finish the painting before the weather changes still use this Sanqing water-based paint Comes with a brush and gloves Apply I also used this paint when building the courtyard gate Relatively thin It will be done soon Mainly because it has no taste I remember my dad painting the windows when I was a kid . Out of curiosity, I will follow. Remove the pungent smell that lasts for a long time Besides accidentally getting paint on your clothes The process is still very happy The color I painted today is chestnut shell color Finally, this is just finished The rain started to fall outside . Fortunately, it was just a drizzle Otherwise, I 'm paint It's a waste of time I still prefer to live a more Buddhist life. Don't think too complicated . have a headache if I think too much it sorted out today . before this I also painted the back of the table with wood wax oil Make it more moisture-proof and anti-corrosion The girl at this table volunteered to come too. I've been so busy lately . It seems that vision is going to overturn the past lazy image in the video Our attitude is still good. He doesn't get upset no matter what others say Hehe, it 's over. That 's life . Stay positive Facing the sunshine, moving forward This table shelf is also finished I really like this color . So much so that most of the wood in the house All this color Wait until it is completely dry before looking at the finished product. the old furniture I bought last time still has not been fully painted. Today my sister continued to brush walnut oil Life is boring sometimes We must learn to start from the simple and even Finding happiness in a boring life Don't demand perfection in everything But you can keep working hard for your goals . She was the most favored child in our family. Now I start working 's been ahead of everything It didn't take long to finish this eight-immortal table. Rinse this rack. Prepare to place flowers indoors Still the same old thing First use sandpaper to simply polish off the small burrs Also for better painting There are many small holes on the old wooden board To prevent water accumulation during rain Fill the holes with putty Waiting for drying Lift the millstone up This is the first time I have seen a millstone of this shape. I heard from the owner of the stone factory that this was shipped from the south . underestimate this small puppet. I think it weighs about 300 pounds. My body shape It's really impossible to move I can only move the bricks up little by little. Finally, it was not easy to move up I found it too high. Even higher than the desktop Then I took it down and started over again. It took some effort But with this sink and wall table It will be much more convenient to cook with a big pot in the future He described my idea. Monkey brother started to act It is said that art comes from life Above life Mention Strengthening I think the first thing that comes to your mind is It should be the peony and the welcoming pine. After all, these two ages are long I like Monkey King's painting style. He was able to incorporate Chinese style into wall paintings realizing my dream of painting It also promotes our Chinese culture I think the painter's heart There should be a colorful world. otherwise How can we make the wall so full of life? A whole afternoon The wall painting finally took shape 's paint it today. still use this three-clear varnish Say it again Say it quickly hahaha You just said Sanqingmu So dead and alive come 375 wax 1644 Flowers Hahaha The days with my sister are always filled with laughter When I was a kid , I was looking forward to playing chess. On the one hand, it is to prove that you can do it. On the one hand, I really like playing chess. Especially the sense of accomplishment after finishing it. to express in words Now I have my own yard There are 14 doors and windows of various sizes . The hand that was painting the paint kept cramping . Mainly winter Although it didn't reach the freezing cold But it’s really not pleasant. to be honest I like this antique color . There is still a long way to go to renovate old houses Friends often say that there is still a lot of room for improvement. Yes, but everything is just in the right direction . Not afraid of the long road Persistence is not just a quality It is also a belief some days ago I'm so busy that I want to polish it. Then paint Start painting and doors in the courtyard I use the more calm and retro chestnut color Watching the little changes in the old house every day I'm really happy. At first glance Apple packaging bags, tarpaulin on the fish pond Xiaobai's dog food bag Messy firewood It 's like a storage room. What struck me most was the overwhelming dust. Put the blanket I bought at the market on the table our big kangs are covered with leather first. Then add more quilts Like my grandma's house A layer of dried corn husks will be added. said to be warm and soft Since applying walnut oil This kang table moved again . This time , wipe it thoroughly and put it on the kang. Don't say that this display is really interesting. My antique furniture is placed on the empty floor But this table really stumped