Learn German in 25 Minutes - ALL the Basics You Need

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want to speak real german from your first lesson sign up for your free lifetime account at germanpod101.com welcome to germanpod101.coms deutsch and rhyming newton the fastest easiest and most fun way to learn german hello ichilara there are freud hi i'm laura nice to meet you in this series we're going to learn basic german expressions it's super easy and it only takes three minutes in this lesson we are going to learn how to introduce ourselves in german we'll start speaking right away but first it's important to clarify that in german there is a difference between the formal and the informal language let's first see how german people introduce themselves in an informal situation hello hi i'm laura nice to meet you hello ich heisse laura cannon start by saying hello ich heiser then say your name hello hey laura finally say hello and now let's see the same sentence in formal speech good day i'm laura maya nice to meet you so what has changed from the previous introduction let's take a close look at these expressions together halo has been substituted with a formal greeting guten tag german for a good day ichilara has not been changed ich heisse simply means i am however during a formal self-introduction we also say our last name so i said laura maya here you would say your full name finally pay attention to the ending we went from dish what is changing is the german word for you in a formal sentence we use the more polite word z one more time the informal way to introduce yourself in german is hello ichilaura kennensolannen the former way to introduce yourself is guten tag ich heisse laura maya shun the canon solana it's time for laura's insights when you introduce yourself it's a good habit to shake hands if you're not sure whether to use schund dickens or schon sie can insulinen just say simply there are freud as i said at the beginning of this lesson if you use the correct sentence with german people they are definitely going to be impressed in the last lesson we learned how to introduce ourselves in german today we are going to learn how to use good manners as we thank people fatty are you ready luz so let's start there are several ways to thank someone let's start with the easiest it's just one word danke danke dank means thank you when saying thank you very much you just need to add there thank you means a lot so dankester is like saying thank you very much during the last lesson we discussed the informal and the formal way of speaking german tanka is the casual way to thank someone if you want to be more formal there is another phrase you should use ich dankeinen ich danke inen let's break this phrase down ich is i and danke means thanks enun is a formal word for you in the dative case notice that we don't use z as in the last lesson we will discuss german pronouns in more depth in a later lesson the full sentence once again ich danke inen how do you answer it's easy here are two different ways to do it the first is bittershun bitu shun petition can be used with just about anybody the other way to say you're welcome is the expression gangashin gan geshen literally this phrase means i liked it to happen or happened with pleasure but it has become a common and polite way to respond to someone thanking you so when someone says thank you to us we can simply reply with bittershun or gangashin now it's time for laura's insights if you're not sure about whether to use danke or ichtanke enen keeping it simple is always your safest bet you don't have to worry about formal or informal situations danke can be used with just about anyone anywhere and at any time in the last lesson we learned how to be grateful to people by saying danke in this lesson we learned some of the most common greetings used in germany ferdich are you ready los so let's start the most used informal greeting is hallo hallo hallo means hi or hello we should only use this greeting with friends or relatives the most used formal greetings will change depending on the time of day let's start with guten tag guten tag literally guten tag means good day as a rule of thumb we can use guten tag only during the daytime from late morning until early evening in the morning we say guten morgen good morning guten morgen during the evening we say guten armed is german for day morning and evening respectively easy right what should you say when you leave german people usually say auf wiedersehen when leaving in a formal situation auf wiedersehen auf wiedersehen means goodbye if we say goodbye to friends or our relatives we use the informal word choose choose now you can greet people in many different ways in german let's review them all again first the greetings informally we simply say hello formerly use guten morgen in the morning guten tag in the afternoon and guten armed in the evening when leaving in a formal situation we say auf wiedersehen and in an informal situation it's choose it's easy isn't it now it's time for laura's insights due to a huge variety of dialects in germany you might hear many different greeting phrases depending on the area in austria and in the catholic southern part of germany they even say griscott which means greetings to god and the past people from the north could barely talk to people from the south since they spoke very different languages but nowadays if you use these common phrases then everyone will understand you i'm sure in the last lesson we learned the most common forms of greetings in german do you remember them in this lesson we are going to learn a very useful phrase do you speak english if you find yourself in a situation where you need assistance in english this phrase can be a lifesaver and because you're asking it in german you can be sure that everyone will understand what you're saying even if their answer is no here's the informal way to say it to english spiest do english in german verbs change depending on the pronoun that is used please notice the word do in the middle of the sentence remember that this is the informal way to say you the first word is which means to speak because it is referring to do it is conjugated to do spaced if you ask a question in german you change the douche priest to the interrogative form and you probably recognize english to be english priesthood english to learn how to properly conjugate verbs like sprechen please look at our absolute beginner series on germanpod101.com you can find very detailed grammar lessons and resources there we are now going to make the sentence formal first we need to use the formal version of u which is z if we change the word for you we will conjugate the verb differently it becomes sprechen instead of sprist like in the informal version everything else stays the same sprechen english sprechen zee english adding and scholdingsie excuse me the sentence becomes even more polite and schuldingzi english and schuldigen see english the responses you will receive could be one of these three yes a little nine expressing english no i don't speak english english since this last one is a negative statement we need to say nicht after the verb sprechen notice also that the verb sprecher is slightly different than sprechen remember the verb changes depending on the pronoun used we are now talking about ich german for i thus i do not speak is ich breche nicht now it's time for laura's insights for those of you who are not only english speakers you can obviously use this question with any language you need german people study other european languages at school so maybe you will get lucky just substitute english with italianish for italian rosh for russian spanish for spanish francisc for french in this lesson we mentioned the expression