Learn with Monster Alphabet | ABC Monsters Academy | Learn ABC | Learn the English Alphabet

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baby ABC monsters a BB a BB monster in Brian and cherry berry to their seeking of monsters there are very and a perfect garden is the monsters home but they like to wondered in monsters for you and [Applause] hello everyone it's such a hot and sunny day in capital town this morning I wonder how the ABC monsters are keeping cool shall we take a look and see look there's a monster he's keeping chilled with some tasty ice cream Oh monster is drinking a cold refreshing glass of orange juice oh dear poor H monster looks very hot indeed there's King wordy and Queen scribble alright we're a little worried about the ABC monsters it's getting too hot and we don't want them to get overheated I think it would be a good idea if you round them up and get them into the shade come on cherry berry and with a wave of cherry Berry's jester stick all the ABC monsters line up in alphabetical order let's reel our babies and help Alice find the missing letter [Music] one of the ABC Monsters is missing can you guess which one oh I know that's right the missing letter is H oh no H Monster is missing where could he be we must find H monster quickly but where do we start let's look in the ABC book the clue says search for a large animal with hooks that needs help with his hiccups look the ABC book is telling us to go south that will take us near the stables okay everyone [Music] remember we're supposed to be looking for someone with hiccups hello anyone here have hiccups suddenly from behind came a strange sound who can be making that hiccupping sound can you guess which or sitive that's right it's the gray horse horse the horses of one with the hiccups oh dear add them all day can you tried everything it stopped him from hiccuping but nothing works can you help us if we cure Horace can you help us find our friend each monster come on Horace you just need to hold your breath a little longer 57 58 59 one minutes have the hiccups gone I'm not sure help Alice Brian and CherryBerry just couldn't think of anything that could cure Horace's hiccups then something remarkable happened can you hear why what I can't hear a thing the horses stopped me and Brian Horace's hiccups have stopped all thanks to Brian thank you three Horace is nice and quiet for once yes so to help you on your quest to find eights monster here is it clear look for an animal that is stuck so with a new clue to solve Alice Brian and cherry berry waved goodbye to the new friends and continued on their journey [Music] that's what along before they ran into someone else meeting their young Pete someone's in trouble sounds like it's coming from that field it's Heidi hippo and she's fallen in the mud I haven't fallen in the mud I came in here on purpose why would you want to get all dirty because it's a hot day and hippopotamuses like me prefer to keep cool in the mud only I got stuck and now I can't get out can you help me no problem we'd love to how can you see something that can be tied around Heidi the hippo a ball a tricycle a kind a long hose pipe that's right the hose pipe is perfect for tying around Heidi the hippo can you help Alice Brian and CherryBerry pull Heidi out of the mud let's all put our hands together like this one [Music] that's great come on everyone Oh as hard as you can fantastic one more big bull should do it are you ready one two three [Music] Thanks I thought I'd never get out of there it's very embarrassing for a hippo to be stuck in the mud stuck in the mud of course art clue way that is stop Heidi was stopped and she's a hippo hippo is the word we were looking for so why don't you three so far away from capitol castle we're looking for each monster he is gone missing Oh help you there I saw him Anya here's a clue that might be useful each monster is in a shop having something cut Thank You Heidi good luck finding aids monster [Music] we need to find which shop h-monster was visiting if we're gonna solve the final clue let's find out the last shop on the street is the hairdresser shall we take a look inside here he is h-monster is in the hairdresser's hello everyone what do you think of my new haircut you look very handsome but why did you get your hair cut it's such a hot day and nothing I did to cool down work so I thought I'd get my long woolly haircut I feel cooler already just then cherry berry remembered something very important the final clue in the ABC book h-monster is in the shop having something cut we solved all the puzzles met new friends [Music] so with the help of height of the hippos hosepipe h-monster found a way to keep the rest of the ABC monsters hello everyone welcome to another fun-packed ABC monsters brainy gang say a big brainy gang hello to our friends Alice Brian and CherryBerry together we'll be finding out about the letter H me H monster hello H monster let's start with a song that H monster loves singing this song of all opera letter H really going [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] away [Music] now let's see what some things we can learn today is cherry berry a big red letter H punch all together now say it with me a look at each monster he's making sure his favorite letter is spotlessly clean so can you write the letter H let's all write it with H monster have you got your paper and pencil ready okay then we're drawing H excellent let's do it again H that's it well done H now let's see failure how to write the letter H let's take a look at some new words that begin with the letter H can you tell us what this animal is he's big has four hooves and you can write on his back have you worked out what he is yet shout out your answer