Learning to Use a Lathe, Part 1: Basic operation and facing cut

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hi everyone I got two visitors today so am i right we got Dan he's a viewer he's on the discord a lot all the time I he doesn't really do YouTube and this is chirpy I've mentioned chirpy a lot of times pretty much always with casting because I I'm doing casting and I say Oh Tripp you said this so that's why but you might not know he also has machining a lot of machining he's got a lot of awesome machine tools this lathe that's ridiculously awesome if I could fit it in here and I had like thieving skills I would totally I would totally have it but they showed up and brought this little mini lathe and they're thinking they're gonna show me how to do some basic stuff to kind of get me started so we're gonna do that today hopefully I don't lose a finger so I brought this a central machinery lathes I think this is like the small one that you can find it Harbor Freight it's pretty cool got a bunch of stuff here to look at and also for those of you who keep wondering what happened to the gingery lathe look at what chirpy brought check it out these are somewhat rupees first castings and he says he doesn't need them anymore because he's already got a massive awesome lathe so I'm gonna go ahead and use these I'm gonna cast the remaining parts to do some of the scraping he made me some scrapers a little bit of carbide brazed on the end of these rods he showed me he gave me a quick very very quick ten-second demo on scraping so that project despite me not doing much look it's half done already which is pretty great so I'm gonna finish it up the rest of the way and then get to get to turning some stuff with but before that we got to figure out how to lay the works alright so essentially all what we've got here is the as you mentioned the Harbor Freight it's the central machinery mini lathe it's a seven by 10 it's the smallest one as far as I'm aware that they made what's nice about it is that it's nice and small you can pick it up and move it around the negative is that it's nice and small and you can move it around so when you're using it it can vibrate the other kind of annoying thing is because the bed is so short this guy is called the tailstock continues to get in the way but that's okay we're not really gonna use that today just set that right there you know we have lots and lots of room to move up and down since we are travelling here I actually had the headstock off because the internals is rather precise you don't want to have a lot of jiggling so I didn't want this huge massive weight just kind of hanging on the end here so chirpies already kind of screwed on by hand and he reminded me just as we started that it needs to be tightened and you know as we're spinning this multiple thousand rpm we don't want this flying off and losing our our fingers on that so we're just kind of I might hurt tighten that up yeah riku so just like when you're doing a car what I tend to do is all I've got these mostly snug I went around to each one I don't know if you can see from the angle here but there's nuts right here that this is what I've been working on so just kind of tighten it so now that all three of these are tight what I'm gonna do is just kind of grip it with my hand because again this is small you would normally use you know put your wrench in and do crazy things but this is such a small lathe I just grab it like this and just can see I'm moving it just a hair because the idea is I wanted it snug because in here on this faceplate I'm not sure what that's call I think that's the faceplate but there's a ring inside there that this will actually seat up on and we want that to be as precise as we can make it so we've got that all snugged in that's in place and ready to go now it's time to go break something so now yup now now we get to pray something yeah so what we have here is a diamond I don't remember the exact code for this it's gets really really complex see see empty so it's the CCM teacher if you say so i chirpies workshop he actually helped me we modified them you cut this down on a shaper so now it actually will fit into my it's called a turret style tool holder and that's because we can put a guy here you can put a guy here but I got here and you just spin it around as you need so we're going to just place this in here and I'm just going to tighten that so I don't mess things up as I'm tightening this but you just take these Allen heads and we're gonna tighten it now for any any of the viewers that might say well you should put this back the way that we had this cost and cut I actually want this more this way this way it'll it'll hold it'll be in the right spot I bring in the head back so that we can get this as bridges that rigid as we can and then lining this up will allow me to bring this in to the material because will actually be cutting for facing like this and then we can come in and actually cut along here so that's one of the reasons that these angles if you notice if we hold it perpendicular there's actually just a just a little bit of daylight that runs between it just like with the other parts I'm only doing these hand tight because I don't want to pinch this bow it if you if you offset the pressure it's possible this head can move a little bit and not that this is the most precise tool in the world but you know good practice so I'm not like you trying to kill it to use the Paul grunts scale but yeah I'm just kind of you know giving it so it's snug because we don't want that to move so you're a 1/8 grunt yeah 1/8 crunch I'm not quite an audible grunt I stole that from James May by the way that was his torques back on a motorcycle or something was half a grunt there you go it's perfect so now we're ready to actually place material in here so I just got this stuff here we were messing around with in true peas workshop we can as Paul starts to play with this you