me. Tilt and fall My sister and I studied it for a long time but still didn't move in. At this point I have to admire Brother Huang. how to get in at a glance. Lay the kang Arrange the table and chairs This little house finally looks like what it is. Use a brush to clean it in the cracks of the stones needs to be brushed with a small brush Just this little job The two of them worked for more than two hours. Install the foot of this bed touched it since I last applied walnut oil. In fact, it was a piece of cake to install it . But I just want to wait and sort it out The more the results accumulate, the more Until later, it was a mess and I had no clue Let's sort it out and improve it Lay a bamboo curtain at the bottom This way , it won't be messy when you stand inside and look up. No nail gun I can only break the nails one by one nail them one by one to the board Finish it before dark I had to speed up my pace Cut a piece of the tarpaulin on the fish pond Covered with bamboo curtains This way, you won't be afraid of rain or snow. It also extends the period of use. The thatch has rotted away. Nail and drop Why do I feel it's better to be direct? anything since the fall corn harvest. It is said that Shandong people are born to drive excavators My sister dug this in a very good way I really don't know how to explain this to others . I originally wanted to plant this land in the spring next year. Keep it as a vegetable garden to grow vegetables It 's better to arrive at the right time than to arrive early My third cousin who drives an excavator is still planting trees nearby. By the way , I turned over the land cherry trees planted in the restaurant must be dug out even if they don't survive Having this big guy means efficiency. If I use a hoe to turn over this piece of land, Tired enough He didn't say anything first I guess I won't be able to finish it in two days. But this place is turned out Now the key is what can we plant? Hahahaha I am Tian Xiaomiao Dye a piece of cloth yourself kind of experience is it? Who would have thought In this cold winter day My sister and I dyed a large piece of cloth Since the renovation of the courtyard Met a lot of like-minded friends Because the windows of the old house do n't have curtains yet. So today I came to my friend Ye Zi's courtyard Learn to dye cloth Dyeing is a traditional dyeing technique of the Han nationality . has a history of about 1,500 years. My friend Auntie Wang also rushed over after hearing the news . When drinking tea Suddenly feel This winter doesn't seem to be that cold anymore The leaves excitedly showed me His latest antique acquisition Teach me how to weave each piece of cloth How to match hands and feet Look at my speed I feel like it would be great if I could knit a piece in half a year . There are many techniques for dyeing cloth. I prefer blue So I chose blue dyeing . The first step is health The dye used in the Da Ran is mainly based on Isatis root What about Isatis root ? It has the effect of clearing away heat and detoxifying No harm to our skin Crush the dye Mix well Wet the white cloth thoroughly and wring it out Dry it in the sun because old houses have more windows . I prepared more than 10 meters of cloth There are many different looks in the world It depends on how you look at it. Have a pair of eyes that are good at discovering beauty There is a unique charm in the desolation Prepare some alum Crush into powder This can brighten clothes by putting it in water A cozy courtyard A sunny winter day A few friends who love rural life get together Complete the transformation of several pieces of cloth Wait until the cloth is almost dry. Fold and tie the cloth Or tie it into the shape you like Ye Zi said that the tighter the binding, The more it is dyed, the better it looks. So I tied two pieces of cloth more densely. The years are quiet and good It's too cold outside Then go to the kang and continue tying Several people are busy The mouth is not idle Chirping and talking non-stop Soak it in the powder before the second step. Rub until fully absorbed and wring dry Then put it in the color paste tank for dyeing Hair dyeing Combination of various binding styles and dyeing techniques dyed patterns are also different. I just don't know what the fabric I dyed is What will it be like? I don't know such an idyllic time you like it? This rural kang Warm is warm I just laid a blanket. It's a bit uncomfortable without a cushion But this is a sponge pad after all. I'm afraid it will melt if it 's heated . Can only be laid on the original blanket is the shop. Suddenly I feel like this house has changed its style . And those difficult years In the end, it will become the whole life The most wonderful day I bought a lot of peppers at the market yesterday. Thread it with thread Remember when I was a kid The peppers that can't be eaten at home are strung like this Then hang it up Not only can you eat and pick And the red string is still very beautiful Trying every possible way to show your face haha Hahaha Everything in the past All are prologue All future But these few days I've been thinking about it Still can't figure out