Learn How To Replace Your Fears With Faith with Rick Warren

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- Hi everybody, I want to say hi to all of our campuses. I love you so much. If you take out your message notes, you know for about eight weeks now, I've been teaching you a series on how God turns setbacks into comebacks. Everybody loves a comeback. We cheer comebacks, we love it when a team comes from behind to win in the last seconds. During this series, I've pointed out a number of very important truths that I want you to remember about the setbacks that happen in your life. First, there are no comebacks without setbacks. There are no comebacks without setbacks. Setbacks are a part of life. Everybody has setbacks, I do, you do. When you have setbacks in life, you're normal. They may be health setbacks, financial setbacks, relational, career, spiritual setbacks, emotional setbacks, or many, many, other types. This is normal because we live in a broken world. Nothing works perfectly. But there was a second important truth that I want you to remember, it's this. Every setback is a setup for a comeback. Every setback is a setup for a comeback. If you lived in a world where there were no losses, there could be no wins. But when you've had a setback, you are being setup for a comeback. Now the third truth that I've shared with you that I want you to remember is this. A setback is not intended to punish me, but to prepare me for my next stage. A setback in not intended to punish me. That setback you're goin' through right now, it's not punishing you, it's to prepare you for your next stage. God uses delays and difficulties, and even dead ends to get us ready for what he has in store for us. And he uses setbacks to build our character and to deepen our faith, and to strengthen our resilience, and to teach us stuff that we could never learn any other way. The setback is not intended to punish you, but to prepare you for your next stage of responsibility. But the fourth, and the most important truth about setbacks that I've been tryin' to teach you, and I don't want you to forget this, is this. Setbacks are the stepping stones to my future. Setbacks are the stepping stones to my future. Setbacks are not the barriers in the path to your future. They are the path to your future. If you'll get this, it'll change the way you look at all your problems. We looked at a dramatic example illustration of this last time together when we focused on the life of Joseph in the Book of Genesis. For 13 years, remember, Joseph had one bad setback after another, seven different setbacks. None of them were his fault, everyone of them caused by somebody else. They were painful, but at the end of his life, Joseph could look back and say, They meant it for bad, but God meant it all for good. The setbacks were not really setbacks. They were actually the stepping stones in God's plan, they were the pathway that got Joseph where he needed to go. And the stepping stones in your life are actually the stumbling blocks in the setbacks that you have. The same is true for you. There is purpose behind the setbacks for your life. And God will use literally everything in your life, even the bad stuff that other people mean for bad in your life, he'll use it for good if you'll trust him completely. So why do we have such a hard time with setbacks? And why are we spending so much time on it in this series? Well, the reason why we have a hard time is 'cause we panic. When things don't happen as fast as we want it, it don't happen as simply as we want it, we worry and we get anxious and we doubt, and we think God doesn't know what he's doing, and we don't trust God and in a word, we become afraid. Now listen, fear is your greatest enemy in life. Fear, worry, anxiety, this nervousness. And if you're gonna learn how to turn setbacks into comebacks and let God use them in that way, you're gonna have to learn how to deal with fear. So today, I want us to look at what do you do when a setback fills you with fear? And if you're filled with faith, then you're gonna benefit from your setbacks. But if you're filled with fear, you're gonna be broken by the setbacks that happen in your life. Now think about this, everybody has secret fears. You may have a fear that nobody's every gonna love you. You may have the fear that your life doesn't matter and nobody's gonna notice you. You may have the of dying alone. You may have the fear of never finding true love. You may have the fear people would reject you if they really knew what you were like. As I've thought about where to take you in the Bible this week to show you how to deal with the fears that arise when your plans get messed up, when you have setbacks in your life. The choice was obvious to me, we gotta look at the Christmas story. I realize it's not Christmas, but the story of Jesus's birth is the practical illustration of what I wanna teach you today because Jesus birth messed up everybody's plans. And it actually caused a lot of fear for those involved at the personal level. It is significant that when you