LEATHERMAN SURGE CLONE: bibury multitool pliers pro. @maxlvledc

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welcome welcome welcome everybody off to a good start um in today's video we are going to be taking a look at for me at least the long awaited bberry surge clone that's not what it's actually called but I'm saying it that way so you know a little bit of what to expect from this tool here and made by byy Outdoor Living camping nice box you know off the bat specifications 3C uh 13 for the main stuff 7 CR 17 for the main knife material uh got all that stuff there got these specs all around [Music] here give you some stuff to pause and screenshot if you need see if you can read that um but great little box great tool box is empty because I've been testing the tool out today uh eat the box out over that way here's the tool and this thing is pretty awesome for what it is let's dig out the little autron [Music] here the pouch isn't anything great but it's not actually too shabby in my opinion it's actually I I wouldn't mind uh using that so but I will still probably make a leather sheath for this because I just like messing with leather so here's the tool and we'll get into all this other stuff here in a in a moment um off the bat it doesn't initially look like a surge although the little t- shank thing maybe kind of gives it away um I need to find I forgot to do this great episode claiming by the way you think I'd have some of the stuff set up ready to go beforehand but no I fly by the seat of my pants and uh hope for the best so let's bring out two Leatherman for comparison I do not have a Leatherman surge at the moment but here is a free P2 for size comparison just so you can kind of see how they stack against each other but that's not the tool that we're working off of here today uh The Surge is actually a beefed up uh wave and since I don't have a wave I do have a curl so you know surge size compared to wave size you are getting a larger multi-tool and this is almost one for one what the surge is so if you've been looking at the Leatherman Wave and the Leatherman surge this is a good example of the Leatherman Wave I know this is the curl but it's the wave with two less layers so little size comparison to go with we'll set that off to the side so let's open this bad boy up and see what we've got the Pliers are not springloaded they are manually operated which is fine with me I almost prefer not spring-loaded pliers CU I want the pliers to kind of be where I leave them to be or just let them droop like I want to have that that control over the pliers uh good wire cutters and I don't know if you can really see through the camera there but there is no Gap in that cutter at all going down here now one side has a divot one side is plain edged which comes in handy when you're cutting hard wires you can kind of lock it in there at that bottom part there and really just kind of crank into it and these things are good I cut a old thick big coat hanger and it took a little Force to go go through it but the tool came out just fine the wire cutters have no damage at all on them like it is these are awesome awesome wire cut no they do not fit on Leathers from what I've heard you're pretty much stuck using these just on byber or maybe they're other bberry Associated Brands but these do not work on a Leatherman and in that vein when I ordered the tool you get a pack of stuff with it and some of that being extra Cutters some shims into two screws and a tool little wrench to actually change them out that is delightful thank you so much for planning ahead and putting that with the product like that is going to be so handy and I'm not going to carry this with my tool I'm going to have this in a little spare box off to the side that holds some spare stuff for my other stuff stuff for stuff you got to have that um something else that I love already about this over Leatherman and this is why I kept this tool around is a Leatherman uses security bits and my first Leatherman was a otherman wave and the little part down here came loose and I didn't have security bits and it drove me baddies and I it it was it was it was even it was only about a week into me having the tool and that had comeing loose and was falling out like I'm not dealing with that crap so I returned the tool and got a rebar was much happier with that for a long time but um I I do have the curl now it has been a good tool I like the curl but this is so much beefier like this it this will give Leatherman a run for its money now if you're big on made in America only that's fine but appreciate a good tool for what it is this is a good tool and I don't think Leatherman should have the Monopoly on the t-shank driver like I think that's just something that more tools need to have and it's good to see that this tool gives you that option so let's get into the smaller tool tools and this is I just got this today so I haven't had too much time to fidget with it and the internals are a little stiff but that will probably loosen up as we go we have a small Flathead a large Flathead a large reamer punch with an eyelets for uh sewing and we'll close these down a little bit these are all fine I love these These are fantastic um the can opener I love the style can opener the pole kind of can opener is really good also that could possibly double as a package opener that'll be nice to have a good sized wire stripper really nice and these are also good for like making fuzz sticks when you're camping and things and like that is just delightful to have and these tools do lock everything on here locks so this is not UK friendly by any stretch of the imagination but it is a good safety standard this is probably the hardest tool to open I wish that they would just go ahead and take this and extend it out to here I don't see why that would really be a problem to extend the finger Notch farther out closer to the edge of the driver to give you more leverage to pull it out just a little thing to consider now something you may know is that there is no magnets in here so let me