Leave No Doubt

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I’d recommend to anybody that enjoyed this movie as a kid, to rewatch it now. There’s a different perspective. I identify more with the coaches in this scene now than I do as the player. That’s been an interesting journey.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/PRSouthern 📅︎︎ Mar 15 2018 🗫︎ replies
hey mr. Fisher mr. Fisher can I talk to you for sit back off coach if you want to stay in this game I've got holding on 78 white what are you are you trying to cheat my boys out the game 50 more you should let its way rep let him play we know let him play let the boys play Gina - Gina go-go-go I love ah no such bad call Irish I know all about it Titus what are you talking about bill you call this game fair or I'll go to the papers I don't care if I go down with you but before God I swear I'll see every last one of you thrown in jail you dig your own grave effect on me okay Petey don't you drift to the strong side don't sit calling a holding penalty any of it did I ask for you excuses you won't act like a star you better give me a star effort dear him forget about him Alan you're it come on all right now I don't want them to gain another yard you Brits all night if they cross a lot of scrimmage I'm gonna take every last one of you out you make sure they remember forever the night they play the tapes you better make yourself comfortable down here real club what's for you code right baby all right my brother's here coach run it up Herman Li no doubt
Channel: undefined
Views: 5,589,139
Rating: 4.8624873 out of 5
Keywords: Remember, the, Titans, Coach, Speech
Id: i8vXroMMGdM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 19sec (199 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 01 2010
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