so that we can hear you that's right he's a horse course h o r SP all together let's see it one more time course H is e course that was great fun let's do another one shall we do you know what kind of animal this is she loves being covered in mud that's right she's a hippo now let's see what the word hippo looks like h-hi Oh brilliant let's do it again hippo H I pee pee Oh hippo you've correctly answered two of the questions let's see if you can get this one right as well ooh this is a difficult one but I'm sure you can work it out what is H monster covered in here's a clue it also grows on your head that's right hair now here's what the word hair looks like say it with me hair h-hi our hair let's say together one more time here H a I are here brilliant work everyone we've all learned three new words together can you think of any more words that begin the letter H now let's get active are you feeling fit and strong yes well let's do an ABC monster exercise welcome everybody stand up if you want to have some fun now clap your hands in the air like this excellent let's get active with the ABC monsters today we'll be doing the H monster exercise watch Alice everybody she'll show you what to do it's easy if Alice can do it so can you are you ready here we go use your body to make a big H that's it easy wasn't it ready to do it again H brilliant now you know what to do let's all do it together one two three oh and three two three Oh fantastic wasn't that easy ready to do it again okay then one two three two two three oh and three two three two three oh wow you've got the hang of this exercise let's have a short rest because you need to be ready for the ABC Monster quest here comes Heidi hippo hello Heidi what you doing here hello everyone I need a nice cool mud bath but I can't find any mud can you help me don't worry Heidi we'll help you find some bud can you help Heidi hippo find her pool of mud just fill in the box with the correct letter to help guide Heidi to her destination listen carefully can you tell me which is the correct letter to go into the first box is it you F or could it be oh that's right the correct letter is own horse h o r s e you're doing really well now let's take a look at puzzle number two can you tell me which letter we should put into the box is it s could it be P or is it white that's right the letter we should put into the box is now for the final puzzle are you ready [Applause] which letter do you think we should put into the box is it the letter A C or maybe it's T your rights again the letter we should put into the box is a H thank you everyone hooray congratulations you've helped Heidi hippo reach a mud bath let's finish today's show risk the music sing-along ot song for leaf-raking Alice cherry berry and our very special star heh [Music] don't forget to join the brainy gang for summer fun and adventures with the ABC monsters welcome to a very cold day in capital town let's see the ABC monsters have war I have a very important announcement the weather forecast says it's going to get even colder later today so I want to make sure that all the ABC monsters are wrapped up warm cherry berry is going to assemble all the ABC monsters so that Alice can check that they are all here and wrapped up warm I just love assembling the ABC monsters or with a wave of cherry Berry's jester stick all the ABC monsters line up free alphabetical ordering or it's annoying tiny babies [Music] Hey me [Music] one of the ABC Monsters is missing can you guess which one this is hard oh I know I wonder where he went we have to find him let's see if the ABC book can help good idea Brian the clue says Ivy Urban has lost her pet lizard Iggy he's a special type of lizard called this Brian and cherry berry had not been walking for long's with Alice's I know exactly where she lives Ivy lives over there great let's go knock on her door and see if she's in Alice knocked on the door but there was no answer maybe Ivy's not in today then suddenly Alice heard a voice hello Alice it's ivy the where is she Here I am [Music] what can I do for you all we've lost our friends I monster and we were hoping that you might be able down but I've got a clue for your quest but I'll need to help first what would you like us to do my pet iguana inky is somewhere in the garden iguanas are lizards they don't like the chilly weather so I need to get you back inside my warm house before he catches a cold don't worry I will find Iggy for you can you help Alice Brian and cherry berry find Ivy's pet iguana look carefully can you see him is he under the bush in the wheelbarrow next to the watering can or in the pond I wanna is in the wheelbarrow thank you so much you found my pet iguana iguana that's it the answer to the first type of lizard called this I'd better take my iguana into the house so he can warm up but first I'll give you another clue Ivan the inventor need some red liquid why you drawing machine I hope you find I monster soon edit but not thank you for all your help I and so Alice Brian and cherry berry waved goodbye to IG and protected Warner and continued on their journey hmm I wonder where Ivan the inventor is he's probably inventing something amazing suddenly there was a loud noise [Music] look everyone it's Ivan the inventor hello Ivan hello Ellis just in time I built my greatest ever invention it's called the purple whiz-bang wobbler what is the deal it draws pictures of the things you want to find really can't eat keeps you for us yes but we need some red ink to make it work there's a bottle of red ink over there did you find it for me can you help Alice Brian and CherryBerry look carefully that's right you found the red ink haha this is exactly what we need [Music] okay everyone think of something