Learn how to use Figma to create an awesome landing page

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in this video we're going to be exploring how to use figma to make a cool-looking website we're gonna be learning both how figma works a few of the basics of using fig noir and look at how we can bring you an SVG into it just how to make the rescaling component things I don't really know what they're called but they work really well I love how they work we'll also be looking at some general tips on how to make your designs look good as well hello there if you're new to my channel my name is Kevin and here we learn how to make the web and how to make it look good with weekly tips tricks and tutorials before we get into the content of this week's video I want to let you know that it's being brought to you by design Moto's startup 3 if you've never heard of startup 3 it is a really cool product it's something that I was actually really impressed with when I first started putting it together basically if you ever use templates at all you'd need to check this out it's really fun how it works so you just go in and it's all based on bootstraps so if you're familiar with bootstrap and making websites with it it's all built using bootstrap so it's a familiar environment for a lot of Deb's but what's cool about it is instead of going in and is choosing like there's a lot of websites out there where you can buy premade templates and you're stuck with the template you get what it is and then you have to go through and modify it instead with postcards 3 you're getting the templated chunks so each little piece is pick as you go so you can go to navigations and choose from like one of 20 navigations then you go to like the main content area and choose if you can choose from a whole bunch of options there and then you can go to the next thing and choose a whole bunch of different options there you pick them all you can choose an animation that's gonna load in so as you scrolling down you want things fading in do you want no animation at all you get to choose and because it is using bootstrap and everything sort of linked together you get to choose your fonts that you want to be using so there's like a link there between the different you know you can set your main font your secondary font and there's a little color palette so you can choose the color you want modify it there it's gonna modify it to the entire template that you're putting together so you're pretty much creating customized templates that you can then download and then start building off of that so you download the file you want you have your regular HTML CSS JavaScript your going in there and making the changes you need so it's just like getting a template site but it's you who's deciding what the template should actually look like really cool really easy to customize really easy to use and it even has a few three sets that are built into it so if your design side of things isn't the best and you you know you're trying to choose fonts and it's just not working or whatever it is you can use their presets it's gonna change the overall complete look of things and then you can even you know tweak it from there if you want to you download your files and you're off and running so the link to that is down below a lot of you guys are using templates already a lot of you are using bootstrap based on the comments that I see on a lot of my videos so if this sounds like something interesting to you make sure you check out the link down below a big thank you to design modo for helping support my channel recently and for bringing you this video now let's get into the content of it which is why you are here alright so here we are in figman we're gonna be starting a new project now one thing I really wish figure mode would do and you'd start a new project is either having our board or sort of push you to start an art board sooner but you need to come over to this little thing right here and then you can create one so I'm gonna make on desktop computer I'm just gonna choose desktop and we get a nice big art board that we can start working on or what do they call it they don't call it art boards they call them something else frames so we had a nice little frame that we can start working on and so we're doing this for a ski resort and but I want to be using this as a lessons in InDesign as well as anything else so you know we're looking at like a landing page so what's the first thing people see when they get to a page so we most people I see it pretty much every developer will bring in a nice big image because we know that you know it's sort of a stereotypical thing at the web they find a nice cool picture and they throw it in there well that's really big I didn't resize my images before I just downloaded them so say you go like oh here's a cool picture of a ski hill that I want to use and maybe it's like the client gave it to them and they boom we get this nice big image and now we want to bring our text in there and stuff like that so let's just you know this is we have enough excuses or now so I'm just pushing T to get my type tool I'm gonna click in here and we're gonna call it amazing mountain now one thing if you if you resize that it resizes the text box in figma if you come up here where the selection tool is and switch to the scale or you can see the shortcut is K so one thing I'd say is it's really useful to learn shortcuts so if you do come up here and then see the shortcut don't select it and go okay I'm gonna remember now time deselect and then push kay so now I'm on that tool and now if I resize it it's gonna resize the text with it so that makes it a little easier and then we go okay where can I put this I'm gonna put this big like I'm amazing amazing a real and amazing mountain and I just like one thing right off the bat before worried about anything else is like oh crap now okay I can't really put it here so maybe I can put it down here you know wherever I put it on this image it's gonna be hard to read maybe I can get away with it here but even on the shadows like it's not helping and this is really big if i zoom into a hundred percent which I thought would be command one but it's not apparently let's zoom to 100 like that's big so if I make this a bit smaller let's go back to my K and shrink that down like say I have some text that's coming so I put this here because then I have the text and that this is way too