Learn Maven (Build Automation Tool) with TestNg and Selenium

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Holloway's welcome once again surveys in the previous session we have already completed that what is maven I have already given you the overview of what is maven that ok through this diagram and how exactly maven is interacting and what is the Maven architecture and how exactly maven is installing automatically all the external jar files and internal jar files ok so this is a maven process I have told you now the next thing is that we have to learn that ok what is first we have to set up the maven in our local environment in our local machine either you are using Windows or Mac ok so guys I have I don't have Windows as of now so it's a very very good site is there that mkm dot-com I always follow this guy ok and you know he has given the very proper step it's very easy to install and setup maven so you just need to do one thing is facially most of the users are from Windows so what you have to do you just need to a couple of things first you have to download JDK and Riddick is already available and you have to set up the environment variable so just follow a step by step all these steps ok that simple create one Java underscore home environment variable and then put your JDK path over here in your case it will be JDK 1.8 or whatever and then the second step is you need to download a patch a maven C gauge Apache maven is available in the form of zip file okay so we just unzip it and put it in your C Drive or create a folder over there or whatever okay and then put it over there and what you have to do again you have to create two environment variables m to underscore home and may will underscore home ok so like this M to underscore home and Maeve an underscore home you have to create and you have to give the path like this ok and once it is done you have to create one path that is the path variable and you have to create path variable like this case so you just follow all these things properly and it's very easy but make sure while setting up the your environment variables we have to be very careful but it's very easy so just follow a step by step and once this thing is done okay you may restart your laptop and then immediately what you have to do you have to go to your command prompt or Mac users they can go to simple just tie one command may 1 version ok so you will see that maven 3 point 5 point 0 or whatever the version you have downloaded and set up it will say like this ok on your machine so only 3 steps you have to follow ok these 4 steps you have to follow it's very easy guys so m'kay young dot-com guy is there I'll send you the URL in the description so please set up maven first okay because I don't want to waste time to set up the maven on Windows because I don't have Windows and on my machine you know on Mac machine I have already set up okay guys and okay second thing is that you have to do one thing that yeah you have to download one maven plug-in in your Eclipse ok so what I will do simple I will open my Eclipse what do you have to do guys you have to go to help and I am NOT going to download because I have already downloaded maven Eclipse plug-in most of the time what happens that ok maven Eclipse plug-in is already available in your chips by default it comes like that so how to check simple go to file new and go to project and you will see that if maven section is there that may when maven project section is there it means maven is already available on your laptop on your on your Eclipse not laptop sorry on your Eclipse that maven plug-in is already available if it is not available if this option is not available please download the correct Eclipse latest Eclipse you can download ok it lifts lunar you can download it was still it's not there you guys simple go to help go to eclipse marketplace okay Eclipse marketplace and right over here maven okay just right maven over here and it will show you one plug-in I will tell you I have already taken the just a minute what do you have to do a simple right maven and enter so it will show you one plug-in you need to download that plug-in okay just a minute checking for all the updates better I will show you directly I have taken one a screenshot okay this one you have to download this one may one this one raise may were integration for eclipse 1.5.0 this thing you have to download see and not in my machine is already installed okay because it's it came along with my clips so 99% cases it will be there with your eclipse if it is not there search for maven from eclipse market this and then download this mtoui version am okay maven integration for eclipse no now version you have to download okay so this is the thing and what you have to do okay see this is no it came maven integration for plugin okay that thing you have to download so I'm not going to download because it's already available on my system so I'm just terminating it closing this window okay so after downloading the maven plug-in on Eclipse what we have to do now we have to understand it is very small thinking that what is maven lifecycle okay so quickly I will tell you what is maven lifecycle it's a famous interview question they will ask you if they are taking interviews on maven definitely this question will be there what is maven life cycle okay so let me quickly draw our diagram sorry so there's maven life cycle as I told you maven is what maven is a build tool okay so maven is what build automation tool and it's having three myth okay three major life cycles okay what is your life cycle so three major life cycle the first life cycle is that maven combined okay just combine it second life cycle is maven test okay test your test dishes and the third one is maven resources or generate your face okay this is the third life cycle okay so maven compiler is there may when compile may one test and maven resources these are the different I would say lifecycle of maven this is the maven lifecycle base okay now me in maven compiler what do you mean by maven compile maven compile means whatever the number of Java classes or classes are available okay your code is available just compile it in a single unit just compile okay and this compiler will happen by using what by using maven compiler plug-in so one may one compiler will be there okay which will taking care of this first step may one compile okay so this may when compile will be done by this particular maven compiler feature okay now the second thing