Learn to HACK Quickly and Easily | Hack The Box Academy

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have you ever wanted to learn to hack well in this video we're going to be looking at one of the easiest and the quickest ways that you can get hands-on ethical hacking training best of all you can get started for absolutely free hacking penetration testing whatever name you want to give it is the art of getting a computer to do something that it wasn't necessarily designed to do it's a topic that a lot of people get interested in and that's myself included when i first started dabbling in the world of computer hacking i used something called backtrack which was a hacking operating system long before kali linux was around the problem i had was i had absolutely no idea what i was doing and i had to rely on the usually outdated tutorials found on questionable looking websites i quickly gave up the dream of becoming a computer hacker because i just kept getting stuck and i couldn't find the help that i needed fast forward to today and the world is a much different place the art of ethical hacking has become more popular and access to professional quality training has become much more accessible and affordable one of the best places to learn ethical hacking and the sponsor of this video is a company called hack the box if you've been in the security industry for any amount of time you probably have heard of hack the box they provide a place where you can get started trying to hack into computer systems in a safe and importantly a legal way it's really simple to use and everything is gamified which keeps everything fun interesting and most of all keeps you motivated you can sign up for free and start trying to hack your way into system computers straight away unless you know what you're doing though you'll probably end up like me all of those years ago getting stuck and eventually giving up for exactly that reason hack the box built their own training academy here you can get real hands-on training that will take you from almost zero to hacking into machines in no time at all it's completely browser-based and you can get started for absolutely free this is what we're going to be focusing on today so let's dive into hack to box academy and i'll show you how it all works before we do anything we need to create an account use the link below in the description or browse to surprise dot com forward slash htb academy once signed up you'll be greeted with this dashboard the first thing you'll notice is across the top we have these three categories the training is split into offensive defensive and general training topics and these give us a quick way to tell us how much training we've completed and how much training is left below this we have the to-do list now this will show you all of our saved training so we can easily pick up where we left off on the right we can see our completed training modules paths and we can also see our subscription plan okay so on the left is where the real action happens here we have exams modules and paths we'll talk more about paths and exams in just a moment but first i want to show you the modules so if i select the modules then select all modules here we can see all of the incredible training that is available to us training such as password attacks wordpress hacking network enumeration and the list goes on if i scroll back up we'll see some filters across the top so on the left is where we can filter by skill level ranging from fundamentals all the way to much more difficult modules which means they have something for everyone on the right hand side we can see our categories so offensive defensive and general and in the middle we see something called tears as i'm sure you can probably guess not all of these training modules are free they're all priced in tiers if i click tier 0 this will show you all of the free training that is available at the time of making this video there are 18 free modules ranging from introductions linux and windows fundamentals and even things like stack based buffer overflows and sql injection hack the box academy uses cubes as a type of currency when you sign up you are given 33 cubes and you can see that under your name in the top left now to unlock these modules you can see it costs us 10 cubes remember though these are free modules so once we complete them the cubes are rewarded back to us if you want to take it to the next level you have the option to purchase cubes and unlock the higher tier modules i'll talk more about pricing options in just a moment but first let me show you one of these modules so once you sign up the very first module that you'll want to go through is the intro to academy module just here so i'll click start and we're in to the module here we can see the content on the left a table of contents on the right and underneath that the virtual workstation now i don't want to spend too much time covering this module because i strongly encourage you to do this for yourself but i will cover the core concepts so this first section is telling you all about how the academy is structured and it works like this at the top of the hierarchy we have paths there are two types of paths the first one is a skill path a skill path aims to train you on a specific skill such as local privilege escalation and active directory enumeration the second type is a job path now a job path aims to provide you with all of the relevant training for a specific job such as junior pentester or bugbounty hunter each path is made up of specific modules for the path that you have chosen it's worth noting that all modules can be accessed individually the paths just give you some direction finally within each module you'll have module sections so if we go back to my computer we're actually in a module section right now once you've been through the section you need to complete it at the bottom so we scroll down and hit mark complete and next this next bit talks more about the section layout and again we'll complete this down at the bottom now some sections will require you to answer a question in order to complete it this acts as a knowledge check and it will reward you with cubes when you answer correctly so this question simply asks what is the name of the first section of this module we can see this in the table of contents on the right the first section is called introduction so we simply click into here and type introduction and then hit submit we can see green message meaning is right and we can click mark complete and next now this next section is where you start to see the fun stuff here we're looking at the in-browser virtual machines so it's asking us to start