Learn Lightroom 6 / CC - Episode 4: Portrait Retouch

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hey guys this is Anthony Morgan T from Anthony Morgan T comm this is episode 4 of learned Lightroom 6 also called Lightroom cc in this episode we're going to process a portrait now in episode 3 I might have mentioned that I was going to do the detail panel in this episode if I did say that I misspoke we're not doing the detail panel in this episode we're going to do it in the next episode so right now we're going to process this portrait well a number of portraits and I'll show you what I mean now first of all as you know I'd like to maximize my workspace and to do that very quickly I'll hit shift tab and it maximized the workspace but I need the right panel so we're just going to go over here and click on that little triangle to open the right panel now before I actually get started with the portrait retouch I want to show you the difference between the clone and the heal modes of the spot removal brush and to do that I'm using this picture of this model that has this fan over her one eye and I'm going to take feathering all the way down so I do not want a feathered brush opacity all the way up and I'm going to increase the size of the brush now I mentioned numerous times in the past you could increase the size of the brushes by hitting the right bracket key the left bracket key will make it smaller if you have a PC that has a mouse with the center wheel you could use that to change the size of the brush and also somebody emailed me and mention that of course you could do it with a magic mouse on a Mac it doesn't have a wheel you just run your finger on the mouse and that actually is the way I do it all the time so I just wanted to mention that in case I failed well apparently I failed to mention it so anyways we're in heal mode I have feathering all the way down and I'm just going to get a big sample of her cheek right here and it's sampled right here but I'm going to drag this over here to over the fan and as you could see if you look at when you were in heal mode it took the actual texture of the fan and it took kind of a luminance values of the fan you know itself and it kind of melded it with the pixels that are on her cheek and that's what happens when you're in heel mode and that's what I normally will use heel mode I bet at least 90 percent of the time now watch what happens if I switch it to clone mode I'm going to click on clone and you can see it actually took the pixels and made copies of them and just transported those pixels and put them right on her cheek so this chunk of the fan it's as though we just copied it and put it right there so that gives you an idea the difference between heel and clone I think heel is a little more subtle and generally works better with skin of people and works better in the sky usually and things like that but there are going to be some instances maybe where clone will work better so you could always easily while your spot is active you could just switch between the two like this and see which one works better now as I mentioned that's just a side thing that I want to show you what this difference is between clone and heel and the reason being I'm going to reset that is we're going to be doing what happened there we're going to be doing this image here now this I don't have any portraits in my library that are model released or not family and I don't want to use any family portraits so I those of you that watch my videos know I've used this image many times I got it from a stock photo site and I think it's supposed to show acne so it works out good to try to show you how to process the image couple notes when you're a photo you're photographing someone for a portrait you should nail lighting so you should have your shadows you should have the highlights you should have all that done so there'd be minimal stuff you have to do down here in the basic panel and maybe you want to touch exposure a little bit maybe you want to need to adjust white balance slightly but you really as a photographer shouldn't nailed that in camera so in this image here it's pretty much Auto camera I don't think this photographer did any retouching to this so we really don't have to do anything much with highlights or shadows and really you should strive for the same thing when you're taking portraits and even if you're in a studio setting or you're taking a lifestyle type shot you're outside or you're in someone's living room and you're taking photographs you should really have a handle on the lighting so you nail it in camera you may want to mess with the clarity a little you may want to mess with the vibrance a little that's totally up to you and you know could be applied by your style in your vision of what the image should be so I'm not going to be doing much with the basic panel or anything like that because this photographer did a nice job of exposing the image properly now one thing the lighting is a little harsh and I think the photographer did that on purpose because he wanted to exploit the acne on the young lady's face so typically as a photographer you'd want to soften the light for something like this also she has some nasty little shadows by her nose here which you'd want to avoid as you could see right here it almost looks like she has four nostrils so that's