Learn How To Create This AMAZING Excel ONE CLICK Dynamic Filter Workbook

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hi this is Randy with Excel for freelancers  and in this week's training video we're going   to be going over dynamic advanced filters  where we have the ability to filter out   items simply by a single click selection  on item type item size or even from a   purchase price it's going to be a very  powerful training so let's get started alrighty thank you for joining me today we're  gonna cover dynamic advanced filters in a way that   I hopefully is unique to you in fact this type of  filtering was inspired by websites like Amazon and   eBay where they have the ability to users to  filter out or filter in specific data simply   by checking them or unchecking them on the left  side or perhaps even entering a details here so   I wanted to bring this type of filtering to excel  and also I like the ability of having a dynamic   filter for example we have currently six types but  if we were to add to modify an item say item type   and add a jacket to that automatically the type  would increase being dynamic so I really like that   ability I don't want to bring that to you today  and show you how we can do that of course through   tables we always have the ability to filter and  with the table but I want to show you something   different in fact tables are a bit restrictive  so I want to show you how we can do this by   separating the data on a different sheet and then  bringing that data into here and that opens up a   lot of possibilities like other ones we've covered  in the past concerning shared workbooks and things   like that ability to do to sharing it so I wanted  to do that and in this particular training we can   we can't filter out items we're going to show you  I believe six different ways to filter whether   it's through item number item name or through a  type through a date purchase price or a quantity   we can filter out any of those and all we would  need to do is just enter a minimum or maximum   or perhaps even both and it would then filter  out those items automatically so it's a great   way to filter out very easily by a user and they  also have the ability to clear the filter as well   as to close or hide so we're gonna show you how we  did that in this particular training we also have   the ability to add new items and save new items  but we're gonna go briefly over that because we   have covered that in the past in fact our shared  work but covered that how to add delete update   I'll provide a link for you as well for that but  we're gonna go over that real quick because our   main focus today is gonna be on filtering and  we're gonna be using the advanced filter which   is an extremely powerful tool and when we use it  in the manner that we're using today it's even   more powerful because we can not only do we have  filters like what we call and like from purchased   day to purchase date but we can also use something  like a advanced filter or where where we can have   multiple filters and filter them out or filter  them in so for example if we only want to show   small we just keep that one there so it's very  user friendly it's something that I want users   to be able to pick up and know how to use even  without any Excel training at all and that's   the advantage of this kind of workbook where you  can have this handed out to people and they could   pretty much start using it just by looking at it  and that's the that's what we're trying to achieve   here so let's go ahead and show you how we did  this mostly this workbook is made up of the just   one filtering list here where we put all of our  filters in here we have the ability to close the   filter or open the filter using this button and we  also have the ability to clear the filter and that   resets it we only have one other sheet and that is  the items database and this is where our database   of items are located just as if you're familiar  with some of my previous videos you know I like   to separate data the what the user sees is often  not the actual data list and this has super huge   advantages when we actually separate the data  from from that so we can also hide this sheet   we can do many things with the actual data and  the user can only add new and delete it through   a user interface whether it's new whether it's  update or whether it's deleting the item they   use a user interface and that really protects our  data protects the integrity of the data as well as   it separates it so there's some really really big  advantages and it and it's along the lines of more   comprehensive applications and that's how they  work the front and in the back end are separate   and that's what we like to do with Excel as well  when we're building these applications so the item   list is here the actual list is located in this  and then we use various filters criteria and - to   filter out our data and then once our data is  completely filtered out we bring it back into this   items list here we're going to show you exactly  how we did that also we have the ability to we   have some other items here when we're building  this list here what we do is we used this list   is basically cleared out right and basically the  formats are all cleared out because it's dynamic   so we don't know so let's just manually reset  the color so this list is cleared out and then   it's rebuilt right so when we clear the filter it  gets rebuilt and so it's a really really powerful   powerful tool here and that lets go ahead and  reset that so we can and so it gets rebuilt very   very fast and rapidly and what we use is we use  some previously created ranges for example here   is what we call a text search this particular  search is called a text search and I've named   this rain text search range so anytime there's a  type of a text like for example item number is a   text a name is a text so when we want to search  for that type we used this type of search for   text this is a list type of search so we have  created a range just to one range and we'll do   located here this is called a list search right  and it's and it's named list certs I've named   this range these two cells have this name and to  name it just highlight it and then just type it   in list search that's it that's all you would need  to do to name a range same thing with date search   when we have a date type field we're gonna take  this I'm gonna basically copy this range here and   I'm going to place it right here because we don't  know if this list is long or short we don't know   exactly where this date it could be down here it  could be up here so we don't really know where   it's gonna be a place that we want to do is we  want to copy that the same thing for purchase we   would call that an amount range amount because it  has to do with the dollar amount and this has been   previously format if we click on the home this  has been previously formatted with the currency   and a date has been previously formatted with  a date list has been formatted as general and   number has been formatted with numbers so these  are preview it could be formatted as number as   well we could you could do that let's do that  we could use its general or number but if your   if your numbers you can use decimals you can do  that here we can use decimals number but then   I'm gonna probably since my doesn't have any  decimal I'm gonna create no decimals let's go   ahead and highlight that bring this down for a  little bit so we don't have to keep clicking it   and then bring it down to there so when we put a  number in here okay because I want to use whole   numbers but you may want to adjust that you may  want to adjust that if your numbers have decimals   so numbers are numbers amount currency date is  date list is general so they're pre formatted   and also if you take a look at this there's a  conditional formatting here for example if we   type in naming here let's just type in let's go  with name and type in shirt and you'll see this   automatically goes to dark black it was gray  and why is that well we've added a conditional   format but in this conditional formatting manage  rules and created one rule and that rule is if   it contains a colon you've seen this before if  you watch my videos then I want a format dis if   it contains a colon because our search terms  contain a server how do I want to format it I   want to color it gray and I want to give it a tab  probably should be italic italic so that formats   it if it if it contains a colon if not otherwise  just apply it and so that is how that works there   and we don't need to italicize it there so let's  go ahead and update this I want to make sure but   we don't want to change these we this is the  result we want to change the originals here so   list search let's go into conditional formatting  and we have the same rule because that is what   gets copied over edit rule I do want to italicize  it let's go to format and make sure we put italics   so that means I want it italic when it contains a  colon and I want it great