Learning JavaScript in 3 Days ?? | Code With Me

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i got tired of seeing my ex's name on my web browser so i decided to build a chrome extension to block his name from ever appearing on any web page but first i had to learn javascript so i challenged myself to learn javascript in three days here's how it went my goal for today is to learn the fundamentals and basic syntax in one day when you're learning a new language you want to start with the fundamentals having a high level understanding of what the language is used for and a very basic understanding of the languages syntax so today is day one of learning how to program javascript in three days it is friday it is 9 07 p.m the streets are calling my name but listen this video is called my name harder i don't want to see that man's name anymore on my web browser so today we're going to learn javascript together in three days and we're going to see how far we can go and if we can actually build a small project like that and i think this video is going to be helpful for you too not only will you learn how to build a very useful tool maybe there's someone's name you don't want to see anymore um but you'll also just learn how to pick up a programming language kind of quickly i'm gonna be honest with you i haven't really touched javascript like ever i think i maybe learned it like 10 years ago for three weeks but honestly i don't i don't remember a thing about javascript i don't know how to even initialize any variables so i don't know anything about javascript but i do have some programming knowledge in like python and java even though they're totally different from javascript so kind of starting fresh i'm going to be using this book that i got online and i chose this book because i had pretty high ratings so hopefully this book will help me out during this process and i'm also going to be learning from a video that i saw on youtube which is an introduction to javascript video it's about like an hour long i chose it because it's probably the shortest video that seemed legit on youtube to learn how to code or learn how to program in javascript so let's get to work [Music] so after three hours of working i wouldn't call myself a pro but i did have a basic understanding of javascript programming language or so i thought okay so it's day two today it is about 6 00 p.m and so my goal today is to actually continue to learn javascript so yesterday i spent about like two or three hours kind of brushing through i finished the mosh course and i also kind of went through a little bit of the book but i kind of i don't know why something about books sometimes i'm just like i don't know i don't want to look at this anymore but i ended up going through the mozilla javascript documentation to sort of pick up more about the language because the mosh course was good but i just felt like it didn't really go into depth for certain topics it was just very like it was a good course a good introduction and what can you expect from one hour i was able to install javascript install node and start sort of programming i was able to program hello world i learned about constants the syntax i learned about functions and just like objects and i also learned about like the primitive types data types in python as well as the what is it called the other type of data types that's abstract data types but learned a little bit about the syntax for javascript but i felt like i just didn't really get like i don't feel any way confident that i'm even close to really understanding and to building the project that i want to build so today for day two my goal is to do tutorial hell yes so right now i'm planning to just go through three different projects i'm using people like anya kurdal she has a lot of really cool javascript tutorials um that i'm just gonna kind of go through to learn more about javascript i know the way i learn is honestly by doing things and building projects i feel like it's way more fun to learn that way like i was reading the book i was like taking the course but i was kind of honestly i was getting a little bored i wanted to just get started creating and honestly i think this is a good strategy because it's so easy to get bored when you're taking course after course it's actually and i feel like even in a lot of courses you'll find them immediately getting you the practice by building so that is a tip but instead of just following the tutorial you know just listening to what they're saying and just copying it i'm gonna try to be a little bit more of an active learner in the situation so instead of like like just following what the person has i'm gonna think about how i would do it if i was building this project so for example anya's course the javascript one i'm gonna kind of think about how would i make this if i was building my own project like what are the functions i would do what are the um ways i would do things so i'd really kind of think about how i would do it using some javascript so it's a more active way let's aim for like four or five hours to really solidify that javascript knowledge because honestly after day one i feel like i understand the syntax a little bit but i just feel like i can't make anything complicated and i don't think i can actually make the project i want to do but we're going to fix that i'm going to go ahead and do these different tutorials i'm going to do the connect 4 one god it's 30 minutes okay i'm going to try to do the 30. i'm going to try to do two projects or just one project even let's see how it goes i don't know what's going on i hope i'm on your mind honestly i'm already confused what is a dom what is an infant listener maybe