Learn Tableau step by step for Beginners

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hello everyone and welcome to learn tableau step-by-step series lab 1 my name is su hid and in this approximately 1 hour of a video I have a clear nine-point agenda of what we will be learning or what we will be covering in this video I have this 9 points written down here now to understand in simple words tableau is nothing but it is a reporting tool in simple words reporting means display of data in an analyzed form or we can say display of the analysed data through a bar chart or a pie chart or any other visualization techniques so tableau is a reporting tool now write tableau and not any other reporting tools the reason is very simple tableau has many more visualization techniques due to a variety of visualization techniques tableau is much more preferred than any other reporting tools now from where we will be getting this tableau tool simple we will be just writing this tableau public Edition you are right here in Google and the respective links will appear here as you can see now this links might change in future because right now I am recording this video on this state in 2017 so in future if this links change you don't have to worry about that just find the right one and download the public Edition from there right now I have opened this link the first ruling here and it has redirected me to the tableau homepage from where I can download this public Edition I have to just simply put an email id here and I can download the tableau tool from here now this tableau has many editions as we can see here the public Edition the personal Edition and the professional Edition now for our learning purpose we will using this public edition and we can see this public edition can connect to many data sources like Google sheets and Microsoft Excel and the CSV files and the text files and other data sources so after downloading and installing the tableau public Edition this is how the public edition of tableau looks like after opening it on the left hand side we can see different file connections which can connect to tableau and the server connections which can connect to tableau we can extend here and see which all servers can connect to tableau now free will be only concentrating on these file connections so tableau produces interactive visualization data which is focused mainly on business intelligence now those who are from bi field or business intelligence they might be knowing the BI concepts like data integration data reporting data analysis so it might be easier for them to understand this tableau tool but those who are not aware of the business intelligence technology for them I will be explaining all the business intelligence related concepts while we are learning this W tool now as we discussed that tableau is a reporting tool so what exactly do we mean by reporting now for example I'm having this excel sheet here which is containing the sales data of a company and now I want to generate a report which says that net sales what are the net sales month wise or what are the net sales year wise or what are the net sales region wise or what are the net sales city wise so now to generate this kind of report I will first analyze the data and then I will put this analyzed or calculated data in a proper visualized form to generate a report so reporting means to collect the calculated data and displayed in a visualized form now this visualized form can be anything it can be a bar chart or it can be a pie chart or it can be any kind of other charts so this is reporting now tableau does exactly this kind of thing tableau will take the respective data from the data source for example here it will take the next sales and it will calculate the next sales according to the month or net sales according to the city and accordingly it will calculate the data and display it in whatever visualized form we need for example we need next sales calculated according to the year so what tableau will do it will it will take the sales data net sales data and it will take the year data and it will do the calculation and accordingly it will give us the report now suppose we want a bar chart so what a blow will do it will keep the sales data on the y-axis and it will keep the year data that is 2015-2016 2014 on the x-axis and accordingly there will be a bar chart generated so by looking at the bar chart we will be able to know that what were the sales and how much was the sales in the year 2015 in or in the year 2014 so tableau does this kind of reporting so for reporting purpose and for analysis purpose tableau uses data which is focusing purely on business intelligence now what do we mean by business intelligence in simple words it is a conversion of data into a valuable information now whatever the industries or whatever domain anywhere we go data is generated and that data is a raw data now to get something useful from that raw data we will be using business intelligence technologies and this our data will be converted into a useful information so that we can take and inform the business decision and that's where tools like tableau are used so business intelligence mainly contains three important components that is integration analysis and reporting now integration of data means simply converting the raw data to a useful data now our raw data will be containing repeated records or negative records or Reddington records so simply removing those records and making our data useful for analysis and then in analysis of data we simply apply formula or do some calculations and then do the forecasting for that data now the result which we get from the analysis of data we then display that result why our reporting so reporting means showing or displaying the analysed data in a visualized form whatever visualized form we want bar chart or pie chart or whatever so basically as I can say business intelligence stands on these three components integration analysis and reporting now for analysis and forecasting we will be needing some valuable data or I can say intelligent data and we'll be doing this analysis and reporting and forecasting using a tableau tool but before moving forward with learning tableau there are two important concepts which we need to understand those concepts are fact and dimensions or measures and dimensions so what do we mean by