read the Christmas story, that the phrase, Don't be afraid, is repeated four times. Not once, but four times in the Christmas story. The angels have to say, Don't be afraid. They say it to Mary, they say it to Joseph, they say it to the shepherds, they say it to Zechariah. And today, we know the good news of Jesus's birth, but to those who heard it for the very first time, it scared em to death. And the Bible tells us that the news not only frightened those who heard it first, but it scared the entire city of Jerusalem. That's what the Bible tells us. In fact, every one of the main characters in the Christmas story had to deal with their own set of fears, because of their own plans had a setback. As I reread that story this week, what was interesting to me is that 2,000 years later, you know what? We're all still dealing with the exact same fears that they had 2,000 years ago. Now I don't know what fears you may be personally dealing with right now because of some setbacks in your life. I don't know what's causing you to panic, what's causing you to worry, to keep you awake at night, to have anxiety or even panic attacks. But I do know this, God doesn't want you to be fearful. So what I wanna do in this message is show you five common fears that people faced at the very first Christmas and I want you to see God's anecdote to those fears, that you feel when you have setbacks in your life. I think you're gonna identify with these, okay? All right, so what were the fears that people had to face at the very first Christmas? Let's get right into this. Number one, let's talk about Mary. First, Mary faced the fear of inadequacy. Mary faced the fear of inadequacy. And that happens when you have a setback in your life. Now think about this, Mary is a young peasant girl. She's probably maybe, I don't know, 15, 16 years of age. She's engaged to be married, this is a happy time for her. She's happily planning her wedding day. This is a fun time. She's got all the plans of a soon to be bride in her head. And she's got it planned out, she's got her whole life planned out. And then one day an angel interrupts her plans, it's a setback. And he shows up, that would be enough to scare anybody. If an angel showed up in my bedroom, it would scare me. But the angel's message is even more shocking. And the angel says, Mary, by the way, you're pregnant. And Mary's goin', How can this be? I've never had sex with anybody. And then the angel drops the second half of this bomb. He said, Oh, by the way, not only are you pregnant, but you're carrying the son of God. God is coming to Earth and he's coming as a baby and you're going to be the mother of the son of God. Now that is a setback to Mary's sweet and simple plans to just get married and settle down. Are you kidding me? She's goin', What's this all about? Her mind must have been filled with panic. She would have been overwhelmed with fears. What does all this mean? How am I suppose to react to this? Why was I chosen, why me, why now? How am I going to explain this to everybody? Wouldn't you feel a little inadequate? Wouldn't you be a little fearful? Of course you would. In Luke chapter one, verse 29 to 34 it says this; Confused and disturbed, Mary tried to think what the angel could mean. So the angel said, Do not be afraid. This is first of the four fear nots. Do not be afraid, Mary. For God has decided to bless and to use you. And you're gonna have a son and you will name him Jesus and he will be the son of God, and his Kingdom will never end. And then Mary asked, But how can this be? Boy you'd ask the same thing, so would I. Now Mary would have to deal with the skepticism of a family and friends, and she's gonna be an unwed mother. She's gotta make a long trip on a donkey the day before she delivers, gotta move to Bethlehem. She's gonna have to deliver her first child by herself in a barn with no doctor or not mother or no midwife. That's scary. And then she's gotta raise the son of God. Really? The fear of inadequacy is one we can all relate to. Am I good enough? Am I up for the task? Can I handle this? Mary has a legitimate fear. Now there's a second fear in the story, and that's Joseph's fear. Joseph struggled with a different fear. Joseph faced the fear of disapproval. Now imagine his position, your fiance come to you and says, Honey, I'm pregnant. Now you know that you've never had relations with her and she claims a God made me pregnant, it's his child. How are you gonna explain that to everybody in town? Imagine the ridicule, the shame, the gossip, the criticism heaped on him. Joseph, they say he's crazy to believe that story. She's takin' him for a ride. And the Bible tells us that Joseph's first reaction was to break off the engagement privately. In Matthew chapter one, verse 18 to 20 he says, Now this is how Jesus Christ was born. His mother, Mary, was engaged to be married to Joseph. But while she was still a virgin, she became pregnant by the Holy Spirit. Joseph, her fiance, being a good and righteous man, decided to break off the engagement quietly, so it wouldn't disgrace Mary