when it contains a colon   it's not that its [ __ ] that's just a you can  set your format to anyone so now when we clear   the filter we see they're both italicized now  however when we enter let's say we entered the   number three right and it's going to return all  the numbers that contain three in there and it's   no longer italicized because it's not it's not  doesn't contain a colon therefore the conditional   formatting does not apply in this case and this is  the same so what we've done is we've pre formatted   we preformed them in just the way they want and  then once using VBA once there once we want them   in here we paste them in here for example I'll  paste it in here then I'm gonna determine how   many unique items are in the type list and then  I'm gonna paste one for every unique item i'm   gonna copy this and i'm gonna paste it all the way  down for however many unique items i'm gonna do   the same thing for size i'm gonna determine how  many unique sizes there are and then i'm gonna   then i'm gonna paste down so for example if we  clear that filter we add right now we have small   medium large extra if we add a new new size let's  say we change this to extra extra large add an X   there and update that item we'll see automatically  now we've got that item in here and if we unselect   the rest we'll see only that item that we updated  that extra extra-large here is the only one when   if we change it back if we change it back and we  update and click on that item and we update that   item click update automatically our size gets  reduced back so that's what we call it dynamic   advanced filter because it dynamic the the ranges  and the list changed based on the results which is   really powerful because you can use this for any  type and it's not very difficult but there's just   a process that must be made before we do that and  I'm going to go over that process exactly so that   you can have the same ability in your applications  as well all right let's raise this up so we can   get a better look at the entire application now  so you've got the idea so what basically what I   want to do is this I've got a database here now  within this database this is the original data   I've labeled each one the type of data that it is  this is a text because there's notice this is a   text also this is a list I've determined this is  a list because there's a good chance that if you   use it you're gonna use a list with this because  it's the same over and over again so they're not   necessarily unique whereas the name and item  number are unique for each one so we would not   want them created they're not unique whereas  type and size are generally assigned based on   like a list so we've called these lists this is  the date because I've assigned it a date right   this is an amount gives us the purchase price and  this is the number which is the purchase quantity   so we really have four different types of filters  that we can create for different types and I've   assigned them this type of filter this gives us  the ability so what we're going to do is we're   going to go through from 1 to 7 and we're going to  build this list based on these types for example   the first force 1 or text you see tax text so  we built tack texts then we skip one and the   next one is a list so what we do is we say okay  this one's a list or we know we need to build a   list so how do we do that well we're gonna take a  look at all these then we're gonna build a unique   list and we're gonna put that unique list right  here then what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna figure   out how many unique items there are then I'm  gonna then I'm gonna know how many to build in   this list then I'm going to be able to copy this  and paste it down that many times then I'm gonna   paste in the list I'm gonna do the same thing for  size sighs I'm gonna determine how many there are   I'm gonna create a unique list using an advanced  filter I'm gonna put that list right here and   decay then I'm gonna figure out how many uniques  there are I'm gonna build my list right here and   then I'm gonna paste in all the vowel the unique  values here for the next one for date what I'm   gonna do is I know it's date so all I need to do  is pull our date our which is right here our date   range right here it's already labeled date search  and I'm gonna copy and I'm gonna paste it right   here then what I'm gonna do is I'm going to do the  same thing for a mount and same thing for a number   I'm gonna copy those ranges I'm gonna paste them  here in here that's all I'm gonna do it's very   simple but there's a process so we'll go through  that now you'll notice we have some numbers here   and these pertain to the database right when we  for example when we enter and let's say we enter   three just like we did before right and it's  gonna filter out let's go ahead and clear that   and put in three so let's say we put in three and  we have the return three so now we see now we need   to know what column to put this three and when we  do the advanced filter I need to know what called   this helps us determine what column so call them  26 is actually a a hey here right here right see   there's 26 letters in the alphabet so Z's 26  and this is 27 call to 26 equals column column so that's column 27 so we know that that's column  27 and we build it we put a star three stars so   that means any number that begins and ends any  number that has three within it it will return   so that helps us so that why that's why we have  three different because they all contain three   when we put a star on either side of it it means  contains without that star would be equal to three   okay so but I want to I want to know any value  that contains the three for example now if I want   to build let it down even more I can say shirt now  we're only going to have two so to contain three   to contain shirts so that helps us drill down so  now we have shirts so now we've also in column 28   put the shirt in this is our advanced filter' when  we build out our advanced filter' we're gonna take   all of this as the criteria and bring it over  and put it right in here put it right in here   then we're going to continue on with our criteria  continue on continue on there's no types so we   continue on we continue more and we look for which  sizes but there's no sizes so we're good continue   on and then we have our final results you know  now let's say we add a size let's say we add a   size let's go ahead and unselect these and only  large ok so now we have one result large right   so if we look back here we see large now we're  filtering large so you see each time our list   gets reduced it starts with our main list then  we filter by three and shirt and that returns two   values then there's no there's no type criteria  we didn't specify type so the result is also two   values right then we want to filter down by size  so we continue on continue on now we only have   one this size now because - this one is large  and extra-large but only one contains large so   we reduce it and our final results are here we  take our final results and we paste them right   into here that is how we do it that is how it's  done and let's go into the VBA code so we can see   exactly how this works all right let's get under  the hood into the VBA module we'll see how we've   gone ahead and done this into the developers tab  you can click on Visual Basic if you don't have   the developers tab open under the file and  options you'll be able to get there through   customized ribbon and make sure the developers is  selected and checked there so that you have the   developers tab visible all f11 will also get you  individual basic now that we're in Visual Basic   let's go ahead and take a look and see what we  have done here we do have some on sheet macros   but not very many of them let's go ahead and take  a look we have our on key true this is for our tab   I have set automatic tabs and we have a video for  that but it allows us to tab automatically do just   specific cells we have covered that before but  all that is done into the macros so you do have   the ability to set that through the tab macros and  simply by changing the cells here you can automate   the tap macros so that is what on sheet and this  will say once we activate the worksheet that   becomes active when we deactivate the worksheet  those tab are not automated for other sheets we   have some change macros so that means when we  make a change we are going to have something   done and this is called the worksheet changed  and what is that that we're going to be working   on well de 6 through E 999 we want some changes  and what is that well that basically means that   if we make a change to any of these starting with  d6 all the way through e 99 we want something to   happen and we also want to make sure two things  we want to make sure a9 is file false a nine   Falls here I want to make sure that's false before  we do anything if it is true we do nothing this is   skipped why is that well because a nine if we take  a look