this path and dimensions now any analysis of forecasting is usually done on numbers or I can say it is done on a numerical data for example in a company the sales data or the sales of that company or the profit of the company is a numerical data the sales and profit are the numerical data so fact or measure is nothing but numbers or numerical data now this fact or these measures alone they do not make any meaning unless and until they are related to something for example sales as per region sales as per product sales as per year so this your region state product these are all nothing but attributes which define the fact which define the numerical value or which explain the numerical value and these attributes are known as dimensions so dimensions are nothing but attributes which define or explain the fact or measure or the attributes explaining or defining the numerical value so fact is nothing but numerical value and dimension is nothing but attributes defining those numerical values so after discussing all the basic concepts for learning tableau we will now move forward and the first thing we will learn is that how to connect a database or data source to the tableau public tool now there are variety of options which the tableau public tool has given us we can connect any kind of files to the tableau public tool we can also connect the data source from any other any of the servers that is Google sheets and OData and all and we can also connect our data source from tableau public cloud now this is kind of a personal cloud server which tableau has and to access the data source or datasets from this cloud we simply have to create an account and we will be able to access all the sample data sets or data source from the tableau public but for now we will be only concentrating on the files which are locally present in our machine that is these excel files and text files and all and the data source containing these files and we will connect these files with the tableau tool now for this demo purpose I am connecting a excel file with my tableau tool so as you saw the steps are simple if I want to connect an excel file just click on excel box will open here a window will open here just search the data source or data set available in my computer or in my laptop and just click on the data source and open the data source same is for the X file just find the location of the text file and then just open the text file same for JSON file also and same for special file and statistical file also now these are the file connections which helps us to connect the data source or data sets which are already available with us in our local machine now for some reason or right now in the beginning you might not have any good data set or good data source with you so for practice purpose they have given sample data sets here as you can see on the right hand side they have given sample data sets so if we just click on sample data sets they will just redirect it to the tableau public page and we can get the data set from all the domains there is a science domain data set there is a government domain data set the lifestyle domain data set is the education domain data set there is a technology domain health domain sports domain entertainment domain business domain so variety of sample data sets we can get on the right hand side we can just click on any of the format and we can download these data sets here so if you don't have any good data set or good data source for doing practice you don't have to worry just go to this sample data sets here and W has given us all the variety of data sets on which we can do the learning or the practice but for now I will be connecting my excel file source from here I have a sample data source known as sample superstore so I will just connect this excel file with the tableau tool as soon as I click on open this page opens up here it's a sample superstore I have connected this database and as soon as I connect this database this data source I can see these data source or dataset contains three different sheets one is containing the data for orders the other is contain the data for people and the other is containing the data of returns so dragged sheets here it means the if you want to see the data of orders or if you want to see the data of people we have to simply drag the sheets here I can see the people here okay I want to see the data of orders I will just simply drag and drop the orders sheet and I can see the orders data here and if I want to see the returns data I can see the returns data here by dragging and dropping the returns data so I can view all the data by simply dragging and dropping the respective sheets and this drag and drop and simple user interface is what makes tableau a very good and a very nice tool so now I can drag and drop the sheets here also now tableau has given us a provision where for doing the analysis if I want some other data source other data set to be involved I can do that also I can simply go to the data here and I can connect the new data source again the starting page will open where if I have if I am have any data source available in our server or in any of the files I can connect that so at a time we can connect two or more data sets here but for now we'll be only working with one data set now if you want to navigate to the start page here is the logo given of tablet just click on it we will move on to the start page again we click on it and we will come on this page here all right so now we will be taking the tables here from our superstore data set and track these tables here for our reporting purpose so I will just drag the orders table here and I will see the respective data for the orders and then I will drag these two tables so people's table and the returns table and I will be seeing the orders data with respect to people and orders data with respect to the returns now as soon as I have dragged this table we can see there is a joint created between the orders and people and between the orders and returns now when I drag my mouse here it says inner join of orders and people and here it says inner join of orders and returns so when I drag these tables here by default it makes an inner join or between the two tables now if you want to change the join for example I want to make a left join between the orders and the returns or I want to make a full outer join between