Learning to use an Apple II Plus for the First Time

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hello there I am quite excited for today because we're going to be checking out this that is an inbox Apple 2 plus now I've been keeping an eye out for an older Apple II for a long time because if I'm going to experience an apple II wanted it to be an earlier model rather than the 2E Platinum that I have which is frankly somewhat of an Abomination with how late it was released so when this one popped up local I knew I had to get it and oddly it also came with some other interesting things but we're not going to look at these today these will happen later although probably going to take a look inside of the 2gs here in a bit because the reality is I really want to know if this Apple 2 plus is going to work and I have a lot of learning to do because I've never used one so today I am really looking forward to getting that thing open and checking it out [Music] now I have opened this and taking a look at it to make sure that you know there's a computer there when I bought it but I haven't gone ahead and tried to power it on or really investigated it too much though I do think that even though this was a 16k model originally which from what I read is maybe less common uh this one has been fully upgraded to 64k and uh that's kind of interesting but we'll see that when we get in there because for now I want to get it open now I have no idea what a complete Apple II should have uh but I'm gonna guess there would be more than a power cable in here so I would gather that this one is not complete but it's very intact uh so I am quite happy about that and uh this was a little weird to figure out how it comes out of here but I think you're supposed to pull on the cardboard but this piece of foam is separated so I'm going to pull on a computer itself there we go okay there we are oh boy there it is now this is definitely a used example some wear there some scuffs there but it looks really good to me man it is cool to see one of these in person finally oh boy now if you're less familiar with the Apple II computers like I realistically am uh you may benefit from knowing that this is a two plus before this there was a plain Apple 2 after this there was the Apple 2E and then finally the Apple 2E Platinum now this computer was first released in 1979 from what I understand two years after the original Apple II so this is still a 70s computer technically and I'm curious to see the date code on the chips to know when this particular one was made because well it's just fun to find that kind of thing out now perhaps the absolute coolest thing about any Apple II is this pop off the top and inside you have the ability to put add-in cards neither the pet nor the TRS-80 had this capability and this just leads into just how confusing apple as a company was because they were the first to have add-in cards and then later they would issue them and then now they have the giant cheese grater Mac Pro that has enormous proprietary add-in cards and still has pcie it's just really weird so Apple at first was one of the more open and expandable computers and it's just cool to see that here now definitely new to these computers so I'm not an expert but I've tried to do some research and understand what's going on with this one here so let's start off with the ram because as I mentioned I think this one is 64k already this white square right here in the silk screen is where the ram goes as is very obviously labeled and I just have to say that is an extremely nice touch right here to have these white resistor packs in line with the white silk screen that is just ridiculous but this first row of ram right here is all Hitachi brand RAM and looks much older but then we have a bunch of Fairchild Ram up there and that makes me think this is likely the original RAM and then this was added later but then there's this thing which is uh plugged into one of the ram sockets down there this it turns out is a language card now again I'm new here so I may not be totally accurate but my interesting is that this does two things one is that it allows more RAM to be placed in here and we can see our Fairchild Ram right there that was likely originally right there then we have more Banks right there to bring it up to 64k then the second thing that it does is most likely this which is add a ROM to boot from a disk drive I don't see a disk drive controller in here do you well that's interesting but we'll get to that in a moment but those are the two functionalities that I believe this provides so this is a 64k ram system which is really cool now again I'll mention here I'm very much a rookie with apple II stuff so uh when I was even opening this to do this shot I saw this thing it was like what on Earth is that little board down there turns out it's just daughter board for the keyboard because I think they wanted this to be cheap one-sided PCB and then this has the actual controller I see on it so yeah there's no very wet behind the ears with this stuff but uh there are some things that are obviously different like in here we have this thing which appears to be an RF output mod because the Apple II here has a composite video Jack on the back right there that you would connect to a monitor now it's my understanding that there are not any official Apple 2 plus or Reg regular two era monitors the first one apple designed for these systems is for the 2E so on the one hand I don't have to worry about tracking down an apple II plus monitor but on the other hand there isn't one that's really iconic to go with this system now the monitor situation for this computer is even more interesting because I believe the Apple II is the only computer of the first three that can do color out of the box here so using it with a television with that modification could actually be pretty cool because normally the kind of thing I would throw on something like this would be like the amdec 300 that I have but when I look at other people using Apple Computers in this era for some