a suitable way I just cut it directly. Make a small curtain first No sewing machine Just sew stitch by stitch This is pure handcraft . This is it . It's so beautiful. Ha ha The glass on the door was previously fixed with nails It is often windy outside. There is a slight breeze in the house This time , I used glass glue to seal all the gaps . A little warmer Previously in my friend Aunt Wang's courtyard Seeing him hanging the main circle works of Da Ran I also studied how to put the dyed fabric Try it on The afternoon sun warms my neck This is what the finished product looks like after sewing . you think it would look good if I hung it? Many people said it was not worth it. He said that if he paid a little more, he could buy a new cook. It's a pity that I just like these old things. But this color is compared to other chefs 's a bit abrupt indeed After thinking about it , I decided to remodel it. Let it integrate into this big family Polishing is an essential item First, grind off the patina of more than 30 years . Then I removed the greasy mesh . sand off all the colors. Then apply wood wax oil As a result, the tabletop was polished a little I found that a lot of wood has turned black. This plan can't keep up with the changes In the end, only two doors were polished. This cook I'll change it when I have time. This back and forth It took more than half a month . I just painted it three times. This is the first time . The background color is too heavy The covering power is not very strong The next day I brushed it again corners are left out. put waterproof stickers on the inside of the cabinet Put a sticker on it in the drawer too. Looks a bit cleaner I didn't use a mesh this time. Instead, I chose glass I bought some retro glass film and pasted it on Facts prove Be careful when hammering nails Otherwise, like me piece of glass wasted But once the glass is replaced Do you have that feeling ? What do you think of this transformation ? Burning stove for heating Many people said that I have a cigarette butt . It's really not good to be exposed 's block it with a board today. Some people say that burning a kang is a waste of firewood. It's better to lay an electric heated kang have slept on a kang should know This big kang is burning . A room that is warm This electric heating Only the kang is warm. These two are different In the blink of an eye , there are only 20 days left before the Chinese New Year . The New Year atmosphere in rural areas is becoming more and more intense Have you ever tried it without changing Is there a way to improve it ? Very simple place To discover the beauty it contains then Anyway, I fell in love with this stone house at first sight. So right here Uh, I renovated an old house like this . This pool of water I drew a gourd shape . The gourd itself has a better meaning . It's represented by the gourd. Well, everyone has different ideas . I still prefer this kind of push open the door The feeling of solid nature is what you see This curtain is tie-dyed by me. Including curtains on the wall . Anyway, it's this color of cloth. I tie-dye them myself. Including this little deer. They all came according to their own ideas. Because it's simple . Because in my impression, Let's go to Ju County It can be considered as belonging to the Yimeng area, right? When I was a kid in Yimeng area Whether it was watching movies when I was a kid Or visiting relatives ? They seem to have a piece of graphite in their house. And this ink the source of our delicious childhood food . This house is this winter . This is the room I stayed in the longest. This is the most frequent room. Because he has a big kang. In rural areas, he actually has no way to keep warm. It's a big kang. The idea is actually very simple First of all, we are rural children. It's a rural kid who was born and raised in the countryside . I like the countryside. Memories of growing up in the countryside actually the happiest memory in your life. is how I feel now Then start taking root Rural people still need to return to nature. To the end I also want to keep some of these good things. A few truckloads of stones were brought here a few years ago. I want to build a fence around the outside . Because outside the fence is soil. It was built using the most primitive method. It can also be strong Can jump east wall is more difficult to deal with . First , move the pile of stones a large distance away up again . A winter of desolation Then the excavator turns the soil Until now, spring has started to plant crops It is said that the land and water nurture the people. This statement is not false at all. Just like walking along the way in life We will also meet a lot of people Maybe he'll accompany us for a while. Maybe he's with us halfway. An experience A comma A period of dedication A comma I am Tian Yuan Xiao Miao Today I will tell you How cheap are the flowers bought at the rural market ? First, bring the grape roots to the side of the pavilion. I bought 4 grape roots in total 5 Yuan per tree Planted around the pavilion I don't know exactly how many years. However, the branches have become woody All of them