publicly. I mean, he's still protecting his fiance. But after he had considered doing this, an angel of the Lord appeared to him, so he's gettin' scared. Appeared to him in a dream and said, Joseph, don't be afraid to take Mary home as your wife, because the child in her is from God's Holy Spirit. And just like with Mary, God has to tell Joseph, Fear not. This is the second of four fear nots. He says, Don't be afraid. Now let me ask you, whose disapproval are you afraid of? Let me ask it another way. Whose approval are you livin' for? The Bible tells us that the fear of man, or the fear or disapproval, is a trap. It will limit you and you will miss God's will. You'll miss God's plan for your life. If you're worried about what other people think, then you're not gonna hear what God has for you. Joseph could have missed the greatest blessing in his life. Now next, the third fear, we find with the shepherds. Now the shepherds faced the fear of unexpected change. And we all have this one when we have setbacks in our life. Unexpected change, yeah, a setback too. And what was it? Their plans got changed. Now let me give you the picture. This is at nighttime and the shepherds are out, enjoying a quiet night in the field. Okay, they're out layin' on the grass, tending their flock of sheep and they're bedded down for the night, the sheep are bedded down, it's quiet, they're lookin' up at the stars, probably tellin' a few jokes, eatin', maybe makin' some popcorn, some smores or somethin'. But suddenly, the sky lights up, and like an explosion of brightness in the sky, they go, Uh oh, UFO's, what is this? And a huge choir of extraterrestrial beings start singing loudly, would that scare you? Yeah, certainly that's a scary site. What is goin' on? I'm sure the angels are goin', Who spiked the iced tea? Who put somethin' in those brownies tonight? And their plans for a quiet evening are interrupted and the fact is, they will never be the same again. Luke chapter two, verses eight through 10. It says, That night the shepherds were in the field outside the village, guarding their flocks of sheep. Suddenly, an angel of the Lord appeared among them and the radiance of the Lord's glory flash surround them. This is like a flash of brightness, and they were terribly frightened. Everybody's scared at Christmas. So the angels had to say to them, here is the third time, Do not be afraid. Let me ask you, do you like being caught off guard? No. Do you like unexpected changes in your life? No, it shoots adrenaline straight into your system. And you get that natural fight or flight reaction when all the sudden somebody throws you a curve ball and out of left field everything's changed. And you go, what, where'd that come from? And you got a setback in your life. Now listen, sometimes a setback is just God showin' up in your life. You don't realize it, but it's God showin' up in your life. And that can be very unsettling, it can be scary. Because the status quo is upset and all the sudden, you're out there just lookin' up on a starry night, ready to go to sleep and God shows up. God doesn't wanna scare you. This is the third time the angels have to say, Don't be afraid. Now there's a fourth character who panicked when there was a setback when Jesus was born. And it was the man appointed by the Roman emperor to be the ruler over Israel while they're under the occupation of the Roman Empire. Now this guy, his name was Herod, he was given the title King of the Jews by the Roman Emperor, but the Jews considered this guy to be an imposter and a tool of the enemy, and they despised Herod. So the phrase, Herod King of the Jews, they hated that and they hated him. Plus, Herod, King Herod was incredibly insecure. In fact, this guy was so paranoid of being overthrown, listen to this. King Herod was so paranoid, he may have had a mental illness. He had his brother in law murdered, that he was afraid he might overthrow him. He had his mother, his own mother, murdered. He had his wife murdered, and he even had his two sons murdered. He was scared that somebody was gonna take over, kick him out and take over control. Now when Herod hears that the Promised Messiah, the true quote, King of the Jews, had been born, what's his reaction? He panics, he's afraid, he is so petrified that he would be replaced that he goes out and he orders all the children under two years of age in the city of Bethlehem to be killed, just to make sure that Jesus doesn't live. Now King Herod faces a fourth kind of fear that we often have once we have a setback in our life, financial setback, health setback, marriage setback, parent setback. King Herod faced the fear of losing control. Oh boy, this is a common fear. You've had this one many times, the fear of losing control. Matthew chapter two, verse one to three says this; Jesus was born in Bethlehem during the time that Herod was the king of the Jews. Then some wise men came from the east to Jerusalem and they started asking, Where's the child born to be king of the Jews? Now that scares Herod. We saw in the east, we've come to worship him. When