is we have maven test so maven test is done by what do you mean by test test means your test cases it can be your unit test cases alright whatever the test cases it can be your integration test cases okay if you are if you have written some integration test cases or your functional test cases which are written in the form of let's see you are using selenium j-unit or whatever and whatever in which language you are using lets you are using J unit and test in G for at in your test cases so this is is happening through guys maven surefire plugin okay one plug-in is there maven sure-fire plug-in is there which is responsible for this thing okay which is responsible for this thing for testing may one test and one plugin is there that is called maven in a source plugin it means once your compilation is done your test cases are done now I have to create the resources I have to create resources means I have to create the jar files so there are three different resources maven can create me it can create jars it can create worse war files web archival fights and years also it can create Enterprise archival files also it can create okay so three different resources it can create so these are called raising resources okay so whenever you are developing any project in maven so it always happens or don't you add the large we create water files or jar files in web application be create war files because this is web archival files so I'm I don't want to get into these things so all these things in the third step this is the resources by resources plugin okay even resources plug-in is there which is this so this is a third lifecycle it happened because of this guy okay so always remember guys this is a three different lifecycle of paper to make one compile compile it test it and maven resources mean generate the resources okay generate the resources in the form of jar file or fine or years files so although it's too much technical that I don't want to get into what is water file or files but this is happening through maven resources plug-in maewyn test is happening through May one Shore fire plug-in and May one compile is happening through May one compiler plugin okay I I don't know that I'm not sure that they mean if you have a aberrant I mean you know get into some interview they might ask you I mean they have asked you this such kind of question okay what are different plugins are there what is the purpose of compiler plug-in what is the purpose of surefire plug-in what is the purpose of resources plug-in okay so very straightforward answer is this compiler plug-in is for compilation point of view sureflap plug-in is for testing point of view to execute your test cases okay the source plug-in is for to generate the resources at the last ones testing is done okay so this is a complete build tool in build tool we have three different things compiler testing in the source definition same thing we have gradall okay gradall is also there in the market some people they use Gradle and is also there so these are the different like tools are available we have end we have a Gradle okay all these are build automation tool ways but the most famous is maven okay so Anton Gradle we will see later if we can cover okay so this is a lifecycle of maven okay this is the light cycle of maven so here for this interview question is ready okay that now you are ready for this interview thing on Mabel right second after thing is what do you mean by maven plugins so these are the maven plugins that we have seen three different plugins are available fine what do you mean by maven dependencies maven dependency guys I have already told you that okay these are different dependencies that either external dependency or internal dependencies we have to fetch from the maven repository now maven repository can be the maven centralized repository worldwide and maven local repository according to your company let's see in Walmart Amazon ok flip car they are using their own maven local repository like that so this is about maven dependencies ok and now different maven commands are there we will be using in Eclipse and all those things okay that ok so before that I'll write that set up your and write one more point here set up your project in Eclipse set up your maven project how to set up your maven project and eclipse that is the important thing ok so let's create some maven project now in Eclipse let me close all these ok let it be ok guys so let me create I'll go to file new go to project and inside the project what we have to do go to maven and maven project you have to click OK click on next click on next don't do anything don't change anything just click on next here you have to give your what is your group ID artefact ID for your project as I told you we need three different things right group ID artifact ID and version number so let's see my group my project group ID is let's see I'm writing maven demo test and my artifact ID is something like this let's see maven and demo test same ok and click on finish you will see that in the left hand side section maven demo tests got created ok and in maven guys for folder structure is like this SRC main Java and SRC test Java and one pomerode XML file will be created here and SRC main Java this these are the dummy packages are there so I am I'll delete these dummy packages I don't need this okay I will create my own packages ok and in pawn dot XML file if you open this it will create form dot XML file means the project ok fire a pom dot XML file it will create a simple maven pom.xml this is the heart of the okay maven because all the interaction is everything all these interaction is happening to pom Grodd XML files only okay so this is the I would say the most important component of maven that is um not exam L file ok project what is the full form that I think project object model something like this ok so what I need in this section if you see first couple of things that what is a group ID I defect ID or versioning in which pack in which form of the resources you want to generate I want to generate in the form of jar files what is the name of the project my name of the project is maven demo test ok and simple one property utf-8 encoding property don't change this property let it be like this and what are the different dependencies right as I told you that ok we need these dependencies ok all these dependencies so let's see I'll create some simple dependencies I don't need J unit so I'll remove this dependency from here ok guys I