were stolen I was sad for a long time. This time the hole is dug deeper Planting jasmine again Hope you are safe This rose was dug for free from an old lady in the village. So no money spent There are also these 4 small toon trees I heard that the Chinese toon plant is called Chinese toon after spring. I found a beam of light Return it to the sun at sunset In the days of the courtyard Time seems to have stood still Think about the rare life of seventy Ten years young Ten years old 50 years to go Turn into day and night Only 25 years left. Plus it's windy and rainy Three disasters and six diseases How many good days are left in this life ? ah I don't want to live a hundred years Just want to like Because I haven't grown any vegetables. I asked an old man from a nearby village to come and give me some advice. Still the original idea To prevent rain Yellow mud feet Use the remaining slabs in the courtyard to pave the vegetable garden In the distance , another train passes through the cherry blossom forest Life is really beautiful Huang Jin wants to come and see my vegetable garden In the end, I was forced to stay and take care of the shit. Can't draw Then you can just sing No need to know everything I am Tian Yuan Xiao Miao I just finished tidying up the vegetable garden yesterday . Let 's strike while the iron is hot today Plant vegetables now The ancients said that they would plant melons and beans around the Qingming Festival. The humidity and temperature in this world are suitable now. Whatever vegetables you grow, they will thrive Last year, I planted a broom grass by the fish pond. Chubby and very cute But I didn't expect it to be flooded this year. Looking at the fish pond between the rocks are full of seedlings. I'm really panicking. Who wants broom grass? Come and dig it up quickly Then plant some in every corner. Anyway, the beauty of flowers Not afraid of freezing I discovered this when I was editing the video. My attention was on the fish. Speaking of fish pond This has been under the germicidal lamp for several days. Finally I can see clearly how many fish are swimming. Planted these flowers Plus this vegetable garden Only after realizing it every day will be a big project. Bought two pots of hydrangea The small pot is Wujixia 25 yuan big pot of pink one I really forgot what it's called There is an open space next to the 45- yuan panda Plant it here Going around in a big circle am I trying to say? Life is not static Give yourself more possibilities Only then can we feel the vitality and meaning of life our world The next morning I saw his true appearance For planting flowers and grass Huang Jin has always loved And I would like to Discuss with him After all, they have more than two years of experience in yard renovation. This is a delicious meal. The essence of what you can learn How could I miss it? I moved a few irises from the door . I'm going to plant it here . Huang Jin Ge digging a pit I was jumping up and down to dismantle the wooden support Sigh This child, who was born in a seedling family It's really unusual They are the same age My kind of flower Plant 3 flowers out of 10 People are studying the cold-resistant plant system And we also study how to grow an artistic feeling . Then use a thin bamboo pole Fixed horizontally between two wooden stakes them together I used four bamboo poles to hold the stakes . There is still space I will plant it outside the fence in a few days . Climbing Rose Half of life Half is leisure It is both a flower garden and a vegetable garden While pleasing to the eye There are vegetables to eat all year round Planting flowers and vegetables always brings endless fun The kidney beans are about to start climbing Use the remaining bamboo poles to build the rack Insert a bamboo stick behind each kidney bean. After cross- tying Then put a bamboo pole on it and tie it up. Make it more fixed I built an x- shaped rack. Climb to the middle gathering place climb to both sides . kidney beans will also be more Tomatoes and peppers can't climb very high So the rack I built is a giant one. Finally , tie the tomatoes and bamboo poles together. Just don't let it fall over. Or turn the ground over with a hoe first. Pick out the rocks and dirt . Then use an iron rake to level it Sowing seeds Because of the strong wind I sprinkled a layer of sand on it. Finally, water thoroughly The rest is up to time . Always thinking Why can I eat other dishes? This seat has been silent. Recently, many friends have asked me The flowers I grow Why is it opening so well? In fact, old fans all know I am a real flower gardener. From the beginning of buying flowers , planting flowers, dying flowers and changing flowers Then plant flowers I 've been through several cycles. Of course, in this experience again and again Learned a lot of practical knowledge I jumped into this huge flower pit without hesitation . Planting flowers is easy, but keeping them is difficult As the saying goes, a crop is a flower All depends on fat I want the flowers to grow and bloom Fertilization is also indispensable This air fertilizer was recommended to me by a friend. I use it to fertilize