Learn French Today - ALL the French Basics for Beginners

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want to speak real french from your first lesson sign up for your free lifetime account at frenchpod101.com hey watchers this week we're going to learn about top 25 french phrases let's hey okay now you can say bonjour any time of the day even if it's night salu hi hi is uh salute salukomos hey how you doing so salud is like bonjour and you can also use it to say hi and to say goodbye so when you leave you can also say sorry who are you you can say sava like just after salusaba or bonjour or commerce if you only say sava it's kind of missing something so put it after greeting so how are you how you doing commercial good evening not good night almost good night but not bonsoir is also a greeting you can use when you leave or when you enter someone's place for example if you go in the evening to someone's house or a party you can say ah sort of good night good night is bananas person sleeping next to you or to your family when you go to sleep we yes yeah we you also say yeah maybe you've heard oui like french people often do this really it's also a cartoon for children oui and his little car you should try and watch it in french it's very educative no no no you have we and no no we often say them both just use yes and no we know my name is je m'appelle you knew that already huh what's your name leave it in the comment in french silver play please please silver play this is a polite version and if you want the more friendly version is silt play if you're asking your friend silta play give me your candy i'm starving to play with them okay so we also use okay but with a french accent okay hi how are you doing when you come to the cinema with me excuse me excuse me if someone is blocking the way you just say excuse me thank you please learn this one and be polite in french we just have merci there is no short version of it and you can use it for anyone so when you receive something at the grocery store or when someone does your favor if you want to be really polite or really thankful you can say merci beaucoup thanks a lot so you are welcome if someone say mercy to you you can just say so mercy what time is it you will more often hear the second version excuse me what time is it toilet where is the bathroom we don't have many available bathrooms in public places and usually they are really dirty so or maybe if you are at someone's house you can ask us nice to meet you bonjour enchante and here you have three of today's world together isn't it nice bonjour pelia hi nice to meet you my name is dia how are you doing and you have all of them to greet people and start a nice conversation so nice to meet you enchantish see you soon this is what i should say at the end of each video see you soon or abdiento use it when you leave that's about it see you tomorrow see you tomorrow yeah au revoir bye bye or goodbye au revoir is kind of polite you can use it with everyone as well so if you want to be more friendly we use like ciao au revoir is only for living so so yeah goodbye goodbye watchers see you next time abner no not yet because i'm going to see you guys a lot of course if you want to be sarcastic you can say we been sure we mostly use it this way because we like being sarcastic so yeah of course yes yes you are yes may i use something something so fill the blank with whatever you want can i use your pencils i'm sorry oh yeah if you bump into someone you can also use this one like oop if i bump into somebody they won't wake up duh moon don't go where it pleases yeah terminator is more like this i'm sorry why why so if you are hearing gossip and stuff you can be like no no really yeah and you can use it with all the intonations her name a lot where else she forgets happened before when someone is speaking too fast like i do i'm sorry just read this only you can tell them or yeah because they have all those fancy french words and vocabulary you can be like at the end so remember those main sentences and don't forget to subscribe and leave me a comment if you know con pom-pom bye-bye please stop it i'm waving hi everyone i am lindsay from frenchpod101.com in this video we'll be talking about the top 10 most common tourist vocabulary let's begin i am going to check your ticket sir so this happens a lot when you're in a train somebody's going to come up to you and ask for your ticket tourist tourist tourist tourist le touristo francais brillo french tourists are noisy um i don't know why you're saying that not sure itinerary i think i need to plan my itinerary yeah i love to do that myself like i spent maybe two months before of my time to look for stuff guild touristic guidebook gid touristic guidebook se recommended legit touristic it is recommended in the guidebook boos touristic is packed when i visit new cities i usually use tour buses like when i went to chicago for example that's pretty cool you can see like side signing and stuff like that temple top temple idiot there are beautiful temples in japan i have never been so i cannot confirm about that but yeah maybe mask [Music] there is a very famous mosque in istanbul eglise church eclis church said family valerie's tuli dimanche this family goes to church every sunday yes that is really important do it cascade waterfall cascade waterfall elaborate on photo it took a picture of a beautiful waterfall yeah i would love to go to the ah niagara falls oh my gosh okay so put it again how do you say niagara niagara yeah i agree but it's really visiting to tour to tour my family by visiting home la ni potion my family will visit rome next year i haven't been to rome but i have been to milano and venezia beautiful okay so that's all for this lesson which phrase did you like the most leave us a comment letting us