Learn How to Ask and Answer Questions in English - Practice Daily Conversation

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[Music] English-speaking course [Music] food and beverage [Music] summer is here and it's hot outside yeah it makes me want to eat ice cream what's your favorite drink in the summer I always drink horchata in summer it's refreshing and tasty what is horchata horchata is a sweet and usually dairy-free beverage made of soaked greens or nuts and seeds that sounds good I like iced strawberry smoothies for summer and I like any iced beverages in summer they are all great Michelle you look thinner are you losing weight yes I also want to lose weight but I really like food how many meals a day do you think we should eat the healthiest way to eat throughout the day is to have two or three meals correct or you can split meals during the day as long as the dishes are healthy I see is your mother a vegetarian David yes she's a vegetarian do you remember Julia yes of course she's a vegetarian too and she has a great body she said that she is vegetarian because her family is vegetarian she also said that everyone has the right to choose their own food correct like me I don't think I can be a vegetarian I love the complexity of flavors and the heat that Thai Dishes bring I once ate a Penang Curry Beef in Bangkok that changed my life what country's food do you like the most I love Greek food they all entertain my palette I ate a spanakopita in Athens that left me speechless that sounds good what country's food do you like the most Josh American Cuisine it's filled with clever adaptations from other countries and also has uniqueness in the dishes it's like having the cuisine of 20 countries inside a single nation makes sense I have a family gathering this weekend I will prepare dinner with my mother and sister do you think about color when you prepare a meal of course the food color and visual appeal are very important there are nutritionists who tell us to include all colors of veggies and fruits in our food thank you now think about it for the family party by the way next month is my girlfriend's birthday I want to celebrate her birthday at a restaurant what restaurant in this city do you recommend I recommend taranga restaurant the food is seriously good the atmosphere is romantic and the staff is very nice I visited there once these noodle soups there are so fine and colorful cocktails will cool you down in summer great I'll go there thanks [Music] free time and hobbies [Music] hey do you have a hobby yes of course yeah everyone has Hobbies what are your hobbies reading books sounds boring oh you know books are a perfect source of knowledge that help me to learn more about the world and books are the best way for me to unwind after a long day at work I see him what are your hobbies Mary my hobby is cooking I like to decorate my food beautifully [Music] I also like to make snacks such as cakes candies and jam yeah you cook really well I love the food you cook I'm happy to hear that do you usually cook on weekdays or only on weekends I usually cook on weekends because I'm free all Sunday I don't have to work that day do you have any free time on Sundays Ethan well yes and no I'm a freelancer so I work all week but I can arrange my free time [Music] my free time can be Sunday or any other day of the week how do you like to spend your free time going shopping playing sports or relaxing mostly I spend my free times indoors but I do love traveling so I do it when I can [Music] yesterday I got bored and decided to travel to Brighton Beach oh really yeah why didn't you ask us to go with you I thought you were busy because yesterday was Friday you're right how do you like to spend your free time Mary I like drawing and painting in my free time [Music] I feel much more relaxed it's like meditation for me painting not just gives my brain an extra boost but also helps me communicate better and relax who do you often spend your free time with I often enjoy my free time alone I don't like parties [Music] I thought you liked crowded places no spending time with the same people and talking about the same old memories I once shared together with a cup of coffee is all I need I have a friend who likes to gossip about others that makes me very uncomfortable do you like gossiping in your free time I don't like to talk about other people but honestly I sometimes gossip about celebrities with you and my friend [Music] yeah I would rather lie in or just listen to some music than gossip about others me too so how do you think you will feel if you were gossiped about [Music] I would gradually prove what they said about me was all wrong with my attitude and behaviors how about you Ethan I don't really care about what they're talking about me so I feel nothing special I wouldn't do anything if the rumors are not true time will finally prove them all I like your way of thinking I've been so busy lately I wish I had more time yeah if I had more free time I would go jogging to improve my health and well-being you can still schedule your time and Jog to improve your health now add more free time what would you do with it learn a new language [Music] it boosts your brain power sharpens your memory and improves memory while opening up wider career prospects if I had more free time I would learn a new language too [Music] fashion and style [Music] what are you reading I'm reading a fashion magazine do you often read fashion magazines yes I often read fashion magazines I have the stress of deciding what to wear reading fashion magazines can help me coordinate clothes and choose the right style for me do you read fashion magazines yes I enjoy