Learn How to Paint SANTA'S DAY OFF with Acrylic - Paint and Sip at Home - Fun Step by Step Tutorial

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hi there i'm michelle the painter from berkshire paint and sip and this is paint and sip at home [Music] all right so today i'm going to be painting santa's day off and i'm going to be sipping on a little moscato um i do hope that if you enjoy this painting that you like and subscribe to my channel and also check out my patreon page where you'll find additional painting perks so let's get painting and let's get sipping all right so for my materials today i'm going to be using a stretched and prime 16 by 20 inch canvas if you're painting along with me you can certainly switch up the size but that's what i'll be using i'm going to be using acrylic paint today my colors are titanium white fluorescent orange ultramarine blue burnt umber which i'll call brown green oxide deep yellow mars black and fire red and of course you can switch up those colors if you'd like but that's what i'll be using for my tools today i have three brushes i have a half inch wide flat bristle brush i have a number 11 round brush and i have a number five round brush and i will refer to these as small medium and large as we go through the painting process of course you can switch those up if you'd like if you're painting along with me you're probably going to want to have a cup of water for washing your brushes as well as a paper towel for drying your brushes and down below this video i will be giving you a couple of additional resources to help you through your painting process one of them is a link where you can purchase the same exact paint kit that i'm using from the large canvas to the paints and the brushes and all that good stuff so that's there for you there's also a link where you can download a free image of the final painting so you can print that and use it as visual reference as you go through the painting process and there's also written step-by-step instructions down there for you as well and that's all we're going to need today all right so what we're going to do for the first step is we are painting our sky i'm going to be using my large bristle brush the colors i'm using are black brown blue and white and how i'm going to do this is i'm going to have a really dark at the top and i'm going to have it a little bit lighter at the bottom i'm going for a the sun is just almost all the way set so it's going to be pretty dark but i don't want it black so how i'm going to do this is i'm first going to kind of mark off a horizon line but it doesn't have to be a perfect horizon line because we'll be we'll be modifying it when we put the water on so what i'm going to do is i'm going to put all four colors on my brush at the same time black blue brown and white just a little bit of each to do this horizon line i'm going to bring my horizon about three quarters or two thirds of the way down or a third of the way up so to know where a third is you can kind of eyeball your halfway point then you can eyeball your quarter way point and it's somewhere in the middle of those two and then you just go ahead and make yourself a mark you can use your brush as a measuring tool stick your finger there and just go over to the other side make yourself another mark and then you can just kind of loosely connect these two it doesn't have to be a perfect line at this point we're just kind of giving you a stopping point for your sky and then i'm going to reload my brush with blue brown and black i didn't pick up any more white at the moment because i want it pretty darn dark at the top and i'm just going to be applying my paint in a left to right almost like a long criss crossy type brushstroke and then as i come down the sky i'm gonna watch out for my black because i know that it can easily take over and i don't want my sky to be a hundred percent black so i will be using a little bit of black throughout the rest of the sky but my dominant colors right now are going to be blue and brown and then at some point maybe right now i'll pick up a little bit of white the white is going to help to soften this and make it so it's maybe not so streaky or see-through so i want my sky to look soft and you might want to do more than one layer i think i'm going to end up going with just one layer on this so that way it does end up looking nice and soft i'm gonna consciously put some white into it but again i want mine to be pretty darn dark so the times i did pick up more black on that side because i felt it was getting a little bit more a little bit too light for me i don't want it to go too light too soon so again every time i pick up my paint i'm picking up a little bit of brown and blue definitely sometimes i'll pick up a little bit of white sometimes i'll pick up a little bit of black but i'm really cautious about that black because again i don't want it to take over and it can really easily take over sometimes but as i get right about this halfway point now i'm going to start going a little bit lighter so i might not pick up very much black at all for the rest of this sky but again you can certainly get yours to go as light or as dark as you want it's a visual preference if you have some light spots kind of showing up every now and again that's great it might end up looking like some clouds floating by again you can certainly tweak this as much as you want i'm just going to kind of keep continuing until i get all the way down to that horizon line and again as long as it's just a little bit lighter at the bottom of that sky that's going to provide some great atmospheric dimensions so you can certainly kind of tweak this as you go if you again if you want to do more than one layer feel free to do so but i think i'm gonna get this with the one layer and i am i like using the brown in it i don't know if that made any of you go huh she's using brown in her sky but i really like the way that it provides a nice warmth to my skies you can cert especially when doing sunsets my god it works out so so well and getting it down at the bottom of that sky is really gonna provide the warmth from the sun as it's going down to that atmosphere off in the distance so you can certainly again tweak yours as much as you want to as my as i'm finishing up here i am kind of using a less pressure brush stroke so i'm almost just very little pressure with the end of my brush is going to get these colors to blend in really nicely and we are going to be using this same brush for the next step so once you've got your sky all nice and executed you can wash and dry this big brush just get down to the bottom here wash and dry this big brush and get ready for the next step all right so we're going to do for the next step is we are painting our water we're going to be using our large brush and the colors i'm going to be using are the same colors that i used in my sky which are black blue brown and white and how i'm going to do this is i'm going to have the top of my water where it meets my sky really dark and then i'm going to have some darkness where it meets my my sand as well so i'm going to pick up black and blue to start so i've got a little bit of black on my brush and a little bit of blue and what i'm doing is i'm going to take my brush and i'm squishing it in the side of my palette because i want to bring my bristles kind of in control so this is going to help me to bring my bristles nice and together because i'm doing a horizon line so i need my horizon line to go completely in my sky so i need to look for the spot that's the highest in my unpainted canvas and to me that's right about here i'm going to make myself a mark and then what i'm going to do is i'm going to use my brush as a measuring tool and then i'm going to go to the right make myself a mark at that same height and then do it again over here on the left this should theoretically be pretty close to where you had it initially but your line is going to shift when you do that loose line that we did initially and then when you do this i go fast and i keep my eye on the prize which is the next marker and if i run through wet paint from my sky i'm not going to worry about it i'm just going to paint it right through so here i go i'm kind of taking my brush and i'm pushing it into my canvas i am watching my prize which is the next marker that's going to help me to stay pretty straight i need to reload my brush i reloaded my brush and i'm going to keep my eye on this marker over here that helps me to stay a little bit straighter and you might end up running out of paint or having to reload or whatnot i need to reload right now because i'm really running out of paint and you can see i'm kind of going on the quicker side but i'm refraining from going too quick and then once you have it on there you can certainly make any adjustments that you feel necessary and then what i'm going to do next is i'm going to make myself a marker about halfway between here and here somewhere about here and i'm going to come on this right side down about an inch i'm going to connect these two markers with a left to right uneven broken kind of line i'm just going to take my brush i didn't add any more paint to it and i'm just going to kind of do this type of uneven kind of mark making like that now what i'm going to do is i'm going to pick up blue brown and white without washing my