you want to find concentrate very hard [Music] seven then wobbler sprung tonight [Music] the whiz-bang wobbler drew a picture of the monster we're trying to find its eye monster the machine is working perfectly now that we've added the red ink some red liquid for his new drawing machine he needed red we're another step closer to finding eye monster if you're looking for a monster here's a clue that will lead you to him I monster has God to get a heater to melt the material that is made of frozen water I hope the clue helps you find I monster soon and his Brian and cherry berry waved aside to Ivan the inventor and headed off to search for my monster [Applause] [Music] Brian where are we going we're going to the one place in capital town that sells heaters Ian's electrical shop good idea Brian that must be where I Monster is exactly it's not far follow me [Music] we are here Wow this store sells all sorts of electrical products look at all the useful things in the window where's I monster what are you carrying under your arm it's a heater man it's so cold and icy today I thought I'd get it here from Ian's electric shop to melt the ice in alphabet garden dude wow that's a clever idea I'd rather be nice and warm man I don't like cold weather especially when everything's covered in ice ice that's the answer to the final clue my monster has gone to get a heater to melt the material that is made of frozen water frozen water is called ice is the answer to the final clue [Music] I use this user with such a good idea and all my leaders really hit the spot now that alphabet garden is lovely up [Music] hello everyone welcome to another edition of ABC monsters brainy gang say a big brainy gang hello to our friends Alice Brian and CherryBerry today we're going to find out about an incredible letter of the alphabet letter hi but first we'll need the help of a special member of the brainy gang can you guess who it might be that's right it's a monster hello I monster i monster enjoys singing so we're all going to sing along to his favorite song [Music] Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] have you worked it out with that's right it's the matter all together now say it with me look at I monster he's not feeling cold anymore with his new letter I let's see if you can write the letter I with I monster head you got your paper and pencil okay then we're drawing a big brilliant that's a great looking letter I let's try that again wonderful work another beautiful letter I I want them all very happy because he can now write his favorite letter I now we all know how to write the letter I take a look at the following words that begin with incredible I do you know what this animal is called here is a clue he comes from South America and is a period of lizard it's also green and covered in scales shout out the answer if you know that's right he's a dianna iguana I G hey wanna that's right let's say it one more time iguana I wanna okay here's puzzle number two for you to solve can you guess what this useful is called you put it in your pen so that you can write have you worked out what it's called that's right it's called ink now let's see what the word ink well done let's say that again okay you've answered the first two questions correctly get the next puzzle right and you will have completed the section are you ready for the next clue here it is [Applause] our final puzzle is a little tricky but I'm sure you'll be able to work it out do you know what this material is called here's a clue water turns into this material when it gets very very cold have you worked out the answer yet that's right it's ice here's what the word ice like saved with me that's right let's say together one more time [Music] [Applause] excellent you solved all three puzzles can you think of any more incredible words that begin with the letter i' everyone in the brainy gang needs to keep fit and active so get ready for another fun-packed ABC monster move hi kids are you ready to get fit let's see you standing up clap your hands in the air if you want to have some fun that's great it's time to get fit with the ABC monsters and today we'll be doing the iron monster exercise watch Alice closely as she shows you what to do it's easy if Alice can do it so can you are you ready here we go use your body to make up B ah that's it that wasn't so hard was it shall we try that again now you know the I monster move we can all do it together are you ready two three three oh that was fun let's see if you can do it again are you ready for me now let's have a short rest to get our breath back because next it's the ABC Monster quest look everybody it's Ivan the inventor hello Ivan what are you doing here hello everyone I'm looking for some red ink to get my whiz-bang wobbler drawing machine working don't worry Ivan we'll help you find your red ink can you help Ivan the inventor find his bottle of red ink just fill in the box with the correct letter and help guide him along the path look carefully at the following letters can you tell me which one fits correctly in the Box to make a word is it PE use or the letter V that's right the correct letter is you wanna [Music] you solved the first word correctly but can you work out this next puzzle take your time which letter do you think we should put into the box letter C D or oh well done you're right again the letter we need to put into the box is well done now for the final puzzle do you think you can complete it [Applause] which letter should we put into the box is it F L or could it be the letter cave excellent answer you picked the correct letter again the letter came three out of speed you cleverly guided Ivan the inventor to his red ink thank you everyone now my machine will be able