flowers. Dig a small hole next to the flower. Dig in a spoon Just water it thoroughly. The fertilizer effect is relatively mild No root burn Mainly to supplement nitrogen , phosphorus and potassium Can continuously provide nutrients to flowers the climbing rose at my door Just looking at the flower buds , you can tell that the amount of flowers this year is not simple The key is the right price are flower lovers who like to grow flowers but are not good at it. You can try it The value of this shelf This year , I think the grape trellis looks good . Planted two big grape trees with great expectations But I don't know when I will grow up. Want to cool down in this hot summer It seems that I can only lay the pavilion first. Later, I thought that I could sit down and drink tea even on rainy days. laid another layer of transparent film on it Let Huang Jin use wood Fix the corners Simple gazebo This is the small vegetable garden that I worked hard to take care of during the spring and summer. Fruits and vegetables have been served on the table one after another. Even the cucumbers that were just squeezed a few days ago have borne fruit. Wood Fertilization What fertilizer has been applied ? Oh my god, the eggplants are big. Eggplant Oh My God This is too big Maybe I can't eat it. Eggplant hidden under leaves Not easily discovered By the time he was found, he was already very old . The joy of picking and harvesting is always exciting exciting that it can make people forget Once under the scorching sun sad moment of pulling out weeds until collapse Too much Finally picked the tomatoes today A bunch of tomatoes Come and eat Wow A harvest day Although the eggplant is old But this dish is pretty good The grape on the west side is different from the other one . Growth is very slow Cut off excess branches Nutritional justice The main branch is looking forward to it Filled my mouth with grass seeds I really didn't expect He would become like this Although there was plenty of rain this month , But it won't be as prosperous as this . Before the grass starts to grow seeds Cut it with a lawn mower Here I would also like to advise friends who want to plant lawns. There are conditions. It 's better to lay the lawn directly . here Fengtaigou Village, Zhaoxian Town, Ju County, Rizhao City, Shandong Province I am Tian Yuan Xiao Miao I renovated an old house here. The candy was given by the guests and Cheng Qing The oil pot for cooking was given by my brother-in - law. The toilet sink was provided by Brother Xiao Shao This fiery red climbing rose My cousin didn't want it when the house was demolished. Even digging holes and filling soil was helped by my great uncle. Another friend sent me a blueberry tree . I planted it here in the cherry blossoms Originally this was a spring It's a pity that he didn't survive the winter. In fact, there are many things in the courtyard All given by friends patchwork This is how the courtyard looks like now . What are the benefits of renovating the yard in the countryside? It is the tranquility and leisure of the countryside Can a peaceful life heal everything ? Or are people around me simple and sincere? Friends who are truly happy for you are more touching . That year , despite everyone's opposition I remodeled this old house Two years He has become my paradise. But she is only in her 20s I like this kind of rural life. Every time I see the scenery of the courtyard The worries in my heart can always be swept away If one day you are tired You can come and walk around the courtyard. Look at the fresh vegetables Smell the fragrance of roses Listen to the various bird calls Breathing fresh air This feeling is so simple and beautiful Look, the grapes I planted last year have already produced fruit. Looks like this year is a good year Various climbing roses even more beautiful against the backdrop of blue sky and white clouds. Dazzling Suddenly remembered a sentence said that once we love life, we practice it But it is not convenient for many friends from other places to come to study I am Tian Yuan Xiao Miao Old fans know I have been in the photography industry for 12 years. Many friends backstage I have always wanted to learn how to shoot videos. But due to the distance and time are fluctuating due to various factors. This time I am with Huang Jin Held a short video training camp What you want to know about live streaming Including short video shooting and editing copy 12 years of shooting experience 7 years of short video experience 6 years of experience in live streaming Copy all to everyone
Channel: Renovation Process
Views: 109,825
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: house and garden, diy, country life, free life, abandoned, home decor, home renovation, timelapse, cleaning, clean up, transformation, renvation, house tour, stone house, wooden house, leaving city, room makeover, Building, Beautiful Garden, Abandoned House, River, countryside, complete
Id: MZ-UnktjwvY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 52sec (4012 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 01 2024
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