reason they all seem to gravitate towards a monitor like this so I guess I'll do the same here as well for now as we start this is an ikigami monochrome composite Monitor and I think one of the reasons they do this is because it looks pretty sweet when you stack some drives next to it and fills out the space nicely at least as long as you get all the drives on there without them being crooked so I may go this route at least for a little while and for Tech stuff because uh this is going to be a 40 column display so I won't feel like I'm too cramped on that little nine inch CRT but we'll see how it goes and I might break out a television and use it with the RF output it's nice to have that option here now unfortunately I'm the first person to bring that computer and those disk drives together because I've had those for a long time now in preparation of eventually getting an apple II I've seriously been on the hunt for something like this for a long time but at least I have built up an assortment of other things like this is an apple II disk controller that I was given by disappearing ink when I went to LTX but I also have this now which is a brand new disk controller that uh will probably check out with this thing but I think I need to look at something else first this apple II GS I got with this thing now this box is in very very rough condition but hey how many boxes for two gs's do you have they're not exactly common so you know I'm gonna take the wins that I can get I don't actually fully understand the relation between that and this but I do know that at least some of these cards are interoperable because I have an additional peripheral that goes with this that we are not going to take a look at today because it deserves its own video and I found the controller card for that in here thankfully so what I want to do here is get this open again so that I can know exactly what all I've got for Apple twos and opening two justices kind of a pain in the butt you have these plastic latches that have to clear the case and the plastic just feels like it's going to break and ugh it's not very fun oh okay there we are oh man now this is the second two gs I've owned the other one actually also given me by disappearing ink but I have not had the opportunity to use it but at least I got a disk drive with that one so hopefully I'll be able to make this one work at some point but one of the things that I know here that these cards plug into the front using an IDC connector I think so those aren't going to be compatible with the Apple II plus but these over here should be so the first thing we have let me look at what this is we have apple II scuzzy card okay um yeah that's going to be pretty helpful I think so that allowed me to connect hard drives and CD drives I guess to an Apple II the other card has these weird cables poking out of the back and it's also connected to the front for j25 I don't know what that is so we have Super Sonic MD ideas for this weird red card and then this is supersonic digitizer by MD ideas is this a sound card so these look well they're not bipolar caps there um yeah I have no idea what this is um I'm gonna go do a quick search there's an RCA jack right there that's strange uh I'm gonna do quick a search on Google see if I can figure out what this is and then I will be right back okay I found an installation manual for this thing so that is a hysterio sound card for the Apple 2gs specifically here so this will live in this computer and this is I'm guessing an audio recorder add-on which it seems they didn't really use since there's no cable connected there but uh yeah so that's what this is I'm gonna guess only really applicable for the Apple II so there is nothing else you need to worry about grabbing from here which is a little disappointing because that means there are no more goodies to use with the two plus oh well at least I know now well maybe that scuzzy card would work in this but I want to try out the older usage of this first maybe even going back to cassette for loading software but we'll see how that goes but for now I have something else I want to do I'm sure some of you have been screaming shut up and turn it on and uh unfortunately for you I'm not as foolhardy as that because the first thing I want to do is take out that power supply and take a look at it because I've already done research on these and I know for a fact there are two reef is in there so I want to get those out so looking at how this goes together uh there are no screws here it looks like the way that you remove the hard drive is by taking out these four screws on the bottom so I'm going to go ahead and do that but I can tell that that would drop down so I'm going to take the loose piece of packing foam from the box I'm going to put it under the power supply there so it'll stay in place as I remove those screws without becoming an issue okay I can definitely feel it's loose in there so I'm going to wrap my fingers around and hold it in place as I flip this back over now I can remove that and uh probably remove the language card here for a moment to get to weird connector for power it's almost Automotive looking that's kind of strange but yep my suspicions were correct we can just pull this out oh that's awesome they even have the voltages listed on the back side so we can go test this oh glorious cadmium zinc plating you will always be the best surface finish uh but enough of that uh we need to get into this thing and this doesn't look very fun I see a rivet here as well as here and potentially these on the outside as well as eight screws to get in so I'm gonna see if I can figure out how to crack this thing open uh and uh it doesn't look like it's going to be very fun so the rivet has to come out in the middle all right quick Google search later and yep it looks like you have to draw actually only these ones on the side thankfully but uh Yep looks like that's what I'll be doing really not thrilled about the idea of sprinkling a bunch of metal shrapnel into a power supply but I don't appear to