looking at pretty clothes beautiful models and cool styles do you think it is important to wear fashionable clothes yes of course wearing fashionable clothes is an expression of loving yourself [Music] what do you think well I think it depends on how you define loving yourself for some people it may be important to wear fashionable clothes to feel confident and stylish others may prefer to dress more simply and comfortably you're right if you like shopping for fashionable clothes no my style is simple you know I guess you love shopping for new clothes right yes most of the time I buy clothes I get bored easily so I always want to see a new me every day going shopping helps me improve my mood so I go whenever I can [Music] a bad habit I know you must have a lot of nice clothes yes I have a variety of clothes I love to wear different clothes on different occasions like birthday parties weddings and festivals do you have a lot of nice clothes to me all the clothes I have are nice I see do you prefer brand name quotes actually branded or not for me is fine as long as I'm comfortable wearing it I prefer buying branded clothes since they are better made and better designed I always go for Quality first I also don't think that all branded clothes are expensive yes I know I can find a lot of random yet affordable clothes and places that's right I sometimes buy branded clothes which are on sale I don't mind the thought that I'm buying them at a cheaper price do you think that the clothes we wear reflect what is inside is Olivia of course not your clothes reflect how you want to see yourself and be seen by the world around you but it reflects part of your self-image your class and often your lifestyle too but don't confuse any of this with what may be inside of people their personality you can't draw any conclusion about a person's intelligence morals or character from clothes I see what about the difference between fashion and style are you interviewing me about fashion I just want to understand you better and I like your point of view about fashion I think style refers to a person's particular way of expressing themselves how about fashion fashion refers to Trends nowadays being featured in magazines on TV and on social media your style is not outstanding I'm sorry to say that but your way of thinking about fashion is cool I'll take that as a compliment that is a compliment [Music] holiday and vacation summer is here I want to go to the beach yeah me too do you like holidays [Music] of course it's perfect to relieve stress get away from it all and enjoy life how about you do you like it yes I do it's a great opportunity for me to wind down get together with my family or hang out with friends but if the holidays are short I stay home to read books and clean my house have you ever been abroad Peter I have never been abroad but I would love to my family planned to go abroad next year how about you I've been abroad four times really did you like it yes I did it was exciting which countries did you visit Finland Sweden Great Britain and Germany wow and what country was the most interesting all countries are interesting but maybe it was Sweden for me why not only does it have an amazing culture but it is also filled with beautiful scenery good food and very nice people in addition it looks beautiful in all seasons if you could travel anywhere where would you go I would pick either Egypt or Japan both countries are amazing and left an amazing impression on me especially Japan without a second thought [Music] Japan yeah Japan is one of the most beautiful countries in the world Japan is very clean streets and buildings look and span and people are very hard-working intelligent accepting and resourceful do you prefer to travel alone or in a group I prefer to travel with my friends or my family how about you I would say that I'm kind of an introvert so I would rather travel alone to some peaceful Beauty spots than travel with a group of people [Music] but traveling with other people would certainly be safer and we can support as well as rely on each other you're right it is a good way to make friendships stronger and become more powerful it's also good for learning more about your friends and sharing experiences together I do but I prefer to travel alone do you prefer active or relaxing holidays I love going on adventures exploring the area and finding thrill-seeking activities right you love Adventures how about you relaxing holidays of course I love to relax and do some Shula activities like reading books or meditation you really love to take your time and relax don't you well can't argue with that which is better a package tour or a self-organized trip I prefer to join package tours why I thought you would enjoy self-organized trip joining package tours can help us save money and help us build a friendship and because I don't like to book things I don't like to join package tours really I thought you'd like it I hate to need to follow guidelines and have a strict schedule all the time [Music] when I travel on my own I can stay longer in the place I like or skip the one I'm not interested in yeah that suits you better dreams and goals I've seen you in a while yes it's been a long time where are Julie and the kids they're going to the supermarket to buy ingredients to make dinner for us oh that's so lovely how are you studies these days everything is good so far Matthew what was your dream when you were a child why are you curious about that just tell me I want to know hmm okay let's see the first dream that I remember having was that I wanted to be a pilot that of course never happened to me between the ages of 12 to 15 years old my dream was to