Learn Node.js & Express with Project in 2 Hours

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hey what's going on guys welcome back to another video so this is a two hours long Express crash course for beginners and in this video we will build a node Express project from scratch let me show you the topics that we are going to build in this video so we will first start with the express project setup and then we will move to how we can create an Express server we will also see how we can install the Thunder client to test our apis then we will set up the express router and after that we will see that how we can handle error in Express and using the async Handler then we are going to see how we can set up the express middleware for our project after that we will have the mongodb setup and then we will learn how we can use Mongoose schema in order to communicate with our database then we will see how we can have the crud API in our project next topic that we will cover is the user authentication we will see how we can authenticate our users and we'll have the registration and the login endpoints then we will see how we can have the controllers which will help us to communicate with our database for different operations then we will see how we can do the password hashing and then compare the hash password with the raw password then we will also use the JWT token so we are going to have the sign in and verify of the JWT token for the authentication part then we will see how we can handle the relationship using Mongoose schema for our different documents in our mongodb then we are going to see how we can do the protected routes so only authenticated user will be able to access those routes next we are going to have the user authorization so that only authorized user should be able to access our endpoints and after that in the end we are going to see the API testing so how we are going to test our API and the project you can also find the detailed time stamp in the description of the video so that you can jump to any topic directly so if this sounds interesting then stick around also don't forget to subscribe the channel and press the Bell icon so that you don't miss the videos like this one so let's get started [Music] all right guys so in this video we are going to build a contact manager application and we are going to build the apis of how we can manage the contacts we are also going to introduce the authentication and authorization Concept in order to build this application so before we go deep dive I want to give you some overview on the restful API conventions because we are going to build the rest apis so this is a restful API conventions where you will see that we have the crud actions and first what we will do is we will simply going to build a crud API for the contacts and contacts will be our resource so we will have different crud actions like get all contacts get a single contact create contact update contact and delete contact and for that we are going to use the HTTP methods as get put post and delete and on the extreme right you will see the end points so we are having a slash API slash contacts and for the other one we have the API contacts slash I ID so we will have to pass the ID in order to get an individual contact or update a contact or delete a contact and to start with this application we need to install the node.js in our machine so I already have the node.js installed in my machine and if you want to install it then you can go to the official documentation of node.js and then you can simply install the current version or the recommended version for the most users now we will also need a visual studio code so you can download the visual studio code from the official documentation now let's jump to the visual studio code and here what we are going to do is first we are going to set up our project so let's go to the terminal and I'm going to open the terminal all right and then I'm going to go to my documents directory so let's go to the documents and inside the documents directory I'm and here I'm going to create a new directory which will be so this will reflect the backend apis of my contact all right so now I will go to my contacts directory and here first we need to initialize our project so what I can do is I can write the npm init and with this npm in it it's going to ask a few questions so that it will generate our packet Json file so for the package name I'm going to give the name as my contacts backend API all right version is still 1.0.0 and here it will be this is Express project for my contacts backend API and then the next thing is we need to define the entry point so I'm going to define the entry point as server.js I'm not going to add anything on the test command I will not add the git repository no keywords as an author I'm going to add the page malvia and for the license I'm going to have the MIT and then I'm going to click yes so now we have the packet Json file now let's open this directory in our Visual Studio code so I'm going to do an open I will go to the documents and I'm going going to open the express project and inside that my contacts so I will just click on the trust the author and you will see that we have the packet Json now we haven't installed any dependencies and there is not much inside our packet Json file now the next thing what we will do is we are going to create a git ignore file so I will go here and I will create the git ignore and inside the get ignore I'm going to add the node modules so we don't want the node modules to be part of our git repository and I also don't want to add the dot EnV file because that will be only for the development purpose all right so now we have that and now let's create the server.js file so I'm going to go here I will have the server.js so we have the server.js and inside the server.js let's create a basic Express server so for that first we need to install the express so what I will do is let's go to the terminal and inside the terminal we will install the express.js so let's install the npm and install Express and then I'm going to hit enter all right so we have the express and along with that we will also need to install the node Bond so that it will automatically restart our server whenever we make any changes all right I will go to the package Json and we can verify that we have the node mon as Dev dependency and for the dependency we have the express.js now in the scripts and I will add the scripts to start my server so what I will do is I'm going to have the start and for the start what I will write is I'm going to write the node server dot JS and I will also add one more which will be for the development and for the development I'm going to run with the help of a node mon so let's have the node monserver.js I will save it and now if I go and run it so let's run the npm Run Dev and this is going to run our server.js but right now we don't have anything in the server.js so what I will do is I'm going to do a simply console.log and write I am in Express project all right I will save it and you will see that as soon as I save is the node Bond restarts the file automatically and we see that I am in the X Plus project so now we have the express installed now let's create a Express server so we'll have the express which will be equals to the require and that will be the express I have misspelled the required so let me correct and then what I have to do is I will Define a port so I will have to define a port and let's define the port as 5000. once we have the express installed we are going to have equals to the express now since we have created the app now we can have a listen on the app on that Port 5000 so what I will do is I'm going to have the app Dot listen and this will listen on the port that we have created so we have the port and this port is going to give us a callback and here we can write the console.log and let's have the server running on Port and we can pass the port here all right I will save it now you see see that we have a server running on the port 5000 so this is the static server which we have given but usually in our project we are going to have an environment variable file where we are going to define the port so let's do that so what I will do is I'm going to create a new file with the name dot EnV and here I will have the port and I will give the port as 5001 so I can make use of a DOT EnV package so let's install the dot ENB package so I'm going to go here and I will have the npm install.enb so now as I have the dot e and V this is going to give me an Access to fetch the value of the port from the environment variable file with the help of a process module which is a core module of node.js so I will show you how we can do that let's have a constant dot EnV and this will be equals to the require and I'm going to pass the dot EnV and then we have to use the config method I will change this to equals to and now we have this it has a process dot EnV and I can pass the port and my server is now running on the port 5001 which I have specified in the environment variable file now the next thing we need to do is since we have created the app and we are listening on the port now we need to test it so if we want to test the apis we need an HTTP client there are multiple HTTP clients which you can use but for this project I'm going to use the Thunder client which will be an extension inside the visual studio code itself you can also prefer to use the postman which will be a separate application so you need to switch between your Visual Studio code and the postman so that is the reason I'm going to use the thunderclion so if you want to use the thunderclion you can click on this icon in the extension and then you can search for the under client and you can just install it once you install the Thunder client what you will see is you will see an icon of the Thunder client so if you can click on that and if I go and create a new request then you will see that I'm going to remove all this I will have the http localhost my port is 5001 and now I will just send a request so what I will do is I'm going to click on the sender and you will see that as soon as I click on the send we see a 404 because we haven't configured any route for this and we see an HTML response with an error page now let's go and change it so what I will do is I'm going to have the app and then I'm going to use a get method and I want to listen for API slash contacts so let me have the contacts and then when I have this it's going to give me a request and a response and this will be an arrow function and then what I can do is I can do a res dot send and I can give a message here which I want so what I will write is uh get all contacts our server is restarted and now if I go here and for API context and now if I click on the get all contacts now we are not passing a response as a Json format but if we want to pass our response as a Json what we can do is we can use a res dot Json and this is going to give us a Json format so what I will do is I'm going to have the message and the message will be like this and now if I send then you will see that we get a message in the Json format now what we can also do is we can also pass the status code so what I will do is I'm going to have the res dot status and I can have the status as 200 and then I can pass the Json response I will save it and if I hit it you will still see that we have the same result but what we are going to do is we are not going to configure all our routes in the server.js so to make a clean implementation we are going to create a new folder which will handle all our routes so I'm going to go here and let's create the routes folder and inside the routes I'm going to create a new file which will be the contact routes dot JS and now in the contact route.js what we are going to do is let's first import require and I'm going to have the express now what we need to do is now we can configure the routes on this router so I will have the router dot route and in this router.rout what I can do is if I go here then we can actually take this completely so I'm gonna cut to this and then I'm going to add it here I will save it and here what we can do is instead of using this uh get what we will do is we want to make use of a use and here we can Define our contact routes