brush and i'm going to color in the rest of the water something like this and when i get down to my broken line i'm going to keep it broken i want it to be on the messier side i want this water to kind of blend in with my upper area my horizon line without making it look like two different sections so i'm blending that in as i go and if you run out of paint just pick up a little bit more blue brown and white because you probably have plenty of black on your brush right now and if it's overpowering with black i do recommend that you wash and dry your brush if you can't get some of these lighter hues to appear then you probably do have too much black on your brush so i would recommend washing it and drying it and just coming back in and i'm not using a lot of pressure i'm just really using the tip of my brush just to get these colors on here and then once i've got it all nice and painted as much as i want i am going to be using the same brush for the next step but i'm going to wash it and dry it so once you've got your water on you can wash and dry that large brush and get ready for the next step all right so what we're going to do for the next step is we are painting our beach sand i'm going to be using my large brush the colors i'm using are black brown orange yellow white and i'll probably use a little bit of blue as i meet the water itself so my whole thought process here is that i want it to be pretty darn dark down at the bottom and then i'm going to have it a little bit more on the sunsetty side over here so i'll be using a little bit of orange and yellow and then i'll be having it more muted over on this side but you don't have to go with same color kind of variation that i have if you can keep it dark at the bottom and a little bit lighter at the top that will tell enough of a story i'm going to be using a dotting type technique and i'm going to start at the bottom work my way up i'm going to use dotting for most of it for most of the sand until i reach that water and when i reach the water i'm going to be going in the water like this so i'm going to overlap my sand and the water a little bit so they look like they're kind of merging together so here i go i'm going to start with some black brown and a touch of white all on my brush at the same time because i want this bottom to be really dark and really kind of muted and murky i'm picking up a little bit of brown and black to just really get this in here nice and dark at the bottom and i'll bring some of these colors up a little bit so as i transition into the lighter areas of the sand i won't have distinct section line colored sections as i go through it and again it doesn't have to be exactly like mine now i'm going to pick up a little bit of my orange yellow and brown so orange yellow and brown is what i have on my brush right now and this is where i'm going to get a little bit more i didn't wash my brush either this is where i'm going to get a little bit more of those sunsetty colors maybe just flecking off the the edges of the sand and again doesn't have to be exactly as mine if you can get something with those oranges in there that's going to tell the story of it being a little bit more on the sunsetty side but no worries it's beach sand it really can be any kind of tonal change that you want based on the lights that are around it or the type of sand that it is because there are different types of sands that come in different types of colors there's red beaches and black beaches and white beaches and brown beaches so you can certainly have fun with with changing these and making them kind of whatever whatever color that you want but again for for time of day type of atmospheric dimension that i'm doing i want it to be a little bit darker at the bottom and a little bit lighter as it goes towards that water's edge so right now i'm just kind of picking up brown yellow white maybe a little bit of that orange in through there and i'm just going to kind of keep dying i'm staying away from my edge for the moment so i can kind of tackle that all at once brown and white is going to be more over on this side so it's more less in the colorful range those that side is but again i think i want a little bit of orange just a little bit and again i'm just kind of adding these colors on here you may end up doing multiple layers that will definitely add to the um the texture of the sand so don't feel like you have to have it super smooth that's why i am definitely using this dotting technique which is going to add a lot of texture to it and as i'm moving up towards my my sandy or my sand meeting the water this is when i'm going to start to use my brush left to right and i'm going to get these little pieces of sand so i have to do a transition from dots to swipes and that's going to make this these areas look like they're like they're merging together so you'll see i'm going to use a combination of both of those brush strokes and if you can get a little bit of darkness underneath some of these waves that are coming in that's going to make it look a little bit more natural so like there's shadows behind those little waves but again it doesn't have to be anything perfect i probably am going to go before i'm fully done go in with a little bit of the watercolor a little bit of blue as those two areas are meeting one another and also keep in mind you're gonna have a big huge camper on here so if your land if your land and this water edge do not turn out perfect don't worry you're covering about half of it right into here so if again i like i i like to do the full area so that way if i decide to make my camper a different size or whatever object a different size i do not have to worry about painting around it but i also am keeping in mind i've got a big huge camper that's going to be on top of here so i'm not terribly concerned about it being super perfect i just added a touch of blue to my brush just to make sure that these areas really speak to each other and the water looks like it's going into the sand and the sand looks like it's going into the water so every now and again if you feel like you've got an area that might need a little extra punch you can take a little bit of that blue kind of overlap it into the sand and then you can conversely do the same with a touch of white if you want there to be these little almost white caps kind of coming in from the water you can certainly do something like that and then just kind of work it in so you have fun with kind of tweaking this water's edge whatever way is going to visually work for you and then once you've got this whole area done yeah that's looking good once you get this whole area done you're going to take we're going to actually be switching to our medium brush so sand water and then you can put this large brush away in your water cup or wherever you want get your medium brush out and get ready for the next step all right so we're going to do for the next step is we're doing the first layer on our camper so i'm going to be using my medium brush and i do want to kind of give you a little forewarning that you do want to have your canvas dry before you start this step so you know you could either take an extra long break if you want to or you could sit here and blow on it which might take you all day so if it's still wet and you want a quick fix you can just whip out a blow dryer and blow dry it so whatever way you've got to get yours dry maybe it's already dry by now but you'll definitely want to dry before we go on to the next step so i'm going to be using my medium brush the colors i'm using are black brown and white and what i'm going to do is i'm going to make myself a kind of a warm gray color to me this this camper that i'm painting in the daylight would probably be white but i want it to look like it's in the evening shadows so i'm going to make it kind of on the grayer side and then we'll do some pops of highlight with white later so i'm going to take some brown and i'll just put it here and a little bit of black and some white i'm going for kind of like a light gray a light warm gray which is why i've put a little bit of brown in it and you could go for a cool gray you could go for whatever shade that you would like so i'm going somewhere in this vicinity maybe a little bit lighter i don't want it too too dark i still want it to look like if it was in the light it would be white so that's looking pretty good to me and you can always make adjustments as you see fit and i'm going to first give you a couple of dots to make or marks on your on your canvas we'll connect those dots and then we'll we'll color it in so i am going to go about halfway between my horizon line and the bottom of my canvas so somewhere about halfway and i'm going to come over almost to the center so if this is about the center of your canvas come to the left just a little bit that's going to be my first dot that i make then the next dot that i make is going to be about halfway between the center of my canvas and the edge of my canvas and just a little bit lower than this so edge of canvas center of the canvas so this is sent this is about that middle mark or a quarter of the way and it's a little bit lower than halfway between here and the bottom of your canvas so somewhere about there then i'm going to make myself a third marker which is just maybe about an inch or two away from here and it's a little bit lower