Learn Spanish while you sleep Key Vocabulary

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welcome to learn spanish world you are going to learn spanish while you sleep by reinforcing the spanish words that you have learned and listening to the correct pronunciation almost kasi wait espera it's better it's better espera espera be careful then then then cuidado then cuidado a h so foreign foreign it is what it is is is impresionante seriously and serial and cereal and cereal good bien bien bien bien bien dizzy mariata mariado mariada trustworthy confiable brave valente valente valente valente healthy salud intelligent en telegente a friendly amigable amigable amigable happy feliz felice felice felice felice tired gansado or for female gansada gansado gansada a midnight a tell me more the mass the mass the mass in short and rest woman and rest women andres woman and rest woman i think sir creo que si foreign i'm on my way voy en camino from time to time the west in the meantime mientras tanto mientras tanto foreign hurry up a purate it doesn't make any sense no tiene sentido so foreign don't worry sorry to bother you started i then let's go vamos or vamonos vamos or vamonos vamos or vamonos it's called asefrio hacerio it's windy viento lord it's raining esta it's snowing esta nevando esta nevando see you soon pronto so m a that reminds me of eso eso record is silence silencio silencio silencio i don't care no me important important give me dummy in view of en vista de and vista de envista de interesting interesante interesante h siente it's getting light acetarde a don't give up no te rendas continue continuing gambio espanol estudio espanol it was late era tarde a once again o traves o traves utraves on another occasion in otra occasion an otra occasion and otra occasion i think so creo que si creo que si creo que si she is nice i'm tired estoy is ese es i'm on my way voy en camino voy en camino voi en camino it may be where they said but they said well they i ask myself it's important es importante es importante es importante thank god gracias adios gracias adios gracias adios almost cassie it's better it's better it's better espera be careful then cuidado then cuidado then cuidado then cuidado then cuidado so quietly si lenziosa mente si lenziosa mente it is what it is is is impressive impresionante impresionante impresionate impresionante seriously and serial and cereal and cereal count on me cuenta con migo migo female mariada mariado mariada mariado mariada config brave valente valiente valente valente healthy saludable salud a grateful agradecito o fo female agradecida agradesida foreign friendly amigable amigable i mean goblet a a happy feliz felice felice felice felice midnight media noche a a must in short and rest women and rest women andres woman and rest woman i think sir creo que si creo que si from time to time and cuando in the meantime mientras tanto mientras tanto foreign hurry up a i forgot semmel already sent me already sent me already a sorry to bother you siento molestarte have a nice day then foreign let's go vamos or vamonos vamos or vamonos vamos or vamonos it's called asefrio ase frio it's windy it's raining esta gioviendo so nevando esta nevando see you soon nos vemos pronto idea foreign pronto that reminds me of is uh silence silencio silencio silencio i don't care no me importa in view of invistade interesting interesante interesante interesante next sigente sigente a it's getting light acetarde i don't give up not terendas continue continue continua continua change cambio gambio gambio foreign foreign i study spanish joe estudio espanol estudio espanol once again utraves on another occasion in otra occasion in otra occasion and otra occasion i think so creo si she is nice simpatica a that's the one ise is is i'm on my way voy en camino it may be where they said well they said well they said puede said you know it's true pregunto excuse me permiso permiso it's important es importante es importante es importante thank god gracias adios gracias adios gracias adios almerst cassie kasi espera it's better it's better espera be careful then cuidado then cuidado then cuidado why forget so foreign it is what it is is is impressive impresionante impresionante and cereal and cereal and cereal migo good bien bien bien mariada confiable brave valente valente a saludable i grateful a gradacito friendly amigable amit gable i'm a goblet i'm a goblet a a in love enamorado of a female and a morada enamorado in amorada happy felice feliz felice feliz felice tired gunsado a of a female a foreign midnight media noche from now on the aora and adelante de aora and adelante mas in short and rest women and rest women and rest women and this woman i think sir creo que si creo que si foreign b i'm on my way voy en camino voi en camino voy and camino from time to time the ves and cuando in the meantime mientras tanto mientras tanto mientras foreign hurry up it doesn't make any sense though i forgot so so don't worry no cupes cups sorry to bother you siento molestarte it was a pleasure um let's go vamos or vamonos vamos or vamonos vamos or vamonos it's called asefrio ase frio ase it's windy viento viento