know you kind of get a feel for cutting in you'll end up slicing it's it's kind of like it think of like a wood chisel right it's gonna come in and just kind of skim underneath that metal and actually just peel what's called a chip off I'm gonna flip it around this way since this is nice and smooth and round be nice and easy to put into our chalk yes I have a three jaw so I can cheat it's nice and easy you just put it in just like a drill bit like I shoulda taken cinematography class for this a little tip when you put it in turn it as you're tightening it up it'll okay otherwise it'll want to catch on whether Joel between to the Joel's knows that that's a great tip actually so even not that I have tons of experience at this but if you come over here Paul you can see because it's three jaw what I tend to do is lay it put it like this so I lay the piece on top and then it tightens up into the center what chirpies suggesting which I this myself is if you put this down a little bit this way I'm exaggerating for the camera but as you tighten it these two jaws will actually pinch that and hold it and you won't even notice but when you run it you'll see this piece vibrating so what he's suggesting is as we tighten this up just kind of give it just a little bit of a turn as you can see we know it's centered because it's all between all three of these guys but it's nice and held I tighten this guy down and go to the next one taking this guy down and of course go to the last one and by doing that if we had the a dial indicator here you'd actually see this slightly out of Center even though we tightened one but by tightening all three it'll actually help bring that in and Center it in real well also the outside of the bar it might be because it was centered up when we were playing with it right right yeah so in this case if this part wobbles that's it's the metal that we've we really do know what we're doing on this particular portion of the video we go out better than I know before this I've never actually touched a lathe like one of the very first welders that I touched was my welder when I pulled it out of the case so that was a great start to welding so as trippy had mentioned we want to get this lined up what I had intended to do is show you from this standpoint why that's important I kind of tried to indicate that before but you can see I got this loose but we're actually going to come right in here and you can see how we're gonna we just get this little itty bitty bit of room so if we have it like this we end up with a lot of problems because when we come back this way you can see that now we can't cut this if we if we're at the wrong angle so by kind of lining it up perpendicular to our work it allows us to be able to face and then we'll be able to pull back and come across here with the proper angles so now we can just kind of go in it's actually pointed so you can get into those angles focus what were you saying about cinematography classes hey kids you want to be good at being a cameraman don't buy a refurbished one on Amazon I kid it works fine but you got to read the manual to learn how to use these things and who's got time for that look we're wearing these get off my back ignore the big burn marks from the other day that wasn't on video it's okay yeah well it was a little blister never hurt anybody burns all right so at this point we want to make sure this is off because we don't want to go forward or reverse at all I have my own little process how I operate this I don't know if it's the manual or the recommended process but I find it works and this machine we're going to use what's called forward so that's going to have this turn this way and again that's because this cutter here we're gonna turn the metal into the cutter so we can just kind of slice if this is the actual blade it's actually going to slice right in like that so the first thing we want to do is a facing this is already pretty flat but just for practice will show it you always want to do a fate at least to me I always want to do a facing because it cleans up the material and gives you a nice edge that's very precise that you can measure things or whatnot because sometimes even when you buy flat stock or you know ground stock that's got a face it's machined it's it's it's from the factory it's not necessarily flat so so chirpy actually when I was at his workshop we put a lock on here so when you see me over here kind of locking or wrenching stuff that's actually because we're gonna move the carriage slide more or less into position so the tool bit touches so again we've got that little chisel piece and we've got the front face of the metal we're actually gonna just bring that in we're gonna barely kiss it just just touch it and that's because with the way the compound is set up now we'll be able to feed in by using our top slide I'm well this is the top and this is the cross we're gonna feed you're right you're gonna feed into the material yeah technical terms sorry warning by positioning the entire carriage so that just kisses then we just kind of lock it in place so let Paul kind of do that he can visually see move that right in alright and just get it to kiss you don't want to you don't want to grind on it but it's just gonna touch yep well so that's just time to walk them through so we don't snap bits off yet but yeah sure peas absolutely right once we get to that point we'll do this again by while it's running because you want to get it so that you just just touch it so you're that close yep now we're gonna get the half-inch guy and by just kind of holding this guy still because again it's running we're just gonna take over here on the lock just should be a quarter turn it may be a little loose from traveling but you'll feel it just tighten up just pressure give it a good yes so just give it a snug just like yep there you go so like a tenth of a grunt on that one all right one so that's yep so that's good and