than this one so something like that and then i'm just going to connect these three dots so this one's going to connect to here and this one's going to connect to here and if they're not perfect don't worry you can always make adjustments later but this is just going to get us started so now what i'm going to do is i'm going to connect this corner to this corner with a hump i want it to if you go about almost halfway between this marker and this marker maybe a little bit to the right and go up about an inch and a half above your horizon line that's going to be like the tippy part the tippy top part of this and this is the side the the side that's going to be facing us the most of the camper so how i'm going to do this i've got my gray paint on my brush and i'm just going to connect this one to this one with a long arcing kind of motion so something like this and your arc might end up a little bit different than mine these campers come in all different shapes and stuff so if ours are a little bit different from one another that is totally okay these are cool retro kind of campers that come in a variety of shapes when i go to connect this one to this one i want my arc to go past here so i want it to come over somewhere in this vicinity so i'm going to actually come over this way and then curve it back around or vice versa so i'm probably going to go maybe up like this and through here and then and then arc it back around like that and it doesn't have to be a perfectly executed line at this point we're going to be coloring in this whole area i'm just trying to get myself a good exterior profile to kind of follow for the other back piece of the of the camper so now that i've got this in through here i'm going to paint this entire section with this gray paint so i'm just going to take it paint it in might take you a minute or two to do but you want to get a nice even coat and if you can still see your lines underneath it you can wait and do a second coat or just make sure that you've got a nice thick coat on there that's going to help to cover those lines underneath and i'm just going a little slower around my edges make sure i've got them all painted in here i had a little extra brown on there that's okay we're going to be adding all kinds of fun dimension to this anyways and decorations and stuff so if you have little streaks of other colors that's okay and then once i've got this section colored in what i'm going to do is i'm going to make myself a if i still have some of this gray left which i have a little bit left but if you don't have any more of this gray left you're going to make yourself another shade of gray that's just a touch darker so i have a little bit left right here something like that i'm going to make myself a little bit more so i don't run out so black brown and white and i'm going to make it just a tiny bit darker than the first gray that i had so just a little just a little bit darker nothing major not too not too too dark and then we're going to do this back section so what i want to do is from here i'm going to make myself a similar curve that i have on this one and it's going to meet the top of my camper in through here so this is going to be the back side of the camper so i'm going to start somewhere up and through here and i'm watching this mark because i want my curve to go a little bit past it so something like this i'm going to go a little bit past this mark here and bring it back around and it should be pretty similar to that and then you're just going to color this back section in with that with that darker gray color and you want to make sure that it is just a touch darker it will dry darker than it is when it's wet but as long as you can see the difference between the two sections then you have success but if you can't see the difference when you come to this area then you'll want to get it just a little bit darker and then let's see what are we going to do for the next step we are actually we're going to be using the same brush so once you've got your first layer on your camper all nice and done you can wash and dry this medium brush and get ready for the next step okay so what we're going to do for the next step is we are painting some tree trunks some palm tree tree trunks palm tree tree trunks it's fun um so i'm going to be doing mine as if they're kind of silhouetted so they're going to be really dark but i'm going to have a touch of a highlight on them as well i'm going to be using my medium brush and i'm going to be using black brown and white so how i'm going to do this is i'm going to start with just brown and black on my brush at the same time i'm going to have one palm tree that's kind of maybe at equal distance as the the beach and then i'm gonna have another palm tree that's really in the foreground and we're just gonna see a little sliver of it so this one i'm gonna have starting down maybe an inch away from my bottom of my canvas something about here and it's going to creep up the side of my canvas maybe about an inch inch and a half and then i'm going to have it going all the way up to maybe i would say maybe about here so i'm going to have mine with a little bit of a curve on it you could certainly have yours a little bit straighter they come in all different varieties palm trees are very versatile in their in their looks and in their varieties so you can certainly feel free to to make it wherever direction you want but i'm going to have it a little bit more slender up at the top and again i'm just using black and brown to start i have not picked up any white and i'm not going to until after i do my other tree trunk um put it in place so that's all i'm going to do for that i'm going to move on to the other one and we'll come back to this in just a second so just reloading my brush with black and brown my other trunk is going to come it's going to go off my canvas so i'm going to have it started about an inch inch and a half inside on the bottom of my canvas something like this and i'm going to have it almost kind of curving like this and then just trailing off my canvas something like that and then i'm just going to color this in with my black in my brown something like this and then once you have it all on here then i'm going to go back to the other tree and add a bit of highlight to it so i'm not going to wash my brush i'm just going to pick up a little bit of white and brown on my brush and my light source to me is coming from the setting sun as well as maybe some lights on the on the camper that we're doing so i'm going to have my highlight on the right hand side so really what i'm going to do is i'm just going to kind of make a thin line going down the right hand side of this tree trunk and you don't have to go all the way to the bottom and then once i have it on there wet a little bit then i'm just going to kind of start pulling it into the tree a little bit i want it to be inconsistent i want it to look pretty natural a lot of palm trees have almost like these curved stripes going down the side but again you can use whatever type of interpretation you want maybe just a little bit down at the bottom and then i'll go ahead and do the same thing over on the other side on the other tree so i'm going to put white and brown on my brush i'm going to bring this down this front edge of it something like that and you don't have to go all the way up the side i want to wipe my brush off i feel like i have a lot of paint on my brush so i wiped it off on my paper towel and then i'm just going to get that highlight to just kind of blend in with the rest of the tree now i feel like i want more i never have exactly as much as i want and then that's going to do it for this step we are going to use the same brush for the next step but you can a wash and dry it and just get ready all right so what i'm going to do for the next step is i am adding highlights and shadow to the main color of the camper so i'm going to use my medium brush i'm going to be using white and some form of gray darker gray you may end up wanting to go into your original gray color if you feel like you need a second layer on it but we have lots of details and stuff that we'll be putting on later so you you know you probably are not going to need a second coat um so the idea here is i'm going to have a highlight up in through here and probably a little bit along this edge in through here and then i want this back area to look like it bumps out a little bit so i'm going to have a little bit of a highlight here and probably along the edge there so i am going to start with some white paint on my brush and i'm in essence going to kind of outline this section something like this and what i'm going to do is i am going to rub this white i'm bringing it down a little bit as you can see bringing it down a little bit like this it's still wet once i've got it on there what i'm going to do is i'm going to wipe my brush off on my paper towel and now i'm going to start kind of rubbing it in to the rest of the camper so you might find that you want to pick up some of your original gray to get it to blend in a little bit that is going to be totally on you if you feel like you need to add some moisture into it to get it to blend in a little bit you might have a firmer brush than i do which allows it to kind of push it around a little bit easier as it's drying but whatever you've got to do to get it