have a choice so we're gonna go ahead and do this now I put this upside down uh presuming that the PCB is up here and that the shrapnel will hopefully fall down and then I'm gonna attempt to not turn it the other direction after I start this then I'm going to drill into it from the side where they just barely undersized metal bit okay sure that's a horrifying feeling when it just pushes in okay the sides do spread apart now so that's good okay oh I was wrong delightful oh that sucks okay so yeah all the metal bits went the opposite direction well the more you know okay I've done a bit more digging and research on this and uh well for one it looks like it's still stuck I thought it might have been recapped at first because I was looking at the screws down here and I noticed every single one of them the white paint or glue or whatever is cracked and I thought maybe some weirdo actually like opened this up and like try to perfectly recreate how it was put together but I'm guessing it's just age and shrinking and stuff but uh I don't see a rifa cap so I don't think I have to worry about that here but I also don't see any Apple II power supplies in this configuration online mine has obviously caps here but it seems like most of them have them going down about right there so I really don't know I'm just gonna hope that that means that this version of the power supply design is more reliable and most people aren't taking it apart trying to get help uh with it on the internet because yeah I have no idea uh that's a little weird but yeah I don't see any rifa brand caps in here at all and what I can see looks fine other than this cap here is dented um that's a little a little strange there I don't know why that would have happened um but yeah maybe just during assembly or someone got crushed hopefully it's fine um but I think we can put Power to this and test the voltages hopefully it works unloaded some of these older power supplies don't so if it doesn't work I'm not gonna write it off yet and uh we'll just get it connected to the computer or maybe I'll attempt to load test it with an actual load but we'll see okay now as I mentioned there is a pin out right there of what this connector is it doesn't show which side's rounded like this actually is but it does show that one side is completely ground and there's two black wires there so pretty sure I can figure this out so we're going to check the voltages here but the first thing I need to do is give it power and see what happens didn't explode I like it when that happens okay so let's check our voltages uh I'm guessing is 12 looks good minus five all right it's going to be regular five then minus 12. all right I'm happy with those little low but again uh not being loaded can cause some wonky things but uh yeah that looks pretty good I probably didn't need to open this but I feel more comfortable having done so all right that's all back together now um I'm not going to try and replace the rivets I think that's a waste of time since the reality is I'm probably gonna have to open this again and actually recap it at some point so uh yeah that's fine by me but I don't say any reason I can't put this back in the computer and try it out so uh oh man I can find out if my Apple II plus works I'm excited I have the power supply back in now but I was paying closer attention this time and realize this sticker is probably from the local computer store where they bought this and contains the original purchase date of October 2nd 1980 and if I flip the system over and we take a look at the 6502 here we can see that the date code on the 6502 is the 19th week of 1980. so I'm pretty sure we can say this is a second year Apple II Plus okay this is it Moment of Truth this is all connected I have the power cable in there it's actually the power cable that came in the box which I've never seen in ICC 13 connector that says patent pending on it so that's interesting but this should work the monitor here is connected it just has like a weird scan rate when there's no video so don't worry about the flicker I think I've stalled enough let's try it it lives uh wow that's that's oh that's awesome okay uh that's that's a functional Apple too oh my gosh that's so awesome all right so it's looking like it's working here so I've got it back together because I want to test it in its most basic configuration emphasis on basic because I don't actually know how to use the applesoft basic so uh I picked up this a long time ago this is the actual applesoft basic manual though it is for the 2c2e2gs so it probably has functions that this doesn't have but I'm hoping this just gives me a rough idea of how to like actually do things like loops and conditions that seems like something would be helpful so I just kind of want to try out doing some basic stuff what is this home command your screen gets cluttered after you've run and typed a few programs the home instruction clears the screen and places the cursor in the upper left okay so they call clear home see this is why this is why I needed to know this stuff uh uh oh there's there's no backspace there's a reset key but it doesn't do anything actually this seems familiar control reset whoa why do I have two cursors now is Blink a status byte for characters kind of like it is on Linux so you can have that all right interesting um let's try a home uh no yeah all right that looks that looks normal print oh it's got UK quote mark this is a typing test it's a really nice keyboard wow um that's cool I was not expecting that it's actually genuinely Pleasant to use yeah here let me try something this okay so yeah I do not have lowercase characters by the looks of it uh let's try real basic here 10 print hello world okay 20. go to 10. uh run excellent okay now reset I'm guessing no reset is not break man that is oh that's cool the spring resistance for the reset key is way stronger than the other keys so you can't accidentally press it that is a nice touch okay control reset there we go uh I only know that because I set up a cassette program that I have