King Herod heard this news, he was deeply frightened, and he was disturbed. And notice, so was everyone else in Jerusalem. You know it's interesting, that at Christmas time we sing that song Silent Night, Holy Night, all is calm, all is bright, but when in reality, not everybody was calm when Jesus was born. Now let me get real personal and ask you, What are you afraid of losing control of? Let me put it another way. What's out of control in your life and is scaring you to death? What's out of control in your life and you're still trying to pathetically control it? You know, you say, Well how do you know when I'm afraid that something's out of control in my life? Simple, there's a warning light. When you're trying to control the uncontrollable, there's a warning light. The warning light is called worry. Worry is the warning light that you're trying to control the uncontrollable. Every time you start worrying, you're trying to control the uncontrollable. We'll come back to this. And finally, there's one other guy in the Christmas story who has a setback and his life gets turned around. His name's Zechariah, he was an old priest. Now Zechariah's wife was named Elizabeth, and Elizabeth was actually Mary's cousin. During Mary's pregnancy, when she heard that she was pregnant, Mary went to stay with this couple, with Zechariah and Elizabeth, an older, older couple. Now Elizabeth and Zechariah had prayed for many, many years to have a baby, but it had not happened. And they had had one setback after another, trying to get pregnant, but they couldn't. Now they're very old and they're childless, and they've given up all hope. But one day, God shows up and says to Zechariah, Zechariah, it's finally gonna happen, guess what? You're gonna be a daddy. But Zechariah didn't believe it and he's afraid to get his hopes up. He's been disappointed so many times, so he doubts God and this is another common fear that happens. When you've had one setback after another in your life, you start becoming afraid in this area. Zachariah faced the fear of being disappointed. You've had this one too. You have had the fear of being disappointed. I've been disappointed so many times, I'm afraid to get my hopes up. Luke chapter one, verses 11 to 13, it says; While they were serving in the Temple, an angel appeared to Zechariah. When he saw the angel, he was confused and overwhelmed, that's frightened, overwhelmed with fear. But the angel said to him, Do not be afraid. There's the fourth, don't be afraid. Says, Zechariah, don't be afraid, your prayers have been heard. Well it's about time, I'd finally given up. Now notice, God has to say, Fear not. Are you getting the point? That God doesn't want people to be afraid, that God doesn't want you to be afraid. No matter what setback you're goin' through, God does not want you to be afraid. God brought you here this weekend so he could say this to you, No matter what you're going through, don't be afraid. And God says, Zechariah, you're finally gonna get your child. By the way, Zechariah's long awaited son, he become somebody famous, he was called John the Baptist, Jesus' cousin. Now of these five fears, which of these have you struggled with because of setbacks in your life? The fear of feeling inadequate? I can't do it, so I won't even try. The fear of disapproval or the fear or rejection? So I'm just gonna be a people pleaser. The fear of unexpected change, like the shepherds. So I want everything to stay the same. The fear of losing control, like Herod. So I don't want anybody messin' with my plans. Or the fear of being disappointed? I've been let down so many times, I just don't even dare to believe or trust or have hope. Now listen, as your pastor who loves you and who prays for you, I want you to know that for God to turn your setback into the comeback that he wants it to be, for God to turn your setback into that comeback, you're gonna have to exchange your fear for faith. You gotta turn your fear of the circumstance into faith in God. How in the world do you do that? How do you replace fear with faith? The answer is, do the same four things that the people did at the first Christmas in this passage that we've just looked at. So let's go through it real quick, here's what you do. If you want to reduce the fears, the anxieties, the panic in your life, number one, first surrender my life completely to God everyday. It starts with surrender, I surrender my life completely to God everyday. Surrender is the first anecdote to fear and anxiety and panic. You let it go, you give it up, you give yourself completely to God, but you do it not just once, but you do it everyday. This is how Mary overcame her fear of inadequacy. The Bible tells us that Mary prayed a prayer of surrender and she put everything that she didn't understand into the hands of God and just trusted him completely. Luke chapter one, verse 38 says this; Mary responded when she heard all this fantastic story, Well I'm the Lord's servant and I am willing to accept whatever God wants for my life. Have you said that? That is a statement of