so for that what I will do is since for every API we are going to have this API slash contacts as a common API URL so what I will do is I'm going to cut this and I will have simply slash here and here we can make use of that so we will have this and then we need that whenever we have the app.use so usually this app.use are known as middleware so we are adding the middleware in our Express project so here we will do a require and here we can Define the path of our route so that will be the slash route slash contact route I will save it and then if we go in the routes now then here what we can do is we need to export our router so for that what we will do is let's go and let's use the module dot export so I'm going to have the module dot export and we are going to export the router I will save it and you will see that as soon as we save it now we don't see the error and if we're going to try it in the Thunder client we will still going to see the same results so if I send it so we are getting an error that means we made a mistake so here we are using the app dot use as middleware for our API URL slash API slash context and then we are passing our contact routes now if we go to the contact routes we have the router dot route and then on this route we have to Define our get method so we are going to have a get which is going to give us a request response and I will save it now let's go and try so if I send it now we see that we have the get all contacts so this we have defined it now what we can do is uh this is one of the route now similarly we need to define the put post and delete so what I will do is I'm going to copy this and since for this uh for the Post also we are going to have the same endpoint which will be the Slash and here we are going to have the instead of get all contacts we are going to write here as create contact now the next one is the Slash and then we need to pass the ID here so we will have the ID and then we are going to have a put which is going to update our contact so let's change the message as update contact and whenever we have the ID what we need to do is we are going to have a update contact let's have the pair Ram so what I will do is I'm going to use the back tick and here what I will do is I'm going to have the request dot firearm dot ID I will save it and for the delete I'm going to change this to delete and for the delete also we are going to have the ID so let's have the ID and then here also what I will do is I'm going to copy this let's have the backtick and then I'm going to have here delete contact for this particular ID we can also make a route for the get an individual contact so I'm going to have a get here I will have the request response and here I'm going to have the get contact for this I will save it so now we have created multiple routes now let's give a try in our Postman first we know that when we have a get request and then whenever we have a get method and then we have the contacts resource and if we send it we see get all contacts now let's do a post I'm going to have a post and I will send it and it says that we have a create contact now let's have a put so what I will do is I'm going to pass an ID which is one and I will send it then you will see that the update contact for one now let's go and check for the delete it will going to give us the same delete contact for one and if we do a get request then it will be a get for an individual contact which will be a get contact for one all right so now we have all our routes and now what we are going to do is we are going to create the controllers so that controllers is going to contain all our Logic for the request response and it is going to connect with our database so what I will do is let's go and create the controllers folder so I'm going to go here I'm going to have the controllers and inside the controllers what I will do is I'm going to create my contact controller so let's create a file and I'm going to have the contact controller dot JS and inside the contact controller uh what we are going to do is whenever we create the API methods uh we always need to give some labels to that so how we can give the label is I'm going to write a description and the description will be for get all contacts and then I'm going to have the route so my route will be it will be a get slash API slash contacts and then we are going to define the access to the API so for now the access is public later on we are going to make it as a private whenever we when we are going to introduce the authentication all right now I'm going to create a constant here and that constant will be the get contact and then what I can do is I can simply remove this logic part from here and then I'm going to cut it and I'm going to add it here all right I will save it and then in the end what I have to do is I have to do the module dot export and I'm going to export the get contact all right I will save it now now I can make use of the get contact in my contact routes so let's import that so I will have the constant then I'm going to have the get contact and this contact will be coming from the so I will have the require dot slash dot dot slash controller slash contact controller and now what I can do is I can make use of this get contact and I can add the get contact here I will copy and then I will add it here now this way we can also uh modify for the Post get put in delete so let's go and create it so what I will do is I'm going to copy this for the create so in this it's going to be create contacts so let me change this to create contact and this will be changed to create new contact so let's have a create new contact all right I will change this to contact this will now change to post and the access will still be the public and then whenever we create a new contact we actually going to give a response as 201 which is as resource created now this will get changed so let's go and get it from here so I'm going to go and take this out I'm going to cut it and let's add in my create contact I'm going to change this to zero one I'll save it now we need to expose this so let's have it here now let's go and create for the put for delete and I'm going to add it for get an individual contact so this will be the get contact this will become a get request here we need to pass an ID all right this will be a public and here we are going to have a get contact all right and then we can just add it from here so I'm going to cut this and I'm going to add it here so let me add it here and since we are getting an error because this should be get contacts and this is the create contact which we are going to change it here anyway all right so we have the get individual contact and the next thing is let's update the contact so let's have the update contact this will be changed to update contacts so I'm going to change it to update contact and then we can change this so let's go to the routes and from the routes I'm going to copy this cut and then add it here and the last one is the delete contact so let's have the delete contact this will now change to delete this will change to put this will change to delete and then we have the delete contact API slash contacts and this will have the ID we forgot to add ID here so let's add the ID as well the access will be public and then we are going to add remove it from here cut it and let's add it here all right so now we have created all the methods in our controller now we need to expose them so I will going to have the get contact then I'm going to have the update contact and then there is a delete contact now we can use all these method in our routes file so I'm going to copy this and let's add it here now we have it now let's add the method in our route so I have a create contact so I'm going to copy and I'm going to add it here for get contact I'm going to add it here and this will become get contacts so this will get changed to get contacts so we have to go and change here as well this will be the get contacts I will save it now let's go here I will save it here as well and then we have the update contact so let's add the update contact and then the delete contact so I'm going to add the delete contact as well so we have defined the routes we now also have the controller which is going to contain the logic of all our request connection to the database now what we can do is here we can actually simplify mode and what we will do is since you will notice that these two routes are almost the same so what we can do is we can actually write here dot post cut it and I'm going to add it here now we can remove this so this way it can help us to save some lines so for the other three routes we have a common uh route so we are going to just cut and we are going to add it here so let's add it here and I'm going to remove this now we have it and now let's give a try we are going to test our apis again so if I go here and if I have the contacts then we still see the contacts so our apis are still working we have the foot I'm going to add the ID I still see the ID for delete I still see the ID and for the get individual contact I still see that so everything works fine so the next thing we are going to do is we are going to accept the body from the request so what we will do is if we go to the Thunder client and if we we do a post request and inside the post if we want to pass a body so let's have a body so what I will do is for the contact I'm going to have the name so let's add the name as the page I'm going to have my email address so let's have the the page at the rate gmail.com and then I'm going to pass the phone number so let's have the phone and I'm going to add some random phone number now I'm going to send this request so that we can create the new contact so if we go in our contact controller then we will see that let's do first the console log of the request so I'm going to have the console.log I will have the request dot body so I need this body in order to create the new contact so I'm going to have the console log so the request body is and I'm going to have the request body now if I see in the terminal and if I go here and if I click on the send then you will see that the request body is undefined and that is because whenever you need to accept some data from the client to our server we need to use a body parser so that we can parse the stream of the data that we are receiving from the client and for that what we have to do is we need to make use of a middleware and express provide us the middleware for the Json object which we can get it from the client so what I will do is I'm going to go to my server.js and in the server.js we are going to apply a inbuilt middleware which is the app dot use and then here I can have the express and I can have the Json and now this is going to provide a passer which will help us to pass the data stream that we receive from the client on the server side so if we go back and now this time if we send a request then you will see that we get the body which is the name email and the phone number which is the contact that we want to create now what we will do is now if case if we don't pass anybody so if we don't have any of the body and if we still send it then we are going to see the empty body but we don't want to accept this so now let's see how we can do the error handling uh with the help of the Express framework so if we go to our controller and in the controller what I will do is now we have the request body uh first I'm going to destructure it so I'm going to have the name email and the phone and this will be coming from the request dot party now I'm going to apply a condition that if we don't have a name or we don't have an email or if we don't have a phone so in that case what I want is I want to throw an error so I'm going to have the response dot status the status will be 400 and then I'm going to use the throw keyword and then throw an error and here I'm going to write is as all fills are mandatory all right I will save it and now let's see so if I go back here and if I send a request then you will see that we we get an error we also see that we have an error message all fills are mandatory but you see that this error message is not in adjacent format it's in the form of an HTML so for that if we want to change it what we need to do is we need to create a custom