and I think I know where that is but I don't know where any of my cassette players are that does run on an Apple II and I set that up on my Tui Platinum for LTX when I did that uh so that's the only experience I have on Apple 2 and that cassette was brutal we will not be trying it today because if I remember correctly you have to drop into the Monitor and load like a shim program to decompress the data or something crazy like that it's not not for today because I lost my directions on how to do it and I'd have to find them all over again all right this is an interesting point I think this was one of the differences between the plus and later pluses uh decimal values so print uh 3.5 plus uh that's a weird location for plus uh plus let's say 2.5 okay and we get six okay that's correct all right uh I guess I could have got that from rounding two now that I think about it and so we should have 3.3 here or 5.3 math jeez thank you computer for not being as bad at math as I apparently am but okay it can do floating point to a degree uh I don't know how much it can though so we got uh eight decimals of precision there that's pretty good okay I'm curious to try out variables here now so let's do print I just want to see does it have like a a predefined for pi it does not okay so let's set pi to a more accurate value so Pi uh equals 3.14159265358979 um so we'll see where it truncates this I'm gonna guess uh if it's eight digits like before uh one five two six so it'll be nine two six six if it uh truncates it actually it should be two six five because that's a three there uh but we'll see so yeah all right there okay and now we will print pie again if I knew how to go up I would try that but I don't know that I can print Pi okay so it did truncate it to uh eight characters but nine two six six nine two six five three it it kind of rounded really poorly there that's that's interesting okay um but there we we okay you can say variables and they don't have like a prefix character that's interesting good to know and then it has a section on using files Okay so cat uh to do disc uh directory listings makes sense load and save does it have a c load for cassette type stuff actually it's manual being for up to the 2gs may have the shoot cassettes by this point so uh may not cover that so it just got to a section about using a printer here which is something I am uh very interested in but uh I don't have a Serial card the laser Rider or laser writer the imagewriter one here is a serial printer so I'm gonna have to get um it looks like there's two different kinds of zero cards there's the regular Apple cereal card and a super serial card and then third party ones um I got a search running for zero card now so I can try and connect that so I will not be able to test the printer stuff but it looks like it's pretty intelligently designed it would look like this PR numeral one octothorpe however you want to think about it and then anything that would be printed to the screen would then go to the printer instead so that's pretty cool I'm not sure how you designate the printer device like on PC becom1 or lpt1 I'm going to guess here it's about to tell me sync computers output to the screen again type pr0 okay but all right um I could easily I'd like to know that REM just REM for comments okay I could easily uh keep playing with this for longer here just because this is this is too much fun but I think now what I want to do is try and get disks working now I could just put in the loose disk controller I have but I want to have the full experience I at least get a shortcut here at the start because I have some apple II software uh so I'm hoping I can make some of this work all right we're just gonna go ahead and install this in here I guess um here's something that I have a question for uh those of you who may be familiar with apple twos so this really hard to get off uh for one but it looks like it has these uh not quite velcro but like same sided like Pokey blob I don't know how to describe this it's weird anyway are these stock um and uh how common is it for the glue to release and not work anymore because yeah that definitely happened also I'd like to side note here uh this is plastic look at how ridiculously thick that plastic is that's just delightful I love it it's extremely wasteful don't get me wrong but uh yeah it's cool okay from here uh this gets interesting and I think it's worth mentioning and you know what's funny is I don't think what I'm about to say is true for that later floppy Drive based on how many conductors there are but this is not quite a floppy controller you'll notice that there is no one main logic I see on here and that's because the floppy drives themselves have integrated Electronics I touched on this in my video about the four floppy setup on a PC well Apple what they did when they were putting together this computer they bought the mechanical components for a drive from shugart but then they created their own internal drive Logics for it so they have completely custom floppy drives here the idea was that they were able to make them slightly cheaper this way if I remember correctly it wasn't to be proprietary so I won't chastise them for that but it does mean that these are weird and proprietary so if you want to use these with something like this you need this controller now the other annoying thing here is that these drives are hardwired to their internal controller although you can probably unplug it from within there but then they are hardwired to the connector here so when you connect a drive and plug it into the system and then put the lid on they're basically permanently attached unless you open the thing and disassemble it so even if this had a disk controller here before which I'll get to in a moment which would make sense uh it probably would have been removed most likely and kept with the drives because they're linked like this you cannot externally disconnect them it's kind of annoying now I say this may have had a disk controller in it previously and that's because of the