at that here it's one of our in our hidden   columns a nine right here is false and the reason  we want that is because when we clear the filter   this is gonna go to true and we're gonna make our  changes we're gonna clear this out and we're gonna   rebuild this list well I don't want to run our  filters I don't want to run I don't want to you   know when we run our filters is when we do this  and this but I don't want that to happen when I'm   clearing it out but clearing it out also makes  a change right but that type of change I don't   want to load the filters so when we clear the  filters we set a nine to true when it's finished   clearing we set it back to false so we want to  make sure that only the user changed only this   kind of change actually is gonna run our filter  so I'll need that change so that's why we must   check a nine must be false before we proceed so  we also want to know I want to know what row they   have selected I want to put that row in a seven  here so when we make a change I want to know that   that change was made to a fourteen that row we're  gonna need that row when we run our filter when   we run this macro here run filter I need to know  that row and I want to store that row in a seven   so that's very important that is it we're gonna  go into the run filter very shortly but I wanted   to show you what happens on the sheet itself we  have some macros first selection change let's go   ahead and take a look at those selection change  as a reminder is simply when you select when you   select something happens well what happens when  you select and I'll show you what happens and it's   just a few lines of code here so it's basically  going to say again we need to make sure that a   nine is false we don't want to run any of this if  it's true if it's being cleared if our range is   being cleared nothing will happen first we want to  say I want to record the target role again I want   to know what row we're gonna put that in a seven  and I'm gonna set a nine to true so cuz I don't   want this I don't want this to run again I don't  want to get a like a loop so by setting this to   true it prevents this all this from running again  until the very end so that really helps us until   we set it back to false right here let's go ahead  and open this up a little bit so we know what's   going on here okay there we go we can clearly  see what's going on through D so this is only   for D sixth and basically what I want to say is if  it equals this then put this and now what is that   well that is our check boxes if you look up here  our unn unn check box is this little double lot   double note like a double quote there and this and  our selected one is that B whatever that's called   that little B or strange shape that is our check  box our unchecked box is this little looks like   double apostrophe there or whatever it's called  so the double apostrophe is unchecked and the B   is the check box right these are wingdings home  wing-dings font wing-dings font if you want to   insert those and look for those you can just go  ahead and go to insert symbol and then you can   look under wingdings and you can find them either  here or here right so they're here they're located   here here or here so you can find them in your  wing-dings font and that's where I found them   so basically what I want to say if it's unchecked  check it if it's checked uncheck it so that's all   that I want VBA to do in this case so again if  it's got that looks like double apostrophe then   give it the B if it's got the B then give it the  double ' and then after that after that I want   to run the filter we need to run the filter the  filter is gonna gonna either add remove items in   our list based on that so when we add t-shirts  it's gonna add t-shirts back in here when we   unselect it it's gonna remove t-shirts from the  list so I want to run that filter right after I   make the change so that's what we that's why we  run the filter we'll go into that macro shortly   and then I'm gonna reset a nine to false and then  I'm going to end and what does this do this make   sure that nothing else happens it just ends so  we want to make sure that we don't continue with   anything else we're done we've run the filter  we've set a nine back to false winner so we're   good however if the target equals B which is that  B the check box I need to give it an uncheck box   run the filter send a nine back to false so that  is that is only these macros are only used for our   check and uncheck that's why we're only focused on  column D column D so that is how we handle that we   do have something in g3 3m and what does this do  all that that does is one it puts our target row   in B one target row and b1 and it loads the item  what is that well the target row helps us here   right here eighteen highlight the selected row and  then it runs a macro basically and we've gone over   this a few times so look for load item I don't  want to go into this in detail this is focus but   all it does is it takes all the data in here it'll  loads it right in this year so that's what this is   just a column marker we don't need that right now  maybe we'll keep it in but it's not important it's   just a column it shows you what column this is so  that is what that does so when we select anything   from g13 all the way to M and down if we make  any selection do two things put the row selected   row here why is that because that highlights the  selected row we've been over that too before home   conditional formatting manage rules and you'll  see we probably don't need so many I'll remove   some of those let's get rid of this duplicate and  we'll get rid of duplicate okay so b1 equals role   and that highlights the selected row this allows  us to color alternate rows we've also been over   that so that is how we do that back in to VBA  we go we are done with the on sheet macros we've   covered all the macros that cover on sheet quickly  we'll go into the other macros code reset stop the   calculation this helps speed up our application  and reset calculation this resets the calculation   we've been over that as well this just helps  us speed up and item macros again I'm gonna go   over very quickly these macros we've gone over  a few times they helped us add a new item they   clear the contents they change the button sets  they set the item to new status this save item   updates and saves our item in the data table it  takes all this information and it actually saves   it in here in our main data and then it reloads  the list gives me here and then it reloads the   list into here I'm moving quickly because this  is not the focal point of today's training we're   gonna go into advanced filters in that we're  gonna go over a lot of detail so that is all   we do for save update item cancel new does just  that it cancels the new delete item will delete   the item and refresh the list and then load item  this load item is what we done it you know when   you select it loads the item details up here you  of course will have the workbook and you can go   over these in detail I have been over this before  a refresh item table all that that Macker does is   it takes everything in this table and it copies it  over into this table right here so that's all that   that does moving along we have saved message this  is a when you save an item it provides a fade-out   message something we've also gone over so that  is all the item macros that just goes over how   we add remove update and it gives you all the  also we click new item we can save that and we   can cancel new so that's basically allows us  to add items to our database super powerful   but not the core of today's training I want to  go into today's training which is the filtering   the advanced filtering and we're going to call  it dynamic advanced filters because these lists   are dynamic they change based on our data and  that is super powerful so that is something I   want to bring to you today and that's all done  really through just a few macros here in the   filter macros let's go over briefly we have our  hide filters and show filters these all they do   is they hide these buttons and I will show the  buttons and hide these columns so for example   when we close the filters it hides D and E and  then when we show it when we click this button it   shows the buttons and shows column D and E that's  all that that does there so it's super powerful   again we'll go over quickly on this it just hides  the buttons or shows the buttons hide the columns   or shows the columns based on those that's pretty  much it next we have clear filter list now when   we clear the filters we're gonna clear our some  results and we're gonna run two different macros   I'll go over that clearing the filters that's  this button here right click assign macro and   we clear the filters right we run that macro now  somebody did ask me how do I assign these shapes   into write into these buttons and it's pretty  simple all I need to do is insert let's say a   picture and then I've got a few pictures let's say  on my in here in