remove this dependency from here so inside the dependencies section what do we have to do we have to add let's see I'm going to add dependency for tests in G so I have this dependency let me get this dependency for tests in G you have to add this dependency else ok this dependency you can get it from online also from Google also let's say I'll go to Google and if you write simple test ng maven simple write like this test change even so it will give you one maven dependency ok see this is the maven dependencies you you can take this maven dependency the latest version is 6.8 ok so I have already taken this 6.11 I have taken okay scope you have to make it compile in with with test in G and let's see I want to take one more dependency for it for selenium so we know that for selenium this is a dependency I have 3.5 all the three point five point six is now let's say I'm using three point five point three okay this also you have to take and the moment you say we just press ctrl s or for Mac users command s you will see that automatically inside this name and dependency section automatically all the jar files will be downloaded within a second okay all the jar files will be associated with your project so now no need to download zip file and test in gzip file in test in the jar files put it in some somewhere in your folder okay on your machine and then go to right click on properties and go to go to Java build path add external jars and one by one you will add all the jar files no need to do that let's do tomorrow three point I think three point five point six is there right so let's say I write three point five point six and press control s if it is available three point five point six will be added so it is saying it is not available I think so let's see what is the latest version of Java selenium let me check selenium webdriver simple I'll write maven so I think the three point six point zero is there I am writing three point five point six okay so simple let's see three point six point zero is there okay so you will see that three point six point zero eight jar files got added if you want to switch back to three point five point three you can write three point five point three like that okay so it's very simple so I'm not taking like I am removing three point five point three manually and again adding three point six point zero no need to do that maven will take care of all these things automatically okay so this is a thing is done now what we have to do guys so this is through is happy it is happening through eclipse what and sometimes that she your maven dependencies are not you know downloaded properly okay and it's not coming to a police what do you have to do you have to do a clean install okay so what do you have to do you just need to go to right click on your project what can right click on your project and go to run s ok go to maven build select maven build click on maven build and you need to write one command over here clean install like this clean install and click on run so in the console you will see it will generate the build ok it will download all the things and it will say that build is successful it means all the artifacts got downloaded properly build is cleaned ok the latest build is available now ok guys so after adding these two dependencies now we are ready to write the code so let's see I'll write a simple code I will create one SRC test Java for test cases I will write the code over here s our feet and Java go to a class let's see I'm creating one class let's say I'll create one package first ok it's always good to create the package and then create the classes let's see my package is comm dot QA dot test package is there ok and right click on it and go to a class I will create a class let's see my class name is demo test class and this will be my test gingy class so don't select main method now I'll write three four methods test in G at the rate test method so that you know I can let's see these are my unit test cases I am writing at the rate simple test I am not writing any selenium core guys simple public void let's see my first method is some method and import test from testing G ok and simple I'm writing energy to variables in a equal to 10 and in B is equal to 20 and since I'm writing I'm putting one assertion cert dot assert equals okay I saw dot assert equals and what are you expecting let's see I am expecting 30 and simple I'm writing a plus B simple assertion I'm writing this so I'm printing printing is system dot out dot println this is some method some okay so similarly I will create four different methods okay one is for some this is for okay subtraction which is sub and I'll write it here sup this is for let's you division so div method and I'm printing div this is for let's see multiplication and I will simply writing here multiplication something like this and in subtraction what I will do I am expecting B minus a it means B minus a will be 10 so I am writing here B minus a so B minus a 10 equal to 10 your test case will be passed Division means let's see 20/20 divided by 10 it means B divided by a it will give you 2 so I'm expecting to and in multiplication simple I'm using a multiplied by B so it will be 200 right it will be 200 okay 20 multiplied by 10 it will be 200 a multiplied by B so simple for test cases I have written twice ok but these are my unit test cases I have written fine now what I'll do simple you can do one thing you can either directly right click on your project see if you want to execute this particular class through test ng simple right click on over here and click on run is run as test in G which is fine it will execute all these three method div multiplication some Subban some all for test cases got passed okay simple now if you want to execute this particular class through Maimon right through maven how to do that so right click on your maven project run s just simple okay put select this method maven tester so what will happen the pencil you will see it will execute all the four test cases directly okay see it's executing all four test cases through maven test ok guys it will not generate any test change report because we have executed through maven right ok now so this is happening through all these commands I am executing from where from here ok from Eclipse largely but I don't want to do that sometimes some remote machine you have to use and you have to use the maven command in that case especially when you are integrating with Jenkins right so you should know what