know hey watchers and welcome to this week new top words and this week will be 25 french verbs here we go to be to be or not to be a what do you want to be when you grow up to have don't forget that verbs in french are conjugated so it's a pain to learn you never use agua by itself i have je descha i have brown hair fair to do fair something something like ferdivillo would be like to bike but actually you are doing bike for a cuisine to cook to do the cooking or something like that what do you like to do question fair if you are asking for hobbies tell me what you like to do in the comments watchers dear i say a lot of silly things but that's why you like me what can i say i don't know can yes you can we go away you don't use it with french people they're gonna get mad at you go walking alesso baladi or go in the kitchen a little cuisine to go on a trip i live voir to see please come play with us come to mundo tada you can come with us to pavani rebecca is the way french people will invite you so yeah sure come wherever must devoir is also homework because it's something you must do it also means duty it's an eclectic word you can use it for so many things you have to do your homework to do afferted voices i have to do the dishes or else it stinks pond to take you can take the train from or you can take something pound cargo shoes you can take your time pandora sometime lazy to find i found something it's a bottle of water again because that's my only prop for today yeah i found the solution did i find the solution no i didn't because meg messed it up red should go here and you have the cross then you do the next one i found something to eat finally i won't be starving anymore donate to give to give money donate please give monies to lia done for someone's birthday to give a present need to it's more have to than need to well need to i need to do my hair it focus i need to think of a sentence ah this one it fits parley to speak you can speak your language pauline long speak french parle francais my chair is squeaky and my spoon is too big i'm not speaking to you anymore met to put to put something on your head make calculus like a hat to put your clothes on metro ceviche to know i know everything just said remember no one knows everything in french is also knowledge it's the same word passi to pass only personal trick to pass something on also work in sport pass pass pass but i won't catch it i did regarding to watch to watch a movie regarding a film to watch a match regarding a match of whatever you want go jinx go jakes go mundo go red team go soccer team go mundo watching the news regarding the nouvelle amy like i like you emme is also to love so you can like someone or love someone it would be the same gem le chocola i like chocolate seriously guys and i like know what i say english that's a suspect song because i did it wrong to believe i believe i can fly i believe in you you can do it you can learn french go watchers emoji to eat i believe it's time to eat chocolate it's always time to eat i like to eat gem margie which is gem again see you can use it for stuff you like to do like eating what do you like to eat by the way leave your favorite food in the comments what to drink this is what i said my water bottle prop all along clear strong to drink it's making bubbles to drink a fruit juice go for the healthy choice jouer to play let's go play again yay to play a video game joya di video i like playing by myself barley to talk to make small talk partly the twitter here so don't forget to subscribe and we'll see you next time for a new category of group habianto see you next time by the moon and the stars in the sky and ice cream but i like ice cream better and if you don't do your video correctly you know what happens mundo stand for jinx hey watchers this week we're going to be doing top 25 french nouns so let's start right now um so dog is man's best friend oh who is a doggie who is a doggy where's the fluffy doggie no doggy i should stop doing the doggy ami friend ami friend best friend mommy ramich i like hanging out with my friend jem trini avec mesamish when i was little i didn't have friends conceited so said fam woman next one is fam woman i'm a woman this is in fam ju day day all day it's day morning i'm not a morning person i don't like day i like night journey i used to live on a boat on the sea true story oh there is this song about the sea la mer [Music] the sea that we see dancing along the clear coast or something like that time time tong can also be weather ife what's the weather today and time is the times goes fast or do you need more time hand ma hand lima i heard my hand yesterday because i was playing baseball without a glove and it's hurt so bad and smashes into your hand to wash your hands my hands oh i'm sorry tissue shows sing shows sing plan the shows many things or when you don't know what word to put in a sentence you can just use the the thing is a hand v life having an easy life our la vie facil and be lazy [Music] eyes you eyes so be careful in french because the plural is very different so it's annoy and liz your eyes are so beautiful hour and not only time mode world mount world to travel around the world voyager de monde i like traveling around the world the world cup la cube du monde often child often child to adopt a child adoptee and i think it's a better solution for the world when you're a child you go to school please don't forget time for time it's like multiplier like two times four do forecast or time like the number of time you do something i went to time to see this movie because it was so good joshua divorced the film be careful with the writing on this one because there are many words that can be pronounced uh foie but with different ending momo moment take just a moment or like it would take a really