nice and bright over there on the right hand side and then get it to kind of fade into the rest of the camper i just put a little bit more white with a touch of my um gray on there just to bring it out just a little bit further and i'm not terribly concerned about it being super clean looking because i know that i'm going to again have lots of decorations on top of it this is an old retro camper so it might be a little dirty you know so don't worry about it being perfectly executed i do want to put a touch over here on the left hand side so i'm using a little bit of white on the tip of my brush and this one this area i want a little bit less of a section so i'm really just kind of writing it down along the edge here and then maybe picking up some of that gray just to get it to blend in a little bit and i know that gray turns darker when it dries so as i'm doing this if it is a little bit light at when it's wet i know that it will dry a little bit darker and again if i don't get the perfect color match on it i'm so okay with that and then now that i've got that now i've got to transition myself into here so on this section here you could in essence just use this lighter gray as the highlight for that section so that's where i would start pick up some of your lighter gray put it on this area right in through here and then just kind of blend it out into the neighboring area into that darker gray and then that's gonna that's gonna naturally give this section of the camper that bubble because you've given it that little bit of a highlight and if you need to you pick up some of that original dark gray just to get it to blend in a little bit more and again my dark gray i know it's going to be lighter or darker when it dries i do want a little bit of a highlight over there so i'm going to pick up a little bit of white with that lighter gray just to give myself a tiny bit of a highlight over on this other side maybe from the setting sun who knows what it's from it can be maybe there's a little bit of a highlight at the top of the of the camper you just want to make sure these sections look like they belong together and they're not disconnected you need them to need them to definitely look like they're connected and then i'm just going to kind of keep manipulating this until i feel like i've got it working the way that i want it to that's looking pretty good and then i need a little bit of a shadow down in through this bottom section here so i'm going to pick up my dark gray with a tiny bit of black on my brush and i'm going to give the bottom of this section just a little bit deeper color that way again it speaks to the back end of this camper being on the rounder side i don't want that shadow to creep too far up so i'm just wiping my brush off on my paper towel picking up some of the original gray from here and then just blending it in making sure that it's a natural kind of gradient going up that particular section and then we are going to be using this same brush for the next step so once you've got your campers highlights and shadows on you can wash and dry this medium brush and get ready for the next step all right so what we're going to do for the next step is we are going to do the first layer of our door windows and on the camper so i'm going to use my medium brush i'm going to be using white and black paint and how i'm going to do this is i'm just going to kind of give myself some basic shapes for these things so i'm going to start with my tire and i'm going to have black paint on my medium brush i'm going to have my tire to the left of the center of my camper so if this is my center i'm going to go a little bit to the left and i'm going to make mine overlap into the camper about halfway and i'm just making a circle you can i'm making mine probably the size of like a half dollar but it depends on what size canvas you're using and depends on how large or how small you want your camper to look if you want it to look like a really tiny camper you put a big tire if you want it to look like a big camper you put a little tire so just proportionate the ratio will tell the viewer if it's a big camper or a small camper so once you've got your tire on there i'm going to put a little bit of white on my brush with that black so i have like a gray kind of color this is going to be the base color for my windows so i'm going to have a window back here and i want it to look like it's farther away on the on the right side so i'm going to do a rectangle but it's going to be a little bit more narrow on that side so when i do these two lines like this they're a little bit further away on the left than they are on the right and i'm going to give them a little bit of a curve so it is kind of a curve like that not much just a real subtle kind of curve and then i'm just going to color it in we'll be doing little details on it later this is just our base coat getting it getting them in place and then i'm going to make myself one more window you can have as many windows as you want you could have 20 or two whatever you want i'm going to have one somewhere over in here maybe a little bit near where my tire is maybe a little bit to the left and i'm just going to do a square rectangle type shape you could make yours as big or as small as you want and don't really worry about the edges at this point because we have another step where we're putting little details on them so if you need to fuss with any of the little details on the next step you can certainly do that but i'm just getting it in place i'm going to wash and dry that medium brush and put a little bit of white on it because i'm going to use white as my base coat for my door so i washed and dried my medium brush i'm having my door in through here the top of it's going to come about halfway in this window and it's going to be just somewhere in through here so i'm going to just make myself a couple of vertical lines something like that something like that and you're going to want to keep the top of it in relationship to this if you want it to look like it's getting closer to us in this corner if you put this almost on a horizontal that will give it a little bit of perspective like it's almost getting a little bit bigger towards us and then i'm not going to wash my brush i'm actually just wiping it off on my paper towel i want this door to look like it's kind of old so i'm gonna just use that white and almost like make little white streaks on it so again nothing nothing perfect and i do want a window on my door too so while i'm here i'm just going to pick up a touch of black and i'm going to put a little window somewhere in the middle so this will be you know similar to what i did on the others and it'll end up being like a grayish color just as the base coat and then we're going to use our small brush for the next step so once you've got your first layer of your windows and your door and your tire you can put this medium brush away in your water cup take out your small brush and get ready for the next step all right so what i'm going to do for the next step is i am putting my stripes or my color on my on my camper i have used my imagination and i've cashed in my creative license to put whatever design on my camper that i wanted so you could totally do the same thing you could use different colors you could put polka dots you could put a big huge enormous stripe down the side you feel free to decorate it as you want i'm going to be using red and black are going to be my colors so how i'm going to do this is for me i'm just going to be doing a stripe along the bottom edge it's going to go right around my tire and again you can i don't know if i said i was using my small brush but i'm using my small brush i might have already said it but in my head i don't know if i said it or not i'm going to do a red stripe going all the way across the bottom even across the door because i know that i will be putting some little details on the door that will help to separate it even if i have this continuous stripe going across it and red is going to be see-through so it will take on those light areas and dark areas from when we added the highlights and the shadows underneath i'm going to be putting a border around my door so just red paint i'm reloading often to make sure i have a nice thick coat on here and i did these lines pretty horizontal but if i'm a little wobbly here and there that's okay we'll just pretend like you know maybe they're playing the music on in the in the camper and it's shaking a little bit i'm going to do a little overhang here i'm going to have this one go a little bit further to the left and the right and again you might find that you want to decorate yours way different than mine maybe you want to put some holiday wreaths on it or some i don't know a christmas tree sitting on the top of the the camper you have fun maybe you want some some fluorescent flamingos adorning the yard whatever you want it's so this is one of those paintings that is going to be just fun to paint because you get to decorate it as you want there's we're not trying to make it look like anyone else's or just trying to make it look like whatever one that we think santa would be would be hiding out and either the day before or the day after christmas i haven't quite decided if this is him resting up before he has to deliver all the presents or if he is taking a break after he's