are the different maven commands and how to use them so what I'll do I'll go to my terminal any windows guys please open your command prompt and what I'll do go to that particular directory so I know that maven demo test I will go to properties and this is a location of my project and simple go to press CD and I mean write CD and go to their direction go to that directory in our direction ok so I'm here now in this maven demo test and if you sec check LS SRC folder is there yes this SRC folder is there so I will go to this particular directory where this particular project is available ok and after that what I will do simple I have to execute couple of commands over here so simple first command is there the guys maven MBN ok a shortcut is MBN clean install so this is the first command you just may one clean install mb and clean install see so it will create it will execute all the four first of all life cycles as I told you first it will okay see first life cycle is this may when compiled okay guys and then test it and then generate the resources like this all the four different life cycle will be executed like this and then once this life cycle is completed like this and then it will execute the test cases in the sequence so may one clear install what exactly it will do by its maven clean install means it will create the build build means it will create the jar files see it's creating the jar files over here installing jar files see my jar file jar file name is maewyn demo test this is a point zero one snapshot dot jar file so I will give this jar file to the QA team and they will test it this is a build I'll deploy it on my server so that QA team can test it similar kind of things developers they are doing the same thing in automation also we are doing the same thing okay we are generating the build for our automation okay so this is a lifecycle is going to going to be executed okay see compile and test the resources and test compile and then finally execute your test cases okay so this is happening see test is happening as I told you through surefire plugin right compiler is happening through compiler plug-in okay like this now it's we have let's see I don't want to generate the build again and again I just want to what I want I want to directly execute my test cases okay how many test cases are there four test cases are there I directly want to with all clean install I want to execute my test cases simple right maven mbn test simple right may ambient test command it will execute only it will not execute the complete build it will just execute your test cases that's it see you can see that they've multiplication so then some methods are getting it executed right all these four commands are executed and it's giving build is successful how many test cases are there four test cases are there right leg so this is also done now we have one more command let's see what I want I want I don't want to execute my test cases I just want to generate the build because let's see there are thousand s cases are there and I don't want to execute my test is I don't want to waste my time that every you know after compiling every time it's executing all the test cases so you can ignore the test cases also okay so how to ignore the test cases we have one command will tell you this is the command maven package - d skip a test command you have to use the simple maven package - d skipped tests is ok you have to use so what exactly it will do okay see it is not executing a test cases it is just ok life cycle is getting executed only build is getting it getting created without calling your test cases simple so this is a command that - Memphian package - d skip test so that they will ask you a type of interview how will you escape your test cases using maven so there are two ways so first you just directly execute this potato command and the second command is like this maven package - d maven test dot escape equal to true but for that you have to add this particular property in your palm file this is the property I have to add where ok I will go to my clips ok and this is my this is my a section hence the Sun simple property you have to record over here maven dot test dot skip if it is true it means all the test cases will be ignored if you make it false it means all the test cases will be considered so this is a command I will use this command maven package yes you have to remember these commands see maven package - D D capital may 1 dot dest dot skip is equal to true if you are on it it will execute the build build a successful but C it is not executing so developers they use this particular command value very much because frequently they use it why because they don't let they have they have written SC 500s can say that they don't want to execute as a part of the build they want to give the build to the QA team as soon as possible so they don't want to execute okay some add some test cases so they can write like this but it is not a good practice value it's always compulsory whenever you are double creating a build with maven okay it's compulsory okay it's compulsory to execute your test cases unit test cases are always important ways okay so always see some time what happens that okay some time what happens what okay we get this el informe dot XML file we get a get this red color as well okay so what do you have to do right click go to maven and simple click on update project ok click on OK so error will be gone the project will be updated okay like this ok guys so this is the command you can use maven clean install ok may when test command ok if you see if I write like this maven clean install so it will generate the build it will compile it will compile the build everything it will then it will execute your test cases and then it will generate the jar file it will execute your desk cases see ok see it's giving you warning no content was inclusion all that okay this thing is getting insecurity ok we have added that property so we have to make we have to either you have to remove this property or you have to make it false ok otherwise your test Keys will be skipped again and again simple I am writing May when you install again on it now it is executing your test cases ok so you can make it true or false if you want to skip your test cases just make it true if you want to ignore your test cases make it false simple ok so this is the command so we have different commands guys so this is for ignoring the test cases for clean install we have this command