middleware which is going to accept the request response and then in between it's going to transform the response into a Json so what I will do is I'm going to create a new folder and I will name it as middleware and inside the Middle where I'm going to create a file with error handler.js so I'm going to go here let's have the error handler.js I will just make it camel case and now in the error handle.js what I can do is I'm going to create a constant error Handler and this is going to have a request response next and then the first parameter will be an error all right so we have that and this is going to be an arrow function and then what we can do is is we can simply do the module dot export so let's have the module dot export and we can export the error Handler and now if we want to use this error Handler we need to apply this in our server.js so if we go to the server.js then what we can do is we can make use of the app dot use so whenever we need to use a middleware we make use of this app dot use and we need to use the error Handler now the error Handler is auto imported so now we have created an error handle middleware and we have also used it in our server.js now let's transform this so what I'm going to do here is that I'm going to create a constant I will have the status code and this status code will be in the response so if we go in our controller then we see that we have passed the status as 400 so if we have a status code we are going to pass that status code but in case if we don't have it we are going to pass a status code of 500. all right I will save it and then what we can do is we can create the response dot Json we are going to intercept it and then in the response.json I can have the message and then I will have the error Dot message and along with this I can also pass the Stacked Rays so let's have the stack Trace I will change this to Capital and then I can have the error dot stack so this we get it on the error object and now if we go and try it then let's go to our okay I will close this I will close this as well I will close the environment file as well and now if we go and try and I will send it so in this case you will see that we get a error message in the form of a Json so we have the message all fills are mandatory and this is the stack Trace so now you can make a condition that you need to display the stack trace on the dev environment and or on the development environment and then on the production you don't want it so you can make this condition as well so now we are going going to use the stack Trace so you will see that it will also show us that in which file it has a problem and it will show all the Strays of our files now what I'm going to do is that if we go in our error Handler then in this case I need to pass some more information so I will also need to pass the title because I'm going to have the different kind of an error messages it may be 400 it may be 401 403 so so we need to handle each of the errors so what I will do is I'm going to have a title and in the title I will say that it's not found so I will have the not found all right I will save it and now what I will do is in case of a validation error we are going to pass the 400 so for that what I will do is I'm going to have here validation fail and then we are going to have the error message whatever error message we pass in our error object and then we have distract Trace so what I will do is I'm going to write a switch case here so let me have a switch statement and then in the key I will pass the status code so let's have the status code and now here if the status code is 400 then in that case what I need to pass is I need to pass that it's a validation field so I'm going to cut this and I'm going to add it all right I will save it and now if the status code is 404 not found then I'm going to have the case as 404 and then I'm going to pass this as my response so I'm going to cut it and I'm going to pass it here so what I will do is I'm going to create a constant file so that I can handle all my error codes so I'm going to create a new file and I'm going to have the constants dot JS and here what I will do is I'm going to have the exports.constant and this will be an object and here I will have my constants so I will have the not found which will be 4 not 4 then I'm going to have the validation error and that will be 400 then I'm going to have the unauthorized that will be four zero one then I'm going to have the forbidden that will be 4 0 3 and then we are going to have the not found so I have different HTTP error methods for the client and now I can make use of this in our error Handler so what I will do is I'm going to import the constants first so let's go here and I'm going to have the constant and this constants will be coming from let's have the require and then I'm going to have the dot dot slash constants and here instead of 400 what I will do is I'm going to have the constants dot validation error here I'm going to change this to constants dot not found I'm going to copy this and I'm going to add the unauthorized as well as the Forbidden so here I'm going to have the unauthorized here I'm going to have the Forbidden and I'm also going to add the error 500 which is the server error so this will be the server error and this will be 500 all right I'll go back here and for the unauthorized what we are going to add is we are going to add the title as unauthorized so let's change this to unauthorized and then forbidden this will be forbidden and then let's add the last one which is the server error and now this is going to be the server error so let's have the server error and I'm going to change this to server error and in the default case I'm simply going to have a console.log so let's have a console log and I'm going to write here no error all good all right so now we have created our error handle middleware and now we can throw the error in our controller whenever it is required all right so now the next thing we need to do is now since we are going to use the mongodb and the Mongoose so whenever we interact with the mongodb we always get a promise so in order to resolve that promise what we will do is we are going to make use of an async await so let's have the async here I'm going to add the async on all the functions all right we have it async but now since whenever we use the AC thing and if we want to catch an error we need to make use of a try catch block and in order to do the try catch block we have to add the try catch Block in each of the functions but there is a better way to do this and that's where we can make use of a middleware which is an Express async Handler which is going to handle our exceptions inside the async express routes and then it's going to pass them to the express error Handler which we have created here so for that let's install the express async Handler so what I will do is I'm going to go here and here I'm going to do an npm install Express async Handler and this is going to install our Express async Handler now let's import that so what I will do is I'm going to have a constant I will have the async Handler so let's have the async Handler and this will be equals to the require and it will be coming from the express async Handler and now in order to use the async Handler what we have to do is we need to wrap this complete async into this async Handler function so I'm going to have the async Handler and then I'm going to wrap this all right I will save it now we don't have to write all the try catch blocked in order to catch the errors so async Handler will automatically whenever an exception is occurred it's going to pass it to the error Handler now what I will do is I'm going to add it in all the functions so let's add it here I'm going to add it here let's add it here and we can do similar on the other all right this is for the put and the last one is the delete so let's add for the delete all right so now we have added the async Handler on all the functions in our controller the next thing we need to do is we need to have the mongodb database setup so now let's do the mongodb setup and I will go to the browser all right and here we can type the mongodb so let's have the DB so this is the home page of the mongodb and then we need to create a account which is a free so I'm going to click on the sign in you can use your Google account or GitHub account or you can have your email address so I'm going to click on the Google and I'm going to use my Google account all right so this is going to take a while to sign in using the Google account all right I'm going to click on the accept and I'm going to click on submit all right now you can fill this information uh like what is your goal so I'm going to Simply have the learn mongodb or I can build a new application or let's have the explore what I can build then what type of application you are building we are building some application related to let's have a other and then we are going to build a my contacts all right and then what is the preferred language we are going to make use of a JavaScript then we are going to click on finish and then we can choose the free plan which is a shared so I'm going to click on create here and then here you can choose any of the cloud provider region so let's keep it as it is I'm going to choose the AWS I'm going to have the region as let's change the region to Frankfurt all right and then I'm going to have the cluster so we are going to keep as it is we are not going to change anything and it's free forever then we are going to have the additional settings we don't have to do anything here and in the cluster name we can give the cluster so I'm going to give the cluster as the page cluster all right I'm going to click on create cluster so now we have this uh now for the security quick start we are not going to make any use of a certificate in order to connect to our database so we are going to use the user name and the password so for the username and the password I'm going to provide admin admin make sure you provide the secured password so I'm going to click on the create user since my user is created and then what I will do is where would you like to connect from I would like to connect from my local environment and then here you can click on the add my current IP address that is going to whitelist your IP address to access the database and then you can click on finish and close so now you will see that we have the database deployments and it's going it's creating our cluster so it's going to take some time to create our cluster so let's wait for it so now you see that our cluster is ready and if we go and do the browse collections then right now we will not have any collection in our cluster so collections is kind of you can think as a database and inside the collections you can store the records in the form of a Json object now what I will do is I'm going to click on the add my own data and for the database I'm going to have the my contacts backend and for the collection we are going to have the collection of our contacts so let's have the contacts I'm going to click on the create and now you will see that we have the collection as contacts all right so now we have created database and we also have the contacts collection now if you want to connect our database what we can do is we can go to this and we have a different solutions here so we can use the compass shell or vs code plugin so I have a vs code plugin so if I click on it and then we can download the vs cloud plugin from here and then once you have it we can open it in your Visual Studio code so if I want to connect it what I will do is let's go to the overview and I will go to the connect and then here what I will do is uh we can click on the mongodb compass and here I can copy this all right I will copy this and now let's go to the visual studio code in the visual studio code if you have the plugin then you have this icon and then you can click on the add Connection in the add connection you connect with a connection string so I'm going to click here and then we can add the connection string here since our database name is my contacts backend and we have to change the password as well so I will change the password as admin and I will hit enter now you will see that the connected to the cluster we have it and