to [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hello everyone and welcome to another beautiful day in capital town hmm the sciences that there's a jamboree he had capital castle let's take a look and see Wow look at P monster he's very talented these little plates I hope they win Queen scribbles favorite plates I wonder what King no D in EM one stirrer up to they're performing a trick [Music] hey look it's cherry berry and J monster juggling very good I think will you be juggling for the Jester Jamboree cherry berry I wanted to do an act that nobody had ever seen before but I can't think of anything so I don't think I'll be taking part this year but you've got to you always enter the Jester Jamboree it's tradition will try and help me think of an axe cherry berry thanks but I don't think there's enough time is there J monster uh-oh now where did she disappear to we better assemble the ABC monsters and check that they are all here and with a wave of cherry Berry's jester stick all the ABC monsters line up in alphabetical order let's bring a line to the ABC song and help Alice find the missing letter [Music] look carefully one of the ABC Monsters is missing can you guess which one it is hmm this is a hard one oh I know that's right the missing letter is J so it is a monster that has disappeared oh no what will we do now let's look in the ABC book and see if it can help the crew says this is the name of a wibbly-wobbly dessert hmm I like desserts look the ABC book is telling us to go with come on everyone let's go Alice Brian and CherryBerry have been walking for quite some time and Alice suddenly said my legs are tired mine too we've been walking for ages don't give up just yet I'm sure we're nearly there hey who's that over by the hedge it's Jenny shaker the jelly maker I wonder what she's doing hello Jenny hello Alice what are you three doing here we're looking for J monster have you seen her yes she was helping me pick some of these juicy raspberries but she's gone now oh are you making raspberry jelly that's right fine I'm making a giant raspberry jelly for the Jester Jamboree mmm sounds delicious unfortunately I've lost three jugs that contain my special jelly mixture can you help me find them yes we'd love to help I think they're in the kitchen don't worry Jenny we'll find them for you Oh Oh jelly I'm sure my jugs are hidden away in here somewhere can you help Alice Brian and cherry berry find Jenny's special jugs of jelly mixture can you see them yet well done you found all of Jenny's jugs shall we count them ready count with me one two Hey thank you for finding my jugs of jelly mixture now I'll be able to make my giant jelly for the gist is Jeffrey jelly that's it jelly is the answer to the ABC books clue this is the name of a wibbly-wobbly dessert jelly we solved the first puzzle excellent but can you work out what the second puzzle might be this is the name of the shiny green object that Jack jackdaw is looking for good luck solving a new clue I hope you find J monster soon and so Alice Brian and cherry berry waved goodbye to Jenny shaker the jelly maker and continued on their journey [Music] I'm sure Jack jackdaw lives here in the park somewhere can you see Jack jackdaw that's right he's sitting on Brian's head I wonder where he can be there he is Brian how are you looking for me yes we thought that you might know where we can find chez monster yes have you seen her I have I spoke to her earlier I'll give you a clue if you can help me with a puzzle we love puzzles great I need to find my shiny green jewel can you help me find it can you help Alice Brian and cherry berry find Jack jackdaw shiny green jewel the jewel is located somewhere within the park and it looks like this is it in section 1 section 2 or section 3 look very carefully can you see it that's right the jewel was in sectional one well done I'm so happy that you found my shiny green jewel jewel that's the answer to the second clue this is the name of the shiny green object that Jack jackdaw is looking for it must be a jewel because you were all so clever I will give you another clue to solve J monster is gone to the funniest place in capital town to get one of these I'm sure you'll have that little puzzle solved in no time so Alice Brian and cherry berry waved goodbye to Jack jackdaw and set up to track down J monster slow down Brian or struggling to keep up I think I know where to find J monster really where the funniest place in capital town of course and where's that the joke shop come on you two not much farther to go this is the funniest place in capital town doesn't look very funny to me not on the outside but inside is completely different I can't see J monster can you no I don't think she's here wait a minute can you guess who that is she is just very silly isn't she that's right quick as a flash Alice Brian and CherryBerry enter the shops either friend why are you wearing that silly outfit I thought cherry berry and I could dress up in silly outfits and do an act together for the Jester Jamboree that's a fantastic idea I've also picked up a great new joke from mr. Jones the joke shop owner you can tell it to the audience as we finished yet that's the answer to the final clue J monster has gone to the funniest place in capital town to get one of these she got a tow k-o-k don't is the answer to the final clue we solve all the puzzles met new friends and found J monster [Music] later that day Alison Brian watched a brilliant actor formed by cherry berry and Jay monster and because J monster found such a brilliant joke cherry berry said she should tell it knock knock who's there [Music] don't cry every joke [Applause] [Music] hello everyone welcome to ABC monsters brainy gang say hello to our