maven clean installed we have one command if you directly want to execute your test cases without cleaning the belt maven test command is available ok maven test command is available ok fine now guys what happens some time let's see see again this error is coming some time it happens that in a clip error is coming so you just right click on your project and go to maven and update the project error will be going nowadays what happens see I haven't added any plug-in over here any plug-in information I haven't added so if you notice this thing that we discussed all these three maven compiling test case execution and resource generation in the form of jar files happening through plugins right all these things are happening through plugins see build jar file at the last all the test cases got executed due to surefire plugin ok jar files see this particular jar file is getting executed through the resource plug-in ok and the compilation is happening through this compilation is happening through Mayon compiler plugin but i haven't entered any compile any compiler plugins show up again or any resource plug-in in my home brought XML file so maven will pick that particular these three compiler plugins automatically okay automatically it will take it right but if you want to enhance something if you want to customize or configure something extra let's see I want maven should execute all my tests in G classes okay so what I'll do let's see I have two class one more class is there demo test one class demo test one class is available and I will do one thing and just copy this entire content inside the demo test one and so I have two classes demo okay demo test demo test one and let's see allocate one more class demo test to click on finish and I will make it demo test two so I have three classes novice demo test one and two I want that okay maven should execute these three classes one by one so you can either you if you want to execute directly from eclipse you do to you can do one thing just right click on your project maven project go to run is okay go to run as then simple click on maven test ok so let's see what happens which CH executing test cases like this dev multi serve in some test case you are getting executed ok guys just a minute let it execute so only four test cases are getting executed ways although I have and demo test we have four and demo test one we have four and demo testing another four it means 4 x 3 means 12 test cases should be executed but it is executing only this particular demo test class getting executed it will pick only first 5 so what do you have to do you need some extra fun figuration so let's see what I'll do and create one one more source folder here SRC main resources okay and click on finish and the SRC main resources what I will do I will create one file let's change it dot XML file so one format I have already have when this change a dot XML file and pick it from here and then paste it over here in this folder okay test change u dot examine I'll open it and you will see that my sweet name is test May 1 just mavin sweet test mavin testing is my test case name and what bear are your package where is your package classes are available calm QA dot test dot star it means all these three classes I want to execute in a single shot through maven see we will be using the same thing while integrating with Jenkins guys so please try to understand the sponsor it's very important okay through may forget about test ng okay we are not executing a test is to test ng or currently we're executing we are trying to execute through maven okay so calm dot Q dot test dot dot star means in this particular package whatever the number of classes are available please try to execute them okay so now what exactly it will do now if you test this I mean if you run from command line may one clean install let's see what happens okay so still it is executing only single destice okay really single test not single display only single class file test class file is okay getting executed so only for test case is getting executed but I want to execute 12 test cases right so what we have to do through test send you dot XML we will do that so I have to add my plugin into my palm dot XML file okay so three plugins I have to compile plug-in shore Fyre plug-in and resource plug-in I have to do that so I will give you these plugins see these are the plug-in what you have to do you have to pick and plugins will be written inside the building so build see this is my compiler plug-in Shore fly plug-in and this is my source plug-in and base to build you have to pick just copy from here to here I'll give you the complete bomb about XML file tries don't worry and after properties don't mix with dependencies guys dependencies it's a separate thing okay properties starting you're ending here now I have to add the build tag ok so build is starting here and and ending over here and under that build I have added three plugins plugins number one plug-in number two and plug-in number three and as I told you three plugins are there compiler plug-in ok this is a compiler plug-in this is the short flap again this is a compiler this is show our fact again so compile until again the version is plug-in version 1.6 or 1.8 whatever the latest is there you have to use that show up again I'm using two point nineteen point one maybe it's a latest one and then I told you sure Clark plugin is used to execute your test cases so this is a configuration you have to make it one configuration tag you have to add where exactly your suite XML file is available so my suite file is a give available here SRC main a social folder test gently toward XML file this is my test changer dot XML file Ryze is available where in this particular package SRC main resources test changer dot XML it is available over here okay and this is for my resource plug-in my source plugin I want my goal in the form of jar file I want to generate a jarful okay I want to generate the jar files fine so this is generally we don't use this but it is good to have all these three plugins okay all together so always remember different sections we have project information name properties then we have been section having all the plugins then we have dependency sections in pomerode XML file these three for couple of things we have to add and they will ask you what is the role of compiler plugin what is the role of shor a plug-in shor fare against to execute your test cases in which we have to configure our test ginger