now if I expand this then you will see that we have a data is which is in my context and we have the context So currently we don't have any documents in our context so we don't see it here so whenever we add the contacts in our database we are going to see it in our mongodb plugin as well so now we need to connect our application uh to the mongodb database so now let's go back to our browser and here what we will do is I'm going to click on the connect and this time I'm going to connect with the mongodb native driver so this is what we are going to use so I'm going to copy this and then I will go to the visual studio code let's go to the application and then here what we will do is I'm going to close all this error hander I'm going to close the contacts and here I'm going to create the environment variable and let's add it here so I'm going to add this here now I'm going to name it as the connection string so let me have the connection string and my connection string is this one I'm going to change this to admin and then here I'm going to add my database name so my database name was my contacts hyphen backend so oops I made a mistake so this will be before the question I will save it so now what we are going to do is uh let's create a new folder and I'm going to name it as the config so I'll come here I'm going to create the new folder I will change this to config so let's have the config and now in order to connect with our mongodb database we will need a mongoose which is a object model design schema for our entities like contacts or user and it's help us to communicate with the mongodb database so for that what I will do is I'm going to create a new file and I will name it as DB connection dot JS now let's go and install Mongoose so I'm going to have the npm install Mongoose so this is going to install Mongoose to our application we can verify it with the packet Json and we see that we have the Mongoose here I'm going to import the rules so let me have the Mongoose this will be equals to the require I will have the Mongoose here and then what I will do is I'm going to create a function which will be the connect DB I'm going to have an arrow function and then inside that what I will do is and this is going to be an async function so let's add a async and then I'm going to have a try and then let's have a catch block that will catch the error and if there is an error we will log the error so let's lock the error and then if there is an error I just want to exit so I will have the process exit and I'm going to pass one I will also export this connection DB so what will I will do is I'm going to have the module dot exports and this will be equals to the connection DB and what we are going to do in a try block is we are going to create a constant connect and that will be an await uh oops a weight we will have the Mongoose dot we have a method which is a connect and then we are going to pass our connection string so that will be the process dot EnV dot connection string so I'm going to copy this connection string and I will add the connection string here I will save it and then when we have this connection established let's have a console log so that we know that the connection to the database is established so I'm going to have the database connected and then I'm going to add some parameters here so which will be the connect dot connection dot host so if you are going to console log this connect then you will see that you have some properties on this connect and then you can add those here so I'm going to have this and I will also have the database name so I will have the comma and then I'm going to change this to name I will save it and now you will see that if I save it then we don't see anything because we haven't used the connect DB uh function at the moment so let's go to our server so I'm going to go to my server and inside the server what I will do is I'm going to call this connect DB so this is my connect DB and I'm going to call it I will save it and now you will see that as soon as I save it or you will see here that we have in the console log database connected and this is the database that we are connecting and this is the host actually that we are connecting and this is my database name so we have successfully established the connection and the next thing we are going to do is we are going to create the schema for our contacts so now let's create the schema model for our contacts so what I will do is I'm going to create a new folder and I'm going to name it as models and inside the models I will create a contact model so let's go here and create a new file and I'm going to have the contact model dot JS now we have the contact model now let's import the Mongoose so we are going to have the Mongoose require oops require mongos and then we are going to create a constant and we will have the contact tax schema so this schema will actually have all the values that we want in our contact resource so I will have the contact this will have the Mongoose dot schema now we have an object inside that and inside that object what we will do is we are going to have the fields that we want in our contact object so first thing will be the name all right and the type will be a string so let's have a type and I will change this to string then I will also have a required so let's have the required because we need this and then we will change the flag as true and we will also pass in case of an error please add the contact name all right I will save it now the other field we want is the email address so let's have the email address and I'm just going to do a copy paste and I'm going to have the contact email address and the other fill will be the phone number so let's have the phone here and then it will also be a string please add the contact phone number so I'm going to change this to phone number I will save it and then we can also have the timestamp so what I will do is I'm going to add the timestamp here I will have the time tabs and then I will have it true and now what we need to do is we just need to do an export so I will have the modules dot export we're going to have the Mongoose dot model and then we can provide the name to this model so let's have the name as contact and we can have the contact schema so I'm going to copy and I'm going to add it all right I will save it okay so now we have created the Mongoose object so now the next thing we will do is we are going to apply our current operations and let's let's store the data in the real database so I'm going to go to my contacts so now let's start with the get contacts so first we have to import the model so I will have the contact and this will will be equals to the require I will have the codes dot dot slash I will have the models and inside the models we will have the contact model now we have the contact model and now what we will do is I'm going to have the constant contacts and this contacts will be equals to the contact model Dot and it exposes some methods to us so that we can establish a communication with the database so what I will do is I'm going to have the find and then after that what we can do is we can copy this context and then we can pass this contacts as the Json now let's give a try so I'm going to close this and let's close this as well we don't want this as well and if we go back here if I go to the get and if I send a request so we see that the request is still processing so let's cancel this and let's go back and we see that we have the contacts and we are using the async but we haven't used the await here so let's use the update now let's go back and let's give a try and then you will see that we have an empty array so right now we don't have any contacts in our database so now let's go and create a new contact so what I will do is here we have the async Handler we have the request body is a request dot body or we are going to go here and let's have a post and let's add the body here so I'm going to have the name as the page let's have the email address so the email address will be in the page at the rate gmail.com and then let's add the phone so let me add the phone and the phone will be let's add some random and now if we go back to our controller then in the case if we want to create a new contact so we will see that first we will have a check if the name email and the phone is empty then we throw an error but if they are not empty then what I will do is I'm going to create a contact object then I I'm going to create but if they are not empty then I'm going to create a constant with a contact and then I'm going to create a contact so let's have the update and then I'm going to have the contact model dot create and then I'm going to pass the object in the object I'm going to pass the name and this name will be equals to the request dot body dot name but I have already restructured it and since in the es6 if the key and the value are same we can just use the key then we are going to have the email and then we are going to have the phone I will save it and then once it is created then in that case what we can do is we can throw we can have the response dot status201 Json and then we are going to pass the contact that we have created so let's pass the contact I will save it now let's go to the new request and now let's fire the request I will send it and then you will see that we have created a new contact name is the page email phone number we we have the ID which is auto generated from the mongodb and then we have the created ad and the updated at the timestamps now if we go here and if we want to check then we see that we have the contacts and in the context you see that we have a record and this is the record that is stored in our collection now let's go back to our code I will close this let's minimize this and now let's work on the get contact so if we want to get an individual contact then we can just use the find by ID so let's go here and what I will do is I'm going to have a constant contact and this will be equals to the await let's have the contact model dot find by ID and we can pass the ID with the request dot param dot ID if we don't find any of the contact then we are going to throw an error that a contact is not found so what I will do is I'm going to have if we have the contact then in that case what we we want is we want the response dot status would be four not four not found and then we will have to throw an error so let's throw an error with new error and then we are going to have the contact not found but if we find the contact then we are going to return the contact so let me have the contact I will save it all right so now let's go and let's give a try so if I go back here I will fetch all the contacts and then I want to get this individual contact so I will get the ID I'm going to copy this and I'm going to pass the ID here and then I'm going to send the request now you will see that I get an individual object with the ID now let's make a change here I'm going to change it to 9 and then I'm going to send it so in this case you will see that not found contact not found we don't have any contact associated with this ID so now let's do the next one which is the update contact so in order to update a contact first we need to fetch a contact so I'm going to copy this as it is and then if we find the contact attack then I'm going to have the updated context so I'm going to have the constant updated contact and this updated contact will be having a a weight so I can have the contact model dot then I will have the find by ID and update and inside this what I have to pass is I want to pass the ID which I want to update so I will have the request.param dot ID the next will be the new body which I want to update which is the request dot body and then I also need to pass the and then I need to pass a query option uh which will be the new and I'm going to have it as true I will save it and then once we get it then what we are going to do is we are going to have a response dot status and then we can actually pass the updated contact to the user so I'm going to have the updated contact all right I will just copy this so now we have the updated contact let's go and let's give a try so this was my contact so if I click click I will get the contact uh sorry the contact is not found so I will change back the ID