friends Alice Brian and CherryBerry today we're going to find out about the letter chain but first we'll meet the help of a special member of the brainy gang J monster hello J monster J monster enjoys singing so we're all going to sing her favorite song are you ready [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] here's J monster with a big wobbly jelly and look here comes cherry berry can you work out what letter the jelly has turned into that's right it's the letter J Jane all together now say it with me J look at J monster she thinks the letter J will be as yummy as the jelly let's see if you can write the letter J with J monster have you got your paper and pencil okay then we're drawing a big J well done that's looking really good let's try and do another big J excellent a beautiful letter j j monsters very because she can now write her favorite letter j now we all know how to write the letter j take a look at the following words that begin with J do you know what this food is called here's a clue it's Wibbly and it's wobbly and you can eat it for dessert shout out the answer if you know that's right it's jelly geli jl l y Jenny that's right let's save one more time Jenny j l l y Jenny okay here's puzzle number two for you to solve can you guess what this object is called it is very shiny and very expensive have you worked it out yet that's right it's called a jewel now let's see what the word jewel looks like jewel j WL jewel well done let's say that again Joon Jae e WL jewel our final puzzle is a hard one but I'm sure you will be able to work it out do you know what the sheet of paper contains here's a clue there is something very funny written on the paper something so funny that if you read it to your friends you'll make them laugh have you worked out the answer yet that's right it's a joke and here's what the word joke looks like say it with me joke J o que é joke that's right let's say together once more joke J o que é joke can you think of any more outstanding words that begin with the letter J everyone in the brainy gang needs to keep fit and active so get ready for another fun-packed ABC monster me hello everyone do you want to have some fun stand on your feets if you want to have some fun ok then clap your hands in the air like this now it's time to get fit with the ABC monsters and today we'll be doing the J monster ring watch Alice closely as she shows you what to do it's easy if Alice can do it so can you are you ready here we go use your body to make a big J that's it that wasn't so hard was it shall we try that again a big J that's it now you know the J monster move we can all do it together are you ready 1 2 3 three four and three two three two three oh that was easy wasn't it let's see if you can do it again are you ready okay then one two three four two two three four and three two three two three Oh brilliant you should systole completed the Jain monster noon now let's have a short rest to get our breath back because next it's the ABC Monster quest look everybody it's Jack jackdaw hello Jack what are you doing here hello everyone I'm looking for my shiny green jewel but I don't know where it is don't worry jack we'll help you find it can you help Jack jackdaw find his shiny green jewel just fill in the box with the correct letter and help guide him along the path look carefully at the following letters can you tell me which one fits correctly in the Box to make a word is it a e or the letter P that's right the correct letter is e Johnny J l L Y Johnny you solved the first word correctly but can you work out this next puzzle which letter do you think we should put into the box is it the letter B K or s right again the letter we need to put into the box is K joke je o que é joke well done now for the final puzzle do you think you can complete it [Music] which letter should be put into the box is it L I or could it be the letter K excellent answer you successfully picked the correct letter again the letter L well done three out of three Jul de e w e L chewing brilliant you've cleverly guided Jack jackdaw to his shiny green jewel thank you everyone that's all we have time for today I hope you enjoyed finding out about the letter e of the day join everything let's sing along to the ABC song as we say goodbye to Alice Brian cherry berry and our very special star of the show J monster [Music] here are [Music] don't forget to join the brainy gang again for some more fun and adventures with the ABC monsters and now everyone it's very early in the morning here in capital town I wonder if anyone is awake in capital castle good morning it's King wordy and K monster oh dear oh dear oh dear and here's Princess Alice and cherry berry good morning everyone what's appearing k monster is helping me to make Queen scribble a special surprise breakfast but it's not going very well have you remembered the kiwi fruit mom just loves it with her breakfast that's the problem I think we've run out oh dear oh dear it's half past seven already and I haven't even checked to see if the rest of the ABC monsters are up this morning and K monster cherry berry and I will take care of the ABC monsters meanwhile in alphabet garden the ABC monsters will wake you now Wow all the ABC monsters seems to be up this morning and someone else is up early this morning too it's Brian Ellison cherry Berry's friend right just in time yeah we're about to check that all the ABC monsters are here and with a wave of cherry Berry's jester stick all the ABC monsters line up ABC song and help Alice find the missing letter [Music] one of the ABC Monsters is missing can you guess which one I J L n oh I know that's right the missing letter is k k Monster is missing K monster needed some kiwi fruit for the