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when you think about your career what do you think about do you think about monotony limited opportunities for growth being treated like a number or do you think about excitement growing as quickly as you'd like to grow feeling valuable and fulfilled it's impossible to explain what happens here you need to be part of it to feel it at ao we focus on creating long-term careers for growth-minded people these careers are designed to help anyone learn how to run their own business here you're in business for yourself but never by yourself if we're the right fit for each other our team will carefully pair you up with a mentor someone to teach you coach you and show you the way to success that mentor is by your side every step of the way there will be successes they'll help you celebrate them there will be challenges and they'll help you overcome them but all in all there will be growth accomplishment and fulfillment in your professional life provided you bring a positive attitude a strong work ethic and a desire to achieve great things ao is the third largest distribution channel for globe life the globe life companies have more policy holders than any other company in our industry in the world since 1900 they've grown they've grown through world wars they've grown through the great depression they've grown through pandemics and global crises and most recently they've created new ways for our people to maintain success and grow even faster by creating a virtual business model so we can provide the highest level of service possible for our clients from home we want to tell you our story we want to find out if we're the right fit for each other but most of all we want to show you what so many in our organization are experiencing every day of their lives strength stability societal impact we want to show you the path to achieving your dreams [Music] i'm aaron ebel out of the san jose office what i was doing before altig i was actually i was pretty lost i was kind of bouncing from job to job it was all within the food industry so i was a pizza delivery guy i was a busser you know dishwasher waiter one day i was pouring water it was at the last restaurant job i ever had and this group of people about 30 people they all came in 15 minutes before closing and they rented out the restaurant i was pretty upset about it but they all looked like they were having a great time you know they were drinking wine it was a monday night by the way and then i came to find out that they all worked together and then from that point i knew that's what i wanted in my personal life and it's also what i wanted you know for my career and then i ended up pouring mark nielsen's water and harold's water and then everything just changed from there what really attracted me about american income and all tig was initially it was the culture it's a professional job and yet everyone they act like they're best friends when you go to work you don't feel like you're working you just feel like you're seeing your friends and you get paid to do it and then of course you know when i had my interview i found out how much money you can make and that you didn't have to have a college degree you didn't have to wait for someone ahead of you in the company to you know die or retire to move up in the company it's all at your own pace and it's all based on your own hard work that appealed to me the most because i always felt like i was a really hard worker but i never really got the shot that i wanted and so i knew that altay was that shot altag's changed my life in a lot of ways first of course is income you know i can spend money on things i always wanted to spend money on without really having to worry about looking at my bank account as much i was able to buy a brand new luxury car in my first eight months with the company that one felt amazing and then i just feel like i've really grown as a person i have more confidence in my abilities with people my career and just life in general for anyone new that's starting with all tig i guess the biggest advice i would give them is to really just believe in yourself have confidence in yourself and know that the people that are around you your mentors your co-workers they want to see you grow as much as they want to grow just listen and then the rest it just comes to you it might take a little while it might be really quick but just you know trust the process so ao has changed my life in so many ways i knew i wanted to do something better for myself i wanted something more i never really saw myself in the specifically sales field so seeing a woman actually do it really changed my mind about it there's no opportunities like this out [Music] there it's just a vehicle to get you where you want to be in life you didn't have to have a college degree i'm able to now help families just like mine so my income has nearly doubled almost tripled since i started the complete support that you have with this team is unparalleled i don't know a lot of career paths that can legitimately save your life also follow your heart you know you know what you want for yourself you know what you want for your family go get it i know with this opportunity anything is really possible anything i could put my mind to i can absolutely make happen and with the mentorship and the team that i have back in me i know that there's going to be some big things in the future absolutely office in bc canada and i've only been with the business less than three months i've only been in our office one time i was there last weekend um it's been a pretty new journey for me but every month has been growing and growing grow over 11 971 alp for the week in may and it was absolutely incredible um i don't really know what else to say so the reason that i think i got so much success in that week is because i decided to be