Learn to Paint Out - Clean up with Parallax

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hello guys in this tutorial we're going to be stepping up the complexity of our paint outs by introducing Parallax into the mix we're going to start by tracking the element that's farthest away from the camera which in this case is the wall over here create your tracker we're going to be doing a four track setup we're going to be leveraging all the available Corners as they are the best place to actually Source a track from once we've got our track going we're going to take all the available boxes here and set the transform tab to match move we're gonna put the tracker aside and we're gonna create two frame holds one set to frame one the other one to 250. right below the last one you're gonna create a paint node and with the smear tool you're gonna start pushing down on this black thing about half its height and then using the painting technique you're gonna remove the reflections on the wall then create a rotor node and rotate the wall as so pre-malted then we're gonna move on to patch one create a paint though just below it and start pushing into the drawer just like before do the same for this black thing over here create a router node Roto this piece of the wall pre-malted you're gonna connect both patches through a merge node living frame hold one as the a input back on frame 1's Branch create a corner pin deactivate it go to from now move the adjustment dots to the corners of the patch back to the main tab copy from and reactivate the node create a transform with this last one selected you're going to slide the patch into position and then using the corner pin you're going to start adjusting your patch by pairs until it matches grab the tracker from over here you're gonna put it right below our merge node next we're going to create a merge node and we're going to connect our patch towards the main pipe then we're going to create a transform we're going to go to frame 100 and we're going to start adjusting our patch to line up I'm gonna return to the rotopane notes and I'm gonna set all the adjustments lives to all now I'm going to create a corner pin right above the transform I just made we're gonna do the same thing as before except that this time we're going to start animating the keyframes I'm gonna adjust the patch to match as best as I can then I'm gonna move on to frame one and I'm gonna to do the same thing you should be getting a result that looks more or less like this now create a new frame hold set to the frame 350 connected to the plate add a paint node clean up this part of the drawer using the painting technique that all the paint stroke lives to all create a roto node and Roto it just as such pre-molded add a transform paste a copy of the tracker we've been using merge it to the main pipe slide it into position at frame 100 now right before the transform node create a corner pin at the same setup that we've been doing before and we're going to animate this at a frame 100 and frame one now try to match this result that you're seeing on my display now we're going to repeat the process again with the frame hold on frame 73 this time we're focusing on the face of the drawer we're following the same steps of C4 the only difference now is we're not going to add a transform we're just gonna switch the reference frame inside of the tracker to frame 73. that is a place where we're going to create our key keyframes for the corner pin and then we'll go back to making new keyframes on frame 100 and frame one now we're going to complete the drawer with the bottom part with the frame hold on frame 57 the process is identical to the one we just created follow the same steps and this is the result that we're looking for for the drawer area moving on to the kitchen exhaust I'm going to create a frame hold set to frame 53 it's going to be the same process as before however this step revealed that I need to backtrack to the first batch to do some adjustments we need to clean up this area of the wall and extend our rotor just a bit so that the faucet does not sneak in between our patches you may have experienced this in the drawer area this is the way you fix it you adjust and or extend your paint with that being fixed now we're gonna deal a bit with this Parallax situation we're gonna have to create a new track hole that will accommodate the patches that are further ahead from the wall so create a new tracker we're gonna track this point of the stove this dot on the counter when it's done we're gonna take on all the options set the tracker to match move frame 53 create a frame hold create a rotor node we're going to capture the Vol and part of the counter pre-molded add the track we just made connected to the main pipe add the good old corner pin setup set your keyframes on frame 53 and adjust on frame 1 and 100. this is what it should look like now it's a good time to bring the results closer to home we're going to be masking our patch to be revealed only on the areas where the faucet is create a merge node on the main pipe create a DOT connect the mask input to the dot and the dot to the plate create a roto node we're going to draw a bloated shape for the faucet right below create an embred node right below the Roto node create a blur node I'm going to set it to 14.8 we're going to create a Tracker and we're going to track this point on the faucet set it to match move and we're going to put it beneath the stack switch the input node to the bottom if your patches are not aligning with the mask make sure you adjust things now we're going to start getting more precise for the stove area create a new frame hold set it to 106 create a rotor node and you're going to create a roto shape just like this another voter node connected to that same frame hold and you're going to roll out the front part of the stove on the first stack you're going to create a paint node right below the frame hold we're going to clean up the frontal part of the stove just slightly you're gonna go back to the other router node and you're going to pre-mold it then you're going to create a merge node to connect this two patches create another merge node to connect the overall set to the main pipe add a copy of the tracker we've been using add a transform on top of it on frame 100 you're gonna Slide the patch onto position after that you're going to corner pin each of the patches we're going to start with the one at the back we're gonna set our keyframes on frame 100 adjust then we'll adjust things