special surprise breakfast for Queen scribble it's up to us to find K monster let's see if the ABC book can help the clue says look for something you can fly while standing on the ground look the ABC book is telling us to go to Northwest towards the park so what are we waiting for let's go to Capitol Park remember we're looking for something you can fly while standing on the floor balloons are spelt with a B not a K [Music] that's not flying back swinging and is Brian and cherry berry had looked all over the park but hadn't seen anything that could solve the ABC books puzzles this really is a hot-glued assault maybe if we wait here for a while the clue might come to us look over there can you see something that you can fly while standing on the ground while standing on the ground hello Carrie we're looking for our friend Kay monster have you seen him hi Alice yes I've seen him he helped me fly my kite earlier then he had to go whoa suddenly Carrie lost control of her kite oh dear I hope you're kind of okay don't worry Alice I'll soon have it flying again would you and your friends like to help me find my kite yes please [Music] I'll never be able to get it down now but which one is your kite carry hmm I'm sure they all look alike here I have a picture if you can help me get my kite back I'll give you a clue to help you find K monster can you help find carry the Kangaroos kite is it kite ran to hike or kite man have you worked it out yet it's number two the red and white lights that's right oh thank you I'll have to be more careful when I fly my kite again here's the pool I promised you look for one of these a hungry young cat and hiding good luck I'm sure you'll find K monster very soon it's not long before Alice Brian and CherryBerry meet someone else that needs their help look it's Karen Kent her balls of wool are escaping from her shop one two three four five six seven eight thank you everyone please come in what happened oh I accidentally knocked over a pile of knitting wool balls was time to find my kittens it's time for their breakfast but they seem to be playing hide and seek and I can't see them anywhere oh dear we'll help you find your kittens if you can find them maybe I can help you with something in return there are three kittens hiding in the shop can you find them that's right there's a kitten on the Shelf well done you found the second kitten just one more to find can you see him [Music] congratulations you found the third and last kitten oh thank you very much now each kitten can have its breakfast [Music] I'm so grateful to you all is there anything I can do for you we're looking for our friend K monster he's gone missing have you seen him well I might be able to help you with another clue look for the market and you'll find K monster earning some of these hey I know where the market it's great let's mine came on set so Alice Brian and CherryBerry Tammy Duff to track down K monster in you CK monster yet that's right he's helping Kenny Kennedy run his knick knacks doll hello everyone what are you three doing here we've been looking for you oh I'm just helping my friend Kenny sell some knickknacks in his market stall yes Kay monsters been a great help this morning we've sold lots of stuff so as a reward you can have these Wow a whole box of kiwi fruit Thank You Kenny I know someone who'll be real glad to see these just then cherry berry remembered something very important the final clue of the ABC book look for the market and you'll find K monster earning some of these Kiwis the answer to the last clue perfectly we solved all the puzzles met new friends [Music] [Applause] now let's return K monster to alphabet garden so as the Morning Sun rose high into the sky it soon became here that K monster not only returned with enough kiwi fruit for Queen scribbles breakfast but had plenty left over from every ABC Monster as well all thanks to K monster mmm kiwi fruit yum-yum hello everyone welcome to another ABC monsters brainy gang and here they are Alice Brian and CherryBerry are you in the brainy gang yet well I hope you're all feeling brainy today because together we'll be finding out about the letter K and to help us meet our friend K monster and K is a wonderfully funny letter at the alphabet that can be used for all sorts of things but first let's get started with a special song all about the letter K are you ready [Music] [Music] [Applause] hello guys keep you prove it out delay so we can learn new words today media cuter than buying pies [Music] won't be much fun things we can learn today look here's cherry berry look everyone the picture has changed into a letter K hey all together now say it with me hi hi look at K monster he really likes the letter K doesn't he now can you write the letter K let's all write it with K monster have you got your paper and pencil ready here we go we're drawing this okay that's great can you do it again okay that's right K you're very good at this K monster was very happy because now he can write his favorite letter the letter came now that you can write the letter K let's look at some great new words that start with you guessed it K do you know what this might be it's a lot of fun to play with have you worked out what it's called that's right it's a kite kite kite all together say it one more time kite okay great very good let's do another one shall we do you know what this is let me give you a clue it's what you call a baby cat that's right it's a kitten now let's see what the word kitten looks like kitten excellent let's do it again kitten okay kid to me you've got the first two questions right let's see if you can get this one right as well this is a hard one what kind of fruit begins with a K can you work it out that's right it's a