coachable when i first started out in this business i had a couple people tell me that i was fairly hardheaded and i didn't really listen that well and from that point moving forward i just made a vow to myself to be coachable whether i liked it or not these people knew what they were doing in the business and i didn't yet and i needed to learn what they were doing so i had to make a vow and a promise to myself to be a hundred percent coachable or this was never gonna work so um i just started with that and just listened to everything that i was supposed to do um you know did my my dials and smile and dial and put my head down and really focused and it paid off with an amazing week um and it really helps with the show ratio something else that i'm doing to make sure my business is running smooth is making sure that things at home are running smooth and as a single mother that can be really tricky so something i did was implement a schedule not only for myself but for my 10 year old son as well that way it gives him a little bit of a task list throughout the day and some responsibilities so that he can feel some pride in what he's doing and make sure he stays focused and it really helps me to be able to stay focused when i need to buckle down and uh get on that phone or be in sets with clients then i can really have that undivided attention what did you do before this um i didn't really work um i was in a i was in a really bad relationship for a lot of years and i wasn't allowed um to do much for myself um it was really abusive and i took a long time to get out of it i was with him for eight years and um it was in calgary and i left alberta and just came here because my parents were in sycamous and i just i wanted like i knew that i was better than that like i was better than that situation and i just didn't want to i didn't want to waste my potential anymore that wasn't stupid and i wasn't i wasn't the things that he said i was you know and um yeah so i just i left and i quit drinking because that was a big part of it too was with our fighting and our drinking i've been drinking i've been sober for two and a half years and um i just changed my life i i was paralyzed from the waist down um because of an accident i had kidney failure and cardiac arrest i'd died actually and they had resuscitated me it was at that point where i just knew i had to get out of it and um i had a long way to go but i fought i fought really hard i just want people to know that there's hope like you don't have to be stuck forever like and this company offers that so well like that opportunity unlimited is for real that's for real like i've lived it so it's so good and i'm going to ask you first when you hire people do you have a compelling story do you have a compelling story to share with people about this opportunity do you have a story now after you've been here that you can tell people in one minute what this opportunity is all about and where you're going you know what i've got a compelling story i love to see lisa when i first started with the company but i knew unless i saw 20 people a week i couldn't see lisa i remember one week lisa always liked chickens and animals and she was in college and i went to these people's house and i'm sure you guys have been in the house i'm sitting there going through the presentation and all of a sudden a rooster comes in and sits up on the couch i go you guys got chickens huh they go yeah i go oh my girlfriend loves chickens she just really likes the lady goes does she have any i go well no she's going to college she goes why don't i give you some chickens you can take them home she gave me three chickens i left that house with like a couple of deals and three chickens and i'm driving i think i have my little diesel rabbit and i had these three chickens in the back end and i thought i had him in the cardboard box pretty good and the cardboard box opened up i'm driving down the road these chickens are like flying all over my oh my gosh but i remember i couldn't show up with those chickens unless i'd seen 20. it was thursday night and i had to see one more and always remember it was 1984 and i decided i got to do a drop by i got to do a drop by it's nine o'clock at night i just got to get there i got to do a drop by and i went to these people's house and always remember their name because it was charles and diana i remember their last name and i knocked on the door i said hi i'm rick alting with american income hey i've been wondering when you guys were gonna come out here i was like shocked right i never could get a hold of this person because i've been wondering when you were gonna come out here we've had like four people call they always say they're gonna come and they never show up and we've been waiting for you to come out here because we want to buy a policy well i enrolled charles and diana [Music] i had the chickens in the car i drove back to lisa lived on capitol hill hill here in seattle in a big house that she rented a room i remember her landlord was a little upset when i brought the chickens in [Music] but i got a call about a year later charles worked at the meatpacking plant and charles white coat that they wear those guys at the meat packing plant he was walking by the the sausage machine and he went in to get something out of there was some kind of mechanical problem and he went in and it grabbed his coat [Music] and pulled him through the machine [Music] pulled him so bad that they they could not even recover they could really only recover his coat anything about that if i hadn't gone to that one other house i had three chickens in my car i could have gone home really easy but if i didn't have that responsibility inside my heart that i was going to see 20 people no matter what and i really was just thinking about myself and my career the story is worse than that because i didn't