which was eight and we have the contact now I want to update this contact with the new information so I will have the page malvia and I will also have my email as the page dot malvia oops so the page dot file via I will make a put request and let's click on send and you will see that as soon as I send it the record is updated with the page malvia and now let's go and let's get the record so we will get the new updated record and the last one is we need to do is the delete in our current operation so let's go and let's do a delete so for delete also first we need to fetch the contact which is available in the database so let's go and let's copy that all right we have the contact if we don't find the contact we throw that contact not found and if the contact is available then in that case we will just do a remove so what I will do is I'm going to have the await contact dot remove so we have the remove all right I will remove the contact and then I will just pass the contact which we have remote so I'm gonna go and change this to here I will save it now let's go and let's try so I'm going to click we get the contact now I'm going to delete this contact so let's go and let's delete it I'm going to click on delete and you will see that it's 200 okay that means the contact is deleted and now if I try to fetch this contact then I should not be able to get it I will should get that contact not found and you will see that we have the contact not found so now we have done the crud operations we have done the read write delete and update and we have also done the connection with the database and all the contacts are stored in the data page in the form of documents under the collections so now the next thing what we have to do is now we need to introduce the authentication so now let's start with the authentication uh module and in the authentication what we will do is we are going to provide some endpoints which will help us a user to register themselves and then login and once they log in they can use a access token and then with the help of the access token they can manage their contacts so now let's start with the routing first so what I will do is I'm going to go to my server.js and inside the server.js I'm going to copy this and then I'm going to add here and this time our API URL will be the users as we are going to register the user and then we are going to have a login user so what I'm going to do is I'm going to change this to the user routes so let's have the user routes and now let's go and create the user routes file so I will go to my routes and inside the routes I'm going to create a new file which will be the user routes dot JS so now in the user route.js let's first import the express so I'm going to have the constant I will have the express and this will be equals to the require and I will have the express and then I'm going to have the router so let's have the router and this router will be coming from the Express dot router method so I'm going to call the router method now let's create the route so what I will have is I'm going to have the router dot post and on this post I will have the register and when we have the register we are going to have the request response and then we can have the response dot Json and this responsecon B I will have the message and I will have the register the user and then we can have a login endpoint so that will help our users to log in so I'm going to have the login and I will also create one more endpoint that will give the information of the current user so let's have a slash current all right I'm going to change this to login user so let me have the login user and I will change this to current user information so let's have the current user information and now let's give a try so I will go back here here and here instead of this I'm going to have the users slash register and I'm going to send so I see that we get an error so it should be a post request so now let's send it and we still see an error so probably let's see that our application is running or not so I'm going to open the terminal and here what we see is that we have an error and the error is expressed dot router is not a function all right so we made a mistake now let's go to the user route and this should be capital r now I will save it and we still have an error now let's go and fix that in the server.js on line number 13 we have an error so I will go to the server.js and online number 13 we have an error that there is no user route so we need to export the user route so let's go here and let's have the module dot export and I'm going to export the router all right so that it is now available in my server.js now everything works fine let's go and let's check so if I I go to this URL or API uses register and if I make a send then we see that we have registered the user similarly let's go and check for the login and I see that we have the login and then let's have the current user so if I click then we see the current user but since the current user should be a get request and not post so let's go and let's make this change so it should be a get request all right so now the next thing we will do is we are going to create the controller for the users so let's go to the controller and let's create the usercontroller.js so I will go here I will have the user controller dot JS and then in the usercontroller.js what we can do is we can just do simply a copy paste of this and I'm going to have hit here and the first thing we are going to have is to register a user so let's have a register a user and we are going to have a post method this will be users slash register and this will be a public access so anyone can access the end point and then register the user we will change this to register user whoops so this will become registered user and inside this this one we can now remove this and we can go to the user route and we can cut this and we can add that in the controller so let's go here and let's add in the controller I will save it and now let's go and Export it so I will have the module dot export and then we will export the registered user so I'm going to copy and I'm going to add it here now we will also need to import it in the user routes so we can import it so let's have the register user and you will see that it gets Auto imported so now we have to create the login user as well so let's go to our controller back and I'm going to copy this I will add it here and I will change this to login user so this will be login user I will have the login user this will be a post API and the endpoint will be the login it will also be a public endpoint and then we can change this so let's go here and I'm going to cut this and let's add that in our controller so I'm going to go here and I'm going to add it here and I'm going to export the login user as well now the third one is the current info of the user so what we will do is let's create one more method all right and this time this method will be a private method so only a logged in user can get the current information of a user so now this will change to the current user info the endpoint will now change to current it will be a private and here I'm going to have the current user let's cut this so I'm going to cut this and I will add it here so let me add that here and I'll save it we are going to now export the current user so let's add the current user and let's import the current user here so I'm going to import the current user and I will also import the login user now let's copy the login user and provide the login user function here and for the current user I'm going to provide the current user here I will save it and we see that we get an error so let's go and see what the error is so in the user controller line number four so let's go to the user controller and on line number four uh we see that I don't see any error but what is the error it says a sync Handler is not defined and we need to import the async Handler so what we will do is I'm going to have the constant async Handler and this will be equals to the require and I will have the express async Handler all right I will save it so now everything should work fine we see that now we don't see the error and what I will do is I'm going to close this contact controller and also close the contact model and now let's give a try so if I run it then we'll still see that we get the correct response register the user so now we have created it now the next thing what we have to do is we need to make the functionality for register the user and for that first we have to create the user model so let's go and create the user model so I'm going to go here and I'm going to create a new file and let's name it as the user model dot JS and in the usermodel.js let's import the Mongoose this will be equals to the require and I'm going to add the Mongoose here then I'm going to create a constant with user schema and this will be equals to the Mongoose dot schema and this will be an object and what values we will need in order to register a user the first property I need is the username so let's have the username and this username will be of type ring so I will have the username of type string then I will have the I misspelled it type then I will have the required and yes this fill is required so I'm going to have it as true and I will have a message as please add the user name the second field is we need to have an email address of the user to register the user so for that I will have a type as string and then I will have the required field so let me have the required and the required will have the flag as true and then the message is please add the user email address I'm also going to add one more property which is the unique so that I need a unique email address every time when a user is registered so no duplicate user with the same email ID can register themselves so I will add a property called unique I will have the flag as true and then whenever someone tried to register themselves with the same email address what I will have a message that email address already taken so that we can prevent them to register twice with the same email address and we will also need the password so let's have the password fill I will have the type as string all right then I will have the required fill so let's have the required and it will have a flag as true and I will have the please add the user password all right I will save it and I will just change this to small L and then we will also need the timestamp so let's add the timestamp so I'm going to have the time stamps and I will have it as true and then what we can do is now we can use the module export and we can export the schema so I will have the module exports and this will be equals to the Mongoose dot model and let's name the model as user so I will have the user and then I can have the user schema so now we have created the model as well the next thing what we can do is now let's write the functionality in order to register a user so I will go to my controller and whenever a user wants to register themselves they need to provide the username email address and the password in the request body so what we are going to do is uh let's restructure those information so what I will do I will have a constant I will have the username the email address and the password of the user and all these three fills we will get it from the request dot body and once we have it we are going to make a check that if the username is not empty or the email is not empty or the password is not empty so I will have it and in that case what we will do is we are going to send a response status as 400 so the validation is failed and we will send a we will throw an error actually so I will have the throw new error so we will have an error object and then we will have all fields are mandatory so before creating a user what we will see is we are first going to check that whether with the particular email address do we already have an existing user in our database or not so what I will do is I'm going to have a constant user available and then I can and make use of an await keyword and then we can use the user model in order to interact with our mongodb database so let's import the user model first so I will have the constant user and this will be equals to the require then I'm going to have