short amount of time depending on how you say it actually it can vary because if you say like sava pandora it means it will take a long time dude you better be patient tet head tet head sukuni la tete to bump your head avoir la tacial having your head on your shoulders meaning you have a straight head and a clear vision of what you want to do and be very done to earth per father per father i like my father a perdo family the family's father meaning he's like the head of the family and all responsible and hard working and providing for everyone good daddy fee girl fear girl i'm a girl she's using fee before i was a woman but i got downgraded yeah i'm a girl a cute girl girls just want to have fun they feel just a musey bad girl bat you're a bad girl villain villain heart care heart potato potato avoir le corso la man having your heart on your hand is a french expression which means uh being very generous to hear your heart beat aunt andre i can hear it at night and then you put freaky music behind it [Music] oh yeah oh yeah one year an hour or two years event season i'm 26. [Music] earth ground soil there with a capital letter will be earth the planet we live on and there is no capital later will be the earth you walk on so if you mix earth and water it makes mud steve and then you can apply it as a mask on your face moisture is a singular and moisture will be plural miss you on the jolly moustache i like that word when you're a kid you say a teacher whatever is in your hand and then when you grow up and go to high school it's more like sir or monsieur when you have a question if you want to be really polite you can put mushu before the family name of someone or mrs johan which are only common french family names voice voice there is a tv show called the voice right lavoie avoir in belvoir having a nice voice house maison this is my house same amazon yeah i live in a greenish house and i stay here all day in a tiny window and talk to you guys i don't have a house so nepa [Music] come on i can only think about kittens right now so thank you for watching and don't forget to subscribe for more french words and we'll see you next time bye french people be so fancy let me grab [Music] frankenstein the claim frankenheim no jessie francais hey watchers and welcome back for more french words this week will be top 25 french adjectives or everything i have to think about everything i ate everything because food is good oh yeah two is for object if it's for people like all the people it will be twos grand tall tall i'm not tall shouldn't she background a grunt a tall tree putty small pretty small a small snail and petite escargot [Music] it's the same doing it the same way for example if you are shopping for let's say shirts and you want the same in another color la vivo de notre cooler do you have it in another color or do you have it in another size esk only can also mean lonely ansel only one going alone jive sol no don't go yes i'm going alone no take me with you no it's too dangerous or je me sancel i'm feeling lonely young young i'm still young i'm not dead oh come on oh legion are the youngsters first premier first i'm the first be the first to comment sh comment right now comment right now comment right now boom good boom good this meal is so good supply trouble or oh that's good awesome or it also means yeah it's okay kell which kell which which one is it beautiful i'm beautiful just be bad bo is masculine and belle is feminine si trobo this is so beautiful you can hear young people saying that wow it's a beautiful view old view old i'm getting old german favorite which is also masculine and feminine will be va fevier noir black noir black report t-shirt noir i'm always wearing black shirts you guys always complain that i'm only wearing black shirts i'm sorry nouveau new blonde white i'm wearing a white shirt today japanese blanche or clouds are white the new ash from blonde expensive expensive i never buy expensive stuff jamie di so yeah if you go to the sunday market you will have a lot of people uh trying to catch you and be hey it's not expensive buy it buy it i make it not expensive for you long long long long i have long hair again a long journey a long day today is going to be a long day poor poof poor when you want to say oh it's this person is kind of miserable or something bad happened to them ah poor deer or can also be true is that true exclusively is that for real say bye no in french we'd be like nice nice i'm a nice person person ba low ba low a low level an evo ba grow big grow big and gross elephant a big elephant and grogato a big cake doof soft do soft fluffy i like the word fluffy better a soft towel in certain deuce when you just wash them and they're all fluffy and then you can put your face in it i like to put my face in kitten in ruby's live languages because they're also fluffy thank you for watching our top 25 adjectives and don't forget to subscribe for more french words and we'll see you next time bye french is not difficult by difficult [Music] welcome to fun and easy french by frenchbot101.com do you know that they are gesture you probably do all of the time on every occasion but are considered rude and offensive in france salut jesus hi everyone i'm laureen in this lesson you'll learn all about french body gesture sometimes gestures help us understand people and express ourselves better than the words we speak if you want to meet new friends be comfortable around french people and communicate without being offensive or rude learning the specifics of french body language and gestures is definitely something that will benefit you in this video you'll learn 1. greeting gestures 2. positive gestures 3. negative gestures 4. neutral gestures 5. the reason why the french are so rude and 6 how french pod 101 can help you let's start with