hear about it you know a lot of times we don't hear about our claims and i happened to be in the office and diana called she goes rick you're not gonna believe it charles was killed at work they're both young just expecting their first baby and she was remember that check we wrote you for forty dollars she goes i need to make a claim on that thousand dollar policy i'm like what she was you know the thousand dollar policy we need to make a claim on the thousand dollar policy that we got from you and i go wait you have a policy she goes i know we have the thousand dollar policy and we started talking and found out that charles had never changed his beneficiary at the union he'd left his parents down as the beneficiary on his five thousand dollar insurance policy through the union and even though diana was only expecting or was expecting their first baby his own parents said to her you know what charles must have meant for us to have this we're not gonna let you have the five thousand dollars so rick i'm calling i really need that thousand dollars how fast how fast can i get it i said well dinah hang on a second i think there's more here because you actually enrolled in the hour powerful and i went through her coverage it was just one week later when i and they used to do it this way i got to deliver a check for the whole life i got to deliver a check for the monthly income i got to deliver a check for the b2000 and i got to deliver a check for the a 71 000. i got to deliver four checks for over a hundred and ten thousand dollars of coverage [Music] i got to deliver a hundred and ten thousand dollars at the same time 21 years old that's all she wants and that forever changed me in this business because i knew i had a responsibility i knew that it was meant to be [Music] i knew i didn't have a choice anymore to see 20 people a week or not because what i was doing was a lot bigger than me i was in that home that night with three chickens in my car and she gave me a 40 check and she only expected a thousand dollars for that think about that responsibility that i live with every day let me share this with you that's a responsibility that each of you live with i'm talking to your heart right now but you live with that every single day these people sent in a card and you were the one that was chosen to go out there and if you don't think it was meant to be then you're in the wrong business quotes that i live by in my life would be preparation plus opportunity equals success [Music] begin with the end in mind and criticize through creation [Music] the way i was brought up or the way that my parents really raised all three of their kids was around a few different things one was faith and then the second was education and then the third was sports on the one hand with my dad he always had me around business leaders and pastors and he was the executive director for promise keepers which was a national men's movement and i remember being in the golf cart with him driving around the kingdome and these different stadiums and meeting all these different influential leaders and then on the business side my mom would take me into the bank with her and i would get to sit with her all day and and kind of learn how she did things and those kind of two things were things that ended up shaping really how my work life and career ended up turning out basketball was my dream i wanted to be like my dad i wanted to get drafted into the mba and i worked for that the first goal that i had set was to get a division 1 scholarship which i was able to accomplish but the work ethic that was instilled through sports and for me particularly basketball was something that has created the longevity that i've had in american income i used to get up at 4 30 in the morning every single morning and i would work out with my trainer then i would go to school then i would leave school then i would go to the gym and get shots up and then i would go to sleep and i would do that six seven days a week and i did that since the eighth grade what i've loved about sports has been that it was very translatable to sales and it was very translatable to american income life where you practice and you work and then you get on the court or you get in the field and you're able to reap the results of it and that is the way that i approach the business from the very beginning [Music] before ao i was pursuing basketball i was going trying to get to the league doing all of that and then i came back for the summer and needed a job my father knew mr altig and i ended up being able to get a job and my first job actually ever with the company was in the call center and i was in the call center every single day and needed to make extra money and went and asked james hill and i was able to become a janitor and it just so happened i was downstairs on a break and i walked by a room and all i heard was people dialing on the phone and calling and that's when i ran into andrew bishop and i asked him one very simple fateful question if you will and that was how much money do you make long story short uh i ended up getting licensed andrew bishop gave me my first tank of gas to go into the field and i remember being in this situation to where i'm eating grilled cheese and tomato soup every day and so i walk into mr oltek's office and i'm like this real ticket long story short basically can you just cut me a check and i get this like butterflies in my stomach and all this stuff and he goes you know andrew i i could definitely do that and i'm like yes but i'm not going to and i was like no and he's like because i'm just telling you one week in the field can change everything and that was probably one of the best lessons i ever learned because my first week i wrote 11 000 of production and i learned that from the very first week the only way you lose in this business is if you quit meaning