an issue too and that should have been taken care of in camera when you're doing the shot but we'll see what we could do with it now mainly what we're going to be doing here is we're going to be getting your rid of her acne and softening her skin and we're going to do that with the brush or I'm sorry first of all we're going to dwell we're going to do some of it with the brush but we're going to start out with the spot removal tool and that's why I was showing you the difference between clone and heal I'm going to be working in heal mode and I'm going to have feathering around the middle this is the way I do it I expect you to experiment when you're removing blemishes on somebody and see if you like feathering a little higher little a little lower might be image dependent for you it depends but usually I keep it between 50 and 70 somewhere in there and what we're going to do is we're going to just make the brush just slightly bigger than the blemish and click and we could go relatively quickly we could go relatively quickly and what you'll see is as you go sometimes it might not sample where you want it to if that's the case then you could drag it like I did in the previous image and move the sampling spot around so that's totally up to you so you know I'm going to go relatively quick now we could zoom in and to zoom in you could hit command + to zoom in and command minus to zoom out that's on a Mac on a PC you'd hit ctrl + or ctrl - you also could open up this panel if you so choose and right up here you can see fit fill one-to-one and stuff like that that is you know will help you zoom in but I prefer to use the keyboard shortcuts command + also if the tool were closed I could just click on the tool and it will zoom in and out but obviously we have the tool open right now so I'm going to go relatively quickly so you get the idea I'm just going to keep adjusting the size of the brush and as I have the magic mouse I just kind of drag my finger along the mouse and that will take care of that now one thing a lot of people wonder what if she had like a mole like a Cindy Crawford mole usually what most photographers will do is they will not get rid of anything that's inherent to their being like a mole something like that no blemishes come and go so you might want to just get rid of those I mean that's got a courtesy for your your client now I want to drag the image around and I could leave it zoomed in like this and I could leave the tool open all I have to do is hold the spacebar in and you can see how the cursor turns into the little hand then I could click down with the left mouse button and I could drag around here and I could get rid of some of these uh you know other ones now I didn't like where that sampled and I don't like that at all so I'm going to delete it by hitting the Delete key and it got rid of it so I might have to do this one in pieces so we're going to do like this sorry it's hard for me to concentrate and talk at the same time I'm going very quickly or as quick as possible without totally screwing it up so I think you get the gist you're just going to go through this you know methodically and try to get rid of as many blemishes that you deem or you know worth getting rid of drag it back down go here it's got some dry skin flaking here and there to see what we could do there then like that sample also now like um you could adjust the opacity to if you feel that it's not blending well so you could bring the opacity down or up so it's totally by you know your own you know opinion on how it should look so I could keep going here but I'm going to stop there she's got a little freckles down here let's just do these real quickly okay that's good enough for now so well do actually is I'm going to try to get rid of these shadows right here and to do that I'm going to leave feathering on for now now you could draw you know I've been just clicking down and doing circles to get rid of these little spots here and there but you could actually paint with it like that now that looks horrible so we're going to move it over there it looks a little better see yeah that doesn't look too bad okay so we're going to close the tool down I'm going to click on it I'm going to hit command minus to zoom back out okay yeah it did all right so you could keep going if you want but that gives you an idea how you could use the spot removal tool to remove blemishes anyone's face now we're going to soften our skin so we're going to go to the brush tool this where I mix it misspoke earlier so we're going to go right to the brush tool and there's actually a preset for skin softening in the brush tool and if you go right here where it says custom we'll open that up and you go down right to here it's a softened skin and we're just going to click on that and it will automatically move the sliders where they should be to soften the skin now you might not it might soften it too much I'm the default setting it does soften it quite a bit but I'm going to show you how to adjust that so we're just going to start here know what you want to avoid is you don't want to soften her hair her eyebrows her lips her eyes and you just want to do like her skin and as simple as that so get a bigger brush down here so again I apologize I'm going trying to make the videos as concise as possible so I tend to go quickly and I apologize