much but we'll we'll drag it in so say it's like all my text like this text which is at size 12 so let's just boost that up to 18 it's hard to read there so then what happens is you put some weird picture or a box or the most common I sadly see as drop shadows and it really ruins the design when you're doing something like that so what I would encourage is if when you're whoops I deleted everything there and when you're trying to pick an image how do I just get my image there we go and the first thing I would do is worry about your text so you know this is obviously way too much text we don't need that much let's just say that's like my intro and then I'm gonna so I have my little intro text there and then let's us you know get a season's pass and what I would encourage you to do is to get this is me a button or something like that and maybe then here we could do like C deals or something like that for a second button and what I encourage you do is lay out your text first see how much text you have where you want to position it we're gonna have a you know that's yet next year's past now to save because ski hills always do that where you get like this deal if you're getting your ski pass and it's right around now that I've started getting emails do ski so I know that they're starting to do that and then maybe this could come up here what did I say amazing I mean amazing mountain I'm gonna come over to this side where my text is and we're gonna be talking about text too in a minute but we're gonna come and click on this little three dots and then it gives me all my text options and I can do it all cap that way and for now we're gonna switch fonts around and stuff but we'll go with black if you double click on the corner to shrink it down don't do that for big blocks of text though because then it makes it go all the way across but for short text it works and so they let's say that's my logo so I know I want to put my logo up here and one thing people do is they'll drop a logo like here either go to the edge of the page or align it up with everything else like don't just leave things floating around so now I've sort of decided I'm going to be having a whatchamacallit a navigation at the top so we might as well create the bar for that I'm gonna push shift commander if you're on a Mac if Mac command if you're on a Mac or shift control on a PC and then the square bracket that's right next to the P so they're like the opening one and it's gonna just bring it all the way down in my layers so I can have that there and I'm not worried about making it look good the colors anything like that let's do all of them they have likes fee that's a zoom in on this zooming in is spacebar then ctrl or spacebar then command and then you can zoom in if you do command then spacebar it doesn't work took me a while to figure that one out s we have ski I'm gonna do golf hiking contact because those you know those are the type of things you might end up having now the font here is massive so maybe black isn't very good that's a shrink things down fourteen can probably be good enough they're really far apart so what I'm also going to do is just shrink each one of those down to the size it needs to be and at the beginning it's all about just placing content and figuring out how you want your content to be so it's not about making it look great this is like the wire framing step can I tidy up what's that do perfect that's what I wanted so then you know I need this here and then another thing I wanted to have so I might even change how all this is going so it's just option or if you're on a if you're on a PC like me it's alt and I can drag that off and I'm gonna put like negative six I don't know how to do degrees degrees symbol on a Mac I bet you it's like a million times easier because they're shortcuts are great I don't know what it is on a Mac either though minus six degrees Celsius and that's gonna float around with an icon or something too but I know I want that up in this area we'll probably have to change stuff maybe this is too big I'm not worried about that yet I'm just sort of laying things out with text and then I could go okay well maybe I'm gonna have an image here so I know that that's gonna work like that or maybe I want it to be a big hero image whatever it is like it's the whole background but just lay things out have a rough layout on the direction that you're going to be going in which is really gonna help and start with your hierarchy right away you if you didn't watch my video on six typography tips to make more professional sites I'd encourage you to go and check that one out first but just even here having this as big and not having it as like you know that's not hierarchy that's like they're almost the same so it's really if you're gonna have a font size different especially for big titles and like the main part like make it big make it really stand out going back to that thing I was talking about images if you're going to take an image that's going to be a background image what we want to make sure it resized me image because it was probably a massive file all of these are from unsplash by the way what we want to do is like an image like this can work you want to find images like this like wow look at that that looks cool but one of the reasons it's working too is because my sky here is empty so I have a focal point I have my big image and then I'm balancing it with my text I still have a bit of an issue with it cuz it's like this 50/50 balance usually you want something that's gonna be more dominant so even maybe it's just I could bring you know this could all be something more like that to balance it out a little bit more you'll also notice like let's see pretend I was doing um just because if it's 50/50 balance it's kind of boring it's you might if you did any photography you might refer to the rule of thirds where it's like two-thirds and one-third vertical and horizontal tends to look better than having things that are perfect now I might even move this up a little bit like that looking at the same idea where you know you have I don't want to be perfectly balanced in that space so we could get something that's looking a little bit like that and you know we'd probably have more content you'd have a bigger page to do but I'm just gonna focus on this area because I think it's a good place to start and even design decisions that you make at this stage could have a big impact on