verbal greetings and their gestures there are different body gestures when greeting someone in friends let's start with bonjour hello you can say this while raising your hands and waving your hands from side to side with a swaying motion it's used in informal situations to greet or say goodbye when you don't feel like doing handshakes or kisses or your art of arm reach of the people you know it's a very common hand gesture used by the french another way to greet someone is by saying welcome you can do this at a casual event by opening up your arms and spreading them with a smile for formal occasions open only one harm with a smile this is how you greet your friends or peers in a warm and enthusiastic way you can also greet your french friend through la bis which means the kiss la bis lapis just lean forward and slightly brush cheeks with the other person while mimicking a kiss with the sound and lips chester then switch ticks and repeat if you want which means to shake ends you can do so by reaching towards someone's ends and doing one or two up and down movements while looking at the person you're grating straight in the eye so shaking ends is common among friends colleagues or strangers and friends next is positive gestures let's learn about french expressions and gestures that tend to have positive connotations you'll surely find them useful next time you visit in france first is we yes excellent you can add this by taking a fist and extending your thumbs upward a thumbs up gesture in france is an all-time classic although if you're from the uk and u.s be careful when using ok where you join your index and thumbs to make a circle in several european countries including france it's a negative meaning zero or worthless another positive gesture commonly used in friends is related to the expression it's going to be great genial savvy you just have to rub your palms together when doing this but you're probably wondering what makes it a positive gesture when it can mean that you're cold depending on the context rubbing your palms together usually convey that you're exciting or expecting something amazing for example you do this gesture when you're expecting to make good morning or before eating gorgeous looking meal delicious is also type of positive gesture in france it means delicious deliciou it can be done by kissing the joint tips of your finger when joyfully spreading them outward this gesture is also known as the italian chef kiss you can use it when your french host is serving you a delicious authentic french meal next is negative gestures there are also negative gestures in french or action that are considered to be rude let's get into them right away [Music] the first negative gesture is related to buff which means something like i don't care i don't know i'm not sure buff buff it's done by spreading your arms open with palms up then raising and lowering your shoulders this infamous garlic shrug has many different meanings so it's not the easiest one to pick up you can use it when you're feeling indifferent doubtful or indecisive but it can express a wide range of messages it's not my fault there is nothing i can do don't ask me and more you can also use buff if you don't want to commit to a straight answer for example je to frank can i offer you a drink you can answer with buff not my problem not my fault this is another negative gesture that you might want to avoid doing in this gesture people raise their hands slightly over their shoulder bumps toward the other person with their head and shoulder defensively held back it's a bit similar to the buff shrug but is perceived as a stronger version where instead of being indifferent or indecisive you just don't want anything to do with whatever you're asked for what a drag boring or literally what a beard [Music] this is also a negative gesture in friends it's done by stroking your cheek a few times with the back of your fingers like you're caressing your beard this negative gesture comes from old prairies in slang and is only one of many beard-related french idioms you use this when you feel bored or are annoyed with the people around you but you're in a situation where you're not allowed to curse for example you are assigned to do a tedious task at work you can turn to your co-workers and stroke your imaginary beard another example of a negative gesture is money meaning i don't believe you i highly doubt that it's done by using your index finger and pulling down the bottom lid of one eye [Music] this is the french version of the american myfood to playfully express your disbelief or accuse someone of lying this is a childish gesture though so it's not really a good gesture for serious arguments or business negotiations if you're feeling fed up or have had enough of something really terrible you may use general which means i'm fed up i've had enough jeans when translated literally it just means my ball is full but in a french length it has unique meaning when doing it you can just swipe your end up horizontally over your head combined with an elegant frown you can use it to express your annoyance when trouble is spinning way up over your head next is neutral gestures now it's time to learn some neutral gestures commonly used in france they will help you respond appropriately or express yourself without getting misinterpreted first on the list is keep quiet [Music] this is done by simply extending your index finger and placing it vertically across your mouse [Music] you probably already know what this gesture means but ct can take different forms in some countries it's worth mentioning is a neutral expression done by extending up your index finger palm up and folding it inward it can also be done with all finger at once because this isn't as of use as it may seem it should be performed properly for