on frame 31. we switch to the next batch we adjust on frame 100 and on frame one we're gonna look at our results through our masked key mix if it's working here nothing else matters now for the front of the counter add a frame hole that frame 148 at a roto set your shape as so pre-molded Corner printed add a transform add a copy of the tracker we've been using and merge it onto the main pipe at frame 100 you're gonna slide your patch into position adjust with the corner pin setting your keyframes and then you're going to adjust at frame one for the next area I'm anticipating that you might struggle a bit with the trackers if the track's not perfect that's okay you're just practicing right now you'll get better at tracking and fixing your tracks as you gain more experience set a new frame hold at frame 1 add a roto node and you're gonna rotate this area of the counter pre-molded then you're gonna create a new frame hold set to frame 99 create a roto you're gonna rotate this piece so that we can patch the faucet create a merge node connect both patches add a transform to the second stack and Slide the piece into position to patch the faucet now for the tricky part here goes the tracker I'm gonna use two tracks sourcing from dark spots on the counter we're doing the usual setup for a track let's go back to our patch area and we're gonna merge the set to the main pipe we're gonna paste the tracker we just created we're gonna corner pin the set at frame 100 and frame one it'll be impossible to adjust this perfectly try to work mostly in pairs on the top two and bottom points and then stretch the texture apart we can add an edge extend node create a DOT connect it to the Roto node on stack one and also to the matte input of the edge extend at a clamp node and we're going to use this configuration to get only the core we're going to create a new DOT we're going to connect it to the mask and also to that same Roto node and we're gonna put a defocus node on this pipe and we're going to leave it at one check the result along with the settings for the edge extent we're going to create a frame hold for frame 272 we're going to connect it to the plate I'm going to create a rotor node and we're going to set up this shape I'm going to split the connection with the dot we're going to create another frame hold and we're going to connect it to the same dot I'm setting this one to frame 2 and right below it I'm going to create a paint node and with the smear tool I'm going to start pushing down here into the sync set all the lives to All I'm going to create a roto note and then we're going to set up this shape over here pre-molded I'm going to corner pin it add a transform and then I'm going to connect this two patches through merge I'm going to slide frame two into position and then adjust it with the corner pin it's not going to be a perfect match but we just need to be good up till the corners remember it only has to work when being things through the key mix once that's done we're gonna pre-mold the set corner pin it add a transform right below the pre-mold we're gonna add a marriage node we're going to create our new frame hold set to frame 93 create a roto node we're going to make this shape pre-molded we're going to connect this patch to the merge add a transform we're going to slide it towards this area we're going to connect the big set to the main pipe we're going to paste the track that we've been using for this area we're going to put a transform align it into position then we're going to corner pin it and adjust your keyframes at a frame 100 and frame one and now that's it for this big patch we can preview the result which we're going to be moving on to the final one it's very simple but with the tricky track create a new frame hold set to frame 52 add a paint node and we're gonna start cleaning up the faucet on this area of the counter I'm sourcing from the side to keep the dimensions consistent I'm using the painting technique to get a good Edge removing the Shadow and I'm preserving as much as the original as I can set the lives to all I had a rotor node and we're going to create this shape we're going to merge it onto the main pipe now for the tricky part I'm going to use a four track setup and I'm just picking points to draw a square around the faucet I'm going to take on all of the options set to match move back to the patch paste the tracker I'm going to corner pin the patch I'm going to set my keyframes on frame 52 then I'm just going to carefully adjust on frame 100 and once that's done I'm gonna adjust on frame one since this patch is so close to the screen you got to make sure you got a solid track or else it'll be very noticeable get a good look at your results make sure that everything's aligned and to finalize things I'm just going to make a couple of adjustments on the key mix mask I'm gonna add a merge node between the blur and the tracker I'm gonna set the operation to screen I'm going to create a rotor node and I'm going to connect it to the merge I'm going to create this shape I'm going to add a bit of blur to it I'm gonna paste the tracker I used for the wall I'm gonna adjust the shape I'm gonna create another merge node just below set the upper duration to stencil make a roto node and we're going to create this shape I'm gonna add that same tracker again another blur afterwards which will bring back this piece that had been unaccounted for and that's pretty much it for this tutorial certainly things can still be improved with further polishing but I think we accomplished the goal with what has been displayed I'd be very interested in seeing if you guys can put this one together so try it as a challenge post a link on the comments and I'll definitely give you some feedback if you have any questions or concerns leave me a comment below and I'll make sure to answer also please do me a favor and like the video just to make sure that like the content that I'm doing is actually helpful for you also please subscribe if you want to stay up to date with all of the lessons that I'm sharing with you in this channel
Channel: Learn VFX Compositing
Views: 4,367
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: learn nuke, nuke tutorial, learn rotopaint, rotopaint, nuke bgprep, nuke for beginners, rotopaint tutorial, vfx compositing, nuke compositing, nuke parallax
Id: WIB546RK3sU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 2sec (722 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 31 2022
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