the rest of everything else that you do I'm even thinking about centering that but I think we'll stick with it like this for now but again with it with the images make sure it's an image even here's another one that's like sort of similar but it's not gonna work as well and it's gonna take a second to load in and of course it's really big but like an image like this and just make sure you're holding shift when you're resizing your images or they're gonna get distorted an image like this it's not gonna work as well even though it's cool it has the guy jumping in the sky just like that other one did but there's nowhere for me to like my focus point a is right in the middle but even let's say I resized it to be bigger so I have like say I did it like that so now we have like the room here I have white and I have dark colors so if I were to come and put all of this text here as white instead it's the title at the tops not terrible but even they get like I could get the geez disappearing and it's give me a background image that's gonna get resized a bit depending on the screen size so you don't know exactly what its gonna be on top of like here we're getting into things that are hard to read because spent on the right side because it's falling on top of the white any image that has dark and bright parts it's impossible to put text on it there's no color that's gonna work then you have to put a box behind it that can work it can be part of your design decision but if that happens you need to use it consistently through your site you don't want it to be something that only happens one time so just watch out for things like that but the choice you're making in images can make a huge huge difference so let's just go and darken all that back up color is here bring it back to black for now now we want to pick some fonts so let's go choose now we could definitely the default is Roboto and it's an awesome choice but let's go over to google fonts and but I'm gonna make my life a bit easier actually I haven't thought about this at all but I'm definitely going with the saw serif as my main font just because I think the big clean thing like that works really well with scheme and I want to get something that definitely has a pretty big thick I want like something heavy so I'm just starting off right away with that so I want like a like right now I'm looking at something like can't like there's a lot of personality that's coming in this one I sort of like that even till iam web here looking kind of interesting to me so I'm leaning in that direction work saw is another font that I like I'm there's a lot of cool I whenever we get to bold saw serifs I tend to like them I'm gonna go with this so that's work size now one cool thing with figma is it should already be in here i shouldn't have to do anything else so if I grab this and it change over to work cause it's right there awesome so this one can come in at black I want that big big bold title and then on this one we're gonna come in and whoops let's do the same thing work saws in this case 18 is good I'm gonna increase the line height on that to make it a little bit easier to read this one actually we can decrease the line height a little bit to bring it together maybe even this let's bring it up fill er 48 and these are gonna be my buttons down here so I'm not worried about color yet remember we're just sort of building a bit of a layout so I'm gonna build a button bring so shift command opening square bracket and then just command and I bring it forward one so it's on top I can even grab both of them command G or ctrl G it makes a group call it button we're gonna do something else fun with this in a second though so I'm gonna double click because once you make a group it's like one thing but if you double click you go inside your group so inside my group here and go back to work saws once again I'm gonna go to all caps on here so that's hiding over here so I'm gonna do my all caps and in general I like these to be bold and let's go with like a size 16 it's probably big enough and I'm gonna increase the letters oh that's Ottawa it's not what I wanted to change but we're we'll get to that in a second I wanted this the letter spacing and just spacing it out a little bit and then we'll select both of them and do a center Center so it's right in the middle grab I'm gonna click anywhere else and then come back and then I can move that over just to line it all up so there we go I have that now I'm actually going to delete see deals here we're going to select this and I'm gonna right click on it and I'm gonna choose this create component which is ctrl alt K so actually let's click off ctrl alt K so I can start remembering that and what that's done is its created a component I use my group name so it's called button still now the cool thing with components are if I'm gonna option drag this right now if I did this I'd like see deals it's updating the text just CTO whatever I'm gonna delete this anyway because what I want to do with my component with my component selected I'm gonna come to this thing and make a click Auto layout and that gives this my unit a an auto layout thing that's is really really cool basically it's set some padding on it so I have vertical padding a horizontal padding on here and a space between items which isn't gonna really apply to anything right now but this padding I could actually come in here and modify it live so you can see like I'm treating this like a CSS button pretty much right now which is really really fun and really really cool I'm just clicking and dragging left and right on those and once it looks good if I come in and make a new one and I change the content inside because it's now acting like padding instead of just a box around it see heels you can see the button is like live updating with it I don't have to resize my button love that so much really really cool the other thing that's nice is because this is a component if I come in here and actually let's do it like have C deals and I'll have one more get tickets now you get tickets now maybe use a little long let's just do with get tickets like that it's a lot of buttons usually don't see so many buttons like that but well whatever it's cool there we go 20 pixels between each one the main reason I'm putting 3 here normally I wouldn't have three buttons like that it's a little too much but I'm gonna come in double click again in here to select this one or