lord it's snowing esta nevando esta nevando esta nevando esta nevando see you soon nos vemos pronto idea me neither pronto take care of that reminds me of is silence silencio silencio silencio important damn it in view of invistadek and vista de interesting interesante interesante interesante lista i'm running late for female 1 it's getting late don't give up continue continua continua continua change gambio gambio gambio i study spanish joe estudio espanol estudio espanol foreign once again o travis on another occasion in otra occasion in otra occasion an otra occasion i think so creo que si see she is nice simpatica that's the one is it is i'm on my way voy en camino it may be they said but they said well they said but i ask myself me pregunto me pregunto excuse me per miso per miso permisso it's important es importante es importante es importante thank god gracias adios gracias adios gracias adios almost cassie kasi cassie wait espera espera it's better it's better espera be careful then then cuidado then then cuidado then cuidado why porque so foreign foreign foreign it is what it is is is impressive impression impresionate seriously and serio in syria and cereal and cereal good bien bien bien mariada mariada a valiente valiente valente valiente liam saludable ocupada a foreign a amigable amigable proud of a female and a morada enamorado and amorada enamorado and happy felice feliz felice felice felice tired gunsado or for female gonzada of a female interested surprised sopranido of a female soprandita sopranido soprandida midnight media media noche from now on the mass in short and dress women and rest women and dress women and rest women i think sir creo que si creo que creo que i'm on my way voy en camino voy en camino voy and camino from time to time the ves and cuando in the meantime mientras mientras tanto hurry up a purate a it doesn't make any sense don't worry it was a pleasure let's go vamos or vamos or vamonos it's called asefrio ase frio ase frio it's hot it's raining esta viendo esta viendo it's snowing esta idea pronto take care of silencio silencio silencio i don't care no me importa no me importa give me dame dummy in view of en vista de envista de interesting interesante next sigiente si siente d i'm running late a it's getting late so voy me don't give up not the renders continue continue continua continua change gambio gambio gambio d espanol once again o traves travis on another occasion in otra occasion in otra occasion she is nice simpatica estoy that's the one is i'm on my way voy en camino voy en camino voy en camino it may be puede where they said well they said but they said you know it's true though i ask myself me pregunto excuse me per miso per miso per miso it's important es importante es importante thank god gracias adios gracias adios gracias adios almost cassie cassie cassie espera it's better it's better be careful then then then then cuidado why porque foreign so foreign a it is what it is is is impressive impresionante impresionante seriously en serio en serio and cereal and cereal and cereal count on me cuenta con migo cuenta con migo cuenta con migo good bien bien bien bien trustworthy confiable confiable confiable confiable confiable brave valente valente a salud for female that comfortable komodo all for female komoda komodo komoda komodo komoda i yosa a happy felice feliz felice felice felice tired gunsado or for female gunsada of a female interested surprised i soprandida midnight media noche media noche from now on adelante a in short and this woman and rest women and rest women and rest women i think so creo que si creo que si creo que si foreign i'm on my way the west and cuando in the meantime mientras tanto tanto foreign it doesn't make any sense entirely though a sorry to bother you siento molestarte siento moles started it was a pleasure fue un placer i have a nice day then let's go vamos or vamonos it's called hacerio hacerio hacerio hace viento lord it's snowing esta nevando esta nevando pronto so is silencio silencio silencio give me da me dummy in view of and vista de and vista de next sigente a a a it's getting late for don't give up continue continue change cambio gambio gambio gambio espanol espanol it was late erade once again travis on another occasion in otra occasion in otra occasion in otra occasion i think so creo que si creo que si she is nice a that's the one is it is i'm on my way voy en camino voy en camino well they said well they said but they said you i ask myself me pregunto excuse me per miso per miso per miso it's important es importante es importante es importante thank god gracias adios gracias adios gracias adios almost kasi kasi weight is better it's better it's better espera espera be careful then then a so it is what it is is is impressive impresionante impresionante seriously and syria and serio and serio count on me cuenta con migo cuenta con migo cuenta con migo good bien bien bien bien mariada trustworthy confiable a valente a saludable ocupada h that a a a happy felice felice felice felice felice tired gunsado or for female gansada gansado gansada relaxed relaxado from now on the aora and adelante must in short and rest