images and so let's say we want   to assign a nice picture here let's say refresh  so we just go ahead and we insert the picture   down and we reduce the size like this and then  we let's say we want to insert a button we insert   a button here insert a shape use the rounded  rectangle create it like this and we could add   words we can work like refresh then we click  on here and back into we can Center that like   this let me pin this for a few minutes and then  we'll then we put this over here and then make   sure we format it we bring forward then we can  format the button under format whichever format   we might like let's say we're using this format  and then we reduce the size a little bit let's   say go to dare and then let's say let's bring it  off to the right side and then I'll go ahead and   group it and that is how then I'll control it and  then I'll just group it and that is how I create   the buttons at how I insert those buttons somebody  asked me that I wanted to make sure to get that I   didn't want to leave you off that so now we know  how we're gonna clear those filters and we know   how we close the filters and open the filters  so that's how we run those two macros back into   the VBA now our two main macros are going to be  load the filters and run the filter so those are   two macros those are two macros so we're going  to load the filters and run the macros loading   the filters does just this it's clear the filter  and it allows us to load all of this so every time   every time we create we were update an item I want  to load this because we may have made change so it   basically clears this out and reloads all of the  data so that is what load and let's go in to that   and into the detail that so we can see how that is  done so under load filters here let's go over the   items of this macro and see how it's done we're  gonna define some a whole numbers here filter   row data column last item filter row last item  row and unique lisrel I've got over the basics   of this now we'll get into the detail of how and  then the filter type of string we want to stop the   calculations this makes it faster and remember  I showed you that here all that that macro does   is go to calculations to manual and screen up  getting to false so we know how that works next   what I want to do is I want to clear old results  or if we're gonna be running new filters I want to   make sure that any old resort results are clear  and that is sheet to pay for through a j99 here   starting here a four through all the way over  there I just want to clear out everything these   are results remember our data is here and then we  apply some filters and the results go here so I   want to make sure all of that is clear we're gonna  start over from scratch so we want to clear those   any any old filters and that's important so they  get cleared in that manner just do that one line   of code we're gonna work primarily with with sheet  one and she - but we're gonna define a wishy one   here and we're gonna say it's a nine we're setting  this to true remember we went over that just a few   minutes ago I want a nine to be true I don't want  anything anything here to run I don't want I don't   want this to run and I don't want this to run  and how do we keep all of this from happening we   set a nine to true because a nine because this  only runs if a nine is false this only runs if   a nine is false so so that is how we prevent this  from running and that is how we prevent this from   running because eighty nine is false so when we  mark it to true we know that changes made won't   run so that's very important step so we got to set  a nine to true and of course before this macro is   done we're gonna set it back to false the first  thing I want to do is I want to know what is our   last item I need to clear out our current filter  list so I need to find the last used row I need   to I need to find an argent she won I need to find  the last row what is the last or column D in this   case is thirty one because I want to clear it out  so we need clerical is to rebuild it so we need   to know the last row to clear it out so we can  define that last row here under last item filter   Road D 999 and Excel opera this will defined in  this case is 31 what I'm gonna do is now I have a   clear range what is the clear range I forgot to  show this to you because it was kind of hidden   let's go and look at this now clear range is this  see it's kind of hidden it's this right here and   this I've defined as clear range of all of this  is it does have some formatting and basically   I want to take this range and I want to put it  right here and this is going to just cover it's   gonna cover this so I've taken this and I've used  this and I've placed it and I'm gonna copy it all   the way down here and basically that's gonna clear  everything that's a way of clearing out our farm   it but if we don't have to set colors through  VBA we don't have to set styles it just we set   it you know it sets the font so it automatically  resets everything so it's a really great way to   clear something out including clearing the formats  clearing the fonts clearing the colors clearing   the borders all with just one simple range so  it's actually a shortcut so what we do is we   copy that clear range and then we paste that range  into the entire range starting at d6 all the way   to e in the last item filter row so we paste it  all pasted that all down and then what we don't   do is I want to clear out BB as the our help or  B is gonna tell us what column and the type of   column here so we want to make sure to clear that  out as well because that has that has a lot to do   with our filters as well so I want to clear that  out so that's cleared also so we've done that now   we wanna now I'm gonna go down now what I want  to do is I want to start here and I'm gonna go   all the way down and I'm gonna base everything  in here I'm gonna base it on this here based on   text text list list date amount so everything and  then it's going to be based on this so we're gonna   start at row six starting at row six here and  then we're gonna ring on a loop I'm gonna run   a loop from column one to column seven base it on  this and I'm gonna apply those filters all the way   based on whatever types of database they're set  so it's gonna be really helpful let's go ahead   and go through that so we're starting at filter  six now i remember here's a loop we just spoke   of data column equals one to seven we need to know  that's on sheet2 database the filter type is gonna   be sheet two Row two data column row two here data  column first is going to be text second text the   third one's gonna be list list again date amount  and number so it's going to go through that loop   and it's going to sign that type to our variable  called data type data type right here so excuse me   filter type filter type right here I need to know  the filter type because then we're gonna perform   some actions based on that type so first we set  the filter type now we can go through multiplexers   okay if it's a filter if it's a text type do this  if it's a list type do this if it's a date type   do this you know if it's a mount type do this and  number typed is so based on that type we can set   certain certain parameters so let's go ahead and  look at that now if it is a text type I want to do   some things first of all I want to take our range  remember we defined a text range and I'm going to   copy that remember it's defined right here right  here text our text range has already been defined   here text search that's a defined range so that's  on sheet 1 so now that we know our text range what   I want to do is I want to take that and I want  to paste it right here when it's a text that's   what I want to do because I know it's a text type  of field so that's what we're going to do so if   it's a text type copy this and paste it where are  we going to paste it right at whatever filter row   we're on in d and we're gonna paste everything  paste the format space the fonts paste everything   and next up I want to enter some value here it's  just kind of a placeholder look look at this right   it says search by item I don't really need this  I could probably delete it because it's gonna be   replaced it's going to be replaced with inter  item or inter name right it's gonna take this   header actually it's going to take this header  right here and it's gonna replace it's gonna go   in turn then it's gonna take the header name then  it's gonna add a colon so it's going to take that   and we do that with the line right here so it's  gonna say E and the filter E right use the column   we're focused on now e call him e write E E in the  column and what do we want there alright what do   we want we want you know what you see that kind  of flip I don't like that right you see that when   we when we select many cells I'll show you how to  get rid of that doesn't happen now but sometimes   let's let's fix that right now sheet one you see  how we have this if we select more than one make   sure that is both