orders and people so just click on this diagrammatic representation which is given here and it will give me all the joins available here and full outer join between orders and people I have to just select a full outer join and I have to just select on which property I want to do the join on which key I want to do the join so just select the property from here and select the property from the people staple here and I will be able to make a full outer join between these two tables you similarly I can make the right join the left join between the tables but for now we will be keeping the inner joint between the orders and people by default it makes an inner join when we drag in top the tables and the inner join between returns and orders also the same thing we can do we can simply select any of the join and we can change the joint between the two tables we want so right now there is an inner join between orders and returns also so inner join left joined right join and full outer join these all joins our SQL Server concepts and you must all be knowing this joins very well but a quick revision of these joints would help get things better so inner join means it includes all the matching values from both the tables and the left joint it includes all the values from the left table and only the matching values from the right table in right join it includes all the values from the right table and only the matching values from the left table and in full outer join it includes all the values from both the tables whether they are matching or not including the nulls so these are the four kind of choice and suppose if you are getting confused like what kind of join it is you can just look at these diagrams they pretty much explain what kind of joins they are and we will be able to know we'll be able to get quick idea of what kind of join is being used whether it is in a joint or left join or right join or full out join now suppose if I want to make a left join between orders and people so I just go to the diagram and I simply select the left join here now while choosing the properties here if I am making some kind of mistake or from selecting some other properties like for example and selecting discount here so the discount and region the region people they are not matching and if I am not sure whether this join is proper or not or it is valid or not that we just simply look at this diagram when I drag my mouse here it says type mismatch between join fields it means that these two types are not matching and therefore this left join is invalid and therefore if we are not sure that whether this join is proper or not we have to just look at this diagram here now if I once again go to the select the region property here I can see the red sign is gone and the blue sinus came here which means that our join is proper or our join is valid so if we want to know that wherever join is proper or not we have to just look at this diagram here and we will be able to know so left join between orders and people the join is proper but for now we will be only using inner join between these tables so inner join between orders and people and inner join between orders and returns so now after adding all the respective tables here and displaying all the respective data we will now move on to our worksheet now worksheet means where we will be doing our actual reporting or our actual analysis or the actual calculation and down below we see there are different tabs shown here and there is a data stack now this data source tab is nothing but this whole page here so this whole page is this data source tab and here we have another tab which says sheet 1 now sheet 1 means our worksheet where we'll be doing the reporting so just click on this sheet 1 here and okay yes so as soon as we clicked on a sheet 1 our sheet has opened and we see a lot of things here now don't get panicked by seeing all this lot of things will be going slowly slowly and understanding all of these things one by one so first of all on the left hand side we see there are dimension and measures or facts present here now in our database our sample superstore database we had three tables that is orders peoples and returns so whatever dimensions are present in these tables or whatever dimensions are present in this database all those dimensions are listed here in this dimensions tab so orders has category city country customer name customer ID order date order ID so all these dimensions from the orders table are listed here also from the people stable as a person there is a region for people then in the returns table there is order ID in the returns and return so these are the dimensions present in our database which are listed here now as the dimensions are listed also the measures present in our database are listed here so for now we are having only four measures that is sales quantity profit and discount so these four measures are present in our database and according to these dimensions and measures we will be doing our analysis all we will be doing our reporting now here there is a tab which shows which database we are using or it says these dimensions and measures are from which database so for now these dimensions and measures are from the sample superstore database now coming to the center here we see there is a sheet label given here we can change this name and give it to some other name so I can change the name here also by just editing the title or I can just name the sheet here also by just doing the right click and renaming the sheet so I can rename the sheet here and in the center this space now this space is where our visualize report will be generated so whatever dimensions and measures we use the visualized report which we want is generated here and this visualized report we will be showing it displaying it to our end customer or our end client so whatever report will be generated here visualized report this report will be shown to the end-user so we'll be making this report here by using the dimensions and measures now for making the report here we have something called as columns and rows so by putting the appropriate dimensions and measures in the columns field and the rows field different kinds of visualized reports will be generated here so on the right hand side we see there are many visualized reports provided by tableau and it is under the tab named show me so