Learn Hypnosis NLP. Stop Blushing

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[Music] hi it's barry neal here in this short video i want to cover how you can work with someone who's blushing now this primarily affects young women but it also affects young men as well and it can be a really embarrassing problem for them and of course the more they do it the more they get embarrassed the more they blush so we need to break that cycle now it's a really simple thing for us to work with if you know some basic techniques and here's how we're going to work because really blushing is just an example of a stimulus response event there is some situation some circumstance some context in which they get in and when they blush or there's some thought they have and then they blush and so what we need to do is to change the response we can't do much about the external stimulus but we can definitely change the response so the primary way of working with this is to use some version of the collapse anchors now if you've watched any of my other videos if you've seen the collapse anchors this is a really really powerful technique and if you don't know how to do it go and have a look at the other video because it is really really one of the most useful things you can learn because if you understand that virtually every problem that comes in is going to be some version of when x client does y then you don't need to be thinking oh what script do i need or what suggestions do i need you just need to be thinking okay where's what's the specific stimulus what's the when and where does this happen so you ask them okay so when and where does this happen so that's the first thing then we want to find out how they would like to feel instead so this type of problem is when x client does why so our first thing is to find out when and where this happens if you don't do this if you just think okay this client is blushing let's pull out a magic script or magic technique hit them with that then it's not going to work because you've not attached it to anything so first of all you need to find out when and where it happens so if they say you ask them okay so the problem is blushing when do you blush and they say i blash all the time that's not good enough you want to find out the specific context okay so if you blush all the time it won't be difficult for you to pick one time recently when you've done that so tell me about one specific time recently where you've blush and you felt embarrassed oh it was last week when i was at work and someone said something to me and suddenly i just felt so so embarrassed my face flushed i felt like this this hook flush all over my body great okay take me through that so it's last thursday what's happening okay i'm at work and this person says something to me what you want to do is to make sure they're associated get them associated into that context and then you anchor it now you can anchor that verbally but ideally you want to anchor that kinesthetically so you get the anchor okay then you go okay so that's how you've been how do you want to be different and this is where we want to go looking for resources so we can go specifically and say how do you want to be different and get them to describe how they want to be so it might be they want to feel confident they want to feel calm they want to feel relaxed or we can just anchor a really resourceful state so a time in their life when they felt wonderful a time when they felt in control of their own life their own behaviors it might have been a time as a child it might have been a birthday a celebration a holiday some special event get them fully associated into that resource really really pump that up make the images bigger make them brighter really intensify them so that they really get into that positive state then you anchor that on a separate location now simple terms all we can do what we can do is to just have them so we've now got an anchor for the positive resource we've got an anchor for the blushing we then say okay now i want you to imagine that situation where in the past you used to blush and at first you begin to feel this way fire the negative anchor and then you start to feel this way fire the positive anger and then you hold both down and what you should notice is an integration of those two states these two states will integrate neurologically and it will then become impossible for them to feel the same way because you've collapsed the state now if you do that and it hasn't collapsed the state that doesn't mean it hasn't worked it just means you need to get more resources so you find another time when they felt confident or another time when they felt totally loved or another special event and anchor that and then repeat the above so that's all you need to do now in most cases that will be enough but some cases you might have to do some clear cleanup work so what does that mean it means go back and have a look at some of the other embarrassing events that they've been through and again we use the same thing so you could ask them for three separate events what's the earliest time you can remember having this problem what's the worst time you can remember having this problem and what's the most recent time you can remember having this problem so we get those three we'll write those down okay so it could be age side note age 10 age 20 age 23 and a bit from a few months ago so we've got those three things then we'll ask them okay so what resources um which if you'd have had then um would enable you to go through that situation without having to be embarrassed without having to blush at all what resources do you have now that you had back then you could have gone through that whole situation and it wouldn't have bothered you at all and then we go that build up those resources we anchor those resources touch them on the back and anchor those resources and then we take them back to the first event have them go through it totally differently feeling this way that collapses the anchor on the first state then we get them to the worst example have pump up the real positive ones take them back to the worst example have them relive that mentally but now having these resources and notice how they go through it differently notice how it feels different then we go through the most recent example and then what we do we if we've hypnotized them then we say we should notice now that the more you try to blast blush the more calm and relaxed you become in fact the harder you try the more calm and relaxed you become go on really try hard in vain to blush and notice the harder you try the more calm and relaxed you become then have them open their eyes and give them a mirror have them stare in the mirror and have them try hard in vain to blush and notice that the harder they try the more calm and relaxed they become and condition this in really get them to try and blush really really push them test your work don't just think oh i finished the script that means they're cured no test them really test them so just do that so if you're doing this in hypnosis that's fine you don't have to do it in hypnosis but just give them a mirror and have them try hard in vain to blush and notice that the harder they try the more calm and relaxed they become so we're using the more the more pattern the more they try to do something the more relaxed they become and that's really the extent of the suggestions and language patterns you really need as long as you've got that initial trigger then you've got the resources you collapse it and you just condition that in over and over and over again and so really have fun with this it's a really easy thing to work with it's and it's really can change someone's life so that's how you can work with blushing really simply just using the collapse anchors or a variation of the collapse anchors where we go back and we get the earliest example they can remember the worst example and the most recent and we take those resources and clean up that and then have them future pace so now imagine going out into the future maybe a couple of weeks or a month from now and imagine yourself in a situation where if you were in the past you would have responded in that old way i really try hard in vain to blush god really try you used to be good at this come on try the harder you try the more calm or relaxed you become the more funny it seems you know really play with it it's really easy to do test your work make sure you're done not so that not so much to it you know it's done but the client knows it's done as well so that when they leave the office they know beyond a shadow of a doubt that they've changed so have some fun with this and i'll see you soon
Channel: Barry Neale Hypnosis
Views: 337
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: nlp gym, nlp, neuro linguistic programming, neuro linguistic programming techniques, neuro linguistic programming techniques youtube, nlp techniques, what is nlp, what is neuro linguistic programming, neuro linguistic programming for dummies, neuro linguistic programming example, nlp basics, nlp course, what is nlp techniques, nlp training, nlp for dummies, master your life, learn NLP, neuro linguistic programming practitioner, barry neale, barry neale hypnosis
Id: 9muuW2qbXL8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 5sec (545 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 12 2021
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