on both and the worksheet change  okay now we're good just in case something changes   that's good so that means if we're gonna select  and for changing more than one cells exit the   sub we're focused on one cell at one time back  into there so on column E inter and the header   remember the headers and caught in Row three  headers in row three data called and the coal   and the colons very important because that colum  defines our conditional formatting based on the   italics and the gray font so we need to enter that  and then I also want to enter in B I want to know   what the data column is plus 26 I need to know  what the column is so it's the data column plus   26 so basically what I want to say is whatever  column this is whatever column this is in this   case it's two plus 26 is going to be 28 because  I need to know where to put the information here   this is called 28 so a B right if this is B a B  is 20 if B is 2 because there's 26 letters in the   alphabet so a B is 28 so we just add 26 I've made  it very simple because when I need that 28 right   here because when I enter the name right when I  enter the name of so this will have 0 results when   we enter those clear the filter and enter test so  when we enter that I want to make sure that that   test gets entered right here right here I want to  make sure I know what column that is entered okay   so that's important and there's no results no  results so we should make sure let me see that   you see I didn't clear I gotta fix that so what  happened was there's no results right so we need   to clear this out all right so what we want to do  is we want to actually clear out the data before   so I've got it down here so let's go ahead and  and raise it up let's go ahead and put our node   data that's people put it all the way at the top  so that means we're gonna clear out regardless   whether there's data or no data we're gonna clear  out our existing data right here so that's gonna   help now let's go ahead and put this back where  it belongs okay good so we've cleared out data   regardless of that and so now when we reset that  and we clear the filter and we go put in tests   we'll make sure that that's clear automatically  but if we put another value in there good now it's   going to okay so we've cleared that up so now we  know exactly how we're going to run that so let's   go back into the filters back where we were we've  got text type we know why we're putting the data   column ism now we're going to increase the filter  row we've placed this text we've placed it here so   now we need to now what I want to skip one right  I want to go to the next one but we're gonna skip   two we're gonna leave a blank and we're gonna add  now we're moving on to the next one that's why we   say filter row equals filter row plus two so it  starts out at six and now we're down now we're   gonna go to the next column now the next column in  this case is also again text right now we've gone   from one now we've got text again so we're gonna  do the same thing we're basically gonna take this   text we're gonna copy it over copy it here we're  going to add let's go ahead and clear that we're   gonna add inter name because that's the header  and so we're gonna move there so that's easy so   we're going to loop through that one more time so  now the next one is list type so what do we do on   the list type if it's list type in column 3 column  3 is a list type and again remember what I want to   do is when it's a list type I want to take all  these values I want to get the unique items and   I want to put the unique items right here I want  to determine how many unique items there are then   I want to copy and paste this format here because  it's a list type I want to copy this format here   I want to paste that format all the way here  then I want to take all of those unique items   and I want to paste them right here that is how we  handle list type let's go ahead and see how that's   done so a little bit more but not too difficult  the first thing I want to do is I want to delete   filters when we delete filters we want to make  sure that we're deleting named ranges and we look   under formulas name manager every time we create a  advanced filter we have two names we have extract   and we have one more we have criteria criteria  is not currently here because the last one we   didn't use it but if we do that so sometimes  we have criteria I want to delete both extract   and criteria I want to delete them one's already  deleted in this case because every time we do do   that so the all we do is run this macro right here  it's gonna delete extract and delete criteria and   remember this if you run multiple advanced filters  like we are doing here it's very important to   delete if you're running the same advanced filter  again and again it may not be as important but   we fear running different advanced filters very  important delete this they get created each time   but this will mess it up if you don't delete when  you're running different advanced filters in this   case we're running different once we're running  uniques we're running lots of floats so all you   need to do is create this macro just so I've done  and then before you run an advanced filter just   run this macro delete filters so that's what I do  you'll see continuously before I run an advanced   filter here's for example here's our advanced  filter I'm deleting the filters here so we're   running that macro every time and in fact I want  an advanced filter now right I want to get the   unique items again it's we're gonna use advanced  filter we're gonna we're gonna take this list I'm   gonna run an advanced filter here's what I'm doing  I'll show you I'm going to go into the data column   we're gonna run advanced filter advanced and we're  gonna copy to another location and we're gonna use   unique records I'll need no criteria no criteria  because it's just unique and the list range must   include the header so let's go ahead all the way  down must include the header and I'm gonna paste   it into K 3 K 3 right there including the header  and click OK so that's all we're gonna do that's   all I'm gonna do through VBA's and then I want  this unique list right here that is what we're   doing through VBA so we'll go ahead and go through  that so first thing I want to do is I want to   delete the filter since we're just one over next  thing I want to do is on e in the filter row minus   1 equals sheet 2 so what I want to do is I want  to place the value of the filter row minus 1 e   in the filter world what is that let's go ahead  and go and show you that here ye in the filter   row I want the header name I want this name and  I want it right here I want to know the type the   filter row remember we're skipping us here right  we're on here but the filter row minus 1 is here   I want to put the name right here what name where  are we gonna find that name we're gonna find that   in Row 3 of our database I want to put the name I  want to know what the list is and I want it right   here size or list so I want to put that so that  is what we're doing right that line of code right   there sheet 2 Row 3 and the data column this  is our header let's go ahead and write that in   header name so we know what that is so I want to  put that header name there next thing I want to do   is I want to know the last row we need to run our  advanced filter but I need to know the last row   that data I need to know this last row remember if  we're gonna run get the unique list I need to know   what the last rows so first we have to determine  that 32 is the last row we can do that with end   out Excel up right here so the last item row is  sheet - we'll just use the large row the maximum   the data column the current column were on what  is the last row and XLF die row this will give   us the last row we need that last row when we run  our advanced filter also if there was any values   in K that's our unique list just clear them out I  don't want any old values because we're gonna run   a new advanced filter so I want to make sure that  the old advanced filter results have been cleared   out next up is we are going to run our advanced  filter and the way we do that is we run a range   it's gonna start out and three in Row three of  our data column it's gonna start out right here   it's got to include our headers right row three of  whatever column we're on all the way to the last   row of that column that's the rain so we need to  find that range and it's a variable column right   we don't know what we'll call them we're on so  that's why we're using cells because the column is   variable our data column three this is the first  cell of our range this is the second cell of our   range the last row and the current column so this  is our range that we're gonna run and we're gonna   run there's no criteria right we just want the  unique values there's no criteria so we're gonna   copy that we're gonna copy it to K three right K  three and we want the unique that is it this one   line of code will get us this list right here so  