delivered all the presents so i don't know maybe i'll decide by the time i'm done painting it but right now right now the verdict is still out as to when this this uh painting is depicting so i've got that i think i'm gonna have a really big stripe coming down here and you can see i'm kind of going slow just to you know give myself my own geometric lines that are making my mathematical head nice and happy i really if i was to ever say what type of painting would you want to do for therapy reasons it would just be a whole bunch of lines i really like to just paint lines nice clean lines just give me one line after another and i will i will probably fall into a trance from just being so mesmerized and so relaxed just painting lines so if i drift off and stop talking it's because i'm really enjoying painting my lines here and then i have one more i think i'm gonna have another one kind of going across this side over here and then before i'm done i am going to utilize my black paint um to give these some of these sections like the ones by the windows i'll give them these little almost shadow type areas same thing with my door so when i said i was going to do these i said i was going to use red and black and the black is going to be utilized just to make sure the bottoms are nice and clean and um that they have almost that the um like a almost like a little shadow oh i think i want to put a red area on my door too i think this would look nice if i had a nice red section around this window maybe something like this maybe i should have painted my window afterwards that would have been easier but i got this i got this i'll just paint right around it i get to paint more lines yay my happy place in painting i have lots of happy places in painting but we all as we as we learn to paint we all have different things that just get us going and paintings lines is definitely one of my things all right so i'm going to just wipe my brush off on my paper towel pick up a tiny bit of black paint and i'm just going to make a little black line underneath some of these the the red pieces that i feel are sticking out and are not just decals so i feel like these are maybe some uh like window moldings so i'm going to put a little bit of black on here and my i have a shaky hand so you might detect i i rest my hand on things as i'm doing this so if you have the same challenge as i do that's that's my biggest trick is i take my hand like right now i'm bracing myself on my easel on the edge of my easel and i take my brush a lot and i spin it in my paint on the side of my palette that really helps to get a nice pointy brush as i'm doing this and i always have a lot of paint on my brush when i'm doing these small lines so that way it is nice and fluid at the tip of the brush i think i've got these ones over here but you know when we're doing these little lines we just got to figure out what what works with our hand our brush you know the tools that that we have and that we're able to use and then we just kind of work through those those things i think i'm going to put a couple of lines down here these i'm going to do kind of loose lines just so they almost look dirty in a sense dirty and three-dimensional and then i think i've got to put a little doorknob on here and then we are going to be using let's see i think we're going to use the same brush for the next step so once you've got your red markers on here and your black areas you can wash and dry the small brush and get ready for the next step all right so what we're going to do for the next step is we are finishing our camper details i'm going to be using my small brush i will be using black and white and yellow and orange i think that's it we're going to be doing curtains you can use any colors for curtains but first what i'm going to do is i'm going to put my trailer hitch on so i'm going to be using black paint to start i'm going to give the bottom edge of my camper a line just to have a dimension to the bottom of it and make sure it's got a tiny bit of a shadow underneath there and then i'm going to give myself almost like a long v kind of look from here so something like this i'm going to make mine disappear behind the tree so i don't have to worry about too many details on it so i'm going to do that and then i'm going to have this coming from here something like that once i've got my the the brace part on there what i'm gonna do is i'm just gonna put a little bit of brown and white paint on my brush at the same time i didn't wash my brush and i'm just gonna add a little bit of a highlight on top of here kind of like a loose highlight just so the viewer doesn't think that it's a flat object this will give you just a little bit of um dimension without having to go overboard i'm not doing anything else to that that's all i need to do for that now i'm going to do something for my tire so i am going to put i just wiped my brush off on my paper towel picked up a little bit of white i'm going to put a series of polka dots in the middle of it to make them look like the the nuts that hold the tire on i'm probably not doing mine symmetrical but that's okay you can have fun with that it's just a fun tire it doesn't have to be anything exact i'm not washing my brush i'm going to pick up a little bit of black with the white paint so i have black and white and i'm just giving myself a little bit of a highlight around the edge of the tire or the outside of the tire you don't have to um do the whole thing i'm just kind of doing a loose kind of highlight i'm leaving a little bit of black around the edge and on the inside i'm just having some fun with this you i don't need it to look like a photograph i'm just making it look like a fun painterly interpretation maybe a little bit more white just to add a little bit more dimension onto there and now i'm going to go ahead and i'm going to do some kind of decoration in my windows so i think i'm gonna do a little bit of maybe a a curtain or something so i'm just gonna kind of give myself a couple of curtain lines like that maybe i'll do one over here too and you could have i don't you know i'm going to make my curtains a little bit darker so i just add a little bit of black just so it looks like there's something in those windows and i'll i'm going to put a little bit of a light in the middle of them too but again this is something it depends on what angle you're seeing it at maybe it's going to be really dark and you're not going to notice it but i'm just giving a little impression that there might be some curtains in there i think i want to make that a little bit darker and through here and again you can have it whatever way you want i'm picking up a touch of white to put a little highlight on my on my handle here so that looks good and then i'm going to wipe my brush off and i'm going to put a little golden light inside of here so i'm going to pick up a little yellow and orange and just kind of rub it in here like maybe there's a little bit of a light on somewhere inside that camper but you can have a light on you don't have to have a light on it could be dark in there maybe that maybe yours is just black in there whatever you want to do is totally fine by me and i just need to do two more little details i gotta put little hooks up the top where my string of lights is gonna come so i just washed and dry my brush i'm gonna put some black and brown i think i'm gonna have a hook in through here and these are just little tiny tiny details so maybe just a little kind of a circle thing in through there i'll put a highlight on it in a second and then maybe i'll have one over here somewhere maybe this one's going to be sticking maybe this one will stick up yeah that won't be a little out there and then maybe i'll have another one come in i don't know maybe over here a little one right there i'm gonna wipe my brush off put a touch of white on my brush just to give these a little bit of a highlight something like that and then we're gonna use this same brush for the next step so you can just wash and dry it and get ready all right so what we're gonna do for the next step is we're putting the strings on our camper that are going to hang the holiday lights so i'm going to use my small brush i'm going to use black brown and white paint but i'm just starting with black and brown i am oh and a little water because i want this to be really a thin line so i want these strings to look like gravity took over so they're going to be tied to here and then they'll gravity will take over as it's going to the next one so something like this and i don't want them to be super thick so that's why i used a touch of water on my brush while i'm doing this this one's going to be maybe maybe this one's going to hang in front of my my window a little bit yeah i like that and then i'm going to have one that's going to kind of just come hanging down like this maybe this one's going to be a little wiggly that went through some wet red i'm cool with that and then i'm going to do one that's going to come way over to this tree over here so this one is going to come into um get closer to us so i'm going to do it really skinny to begin with um up here and then as it gets towards this tree it's going to get thicker but first i'm going to put the part where it ties to the tree so i'm going to put that right in through here and you can't really see it so i'm going to put