actually just to show you if I click on any of these other ones it says it's an instant and you can see here it says go to master component or I think this does the same thing so it says go to master component so it's an instance of my button and so I can click go to master component it selects my master one the original one so on the original if I double-click on my background here and I change my fill so let's just go in and I'm gonna grab like a I don't know where any with an orange color and come in with a bright orange and then I come in you can see it's changing everything at once maybe this should be a little darker just for contrast reasons what's going more into the Reds because I find dark oranges don't look so great so we can do something like that you go wow that's awesome cool but now what about you know if I want one of these to be different or really that's I want this to be like my main button and then I want these ones to be different so I'm gonna come on this and and I can double click in here and I can actually change my fill and it's only gonna change on that one button so I could actually come in and like make my fill transparent and I could come in and give it a stroke using that color that i was just using whoops undo stroke using that color i was using the stroke probably has to be a bit thicker so we can do something like that come in and change the text color to the orange and now i have like a ghost button type thing and cool so I have my two style of buttons now on this one the these are linked still but if I come on this one and I change the color of it obviously it's only it's not affecting this one because it wasn't you know we changed the background on it we changed the text color but one thing we did not change was the text itself so if I come in or when I say the text itself what I actually mean is if I come into here and I change the font size on this it's just well that's a bit too much let's make it smaller twelve you can see the font size is actually changing still on this one so it's not completely delinked it's just on linked to the things that I've made changes on and if I come back into here I can actually see here a list of what I've changed so I've changed my fill and they've changed my stroke but it's still hanging on to all these other parts of it and then i could do reset fill and then it goes back to what the original was so i think that's really really cool and one thing i can actually do here is I have two choices I could push overrides to master so they're all gonna change and match or I could come to this and I can detach the instance so if I detach the instance this is not something it's not linked to my master anymore it's now its own thing so I mean I could do that and then I could actually come into here and create a new component with it and now I have that that's this one so here I could call it like ghost button and then I can choose do I want you know I have my two different styles of buttons that I could use so see deals and then maybe I want my get tickets and I could have something coming up like that and it's starting to all come together so you can see that that's looking at not too bad other cool things we can do so let's just actually come up to here and we can change let's change the color of this maybe to the orange maybe not maybe actually I'm gonna keep that as like a dark or maybe we'll come into the blues now one thing with the blues here instead of going into like a blue I don't think it looks really nice I'm just going with like a really really dark blue so it's in there's the blues in there but I'm stem desaturating it a little bit and I'm coming into the dark part here and on this text I think I'll leave it black but you know I'll come into the grays now you don't want low low low contrast but we can just lighten the contrast up a little bit and have something like that now I'm gonna get rid of seals actually it didn't those triple buttons it's a little too much for me so we can have something that looks a little bit like that let's come up here I'm actually gonna make this menu white because I think you know it's skiing I think that does make sense we want to we could let's shrink that down a little bit select it all and then I'm going to shift click here on that just to deselect the background so I can move that up I'm gonna group it because that makes sense as a group and I'm gonna double click so I select only my background even this group I could call it like nav navigation if I select only that I could come in here and add a effect so the default is a drop shadow but there whoops you can add multiple drop shadows which is really really handy but there are into a blur background blur or shadow but in this case I do want just something like that I'll click here to control it so it's a blur for X & Y I think what I'll do is a bigger blur like 12 and the 25% here I'm going to drop it to like at 15% maybe even a 10% have a really really subtle drop shadow on that and now that I'm looking at it I don't like it so we can come in and no harm no foul we can come into there and just hit - and here cool so right now we are on we're an amazing mountain now one other thing I wanted to really show you here is to bring in the icons they're SVG's one thing that's really cool you can do this with most design software these days but I'm gonna come over to the noun project I already looked up weather but if you don't know about the noun project let's go actually the noun project if ever you come into here you have to sign up for an account and you can see research for anything it's all free icons you can pay for some you'll see the licensing in a second so if I want something I can just look up the weather and I get my weather icons all popping up they look really cool I'm gonna grab I'm gonna go ahead and grab this one right here and you can get icon or saved it favorites if you do get icon you gives you you want the pro download it costs three bucks fully customizable and no need to attribute or you can get it for free and you do need to attribute so I'm gonna attribute them right now by burqa icon so from the noun project right there you can do some stuff here you can like rotate it and keep the edits only if you have Pro same with the color I can come in and change the color but lose my local edits we'll go with the basic download and you can have a choice of a PNG or to have an SVG I will include this in the