Hi everyone welcome to or back to my channel My name is Shea and today we are doing a video that is slightly different than what I had normally do, but this video is gonna be about How I learned Italian in one month Disclaimer, I didn't learn the entire language, I am not entirely fluent in Italian but it is just about me using some tips and tricks and different techniques that I used to become somewhat conversational to be able to understand a large portion at the language just by repetition and really studying everyday for this whole month so if you interested, keep watching I'll share my nine tips and tricks of how I got to my level of where I am today I hundred per cent plan on continuing to learn the language and at the end of this video I'll have a short portion of me actually speaking in Italian so you can see what I learned so stay tuned, this video was inspired by Nathaniel Drews video of how I learned Italian in one week I think that his channel is amazing I love his content and I will link that video out below because it is very inspiring and amazing the work that he can do in one week I obviously gave my best in one month here's it is, roll the tape ok, so here is what I started off with an Nathaniel Drew actually mentioned this in his video first thing I did was look at a list with most common thousand words in Italian now, one of the biggest things is when you learn a new language specially in the classroom they always start off things like colors, foods something are just like how I say words you probably won't even use that often in the beginning I would say try to start as broad as possible and then narrow it down because if you think about it there are so many connector words and, so, because, this and then verbs that you use all the time in English, so I looked up a list about most common one thousand words in Italian and I start making flashcards now I recommend this, don't try to make a thousand flashcards all at once because it would be super overwhelming when I did I broke it up I did about a hundred a day and that may sound really daunting but there are a lot of cognates in Italian so that means words are pretty similar in english so you can kind of figure out the meaning of them but also for me, I know Spanish so there are a lot of words that are in common in Spanish, that I could also can guess the meaning in Italian don't be scared of like "I can't learn a hundred words in a day" you could even break it up more, you could just focus on 50 a day, but you know if you think about it you do a hundred a day that is only ten days for you to get the thousand words and then, what I recommend is making those cards and reviewing them everyday don't just make the cards put them on the side and move on I have my cards in this lovely flashcards box you can do flashcards on Quizlet too but for me personally I think that actually helps my memory, I read down I can just stay these anywhere or I can just take out a chunk and study them every once in awhile, and repetition is so, so important for actually committing the stuff to memory so flashcards are probably number one what you should focus on ok, so I thought I would do a little recap of how the first week is going, I've listed out some of the exercises and things that I've been doing I realized that definitely had to kind of rearrange my schedule for what initially I had planned on to do and I think that the most important part is that you never really know what is gonna be the best of you entire you are trying it and you implement new things and new strategies so I definitely would say come up of with an overall plan some things that you think you wanna try if you like mapping out what you wanna do week by week but be open to change it in a little bit and it finding what is working for you and what isn't and even if you find new strategies you should implement those as well, because my initial schedule has switched so much within this past week of what I've been doing. Yes the exciting thing is that the videos and the vlogues that I have been watching in Italian, I definitely understood a lot more even after just the first few days but it is really cool, but is really great because it also helps me to pick out words that I should know or that I use very often because I think, you know, that's the most important part so there is always going to be ups and downs but you can't let those really tough times just stop you from trying because it's a process, you know. So yeah, for next week I am going to schedule out my plan and can map out it day by day the things that I want keep doing and push myself to go a little be further and I will check you guys later Tip number 2 is finding commonly used verbs and learning how to conjuguate them I first focus on the present tense just you can talk about what is happening now present tense is probably the easiest for now the most commons verbs is pretty easier to find, words like to be, to have to go, things like that and then you just can learn how to conjugate them and fortunately a lot of the most common you will use are regular verbs, might they only follows the exact order of conjugation but that just want one of those things that you also have to condition on your memory so continue studying in your flashcards everyday I've recommend learning those verbs and conjugating them everyday the tip number 3 that I did was actually keep a journal where i wrote about what I did back day, some of my thougs or you could even write like short story or poems if you want it, I just had this short little journal where I wrote down as if I was doing a journal entry everyday it was just kind I was doing I started off with things really simple, like in the morning I had coffee, just like that well, I sounded like a child but you think about it, you learn your language when you trying say one sentences in natal you learned don't be upset if your sentences is so simple I mean that is the way you start learn language, don't think that you gonna be able to write a great novel when you start to learn a new language Tip number 4, in the back of this I also keep a log of what I was studying every day so I just kind wrote down the first thing that I made hundred of flashcards, I did 5 verbs and conjugations I tested myself on the connector words in Quizlet I watched some vlogues in Italian which I will touch on later it is important because you can realize what you are not studying enough you know you should have some good grammar, studying verbs, vocabulary speaking, hearing, writing and I feel that a lot of people might've tried do all of them one day or nor thought enough on an area oh, I not really studying grammar much and don't listening enough and now you can kind of see where you're falling short and where you need to add more to your studying routine Tip number 5 it's very important to hear the language so I love watching videos on Youtube, at first you have no idea what's happening because it seems like they talk so fast but really helps to hear the way the language that supposed to sound and also helps because you are hearing what people normally talk about, you pick a little phrases you know that you hear a lot in the videos and that they repeat and is also important to watch TV shows one of my favorites Italian shows it's called "BABY" it's a pretty dark show just so you know, so you are prepared but I really love