the dot dot slash models slash user model and we can now have the update we can use the user model and then we can do a find one and this is going to help us to find a user which is already have in our database with the email address so let's use this email address and check so I'm going to add it here and now if we have the email address so we need to pass the email address in an object so let me have an email address as an object and now if we find this user available so let's go here and let's have a check on that so if we have a user then in that case we are going to throw an error which will again be a validation error and we will have a status as 400 and this time the message will be that user already registered and then what we will do is if we don't find any user then in that case we are going to create a new user in our database so before creating a new user what we have to do is we are accepting the username email address and the password from the client but since the password is a raw password and we cannot store the raw password into our database so for that we need to Hash our password and in order to Hash the password we are going to make use of a library called Big Crypt so let's import the bcrypt library so if we go to the packet Json we see that we don't have a bcrip library so I'm going to open a new terminal and then I'm going to install the B Crypt so let me have the npm install Big Crypt and I will hit enter so now we have the bcrip library and now let's go and use that so what I will do is I'm going to import the bcrypt so let me have a constant Big Crypt this will be equals to Rick require and then I will have the big trip and you will find this bcrypt documentation on the npm official documentation but I'll show you how we can use it so it's very simple to use it and what we have to do first is we need to create the hash password so I will have the hash password and how we are going to create is I'm going to create a constant with an hashed password and this will be equals to so bcrip is also going to provide us a promise so that's why we are going to use an addressing a weight and I will have the bcrypt dot hash and then in this we first need to pass the raw password so our raw password is available in the password and then we can provide the solved rounds so this 10 is just the number of solved rounds that we want for the hashing of the password so you can use this and now if we do a console.log then we will be able to see the hashed password so let me have the hashed password all right and then I'm going to use the hash password I will save it and then what we are going to do is uh let's go and check first so if I go back here and we have the post register and in order to register a user what I will have is I will have the user name okay and let's have the username as the malvia then I will have the email address and we don't need a phone we will have a password and I'm going to give the password as one two three four five six now I'm going to click on send so we can see the logs and when I click on send you will see that we have the hashed password so this is the hash password we are going to store in the database so that we can prevent or we can have the security of the user password so now let's go back to the user controller and now we already have the hashed password and what we will do is now we can create a new user so I want to create a new user so let's have a constant of the user I will have the user model and that will give me an Access to create and whenever I want to create a user what I will have is I'm going to have the username I will have the email and then I'm going to have the password so let's have the password and the value of the password will not be password we are going to use the hashed password I will save it and then what we can see is uh once a user is created so I will do a console log of the user so that we know that a user is created successfully so I will have the user created I'm going to have the dollar user and now we need to send the information to the user so whenever we need to send the information to the user I don't want to send the complete user because this will also contain my hash password so what I will do is now if we have a successful user created then in that case I want to have the response dot status as201 that is the resources created and then I'm going to pass the Json data and I want to pass the ID so I will have the user dot ID and then I will also pass the user email address so let me have the email address and this will be the user dot email address and if there is a problem then in that case what we will do is I'm going to throw an error so I will have here and I will have the response dot status as 400 all right and then let's throw an error so I will have the new error object and I will say that user data is not valid so that means the request was not valid so that's why we were not able to create the new user all right so now we have done this uh if we want to test it what we can do is we can go to our new request and here we can try to test it so I can go and send a request and you will see that when I send a request I get a response back as status 201 created so my resource which is a particular user is already created in the database and in response to that I get the ID of my user which is created and then the email address now if I try to submit it once again then and in that case we are going to get an error and that is because the user already registered and we have made a check here so if you will see that if we have a user and if we find it one in with the help of the email address we throw an error that the user is already registered and now if we want to verify that in our database then we can go to our mongodb so let me go to the mongodb and this is our collection and inside the users if we go and then we will see that this is the user we just have created so this is what uh we have now the register user we now need to create an endpoint for the login so that whenever a user is login we get an access token and for that we are going to make use of a Json web token so let's go back in our Visual Studio code and here what we will do is before using the Json web token I want to go to the Json web token website and I want to show you something so I will go to the Json web token.io and then what we will do is uh whenever we have a Json web token so this is sample Json web token and you will see that it contains three parts the first part is actually the header algorithm of the token so it's have a algo type of hs256 and it's a type of web token now the next piece of information which is in the pink color uh that is actually the payload and that payload we are going to have the user information that we are going to add in our token so and the third part you will see it's the signature verification so this is how a Json web token is and it consists of three different parts now let's go and let's add it in our application so what I will do is let's go and first install the Json web token so I'm going to have the npm install Json web token now if we go to the package Json we should be able to see the Json web token all right so now let's work on the login functionality or the login endpoint so if we go to the user controller and in the login endpoint what we want is whenever a client is sending the email address and the password in that case we need to match the password and then we provide the user back with a access token so what I will do is I'm going to have a constant and then I'm going to have the JWT and then I will have the require and this will have the Json web token and then I'm going to go to my login function so this is the login user function and whenever a user is trying to log in they send in the request body the email address and the password so let's fetch the email address and the password first so what I will do is I'm going to have a constant I will have the email and then I will have the password then this will be equals to the request dot body and then we will just make a check that if we don't have an email or we don't have a password I misspelled the password then in that case we need to the response status as 400 there is a validation failure and then let's draw row and error so I will have the new error and then we will have all fields are mandatory but if we have a proper email address and the password then in that case first we need to find that whether there is a user in the database or not so what I will do is I'm going to have a constant user and then I will have the update we are going to use the user model and then we will use the find one then we are going to pass an email address and this will help us to identify that a user is already present in the database uh or not once we have the user then we need to compare the password which is stored in our database and the password which we have received from the client so what we will do is uh let's have the compare password with hashed password and what we can do is uh it's very easy to compare first we need a user and along with that we will also make a check on the password so in order to do that we can use the B3 script method which is a compare so let's use that bcrypt dot compare and then we are comparing the password which we received from the client in the request body with the hashed password so that will be the user dot password and this user is the user that we are stored in our database and which we are retrieving here we have the user we can now compare the password with the user dot password and if this matches in that case what we need to do is we need to provide an access token in the response so what we will do is uh we are going to have a response dot status and the status will be 200 and then we are going to have a Json and in the Json we are going to pass the access token so let's have the access token now we need to know what is this access token is now this is where we are going to use the Json web token so now let's have and create this access token so what we will do is let's create a constant with an access token and then we can use the JWT which we have imported here JWT and it has a method of signing we need to sign a new token for our user so what I will do is I'm going to have the JWT DOT sign in and this JWT DOT sign in is going to take few parameters so it will be an object and we need to provide the payload so if we go back to our browser then you will see that we have a payload and inside this payload we can actually pass the information which we want in our token so let's go back and here what I want is my payload will be the user information which I want to embed but I don't want to embed the user password so what I will do is I will have a user object as my payload and then I will embed the username so this username will be equals to the user dot username I will also have the email address which will be equals to the user Dot email and then I'm going to have the ID which will be equals to the user dot ID so this is my payload which I'm going to embed in my token now the next thing is uh we have to provide an access token secret so in order to get the access token secret what we can do is we can just Define a unique access token Secret in our environment variable file so let's go to the environment variable file and here what I will do is I can simply have the access token so I will have the access token secret and then you can define a unique secret key value here so for now what I will do is I'm going to Simply add the the page one two three as the secret but you should not do it when you do a production level code so what we'll do is I'm going to go to the user controller and here I can use the access token secret so in order to fetch a value from the environment variable we can make use of a process code module and then we are going to have an EnV we will have the access token secret so I'm going to just copy this all right let's add it here okay so now we have that and there is one more property which we need to pass and that is the expiration time of our token so we are generating a token but we need to also provide the expiration date of that token so that after this token is expired users should not be able to use the token in order to call the apis so what we will do is we are going to