once that's run we know the list now we know the   list now we need to know how many unique items  are in the list it's important to know what how   many unique items the reason I need to know is  because I need to build this list well I need   to know how many times should I copy this format  copy it down so we need to know how many unique   lists how many unique items are in the list and we  can do that simply by knowing what the last row is   so we just get the last row the last row is 10  we know that there's it starts at 3 so we know   that of course there are seven items because it  ends at 10 so we can do that in VBA let's go back   in to the the model here and we said the unique  item list is sheet 2 k and we just get the last   row the last row here minus 3 that's gonna get us  how many unique items now we know we just have to   if there's we knew if the unique atoms is less  than 1 we were gonna skip we don't want to do   any of this if there's for some reason there's no  unique items we want to skip this so we're gonna   skip we're gonna go from here to here if there  are no unique lists so assuming there is not   what we're gonna do is we're gonna take our list  search copy what is this list search range again   that is this right here that is the predefined  range for lists which is right here this range   list search that is the range and we're gonna do  is gonna copy that paste that right here we now   know how many rows because we have the number of  rows so we know how many so we're going to copy   it and here we know we've got the copy and we're  gonna paste it all and we're gonna paste it right   in paste it all right here right into D copy it  and paste it into D then now we've got it just in   one row but now we want to copy it from that row  we're gonna paste it all in we're gonna paste it   all how many unique list item - one why do we do  that in two steps well we do that in two steps is   because we have to add additional information in  here like we need to put in the values the values   of those cells are in K starting at K for all the  way to the last items put in those values and we   also want to put in this I need to know what type  there's multiple lists so I need to know which is   it is it type or is it size or what is the value  so that's gonna help us so in 2b I know moving   faster we got a lot to cover it's gonna probably  be well over an hour training so get your coffee   make sure you have it so in B we need to put the  header value I want to know what the header header   is in Row three did a column and it's just in  case for our next we're gonna clear out we no   longer need the unique values we've already copied  them over we're gonna clear them out just in case   so that we use them for the next time they're  cleared next we're ready to move down the filter   row because the filter all plus the unique list  we need to know now we're ready to move down to   the next one but how many do we move down we know  how many'd to move down because we have the unique   list the unique list items plus one now we know  whatever the current filter row is we're going to   move that down so we can get ready for the next  one so it's gonna say the filter row equals the   filter row plus however many plus one is going to  get us right here because we need to get ready for   the next one so now the filter row is eight-teen  and we're going to go in in this case we have a   so we're gonna duplicate and call them D we have  this size so we're gonna duplicate we're gonna go   through the same procedure we're gonna go through  the same thing again and we're going to get the   unique list and this time in this case for size  so that'll get us the uniques for size next up we   have date when it's a date we're gonna do pretty  much the same thing we are going to copy over   we're gonna say I need to know what the header row  is and we're gonna put that in E so for example   when it's a date I want to know what the header  is and I want to put it right here filter row   now in our filter row 24 - 1 column e equals what  does it equal equals row 3 whatever column we're   on remember we're going from 1 to 7 right so now  we're on column 5 6 7 where I'm 5 5 is going to   give us the purchase date it's gonna put it right  here now what we need to do is all we need to do   is we need to take this we're on a date so we know  take this range date search copy it paste it right   in here that's we're gonna do through V be a  date search copy we're gonna take that range I   just showed you we're going to copy it we're gonna  paste it into the filter row that row keeps track   of what row or on now we're gonna say range B and  the data column we need to put our columns here 31   and 34 well Y 34 why are we adding 3 because when  we when we use a unique brains like this we need   to add 3 because our our criteria uses to the  purchase date from and the purchase date ooh so   when we set from and to or from the price and to  the price from the purchase quantity and to the   purchase quality because it's a range so this is  an you notice the and here and this and that so   we need two columns when we run our criteria for  these things we need to notice item these text   they only have one column but when we're working  with quantities prices or date we need to calm   because it's a range it's not just one it's from  this day to this day so our Fromm's go here go   here just one row our twos go here so let me show  you how that works so if we add a from date of 1   1 purchase date and then we add it to 5 1 and then  we pull that up you see now we have purchase date   is greater than and less than or equal to this so  we use 2 from and 2 so that's what I mean by that   and I'll show you how we add those in in shortly  in our next macro but that is how we do it for   this macro so that's why we need I need to know  column 31 and I need to column 34 so that's why   both are important so that tells us exactly where  to place this date it tells us exactly where so   we just when we make a change we just look here so  you know what Collin do we put it in 34 oh ok put   it in 34 so that tells us that's why we need to  put these columns in that's why B and the filter   row plus 1 equals 26 plus 3 I know to add 3 so  I know it's a little bit confusing but when you   walk through the code you'll see 31 plus 3 is  34 32 plus 3 so that gives us our range and it   really is powerful there and we do that the same  thing for both price and quantity because they're   both used in range is minimum maximum minimum and  maximum or from and 2 we use both of those pretty   much the same thing the same thing for amount when  we go to amount we're gonna oh sorry filter row   equals filter oh because we use two this uses two  rows so we need to skip three to go to the next   one same thing so both number and type and amount  are exactly the same exactly the same while we're   doing is we're copying over the format that we set  for the amount or copying over the format that we   set for number we're gonna paste it in we're gonna  create our column either 26 plus 3 the data column   we're adding 26 and that is it that is how we  build it we're gonna set a nine back to false   and we're gonna reset the calculation that is  how we when we clear the filter it rebuilds this   filter so example when we want to do that we just  add let's you want to add a size extra small and   click update the item and now our size increase  one more everything gets dropped down so it's   very dynamic in the sense that it really grows  or shrinks along with your data so it's really   powerful next up let's go into the run macro which  is the last macro that we're gonna be covering and   that is how we run the filter all the way through  so let's go into that right now all right this one   macro run filter is gonna do all of the filtering  for us just one macro will take care of everything   for us we've defined some long such as active road  data column the first list row last row and let's   walk through this one more time just so we know  what's going on the idea is this once a user makes   a change to anything in this column what I want  to do is I want to take it through three different   steps three different advanced filters the first  thing what I'm going to do is I'm going to take   this list and I'm gonna base it off this criteria  here any criteria now we're not going to include   we're not gonna include the size and we're not  going to include the type those two we're gonna   do in this next two parts but if there's an item  number and item name purchase dates quantities   or price we're gonna run those filters right those  five filters through this list and the results are   gonna go right here then I'm gonna run enough  filter again in a second if there's any types   that have been selected if there's any types it's  gonna be right here them so I'm gonna run whatever   the results are I'm gonna run through criteria to  whatever types have been selected and the results   are gonna go right here maybe that one more time  with a third criteria and