language card this ROM I believe will allow this system to boot from disks so getting that language card may have been a really fantastically helpful thing else wise I think I would have to go into this system monitor which I didn't even Explore here yet and type in a shim to try and do that I think so uh yeah now those of you who are watching this and are familiar with apple twos and may have been looking forward to the fun moment coming up uh unfortunately I have to disappoint you because during my research on this uh and trying to figure out about the power supply I was spoiled on the fact that probably beneficially this card needs to go in the rightmost slot so I'm not going to try and put it over here apparently this only works over there I'm not sure if that's true or not um I don't see any notes about that but apparently it needs to go only in the rightmost slot so we're going to do that here's a interesting thing about this system uh the back side of the computer here has these like little slots cast into it um on later Apple twos I think even just the 2E these are like punch outs for D Subs but not on this one so I think this right here is the uh slot that you're supposed to stick your Ribbon cables for your floppy drives through so go like this approximately yeah so something like that um I don't like it but that that's how it it goes so I just realized these must also get power from this that's kind of awful wow um I never noticed that before all right uh here's hoping that these work because I have never been able to test them and I just have no clue you know I knew these drives were hardwired to the computer like this but I'd never put two and two together the reason everyone must insist on putting their apple II drives on top of the computer is because you cannot easily remove them so if you want to move the system around you you want them on top of it so you can just pick the whole thing up and go so finally I understand why people do this uh and a little fun thing here since I have this tiny nine inch monitor with the drives I get to do the kind of like Uber or fancy Museum setup here with the drives and the Monitor and yeah this is just kind of fun I'm gonna get some cleaning discs for these and then try and uh cat those so we can see if this works or it'll like you know maybe clean the drives I don't know and then once I'm reasonably confident that they won't totally trash the discs we will try something here so oh we'll we'll see all right before I re-wet my disc here let's see if the system actually does anything with these eh I think it's the language card trying to boot from it so that's excellent I don't know what it's going to do when it can't that uh do I gotta sorry is there a thing I can do okay control control reset Okay cool so cat syntax error uh they're supposed to be a number after that for which Drive I forgot to mention this in the video but uh I'd kind of silently decided to try and learn how to use the Apple II with just the paper documentation that I had in person rather than spending a bunch of time looking stuff up on the Internet so I am going to miss a couple of things here that I think I now know after having recorded this but I did not know these back then because I was kind of just having fun doing this the way that you would have if you just bought this computer new but this manual is not quite right for everything that I have here reading the catalog uh cat okay so I'm gonna guess um this is where the uh later Apple twos and the plus diverge so this may not have cat um well since it spins the disc we can um attempt to boot it directly well we can clean it first I mean by it's spinning the disc so let me let me get somebody's propanol on that and then we can just pop a a disc in here okay let's see how this goes just doesn't really look that dirty so that's a good sign I'm going to give it a second before I put in anything so any isopropanol or uh residue can dry off of there I'm gonna put this in a sleeve I hope that it stays uh damp for the second Drive I wonder are these single-sided or double-sided drives I don't actually know that one appears to be single-sided as does that okay let's give it a shot no idea what it's going to do don't even know if this disc is bootable this is a duplicate of copy two plus ah yes it is bootable and it worked oh that's awesome oh that's so cool we can boot software off floppies okay uh can I yes I want a catalog disc I want to try and clean the second Drive now so I'm gonna put this back in there try and get that one going as well return normal disc A and B that's weird oh yeah yeah no kidding hi oh error oh oh that one might need some love um I'm gonna try this without the cleaning disc in there so it seems like the clamp uh part might be awful um it may just be it it may just need to be lubricated or something um okay it might actually work um since I have a copy of copy two plus I'm gonna try reading copy two plus with this it works okay it works it just sounds horrifying but it does work let's see if there's a giant gash in the data layer and that's where the felt is and no it's all good okay so both drives work one just is harrowing um but they do work okay let's do this disc where all right I'm going to attend this also has games one written on it so I'm not I don't I don't know if it's actually going to function but uh I'm gonna try booting this no idea what it's going to do um also you know what I think turn off the computer without the Jew that might have been a good idea um I don't know if the camera will have caught it I saw the LED here flash as I turned the computer off tells me I probably shouldn't have discs in there when I turned the system off so uh yeah I'm guessing that disc has been modified so I'm gonna how do I do this when it's running I guess I'm just gonna pull it out all right let's try this so dos 3.3 system master and see how it goes I yes yes all those drives sound horrible but they are working right now I'm gonna put discwear in here and I'm just curious cat is uh I still can't cat huh