surrender. I am willing to accept whatever God wants for my life. I wanna challenge you to whisper that right now. I am willing to accept whatever God wants in my life. I am willing to accept whatever God wants in my life. That's the prayer of surrender. God will never ask you to do something without giving you the ability to handle it. He doesn't call the equipped, he equips the called. If you say, I am willing to do whatever he asks me to do, he's gonna give you the ability. Your confidence is not going to be in yourself, your confidence is gonna be in Him. Almost 40 years ago, I started Saddleback Church with no money, no members, no building, no support, and I'd never been a senior pastor. But I did have confidence in God. And I remember tellin' it to Kay. I said, What do you think? She said, Well I believe in God and I believe in you, so let's go for it. She said, It scares me to death, but I believe in God and I believe in you, so let's go for it. Job 11, verses 13 to 18 says this; Surrender, it says, Surrender your heart to God, turn to Him in prayer, and give up your sins. Then you won't be ashamed. And you'll be confident and fearless. Here's how you get confidence and fearlessness. Surrender yourself to God. And your troubles will go away like water beneath a bridge, and your darkest night will be brighter than noon. And then you'll rest safe and secure, filled with hope and emptied of worry. Does that sound pretty good to you? Sounds good to me. Filled with hope and emptied of worry, how do you do that? Starts with surrender. Well how often do I take this step? Just everyday. If you're fighting anxiety, you're fighting worry, insecurity, fear, because of the setback you've had in your life, before you get up in the morning you need to say, Father I surrender this day to you. I surrender my past, my present, and my future. That's the starting point. Second thing you do to move past your setback, listen, is to stop listening to the voices of fear. Stop listening to the voices of fear around you. Now all around you are naysayers and all kinds of fearful people. And the media in particular is filled with naysayers and fearful people. By the way, sometimes those fearful voices are inside you. Sometimes you need to stop listening to you. And you need to replace the fear with faith, as I said earlier. Romans 14:23 says this; Whatsoever is not of faith is sin. You see, fear is the opposite of faith. And any time you walk in fear, you're not walkin' in faith. I don't know if you know this, but fear is a communicable disease. It's highly contagious. If you hang around fearful people, guess what? You're gonna become fearful. So let me give you a couple practical suggestions to lower the fear in your life. Number one, turn off talk radio and negative TV news shows. Studies show that the more you listen to those kind of shows, the more angry and more fearful you become. Just turn it off, you don't need it. Number two, start hangin' out with people of faith instead of people of fear instead. It's one of the reasons you need a church family. You need to get into small group. Now let me give you a third practical anecdote to the worry and fears that come with setbacks. This is definitely from God. Number three, fill my mind with music that praises God. You say, What? Yep, if you're havin' problems with panic, with anxiety, with fear, fill my mind with music that praises God. Did you know the Bible teaches over and over again that praise is the anecdote to panic, that worship is the cure for worry. We do this instinctively, whenever there's a crisis, like a hurricane, people instinctively cry out to God. People cry, Oh God, why? Because you lose your fear when God is near. I had a neighbor once tell me, said, You know, Rick, when I was going through the darkest days of fear, I bought a 10 CD set of praise music and I just listened to it over and over and over. He said, It gave me both comfort and courage. You might need to do something like that. Fill your mind with the music of praise. When Matthew, our youngest son, died a few years ago, Kay and I, we didn't turn on the TV for well over a month. Instead we filled our home with praise music. You know what Mary did when she felt fearful, inadequate? She wrote a song of praise and she sang it. In fact, Mary's song is in Luke chapter one. You might read it, verse 46 to 56, it's a long song. But part of it says this; Then Mary sang, With all my heart I praise the Lord! She's scared to death, but she says, With all my heart, I praise the Lord. I rejoice in God my Savior, for He notices and cares for me, simple servant girl. He's blessed me and He's the Mighty One who's Holy. He's All Powerful, He can do anything. He meets all our needs, He keeps all His promises. She's just fillin' her mind with who God is and what He can do. We're talking about the Christmas story, it's no accident that Christmas is the most music centered holiday. Because at the very first Christmas, everybody sang. Elizabeth sang, the angels sang, the shepherds sang, Zechariah sang. If you're havin' a problem with