enchilding but did you know that this could also be used as an apology and the next lesson we will learn this and other ways to apologize in german it's never too late to show you good manners with german people i'll see you in our next deutsch in drami newton lesson despite want to learn german anywhere anytime get the innovative language 101 app for free [Music] hello hi everybody i'm laura welcome to germanpod101.com deutsch and reimi newton the fastest easiest and most fun way to learn german in the last lesson we learned the phrase encholiding sprechenzi english excuse me do you speak english we mentioned the word enchildingsie which means excuse me in formal german in this lesson we're going to learn how to use anchoring z and other words when apologizing in german we should use enchuoting z in formal situations such as when we are ordering something in bars or restaurants for example introducing a cafeter excuse me a coffee please we can also use it when asking a question and schrodinger voiced the australian excuse me where's the exit please sometimes we also hear people say bitte which means the same thing when you want to draw somebody's attention we use this phrase if we want to be polite bitter the informal way to say excuse me is anchoriga and schuldiger just like anchoring zi we can use entrodige when asking a question or when apologizing we can also use the word encholigon if you are not sure whether to use the formal or informal way all of these phrases can be used for either excuse me or i'm sorry but if you really want to apologize for something it might be better to use a different phrase that phrases is truth me light it means i'm sorry and can be used in both formal and in from situations es tut mere light first we have s or it next we have the german word for to do conjugated for the pronoun s t the word near is german for me finally we have light literally meaning sorrow estrut mere light now it's time for laura's insights please remember that in germany if you accidentally bump into someone we don't say i'm sorry estrud me light instead we say encholingsi and schrodiger or andrigon are you able to count in german in the next lesson we will learn the numbers in german from 1 to 10. in this lesson we are going to learn numbers in german yes numbers salan from 1 to 10 and you are going to learn them in only three minutes drami newton are you ready let's start eins eins swai swai drai drive sieben now repeat after me i'll say the numbers and give you time to repeat each one eins swai rai great job do you know what comes before eins right it's no [Music] you don't have any more excuses you can now give your friends your cell phone number in german let's try together we'll use the phrase mine numa ist which means my number is mine can you read it by yourself perfect now it's time for laura's insights when you go to the office or department store in germany you sometimes have to stand in a line with a number when it's your turn to check out they screen numa eins numatzin and so on learn your numbers well so you can be ready do you know the german word for a hundred it's actually very similar to the english word in the next lesson we are going to learn the numbers from 11 to 100 in german in the last lesson we learned the numbers from one to ten have you forgotten here i tell you again eins swai drai and now let's continue from 11. elf no okay now repeat after me i'll say the numbers and give you time to repeat each one elf twelve traits in these numbers may seem hard to remember but you really just have to memorize elf twelve sections you just have to add sin or ten let's not stop at twenty counting from 10 to 100 is super easy now i'll give you the chance 50. he while you have to memorize a few of these numbers there are a couple of tricks that will make memorizing them incredibly easy in order to build futsic 40 you just add 10 sich to 4 fear and you get 50 the same goes for 50 let's have a look at the pronunciation if g comes last in the word it makes a sound so you would say fertsich instead of fertsik furzi you probably recognize the dots on a o and u for example funf five these are called umlaute air is being pronounced like the e in elder er comes close to the o in worry and u could be imagined as something between you and e the last thing to learn today is how to form compound numbers above 20. this is also super easy take the tens and simply add the numbers you learned in the previous lesson let's try it out how would you say 56 in german let's take it step by step 50 is 50 6 is 6. the smaller number comes first and then at unt and in german sex and 50 sex and 50 it's done isn't that easy let's make another number for instance 98 take eight at end and and then 90 90 90. now it's time for laura's insights if you're talking about decades in german like the 80s or the 20s you just have to add air after the actual number so you would say archiga or here you pronounce g as a g and not as a since it doesn't come at the end of the word now you can't talk about the exciting 80s or golden twenties with your friends after only two lessons you are now able to count to 100 in german in the next lesson we are going to put your number knowledge to use in the last lesson we learned how to count in german i hope you spend some time practicing the numbers because they will come in handy today we're going to learn how to go shopping in germany before we go you need to know how to say how much is it we feel costed us we feel costed are you ready to go shopping in germany let's go you see something you like and want to ask the shop clerk how much it costs the first thing to say to the shop clerk is and chodigo do you remember what that means excuse me and chorigong we feel costed us and should we feel costed us if we want to be more specific when asking how much is this and refer to a certain type of object we first need to drop the word das next we need to know if the object is a masculine feminine or neuter object if it's masculine add diesel when referring to it or diesel for a feminine object and dieses for a neuter one and then say the noun for example het is a masculine noun dear excuse me how much is this hat and choli gong we feel costed desert hoot and pans is a feminine noun di jose and chorigong we feel costa diesel jose excuse me how much is this pair of pants and truly gone we feel costed diesel hose finally book is a neural noun thus so you would say ant chordigong we feel costed excuse me how much is this book ent chordigong we feel costed dieses at this point the shop clerk can answer by saying das costed and then the number followed by euro for example or what number is i am not telling you okay okay it's 39. it costs 39 euros now it's time for laura's insights a quicker way to ask how much is v feel v field which literally means how much when you ask for a beer at the counter of a bar you can ask the cashier ein beer is we feel bitter how much is one beer please at this point can you count euros in german we're going to learn how to do this and much more in the next lesson i'll be waiting for you in our next deutsch in dream newton lesson this bye you
Channel: Learn German with GermanPod101.com
Views: 3,536,686
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Keywords: GermanPod101, learn German, German language, German alphabet, Germany, read, write, speak, school, teacher, tutorial, lessons, compilation, how to, fast, quick, easy, fastest, easiest, German pronunciation, German grammar, basics, German, continuous play, longplay, long play, listening, XX Minutes
Id: xg60VxyK-9I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 58sec (1558 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 07 2017
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