i'm not really at the tutorial stage yet what i'm going to do is i'm actually going to take a pals and i'm going to go back and just like look at what these things are so i kind of understand them because i can't even go through this tutorial because i'm just like what so give me a second i'm going to actually go back and not do this tutorial [Music] a couple hours later i had finished the tutorial honestly i learned a lot from the tutorial i learned about javascript events i learned more about for loops and also learned new things like what the dom is what bomb is as well as arrays and events in javascript okay guys so now it's day three and for the past two days i've been learning the fundamentals of javascript and also doing a tutorial just so i could have a better understanding for javascript now it's time to actually build this chrome extension and build our final project honestly projects are a really good way to learn more about programming and just really fill in the gaps of things you might not have even known you should have studied for okay so for this project there are a couple things i'm going to need to do i need to first figure out how to actually structure a chrome extension project so i'm going to google that and i'm going to be using this tutorial and i'm also going to be figuring out how to take in the html of a page and also just like find the word i'm looking for and replace it so what's actually interesting is something i didn't study but i'm after doing research for this project i'm realizing that i'm gonna have to do a little bit more research on jquery because jquery seems to be one of the easiest ways to parse this information and also make changes to the actual html so that's what i'm going to start doing right now and i'm going to build this project and i'll be back with what i've learned from doing this project for three days let's get started [Music] hello so now i'm back with the final results from this project so i was actually able to get this project done and working there were a little bit of errors for the chrome extension but if you see this little demo you'll see that basically the project works and everything works just fine [Music] also i'll leave the code down below in github so that you can check it out but i will say that it is ugly it's pretty ugly code and i'm i'm not going to refactor it okay so let's talk about like how the three days went just general summary i'm actually doing this video a couple weeks after so let's talk about how the project went so yes i was able to build the project um actually in one day truly uh the first two days were spent learning as much as possible in the last day was actually building honestly i could have started building the project from day one but i did want to get uh some fundamental knowledge on javascript and that's why i decided to just wait until the third day to build it because i felt like i would be more efficient and effective if i had like a very like base level understanding of javascript so i really went into this project really like it was everything was unstructured i didn't really have a set plan i was just kind of going with the flow and to be honest there were a lot of bad things that happened a lot of good things that happened let's start with the good stuff that i learned from doing this entire process first good thing is because of the very limited time like i was forced to do the project before i even felt comfortable with my javascript knowledge to actually build a project and that ended up being a blessing in disguise by doing the project i ended up learning a lot i learned about the jquery library and that was something that didn't pop up during my learnings for the first two days i also just learned about more debugging in javascript yeah i'm really glad that even though i didn't feel like i was very confident or i had enough knowledge in javascript i just pushed myself to do a small project so that was the best thing i did let's talk about the bad things i did so honestly three days is not enough time to master any programming language and i definitely didn't master javascript that's not going on my resume i'm never going to get paid at least with the skills i have now no one will pay me to program in javascript which is okay um definitely another thing i should have done is like the first day i really should have not done the one hour mosh course like i honestly could have done a longer more in-depth course um so that's like the number one thing i wish i did i spent the first day actually what i wish i'd done is not done any tutorials and just spent the first day like learning as much as possible about javascript like doing a longer course the second day made me started building my project so those are the only things i basically change anyways guys thank you so much for watching this video this was a very like chaotic up and down video just showing you guys me trying to learn javascript in three days and it was a little bit of a fail but i ended up with a project and i hope you guys enjoyed this video let me know down below what you thought and i will see you guys next time [Music] so i don't know what's
Channel: Bukola
Views: 263,701
Rating: 4.9073591 out of 5
Keywords: software engineer nyc, how to be a software engineer no CS degree, learn to code, javascript basics, learning javascript, learning javascript for beginners, Bukola, web developer, javascript tutorial, javascript for beginners, chrome extensions, codewithme, javascript tutorial for beginners, programming tutorial
Id: jjydMpW47wk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 13sec (733 seconds)
Published: Sun May 30 2021
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