anxiety and fear, you need to fill your life with music. You need to sing the songs at worship of worship on the weekends at church. Now let me give you a fourth way to defeat the fears that come with setbacks. Base my hope on the promises of God. Base my hope, not on what I think I can do, but on what God has promised to do. Now this is what gives Mary and Joseph such confidence. In Luke chapter one verse 45, Mary says to Elizabeth, You're blessed because you believe that the Lord would do what He said. Do you believe the Lord will do what He said? In Psalm 56 verse three and four, David says this, When I'm afraid, I put my trust in God. And when I trust in God, I'm not afraid. I praise Him for what He's promised. I praise Him for what He's promised. There is the fourth anecdote to when you're overwhelmed with the anxiety, when you're filled with fear, when you are pummeled by panic. Now friends, I don't know what setback you're facin' right now, I don't know what fear is holdin' you back, I don't know what anxiety is keepin' you up or gnawing at your heart. But I do know this, that if you'll take these four simple steps, you will move toward your comeback and you'll move out of your setback. And your setback will be the stepping stone to your future. Let's review, surrender my life completely to God everyday. Stop listening to the voices of fear. Fill my mind with music that praises God. Base my hope on His promises. Let's bow our heads. Father, this stuff is so practical, it's simple. Anybody could understand it and yet, only if we do it will it make a difference. To hear a message will not change our lives, but to practice it, to do it, to put it into application in our lives, will make permanent changes. And Lord I pray for everyone listening to this message right now. There are people who are filled with fear. They're panicked about things in their lives. They've been trying to control the uncontrollable. They've been worried about what other people think. They've had setbacks that have changed the agenda and all of the sudden, they're plans have been thrown out the door and they don't know which way to turn. And just like Herod and just like Zechariah, and the shepherds, and Joseph, and Mary, what they thought was gonna happen and where they thought they were headed, it didn't happened and they're goin' in a different direction right now and there have been setbacks. And Lord, we know that the natural thing is to be afraid and to be fearful and to be scared. But you've told us these simple steps. So may we take them today. Why don't you pray this prayer in your heart. Say, God, I surrender my life completely to you. Say that, God, I surrender my life completely to you, including the things that are scaring me to death, including the things that have me worried and anxious, including the things that are causing me panic or anxiety. I give this to you, I surrender it to you. And then say, Lord, I wanna fill my life with faith, not fear. I wanna stop listening to the voices of fear, even my own voices. I wanna listen only to your voice. I wanna listen to your word, to your promises. And I wanna fill my life with the music of praise and replace panic with praise, and replace worry with worship. And when I start to worry, help me to turn my thoughts to you, the solution instead of the problem. And I ask you, Lord, to help me to move into the days ahead, trusting in your promises, putting my hope not in myself or even in my plans, but putting my hope in you. If you've never invited Jesus Christ in your life, say, Jesus Christ, come into my life right now and become the manager, I want to follow you as best I know how from this day forward. Father, I ask that you give everyone in our church family a sense of peace this next week. Bless them in every area with peace and with power and with your presence. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, Amen. Well God blessed you, everybody. Your campus pastor is now gonna come and talk to you about how you can register your decision today. (upbeat music) - Thanks for checkin' out this message on YouTube. My name is Jay and I'm Saddleback's online pastor. I wanna invite you to take your next step by checking out our online community, or help get you connected to a local Saddleback campus. Three things we have to offer you right now. First, learn more about belonging to our church family by taking class 101. Second, don't live life alone and get into community with others by joining an online small group or a local home group in your area. Third, join our Facebook group to be more engaged with our online community throughout the week. Take your next step and learn where a local campus is near you by visiting saddleback.com/online, or email online@saddleback.com. Hope to hear from you soon.
Channel: Saddleback Church
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Id: 0CKcG2hMDB0
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Length: 35min 20sec (2120 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 17 2018
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