that's going to be size   I'm gonna run through the size because the size  of list it could be multiple it could be this or   this or this or this right whatever's here then  I'm gonna run this filter through this criteria   and I'm gonna get those final results and they're  gonna hear I'm gonna take those final results I'm   going to copy the data whatever data is here I'm  going to determine the last row of the results I'm   gonna take the data here and I'm gonna copy it  over into this and I've already cleared out we   added to clear so we've cleared out all the data  previously now we're gonna paste whatever results   are here right in here what I can use copy and  paste we're gonna use the value so that the format   stays the same and everything's very easy and  it's quicker and then copy and paste but that is   the idea once again we're going to take the data  here we're going to use this criteria criteria   or whatever cry tears here we're gonna get the  results right here we're gonna run that through   one more test through criteria type we're gonna  put the results right here a once again through   size and put the results here copy that data over  into the item so it's about four different steps   that we're gonna run through and I'll show you  exactly how you did that we're going to do that   through VBA so into the run filter macro which we  have here we've determined some last information   we need the last rows of each of those results  in criteria so that we can determine that we're   gonna mark a nine is true because we're working  within this filtering information so we don't want   anything else to happen on the sheet while we're  working so we need to do that again this is what I   just added clearing the contents of the existing  filter we're clearing that remember since it's   this is not our original data I can clear this  at any time no problem right clear the filter no   problem that this just comes back so we can clear  so the first thing I want to do is clear this our   data is always here our data is always here so  we can clear out so the first thing one who's   clear that list out so we've done just that there  and then we need to determine the field type what   the current filter we're running remember we're  storing in a seven our current row a seven is   whatever we've just made a change to for example  if we make a change to v-neck right our that was   13 that row we just made that so I want to store  that row in 13 now we're going to take that 13 and   we're going to assign a variable to it called a CT  row in our VBA active row or if that's you want to   call it and we're storing that here and also our  data column what column is it remember our column   stored in B B is our column so that is it's going  to store that if it's a if it's a number that's   going to help us if it's not a number we won't use  it so it's no problem and then on the text change   on the text change here if D and the value equal L  why would we say that this is techs change because   if we need to know what type of change the user  made did they make a change to a text did they   make a change to from or to I need to know what  type of change they made and by figuring out what   is on the left of it is it a from or is it this  little is it this little symbol here what is that   that's L that's L in you know in wing-dings font  so if it's an L right if this isn't out then I   know they made a change to a text type of file I  need to know that so we figure out so if it's an   L we know they made a change so now okay now that  we know we they've made a change to the text now   I need to determine is it blank or does it contain  a colon if it contains a colon right we know it's   not really a search item we know that's just the  default text if it's so that means what we're   saying we're gonna use this we're gonna say if the  in string value equals colon does not equal zero   what does that mean well that means if it contains  a colon if E and the current row contains a colon   does not equal zero means or e'en active row is  empty so if either of these conditions if either   these conditions are true meaning it like it's a 1  which means it contains a cold or it's blank then   I want to make sure that we clear that clear  this out so for example let's go through that   with you if if this contains a colon it means of  default text or if it's blank if it's blank what I   want to happen I want 2708 i want to make sure to  clear that out what is that call up 27 I want to   make sure this is clear out or name or where every  minute so that means if it's a call I want to make   sure it's empty right because user has not put in  any search term so I want to make sure it's clear   so that's what we're doing there we're clearing  that out so we're saying let me reduce this we're   not using this right now what we need to space  okay so we're saying if it contains a colon or if   it's blank then what sheet to four that's the four  that's where our criteria goes the data column we   know the data column that comes from be right that  tells us what column clear the contents otherwise   if it's not like and it doesn't take hold then  whatever the user put the value whatever value   is put it right here else for in the data call  equals here's the star and the start begins it   ends with the star why is that that means that  it means containing we're gonna find any value   that contains contains it and what are we using  E and they active row what's that again he and   the accurate let me show you E and the active row  is here E so if I put in in here let's say - one   right it's gonna return every value that's  - one why is that because again star - one   that's what it puts there in column number this  is 27 column 27 equals column right 27 so we know   that's calling 27 so that's why we have it there  and so we that's why those column numbers here   are so important because we have to know where  to put it so that's why it helps us so that is   what it does there so it says E in the active  row it puts the star on either side and it puts   that data right in there in text moving on to date  if d in the column equals from or minimum Y both   of those from or minimum because both of those  both of those we used the greater than greater   than sign and then evening can let me go ahead  and show you what that is so for example from or   minimum right or minimum same thing minimum so at  either one of these three cases if the user if it   contains the minimum or from then add it so for  example when we put the purchase price greater   than minimum of fifty it's going to one it's going  to filter out and it's gonna add here greater than   or equal to fifty see that and if we change that  and the same thing we're gonna say the next part   is if it contains two or max then put less than  or equals so if we put seventy-five here it's   gonna add less than or equal right here so that's  the next step in the VBA code right here so it   says if it's two or max then less than equals so  that's the same thing so we put that in there so   this covers us for amounts dates or numbers from  so assessed on date amount or number from from   or minimum put the greater than on date amount or  number two or max put the less than or equal to so   that's how we do it now we've got our now we've  got our main data in here we're gonna run our   advanced filter and again we're gonna delete any  name during any named ranges that have criteria   in it or anything like that again so criteria  or extract we're deleting those because that's   important before we run our advanced filter we  need to know our last data row of our date this   is our main data's so column a I need to know the  last row of that so that a little store here in   the last data room now we're ready to run our  first advanced filter our first advanced filter   is going to start out let's go ahead and clear the  contents first we clear any previous results ba4   so we clear any previous results now we run our  advanced filter starting at a three we must use   the headers a three three contains our headers G  is the last column and our last data row here's   our main data what are we going to do we're going  to run an advanced filter what type of filter it's   gonna be copy we're copying the data to a new  range and where we're gonna run our criteria   what is the criteria it's a a three to a J for  our criteria is right here a three must include   the headers to AJ for it must include all of this  and keep in mind that these headers purchase date   purchase price they must be exactly exactly like  they are here the headers must match that's even   it's just one character off we'll get in there  so make sure you match those headers identically   so we when our criteria must include the first  row of our head the header and then our values   so it's gonna be from a a three to a J for those  are the header values so we've done just that here   and where are we going to copy that information  we're gonna copy that all the way from ba 3 to   bg3 that's what we want our results to go and