Learn What is Database | Types of Database | DBMS

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hey guys welcome in today's digital world data is more valuable than ever before data is the key to the smooth functioning of everything from a government to a local company the success of a company vastly depends on how well they utilize their data this is where database comes into picture you need a database to store data in this video let's learn what is database and the different types of database available today but before we talk about database it's important to understand data data data can be anything and everything any information or fact can be considered as data your name age date of birth or any other information such as your house address your bank balance the vehicle you drive or even the food that you eat can be considered as data details related to a school or a technology or statistics or even mathematics can be considered as data and can be stored into a database data can be in any form such as an image or a video or a file or even a plain text data in any of this format can be stored into a database for a school data can be detailed related to its teachers or its students or the subjects they teach all of these can be data as you can see data can be anything and everything and data can be in any form now that you know what data is it's time to understand where do we store them and the purpose of storing them what is database database can be considered as a container filled with data or information which is electronically stored in a computer system data in any form can be stored into the database the purpose of storing the data into the database is so it can be easily accessed modified protected and analyzed you may already be using database in your day-to-day activities because most of the websites or mobile applications today such as google instagram whatsapp facebook already used database to store data as an example let's say for your college demo project you plan to develop a simple college timesheet web application basically this application should allow you to login through a url and then have options to enter staff details timesheet details student attendance student marks etc since this is a college demo project you may just use your personal computer to develop this project the first thing your application will need is a database to store and retrieve the data hence you need to first install a database on your laptop which will connect to this timesheet application like any other software installed on your computer database software will also be allocated to a specific location in your computer hard drive through your web application whenever you try to save edit or retrieve information the application will actually connect to the database to store modify or extract the data in other words any information that is shown in your application is actually being retrieved from the database and any information you enter in the application will actually be stored into the database but since the database is installed on your computer the data is actually being stored into your computer memory this is a simple example of how an application uses a small database to store modify and retrieve data when it comes to bigger applications or bigger companies they need huge database to store huge data which may be installed on large servers this is true to any application that uses a database the images videos or posts or any other information that you see on facebook is actually stored in a database and whenever you search for a specific post or friend facebook actually searches for this data in its database so is database same as dbms lot of people referred to database as dbms but that's not entirely correct because database is just a container that stores data whereas dbms or database management system is a software which is used to manage your database you need dpms to interact with the database to store modify retrieve and protect data dbms is also required to create modify and delete database users like you and me can use dbms to enter commands in a specific language to interact with the database examples of dbms can be mysql postgresql mongodb neo4j cassandra etc evolution of database started in 1960s when the first type of database were made which was the flight file database here the data was stored in simple files such as csv file or fixed length file etc later on came the hierarchical database and then the network database both of this database stored data through parent-child relationship but both of these databases were incapable of storing complex data relationships hence were soon replaced by relational database fast forward to 2020 in today's world there are mainly two popular database types relational database and non-relational database as per the usage over 74 percent of the database used today are relational database but due to the immense rising data usage over the past decade mainly due to social media platforms non-relational database have become very popular however the biggest companies today who store data related to millions of users every day generally use combination of both relational and non-relational database hence both these database types are very popular and widely used oracle is the most widely used relational database whereas mongodb is the most widely used non-relational database let's briefly look at each of these database types relational database in a relational database data is stored through collection of tables these tables are related to one another each table consists of columns and rows each column has a name and a data type data type can be said as a data rule which is associated to every column only those data that satisfy this data rule can be inserted in the specific column a row can be treated as a record which is formed by single or multiple columns [Music] as an example if we consider an office database it will have information related to employees managers and departments these details are stored in different tables but these tables will be related to each other through certain columns here employee and manager table is related through the manager id column which is present in both these tables in a relational database foreign key constraint is used to form relation between different tables similarly manager and department tables are related through the department id column as you can see employee and the department table are not directly related to each other but still it is possible to fetch data from the employee table based on specific conditions from the department table this is how relational database works information is scattered across multiple tables which are related to one another hence using table relations it is possible to retrieve data from different tables in a relational database using dbms you can enter commands in specific language to store retrieve and modify data this specific language is sql or structured query language sql is a programming language which follows a standard format for querying data across different relational database most of the financial institutions such as bank or insurance companies use relational database examples of relational database are oracle mysql microsoft sql server postgresql etc non-relational database when it comes to a non-relational database there are several categories of database such as key value store document database graph database wide column database search engine database time series database etc each of these database store data differently and are useful for managing specific types of data let's briefly look at a few of them key value database also called as key value store it is the simplest of the non-relational database and as the name suggests every data stored in this database will be assigned to a key to store data you provide a key and a blob of data such as an image text file json object etc once saved to retrieve the data just provide the key [Music] key value database are very useful to store certain types of data such as configuration data state information or any data that might be represented by a dictionary or a hash in a programming language examples can be redis database memcache database etc document database also called as document store these are these also use unique key to identify data stored in database however unlike key value store document database store data in structured format called documents often using json vsan or xml format though each document within this database has structured data there is no specific format to be followed for all documents each document can have its own structure which the database understands so unlike key value store the data stored in document database can be queried and analyzed examples can be mongodb couchdb etc graph database graph database falls under the bracket of non-relational database and follows a different approach to forming relationships between data rather than using tables and foreign keys to form relation graph database forms relation by using nodes edges and properties data is represented through individual nodes and each node can have multiple properties between these nodes edges or relationships are established to represent different types of connections hence in a graph database data is stored as node and relationships are represented through edges if you are working with data where relationships or connections between data are most important then graph database is the right choice graph database is useful when searching for specific pattern like fraud detection through money laundering transactions etc example can be neo4j database white column database also known as column family database white column database store data using rows and columns but they do not use tables instead of tables they use structure called as column families column families contain rows of data where each row has its own structure or schema each row comprises of unique row identifier and sets of column names and values each row can have different number of columns with different types of data examples can be cassandra edge base etc you
Channel: techTFQ
Views: 204,126
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Database, DBMS, Relational Database, Non-Relational Database, Non Relational Database, Data, Key Value Database, Key-Value Store, Document Database, Document Store, Graph Database, Wide Column Database, Column Family Database, SQL, Database Application, RDBMS, Flat File Database, Hierarchical Database, Network Database, Learn Database, Learn DBMS, Oracle, MySQL, Microsoft SQL Server, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Database for Beginners, Database Tutorial, Database Basics
Id: j09EQ-xlh88
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 10sec (730 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 29 2020
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