open up uh my spare kit here dig out the bits we'll take this quarter to 4 mm adapter drop that in there friction is kind of holding it in there I is there no there's no magnet down there yeah there we go it it finally just fell out yeah like it that your bits aren't going to really stay in there you can use standard bits in this but they don't stay now there is on this one seems to be a bit of a pressure fit like they don't just drop out you got to kind of smack it a bit so maybe they've changed this a bit since uh Dominic over at max level EDC uh made his video on this so that's something to possibly consider they may have changed this just a little bit where there it's kind of a pressure fit almost but I wouldn't really trust it with any big bits if you're going upside down down into a shaft you're probably going to lose especially if you got something heavier like a bit Extender on there but if you need more bits you can go buy Klein's they have a 27 and one screwdriver and you've got double-sided bits just like this and they all have the ball dettin like these bits do and those will stay inside the tool so that's pretty cool if you can find a ball dettin retained uh bit extender that'll be something good to get as well but as it stands this is a pretty solid bit driver that will hold up to a lot I don't think it'll be super solid on big rusted nuts and bolts but for the average repair work that you would use this sized stuff on it'll be just fine so closing up the tool here we're going to go on to the main outside bits here now everything swings out and locks and I want to point this out I sorry Dominic if you're watching this I misspoke when I on my Instagram post I tagged you in this has some play up and down like this as you can see everybody the lock bar is completely engaged all the way out and there is still just a little bit of play here so someone needs to get a little quality control on when they're grinding the shafts of these the tangs to not grind so deep but it it locks in there is just the tiniest bit of Wiggle this way but that would be that's to be expected from uh washer ran pivots but other I mean this is just really for cutting cordage so just that little bit of play there is not going to be a big deal you're just going to go zip and you're done whereas the main knife blade however locks up completely solidly with just the chest even less than the the other one almost not noticeable it's that little just the tiniest bit of Wiggle here and zero up and down play but the bar is completely extended so this is going to be more solid for fuzz sticks or harder handyman work like this is done really well I am absolutely pleased and not dissatisfied with this this is a good blade and it's a Long Blade too we'll compare it to the wave size blade here you're getting some real estate on this bad boy it's bigger it's beefier it's chunkier it's good uh scissors we're we're saving the big tool for the last bit there okay slow down y'all the scissors there is something I would like to say about the scissors the scissors lock up fine no wiggle in the scissors no blade play actually just the tiniest bit of blade play but no wiggle it kind of varies a little bit uh I love the spring it's good and solid I love that uh it does not cut paracord too well which is a little disheartening this is 90 lb paracord it kind of jams a little bit if you're not careful if I push down and over to force the blades to rub against each other it'll cut through no trouble at all but if I push down and over this way you'll see that it doesn't cut so there is that but it will cut through paper um just fine like so also before I forget it out of the box I have not done anything to this knife at all other than some testing out of the box I've done no sharpening and it is pretty sharp but there is a complaint that I have about it and I'm going to use this paper to draw it out because if we were to look at the knife like so this let's say this is the the center of the knife right here and this is the this is the edges here the you have the main grind that starts back here this may not look too obvious on camera I'm sorry about that you've got that grind it this part from here to here then you have the micro grind we'll zoom in zoom on that and what they have done is it's almost um which direction was it yeah if you're looking at it like this straight up that way um it's almost chisel ground like that where this is very Steep and this is much more shallow and it's off center it's not an even uh grind so when you go to slice something you kind of need to consider that when you're doing it because if I go off that axis it will it will Jam but as long as I'm on that axis I get a good clean cut but then when I start angling it off it rips so this is definitely going to get reprofiled a bit um and out of the box it's shaving sharp I cleared some some hair off my arm but we're going to stop this bad boy a little bit yeah I could I can feel it snagging the leather a little bit right there I need to I need to run my sharpeners over that a little bit but it it cut paper you still want to slice your paper if you get the angle right so it comes out of the box nice and sharp no problems at all the next tool that locks up super super solid and I do have this backwards for reason and I'll show you why the the shaft holder itself locks up solidly with no play this way or that way it is solid um I have the file in here put in upside down because if I have it the other way you can push that too far where you cannot get your thumb Nick in there like it just did on that well don't on it it didn't get too much ahead on that so you do have to have that little thumb stud there to open it up but if you don't push it in too far you can use the thumb Notch here to pull the tool out that's just a little little variance there but this is the way it came in the Box you do that but you do have kind of a pseudo thumb stud to work with and this thing is pretty pretty good there is a little bit of play in here and you would expect that like it's not going to be a