Learning from mistakes on the small farm “The Flood” 20240428 #flood #regenerativefarming #rain

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well it's brand man and mcmanis Meadows and I am this is this is a video I took off of the cow Cam that I set up yesterday to watch the cows on the the field that would have required a significant amount of water to flood I got a call from a a neighbor a friend asking if my cows were still in the bottom my response was yes and then I immediately went to the cow Cam and this is what greeted me on the cow cam it is a significant amount of water I will say that the camera has a pan tilt Zoom I was able to look a little closer at the uh solar trailer more to come on that later we did uh do a little closer investigation but it clearly is not where it was the day before flashback to yesterday when I was setting up the camera sorry it was a little uh a little shaky there actually did cut that uh tree limb so you get a better view but you can see the the solar trailer looks pretty good the grass was good the cows were good that was yesterday before the significant ific amount of rain well my son and I made it uh to the property and this is what we found um a 23 acre Lake probably four or five maybe 6 ft deep at the deepest spot water was uh rushing over the road the road was closed through traffic and what I've been told is this is a significant amount of R it is Sunday April 28th uh what a difference in a day this is Grand man at mcmanis Meadows not sure how we're going to describe this video video but I am feeling like an amateur today I'll tell you that uh I had things set up for an Escape Route I had looked at the rain we'd heard uh from Neighbors and people that lived in the area uh for years that uh this field floods and um well I don't know if you can see but we have a 23 acre Lake the good news is the cows made it out uh the bad news is we've got to go try to figure out our trailer um and see if we can salvage any of our step- in posts so we'll see see what this means for today see how much content we create or don't create but told my kids there's two ways to learn you can make your own mistak mes or you can learn from others I hate it when I have to learn from my own mistakes anyway the journey will continue because we don't give up but uh as you can see uh we're looking at a pretty significant uh amount of water to wade through to go get those blue posts more to come looks like JBS making friends with the neighbors cows now it's time to figure out how to put them in there uh in an area where we can keep them so kind of get an idea of the uh goggles and ginger are here and then Milly found a spot um back back behind the tree over here so well we have the uh new temporary fence up we're at the north side of our property putting a against our neighbors I'll drop in a picture of JB and the neighbor cows um on this side of the fence there seems to be good grass we'll see how they do here probably give them a day or two here while the water um subsides and hopefully dries out but looks like there's more rain coming so stay tuned apart from losing post potentially um pretty uh I'm very thankful that the cows uh found their way to High Ground Learning all the time this is the lane down to the to the bottom and this is our new oh that's cool the redheaded woodpecker well you can see there's the um there's a couple big sycamore trees those trees are normally on either side of the creek I've started to time elapse the uh the cow cam on the bottom field just to see see how long it takes for this water to dissipate took less than 12 hours to to get here the question is how fast ises it uh how fast does it exit good lesson through those trees is the well now it's time to launch our rescue effort what are we rescuing oh Timeless posts um geared reels maybe not Timeless the Timeless look like they're holding up all the little white specks that are popping out of the water but we've got we may or may not still have the uh obrien step- in post that lined from the east side of the lane to the to the sorry from the uh we have one reel that's somewhere along this Edge sort of in the middle we have another two three reels that are closer to the South side and uh fortunately we have a little John Boat that will be uh launching here in a minute so stay tuned I hope I get content without any more uh mishaps 23 acre Lake Front um we're out you can see our O'Brien stepen posts are still there with the polywire which is good news the other good news is our terate reels are up out of the water on the edge of the [Applause] creek the bad news is this isn't as bad as it can get so uh we've got to make a decision on whether to try to salvage all of that before it rains again um fortunately we have a few hours of the uh with the rain not not coming down potentially even missing us today oh there's the mineral feeder there's the mineral feeder floating that's going to have to be salvaged and dried but I have lots of minerals just going to take a little work to clean that out can see an obrien post got a fan club over watching us and water is streaming across the road here this might be a a couple Day video um post I'm trying to I don't know people are checking it out mineral feeder looks like the Titanic um the line's still here I left uh yesterday I left the lane six so this is the uh east side of Lane six that we're seeing right now I'll be back something pushed the trailer over going to try to get close to the trailer and offload some of those post I'm pretty sure this is the biggest casualty we've lost uh two solar panels two solar panels uh there's a battery in there and a charging system and then all the posts so I'm try to get close and pull some of those po into the boat my helper is laughing at me because I just recorded a long video and it uh wasn't recording so we' got the cows up on a high spot we should have done that yesterday but uh two ways to learn and sometimes you learn by making mistakes so un fortunately things worked up and they're up on this uh the close to the highest spot on our property they're hanging out relaxing I'm sure it was a trying night um uh the path they took to get here is an interesting story too I may walk you through that over the next day or two but um they've got water that's a new trough um wasn't Trav the water would take to uh drain off the field so the four troughs that I've been using are down there and I had a few extra reels which is good so yeah we're almost there we are almost there and there's goggles hanging out in the woods this is Middle Creek uh a little bit later in the day so the water is not as high as it was and last well it's the end of the rainy day JB hope you guys all have a really good night and we'll see you again tomorrow thanks everybody for tuning in on this the uh we may have to come up with a name for this uh this event but two ways to learn sometimes I make the mistake thanks for tuning in that's the end for today thanks for watching we'll continue to share our journey at grandman Ranch
Channel: Granman ranch
Views: 158
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Flooded Bottom, Greg Judy, Cattle Ranch, Small Farm, South Poll Cattle, South Poll Cows, Starting a ranch, Farm, Bale Unroller, poly wire
Id: yl20qeV032I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 46sec (946 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 29 2024
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