description of my video and let's hit save the SVG there and now what you can do is quite literally you can let's go and bring up figma again I can grab this here drag it over and you can see it's been brought in hold shift I can make it bigger smaller I can even come here and change the color of it now I since it's an SVG so what I think I'm gonna do is grab the same color they can't tell nope do I have that blue color there we go there's my blue color saved there you can also add colors that's my document colors but you can save colors in figma as well and we'll bring that up here and shrink it way down if you hold shift you're growing and shrinking like that if you hold shift and alt or option on a Mac it's gonna do it from the center so sometimes that's a little bit easier and I can bring that up with there now one thing if you're bringing an icon in or something like this what I'd encourage you to do is pay attention to the relationship between the text and this guy so let's grab the same color that we're using there we go so like say my font here that I had was actually whoops not that one not bold but I was like light something that could work where I have a light font with a thick icon but it does create like a bit of a contrast between them so you do want to be careful but what would be kind of weird is if it's when their weights are a little bit different I find it's like a little bit more jarring so I would play like either have a lot of difference but even now like this is more bold than the lines in my icon I don't really like it whereas when I was on the bold or the medium I find the weights between the two are much much more similar which tends to make it just a little bit you know it looks like they belong together so I could do something like that I'm probably just gonna grab a rectangle so I'm pushing our for rectangle you can make a little space here even we can bring that into our navigation and this could come on top whoops bring those two together on top of there now I don't really like that dark gray so let's come in on that so that fill this is kind of cool actually if you grab like if I click here it's taking the whole group so it's showing me all the colors that used in that group I don't want any black I want it all to be that dark blue that I used so I can switch all of it in one shot so anything that was white it would select or here so now if I came into here and it changes to red or orange it's gonna switch anything that was using that color to orange which is kind of neat and actually I thought this was using the same color too let's bring that into my group there we go now I can grab so I can click there I don't have to like double click and get into the group I can change it right here which is really nice so I'm probably just gonna lighten that up something like that and maybe we could even come in and put current weather I'm not sure about this but let's just see current weather could be again we'll get the same blue color and I want to create a bit of a contrast between the two so I had grabbed the same color but I don't think I need it so we could do something like this it's only size 10 so I definitely don't want to go smaller it's like super tiny I don't think I like it so many of that actually you got to experiment sometimes try different things there might be a way of making that work but I think I'll just there we go do something like that where you could have other things here too maybe it's not just the current weather but you know by separating that a little bit people get there they know it's there maybe we could do something actually one one more thing we could do is like you'll see this on a lot of websites so there's the current weather and then we could say around 35 centimeters whoops over in all caps centimeters snow snowfall all right yeah that makes sense and then we could turn that off I don't want the all caps on nothing there we go size is already 14 so it's already really small so I think maybe put that down to light I didn't say like I wanted to me it was like last 24 hours and like current so even maybe we could stretch this out let's just grab all these guys move them over so we could have that and then I'm just trying to think so last last 20 our previous previous 20 or 48 hours let's say previous 48 hours there we go and I could say that's bold so I'm just creating like a little micro hierarchy here so what I wanted to do is have and then have current current weather and delete this on the bottom so current weather and then I think what we need here like we want to link those and then snowfall snowfall I'll just do recent snowfall and I'm gonna make a few changes here but this is where like these little things come in so I want these to be the same but I don't want them to be the same as this and this is what people are looking for so even though this is like the title of it I think what I want to do is actually just lower the opacity on them a little bit like that and then I can have my 35 centimeters which I would bring back into the block as a block bold I don't want to Center this because then this is centered so I think the best thing would be like these two are acting like they're right aligned and then these two are acting like they're left aligned and something like that and then maybe we'd come in I don't know the shortcut for it l4 line we could do a line between them that's the same as this color or even I would even lower that more so if you have something selected and on you have a keypad on the right side I don't think it works oh it does you push a number so if I put like three it's gonna drop to 30% opacity there's something bugging me about this I think what I'm actually gonna do is move this off this side and bring this in here and whoops my problem that I'm having now is I don't like my icon to be honest with you so what we could do actually is this is sort of like a weather widget and I'm I'm like I keep making little changes here let's change these over to regular I think that's going to create even more hierarchy there and what we're gonna do is this guy is gonna come all the way to this side and be a lot bigger we're gonna pop him right there I'm gonna ungroup everything here because I'm running into problems with the groupings boom boom if we can move that like that move this over a little bit everything looks really big now remember I've zoomed in to do a lot of this and what I'm gonna