Learn How to Reset a Firebase User Password in React

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Hello friends welcome back to the new tutorial of the reactions fireplace today we are going to learn about the forgot password so let's get started so here we have a forget password here you need to add the email whether you want to reset the password of whether you forget the password right so the email which we have added is this one let's have a right over here so here you can see that uh if let me add the wrong email okay so what will happen there is no record correspondence identifier the user may be deleted right so that means it is a check whether it's to be a valid or email or not then reset password okay so you can see that the password reset is going on and let's check my email so here uh if I connected with any disk over here let me show you the email over here if it is here you can see that the reset password following is the reset password account if I go and just open this one right and here you can see that I can reset my password Here new password for that one I will add the one two three four five six seven eight nine okay then save let's have a look on that one if I log in with this view or not so let me go with this one sign in and let's login gmail.com and let's login with this password you can see that invalid or doesn't have the password and if let me add the new password that is one two three four five six seven eight nine sign in and see that okay so let's dive into the code level what exactly we have done so here we go with the forget password okay so this is forgot password.js file so here we have the forget form okay on submit what we have to do this is the do reset password and here we have the send password email function okay this is the Firebase so let's go tap back and here we are setting the again the initial state that is email error or showing alert and the cache of this one okay then we have the render function where we are accepting the email okay here you can see that email we are accepting here we are checking the invalid State okay whether the email is empty or blank so whenever we try to submit that one okay here you have the forget password link okay so we have already added the forget password link after clicking after adding the placeholder that is value email okay so here we are checking that email is correct or not and on change State we are just passing the prop file key property and check whether the email is valid or invalid then after that we are sending the reset password link just this function on submit okay this will do the rest of the process where what the email we have then it will check and the set the state otherwise it will show you the error okay so any doubt any query in that let me know in the comment section thank you so much for watching this video have a great day don't forget to like share and comment on my video have a nice day
Channel: Technical Rajni
Views: 3,487
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: react + firebase for beginners, react with firebase tutorial, react and firebase authentication, react and firebase project, react and firebase tutorial in hindi, react u0026 firebase authentication in urdu, login and signup validation in react, Auth guard in react and react router, react router tutorial in hindi, react router tutorial in urdu, react firebase auth in hindi, react firebase auth, Password Reset using React u0026 Firebase, password reset in react, forms in react
Id: 2_5IQhwGGpk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 35sec (215 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 28 2023
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