Learn the EXPOSURE TRIANGLE in 10 minutes!

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[Music] what's up guys how you doing welcome to another video so today we're talking all about the nitty-gritty we're getting in to the exposure triangle and we're going to talk about how it works how the three different variables of shutter speed iso and aperture work together for you to get your exposure just right also at the end of the video we're going to be giving something away which i think is going to help you guys with this an awful lot so make sure you stick around to the end for that one now previously i made a video about how to learn manual photography in five minutes if you haven't seen that one i'm going to link it right here at the top so actually you probably would be best to pause this one go watch that one then come back and watch this one because it might make a little bit more sense in that order especially if you're a beginner to some of this stuff now when you're getting into photography and you're learning what it's all about you'll hear phrases like the exposure triangle you'll hear people tell you you absolutely have to shoot in manual mode everything you shoot you'll get people who will talk about a stop of light what is a stop of light people will talk about those kind of things and by the end of this video you're going to understand what all of that means and you won't need to worry because it is really not that complicated people like to make out that it is people will try and tell you it's complicated and they will deliberately use all the lingo they'll start talking stops and exposure triangles just to throw you off don't know why people do that seems kind of mean but you know what don't worry you're gonna understand it in just a couple of minutes so as per my previous video about manual photography the three main things that we need to concern ourselves with a shutter speed aperture and iso level and if we get the right balance between those three we get our exposure set just right now at this stage we're assuming that you have already watched my video about manual photography so you understand how to do that and for the sake of this we're going to pretend that you're out there shooting at one thousandth of a second you've set your iso to 3200 and your aperture is at f4 now those three things work together and that's where the term exposure triangle comes from if you imagine that those three things are in a triangle with each variable along each of those three sides and you need to adjust each of the three of them so that you meet that sweet spot right in the middle now as you move up and down each scale for example shutter speed if you make it slower you're making your image brighter if you make it faster you're making your image darker then you need to adjust one of the other two to get that to balance out now this is where the term a stop of light comes from okay in very simple terms a stop of light or a stop means to either double or halve the amount of light that you are letting into your sensor so in our example here we said we were shooting at 1 000 of a second so if we adjusted our shutter speed to 1 500 of a second we've then reduced our shutter speed so we've let more light in and actually we've halved our shutter speed so we're letting in double the amount of light and that in turn means that we've increased our exposure by one stop the same works for iso in this example we said we were shooting at iso 3200 so you know what we could change that to one thousand six hundred we've halved it and that means that we've reduced our exposure our image is now darker and in fact because we halved it we reduced our image and we reduced our exposure by one stop and it's as simple as that doubling or halving the amount of light that comes into our sensor on our camera is reducing our exposure or increasing our exposure by one stop now these three variables are interchangeable now i know i haven't talked about aperture just yet that's because that one works slightly differently bear with me but all three of them are interchangeable so for example if we were using those settings again that we started with at the beginning one thousandth of a second f 2.8 iso is 3200 and we feel with those settings we've got the right exposure now let's say for whatever reason we wanted to slow down our shutter speed we could change that shutter speed to 1 500 as we know that's going to increase our exposure by one stop so what you could then do is you could adjust your iso level you could reduce the iso level from the 3200 to the 1600 therefore decreasing your exposure by one stop and at that point you'll be back to the exact same exposure you had in the first example because you've increased your light by one stop and then you've decreased it by one stop therefore you are back in the same place right back in the sweet spot of that exposure triangle now up until this point has been fairly straightforward the one slight exception is when we get to aperture because those numbers don't work in quite the same way you don't double them so for example a stop of light doesn't just go from f2 to f4 to f8 there's some slight differences in between there don't worry it's still fairly straightforward in the example of aperture you're increasing it by a multiple of 1.4 instead of doubling it now the reason for that is because lenses as you might well be aware are round and so you're talking about how much light is coming into something which is round and so you need to be thinking about diameters and radiuses and all those kind of terms that you remember from school but you know what don't worry we're going to multiply it by 1.4 so let's say in our example here we started with an aperture of f 2.8 if we wanted to decrease the amount of light coming to our lens by one stop that would jump to f4 the reason being because 