then essentially at this point we'd be able to start cutting this entire process we just walk through that's what you would do with this running and then we would operate by moving this guy back and forth to come in to the diameter well across the diameter of the face right and then to actually move the tool in that's what we use the top slide 4 so this way you'll see if we turn this it's you know we're kind of coming right in to it so yeah now this has been chirpy ice so it's a little stiff right now and that's okay again we're gonna repeat that process we can just loosen this guy a little bit we'll draw this back away because personally I don't like starting with the wooden carbide next to this it tends to make it unhappy it Haas there's a bur for cutting it off or something it'll actually hit that carbide hammer hmm slowly yep come into it on this particular guy you'll see that there's two scales there's a box number and an on box number that's the low speed so 200 rpm when this dial is all the way down to nothing it's not 200 I'm not sure if the camera can see but over here I got a little piece of tape one of those cheap Chinese just measurement dude dude and it tells you the RPM of stuff it's like a hundred ten or something but on the high end is 20 or 900 it's really close it's like 27 80 or something like that if you believe the meter of course I don't really run in high speed and that levers back here as you can see your viewers camp but there's a lever here if you turn it this way it's high-speed this way slow speeds were already in lawyers and then we just kind of make sure because as you flip this in and out you have to make sure everything's engaged so I just kind of spin it a little there's another lever back here this guy engages our lead screw mmm and that lead screws DUP use for threading and automatic feeding and things like that but we're not doing that so we're gonna leave that alone it's already set to neutral so one thing to think of before this pull up your ring oh yeah rings off or anything like that cocked no gloves you use your fingers it's a it's okay to get oil on your fingers it's not gonna kill you that'll be the least dangerous thing I got on my fingers so far I had a cut here phosphoric acid is the most painful thing to get in a cut that's awesome acetone hurts real bad buzz nothing like like like at spray phosphoric acid yeah that smarts and it tastes terrible don't drink tastes terrible so now for my perspective true pee jump in if you think the numbers should be different but what I tend to do is I like to set this for steel with carbide somewhere in the middle ish I mean there's there's probably guides and things you can follow but so 600 rpm so that's that's probably here --is-- I mean you know you're talking 200 3,000 divided math math and sure that's about the right spot will apply we've already got the magic Pixies coming into the warrior so that we can apply our red switch which will juice it up and then when we're ready to start moving pop that to forward which is this rotation and that's this that's the chip tray we should put that under there keep your benches somewhat mean yeah yeah chip tray to keep the bench somewhat clean that's a that's a funny joke for anyone familiar with this before you comment in the comments there is a guard here I didn't bring it with me it had to be portable and I drove what were we at chirpy 1,400 miles to be here so yeah it's okay if we just fling some of the stuff he didn't just do that see me you can't see a bunch of people on a trip that's that's this one thing you'll learn when you use a lathe it'll speak to you I mean it's it's not gonna say hey I'm broke but it'll make weird noises it'll chatter I don't have the example here right next to me but you can see when the tool bits chattering it'll make these really cool really pretty looking patterns it's a bad thing but the patterns look really cool so we're gonna see what will run this it seems okay I'll leave this off don't tell ahsha and we'll run it's the least least terrifying thing to osha in this garage okay here we go forward [Applause] we're gonna back off this across night Italy and these people back it's on cable touchy all right so now we want to feed this guy maybe what so so half a turn yep stop and then start feeding this guy here it's okay just it'll it'll start making vibrations and I just yep well right now we get to about the center stop we're gonna turn him a little bit more this guy on it you'll feel it start to push in here [Applause] okay so this is something new to me I'm learning as well so this particular type of insecure piece saying you don't want to feed in we want to feed out so I like I backed his own you know so you want to bet back and I'll feed him yep now Fiat so it's [Applause] oh that's see that's why we keep my shirt here oh he knows you slack in there so normally you would want this bolted down to get seats maybe vibrating a little okay I'm learning this particular setup myself there you go that's much better you can see as we're going through and getting that nice little line where it's funny and you can even see that the tool is shiny in there so we've got a really nice card it's a good piece now for me red button nope red button so nice spacing cut so that's your first cut yeah if you wanted to get in and take a nice good shot pretty much as far in as this thing will go okay cool though yeah good job on a poll Google Wave did the work that's fine [Music]
Channel: Paul's Garage
Views: 68,559
Rating: 4.625 out of 5
Keywords: lathe, machining, beginners, how to use a lathe, paul's garage, central machinery, metal lathe, how to use a harbor freight lathe, metal lathe for beginners, metal lathe basics tutorial, hobbies to do at home
Id: _Vw48i30SN8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 36sec (1116 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 03 2018
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