kiwi fruit now here's what the word TV looks like say it with me TV k i w i TV let's all say it together one more time kimi k i w i TV brilliant work everyone we've all learned three new words together can you think of any more fun words that begin with the letter K now let's get active are you feeling fit and strong yes well let's do an ABC monster exercise hi kids are you ready to get fit let's see you standing up clap your hands in the air if you want to have some fun that's great it's time to get fit with the ABC monsters and today we'll be doing the carry monster exercise watch Brian everybody he'll show you what to do it's very easy and it's fun you can do it are you ready here we go use your body to make a big case that's it easy wasn't it ready to do it again after 3 1 2 3 a big K great now you know what to do let's all do it together to the music one two three two three four and three two three two three Oh fantastic are you tired yet no okay then let's do it again one two three three oh and three two three two three oh wow you got a lot of energy or hey grim have a quick rest because you'll need to be ready for the ABC Monster quest hey Kerry the kangaroo what are you doing here hi everyone I need to go to the big playing field in the park to fly my kite but the pike is very big and I'm lost don't worry Kerry we'll help you find the field can you help carry the kangaroo find her way through the park it's easy just fill in the box with the correct letter and Kerry will find her way to the big playing field do you know which letter we should put into the box is it a could it be I or is it C [Music] yes the correct letter we should put into the box is a splendid work kite okay now let's take a look at puzzle number two can you work out which letter we should put into the box is it be could it be Oh or is it T that's right the letter we should put into the box is T kitten okay I see C n history now we have the final puzzle can you help carry the kangaroo by solving it which letter do you think we should put into the box is it s perhaps it's a or maybe it's W you're correct again the letter we should put into the box is W Kiwi okay I WI Kerry thank you everyone now we can fly my kite congratulations you've helped Kerry the kangaroo reach the big playing field hooray that's all we have time for today I hope you enjoyed finally knows about the answer pinky sign [Music] I hear [Music] don't forget to join the brainy gang again for some more fun and adventures with the ABC monsters hello everyone and welcome to another sunny morning in capital town I wonder what the ABC monsters are doing today let's take a closer there's no old friend Arman [Music] they're watching and monsters play with an old fishing net and monster thinks he's a superhero what does F monster need with a fishing rod [Music] River cherry berry I wonder if in boarding school is going to make an announcement let's listen it by Royal Decree it gives me great pleasure to announce that we will all be taking a trips to lyric Lake today cherry berry would you assemble the ABC monsters for Alice Oh with a wave of cherry Berry's jester stick 1 prayers lineup reordering [Music] [Applause] [Music] look carefully one of the ABC Monsters is missing can you guess which one it is [Music] this is the hard one oh I know that's right the ABC book the clue says Louise little has lost an animal that is white and woolly come on everyone let's go [Music] [Music] anywhere we're looking for him you know where he went you can find my way wow that's great don't worry we'll find your Lance can you help Alice Brian and cherry berry find the users man you see by the pond hiding in the hay all year the tractor [Music] well done you you are also helping me so I'm gonna help you with a clue needs to find a special object so that he can see in the Ryan ocean wave decide to these lands and contribute on their journeys [Music] so Alice Brian and CherryBerry went to say hello hello Larry hello everyone why are you sitting outside your house I'm thinking I want to go into my dark cellars and I need my lamp to ceej l monster suggested that I try and remember where I last saw my lamp our monster we're searching for him well if you help me find my lab I'll give you a clue that will lead you straight to L monster brilliant we're fine that lab for you Larry the lamp is somewhere in LarryBoy barese i last saw it somewhere in my garden can you see it is the lamp near the flowers on top of the bird dance in the greenhouse or next to the watering hole well done you found the limb it was on top of the birdbath wonderful I'll be able to see where I'm going when I visit my cellar with my bright lamp special in the dark because you were also very clever I am going to give you a clue that will lead you to L monster L monster is helping captain Lionel repair his boat so that it can sail on this I'm sure you'll solve my puzzle easy so Alice Brian and cherry berry waved goodbye and an annoyed and continued on their way [Music] so where do we go now the clue mentioned boats I know best place to find those the harbour no cherry berry I know where we should go the lake lots of boat use lyrically follow me so Alice Brian and CherryBerry hurried off to lyric Lake [Music] I [Music] we'd better look around the lake carefully we wouldn't want to miss head let's help Alice Brian and cherry berry find L monster those carefully and see if you can spot him you see yet is he near the road by the anchor or hiding behind the rowing boat [Music] it could be over by the Swan [Music] or with captain Lionel that's right l monster is with captain Lionel well done everywhere I think you missed X and I know I wanted to organize a big surprise captain Lionel kindly offered to take us all