Learn How to Use a Edge/Joining/Stitch-in-a-Ditch Foot

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Hey Everyone! This is Sarah with SewingPartsOnline.com and today I am going to show you how to use an Edge Joining Stitch in a Ditch Foot. How to use it on your projects and few techniques you can use with it. Okay, so this is our Edge Joining Stitch in the Ditch Foot. It is a low shank. As you can see here we have a cut out for our shank screw right here in the middle is where our needle passes through. And right here this black lever thing right here is actually the guide. So for an edge stitch, our fabric is going to be right along this and for stitch in a ditch it's going to keep seams open so the needle can be right in between the seams. So, first let's install it. Let's take off the foot that we have already on including the shank. Get your little screw driver. We're going to put it on the shank screw. and make sure it's nice and snug And there you go. that's all there is to it. First I'm going to show you how to do an edge stitch. I'm going to start out with my needle in the center position and then move it over about 2 inches for a really narrow stitch. I'm gong to keep my stitch length at about 2.5 or you can move it up to 3.5. Let's do a 3.5 so you can see a longer stitch length. Put it in. back stitch a little bit and just start stitching. Keep the edge of your fabric along this black guide and you can't go wrong. You can see just how accurately it will stitch along that edge.When we get to that corner, no problem. Pick it up. Line it back up with your guide and start sewing again. It really is very easy. Also, you can go back and move your needle over a few millimeters over here and you'll have A faux double stitch. Which will look kind of cool. So, like I said if I wanna go and do another line of stitching. I can line it up on the other side move my needle over a couple more positions. And it will do another line right along the guide. We just sew the same way we did before. So, let's say I'm finished. Take it out And there you go. Pretty cool. So, an edge stitch foot is really great for making fast and easy pintucks. Here I've started one; I'm going to do another one. I'm just going to fold it down, with wrong sides together line it up against the edge guide. And just do a straight stitch. Really easy and very accurate. That's what I like about it. It's nice, neat, and accurate. So, another cool thing you can do with this edge stitch is it does great applique because you're just going to follow the line of your applique with its edge guide right here. So, I started a heart and square. I'll show you both are very easy to do. I'm just going to line it up with the edge, change my stitch to a zigzag stitch. You can do a longer stitch length or a shorter stitch length. The shorter length is going to look like a satin stitch. The longer your length is going to look like just a plain zigzag. So here we go. I'll do a 2.0 stitch length first. And I'll show you. I'm going to follow the edge Sews great. If I go back down to a 0.9 It's very fast. It turns corners really well. You end up with a perfect applique each time because you just have the guide to follow. That's all you have to do. It works great on curves as well. I started over here on the heart shape. As you can see went around I'm going to go ahead and continue it right on the curve. This really makes your applique super easy and fast. I used some basting spray to hold my applique down. It's not shifting anywhere really, really easy. They look great. So the edge joining stitch in a ditch foot is really versatile because right here i can also join two pieces of fabric together. These are just two homemade bias tapes. All I'm going to do is line them up together on the fold. I'm going to put the little guide in the middle. I'm going to switch to a nice big zigzag. You could also switch to a smaller zigzag. Just as long as the needle catches both sides of the fabric. So here we go. So, this one is on a wide length of 6.0 width. Then I can make it shorter stitch and shorter width. As long as it's catching both edges you're fine. Which it is because the guide is so thin. It really lines them up very well. They're just touching each other. Look at that. Very cool. And what's cool about this is, if you have this on a wide enough zigzag you can go back with a needle and maybe some thick yarn and weave it through to give it some extra details. It's really cool what you can do it this. To purchase your Edge Joining Stitch in a Ditch foot, visit us online at sewingpartsonline.com or on facebook at facebook/sewingpartsonline
Channel: Sewing Parts Online
Views: 224,782
Rating: 4.8329668 out of 5
Keywords: how to, presser foot, feet, install, installation, applique, tutorial, sewing, quilting, pintucks, stitch in the ditch, edge stitching, edge joining, sewing parts online, instructions, do it yourself, edge, joining, for beginners
Id: 4uk0ifHrepQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 57sec (417 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 27 2012
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