women and rest women and rest women and rest women i think sir creo i'm on my way in camino camino from time to time the west and cuando the west and cuando in the meantime mientras tanto a it doesn't make any sense though don't worry no cupes a sorry to bother you siento molestarte siento molestarte siento have a nice day let's go vamos or vamonos it's called asefrio yo it's windy it's hot lord lord it's raining esta viendo esta viendo esta gioviendo it's snowing esta nevando see you soon not vemos pronto idea me neither pronto take care foreign that reminds me of is silencio silencio i don't care no me importa no me importa nome importa give me a in view of and vista and vista and vista day interesting interesante interesante next sigiente sigente it's getting late voy don't give up us continue continue gambio gambio gambio i study spanish estudio espanol it was late traves on another occasion in otra occasion an otra occasion and otra occasion i think so creo que si creo que si she is nice is i'm tired estoy or female estoy estoy cansado that's the one ese is i'm on my way voy en camino voy en camino said foreign i ask myself me pregunto me pregunto excuse me permiso it's important es importante es importante es importante thank god gracias adios gracias adios gracias adios almerste kasi kasi kasi wait it's better it's better it's better it's better it's better be careful then then then foreign so me foreign it is what it is is is impressive impresionante impression seriously and serial and syria and syria count on me migo good bien bien bien bien bien trustworthy confiable a brave valente valente valente a healthy a a friendly amigable amigable amigable a foreign happy felice feliz feliz feliz feliz tired gansador or for female gansada gansado gansada female a of a female suprendida midnight media media media must the mass in short and rest women and rest women and rest women and dress women i think sir creo que si see m is from time to time the ves and cuando the west and cuando in the meantime mientras tanto mientras it doesn't make any sense no tiene sentido don't worry cupes sorry to bother you siento molestarte siento molestarte siento molestarte have a nice day foreign or vamonos vamos or vamonos it's called asefrio yo it's windy viento it's raining esta gioviendo esta viendo esta viendo esta nevando see you soon idea oh poco a that reminds me of is silencio silencio silencio i don't care no me importa important give me da da me in view of en vista de and vista de interesting interesante interesante sigente sigente a it's getting late s d voy don't give up no te rendas foreign continue continua gambio go away foreign it was late era tarde a once again o traves o traves on another occasion in otra occasion an otra occasion an otra occasion i think so creo que si creo que si she is nice simpatica i'm tired estoy for female estoy estoy or for female estoy that's the one is i'm on my way voy en camino voi en camino voi en camino it may be where they said but they said a i ask myself me pregunto me pregunto excuse me permiso it's important importante thank god gracias adios gracias adios kasi kasi kasi wait espera it's better it's better it's better espera be careful then then cuidado then cuidado a so quietly si lenziosa mente si lenziosa mente it is what it is is is impressive impresionante impresionante impresionante impresionante seriously and serial and cereal and cereal count on me cuenta con migo good bien bien bien bien bien dizzy mariado female mariada mariado mariada mariado mariada confiable brave valente valiente valente valente healthy saludable salud intelligent en telegente a a friendly amigable amigable amigable happy feliz felice felice felice felice a interested interesado of a female interest midnight media i tell me more the mass the mass in short and rest women and rest women andres woman and rest woman i think sir creo que si creo follow me foreign from time to time and cuando in the meantime mientras tanto mientras tanto a hurry up a it doesn't make any sense entire i forgot so so sorry to bother you foreign have a nice day then then let's go vamos or vamonos vamos or vamonos vamos or vamonos it's called asefrio ase frio it's windy viento lord it's raining esta see you soon nos vemos pronto nos vemos pronto nos vemos pronto so oh pronto a that reminds me of silence silencio silencio silencio i don't care no me important important give me dummy in view of en vista de interesting interesante interesante sigiente it's getting light say acetarde a don't give up no te rendas continue espanol a once again o traves o traves utraves on another occasion in otra ocasion otra occasion an otra occasion i think so creo que si creo que si creo que si she is nice simpatica i'm tired estoy cansado that's the one is ese es i'm on my way voy en camino voy en camino voi en camino it may be where they said well they said well they said i asked myself excuse me permisso permiso it's important es importante es importante es importante thank god gracias adios gracias adios adios almost cassie kasi it's better it's better it's better espera be careful then cuidado then cuidado then cuidado forget loud so quietly