if I'm losing anyone or if I'm not - and a good enough job on the images I hope you guys all understand so I want to get around or I here alright now I'm going to hover over the button and see where I painted because that overlay comes on you can see I stay pretty much away from her eyebrows but we could try to get in there a little closer and soften it up so it looks smooth but hover over this again didn't miss a little bit right there that it matters too much her hairline it's got kind of a distinct line now so we're going to get up in there and try to soften that up a little bit so we're going to get a little bit of our hair line in the softening okay um I'd say that's good enough for that I'm going to hit up before by hitting the backslash key there's before there's after before there's after hit the Y key if you don't have the backslash key on your keyboard there's been somebody very kindly wrote in the comments such section that a German keyboard is command or Commander or I'm sorry shift V is and Victor that is for a German keyboard and a French keyboard is shift s is in Sam that's the same effect as this backslash key alright now if this softening is too much for you just go to clarity and you with this make sure this button is active so click on it to make sure it's active and you could you could prove clarity around so you can make it look really bit so we don't want to do that so we're going to leave it I'm going to leave it high even though this is higher than I normally would have it I just want to leave it high so you could see the effect because I don't know how much the video gets degraded when you stream it and things like that so I'm done with this brush tool phone now I'm going to come back to it there is something I want to do I'm going to click in to zoom in and these bags under her eyes so I want to try to soften those so I'm going to go back to the spot removal tool I'm going to keep it in heal mode I'm going to bring feathering down a little more and I'm going to leave opacity for now relatively high now I'm going to come in here and I'm going to paint them trying to avoid or eyelashes and you can see it's sampled way over here and I don't want it to sample there usually if you're trying to get rid of the bags under someone's eyes it's a good bet to just go below on her cheek and will come off that and you can see that did a decent job I'm going to hold the spacebar in so I could drag over this way and we're going to try to soften these a little more now the skin softening did do a decent job of taking care of that a little bit but we want to do more now I'm dragging it under the sampling area on her cheek see what that looks like now this one here it looks a little harsh so I'm going to soften I'm going to just turn the opacity down just a little and I'm going to hit command minus to zoom out and that doesn't look too bad I'm going to hit command minus again and that's that's decent I mean it's it's really overbaked I admit it so this really does kind of look fake but remember with the brush tool when you soften skin you could use the contrast control bring it down or up actually so you want it to go more positive to make it less of an effect and as far as the spot removal tool you would use the opacity tool to soften that up a little bit so it doesn't look as like you know baked for elective of a better term all right next we're going to do is we're going to enhance our irises now there's not a lot to enhance here because or her eyes are kind of dilated but we're going to go to the brush tool again and you can see there's another preset here iris enhance so we're going to go to iris enhance I want to zoom in again so I'm going to hit command or control + I'm going to hit it twice and what you want to do is you want to avoid the black part of her eye you want to just hit the iris so you I have feathering around 79 in this case again you could experiment and you just want to paint over her iris and as I said it's going to be hard for you to see because there's not a lot of her iris showing and her irises aren't I guess I don't want to be on the insulting but they're they're not real you know vibrant I guess so there's not a lot to see but that's how you would in adjust her irises now sue mning in like this I see some more dry skin here so I'm going to go back to the spot removal tool and bring feathering up a little and I'm going to get rid of these this dry skin now see here you'll you'll encounter this sometimes let me drag it up I have a spot remove that I removed here and I want to remove this one well every time I hover over its making that one active so it's difficult like what can you do well you have to start outside that circle and then you'll have to click down and drag in that's the only way to do that and we're going to Sam we're going to move the sample spot over here and then that's good enough I guess and we've got some dry skin here and it's sampling there I don't want it to sample there a lot of times you'll have to move the sample area around and we had more dry skin here this is going to be the tricky one right here try to get it as small as you can yeah that's not good sometimes you wonder the algorithm they use there that's better all right we'll get rid of that one now this these two I have I have to go outside the previous circle that I did and do that