this tab contains all the visualized report and each visualized report has its own requirement now when I just drag my mouse here it says below it says that it is a text table so now for text table it says it needs one or more dimensions or it needs one or more measures now if we go to the bar chart horizontal bars it says it needs zero or more dimensions and it needs one or more measures so every visualization technique has its own requirement and according to this requirement we have to create a report here so by just doing the manipulations in the columns and rows by adding the dimensions and measures we will be able to create a desired visualized report here now while we are working in this sheet and suppose if we want to add a new data set or a new database we can simply go to this option here which says new data source so just click on this option and we'll be again seeing the starting page of the tableau where we will be connecting our database by using a file connection or a server connection or any other connections so just adding a new database is very easier while we are working in our sheet also if I want to add a new worksheet I can simply go on this option here a new worksheet I just click it and the new worksheet is added a new worksheet is generated also I can go to this option here below and I can just click on this option and a new worksheet will be generated so I can either go from here to create a new worksheet or either I can go from here to create a new worksheet so for now I am removing this worksheet here so delete the worksheet because we'll be only needing only one worksheet for our demo purpose so delete the worksheet here so just adding the worksheet new worksheets or deleting removing the new worksheet is very simple okay so now we will move forward and generate a visualized report right here and for creating this visualize report we will be needing dimensions and measures from our superstore database so we will be adding these dimensions and measures to our respective columns and the rows shells so for example I am taking let's say category so I am adding this category dimension to the columns here okay and now I want to take a measure so I want to make sure what are the sales I want to see what are the sales of each of the category so I will be taking the sales measure and I will be adding it to our rows shelf all right so now as soon as I have added the category and sales measure to the respective columns and the rows I can see a bar report is generated here or visualize bar report is generated and by looking at this bar report I am able to tell what are the sales amount for each of the category now if I want to see the exact amount I just have to drag my mouse to this vertical bars here and I will be able to see the exact sales amount so I can see for technology the exact sales is seventy two thousand seven hundred and eight for office supplies the exact sales is forty eight thousand five hundred and seventy seven so in short I can say that to generate a visualized report here we have to just make some manipulations by adding the dimensions and measures to the respective columns and the rows and we will be able to generate a variety of visualized reports here so I can say in tableau generating a visualized report is very much easy but now it is not necessary that we add the dimensions only to the columns and add the measures only to the rows we can add the dimensions to the rows as well as to the columns also same for the measures we can add the measures to the columns as well as rows also for example right now the category dimension if I add this dimension to the row and take the sales measure to the columns what will happen so I'm adding the category dimension here in the rows and adding the sales measure to the columns so I can see the report has generated and the sales amount are also same so the only difference is that previously it was vertical bars and now it is horizontal bars so by interchanging the dimensions and measures into the columns and rows the report is remain the report remains the same but only the visualization changes in case of bar charts if the visualization is vertical if the bars are vertical then they become horizontal and if the bars are horizontal they become vertical now also one more thing that it is not necessary that we only one dimension or we add only one measure to our columns and rows now suppose if we have a report where we require two dimensions and one measure so what we will be doing we can add one or more dimensions and add one or more measures to our columns and rows for example I want the fields to be reported category wise and to be reported segment wise so I will be taking the segment dimension and adding it to the rows here and I will be able to see the category and segments and their respective sales amount also I can add one or more measures so if I want to see the sales and the profit category wise I will be taking the profit dimension and adding it to the columns and I will be able to see the sales and the profit category wise in a different graph or in a different report so in this way I can interchange the position of my dimensions and measures into the columns and those and also I can add one or more dimensions or I can add one or more measures to my columns and rows according to the requirement of my report so now if we see that when we added the sales measure to our columns and rows we saw that it automatically did a pre calculation known as sum now the some calculation means the sum or the addition of sales so tableau by default does this kind of a pre calculation so whenever I add any of the measures into the columns and those it does a pre calculation known as sum so if I want to see the sum of profit I can just drag this profit measure and I can see the sum of the profit if I want to see the discount I can see the discount so the sum of this count the sum of profit the sum of sales so this sum is a pre calculate done by tableau so tableau does this kind of pre calculations so that our analysis or our reporting gets better also now on the left-hand side we see there are different cards or different shells available there is a marked card there is a filters card and there is a pages card so we will understand all these cards or all these shells one by one first of all the marks car what is this marks card what this marks