set the expiry time and let's set the expiry time as one minute so this is just for the testing purpose we are going to set the expiration time as one minute and once we have this we have the access token and let's pass the access token as a response and if there is a error then we will have an else and what we will do is we will have the response dot status of 401 and that will be uh that email or the password is not valid so the thing is that if this is not true that means we don't find a user or we don't match the user provided password with the stored password then in that case there is a problem with the credentials and we are going to pass 401 and let's throw an error so I'm going to throw in an error so let's have an error object and then I will have a message as email or password oops I made a mistake password is not valid all right I will save it and now I can just remove this so I'm going to remove this and I will save it now let's give a try so what we will do is uh I will go in the new request and here instead of the register I will have the login and I'm just going to remove this username and now let's send the request so if I click on the send then you will see that we have the access token so now we are able to get the access token now what we can do is uh we can use this access token and can access all our private routes if we go to the uh contact controller then you see that we have all the public routes and now we are going to make this as a private route so the next thing what we are going to do is uh we are going to make all our public routes as a private routes and we are going to enforce a validation on those public routes so only authenticated user can access those private routes so what we will do is first let's start with the user controller and in the user controller we will first go with the current user info now to access this endpoint the current user info we need an access token I mean the client has to pass an access token so that only authenticated user will be able to access this route so what we will do is let's go to the user routes and in the user routes what we have to do is but before we do anything in the user routes we need to make a middleware which is going to help us to validate the token which a client is sending in our request as a bearer token so what we will do is I will go here and I'm going to change this to current and then what a client will do I mean the user is going to have this token and they are going to pass the token in the bearer section and I will send it here and then when a user sent the request I have to validate this token I have to verify that the token is a correct token and it is associated with a correct user so for that what we will do is we are going to create a middleware so that where we can verify the token so I'm going to create a new file and then I will have the validate tokenhandler.js and in this what we will do is first let's import the async Handler so I will have the async Handler and this will be required I will have the express async Handler and then the next thing is we will also need the JWT Json web token so let's import that and I will have the require and then I will have the Json web token I'm going to create a constant validate token function so I will have the async Handler and inside the async Handler what I will do is I'm going to have the async and we are going to have the request response and then we will have the next so this is a middleware and you will see that we have a very similar middleware as error Handler also and in the error Handler also we have the request response and the next and we also have the error now what I will do is I'm going to create a token variable here and then what we will do is whenever a user is sending a request the token is actually passed in the header section with the auth field so either you can pass it here as a bearer token or you can have an authorization field here so you can also create a new value which will be an authorization and then in the value what you can do is you can use the bearer and then you can add the token here so either you do this way or you will pass it here in both the cases we should be able to manage to have a check on our backend so what I will do is is a let auth header and this will be equals to the request dot headers dot authorization so if we have this kind of an authorization so I will copy and I will add it here or if a user is having an authorization uh like this so I'm going to copy and then if a user have an authorization like this so in both the cases we will have the auth header and now what we'll do is that if we have this auth header then in that case we will also make a check that we have an auth header that starts from so I will have the starts with and our authorization header always starts with a bearer so we need to have the auth in a bearer token so what we will do is we are going to go and check for the bearer keywords so if we have Bearer then in those cases what we need to do is let's extract the token first so we are going to have the token variable and we need to extract from the auth header so what I will do is I'm going going to make use of a split and then I will split with a space bar so if we go here and you will see that we have a bearer and then we have a space so let's split it with the space bar and then we are going to use the value of the first index so if we go here the first the zeroth index will contain the bearer and the first index will contain the token so that's where we use the first index we have the token and now what we need to do is we need to verify this token so to verify we will use the JWT dot verify and then we need to pass the token we also need to pass the access key so process dot EnV dot access token key so I'm going to go here I will copy and I will add it here and the third parameter will be a callback function so this will have an error and then we will have a decoded user or decoded information now if we have an error then in that case we will have a response status as four zero one and we are going to throw an an error so let's draw an error so I'm going to have a new keyword and then we are going to throw an error as user is not authorized so we are trying to verify the token but user has given a token which is not a valid token or he is using a token from some other users so in that case we are going to say that user is not authorized but if a user is using a correct token then we are going to get the user information so what we will do is let's have a console.log and I will log the decoded and I will save it now what we can do is in order to make use of this validate token we can go to the user routes so first let's uh export this so I will have the module dot export and this will be equal to the validate token so I'm going to have the validate token here all right I will save it and then what we will do is let's go to the user route and in the user route I can make use of a validate token because since only current user was the private route so I will have here the validate token it's Auto imported now let's go and let's give a try so I will have a API slash user slash current and when I send a request then we see that we have a 404 and that is because the end point for the user current has a get method so let's change this to get and I will also go here and let's send the request and since we send the request we see the user is not authorized that means the token is either an expired token or the token is not a valid token so we first need to fetch a new token so what I will do is I'm going to create a a new request so let's go to the client I will have a new request and I will just copy this all right I will add it here and I will just do a login of the user first so let's login the user all right I need to pass the body so whenever I need to log in I will have the email address as the page oops I don't remember the email address and then I will have the password as plus one two three four five six so let's go and check the email address so I will go here I will have the email address so I'm going to copy the email address and let's add the email address here and this will be the email this will be the password so we have the request body now uh let's go and let's send it and we get the access token now let's copy the access token and now let's use the current which is a protected route so I'm going to go to my oh I will just remove this I will go to the auth and I will add my token here and now I will send the request and you see that when I send the request what we see is this is the decoded user we have so we have logged the decoded user but we also see that uh cannot set the headers after they are sent to the client so we are doing some mistake here and what we will do is uh let's go to our validate token so I'm gonna go to my validate token uh here and we have the decoded user here so what we will do is uh in the decoded user we can have the decoded dot user which will give us the user information so this is the user so what I will do is I will append this on my request dot user and then I will have this decoded dot user so what I have done here is that uh I have verified the token and I have extracted the information which was embedded in the token so the information which was embedded in the token was the this one the user information the expiry and the creation of the token and then I have taken the decoded dot user and this information I have attached this information to my request dot user property and then I'm going to have the next so this is the middleware so I'm just going to intercept the request I'm going to decode the token and then I'm going to append the user information on the request body not on the request body but on the request dot user property and now we will also make a check that if this we don't have a token then in that case that means the token is not provided or the token s or the user is not authorized so let's have a response dot status as 401 and we will throw in error so I will have the throw new error and the error will be that user is not authorized or token is missing in the request I will save it all right now let's go and give a try so I will go back here and then I'm going to send that so I'm sending it and I see the token is expired so let's go and have a new token all right I'm going to copy this I'm going to add it here so in the bearer token let's add it and now I'm going to send and you see that the current user information since we are not fetching the information from our database but this is a protected route so if you don't have an access token you will not be able to access this route so now we have successfully verified the Json web token and we have also used it on a private route now what we need to do is whenever someone is requesting the current user information we need to go go to the database in the mongodb and then we need to fetch the information and then provide it as a response so let's go to our user controller back and here what we will do is I'm going to go and I will remove this and here I'm going to have the request dot user and that will give me the user information because if we go to the validate token then we extract the user information and we put it as request dot user so when we have the request in that case we will just send the request.user so let's go and let's do so I'm going to send the request and since the token expired let's have a new token I'm going to copy this let's use the token in the auth and I'm going to send it and you see that this is the information of my current user the username is D malbia email address and then I have the ID all right so the next thing what we need to do is we need to protect all our contacts around so only a logged in user will be able to create delete update and read the contacts which they have created for themselves so what we will do is first we need to associate whenever you create a new contact we need to associate that contact with the user ID who is creating it so let's go in the contact model and in the contact model we need to update this model so what I will do is I'm going to add a new property and this new property will be the user ID and this ID will be for the user who is creating the contact and what we will do is we are going to have a type of