Learn Find command in 5 Minutes

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welcome friends let's learn fine c'mon in less than five minutes okay so what is a fine come on a fine command is very similar to what you do in Google search you text anything in the Google and Google searches out a list of things for you similarly fine commands finds files and folders or anything on the Linux directory on the Linux system okay so a fine command looks like this you need fine then you need to mention the paths are you looking for search criteria and if you want to take any action all these options are optional so even if you type just defined it will search out all the files and folders in the current directory so all these things which are mentioned here will have the same result okay so sorry so if you want to find any specific file you need to save fine path and name of that file okay so let's see an example of it so I will do find and it searches all the files and folders here I can say fine type F for searching only file so it won't search any folder I can say D it will search only folders so I can just rest it fine for doing anything so I say current directory find folders and the name of the file is ABC dot txt so it will find the ABC dot dat I can tell fine to be case insensitive it will find both okay it will find both ABC 30 exchange caps and a small similarly I can do I mean I can do multiple things I can use while character and I can find list of files right so it will find all the text files in the current file and folders right similarly if we go back to tutorial then we'll we'll see that we covered this and now we can find file spaces the permission we can find file basis the time and on the basis of the size for permission you have to use - param and the permission what with file permission is for time you have either to use time or manner and you can with time or minute you can use a Forex sm4 modify and see for change time right and then for size you need to mention size and size in MVS or you can mention in pipes okay so let's go to the practice session so suppose if I want to find okay say only files with permission zero seven seven okay so it it has find me a file that has all the permissions okay so let's see it has okay so similarly now I can take any actions on it I can suppose if if you want if I want to change the access line of this file I can do this okay I will explain it how it works it says find all the files which has this permission and execute this command change all the files find with this permission to this permission bracket is a placeholder and this is Phi the command termination you do this and you see the result and you will see that its permissions are changed okay so you can do anything even moves papi you can after you exit and do anything similarly you can file find files basis file or folders this is the time so if I say M time plus 1 it will find all the files which were modified in last one day for time crisp on for 24 hours that is one day so if you take plus one it is more than one days and then you do - one less than one day okay similarly you can do minute less than one minute so you have no fine so I should do touch a we act and then I will be 11 one minute it will swell similarly if you want file that were modified more than one minute it will list all the files that were modified in the last one minute you can also specify a range like more than one minute sorry more than one minute and less than three minutes it will find all the files currently you won't have any file which comes in that is this right area okay so let's find files basis decides so that's fine in the entire system files whose size are less than 1m right these are the files which are less than 1m way okay similarly similarly let's go back to we are okay we have similarly you can define a range and if I want to okay limit my searching we know that fine files recursively in all the current working directory okay so we can also define all max depth okay to 1 so it will search only in current direction it will be it will only search infinity and if I say it then it will go to the subdirectory and also fine ok so this is how I complete my a very quick tutorial on fine hope you will like it you have a bigger version of it with explained finds in much better fashion in more detail please watch it out also ok hi
Channel: Linux Tutorial
Views: 54,274
Rating: 4.7881222 out of 5
Keywords: find command, find, linux command, command, find command in linux, find command in unix, searching file and folders, search, search in linux, search in unix, how to find file in linux, finding file in linux, amazing find command, find command with examples, examples of find command, Learn find command, find + linux, find linux, learn find command in 5 minutes, find command tutorial, find tutorial, find + tutorail, GNU/Linux (Operating System), Linux/Find, Unix/Find
Id: Thgusg6vFy8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 57sec (357 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 01 2014
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