card do so marks it is nothing but when we drag these fields drag these dimensions and measures into our view this is our view so when we drag this field these dimensions and measures into our view why our columns and rows the data here in the view is displayed using the marks so this this thing this thing is the marks this thing is the data so this data is displayed using the marks and each data or each mark is represented by the intersection of the dimensions all the dimensions available in this view so for now in this view we have two dimensions so this data this marks data is the intersection of category and segment the intersection of these two dimensions so office supplies and corporate technology and home office so this data is an intersection of these two dimensions category and segment now also if we want to show this data into different firms then we have a drop-down here where we can select in what form we want to see our marks data if I want to see the data if I want to see the marks in a bar form I can simply select the bar here I can see the marks in the bar form I can select the circle and I can see the marks in the circle form I can select a text form and I can see the text form here and if I select an automatic it means that this marks card by itself it will figure out which kind of mark form is suitable for this kind of view also if we want we can show some additional information about these data and to show this additional information we can see we can use these options that is colors size text details tooltip etc so now I am taking this sales measure and I am adding it to the marked card so here I can see this sales has by default used the detail option of the marks card now if I want to see my sales I want to see the additional data of the sales using some colors so I can just drag this measure here and put it on the colors option and I can see different shades of color here and on the right hand side I see the description of these shades like the light blue color is for this sales amount the dark blue color is for this sales amount also if I want to display this data using some using some sizes then I can simply take this measure and drop it on the size option and I can see the data in a size form and on the right hand side again I can see the different sizes that is for small size this is the sales amount for large size this is the sales amount and accordingly we can see the small and large size here also if we want to only display the additional information we are using some text or we are using some labels so we can simply take this measure and drop it to the label and we can see the exact amount for all the details here all the data here in the marks so in short this mark our helps us to display our data using various forms like bar form or a line form or circle form etcetera and it also helps us to show the additional information of this data using the options like color size text etc now moving on to the filter star or the filters shells now this filter shelf is nothing but it helps us to specify which values to be included and which values to be excluded in the report using their dimensions and measures so if I take the sales measure and add it to the filters here it gives us an option like in what way I want to apply my filter I want to do the sum of the filters or I want to do the minimum of the filters or want to do the maximum of the filters or any other options here so if I select sum here and if I select next here it gives us again the options like how we want to apply our filters I want to apply our filters using the range of values or using the at least value that is the minimum value or using the at most value like selecting the maximum value or using the special filter like selecting the null values or selecting all the non null values so if I select the range of values and if I select the range of 30 thousand okay thirty thousand seven hundred ninety eight so the minimum range is six thousand two hundred and fifty two and the maximum range is thirty thousand seven hundred and ninety eight and if I apply this range here and I say okay I can see that those data which are outside the range it is showing the blank here and all those data which are inside the range the data is displayed here so the minimum amount of 6253 till the maximum amount of twenty four thousand so all the between the minimum range to the maximum range of 30,000 are shown here those data which are outside the range are excluded here so the filter star is nothing but it helps us to specify which values we want to include or which values we want to exclude in our report using the dimensions and measures so after the filters car or the filters shells we move on to the pages card or the pages shelf now what work does this play this shelf to this pages cells it is nothing but it helps us in breaking down our view now this is our view so this pages car helps us in breaking down of view into series of pages so that we can better analyze on how the specific field affects the whole data now if we are adding a measure into the pages into the pages card then this measure will be automatically converted into a discrete measure also if we are adding a dimension to the pages card it is like adding a new row for each member in the dimension okay now understanding this pages card with examples now here we can see that there are nine different fields nine different values so when I will be adding my sales measure to the pages card or the pages shells this whole view will be divided into nine different pages that is nine values three here three here and three years so for this nine values this view will be divided into nine different pages so each page will show us a individual value and how that value is affecting the whole data so now if I am adding the sales measure to my pages card I can see only one value here and on the right hand side I can see there is a navigation bar now there is a forward button here so when I click on this forward arrow I can see the next data on the next page and the next data on the next page so by doing by clicking on the forward button here I can see all the next data from the next page and this data is in ascending order that is from the lowest to the highest we can see this data the lowest value is 6253 so when I go for the forward arrow it goes to 7,000 then 9,000 then 16,000 then 