si lensiosa mente si lenziosa mente it is what it is is is es lo que es es lo que es impressive impresionante impresionante impresionante impresionante impresionante seriously and serial and cereal and cereal and cereal en serio count on me cuenta con migo migo good bien bien bien mariada mariado mariada mariado mariada config brave valente a saludable grateful agradecito of a female agradecida agradecito agra de sida foreign friendly amigable i mean goblet i mean goblet i'm a a a in love enamorado of a female and a morada enamorado in amorada happy feliz feliz felice felice felice tired a midnight media noche a a must in short and rest women and rest women and rest women and rest women i think sir creo que si creo que si foreign foreign from time to time the vest and cuando in the meantime mientras tanto mientras tanto foreign hurry up a a sorry to bother you siento molestarte started have a nice day then let's go vamos or vamonos vamos or vamonos vamos or vamonos it's called asefrio ase frio it's windy viento it's raining esta gioviendo a it's snowing esta nevando esta nevando esta nevando see you soon nos vemos pronto no idea idea get well soon mejorate pronto mejorate pronto mejorate pronto there that reminds me of is is silence silencio silencio silencio i don't care no me importa no me give in view of invistade interesting interesante next sigente sigente i'm running late for it's getting light say acetarde don't give up continue continua continua continua gambio a i study spanish joe estudio espanol estudio espanol foreign once again utraves on another occasion in otra occasion in otra occasion i think so creo que si see she is nice simpatica estoy that's the one is it is i'm on my way voy en camino it may be where they said well they said well they said i ask myself me pregunto pregunto excuse me per miso per miso permisso it's important es importante es importante es importante thank god gracias adios gracias adios gracias adios almost cassie kasi cassie wait espera espera it's better it's better espera be careful then cuidado forget so foreign it is what it is is is impressive impresionante impresionante impresionate seriously and serio and serial and cereal in syria and serio count on me cuenta con migo cuenta con migo migo good bien bien bien mariada mariado config brave valente valiente salud busy ocupada h grateful a great amigable amigable i mean goblet enamorado of a female and a morada enamorado and a morada enamorada happy feliz feliz felice felice felice tired gunsado or for female gansada gansado gansada gansado gansada a a from now on mass in short and dress women and rest women and rest women and this woman i think sir creo que si creo que si m i'm on my way voy en camino voy en camino voy and camino from time to time the ves and cuando in the meantime mientras tanto mientras tanto mientras tanto hurry up a purate it doesn't make any sense though i forgot so foreign don't worry cupes it was a pleasure um then let's go vamos vamos or vamonos it's called asefrio ase frio ase frio it's windy viento it's hot lord it's snowing esta nevando esta nevando esta nevando idea pronto take care of that reminds me of is silence silencio silencio silencio i don't care no me importa no me importa give me dame dummy in view of en vista and vista de interesting interesting interesante next sigiente si siente i'm running late for female voice voy me don't give up nothing continue continua continua continua change gambio gambio gambio i study spanish estudio espanol estudio espanol estudio a once again o traves travis on another occasion in otra occasion in otra occasion in otra occasion i think so creo que si see she is nice simpatica that's the one is it is i'm on my way voy en camino voy it may be said but they said but they said but they said i ask myself me pregunto pregunto excuse me per miso per miso permisso it's important es importante es importante es importante thank god gracias adios gracias adios gracias adios almost cassie cassie cassie cassie wait espera espera it's better it's better it's better be careful then then cuidado then then cuidado a so so foreign a a it is what it is is is impressive impresionante impresionante impresionante impresionante impresionante seriously en serio en serio and cereal and cereal and serio count on me cuenta con migo cuenta con migo cuenta good bien bien bien mariada valente valente valiente valente la a a a i proud a happy felice feliz felice felice felice tired gunsado or for female gunsada of a female interested i from now on their aorta a mass in short and this women and rest women and rest women and dress women see foreign i'm on my way voy en camino voi en camino voy and camino from time to time the vest and cuando in the meantime mientras tanto mientras tanto hurry up a purate a doesn't make any sense don't worry cupes started it was a pleasure fue un let's go vamos or vamonos it's called asefrio ase frio hacerio it's hot it's raining esta viendo esta viendo it's snowing esta nevando esta pronto idea idea so pronto silencio silencio silencio i don't care no me importa no me importa give me dame dummy in view of invistadek and vista de interesting