that everybody that's successful in this company are the people that stay and as long as you stay as long as you don't quit it's not a get rich quick it's a get rich for sure leader of the lions pick up a litter against the strongest i'm alive and remain a victim my battle scars and show that i am from a quitter went through it all enough disrupting that makes me a winner when it's me versus the globe where my back to the wall when am i lowest to lose still i put up a brawl was never in me to vote never end me to fall so when my story is told they'll say i gave it my all to say there hasn't been multiple times uh that i felt like giving up would be an understatement i think that's a part of our business i think that's really more so a part of life in my life it happened very early on i lost my grandfather my father and my brother in a year and a half period of time i was 23 years old my grandfather was just you know old he died of natural causes but my dad died in his sleep at 49 and my brother died on his 29th birthday in his sleep and so during those times for me i for sure felt like giving up i for sure felt like quitting i for sure didn't even feel like talking about death every single day you know to people but it was one of those things that again just wrong in my head about not quitting and persevering and i have to say about this company and by this company i mean ao was the time in my life where i realized that it wasn't just about the work that that i was family and when my brother passed the first call that i got first call that i received i was on a road trip in virginia and you know you go to those areas where you don't have cell phone reception and all of a sudden i get back to an area where you get some bars and my phone's ringing off the hook and buzzing and text messages and all that stuff but the first actual phone call that came through was mr alting and he's the person that told me to pull over the car and and he's the one that actually told me that my brother had passed away and consequently in that time frame within maybe six hours the the company had flown me on a plane back to my family uh had completely wrapped their arms around me in that time you know what kept me going through all of the kind of tragedy and the trials and tribulations really was you know something my mom said to me when my father passed which was this isn't going to stop us a lot of times when grief and life happens you can have all the excuses in the world while you don't do something and you and they're valid right and a lot of people would empathize or sympathize with you on why you made certain decisions or actions or things like that she uh really just sat me down and said andrew you need to go for it and that's what i did from starting from being in the call center in a janitor to the company to becoming the director of public relations is somewhat of a leap if you will it's just been one of those things where i think that the experience that i've had has been something that's happened throughout my the entirety of my career my daughter has been the single biggest impact in my life since she's been born i mean you have a daughter and i mean it's your daughter right and you want the best for them and you want to be an example probably my favorite stories about my daughter that applies to the business would be the month that i was going for gold club which was to write over and gross over 50 000 of production in a month which i'd never done before and so i actually had her make like the 50 60 service folders with me i had to spread out all the stuff on the counter and you're the one that's going to hold me accountable you need to ask me what how many people i saw referrals i collected how much aop i wrote and we're going to mark it off the calendar each time until we hit the goal and she was right there every single day with me that july in 2018 and it was one of the proudest moments to be able to get that plaque and show her that we accomplished the goal you know opportunity unlimited has always been who american income is and who we will always be but i i feel and i believe that opportunity limit has never been more unlimited it is now from going from the point to where i was mapping out leads on a physical map using autonomous guide and not having internet on my phone and having to ask people who their doctor is and they pull out a phone book to be able to look it up to moving to booking appointments in the palm of my hand and navigating to appointments and doing all these different things to now being in a position to where i can work from home work in any part of the country that i want to in any time zone that i want to i mean come on the opportunity has never been more unlimited than it is now i think we got it unless there's anything else anything else no i was super dope with basketball and i'm super dope in the insurance industry [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] good afternoon world's greatest sales force so often many of you don't realize the strong relationship that we have with labor throughout the united states and canada so i thought today i'd take a few minutes and explain what is that relationship all about we believe in helping every person in our company get the highest income that they can get and have the best working conditions that are possible so all of you get a chance to actually join the union and benefit from the ceo to the brand new person that starts in this company to all the people that are in the home office everyone's a union member and that gives us special access and recognition by all of the unions saying you know what american income is a union company they treat their people right and they've got wonderful insurance benefits and they say to their members if you're in the market for insurance if you need something to supplement what you've got through