example if you use the japanese pam-dum version in france it can be interpreted as rude and disrespectful another neutral gesture you may want to practice is kamsi kamsa so so more or less come see just place your hands in front of you pound down and tip it from left to right several times this convenient gesture can be used in a formal or casual situation for example if you're having a bad day and someone asks how you're going you can use this gesture to respond another friend gesture that can express a wide variety of emotion ranging from surprise to annoyance distress or disappointment is meaning oh no wow o la you can do it by raising your hand in front of your chest and shaking it loosely as if trying to revive your numb fingers you can also use it when you're impressed or if someone is in trouble one funny gesture used to let people know that you're drunk or to raise their awareness of the intoxication of third party is literally it means to have a drink in the nose it's done by placing a loose fist around the tip of your nose and rotate it as if trying to unscrew it another example of a neutral gesture is it's expensive literally it means it's not given but this informal gesture works in many situations where lots of money is involved it's most commonly used for something expensive but can also mean that something is lucrative for example when reading the menu of a pricey restaurant you could use this gesture toward your friends to tell them you can't afford it and if you all could find a cheaper restaurant just rub your thumbs against the tips of your index and middle finger when doing this gesture the last example of a neutral gesture is [Music] he's crazy she's nuts it's done by tapping the side of your head with the tip of your index finger it's a bit similar to the american crazy gesture that will also be understood in france obviously this is a very informal gesture and could be offensive to strangers so only use it around your friends for humor next is why the french are so rude don't believe the rumor french people aren't rude but still we can't help but wonder why do some people assume this france remains one of the top tourism destination in the world so where did the root assumption come from allow us to share two different explanations for this the first reason is body language and perception body language is a big deal more than you can imagine both around the world and in french culture your posture and attitude speak volumes and people form an opinion right away based on your gestures for example french people are more controlled than americans in terms of body language their shoulder and arms stay close to the body their chests straight in overall rigidity the french look at it as an expression of restraint but some call it being tense or stiff which contributes to this impression of the french being cold and unwelcoming another reason is the intonation and gestures whatever space french people are taking when they move they compensate for it when they talk they use physical gestures to express a wide range of emotions without words mostly using their face and hands and it's easy to get the wrong impression if you don't know the language nor the gestures since the natural french intonation is also widely guilty of this impression it makes the french sound angry using sharp or absent sounding tones even though there were only having a friendly debate over lunch now on to part 5 how can french pod 101 help you by teaching your french and getting you to speak from your very first lesson french pod 101 listen build you up from your first words to mastering entire conversations and you get lessons for all levels from absolute beginner to advanced enough to take you from knowing zero to speaking fluently you can also learn with your own teacher with the premium plus plan they'll correct your french tell you how to improve your speaking writing and grammar and even help you practice for job interviews in french in this lesson you learned different types of positive negative and neutral gestures as well as how french people differ from other cultures or countries in terms of body language and intonations so if you want to speak french and learn in the fastest easiest and most fun way go to frenchbot101.com and sign up for your free lifetime account right now get our complete learning program with real lessons by real teachers that's it for today a la prochaine see you next time want to speed up your language learning take your very first lesson with us you'll start speaking in minutes and master real conversations sign up for your free lifetime account just click the link in the description want to speak real french from your first lesson sign up for your free lifetime account at frenchpod101.com welcome back to top words and this week will be about top 15 questions you should know so if you travel in france pay attention to those m2 la cuisine frances do you like french food so if you are invited somewhere usually people ask this question am to you like using frances do you like french food oh empty la cuz in frances yeah sure i love it so do you like french food si con vo trani ver ser when is your birthday call it an anniversary if you want to be a bit casual anniversary when is your birthday francais how long have you been studying french france usually we say i'm sorry if i speak really fast but french people usually speak really fast for three months wow you're good comment appel what's your name you will hear this one a lot so comment appetish more casually will be commando tapel comma vertice how are you how are you hey come over or you will often hear come on where are you from du venive where do you come from and just answer where you come from i'm from america french people often make jokes about english-speaking people so prove