and then we'll do that all right I think that's going to be okay for that for now you get the idea what I'm trying to do now we want to enhance the lips so we're going to close the spot removal tool down and we're going to open the brush tool again now there's really no preset for enhancing the lips so we're going to reset all these sliders by double clicking on effect that will reset the sliders and if you remember you also could hold the alt or option key in and it will turn into reset and you could click on it that way to now what I want to do is I want to add some clarity so it'll really kind of define her lips a little better and I want to add some saturation like that so we're going to do that we're just going to paint on her lips like this you know I don't like what it's doing it kind of looks horrible so see here yeah a little bit I mean it's still she's got kind of blotchy lips so there's not a lot you could do with that you could open up this color picker here and you could pick a color like like the red there and kind of pre color her lips a little bit so that helped a little kind of looks a little fake but that's up to you if you want to do that if you don't like it you could just hover over click on the button and you could hit the Delete key on your keyboard and get rid of it but I'm going to leave it there now so you could see what we're doing now the other thing you might want to do is like enhance her hair a little bit in this case here I mean she just has her hair pulled back but if you had a model and she had her hair done what you could do then is the similar thing I did here except we don't want to enhance saturation we just want to bring clarity and sharpness up a little bit and we want to paint on her hair now we want to avoid we want to avoid her her skin because we softened the skin a minute ago and now we're adding clarity to the hair so we want to be careful so you're just adding some clarity and I'm going to bring it down just a little bit like that I'm going to get another new brush by double-clicking on new right here and then I'm going to double click well I'm going to leave clarity well I'm going to double click on a factor attack and I'm going to enhance her eyebrows by bringing clarity up so again any hair you want to have higher clarity usually and skin you want lower clarity that's kind of the idea all right you can do wear eyelashes too but I'm going to leave those alone for now now I'd say that you know it's pretty much done as far as this specific model is concerned there's one thing that's also a preset in here is teeth whitening now obviously she's not showing her teeth so that's why I have this image and this is a scary image but as you can see this dude's teeth are not very white he also has a severe nose hair problem but that's beside the point so we're going to do is we're going to whiten his and it's really easy to do is you go to the brush preset and you go down to teeth whitening and it will set you know all it did really was bring saturation down but look at this I'm going to leave the brush off feathering around 58 around 50 or so is good and you can see how it just brush it on this teeth like that you can whiten them up considerably so there's before there's after now you can see I spilled over on his face over here so we're going to hold the alt or option key in its alt if you have a PC option if you have a Mac and we're going to get rid of where I spilled over this below over here too okay so that's how you would whiten teeth now I'm going to go back to our previous model I'm going to close down the brush tool I'm going to hit that backslash key again there's before and there's after now before after now that is really really over overbaked so but I wanted to give you an idea how powerful the tools are and what you can do with them so you know just probably want to back off the skin softening specifically quite a bit so I hope that all made sense I'd like to thank everyone that watches my videos thank you very very much and I mentioned it in every video but I keep getting emails I people keep emailing me the raw files will be available when the videos are all done I already said that you'll be able to purchase the videos and included with the videos will be the raw files so I just wanted to say that again and I in the next video in episode 5 I'll be going over the detail panel and we'll be talking about sharpening and noise reduction we'll be going over this in detail and how you could use it to really make your images pop alright thank you folks thank you everyone for watching my videos thank you for all the shares thank you for all the likes thank you for subscribing to my youtube channel I certainly appreciate it all right I'll talk to you soon
Channel: Anthony Morganti
Views: 345,046
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: photography, photographer, photoshop, lightroom, post, processing”, post processing, lightroom 6, lightroom cc, lightroom cc2015, lightroom cc 2015, adobe, Adobe Photoshop Lightroom (Software), lightroom presets, lightroom 5, black and white, b&w, Portrait Photography (Literature Subject), portrait photography, portrait retouch, portrait
Id: XpaHXRyXJ9k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 46sec (1486 seconds)
Published: Fri May 08 2015
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