we  want unique to be true so again here we want to   copy that our first results right here ba 3 to be  G 3 what those rules cover and that's we're gonna   go so that is our first advanced filter that is  running and that will provide these results the   next thing I want to do is I want to determine the  last row of our first advanced filter so I need to   know and copy that and then we're gonna run one  more and then another one so two total so we do   that through here so we've run our advanced filter  now we get our last row of our results that's in   BA that's the advanced filter we just ran those  results are going to be in column B a and so we   get our last results row 1 we have many result  rows so this is our first row and we're gonna run   a check if there's no data in other words if this  results is less than 4 that means there's no data   so we can skip all of this and go right to here  if there's no data we can skip everything else   but in this case we do have data so we'll continue  on now we're gonna run our advanced filter again   we're gonna base it on list types so now what  I need to do is I need to say ok let's go ahead   and take a look at this and I see need to say ok I  need to run the advanced filter but I only I want   to get I want to find out all the selected items  only the selected items and I want to put those   selected items where do I want to put them I want  to put them right here so we so for now we've got   five selected items five selected items here one  two three four five not including t-shirt right   I want to take those selected items and I want to  put them right here in criteria two because I want   to take this results and I want to say okay now  you've got these results these four results and   I want to run them through these filters and I  want to filter out anything so for example this   filter doesn't contain let's take a look t-shirt  right so you see how there's one value it says   t-shirt right here so I'll want to run it through  this filter this says there's no it must or this   or this or this or this or this but there's no  t-shirts there so I want to filter out anything   that doesn't have a t-shirt like this row here and  I want to put it right in here so those results   there's one less and then I want to do the same  thing for size let's do it let's do it here so   for example I want to take out large right now  I want to say okay now I want to run it through   another filter these five sizes but there's only  two so again here we are with size look there's no   large right here's our list five sizes no large so  I want to take this list I'm gonna run it through   this third criteria and look there's no large  so I want to make sure to take out the results   right here now we've got the final results we're  gonna take this total we're gonna paste it right   in here just those two results all right I know  it's I know it's a lot to handle but it is super   powerful because you can build amazing tables and  very user-friendly lists that are dynamic when you   get this convinced filters are so powerful and  it's a kind of a learning curve but when you   understand the steps then it's super powerful  so I'm really happy to show this to you so next   up we run through we've gone through list type  of here and we've gone through this so we we've   gone through advanced filter one and now we're  going to advanced filter two on the list type of   change so we know it's a list type of change we  went through the criteria and then we're gonna   clear so now we move along to list type row we've  done that right and now we've gone we're going to   go through advanced filter to again we're gonna  delete the filters we're going to delete and gonna   run our advanced filter our from ba three through  BG in the last results row remember we determined   the last results row and now we're going to run  here's the Vance filter and now we're going to   copy this filter to beat and then we're gonna  use the criteria BY let's show you that again   because it's confusing a little bit so again  we're going to on run run we're going to take   the filter we've got our last row be a through  PG that's our advanced filter the criteria is B   why we got our last row so that we know the last  row of our criteria criteria two last row we're   gonna run this advanced filter and we're gonna  place it right here CA through CT let's go over   just that line of code here it is right here ba  three to the last results row we're gonna run the   advanced filter we're gonna copy it we're gonna  use the criteria B Y and the last criteria row   and B Y last criteria row B Y is here right B Y  so we determine the last row the criteria is the   type so we know how many and what are we gonna  copy that to see a three to see G 3 and unique   where we going to copy it to see a three to see G  C a three to seed you copy it right there that's   it we're gonna repeat the same exact process for  criteria three same exact process just what you   saw the same thing here now we're in now we've run  the advanced filter - and now that's it now we're   gonna run the second one we're gonna route the  last results row now it's ca we're getting the   last results and now we're gonna run our advanced  filter for CA this is the last one and so and so   here it is again see a through CG we know the last  row copying cy cy is our unique four unique list   for let's show you that again see why it's our  unique list for size again CA this is the last   filter the data is here see a to see G using this  is our criteria and the results go right into D   a through D D a through D G the results our final  results go through here that is our last advanced   filter right here CA 3 is our data our criteria  CY that's the size right that's the sizes and   our results go right here da so now we have the  results now we just need to get the last row of   our results I need to know how many to copy over  it so I need to get this last row in this case   the last row is 5 so I need to copy over this data  but I needs to know the last row so last row is da   we're gonna use da and we need to get that last  row right here so da this will give us our last   results row and we're just gonna run a check here  is that if it's less than 4 that means there's no   data okay we're gonna clear I guess we don't  need that we've already cleared that out now   now we just need one line of code to copy over  G and g13 of sheet 1 M and the last results row   this is our third last results row plus 9 why are  we adding plus 9 let me show you that our results   start here on 4 and they go to 5 right our results  here start on 13 and go to 14 so we need to add 9   because our results they start in different rows  so if they start in 4 on the other sheet they   need to go to 9 so no need to go to 13 so he must  add nine so that it accurately places data in the   right rows here so G 13 through m and the last  row equals da 4 through D G in the last row so   that's how we get our data with that line of code  and we've done that right here G 13 3m blast row   plus 9 equals sheet to DA 4 through D G in the  last results row copy over the filtered data you   don't need this it's done already so now we're  good to go now we mark a 9 as false we're just   gonna select G 13 that just reloads whatever data  that just reloads the data and we're good that is   exactly how we run advanced filters so I hope  you have liked this training it's very powerful   we can clear the filters we can provide single  click advanced filters through a left panel we   can also filter by name which is very powerful  we can filter using from and two into values for   example 1 we can filter out through price which  is also very powerful we can do filter by quantity   although we all have one quantity we can clear the  filters we can also close and hide the filters and   it is the dynamic filter it is based on the number  of types or sizes that we have on a list type so   it's extremely powerful advanced filtering I  hope you have liked this training if you do   get a chance I would love for you to share this  whether you're on Facebook or YouTube also please   subscribe to the YouTube channel that helps us out  a great deal and that also ensures that you get   alerted to new videos when you do select the alert  icon that is very helpful to us and you get you   you can also check out our blog and police like  us and share us thank you very much for joining
Channel: Excel For Freelancers
Views: 96,026
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Keywords: Excel Advanced Filter, Excel Advanced Filtering, Advanced Filter In Excel, Advanced Filter Excel, Excel Filter, Filtering Excel, One Click Filtering, Dynamic List Filtering, Excel List FIltering, Excel Dynamic Filter, Excel Filter Advanced, Microsoft Excel Advanced Filters, VBA Advanced Filtering, Advanced Filtering in VBA
Id: kiQ5a_iJUcQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 79min 37sec (4777 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 03 2018
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