them wrong by answering in french and you will impress them really much that would be so great so try it in france have you been to france well ali is go so if you are already in france when answering this it would be etrue des avenues of france which is did you ever come to france with the notion of did you ever come before or is it your first time maybe you will also hear this one is it your first time in france oh esca premier foreign france april francaise where did you learn french francaise where did you learn french on french post 101 where's me yeah where did you learn french leave me a comment below maybe in your home country or on the internet or did you study it more seriously in school so just tell me where do you live i used to live in the south so between spain and italy it was a nice place full of sun and everything you should check it out so come to the south of france it's sunny toilette where is the bathroom usoni toilet you will need this one in a restaurant toilet is a plural word in french we used to make a joke that french toilet are so dirty that you have to check many of them before finding a decent one that's why it's a plural name some toilet you have to pay to access them actually in public places so be careful sometimes you need a coin especially in station like train stations where do you work where do you work i work on the internet it's a worldwide place so and after this one usually you will be asked what do you work in or what's your job kelly travail here you go what did you say cave or you will often hear pardon or excuse me like i'm sorry like i didn't catch you so pardon excuse me or can you repeat with repetiti so if french people say that to you just try and repeating what you said question what is this show them something fancy for your own country and tell them and they will ask oh ques que que liton numero de telephone what's your phone number keleton numero telephone what's your phone number this is a pickup line hey what's your phone number okay let's hold the telephone ah yeah maybe they will ask for your pseudo which is your id in any web messaging service et celibate are you single and if you are traveling to france and happen to find love maybe you will be asked are you single e to celibate or maybe the other sneaky way around escocho ancopen ooh escutcheon copin do you have a boyfriend or do you have a girlfriend so maybe you will find french love in france who knows and it's the end for this week don't forget to subscribe for more and don't forget to check the website if you want to know more about french and see you next time [Music] you are at a train station where you're attempting to buy an express ticket from a ticket machine which option should you choose to buy an express ticket which option should you choose to buy an express ticket the option on the bottom left is for an express ticket express you are at a train station where you've just bought an express ticket which train car row and seat number are you in which train car row and seat number are you in the ticket says that you're in train car number one in the eighth row in seat c you are at a train station where you're reading the train schedule for an express ticket that you've just bought on which days are there no express trains running on which days are there no express trains running there are no express trains running on public holidays and the third sunday of every month do more want to speak real french from your first lesson sign up for your free lifetime account at frenchpod101.com you are on a platform at a train station where you're waiting for your train suddenly a message appears on the display what does the message on the display mean what does the message on the display mean the display reads the next train will not stop rapper you are at a train station where you're looking for the best exit to catch a taxi which exit should you take to get to the taxi rank which exit should you take to get to the taxi rank you should take the east exit in order to get to the taxi rank sorti est hi everybody candice here welcome to ask a teacher what i answer your most common french questions the question for this lesson is how do i form the future tenses and when should i use them there are two future tenses in french the future push and future sample prash means near when we use future project we're talking about the near future things that will happen soon conjugation is easy we use the present tense of ali to go and then add the infinitive so the verb naji to swim becomes juvenagey meaning i'm going to swim tuvanage meaning you're going to swim ilvanaji meaning he's going to swim and so on to make the future sample we add the stem plus the ending the verb stem for e verbs is just the infinitive so the verb stem for naji is naji the verb stem for finish to finish is for verbs we drop the e so vondr becomes wander the endings are very similar to the present conjugation of avoir they're always the same e ah however there are irregular stems which you will have to memorize we go for the most important ones now saying the verb it's them a sample conjugation and its translation i will go you will be you will want to veneer there will come so sorry i will know fair fair you will do or make. she will send ok so which one should you use you'll use the future project for the near future and future samples for things that are further in the future if you are going to go swimming right after this listen use future projects je venaji if you will swim in the ocean on your vacation in barcelona use future samples future sample is also used in some forms like if statements but we will cover those in later lessons so don't worry about it now if you use mostly future pros when speaking you'll be just fine do you have any more questions please leave them in the