the instance then locate a bash terminal and then use the command you name dash a and if we scroll down we can start the instance by hitting the start instance button and if we keep scrolling we'll see it asks us a question the question is based on the commands you executed what is likely to be the operating system flavor for this instance so our instance has started and we need to find the operating system flavor now one thing i didn't mention is we do have a hint button down here at the bottom if i click that it's going to give us a hint to the answer of the question so this time it says it is the name of a bird so let's go back to our instance and it is a little bit small here so what we can do is click full screen and it's going to open up into a new tab now remember we need to open up bash which is this icon at the top here and the command they want us to run is you name dash a and press enter remember we're looking for the name of a bird and it doesn't take us long before we can see parrot is written here so that's probably our answer so if i go back to our tab scroll back down to our question and type parrot hit submit and yes that was the correct answer now by the way if you're not familiar with linux don't worry because hack the box academy has an intro to linux module of course not all questions will be this simple now let's click mark complete and next so now we know how to start our attacker machine but now we need targets to hack right but this next section covers all about targets hike the box has two different targets docker and virtual machines this section will talk you through the different types now if we scroll down towards the bottom the question says what is the proof text displayed in the target website you browsed so before we do anything we need to spin up our target and to do that we click the spawn target button very quickly we have an ip address and we can simply click on it to copy it open up a new tab paste that in enter and we can see the proof text just here so we'll copy that copy pop that over to our answers paste hit the submit button and again success confirmation and mark and complete this section is very important it talks all about the modules and the cube currency system the tier zero modules are completely free the only catch is you need to complete the modules to be rewarded back the 10 cubes it cost to unlock them which is a great little incentive to make sure that you're following through with the training from tier 1 and above you will need to purchase cubes to unlock these modules tier 1 modules costs 50 cubes tier 2 cost 100 tier 3 costs 500 and tf5 costs 1 000. again as an incentive you will receive back 20 of the cubes on completion of the module let's scroll down and complete this section and this section will tell you a bit more about the paths again i'm just going to complete this and then we have the conclusion marking the end of the module once we scroll down and hit the finish button we're given a nice little congratulations and the options to share this on social media which i definitely recommend that you do for now though let's just close this so now we've finished a module let me show you how we can purchase extra cubes if we want to take our training to that next level at the top right we can click the purchase cube button so hack the box has three ways that you can purchase cubes there is a yearly plan monthly plans or you can purchase cubes as you go the yearly plan is going to give you access to all of the modules up to and including tier 2. it's also going to give you direct access to the bug bounty hunter job path lastly you're going to get an exam voucher to take the certified bug bounty hunter exam so if you're looking to become a bug bounty hunter or a web application penetration tester this is probably the plan for you next we have the monthly plans now if you're a student it's an absolute no-brainer in my opinion for six pounds which is about eight dollars a month you get access to all of the modules up to and including tier 2. if you're not a student you can use the monthly plans to keep giving you cubes silver will give you 200 cubes each month gold will give you 500 each month and platinum will give you a thousand cubes each month now if you'd rather purchase cubes as a one-off payment then you can scroll down to the bottom and this is where you can buy cubes as you go as you can see you can also purchase exam vouchers so hack to box has now started offering their own certifications and this is the last thing that i wanted to talk to you about so if we scroll back up to the top and click exams on the left here we can see the available certification exams from hack the box hack the box are now much more than a training provider they're now providing hands-on industry certifications to prove everything that you've learned on the platform a really nice touch from hack to box is that every exam voucher will actually give you two exam attempts this way if you fail the first exam you can retake it at no extra charge at the moment there is only one available certification which is the certified bug bounty hunter i am told though that they will be adding new certifications in the very near future by the way if you're not sure what a bug bounty hunter is it's where you go out looking for bugs or security flaws in a website and then report these to the owner of that site if the bug is serious enough you may be issued a payment or a bounty these vary in size but at the high end they can be upwards of tens of thousands it's worth noting of course that this should be only done under the strict instructions of the site owner otherwise you may find yourself in some legal trouble so if you're interested in becoming a bug bounty hunter or a web application penetration tester this could well be the exam for you so that's hack the box academy a really fun and effective way to start ethical hacking i'll be covering a lot more content from hack the box so make sure that you sign up so you can follow along if you like this video don't forget to give it a thumbs up leave a comment and subscribe the support from you guys really helps this channel grow other than that thank you for watching [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: CertBros
Views: 98,295
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hack the box, hacking, ethical hacking, cyber security, learn to hack, computer hacking, kali linux, hack the box academy, hacking course, penetration testing, how to hack
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 41sec (941 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 14 2022
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