2.8 times 1.4 well actually that works out to be 3.92 but don't worry we jump to f4 if we wanted to jump another or decrease another stop of light f4 times 1.4 is 5.6 so it jumps to f 5.6 and so on and so on and so on and again this works exactly the same way so for example if we decided we wanted to get a slightly wider depth of field and therefore we reduced our aperture from f 2.8 let's say we're going to go all the way to f 5.6 well we know from what we just talked about that that means we've decreased the amount of light coming into our lens by two stops we've gone from f 2.8 to f4 was one stop f4 to f5.6 is another stop two stops so what do we need to do we need to adjust one of the other variables in our exposure triangle so for the sake of this let's say our shutter speed that was one thousandth of a second we could go one stop to one five hundredth of a second and then we know we need to halve it again so we're going to go to one two fiftieth of a second therefore by going from one thousandth of a second to one two fiftieth of a second we've increased the light coming into our lens by two stops down two stops in aperture up two stops in shutter speed that's right we're back at the perfect exposure we're back where we started and it really is as simple as that so now i know what people are thinking so what do i have to do do i have to stand out there and remember 2.8 times 1.4 or 5.6 no you know what you don't need to worry about any of that at all and that's why i've come up with something which i think is gonna help loads i have designed this right here this is what you call an exposure cheat card now i think this is gonna be really really useful for a load of you guys in very simple terms along the top we have got all the different stops of aperture so we're going to f 2.8 f4 f 5.6 f 8 and so on below that we've also then got a little bit of an explanation and a reminder that as you adjust your aperture you're also playing with your depth of field from there we go to shutter speed and again we've got the different stops of shutter speed so starting with 1 000th of a second down to 1 500th 250th and so on and so on and again just below that we have a reminder of course that our faster shutter speed will freeze action a slower shutter speed will allow more movement in your images and last but not least we got iso and the different stops of iso from 6400 3200 1600 and so on but again a reminder there that you do get some grainies at those higher iso numbers now the genius of this cheat card is that on the back we've got the exposure triangle explained exactly as i explained it in this video and in fact using the same diagrams that we used in this video a neat little two-sided card it is about the size of the palm of your hand so it can slot nicely into your camera bag it even comes in a handy little plastic sleeve like this waterproof you don't worry about it getting damp anything like that nice old lanyard stick that bad boy round your neck head out there do your photography and you can refer to this any time you need to if your shutter speed was at one thousandth of a second and you reduced it to one five hundredth where you can check on here yep that was one stop so now i need to adjust my aperture what do i do i go from f 2.8 to f 4 and i am good to go now the good news is that i am going to give away three of these absolutely free to you guys in order to get hold of one of these all you have to do is make sure number one that you are subscribed to this channel number two you got to make sure you hit the like button number three got to make sure you comment below let me know that you would like to get hold of one of these absolutely free and last but not least i'm going to ask you guys to head over to instagram to my rob sample sport and you need to go to this picture right here and you need to tag someone in the comments it's as simple as that that's all you have to do in just a few days time fairly short turnaround on this probably in about three four days from now i will pick the winners i will contact you make sure you're following that rob sample sport instagram account because i will message you through that account and we will pick three winners however everybody else don't worry if you don't have instagram you miss out on one of the free ones you can get hold of these on my website i've tried to price these really well only 5.99 you can find it at my website it's www.robsamplesphotography.com you go to the store you'll see these right there i've also put the direct link to these in the description below so i hope you guys found that useful hopefully by now you understand what a stop of light is you understand how those three variables work together and hopefully now you are even more knowledgeable in photography than you already were at the start of this video if you guys like that if you found it enjoyable do me a favor hit that like button because it takes you two seconds and it helps me out loads on my channel make sure you hit that subscribe button if you haven't already in the meantime guys thank you very much for watching and i will see you in the next video [Music] is
Channel: Rob Sambles
Views: 2,092
Rating: 4.7647057 out of 5
Keywords: sports photography, photography, sports photographer, photography vlog, camera reviews, camera tutorial, photography tutorial, camera gear, camera equipment, sports photography gear, sports photography equipment, camera, exposure triangle, learn the exposure triangle, understand the exposure triangle, how does the exposure triangle work?, what is a stop of light?, how much is a stop of light?, what does a stop of exposure mean?, what is stopping down in photography?
Id: 1WHb_f7rVds
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 59sec (659 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 09 2021
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