super super snug fit it has to be able to accommodate errors in factory production of generic tea Shanks okay you Mass reduce these suckers one's going to be a little bit wider than the other down the road and you need to be able to accommodate those and these are the two that came with the tool itself which is nice uh it's nice they actually give you two grits and I tried the smaller tooth one and that worked really really good on wood looks like it would um but they that does wiggle a little bit but and it but it's not going to affect the function of the tool it will work just fine I cut through some wood earlier and it does work fine these are however too long to stay in the tool when closed so uh that is something to consider but that's fine you're not going to really be using the saw all the time I am going to prefer having the file here and what's nice about the file is that uh out if you're out camping you can pop this out and touch up your other other blades in case you got them too dull also something else that Dominic pointed out that I am going to try to show here if it does show up on camera is it does seem to be ground flat I don't know how well that's coming up for you guys but that is ground the the file is made Flat the knife blade is touching all the way across all the way down cuz uh Dominic said that some of these older tools when they make these files maybe not on this one in particular but like these knockoffs and stuff the file will be thicker on the edges and lower in the middle and that does not make for an even sharpening experience whereas uh leathermen did better with that and these are doing really good with that as well so you can having that flat all the way across is really really good for sharpening that closes up like I said everything on this tool locks this thing is pretty awesome if you guys have questions down below of something that I didn't touch on comment down below I'll try to answer it um I posted a picture of this on Instagram I'm already getting heat for it like one guy said do I have something against uh Leatherman and other mainstream multi-tools no I do not not personally but I do in the sense that leather is not doing good by its own customers giving us some junk lately and so when someone else comes out with the opportunity of something good equal or maybe even better depending on what you're viewing at you know Leatherman needs to take note of that and do better I mean the $20 price increase across all of their tools in the past year is ridiculous like The Surge is now like almost a $200 tool it it's getting insane over at Leatherman they need someone needs toise BR them in and fix things and until things are fixed I think byb diet camping Sgt and some of these other companies while while overseas while Chinese made I feel are going to be good multi-tools are they one for one smack as good as Leatherman probably not but they are close so close close enough that if you are not a perfectionist they will serve you wonderfully well I know that's a bit of a heated topic right now but and something else before I forget it Dominic point out that the t-shank thing on this tool actually works better than leather Ms for holding t- Shanks and other things like this thing works better please go watch Dominic's video I'll try to leave a link down below to it to that video so please also if you buy these tools please comment either on my Channel or Dominic's Channel preferably Dominic's Channel he gets more viewers there more people need to see that uh comment of what was good what was bad about your tool because we need to know what is the range of quality control out of the box I feel like quality control on this guy was fantastic like there's really nothing wrong with the tool so like I said the pouch is nice Works quite well uh the saw blades come in a little plastic sheath here very nice just slip that down the side here that goes all the way down the bits do snag a we a little bit when you're trying to put them in but once they're in they're in these could go here but I am not going to hold those there because I just don't want to lose those out when I'm walking around because that does not have a bottom to it um they could fall out so let me see if I can find real quick my other flashlight um here we go these are not elastic like leather mins I will say that much uh they are just solid nylon but I'm going to put my oite i5t there close that up and we have a pretty solid reliable kit off the bat and this plastic Loop while plastic feels very tough and it's nice because um you can take it on and off your belt without removing the belt that's really nice to have so that's a pretty full comprehensive kit it once you add the flashlight and I did buy the three-year warranty for the Tool uh when I bought it that was about the only option I saw for what I was getting uh three-year warranty bought that wonderful cuz if you from what Dominic said if something breaks under warranty they will uh either replace the tool completely or refund you the money that you paid for the tool so you know I I feel and like it's not it's like a no questions asked kind of steal like the like minimal questions probably but they're not trying to find an excuse not to replace your tool if something breaks they want to know about it they're good with uh customer service they're good with quality control they're good with everything so I recommend this tool I really do despite the heat of the made in China versus made in America you know I really do recommend this tool it's good I love the pl fire heads like the the tool is so solid when closed you will see a little bit of uh play there which is fine but when it's open like there's no play on the plier heads at all like it's Leatherman levels of Tolerance there is no play you know back and forth here on the needle noose plier heads like this thing they did good this tool is awesome the wire cutters are great I am glad to have spares uh the file will be getting a ton of use because I I use these suckers a lot I've worn this down a little bit uh