my brown and my white on it right now so you can see it something like that and now i need to get this rope to connect to here i'm going to do it skinny first and then i will get it wider after i go on it so i want it again to look like gravity took over and it's going to end up down here so i'm going to start here keeping my eye on the prize which is the other marker so something like this i need it to sag a little bit and then to come back over here and then i'm going to get it wider i want it to be wider down below because this is going to be closer to us so something like that just make sure i've got it the way that i want hanging off of here and now i'm just going to pick up a tiny bit of white paint and give myself a couple of little highlights along this string of lights and then we're not oops i got a little red there i'll correct that in a minute and then we are going to be switching brushes to our medium brush for the next step so once you get your string for your holiday lights on you can yeah there we go you can put this small brush away somewhere take out your medium brush and get ready for the next step all right so what we're going to do for the next step is we are painting our palm fronds we're going to be using our medium brush and the colors i'm using are black brown green and yellow and if you want to you can use a little bit of white too i'm going to start with black and brown on my brush to start i love messy palm fronds so you're gonna see i once i start painting i i just go to town i really like painting these so everything's gonna come out of the center of the um of the trunk in through here and i start by just kind of doing the stems to my fronds and i just make sure that they kind of come off in different directions and have different lengths to them so just know they can really be kind of chaotic they don't have to be systematic and once i've got them on there then my technique is i use the stem and gravity to tell me where these little leaves go so i'm going to do something like this down that stem and they can kind of go on both sides of the stem at some point sometimes they can just go on one side of the stem whatever whatever you're feeling just go for it and right now i'm only using black and brown i'm going to use black and brown as my base coat and then i'll do both trees and with the black and the brown and then i will come back and do my lighter colors which is going to be green and yellow so that's going to do it on that tree i'm going to go ahead and go to the next tree over here so this tree the center of the top of the um the trunk is probably way up over there so you're only going to see a couple of the fronds really large closer to us they're way larger than this and i'm just going to have them coming all of the corner of my canvas and i'm going to have them actually cross over into my my camper like that to tell you they're really huge and they're really they're really close so and you want to if you can have them coming off kind of at a different angle from one another great if they end up really similar to each other that works too and then once i've got them on there then i just start adding their leaves to them and they can come off of both sides and again i'm just using brown and black on my brush right now and these are just big huge fronds so you can really go to town i'm using a ton of paint and you can have little sections coming off of off of the one main stem if you want to just have some fun with it i think i'm going to have a little bit coming down in through here and then once i've got them on their in their original in the shape that i want now i'm going to start adding green to my brush i didn't wash it i just added a little bit of green and i'm not going to paint the entire thing i'm really just using this green as acting like a little bit of a highlight color and i know as this dries it will get a little bit darker so after i get just a little bit of this green on here i will also add a touch of yellow as well i think i went a little bit too much here so i just add a little bit of green or black and brown back to my brush so something like that and you can see i've got them crossing over i'm going to go to the other side using just a bit of the green on my brush and i i'm doing more just you know more the tips as opposed to the whole leaf or the whole frond itself but again you just feel whatever you're feeling if you feel like you want more or less just go right ahead and do that these it's meant to look more as a silhouette than anything so i wouldn't think that you would see all of the the leafs in their individual bright self but if you feel you would then go for it now i'm just going to take one tiny shade light lighter which is i'm going to take a little bit of yellow and blend it with a little bit of the green so there i have a little bit lighter of a shade of the green and then i'm just doing just a couple of pops of this lightest color in through the tips as if whatever is happening in my camper with the lights is kind of illuminating the tips of this tree and that's all i'm going to do for my palm fronds we are going to be using the same brush for the next step so once you've got this on here you can wash and dry your medium brush and get ready for the next step all right so what we're going to do for the next step is we're painting the shadow underneath our camper so i'm going to use my medium brush i will be using brown and black paint and i'm going to be using hardly any of either so just a little bit of brown and a little bit of black and i really want this to the rear end of the camper to look like it's off the ground a little bit so as i'm doing this shadow i'm going to keep it away from the edge of the camper here but i'm going to have it nice and close here i think i need a little bit more black so we can see it i'm going to have it underneath my tire so something like this and the shadows just meant to be the whatever it's on darker so it doesn't always have to just be a black shadow you can certainly just make a dark brown shadow if you have your land is lighter if your if your sand is on the lighter side maybe you can get away with doing a just brown if your sand is darker you may end up having to do more of a black kind of shadow underneath it and you just want to make sure it looks like it is shadowing underneath that that camper that looks good and then i need a little shadow underneath my my um trailer hitch thing so i'm just going to go below it somewhere and put just a little bit of a dark kind of mark your rope might be in the way but if it's not you can certainly just kind of add a little bit of a shadow something like that just to give the illusion that that is casting some kind of shadow on the ground below it and that is all i'm going to do for that step we are going to be using our small brush for the next step so once you've got your shadow under your camper you can wash and dry your small brush and get ready for the next step all right so what we're going to do for the next step is we're doing the first layer to our holiday lights we're going to be using white paint and the reason why i'm going to do this in a two-step process is i want them to really glow so i'm going to be using white paint as my base i'm really just making a series of white polka dots along the string that we've placed on there they're going to be pretty similar in size on these far ones as i'm near the camper or right next to the camper but on that string that is going towards the tree in the foreground they're going to get bigger and bigger so you'll see how i'm going to do that in just a second but you can see i'm doing them pretty similar size pretty equal distance apart and now as they start to lift off the camper in through here they're going to get bigger and bigger and bigger i'm going to just make sure that i keep them nice and circular or as circular as i can keep them this one wants to be a little bigger and once i you can see i'm going a little bit slower on these ones because i want them nice and big and kind of circular so i might only have you know three or four coming up in through here but i definitely want them to be on the bigger side and then once we get done doing this step we are going to use the same brush for the next step and you don't even really have to wash it you can just kind of take a break and get ready for the next step all right so what we're going to do for the next step is we are doing the sunset so i'm going to use my small brush i'm going to be using white yellow and orange and how i'm going to do this is i'm going to be using a very little bit of paint at all times and because i use a very little bit of paint that's going to allow me to build layers and it's going to allow me to add a lot of dimension into this and maybe have some nice low-lying clouds going through the sky and stuff so i have just a teeny tiny bit of white paint on my brush i'm going to have my sunset somewhere in through here so i'm going to do just a white line at the horizon that's going to be about an inch wide something like that and then i'm going to give myself a little bit of a dome which is going to be the top of the sun just sinking right into the ocean or the horizon whatever you want to interpret it as and again i'm using a very little bit of paint and i'm just making sure that i have a nice even coverage