okay what how how what do I do then der okay what's the what is Dos do then okay um I have prodos for 64k two plus this is um so maybe we can we can boot this I just want to see if I can cat a disc because I so far yeah not succeeding there so all right shut this off produce for 64k Two Plus which we have I think pretty sure oh that one was a lot happier okay ah okay um that's a little cooler I'm gonna go with basic and then just see if I have cat yet to return to menu run startup interesting okay cat okay we can cat we can cat all right I'm gonna put a disc in the other Drive I have no idea how I cat that drive um but we we've actually counted now cat maybe it'll just detect that it's in there and it'll go through all the drives I think it's out here Mercedes work okay and no okay cat two syntax error okay uh cat B path not found look at files on your disk use the cat command get a type list of all the files so it shows cat and then files of course your's gonna look different if the discard has other programs on it okay but what if I am a baller and I have two drives yeah that's all it says about cat out of curiosity I'm gonna put this disc in drive one since cat will work on that because I just want to know what's on it because I think it's maybe been overwritten with games orange just toast there are some games in here uh so I want to try one of those okay galaxian sabotage asteroid field space eggs okay let's look at this ah okay it's like a jungle Hunt maybe that'll work the reality is Jungle Hunt may not even be like a file I don't know how this works this may be a bootable disc yeah you know what let's just try booting it I'm feeling like that's not working I'm gonna go through some more of my discs and see if any of them uh will load and uh see if there's anything at all that we can run here that was every single one of my labeled Apple II discs none of them worked I think I know what the problem is though dos to produce conversion so I'm guessing the way that prodos stores the table of contents for disks is incompatible with DOs um and that they are not the same because I put the other copy of copy two plus in there and it wasn't able to list those files the copy2 plus listed its own files just fine so here's what we're going to do we're gonna put copy two plus in here and then I'm going to try to list the files from a disk um within that instead so here's the galaxian disk all right okay disk IO all right to just sanity check here is the other copy two plus disk that just just had the label fall off I guess um that just did not catalog Within prodos and there the files do show up so they must uh use totally different uh ways of storing this stuff I bet some of these will actually catalog here Bingo files so I can confirm that it's possible for the drives to read some of these disks prodos is just not capable this is this is interesting here the whole the whole concept of what I'm going through here is learning Apple II this is what I want to do so I now know prodos and dos or just the the enhanced version of the Apple soft ROM I'm assuming are not compatible with each other so from here I need to figure out if I can upgrade the ROM in this to have the newer features or maybe there's a card I can get that adds that stuff because I don't know how I'm supposed to progress from here um yeah out of curiosity so this is a soft term copy I'm guessing um just for Giggles see if it's bootable I have the actual soft term discs here as well looks like that's going to be bootable though all right soft oh that's fancy Graphics that's our first time seeing graphics on here that's cool whoa ah keyboard expander not found okay so there was one that says it does not need oh I think that was the one that said it didn't need the keyboard expander uh with internal keyboarding okay yeah so that's a no um interesting though so I'm gonna guess that uh these discs are copies of these disks and that I probably can't use these so I clearly have a lot more to learn and figure out how to use with this and uh figure out what the next steps I want to take are because from here I need to go do a lot of research to figure out what I can actually do with this um and what I maybe need to get for it to make it more usable because it's it's got some things that are confusing me a lot here again dos not being able to catalog discs what how is that even possible but uh we're definitely not done with this machine at all it will be coming back at the least if not for uh something like this which is a hard drive for it how cool is that so we got to check that out at some point but I need to learn more about how to use this thing which uh is kind of a goal of mine that I'm thinking might be kind of cool to check out because for me this is again going to be probably the oldest Apple computer I will ever get so this represents the beginnings and I'm wondering what it might be like to try and go from here through more Apple Computers after I get comfortable with this one so uh kind of got an idea for a series on experiencing all Apple Hardware so I'm gonna totally with that idea with a bit uh but for now yeah I need to go do some research and uh maybe poke around in the Apple II Community to get some ideas of where to go next because I am really looking forward to learning about this thing but clearly I need to know where is going to be the next place to start well that's it for now if you enjoyed this video about me experiencing an apple II for the first time seriously that you may want to subscribe because I will definitely be bringing this thing back as I get more comfortable with it if you want to help support the channel you can find me on patreon or get a shirt like this one but that's it for now and I will see you next time [Music]
Channel: Tech Tangents
Views: 61,943
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 8_35IqeTD88
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Length: 46min 19sec (2779 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 29 2023
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