dot XML file if we are using test engine and this is my source plug-in to execute in which source you want to generate jar file bar file or a file ok so test change a dot XML file is there fine and now the all the plug-in information is there now I'll try to execute let me clear the console maven clean install ok now let's see what happens fine so it will now reach at the test case level now see all the tests - LM test cases are getting executed ok three different classes are they right there multiple subtraction and some dev multi sub some dev Maltese of some 412 test cases for multiply by 3 from 3 different trusses 12 test cases are getting executed see total number of test cases 12 so this is happening through all the techie circuit getting executed happening through sure fire plugin okay guys so while integrating with Jenkins we will be using this plugin because in Jenkins also we have to give show of a plugin and we have to configure this test in G dot XML file because we are using test in G and we will be having number of test classes like homepage test contacts page test remember page object model number Alekseev 100 test cases test classes you have written and in this particular test change you dot xml configuration we will give all the packages or classes you will be giving over here you can write the classes also one by one inside the classes side okay so sureflap plugin will try to compile as change a dot xml one by one all the test cases will be executed from different trusses but make sure your test cases are written inside this pack inside the source folder SRC test java ok guys so this is the general and basic commands we are using this will these are the plug-in informations out there I'll tell you one more thing that there are different plugins are there in the market coming for yes I will show you see these are the different plugins if you see on on maven site these are the different plugins are there see core plugins are there clean compiler deploy fail save install resources we saw that right so we don't need all these plugins see this is the latest version we can use compiler plug-in to compile Java resources deploy a plugins to deploy the artifact to the remote repository these plugins are used by some developers Java developers they want to generate the artifact the build and they want to give it to the different remote servers on the different VMs they want to install failsafe is again failsafe and show our plugin almost same to run your j-unit and you know let's change it test cases especially for integration test cases we use failsafe install plug-in resources plug-in to generate your C jar files site plugin is their seashore flap again we use run your j-unit or test change a unit test cases in isolated class loader like this and then we have different c EA our packaging tools like to generate the ER EJB enterprise javabeans okay jar file is the raw file war file you want to create so we don't use all these things but all these things are used by developers if you want to generate some Javadoc generate Java doc you can generate a Java doc by using this plugin maven will automatically create a Java doc for all the methods classes interfaces like that ok so say there are number of plugins we don't need to use ok but you can you should have some more it's good to have ok so this is about the plugins and installing and everything and command-line arguments and from eclipse also you can't execute but guys make it a habit execute your maven command from terminal from command line it is a good practice it will be very very helpful for you guys ok although it's very user friendly that in Eclipse simple right click go to run as and maven test maven clean install our maven build different things you can same command you can execute from here also same command you can execute from here odds but make it a habit you are executing from here okay so how will you ignore the test cases as I told you ignoring MV and package - B skip test and make sure that this maven Tessa skip is equal to two over there so that it will be ignored test cases will be ignored and without a test cases bill will be generated like that so these are the different interview question they will ask you hundred percent okay if you are going for selenium and automation interview definitely they will ask you if you are using maven and maven is very very simple guys and please remember this is the architecture of maven and this is the plug-in information lifecycle of maven and this is architecture ok so that's all for maven I think in these two videos I think you are good to go with maven ok there is no other thing to learn about Mabel and we will see like in in our in different sections in the next tutorials that how can we integrate with Jenkins maven within Jenkins or test hinge integration with selenium and all those stuff that is a different thing ok but if you want to learn Jenkins you should know about me will consume all these commands and architecture and all those things ok now it is clear maven ok so guys please thank so far first of all watching this these two videos and peace share ok these videos with others subscribe to this channel and peace preserve I like him to get a notification for the future videos lot of amazing things are coming a lot of interesting and some cool you know videos you know I will give it to you amazing knowledge sharing as well as it will be a great value addition in your portfolio ok so please subscribe the channel and share the videos thank you so much and guys one more thing that I will upload this entire code into my great repository and you can find a git repository URL in the ok in the description so that you will get all the plug-in bounded XML file and everything from there okay thank you so much grace
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Keywords: Maven, TestNG, Selenium, WebDriver, testng with maven, selenium webdriver maven testng example, selenium maven project eclipse, maven selenium-java, what is jenkins in selenium, maven selenium interview questions, selenium server standalone maven dependency, maven poi dependency, Maven integration with Selenium, How to integrate Selenium with Maven-Selenium Webdriver Tutorial, ANT, Gradle, Junit, Integration of Selenium Webdriver with Maven and Jenkins
Id: t5hoD4D0Jo0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 10sec (2830 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 06 2017
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