Learn Genealogy - Easy Breezy Source Citations - Episode 7

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do you write down the source of facts and evidence when you're out on location say at a library on archive are you struggling to remember what you need for your source citations would you like a quick and easy way to document your sources perhaps you've never even thought to write down your sources by the end of this video you'll have a quick and easy way to remember all of the things you'll need to write source citations every time and with that we'll be right back [Music] hi I'm Connie Knox a genealogy junkie guilty as charged and I'm here to share with you a thing or two that I've learned over the years for free so let's get to it here's a great way to remember how to write good quality source citations without stress if you just want to get the information down without the formality of a proper professional version of a source citation but still contains everything you need I've got the answer for you think of it as the five W's of journalism the who what where when why and how but I've got my own little take on this to help you remember everything easily I call it the six double use and how genealogy source citations will work for you okay get it it's a play on words alright six double use and how genealogy source citations will work for you ready here it is who what where when and when why and how that's right two wins say it ten times and you'll have it imagine playing hopscotch as a kid who what where when and when why and how it's just a tongue twister but you'll remember it learn this technique and you'll have the details for source citations that the professionals use so let's talk about each one of them who who created this item or statement book document photo etc it might be a probate court a state a federal government testimonial by a person a county recorders office or an author of a book who created it now let's talk about what what is it it's a description or a title in the detail of the document object photo testimonial and publisher information got it so what is it it's the description or title in detail so let's talk about where where did you find it archive library may be a person and if so document their full name be very specific so that a stranger can retrace your steps did you find it at a physical address an email online repository all of those need an address it could be all of following for example it could be a place with a room a shelf a book a chapter at page a paragraph and a line if that's what it takes for a stranger to find it again a note about a web address use them but also give all the information about its location again in a written form so that anyone can find it without the web address this might be an online archive or a record group a section image name line number or person's name in the document or all of the above over time websites die or change if you have a web address so don't rely on just the web address it will be useless a few years from now and so document the location and the web site such as say the North Carolina State Archives digital database online in Raleigh North Carolina so let's talk about when and when when as the item at was created and when you located it makes sense to Winns why why does this matter as it relates to your target question or your ancestor perhaps this evidence is an item that ties two brothers together or prove someone bought some land or directly or indirectly answers a research question you've been researching it might be negative evidence meaning that you didn't find something where you expected to find it therefore it matters because the person was not in the place at this time how how can you access this again if needed is it online only available at the archives or is it in grandma's possession you might have covered this in your where question but give it some thought you may have found it in grandma's attic but brought it home and filed it in your own archives you need to document both where you found it and how you can find it again especially if the location has changed you'll need to do this exercise for everything you find if you do you're well on your way to writing a real proper Elizabeth shown Mill style source citation like the pros use mills teach us or citations in her book evidence explained on her website evidence explained calm she and her methods are the gold standard for genealogical source citations these six WS and how are the early stepping stones to understanding the artful source citation methods got it say it with me who what where when and when why and how was this helpful if so right I've got this in the comment sections below and until next time keep climbing your family tree [Music] was this helpful if so right I've got this in the comment section below until next time don't fall off the branches of your family tree
Channel: Genealogy TV
Views: 2,150
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: learn genealogy, source citations for genealogy, genealogy, genealogy tree, where to find, records, source, footnotes, evidence, citation, tips, research log, notes, family tree, In Search of Your Family Tree, free genealogy, research plan, family history, Family History, #NCAncestry, #GenealogyTV, ancestor, source citation, #Genealogy, Source Citations, how to, #genealogy, #FamilyHistory, citations, how to write source citations, genealogy research, family history research, family search
Id: ab0KpdaXyr8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 11sec (371 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 03 2018
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