comments below and i try to answer them anionto see you soon welcome to fun and easy french by frenchpod101.com do you know that there are different forms of greening someone that you just met in french hi everyone i'm laureen in this lesson you'll learn all about how to introduce yourself in french learning how to introduce yourself in french is very important when making new french friends especially if you're looking into leaving a great first impression with them it's also not necessary for you to be fluent in french when introducing yourself in any situation you only need to learn the right tips and tricks to make sure people don't forget about you once they get to know you in this video you'll learn first how to get started when introducing yourself second how to learn about each other then some specific introduction lines and finally how to leave an impression and how french pod 101 can help you let's start with how to get started do you want to make friends with the people in france and create a long-lasting first impression then you need to know what formal greetings in french are there is a french etiquette that you need to follow when greeting someone in french here's the first useful word bonjour hello or good day bonjour is used from morning to sundown it's not too formal nor too relaxed another way to start a conversation is by greeting someone with bonsoir good evening it's the nighttime version of bonjour and can be used professionally and with your friends you may also agree by saying it's the casual version of bonjour that you can use at any time of the day there are two forms of you in french for formal encounters or when meeting someone for the first time and chu chu two for more casual interaction or when meeting friends and acquaintance another formal greeting in french is shaking someone's hands or using la bis the kiss la bis what are the differences let me explain la bis or the typical french custom of kissing on the cheeks can be used when greeting someone of the opposite sex in a casual way for example after using salut and tu but if you're not sure what to do go for a handshake instead next is useful expressions to learn about each other now let's learn about the classic questions and answers that usually come up when you meet someone others will not only get to know you but you'll be able to get to know them as well but before we begin you first need to remember that questions have two forms formal and casual answers on the other hand mostly have one form only let's start with the question what's your name giving your name or asking someone's name in french uses the verb separate sapurli sapoli the casual form of what's your name is common tape to tape to tape the formal form on the other hand is como vuza plevo [Music] here's an example of an answer je m'appelle bob my name is bob je mapel bob je mapel bob it literally means i call myself bob this is the most common way to state your name and it works in both formal and casual situations now it's your turn to ask the same question you can casually say etua and you etua etua or formally say when you're being asked back in a casual situation you can answer next i'm going to teach you how to ask an answer back in french with the question where are you from the casual form of this question is like this du tuvian where are you from do vienne other forms are tu bien du [Music] vina do or tu edu e another example is de quelpe tuvia from what country are you from the queen to vienna de calpe or the formal way on the other end is like this where are you from from what country are you from another example is nationality what is if you're from another country like china you can answer with the je suis quinoas if you are female it means i am chinese if you feel like giving the city where you're currently living you can say javier de paris i'm from paris paris next up we're going to learn the casual and formal way of asking the question what's your profession and how to answer it in french don't worry in france it's very common to ask about other people's job in early conversation so feel free to ask this question or answer back if you're being asked the casual way of asking about someone's profession is like this what are you doing in life what is your job [Music] in a formal setting you can ask it like this what is your occupation if you're being asked about your profession you can answer in any of these ways je i'm studying biology today la biology je to di la biology another one is je travailed on informatic i'm working in i.t je you can also answer with je sweden la finance i'm working in finance je or if you're a carpenter you can say je suis ponci i'm a carpenter je suis by the way the key words here are travail or methi which means occupation or profession during casual conversations you can replace them with some slang expressions for example job when meeting someone for the first time asking about their family isn't really too common but just in case someone asks you you might as well learn how to ask or answer it in french here are some examples in casual french marie are you married do you have brothers and sisters to a de fer in a formal setting you can ask it this way are you married do you have brothers and sisters [Music] then you may find yourself answering in any of these ways i'm married i have two kids i have a little brother and a big sister jay ang petifree french people are a bit more sensitive about asking someone else's age especially for women but if you meet a young girl or a woman who's comfortable about answering just about any questions then you may ask about her age the casual way of asking someone states is how old are you asking in a formal manner is que la vevo que then you can answer it with je trunto i'm 30 years old jay tonto je next question you may