your union contract you should look to american income a union company to provide those benefits to you in fact i'd like to read you right now from the labor advisory board page exactly what the relationship is these outstanding union leaders provide substantial financial assistance to labor and labor-related causes and develop programs to best meet the needs of union members and their families and it goes on to say that our labor advisory board recognizes that american income is a fully organized 100 percent union company that offers supplemental insurance plans primarily to union members now the labor advisory board they cannot actually endorse our company and they can't endorse our products but they certainly recognize that they're union we actually design our insurance benefits to supplement what the members don't have through work and that's where your job comes in because when a mailing goes out or when we let members know about our company they respond to our company say you know what i'm interested in finding out more about those insurance benefits that supplement what i already have through work and you go out then and you enroll now you know what's exciting is to look at our labor advisory board and see some of the members that are on there you can actually find that labor advisory board on the planet you just go right into the planet library and it has everything that i'm about to show you but let's look at a couple of these in fact look right here here's sam cabral now sam is the president of the police union he negotiates all the benefits for police officers throughout the united states and we all know police officers have some excellent benefits now let's take a look at sarah nelson with the flight attendants union every time you see a flight attendant they're part of american income and the american income benefits and sarah nelson negotiates all of the union benefits for every flight attendant that you meet and here's one that's a lot of fun among all the members that we have here's d maurice smith he's the head of the national football players league association now i can't think of anyone that has better benefits than football players and d maurice serves on our board in fact i'm going to take you over to all these symbols you can actually click on each name that's on the advisory board and you can find out more about the advisory board member we are the union that represents the players of the national football league we are dedicated to the success and well-being of all players on and off the field i'll tell you that gives me a lot of security to be with a company that has somebody like d marie smith and the national football players on our board so now all of you understand our relationship with labor remember it's something that is a privilege and not a right but you have the privilege as a member of the union yourself to represent american income and its very fine products to union members not only union members their family and their friends throughout the united states and canada [Music] congratulations do you guys ever grow up and have people when you were young ask you what you want to do when you grow up [Music] i started out doing janitor work i was a missionary for my church working at a bank i was actually in college every single job that i was in ended up in the same situation where i didn't have any control i wanted a purpose i wanted to wake up every single day and say i'm going to work this is great or rush out of bed because i can wait to get to the office and fortunately i got a call from american income every day that you go do anything counts and every day does matter and who you surround yourself with matters the most and as soon as i realized that then that's where my career really took off i probably thought about giving up over 100 times in 14 years but you're gonna have your hard times whether you like it or not that's just life you can't give up on stuff you having to track but i felt like american income was the home for me i realized i'm not doing this for myself i'm doing this for my people my family my wife my future generations so every day when we go to work we'll help supporting each other outside outside looking at the stars staring with my mouth wide i ain't letting nobody stop me this time with every single level that i reach and not climb they ask all you from outside outside everything around me i create outside outside people forget that success has its ups and downs when you come from a background of not being well off financially you kind of think to yourself do you ever deserve to have the lifestyle of a six figure income but just like in life and in business it's not always a walk in the park and when there are tough times we kept going and you always have the opportunity to learn more because i think our mission has to be a little bit bigger than titles a little bit bigger than individuals it has to be more about what's the ripple that we're really having the same way rick alteg elia rob james dustin bienick we've had for all of us there is no privilege greater than the pressure to excel and no greater reward than earning the respect and fear of others that can only stand in awe of your results and all of american income will be standing in awe of your results one day i'm walking down the street in vancouver british columbia with my dad and i don't know if you guys are the same way but when i hear things that people want in their life or goals that that they're trying to achieve i really feel a responsibility to help them do that and we're walking down the street and my dad all of a sudden looks in a jewelry store window and he goes rick do you see that blue rolex i remember looking at i saw that blue like popped right out of the window at me and he goes someday i want to own that watch that's always been a goal of mine and i don't know i just started