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[Music] nice we all the I don't know what go the airplane want to go the airplane yeah come on let's go bye bye bye love you [Music] welcome to beautiful sunny gorgeous Seattle the local time here is 7:20 hello Happ peoples hope you guys are doing great and good morning from Seattle Washington uh quick layer over here on the way to Arizona we are flying down the whole family is flying down for my brother-in-law's wedding Elijah's getting married which is crazy I'd be lying if I said the trip is easy so far uh Li's not used to sitting for that long and Audrey's struggling even with her medication uh even with her uh nausea patch she's still struggling a little bit but we'll see if we can pull across the finish line and get this uh get this trip over with my goodness uh now normally when we leave Alaska this time of year we'd be very sad because Alaska has some of the best weather that you uh can ask for probably almost in the world right now however right now we've got extreme forest fires there's evacuations going on all kinds of crazy stuff and maybe I'll throw you guys in a little later but right now I think we're going to hop on the plane get to Arizona again hope you guys are doing awesome and uh let's get to Arizona that safety information card in the seat pocket in front of [Music] okay [Music] [Music] I oh wow it's way too hot nice what do you think [Applause] [Music] Gary hello happy peoples hope you guys are doing fantastic guys we are not in Alaska anymore oh my my gosh you know I know there's there's the question the the question of why do you guys live in Alaska oh my gosh the same question applies here how do you guys how you know like how do you guys live in Alaska I find the same thing here how do you guys live in Arizona it's like you're outside and you're you're getting blown in the face with a hair dryer but it's sunshiny and it is warm and we're staying at our little Airbnb and look we have pool the kids have absolutely been loving it my family has absolutely been loving it cuz they've been able to come over and swim anyway crazy crazy times okay as you guys know we are here for my brother's wedding congratulations Elijah and Ray oh my goodness gracious I can't believe it's actually here came so stinking fast we're here to celebrate them we're going to be driving up to Greer Arizona which is more North supposedly it's supposed to get a little cooler my babe is actually out right now he's at a bachelor party not quite probably the bachelor party people might think of but I think they're going rock climbing and maybe out to eat so that will be a good time super awesome that we're actually able to be here and like sunshiny and it's beautiful is a tad Tad hop but back home um the fires are still rampid like they are going crazy um Denali National Park which you guys had just recently seen where we went white waterer rafting um with BT's family and uh it was beautiful it was gorgeous they actually had a fire start like right outside of town there had to evacuate a lot of that area there the whole area lost power crazy crazy crazy so we're really hoping that they get rain while we're gone um and get some of that smoke cuz the smoke is so thick right now really hoping that they can get some of those fires under control and have a lot a lot of rain come in um I've got some friends of mine staying with Cassy um my mother-in-law watch for a couple days but he's being taken care of um getting all the snuggles I really really miss him if he was just a little smaller I would totally bring him on the plane have some really really sad news um that came but right before we left like the day that we were leaving friend of mine and she actually does a lot of stuff with Alaskan apparel with us um she tragically lost her husband in a motorcycle accident and oh man I I just been thinking of her constantly we're praying for you Lizzy we love you guys um it's just been a really it's just like a really really heavy time so if you think about them and their family her name is Lizzy her husband was Blain um and they have two little boys um there is a GoFundMe that is available for them to be able to cover expenses and whatnot I'll drop it down in the description don't feel obligated but if you're able to help out a little bit I know they would sure appreciate it for them it just was like so heavy and it's still just been super heavy um on my heart and that I had to like I left like I wasn't able to be there I wasn't able to go see her or anything like that like we were literally getting on a plane uh so anyway we love you guys praying for you I actually worked on my um it's I guess it's my mom's menu for my brother's rehearsal dinner um I got I me and my brother and my sister actually we all worked on it um typing it all up and getting it all ready because we're going to go my mom and dad are throwing the rehearsal dinner this is go go go guys okay let me send you to Bert he is at the bachelor party being good I know and uh yeah so let's send it to him and seeing how he's doing all my crazy Brothers sorry babe [Music] than [Music] [Music] holy moly this heat dude yeah it's pretty bad okay missing Alaska right are you you left right about the perfect time though evacuations all kinds