ask or might be asked of you is a question about your hobbies the casual way of asking is pastor what are your hobbies or you can also ask what do you do with your free time the formal way on the other hand is called hobie what are your hobbies [Music] what do you do with your free time libra the formal way on the other end is kelso obi what are your hobbies what do you do with your free time here are some examples of answering this question in french jesus tenis i'm playing tennis or tennis julie piano i'm playing piano do piano i spend my nights on hbo pass me i'm writing a travel diary a journal de voyage zeke here de next let's see some specific introduction lines now that you know the most common questions and answer in french let's now start learning how to introduce yourself with useful french phrases in certain situations when traveling you may find yourself conversing with friendly locals the conversation could go this way tu voyage de you're being asked have you been traveling for a long time then you can answer with je voyage de frite de moi i have been traveling for two months if you are asked to visit quello trope what other countries did you visit to a visit you can answer with jesus in italy i have been to spain and italy je suis alle on espana et on italy je suis ali in spain and italy but what about when you're meeting with your co-workers you may be asked to travail service which means in which division are you working then you can answer with another question could be chibas momo what are you working on right now to bus momo you may answer it with javier de como see a new project i have just started working on a new project via when you're in a casual social event someone might ask you you may answer with je or cinema ave campotte i'm going to a movie with a pal or cinema avec a pot je o cinema ave another question you may come across is chiran copa or chuainkopin do you have a boyfriend girlfriend tu a a copa we broke up two weeks ago another situation you might get into while in france is participating in a family meeting so if a family member asks you meaning how did you meet hong kong you can answer it with je hong kong university i met julie at the university university at the university another question that you might be asked of you is common cone bastian how do you know bastion you may answer it with um we work together next is how to leave an impression we would like to share with you a couple of tips that you can use if you want to leave a great impression when making new friends the first tip is to never make it all about yourself when someone asks something about you there's really no need to tell that person everything about you it will make you more interesting and appealing if you let that person find out what else you can offer or can do talk less about yourself ask them questions instead learn more about their culture or find what they like to do focus on getting to know them more it will make them feel you are interested in them and they will soon feel comfortable to be around you another thing you may want to do if you want to leave a great impression is showing your interests by dropping a word of appreciation once you hear that person's name this can take different forms here are some examples shanti which means delighted anshanti you can cut it down too and pleased to meet you or even other forms to show your interests when you're greeting in french are je m'appelle julie my name is julie you can then say it's a really pretty name julie prenumber another example is just photograph i'm a photographer je suis photograph just photograph you can respond with danielle jordan photo great what kind of photos genial question the photo daniel keller the photo you look so much younger the last tip we want to share with you is for you to start a conversation in french you're likely to make a good first impression if you at least try to converse in french it doesn't matter if your french isn't polished they will appreciate you for trying saying bonjour hello bonjour or je ne parle pa francais i don't speak french is better than not being able to speak any french words at all now on to part five how can french pot 101 help you by teaching your french and getting you to speak from your very first lesson french spot 101's lessons build you up from your first words to mastering entire conversations and you get lessons from for all levels from absolute beginner to advanced enough to take you from knowing zero to speak fluently you can also learn with your own teacher with the premium plus plan they'll correct your french tell you how to improve your speaking writing and grammar and even help you practice for job interviews in french in this lesson you learned how to greet in french in casual and formal manner the most common types of question and answers example of introduction lines and how to leave a good first impression when meeting a french person for the first time great work here's a reward speed up your language learning with our pdf lessons get all of our best pdf cheat sheets and ebooks for free just click the link in the description
Channel: Learn French with FrenchPod101.com
Views: 28,437
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Keywords: FrenchPod101, Tutorial, french, how to, learn, French culture, French Language (Interest), learn french, vocabulary, survival phrases, important, Word (Literature Subject), words, top, compilation, ask, teacher, made easy, beginner, english lesson, best of, write, read, speak, french basics, basics, continuous play, long play, auto play, autoplay, speak french, native speaker, french native
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 91min 46sec (5506 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 13 2021
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