on there and then while it's drying i'm not going to wash my brush i'm going to pick up a tiny bit of yellow paint so i have white and yellow on my brush and i'm going to start what i like to refer to as my halo around my around my sun and your paint may blend in together it might look like separate sections you can totally work it into whatever is visually pleasing to you you can get those edges to be really soft or really crisp as they're touching the sun i like mine on the softer side but you can certainly have yours really crisp and then what i'm going to do next is i'm going to pick up a tiny bit more yellow just to get this a little bit more vibrant and then i'm going to start picking up my orange without washing my brush so i picked up a little bit of orange and i'm going to go even further out so i'm kind of adding these like layers or exterior layers of color and you can get them you can pull them right out into the sky make it look like they are illuminating maybe some low-lying clouds and you can completely make this into whatever you want it to be you can have these beautiful little clouds just drifting away being illuminated by this vibrant melting sun and you know imagine it to be whatever way you want and before i go away and call it done i wipe my brush off my paper towel and i do it one more time so this way i really get the effect and the the glow power of it so i've got another layer of my white and then i have picking up a tiny bit more yellow getting that edge to just kind of blend in just a little bit more and then once i've got this the way that i want what i will end up doing is i'm going to put little reflections in that water too so i'm just pulling this yellow out a little bit it's going to look so much more glowy the higher contrast of those vibrant colors that you have next to the sun if it's really just kind of one note and doesn't have a lot of contrast next to the colors that are neighboring it it might not pop out and be as powerful so feel free to make this as you know energetic as you want or as subtle as you want it's really kind of a oh yeah i don't like that let me pull some of these out into here yeah that's making me happy all right so i'm going to pick up a tiny bit of white paint and just bring couple little ripples into this water something like this very little bit of paint on my brush as i do my ripples in my water you might want yours to be really prominent i'm just having a teeny tiny bit of a reflection coming just a little bit into the water now i'm picking up a touch of yellow to go along the edges and then i'll pick up a tiny bit of that orange to just kind of reflect what's what's going on in the sky you know just to give um the that authenticity to the to the sky to the water reflecting it and that's all i'm going to do for that we are going to be using this small brush for the next step so once you've got your sunset on you can wash and dry this small brush and get ready for the next step alright so what we're going to do next is we're putting some glow on our holiday lights so i'm going to use my small brush i will be using yellow orange green blue and white so how i'm going to do this is first i'm going to use whatever the designated color so maybe you want all yellow or maybe you want all blue or whatever colors you want i've got yellow to start i'm going to put it on the white part and i'm also going to swirl it outside of that white part also so that's going to give me my glow to it so i'm going to do this for however many yellow lights that i want so i'm going to have another one here and then i swirl it outside and these are trans my the paints that i'm using are translucent if you find that you've come to a color that is not see-through then you might have to pick another color but or add some water to it or something so it's so it's see-through um and then i'm going to do this to however many yellow lights that i want and then once i've got all my yellow lights then i will switch colors to i'll probably do my orange next and of course you can see i'm not going in any systematic order i'm doing like every two or three lights is going to be yellow and then i have a big yellow one down here then um i'm going to pick up some orange if you need to wash your brush feel free to do so i just wiped mine on my towel and then i'm just adding some orange to this and swirling it outside of that white area and you can make yours as glowy as you want and then which means you can bring that that exterior glow as far out as you want the farther out you have it the more it's going to look like it's glowing as long as you can see through the glow and see the stuff behind it that's what's going to make it look like it's glowing and not just a solid object so i've got that one and that one and i'm just going to kind of keep going until i have all of my orange ones that i want now i think i'm going to do green so i think i think i might actually do instead of this solid green i think i'm going to do a green yellow so it's like a lighter green so it's more vibrant so i just mixed a little green and yellow that's what happens when a painter is painting on the fly they just they change their thoughts so this one's going to be a green one in through here maybe i'll have a green one here here here here and maybe here and then i have blue so i'm gonna just pick up some blue i'm gonna do a blue one here well that's a little dark so i don't i can see i don't need a lot of paint so i'm gonna just wipe my brush off on my paper towel in order to get the glow i need it to be see-through so i needed to wipe my brush off on my paper towel get myself a little bit more now got myself some blue here and again you can really have fun with this if you wanted yours to be a different color maybe you mix some blue and green and yellow together maybe you mix your orange and blue together and get some kind of purpley ish kind of color have fun with it and then once i've got them all on there with the color then i'm going to stick a little white glow dot in the center of it so i've got my color now i just go and i put a bright white dot in the center of them and that really helps to give them that extra little punch of glow and then you just keep twitter tweaking yours until they are as shiny and as glowy as you want them to be and then we are going to be using this same brush for the next step so once you've got all your dots glowing or all your lights are shining oh i missed that one hmm let's go with some let's go with some orange on this one i missed that one before once you've got all of your lights shining as bright as you want them to shine we are going to be using the same brush for the next step so you can just wash it and dry it and get ready for the next step all right so we're going to do for the next step is we are painting santa's chair that he's going to be lounging in i'm going to use my small brush i'm using green black and white paint so how i'm going to do this i'm going to start off with green paint and i'm going to make the backing of the chair like the the net or the canvas part of the chair so i want mine kind of positioned right below my sunset and i don't want it too too high because i don't want it to take away from the the scenery so i'm going to put the top of the chair a little bit lower than the corner of my my camper and i'm going to have my chair about two inches wide so i'm going to go somewhere from like here it's going to dip down like this and go to about here something like that and then i'm gonna go i'm gonna do two vertical lines that are gonna stop maybe about an inch away from the bottom of my canvas inch inch and a half away from the bottom of my canvas and then i'm going to give it another kind of curved line for the bottom of the the back of the chair then i'm going to paint that entire section in with green paint so just something like this paint the whole thing with green and you might be able to see through the green a little bit but don't be alarmed we're going to put another quick dimensional layer on in a second here so i've got that now i'm picking up black without washing my brush i'm going to put a bottom to my chair so you can have this a little bit curved or it can be a little bit flatter if you want it's going to go come out a little bit farther than my canvas seat something like that i'm going to put a couple of legs on my chair so and these are just improv legs you can really make them whatever you want i just need them sturdy enough to make sure that they hold up santa and all his all his cookie cookie eating belly weight that he might have on him because i know that he probably ate lots of cookies during the holiday season as we all do i know i have an extra cookie belly during the during the holidays so i just want to make sure my chair is nice and sturdy enough so i've got those two legs on the chair now i need a little bit of a seat so i'm just going to bring up a kind a little bit of a diagonal line something like that and then i need another leg of the chair so i'm going to put a little bit of a leg somewhere in through here then without washing my brush i'm going to wipe it off on my paper towel like this so i have remnants of black i'm going to pick up a little bit more green so i have black and green on my brush right now and i'm going to give myself a little bit of a shadow down on the back side of