Learning English Phrases To Use When Traveling At The Airport Or In The Plane

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We’re training English phrases today. Phrases you  might use at the airport or on a flight. I really   want you to focus on the smoothness of the phrases  linking word to word. You’re going to see and you   were going to see and hear a phrase and I’ve  written the shape of the melody like this: You’ll see a little curve up and down, that’s  a stressed syllable. And you’ll also see that   in general, the trend for a statement in American  English or a question that’s not a yes no question   is that the pitch, volume and vocal energy  go down across the statement. Focus on that   as you’re listening not the  black and white of the words. I’m looking for the Delta counter. When you hear it in slow motion, it helps you  focus even more on that linking and smoothness on   the melody on the red line. I want you to repeat  in slow motion feeling that too, that sloppiness. I’m looking for the Delta counter. I’ll also show you the phonetic symbols on screen   to help notice things like reductions or  when the T sounds is dropped in counter. I’m looking for the Delta counter. A training video like this isn’t really learning  about a concept. It’s about asking your body to   practice a new language, a new way of speaking.  Leave your ideas about English behind and respond   to the visual of what you see on screen,  that smooth red line. Get your body to relax   and have fun with this. And as always, if you  like this video or you learn something new,   please give it a thumbs up and subscribe with  notifications, I’d love you to study with me. We’re giving you lots to train with. Over 40  phrases and you may even learn new ways to   say things or to use a word. Let’s get started.  You’ll hear each phrase once at regular pace,   twice in slow motion and once at regular pace.  Each time after you hear it, there will be a pause   for you to repeat. Let your body relax and feel  that red line. All words are linked and connected. For the first time in the video, I’ll be  using this symbol which you’ll see in the   next sentence. That’s the symbol for an unreleased  stop consonant like t, d or p. In the next slide,   you’ll see it in the name JetBlue. There’s  no T release in that phrase. It’s just   Jet..Blue. That stop of air, the unreleased  T, very quick lift in the line, JetBlue,   JetBlue. So when you see this symbol, you know  you won’t hear t, d, or p. You won't hear the    release. The mouth goes into position, stops  the air and then moves on to the next sound. Are you feeling that smooth  connection between words?   Now is a great time to pause the video  and for just ten or fifteen seconds,   describe your day in English and try to keep the  same feeling. The red line flowing from word to   word, the linking. And if you’re ready now to  keep your studies going, check out this video. Be sure to subscribe with notifications and if you  want to train your American voice even more, check   out my online courses at Rachel’s English Academy.  We have an extremely supportive community there   of people just like you. That’s it and thanks  so much for using Rachel’s English.
Channel: Rachel's English
Views: 81,973
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Learning English Phrases, RachelsEnglish, english phrases, english conversation, english pronunciation, learn english, english speaking practice, how to speak english, spoken english, english language, native english teacher, english speaking course, phrasal verbs, common english phrases, fast english, english lesson, english grammar, english speaking, english for beginners, native speaker, englishclass101, english vocabulary, Daily english conversation
Id: B-gYfix0iAY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 38sec (1298 seconds)
Published: Tue May 04 2021
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