this and the type of this ID will be the Mongoose dot schema dot types dot object ID because this ID is actually created in the mongodb and that's where we have the object ID and then we are going to use is as required so whenever you create a new contact we need to always have an user ID so that's how it will be associated with the particular user so I'm going to have it as true and I need to provide the reference of the model so the model is user so we have made this first change and now what we have to do is the next thing we need to go to our contact controller and we need to make all the routes as private so I will go to the contact controller and let's change this to private I'm going to copy I'm going to add it here I will also add it here then I will also add it here and then I will also add it here all right we have it and now let's use the uh validate token as a middleware for all the routes which we have so if we go to the contact routes then in the contact routes what we will do is we are going to make use of a validate token so this validate token will be used for all the routes so we are not going to use here validate token for each of the method but what we will do is we will have the router dot use so we are going to use a validate token on all the routes and let's get Auto imported so this is also one of the way you can do it if you have all the routes as protected route and you need to validate the token on all the routes or if you have only some of the routes then in that case you can make use like this all right so now let's go to the contact controller and in the contact controller now let's make use of the user ID and then we do the current operations so the first we will start with that I need to find my contacts so I need to find all the contacts with the user who is logged in so we need to fetch all the contacts of a logged in user so for that what we will have is we are going to have the user ID and this will be equals to the request dot user dot ID and I will save it and this user ID is the one we have just added in our contact model so this is the user ID so now if we go and try but before trying it what I want to do is I don't want my token to get expired every time so I will increase the expiration time of my token so I will go to the user controller and in in the user controller we are set as one minute so let's make it as 15 minutes and now I will go here and I will first log in with the token so I'm going to log in all right then I'm going to have my token and then what I will do is I'm going to have my contact and then I'm going to pass this token and now I'm going to fetch all the contacts which are created by the username the page malvia so I'm going to send it and we see that we get an empty arrays because right now there is no contact being created for this user which is the page now the user which is the page is going to create some contacts so if we want to create the contacts we are going to have a post request and in the post request what we will do is let's have a name and my contact is uh John so let me create a contact which is a John Day and the email address of John day is just uh John gmail.com and then we have a phone so let me have a phone and I will have one two three oops I will have 0 9 need something something so this is the contact which the page wants to create it so we also have a valid token and now if we send it we should be able to create it so let's go to our controller first and not in the user controller we need to go to uh oh okay let's close the packet Json let's close the environment variable file let's close the contact model and we now only interested in the contact controller now in the contract controller whenever we want to create a new contact what we need is we need to have the name email and phone number but along with that we will also need to associate the user ID who is creating this so what I will do is I'm going to have the user ID and this user ID will be equals to the request.user.id since we are using this as a middleware whenever we have a request this middleware is going to decode the token and then it's going to add the request dot user property and in the request.user property we will find the ID and then we can now create this contact all right let's go and let's give a try I will save it and now I will go and create it so if I send the request now you will see that this is the user ID of the page and the page now have created a contact for the name as John day and now what we can do is we can create multiple contacts for the page so uh in the next contact I'm going to create is nikesh G and then the email address is NYX and I'm going to change this phone number and then I'm going to send and you see that we have created a contact now if I want to see all the contacts which the page has created then I'm going to send request and you will see that we have two contacts which is created by the page now what I will do is I'm going to create a new user and then I'm going to see that the new user is able to get all this contacts or not so let's go back here and let's register a new user so I will have a new user so I will do the register and I'm going to pass the user name and the username this time will be let's have a user as Mark so Mark is an another user so we will have the email address as Ma at the red gmail.com and then I'm going to send it and we see that now a new user is created which is Mark now let's login with Mark so I'm going to log in with Mark so I will change the url as login and I'm going to just remove this all right I will send the request and we get an access token so I'm going to copy the access token and now what I'm trying to do is so now this access token is for the user the page and if we send the request he has created two contacts but now I want to change this for token for a mark and now this token belongs to Mark and if I send a request then you will see that we don't have any contacts because Mark doesn't created any new contacts for himself so this is how we are preventing cross user uh trying to access the context for other users and that's where the authentication is done the next thing we need to do is we need to update and delete the contact for a user so let's go to the con that controller back and here what we will do is uh whenever we need to get a contact we can get the contact with the help of a request dot dot param.id but if we want to update the contact what we will do is first we are going to fetch the contact from our database with the help of the ID and then this contact will contain the user ID of a user who has created so what we will do is uh before updating the contact we will make a check and the check will be that if the contact which we have just fetched as dot user ID dot to string and if this not equals to the request dot user dot ID then in that case we will know that a different user is trying to update a contact of an another user so what we will do is we are going to throw an error so I will have the response dot status and the status will be 403 because a user is not authorized to update a contact of an another user and then I will throw an error so I will have the new error and then I will have the error as user don't have permission to update other user contacts so we have handled that case and if it matches so the contact.user ID matches with the request dot user ID then in that case we are going to Simply update the contact and we need to do a very similar thing for the delete also so I'm going to copy this in the delete also we first fetch the contact from the database we have the contact we checked that if the contact is found then in that case we remove it but before removing it we need to check that the contact which we found has a user ID and that user ID should match with the request.user.id and then we will have oops we made a mistake so user don't and this will also users don't so now we have protected all our crud operations of the contacts uh with the Json web token and now if we go and simply do a testing of it then we see that this token is for the mark and if we let's go and let's get the token for the page again so what I will do is I'm going to have page and I will send a request oops the email ID and the password is wrong so probably the email ID will be the page dot malvia all right now we have the token Now using this token I want to see that what all contacts this particular user has so this user has two contacts now a user want to update this contact so I'm going to copy this let's have a contact here if I go to the body then I will have an updated contact as nikesh godekar and I will make it updated I will send it and you will see that we have a contact but we made a mistake because it's a get and we need to make a put in order to update it and now I will send it and as soon as I send it you will see that the contact is updated nikesh gadekar update now what I will do is I'm going to remove this then I'm going to make a get and we get the contacts back with an updated contact now I want to delete this contact so I'm going to copy this and let's have here and I'm going to delete so let me have this and I'm going to send the request and you will see that it's 200 and hopefully this contact is deleted now so if I go and try to do a get on it then I should not be able to found the contacts so we see that the contact not found now what we will do is uh let's go and let's fetch all the contacts back so we don't have any contact so there is a problem so what we have done is if we go here and if we see then what we are doing is we are doing the contact dot remove and that is removing all the contacts from our database but we only want to remove the contact for which the user is passing the ID so what we will do is uh we will have to make a change here and we are going to have a delete one and which ID we need to delete is we're going to have the underscore and then we are going to have the request dot param dot ID now let's give a try so what I will do is first I'm going to create some contacts so I will go here and I will send a post post or write a contact is created let's create an another contact so I will have the next contact as John day and then I'm going to have this as John and then I will send it so now if I go and fetch then we see that we have two contacts and now I want to delete this updated so I'm going to copy this I'm going to add it here and then I'm going to go and do delete and I will send it so we see that okay it's 200 and the contact is deleted so if we go and do a get we should have contact not found but if we want to fetch all the contacts we still should have the John Day so you see that we have the John Day so now we have fixed the problem uh with the contact dot removed so we should use the contact dot delete one so we have created all the crud API of the contacts so we can now make use of the contacts API and then we can manage the contact based on the user so we also have a register user login user and then once a user is logged in he can create update delete and read all the contacts which he has created and similarly we can now have multiple users and they can they can manage their own contacts so that's all I have in this video I hope you liked the video a thumbs up is appreciated you can also connect with me my Facebook or Instagram you can follow me on Twitter for latest update and before you go don't forget to subscribe the channel and press the Bell icon so that you don't miss the videos like this one thank you thanks for watching
Channel: Dipesh Malvia
Views: 160,303
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Keywords: node.js, node, express js, node.js tutorial for beginners, node.js tutorial, node.js for beginners, what is node.js, express projects for beginners, node js express crash course, Learn express in 2 hours, built contact manager app express, how to setup express project, express mongoose jwt, express user authentication, express rest api, node.js user authentication, express crash course, express tutorial node js, express crash course node js, expressjs, express js tutorial 2023
Id: H9M02of22z4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 102min 52sec (6172 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 31 2023
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