on a boat trip around the lake unfortunately my vote sprang a leak so L monster take him to repair the hole thanks to Al Unser in his hard work my boat's as good as new I'll now be able to take everyone on a special car [Music] final clue monsters helping captain Lionel repair his boat so that it can sail on this captain Lionel's boats nails on them later that day everybody from capital castle visited lyric Lake as planned only this time had a wonderful boat trip waiting for them l monsters had helped captain Lionel fix his boat captain Lionel little it's tearing it around lyrically our patrons with a wonderful break thanks to our boat ride unburied late [Music] hello everyone welcome to ABC monsters brainy gang say hello to our friends Alice Brian and CherryBerry today we're going to find out about the letter L but first we'll need the help of a special member of the brainy gang L monster hello L monster L monster enjoys singing so we're all going to sing a brand new song for him are you ready [Music] [Music] [Music] - exactly Bob and full and go for ride on fancy boat [Music] he's right [Music] in [Music] look it's L monster he's holding the brightest lamp in alphabet garden here comes cherry berry mark out what letter the lamp has turned into that's right it's the letter L all together now say it with me hey look at L monster he is proud of the brightest letter of the alphabet letter L let's see if you can write the letter L with L monster have you got your paper and pencil ready okay then we're drawing a big arrow well done that's looking really good let's try and do another very happy because he can now write his favorite letter L now we all know how to write the letter L take a look at the following words that begin with you guessed it L do you know what this object is called here's a clue it's a handy object to use in the dark because it's very bright think carefully and shout out the answer if you know that's right it's armed LEM l8n that's right let's see it one more time I'll [Music] okay here's puzzle number two for you to solve can you guess what this animal is called it's a special name that you give to a baby shape have you worked it out yet that's right it's a lamp now let's see what the word lamp looks well done let's see that again clem hell eh mmm you've correct the answer the first two questions just one more to get right do you think you can solve it a final puzzle is slightly harder but I'm sure you'll be able to work it out can you tell me what is in the picture it's a large area of water it's bigger than a pond any of fine coats on have you worked out the answer yet that's right it's a lake and here's what the word Lake arms like say it with me Lake [Music] that's right let's say together one more time [Music] Lake brilliant work everyone can you think of any more words that begin with the letter L everyone in the brainy gang needs to keep fit and active so get ready for another fun-packed ABC monster move hello everyone do you want to have some fun stand on your feet if you want to have some fun ok then clap your hands in the air like this that was fun wasn't it now it's time to get fit with the ABC monsters and today we'll be doing the L monster exercise watch out as closely as she shows you what to do it's easy if Alice can do it so can you are you ready here we go use your body to make up the big L that's it that wasn't so hard was it shall we try that again that's it now you know the L monster move we can all do it together are you ready one two three three oh that was fun let's see if you can do it again are you ready okay this one two three I completed the L monster move now let's have a short rest to get our breath back because next it's the ABC Monster quest look everybody it's cats and Lydell [Music] hello everyone I'm lost and I'm in need of a navigator to help guide me and my boat back to lyrically don't worry captain we'll help you get to the lake can you help Captain Lionel guide his boat to the lake just fill in the box with the correct letter and direct him along the clear path look carefully at the following letters can you tell me which one fits correctly in the Box to make a word is it I M or the letter D that's right the correct letter is M L M [Music] you solved the first word correctly but can you work out this next puzzle which letter do you think we should put into the box letter a Z or T write again the letter we need to put into the box is a [Music] now for the final puzzle do you think you can complete it which letter should be put into the box is it W V or could it be the letter K excellent answer you successfully picked the correct letter again the letter came well done three out of three [Music] brilliant never he never gave perception Lionel and his boat to the lake well done thank you everyone [Music] DC summers right cherry berry and our very special star of the show [Music] [Applause] [Music] and don't forget to join the fun and adventures with the ABC monsters [Music] [Music]
Channel: ABC Monsters
Views: 2,561,561
Rating: 3.6437674 out of 5
Keywords: abc monsters, learn abc, abc phonics, abc phonics song, kids alphabet, abc videos for kids, alphabet letters, for kids, learning, education, learn abc for kids, kids abc, learn the alphabet, shape of letters, preschool, childrens alphabet, learn to write, teach kids alphabet, teach kids abc, learn to draw alphabet, abc for kids, learning the alphabet, easy learning, kindergarten, draw abc, school, abc writing, learn letters, cartoon, learn, drawing alphabet, abc song, abcd, kids
Id: 7k4UOD4q1Qs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 106min 59sec (6419 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 10 2019
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