of stuff man yeah you left Alaska you're officially gone right y y we're out we made it out just in time cuz it's getting really bad there fires and everything smoke fires how long did it take you drive from Alaska all the way here to Arizona we did it in one night took us probably 3 days we drove 36 hours the first and then stopped for a night and then 24ish hour oh my goodness usually we don't do that but we were trying to get back we got the wedding and everything going on so and you came back here home base and are we allowed to tell them what you're about to do yeah so I'm actually joining the Air Force um I'm going to go into a medical specialty hopefully and then uh from there try to go through the air force med school and all that I'm finishing off my college that I have here so once I'm done with that to take off so you know be hilarious if he end up getting stationed in Alaska after all of this I'd be fine with it I like Alaska I had to come back here and get them settled before I ship out um I didn't want to leave Emily up there with the with the cold and all winter by herself so y um and her parents kind of need a little help she's she wanted to spend some time with them no no no as they have more kids leaving the nest and everything like that know weird stage of Life all right well I think we're about wrapped up with the bachelor party and we're just going to carry on with the day so awesome right back at the Airbnb crazy awesome Full Throttle day uh actually give you guys a quick tour if you want to see so this is where we come in this is sort of like a sitting room I guess you think so we got like a laundry room this goes to the garage uh but we can't get out there they don't have access to the garage in this Airbnb then here's the kitchen and here's a pretty girl oh wow did you just get those pants on by yourself yep because you wow how'd you get those on by yourself good job here let me Hike them all the way up good job have the kitchen here pretty nice layout dining room living room got closet for some storage we have bathroom here we have a bedroom here this is where Audrey's stay in and then we have an office and right now this isia's little hangout here and Garrett and Evelyn are sharing this room and this is the master bedroom for me and Mommy we're hanging out here and then the bathroom it's pretty good size I'd say got a little tub going on and then what's cool about this is this goes out to the pool so you can walk right in uh on the tile get all your towels and stuff not to get the floor all wet this is the pool right out here I don't have the lights on but pool is there nice little spot for grilling and such so that's pretty cool something that's different than uh a lot of our houses in Alaska maybe just the houses that I've wired is the lighting I feel is lacking somewhat so like here you got this one small light for this room and uh yeah I guess maybe because people have so much light outside they want to come in and feel dark maybe that's what it is but like even the bedrooms like in here like in the in the master like that's the only light and then you got these two little lamps so little bit of adjustment there but overall it's pretty nice place the kids of course love the pool they just live in the pool ladyy can open the door so that's something to watch she cannot open the door though to the pool the pool has a super heavy door so that's good do you like going in the pool Livy Livy look Livy look did you like going in the pool was that awesome oh H oh now you want to go I think the pool's closed tonight though oops what did I do mommy and the rest of the kids are over in a papa ready for this trip to Greer tomorrow and I guess it's like a 4 5 hour drive and that's where the wedding's happening so I should be a lot cooler there all the forest fires evacuations and just crazy stuff going on at home it's still good to be here around family I think my wife filled you in uh we had a friend of ours she lost her husband another friend of ours lost her mom and of course you know my dad he's still struggling uh down the cancer train he seems to be doing pretty good but this is just you know all when all these things kind of compound is like a reminder of uh holding family close that's why I'm really grateful my wife can spend some time with her family and she's been doing that and she's been having a blast so appreciate you guys coming along and being aart and with that I think we're going to wrap this one up and see you guys in the next video bye beep [Music]
Channel: SomersInAlaska
Views: 10,572
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: leaving alaska, fire evacuation, flying to arizona, north pole, alaskan vlog, alaskan vloggers, alaska channel, why we live in alaska, real life, travel as a family, family travel vlog, alaska fire, alaska fires 2024, alaska extreme weather, alaska living, day in the life, alaska life, fires in alaska, homestead alaska, alaskan apparel, moving to alaska, tragic accident, alaskan forest fires, they left alaska, somers in alaska, life below zero, moving to alaska 2024
Id: E3OLKThzNfg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 37sec (817 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 17 2024
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