do is our four rectangle again make a new rectangle here make it the dark color this is gonna come in and be white and we get like a little current weather widget over here on this side with that I don't like my menu all being there so I think these items would actually be either better off over here or if I did leave them over here again I would probably drop the opacity or the color on them a little bit just so they're they're not so related or it could be that they come over with my skiing and center it this way and there we go we gonna have something nope so we could do something that's just Center all that I think it's a little off there we go so we could have like something like that that gives us a little maybe that icons a little bit too big and the reason I think the reason I'm playing with these little things now like we had the layout we're happy with the layout I'm coming through and I'm playing with stuff if this was my actual site or an actual site that I was building what I one thing I'm doing one reason I like dropping the opacity on things is because then I know they blend together you could still you could definitely also just like I drop and then lighten it up a little bit and see what you can come up with generally desaturating at the same time and coming up and lightening it up so something that could work it's less harsh I'm not really in love with that though so you could really push it and have a little bit of color if you'd thought it was a little too much with the white or even here we could come in and do something similar where I got the dark color and then lighten it up a lot so it has that blue in it I don't really think it needs it but maybe I do want to go with like a darker color so say we stick with the dark grey and then all the text here could come into white you know different things like this definitely definitely work when you're doing your designs so both of these would come into the whites so you could definitely do something like that and those ones I just want to bring up like so many maybe more anyway that needs some more work I'm not super happy with it but I think the whole thing's coming together if this was my actual site what I was gonna say before is I probably changed the color of the skis to be like if I was building this for a client I would change the color of the skis to match the orange or of course this would all depend on their branding in the whole site that you come up with but you can always if you have a color and an image that you could use to dictate everything you could definitely use that color a lot so maybe even I just a quick idea here isn't there a way let's just grab this anyway I'll grab we'll grab that and then everything here we can just I drop it into that's on my stroke and then all my fills would fall into the same color there we go and then I wouldn't mind seeing that same color actually up here so maybe something like that this let's bring it this is where I you know we could bring that into the whites that does not look like on a percent anyway and then this maybe could actually fall into this again and we could have something like that there we go coming together let me just do one last check on something over here that color it's not white I'm actually gonna delete that icon and bring it in again cuz it was definitely definitely not being white there we go it is on like a little artboard so maybe that was what was screwing it up I don't know anyway you get the idea of how you can start balancing and using colors and so they really have a nice looking site I think it's looking pretty cool it's a nice little exploration of how you can get started with figma hopefully a few little tips along the way there for you as well you know and figma is a fantastic fantastic design tool it's really really cool the more I use it the more I am enjoying it so I'd encourage you to try things out see what you can do with it and if you come up with a fun design that you you know you're really enjoying hit me up over on Twitter and/or Instagram to let me know about it and there we have it if figma is a really cool tool I really really like it and I'd love to know do you use figma to use exceed you sketch what are you using these days do you not use any of them you try and coat it up in the browser and it's not really working for you you have any design challenges or things that get in your way I'd love to know leave a comment down below please and let me know about it or better yet come on over to the community there's a link to that in the description below it's a free discord server you can come and talk to us about coding or design there's a whole bunch of us they're all hanging out come on over and hang out with us a big thank you to design Mota once again for bringing you this video and a big thank you to you for watching this video all the way to the end I really do appreciate that lots of thank yous going around because I also got to thank my patrons for helping support everything I do here on my channel all the time you guys are amazing thank you very much and of course until next time don't forget to make your corne the internet just a little bit more awesome can you see my my thing here you might notice like there that I got my plaque that's cool right it got dented on the top my kids I don't know what happened I got it I was super sick came brought it down to the basement it was in the box but I'd opened it and and looked at it and there's yeah so sad but I got it thank you all for just all the support everything of getting my channel here I really do appreciate it I got one of those which is super super cool even if it does have a nice little dent you know more customization
Channel: Kevin Powell
Views: 48,691
Rating: 4.9398499 out of 5
Keywords: Kevin Powell, tutorial, html, css, figma, how to use figma, how to use figma to design a webpage, design a webpage, deign a landing page, website design, webpage design, ui, ux, figma ui, create a ui with figma, create a website design with figma, figma tutorial, web design tutorial, figma design, ui design, landing page design, figma ui design, user interface design, web design and development, figma prototyping, website design tutorial, design tools, user interface
Id: NB1mn2YVF8Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 15sec (2235 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 04 2020
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