it. it's shot in Rome and I was obsessed with it it was one of the reason actually I wanted to start learning Italian because I loved the sound of the language and I thought that show so cool I first watched it with English subtitles because I didn't know Italian, and now I going back with Italian subtitles just match what I hear to actually words are it's really important watch tv shows and movies with Italian subtitles because if you watch with English subtitles that is not gonna be beneficial because you just gonna be reading and not connecting with Italian words Tip number 6 is listening to music again is another way to expose your hear to the sounds of Italian if you memory songs lyrics that also can helps you with the pronunciation and knowing what this words means, i like to look up the lyrics online and kind of read along with them other listen to the song I will link down my favorite Italian songs below a lot of them came from the sound track of that show "BABY" that I was just talking about, and there is a particular called "Da Sola" that I loved and it's like just such a bob so great song and always listen to in the car tip number 7 this really great once you kind establishes a little bit and understanding you should download the app called Hello Talk it's really great because is the perfect way to actually connect Italian natives speakers so you make a profile and you know you write what language is your native language and also the language that you're trying to learn so it's very like a mutualy beneficial app because you can connect with the people who are Italian and who what learn English and you can kind be possible speak English and Italian you send in the chat someone like Whatsapp but the cool thing about the app is that you have the option to correct someone with messages so let's say I write something in Italian, the person who are talking to can make little edits to make my exact messages and correct them and send to me like this is the corect word or this is the correct word, or you might could stop here, like kind of thing it's really beneficial , there also are audios so you can send audio messages to work your pronunciation and this is really cool because actually match someone great people that I never ran into a weird creepy people it was really just people who wanted English for an exame, maybe they're student or, you know, they're looking to learn for a work or a trip that they are going on and then they love for you also be learn and trying to speak Italian and is really paciente, you know, with you it's a really cool app that I recommend Tip number 8 I think that is important to get a workbook so you can actually be praticing reading and using a instruction way to learn a language some books are fantastics I used just a suplemet when I be learning so I got this book actually a while ago for actually when I went to Rome and I never used it but it's called Italian conversation, I would focus in some book that emphasis conversation and not just learning Italian, 'cause you gonna get like the classroom method, and it won't be benefitial but this is good 'cause you walk through all the little parts of conversation has to do writing exercises that you know sometimes you, you wouldn't discipline yourself to do I think this is a great book, I will suggest you use this I gain just a supplement when I need to do my grammar studies Tip number 9 what I have doing two, three last days is reading children stories in Italian so I found a really great website again I will put it down below that has Italian stories of you common and fairy tales, you know all the kinds of stories on this website that you translate into Italian and they have also in audio portions of it, so you can hear the story, read out loud and then I'll recommend this is super good for pronaunciation because for me learning a language I wanna be able to pronounce correctly I probably won't to be a hundred per cent accurate I want to try get as good as possible having the correct intonation and clear, you know it's really helpful to read stories out loud and know the sounds it's thoses all my tips and I just want to recap a little bit of how I learned a language, so nine trips that you should follow first of all, you definitely should do a research there are so many online resources fantastics it's so crazy that we have access to all the resources online to learn a language you don't need spend money in this workbook for me, I did kind I create this overall plan before started it but things came up, things happen that you had to shift around what my schedule was, so you don't worry if like you craft this whole plan and just gets ruined because there are a lot of thing that you don't realize you need to learn because you don't have understanding that language I would say if you won't make this basic overall plan a good idea is everyday you have vocabulary review and conjugation so that's reviewing your flashcards and conjugating verbs also other thing that you can add in your plan is dividing up, one day devoted to grammar, one day devoted to listening, reading for me, I did focus in one day on learning new grammar but then maybe later on the day I watched vlogues or videos or listen to music exposing yourself to the language everyday is important and absolutely you can do your commuted work then you are working out, you can listen the podcast just always finding ways to expose to yourself to the language is number one most important also just start speaking, I know for me speaking is my weakness part now that I've watched all this videos and vlogs I can actually watch them and understand most of what is happening it's is just super exciting but then if I wanna speak about something is totally black sometimes when I talk about my day or in a shower it's just like try to talk, try to understand how sentences are constructed just practicing that even you feel wrong like just learn new vocabulary just try and practice, and the more you speak the better you get obviously you have a friend or someone that speaks Italian that will be the primer, the perfect, the exactly that you need to practice and learned alright now for the fun part you get for me hear to speak Italian hopeful that is good, don´t comment on me I think that is pretty good just gonna talk a little bit about myself I will put English subtitles down below because you know so you guys know what I'm talking about it's pretty fun actually, I love speak outher language, the sound i so cool alright so now it's not like the only thing that I learned but I think that I did a good job, I very pround of myself of keeping up this I am super excited to keep learning Italian because I fell came so far and there so much to learn about the language and I think that the most important is really loving the language and being excited about it so thank you so much for watching this video or as I said grazie per avere guardato questo video (thanks for watching this video) and I hope to check with you guys soon I'll try do some more videos again sorry I've been kind stopped of created content maybe should you subscribe and comment below if you have any question about learning a new language or in Italian specially thank you so so so much for watching this video obviously it was one month making it but I really appreciate you subscribing and watching my video Thank you, thank you so much, Ciao!