sharpening knives back before I had a knife sharpening kit and stuff and you can see that's that's been uh used a little bit but it's nice to have a file that you can remove because that makes the tool more self- maintainable you can take this out and sharpen the the at least the plane Edge blade to get you through a situation till you get back to a better sharpening rig um I like that they do not use Security torqus on this now you cannot use this to fix the big stuff on the tool but you can use this to replace the little the little wire cutters there which is absolutely fine uh and it comes with a good range of bit sizes I don't know if pointed this out but we have a T10 15 20 and 25 security torqux wonderful uh four sizes of Allen wrenches I'm not quite sure of those we have two spanners we have two flats and then we have a double-sided Phillips inside the tool here double-sided Phillips number one and number two wonderful sizes to work with good solid clicking when it shuts and in case anyone's noticed I do have a new watch can't see a watch doing really really nice um I do always feel like flatheads are redundant cuz we got two flatheads here that are the same sizes as these really and I would rather have one of the flats replaced with another uh torqus preferably going smaller like a T8 and a T6 something like that because when you start getting this big most of us are going to carry a pry bar anyway or the flat ends on this are going to be sufficient for that so I always feel like flatheads are redundant On Tools on bit sets like these because flatheads are probably the easiest things to undo take a penny on some flatheads and you can do it undo it it's not f it's not comfortable but it's doable you know whereas a Torx what do you do to fix a Torx you know a Torx is pretty much if it's broke it's broke not much you can do I say the worst blade on here is the serrated blade just enough play in that but for what we would do with the blade is fine nothing wrong with it main blade wonderful the file combo delightful the scissors are really good now what I I wanted to say is about the scissors and I got sidetracked earlier uh it's nice that they're long I do appreciate that there is more leverage on the handle than on the blade but what I would prefer to see is keep this the same length but move the pivot here move it back a little bit so that you have more cutting area and a little less of this and the reason for that because you're not usually cutting through 10 layers of cardboard you're usually cutting through paper plants and thinner stuff that less Leverage is fine like you don't need this much leverage to cut most things with these scissors so I feel like having more real estate of Cutting Edge on the scissors would be good keep the keep them the same size just move that pivot back a quarter inch would be all you need and I think that would be a lot better something else I almost feel like they should do is reverse the sides here make the main shaft on the outside so that when you're pushing down with your thumb CU most people are right-handed you're pushing down and over and pushing down towards yourself the thumb wants to go that way you'll be connecting that the thumb does when it goes down for me does not want to push that way it's kind of unnatural to push that way my thumb wants to go this way when I cut and if the cutting edges were swapped uh that would keep better contact during cutting that's about my only complaint there so that is that has been the B uh what was that I Eed the Box uh multi-tools pliers Pro which is basically a surge clone if you've been skipping through the video this is a surge clone but it is not copying The Surge one for one they do not brand it as a Leatherman surge the patents on the Leatherman surge are up I believe where things of it can be freely used so everything here is all legal just bear that in mind I know this is a bit of a heated video for some but I think this is going to be a wonderful tool now I do not think it is going to completely replace my Swiss tool X I have carried this same multi-tool on my hip for two years I think in the whole 300 and uh no 400 math uh six seven and in 6 750 days give or take that I have had this I have not carried at five because of extenuating circumstances like a special event where they having a multi-tool on your belt looks a little tanky um so like 700 days of near daily carry daily use like I have used everything on here so many times except for like the cork screw which I just use to hold the eyeglass driver cuz my parents wear eyeg glasses you got to keep an ey glass screwdriver around to fix those if they break you can see the wear and tear on the leather here starting to pick up like I have carried this on my hip every day for two years for all intents and purposes this tool has been through Helen Back and will continue going through Helen back a few more times at least but in situations where I feel like I may have to Lo the tool out or go camping or something where I'll have this in a backpack but I need something on my belt to do tasks this is going to be the tool that will be used I think it's a worthwhile tool I think it's handy I think it's well thought out for what it is so comment below what your thoughts are on it got questions comment below go watch Dominic's Channel I will try to link that down below in the description to that video um so yeah this has been a long one thank you all for watching this video hope you found it useful and informational I hope it helps you build your EDC to your standards and until the next time farewell Carwell and a byebye there will also be an update video a week or so after this goes up so just kind of what has anything changed when all that goes on so thank you adios signing out goodbye
Channel: JSPR_EDC
Views: 8,061
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Id: yVSdvE9GdbQ
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Length: 30min 28sec (1828 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 27 2024
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