interesante next sigente siente sigente foreign a it's getting late for foreign voy don't give up nother renders continue continue change gambio gambio gambio gambio a i study spanish estudio espanol the once again o traves on another occasion in otra occasion in otra occasion an otra occasion i think so creo que si creo she is nice is estoy that's the one is i'm on my way voy en camino voy en camino it may be said said you know it's true sabes i ask myself me pregunto excuse me per miso per miso per miso it's important es importante es importante es importante thank god gracias adios gracias adios gracias adios almost cassie cassie kasi is it's better it's better be careful then then then cuidado i so it is what it is is is impressive impresionante impresionante seriously and serio and serio and cereal and cereal and cereal migo good bien bien bien bien mariada trustworthy confiable confiable confiable confiable or a ocupada a i a happy felice felice felice felice felice tired gunsado or for female gansada relaxed a i a in short and this woman and rest women and rest women and rest women i think creo que si creo que si creo que si m camino from time to time the west and cuando the west and cuando in the meantime mientras tanto mientras tanto mientras tanto foreign a it doesn't make any sense entire though don't worry no cupes sorry to bother you siento molestarte siento moles started it was a pleasure fue un placer have a nice day then let's go vamos or vamonos it's called yo viento lord it's snowing esta nevando esta nevando pronto take care foreign that reminds me of is silencio silencio silencio i don't care no me importa no me importa no me importa in view of envista and vista de envista next sigente sigente a it's getting late at voy don't give up nothing change cambio gambio gambio gambio espanol it was late erade on another occasion in otra occasion in otra occasion in otra occasion see she is nice simpatica a i'm tired estoy cansado or female estoy cansada that's the one is is i'm on my way voy en camino voy en camino said well they said well they said you know it's true excuse me permiso miso it's important es importante es importante es importante thank god gracias adios gracias adios gracias adios almost cassie cassie cassie wait is better it's better it's better espera espera be careful then then foreign foreign so foreign it is what it is is is impressive impresionante impresionante impresionante seriously and cereal and cereal and cereal en serio en serio count on me cuenta con migo cuenta con migo cuenta con migo cuenta con good bien bien bien bien bien mariado mariada trustworthy confiable valente a salud ocupada intelligent intelligente intelligente a yosa foreign a happy felice felice felice felice feliz tired gansador or for female gansada gansado gansada relaxado of a female suprendida a a tell me more must the mass in short and rest women and rest women and rest women and rest women i think sir creo que si i'm on my way in camino a from time to time the ves and cuando the west and cuando in the meantime a it doesn't make any sense don't worry cupes sorry to bother you siento molestarte siento molestarte siento molestarte have a nice day then it's called asefrio yo it's windy it's raining esta viendo esta viendo esta gioviendo see you soon not vemos pronto idea pronto foreign that reminds me of is silencio silencio silencio i don't care no important give me da da me in view of en vista and vista de interesting interesante interesante next sigente a a a it's getting light i don't give up no te rendas us continue continua gambio foreign it was late traves on another occasion in otra occasion an otra occasion an otra occasion i think so creo que si creo que si she is nice simpatica that's the one is i'm on my way said foreign i ask myself me pregunto me pregunto excuse me permiso it's important es importante es importante es importante thank god gracias adios gracias adios gracias adios almerste cassie wait espera espera espera be careful then then then then so i foreign it is what it is is impresionante impresionante seriously and serial and cereal and cereal count on me migo good bien bien bien bien bien valente healthy salud oh a friendly amigable amigable amigable happy feliz felice felice felice felice tired gunsado or for female gansada gansado gansada relaxation a of a female sopranita midnight media media media tell me more the mass must the mass in short and rest women and rest women and wrestleman and wrestleman i think sir creo que si foreign i'm on my way voy en camino from time to time the west and cuando the west and cuando in the meantime mientras tanto mientras tanto temprano it doesn't make any sense no tiene sentido do m sorry to bother you started foreign then let's go vamos or vamonos vamos or vamonos vamos or vamonos it's called asefrio ase yo it's windy viento lord it's raining it's snowing esta nevando esta nevando see you soon pronto so m a that reminds me of eso record silencio silencio i don't care no me important important give me dummy in view of en vista de and vista de envista de interesting interesante interesante sigiente sigente a it's getting late so don't give