thinking about it that's my dad's goal what if i could actually buy that watch for it how did it feel when rick bought me the watch it absolutely overwhelmed me i had no idea that i was going to get such a beautiful gift like that [Music] and so i think probably about five six seven years rolled by and iliorlovich was going to become my partner i kept thinking about what can i do that most represents the altig family to ileorlovich and i thought that blue watch i give him the watch and he opens it up and he said this is for me i said well you've got a choice you can make you can either take mine it's on my arm or you can take this but ilia i would like for you to have the new one because it represents our new partnership together and it represents the future there's no greater gift that i could give you that represents our heritage our legacy than this watch [Music] you know nobody nobody earns gifts nobody deserves gifts somebody needs to give it to you somebody needs to want you to have it to wear to be proud of it somebody wants you to have something that they already have and maybe more so you know everybody's asking how do you get the roles well it's a gift but it's also recognition not for your achievements for who you are and the watch doesn't mean anything unless it comes off the race of the person that helped you get there and i would be more than willing to take your watch in our company this rolex doesn't stand for just to watch a beautiful piece of jewelry or something to be recognized by none of that it's a reminder and a reflection that you're involved with a company that's unlike any other and it's all about sharing with others what we were privileged and grateful to have shared with us with our mentors and i now realize what that meant being part of something that was bigger than you what the rolex means to me is tradition it was loyalty it was love it was years of hard work i think about how how blessed and how lucky and fortunate i am to be where i am right now so for the last 12 years 365 days a year i've taken my rolex off i'm taking my rings off and then i put it back on i almost feel like i'm a superhero because i know that i have to go live by that platinum my advice to the next person to get a rolex is they just realize the love and thought that was given in that watch as a gift i always wanted it but i never imagined i could be honored to receive one so if you're watching this video remember that you could be one of those and i think there's nothing more rewarding for rick and me than to hear that you know that the true values that they have they be how grateful they are the characters that they chose in life and to be part of this spectacular family where we every day try really hard to do more for others and you know we're going to continue doing work and our goal is to give hundreds of these rolexes over the next several years to people that we want to give them to and that is the legacy of ao and the legend of the blue rolex [Music] the only thing i'd say about the rolex is it just keeps sticking good afternoon world's greatest leaders all of you are here for one reason you want gold al is going big places and i'm glad that i'm a part of it right now and i know we can hit 320 that's the goal let's go change the world baby you better think again better wake up because you're part of something bigger you're part of something way bigger so the 320 million what does it mean to me it means to me that that we pushed and it means that we we're going to prove the world that we are not small company we are not even medium company at that time we're becoming a big company i i really would like to see us to get there in five and a half years and i think we can i believe again we have the best people in the world and that's why we're winning because of our culture i always wanted to create extraordinary company where where ordinary people can have extraordinary results and great vibes and i think we're there and i think we're gonna now just continue making way many many more and faster great lives so that's really exciting we only compare ourselves with ourselves and how good we are and how great you can become and we believe that you can become great and we believe that you can lead masses and that you can that everybody can be way way more prosperous because they met the original question is how did we get where we are how did we get to become bigger number one distribution system in all american income well i think the answer is pretty simple out of this organization out of ao any innovation that we always said we passed to american income into rest of the people and that's why when i say ao let's grow i don't mean just financially and in increases in production or sales the number of managers i mean let's grow like i would wish to you to grow your family so let's go you better think again better wake up because your body's something way bigger you're part of something way bigger i'll be the rules you'll be the tree pass on the fruit that was given to me living might be difficult but the need for believing is inescapable you
Channel: AO Globe Life
Views: 7,065
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: working home, money, world, ao, ail, american, income, life, insurance, business, work from home, work from home jobs, work from home jobs no experience, high paying work from home jobs, work from home jobs 2020, work from home 2020, work at home, paid training work from home jobs, no experience work from home jobs, best work from home jobs 2020, make money online, online jobs, jobs, work from home jobs for students, highest paying work from home jobs, online work from home jobs, virtual
Id: BNmmRnA6Wqo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 1sec (2581 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 02 2020
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