this chair to make it look like there's some kind of form to it and then you can pick up more green as you go up that chair and again i'm just using this kind of curved line and this is again going to add some form to the to that chair and then i'm going to wipe my brush off on my paper towel and i'm picking up just a tiny bit of white to add a little bit of a highlight on the top left corner of this chair right there and on the front left corner of this leg right here and that's all i'm going to do for the chair i will be using the same brush for the next step so you want to wash and dry that small brush and get ready for the next step all right so for the next step i'm going to be doing santa's head and his boots so i'm going to be using my small brush and i'm going to be using black white and yellow paint so i'm going to give him a gray head of hair so i'm going to put black and white on my brush at the same time not much black and i'm gonna have my head kind of big because i think that santa's got a big head of hair so i'm gonna have it something like and i and i think he has curly hair too so i'm gonna be doing my brush in a curly kind of or in a circular kind of brushstroke something like this and i'm going to give myself pretty pretty good size head on here and you can certainly have fun with the the size of the head that you want as i come down towards the where the head meets the chair i'm going to pick up more black on my brush because i want this to almost look shadowed as it's hitting or it's meeting the chair so i want the hair to get a little bit darker as it comes down towards the chair and through here and you can certainly tweak it as much as you need to and then once i've got that gray hair kind of going into the darkness what i can do is i'm going to wipe my brush off on my paper towel and pick up a touch of white paint and i'm going to add a couple of little curly highlights over on the side where the sun is so that way it looks like they're being illuminated or highlighted by the sun on the other side so again just another dimensional element maybe you want yours to look like he's got parted hair or something you can certainly add those fun details as you see fit and then i'm just gonna wipe my brush off of my paper towel i'm gonna pick up some black paint and i'm doing a couple little boots off on this that are that he's clearly not wearing right now and for me i'm just going to kind of make them into a shape that i think santa's boots might be in this is the back side of them so i think they're a little bit big at the top maybe get a little bit more narrow where the ankle is and then maybe just bump out a little bit where the foot the the heel part is so that's going to be straight on from the back i'm going to do the next one will be a little bit tilted to the side a bit so maybe i've got this one something like this maybe that's going to be the heel part and maybe we're gonna see a bit of the front of the boot something like that and you can have fun with it maybe both of yours are looking straight at the at the horizon i just wanted to put mine a little bit at a different angle so i could show a little bit of a buckle on it and i'm going to do that right now i'm wiping my brush off on my paper towel i'm going to pick up a little bit of yellow and white paint i'm going to put a little tiny buckle in through here and you know i'm just using my imagination just something like that and then i'm going to put a little bit of a highlight at the top edge of the the boot something like that with a little bit of white something like that a little highlight on the tippy toe something like that and maybe a little bit of a highlight coming down the side something like that and then i'm going to put a teeny tiny bit of a highlight right in through here and that's all i'm going to do for the head and the boots so you can wash and dry that small brush and get ready for the next step all right so what we're going to do for the next step is we are painting the hat and the pants for santa so i'm going to use my small brush i will be using red black and white and how i'm going to do this is i'm going to do my red first in my series of shapes and then we'll put the fluffy part on and the shadow i have small brush red paint from the right corner of the chair i'm going to put kind of like a sideways fun triangly type shape something like this this is going to be where the pom-pom part of his hat is going to be hanging off of so something like this i'm just going to color it in red paint and again you might find that you want two layers or you know more thickness in your paint it's going to be whatever type of paint you have you might end up needing a little bit of a second layer and then i'm going to put this part is going to be the side part of the hat and it's going to come in through here i'm going to leave a little space because that's where i'm going to put my my shadow between the two something like that and then i'm going to use this red paint to put his pants on so i'm just going to come about halfway up the chair on the left hand side i'm going to make myself a little bit of a knee something like that and i'm just going to ride it right along the chair edge the seat edge and then the side of the chair and i'm just going to paint it in with some red paint i'm not doing anything fancy here just some red paint we'll get this on here and then i'm going to wash my brush real quick or not wash it wipe it on my paper towel pick up some white paint and i'm going to put my little fluff ball on the end and you could certainly if you wanted to add a little bit of dimension use a little bit of gray as well but i'm just going for a nice bright fluffy white edge to my hat something like this even though it's in the shadow i still feel that i want it to be super white not quite sure why maybe as i get down towards this bottom part i might add a little bit of gray onto it but something like this and it's going to hide in through that part something like that yeah i like that i'm going to put a little tiny highlight with this white paint on his knee something like that i think i'm going to pick up a touch more red just to get this highlight to blend in a little bit on the knee i don't need that to be a super big white line i'm going to pick up i wiped my brush off on my paper towel and picking up some black paint to add a little bit of a shadow in between here something like that and you can certainly rub it into the red paint if you need to i'm going to use a little bit more black paint and put a shadow underneath the edge of the hat and through here something like this and if you wanted to you can certainly make some of that a little bit darker back there but i think that's good just like that oh i think i want to tie any bit of a highlight on the top of the hat right and through here just to make sure that everything has the proper highlights and the shadows and then we are going to be using this same brush for the next step so once you have your hat and your pants on you can wash and dry this small brush and get ready for the next step all right so we're going to do for the next step is we're putting our shadow underneath our boots and our chair small brush and similar to how you did it on the camper you can use black and or brown very little bit of paint it's coming from the light source we've got a good a good place for it to come this way so i'm really just kind of putting a little bit behind my boot i definitely need a little bit more black so you can see it behind my boot and just kind of bringing it back a little bit like that and then same thing on this side maybe a little bit more black so we can all see it something like this there we go and then i need a little bit in this chair so maybe something along that line yeah that works all right so we have one tiny little step left to go it's going to be with that small brush so just wash it and get ready alright so we are on to the final step this is the final step of any painting which is to sign it i usually sign mine in the bottom left or the bottom right corner i think i'm going to sign this in the bottom left small brush black paint i'm going to do my initials you could certainly do your first name or the date or a symbol or whatever you'd like it's your identifying mark you can sign it however you'd like to and that is going to conclude this painting i hope you enjoyed the process i hope you painted yourself a fun festive painting and i look forward to painting and sipping with you again [Music] sometime [Music] you
Channel: Michelle the Painter
Views: 27,600
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to paint, paint and sip, painting instructions, acrylic, painting, lesson, beginner, simple, easy, Michelle the Painter, michellethepainter, class, step by step, learn to, how to, paint, black, winter, tree, sky, blue, trees, branches, landscape, night, Santa Claus, Santa, presents, Christmas, reflection, over, water, lake, pond, ocean, sunset, holiday, tropical, palm, camper, rv, trailer, beach, waves, chair, sitting, boots, in, relaxing, hat, Santa's, lights, setting, sun, retro, old, hitch, vacation, on, by, sand, fronds, hanging, red
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 88min 17sec (5297 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 28 2020
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