up no te rendas continue continuing gambio o espanol joe estudio espanol it was late era tarde a once again o traves o traves on another occasion in otra occasion an otra occasion an otra occasion i think so creo que si creo que si creo que she is nice is i'm tired is is i'm on my way voy en camino voy en camino voi en camino it may be where they said well they said you know it's true though i ask myself me pregunto me pregunto it's important es importante es importante es importante thank god gracias adios gracias adios gracias adios almost cassie wait espera it's better it's better it's better be careful then then then so quietly si lensiosa mente si lensiosa mente it is what it is is is impressive impresionante impresionante impresionante impresionante seriously and serial and cereal and cereal and serio and serio count on me cuenta con migo migo bien bien bien dizzy mariado mariada config brave valente healthy saludable saludable ocupada intelligent en telegente a grateful agradecito of a female agradocida agradecito agradesida foreign friendly amigable amigable i'm a goblet a a happy feliz felice felice felice felice a interested interesado of a female interest interesado interesada interesado midnight media noche d tell me more the mass mass in short and rest women and rest women and rest women and rest women i think sir creo que si creo que si and cuando in the meantime mientras tanto mientras tanto foreign so hurry up a i forgot se melvido se melvido semel vida sorry to bother you siento molestarte have a nice day then foreign let's go vamos or vamonos vamos or vamonos vamos or vamonos it's called asefrio ase frio it's windy lord it's raining esta gioviendo a it's snowing esta nevando esta nevando esta see you soon idea oh pronto that reminds me of is uh silence silencio silencio silencio i don't care no me important important give me dummy in view of en vista de interesting interesante interesante g ready a it's getting light say acetarde voy don't give up nother rendus continue continua gambio i i study spanish joe estudio espanol estudio espanol once again utraves on another occasion in otra occasion in otra occasion and otra occasion i think so creo see she is nice simpatica a that's the one is is i'm on my way voy en camino it may be where they said but they said well they said a i ask myself me pregunto me pregunto me pregunto excuse me permiso permiso it's important es importante importante thank god gracias adios gracias adios gracias adios almerst cassie kasi cassie wait espera espera it's better it's better espera be careful then cuidado then cuidado why forget so it is what it is is is impressive impresionante impresionante impresionante seriously and serial and cereal and cereal and cereal and serio count on me cuenta con migo migo good bien bien bien brave valente valiente a salud grateful a a friendly amigable i mean goblet yosa a in love enamorado of a female and a morada enamorado and amorada happy feliz felice felice felice felice tired gonzalo a of a midnight media noche a from now on the aora and adelante de aora and adelante mass the mint must the mint must in short and rest women and rest women and rest women and this woman i think sir creo que si creo que si foreign be i'm on my way in camino from time to time the vest and cuando in the meantime mientras tanto mientras tanto mientras foreign hurry up a it doesn't make any sense though i forgot so m don't worry no te pro cupes no te pero cupes sorry to bother you siento molestarte said have a nice day then let's go vamos or vamonos vamos or vamonos vamos or vamonos it's called asefrio asefrio it's windy viento viento it's snowing esta nevando esta nevando esta nevando see you soon no idea idea me pronto take care of that reminds me of eso recorder uh silence silencio silencio silencio i don't care no me importa no me importa dummy in view of invista and vista de envista interesting interesante interesante next sigiente sigente i'm running late for female it's getting light say acetarde don't give up nother continue continua continua continua change gambio gambio gambio a study spanish estudio espanol estudio espanol foreign once again travis on another occasion in otra occasion in otra occasion in otra occasion i think so creo que si see she is nice simpatica a that's the one is it is it may said but they said well they said i ask myself me pregunto pregunto excuse me per miso per miso it's important es importante thank god gracias adios gracias adios gracias adios
Channel: Learn Spanish World
Views: 255,252
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: spanish while you sleep, spanish while sleeping, learn spanish, spanish, speak spanish, sleep learning, spoken spanish, spanish Language (Human Language), language learning, learn spanish while you sleep, learning spanish, learn spanish for beginners, spanish lessons, spanish language, basic spanish, learn spanish conversation, learn, learn spanish while you sleep key words
Id: ZpD0PnQeyCM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 492min 27sec (29547 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 08 2022
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