become a teacher but you didn't I know between the ages of 16 to 20 years old I dreamed of being a well-known well-paid writer and it came true didn't it well not quite I'm a writer now but not that famous come on you have a loyal fan base on your Facebook page and your blog you've self-published two books as well yes two books and I'm still writing that's so great in my early 20s my dream was to be that guy a guy who had a yard with his kids playing in it while he and his wife cooked dinner on the grill your dream has come true yes I do have a yard a grill and I do have a wife with three kids so what was your dream when you were a child I dreamed to be a policewoman or a journalist when I was a kid after many years I wanted to be a tour guide or interpreter now you're studying at University in the foreign languages facility yes do you have a five-year plan for your life no I don't do you have a Five-Year Plan yes of course can you show me how you create a Five-Year Plan okay the first thing consider aspects of your life what are they finances health career relationships and personal development can you explain them specifically let's talk about finances you need to consider your income debt savings and Investments are there new income streams you want to create what are your plans for spending do you want to purchase a house wait a minute I need to take notes how about the health plan you can ask yourself these questions what do you need to do to stay healthy how would the other aspects affect your health I see about your career let's answer these questions where do you want to be work what do you want to be doing what is your dream job those are good questions [Music] about your personal development does your hobby help you develop yourself what would you like to learn or become are there any relationships you'd like to create or dissolve something like that these questions are really helpful yes I use those to make my plan I've already written down those questions I'll answer them once you've completed that begin the process of making a plan for your future thanks Matthew that all you need to do is create a habit little by little to achieve your goals I know clothes are easy to achieve if we can create the right habits that's right [Music] animals and pets this weekend I will take my niece to the zoo she loves animals she said that she would have a pet when she grew up do you like animals to be honest I only like friendly animals such as dogs cats rabbits and birds I consider them humans friends would you ever consider getting a pet yes but now I'm living in an apartment and our landlady doesn't allow us to keep pets in our units why she doesn't want to hear noises from dogs or cats well there's nothing I can do but obey the rule but when I have my own house I will definitely have a pet what animals would you like to have as pets well like most people love having I want dogs I love dogs because they are loyal and playful yes that's right do you have a pet Wendy yes I have a dog oh can you show me a picture of your pet yeah certainly my memory of him opening his tiny twinkling eyes for the very first time on the 29th of May 2018. he is so cute he was a gift to my family he is a living Joy To Us what's his name I named him Joey he never gets tired of listening to my endless stories he listens so patiently he loves me unconditionally and he is someone I love so much that's so sweet do you have a pet Alex yes definitely I'm an animal lover I have two rabbits where did you get them from I adopted them from their previous owner is it difficult to have a rabbit as a pet not for me but rabbits require a lot more care than you think like what I'll show you all about rabbit care when you're making a serious decision about having one why did you choose to raise rabbits rabbits are amazing and social pets they can be great house pets if you take the time to socialize with them and learn about their basic body language I see have you known anyone that had a snake as a pet yes my uncle has two snakes really yep why does he keep a snake as a pet he said snakes are just fascinating creatures their food is relatively cheap to come by in most cases that's true snakes don't need to be walked like dogs they're quiet animals no barking screeching or anything like that that's right cleaning is less than you would need to do with cats dogs or even Turtles some people think that it is annoying to keep a pet at home what do you think you need to feed them clean their feces and clean up their fur all over the house but I think pets can be awesome to have yeah they bring that joy and pleasure other humans cannot that's right they love you unconditionally and will be by your side no matter what that's a few of the responsibility to handle and take care of them I agree with you guys [Music] thanks for watching please give us a like share and comment click here for a more useful video
Channel: English Speaking Course
Views: 42,439
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Keywords: english speaking course, learn english, english speaking practice, speaking practice english, pronunciation practice, English pronunciation practice, pronunciation and speaking lesson, advanced speaking practice, natural English pronunciation, English conversation practice, everyday english listening, listening and speaking english, english listening and speaking, english conversation practice, how to learn english, english every day, how to study english, how to speak english
Id: kIqUI8TdH1c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 28sec (1588 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 22 2023
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