17,000 then 17,000 7:05 then 24,000 then 31,000 and then 48,000 so in this way these nine values are divided into nine different pages so that by looking at each of the individual value we will be able to know how this value or how this field is affecting the whole data now we are manually changing and displaying this values here now if you want our end customer to see these values automatically move forward there are navigation buttons here this is a forward button this is a backward button and this is the stop button so if I am clicking on the forward button the values here will be automatically moving forward so from 6000 to the end value of 48,000 these nine pages will move automatically so when I click on this forward button here we can see the values are moving automatically so these nine pages are moving automatically until the last value now this is a backward button if I press this backward button here this values will be shown in the descending order that is from the highest to the lowest so in this way if I am adding a measure to the pages card my values here my fields here will be divided into different pages and these values will become more discrete so there were nine values nine fields here these nine fields were divided into nine page and on each page we are able to see an individual value or the individual field now if I am adding a dimension here for example if I add the segment dimension here into the page star I can see that this segment dimension is having three members inside it a consumer member corporate number and the home office member so as per the pages shelf definition if we are adding a dimension it is like adding a new row for each member in the dimension so for our segment dimension we are having three members here and for these three members three different pages are created so this old view is divided into three different pages and each page will be showing the value of each member so for the segment there are three pages created one is for consumer the other is for corporate and the other is for home office so the first page will be showing all the consumer sales values if we click on the next one it will show the corporate sales values and if we go next it will show the home office sales values so in this way the pages card or the pages shelf helps us in breaking down this view so that we can better analyze and make sure that the specific field make some effect in the whole data or we can say this pages shelf or the pages car helps us to analyze that these specific fields are doing any kind of change in the whole data or not so quickly revising in this video we learned a lot of things first of all we saw what is tableau and why do we use tableau what is the reason that we use only the tableau tool and not the other tools and then we saw from where to download and install the tableau public tool and we also saw that why we are using this public version and not the other versions of tablet and after installing the tableau we did discuss about the business intelligent concepts that is what is bi what is business intelligence and what are the facts and what are the dimensions like facts are the numerical values dimensions are the attributes that define those numerical values in this way we discussed the BI concepts and after that we did see in the tableau public tools how to connect a data source or data base to the tableau public tool and we saw there are various ways given to connect a database to the tableau tool there is a file connection way there is a server way or if we have our report saved in the tableau public cloud then we can also take the data source from that tableau public cloud and then we did actually connect a excel file that is we did connect our data base for from an excel file and connected with this tableau public tool after connecting that database we did see that there were three different sheets in that database we did connect the sample superstore database and in those database we saw there were orders and people and returns these three sheets and then we did join these three sheets using the SQL joins like the inner join and along with that we did also discuss about the other SQL joins that is the left join the right join the full outer join and according to those joints we also saw the respective data below the joints and after that we did generate a simple report we did generate the simple report here by just dragging and dropping the dimensions and measures to the columns or rows and we did also see that by adding one or more dimensions or one or more measures to the columns and rows changes our visualization here we did see that there are visualizations provided by tableau tool and each visualization technique has its own requirement like for this horizontal bar it it needs zero or more dimensions and one or more measures it is displayed here and then after that we saw how to create a new worksheet from here to add a new worksheet from here or we have an option here to add a new worksheet and we also saw that while we are working in this current workbook or the current worksheet we can add another data source to it and after that we discussed about the different shells here there are different cards that is a marked card the filters card the pages card here and how this cards help in making our report better we saw different tools used in the marks card we also saw how the filters are used what is the use of this page is card and how they affect our report so in this way we did we did learn a lot of things from this video and I hope you have enjoyed this video so thank you very much [Music] [Music]
Channel: .NET Interview Preparation videos
Views: 199,706
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tableau training, Learn Tableau from basic, Tableau step by step training, Tutorials, beginners, step by step, tableau training for beginners, tableau, tableau course online, tableau tutorial for beginners, learn tableau coding, tableau certification, what is tableau, tableau course for beginners, data visualization, introduction to what is tableau, advanced tableau course, tableau basics to advanced, learn tableau step by step, tableau training videos
Id: CWFxuTooxTY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 31sec (3031 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 14 2017
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