Learn English with Mr. & Mrs. SMITH

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and what is it that you two do we're computer uh software and Engineers he FS my heart with very special things with angel I should be Deads Soul have you watched Mr and Mrs Smith and as you got from the preview I'm not talking about that 2005 brand jelina movie today you will be learning English with a new 2024 Netflix show Mr and Mrs Smith that blends such movie genres as spy Thriller drama comedy and romance with onp Point jokes and with the incredible onscreen Chemistry Between this ethnically diverse couple it's just so worth watching it and we couldn't help but bring it to you for today's English lesson in case you new here our method is really simple you will First Watch the clip with the subtitle then you will learn all of the most important vocabulary grammar and pronunciation from the scene and finally you will test your comprehension by watching the clip one more time without subtitles this time and answering some quiz questions and remember to hit that Bell down below so you never miss any of our newest lessons because every week we help Learners like you understand your favorite movies and TV series without getting lost without missing the jokes and without subtitles now let's begin with our today's lesson I hope you really enjoy it has Jane been able to let you take the lead at all since we saw each other last I [Music] tried away it's not my fault you have asthma um why why even say that how is asthma relevant here she's just using it to cut me don't do the thing where you twist it around and make it seem like you're the good guy and I'm being bad I'm not I'm pointing out I'm not the villain you were the one who was actually I'm not the villain either yeah how so how so elaborate on so we meet a married couple at their therapy session they can't reveal their true identity so they have to pretend they are actually software engineers and that makes the whole situation so funny to observe when we know what they're talking about but a therapist seemingly struggles to understand what's going on has Jane been able to let you take the lead at all when you're in a couple or in a group of people usually somebody takes the lead or becomes a leader it's like in dancing you have to trust your partner by the way there is another cocation that would be interesting for you to know to follow one's lead to follow the lead means to follow the example and do like the other person does let's break down the connected speech in this sentence has Jane been able to let you take the lead at all the T from at stands between two vowels so we hear the sound du at all at has a schw sound uh and it's grouped with the two words standing next to it LE doll LE doll now check out this example from the show Lost you guys coming you all want to go fine but perhaps I should take the lead has Jane been able to let you take the lead at all since we saw each other last since here introduces an event in the past the last therapy session they had and we use past simple to mark this past event since we saw the word since means from that particular time in the past until now so in the first part of the sentence we use present perfect has been able to show the connection between the past and the present moment since last time and until now you can see the same pattern in the following examples we haven't met since we moved to her new apartment I've been very busy since I came back from holiday I've practiced my English a lot since I found this channel it's not my fault you have asthma there are two ways to pronounce this word with an S and z sound asthma and asthma asthma is a medical condition that makes it difficult for a person to breathe how is asthma relevant here when you say something is relevant to a conversation it means that it is closely related to the topic you're discussing here the therapist can't understand how difficulty in breathing can be connected to their job as software Engineers check how the word relevant is used in the legal context in this TV show American Crime Story this is not a domestic violence case nor is it an inquiry into the characteristics and personality of Mr Simpson and all this evidence that was submitted is not relevant using it to cut me don't do the thing where you twist it around and make it seem like you're the good guy and I'm being bad to cut someone down means to embarrass humiliate criticize someone or to make someone feel small twisting it around is basically changing the meaning of something or presenting the events in another light so that you look nicer than the other person in that situation or use it to achieve other goals here's a nice example to show how you can use the phrase twist my words around in your everyday communication you're breaking up with me no no you always do this you twist my words around don't do the thing where you twist it around and make it seem like you're the good guy and I'm being bad normally we wouldn't use the verb to be in the continue continuous or Progressive form but here she refers to the temporary situation so there is a difference between these two sentences I'm bad and I'm being bad I'm bad means that I'm a bad person all the time and I'm being bad means that I'm bad at this very moment but actually I'm a good person and I don't act like that all the time check out these examples why are you being so rude please don't talk to me like that stop that you're being really annoying oh come on don't be mad he's just being foolish I'm not I'm pointing out I'm not the villain you the one who is actually you are pointing out when you are bringing attention to something like in this clip no I'm I'm just pointing out that there are a lot of really great things here like villain is usually the bad guy or the antagonist in a story here it's metaphorical meaning someone who's seen as a bad or mean person in a situation meaning this context means to be unkind or hurtful I'm not the villain either yeah how so the word either is the same as also or too so I'm not the villain either means I'm not a bad guy too we usually use it to agree to a negative statement like for example I haven't watched this movie yet and the answer would be I haven't watched it either how so elaborate on that when you are asked to elaborate on something it means they ask you to give more details or explain something further but when used as an adjective elaborate is detailed and complicated note the difference in pronunciation here elaborate as a verb so four syllables elaborate and elaborate as an adjective only three syllables elaborate check these two examples how these words can be used in these two different meanings it says here you with the CEO of snap time Industries care to elaborate on that sure well that was the uh Umbrella Corporation for my invention the Snapper all part of my elaborate plan to defeat you guys let's review some of the words you've learned so far do you remember the meaning of the phrase to take the lead track the steps of someone you follow help your partner by carrying the heavy load go first and what about such phrasal verbs as cut down and point out do you remember them to finally remember all the new words and expressions that you are learning use our flashcards on the real life English app with the advanced technology spaced repetition system you will take your vocabulary learning to the next level and with a new blocking feature you will easily remove the words that you already know so you can focus only on the words you need search for the real life English app in your favorite app store or download it via Link in the description to this video and now let's swch the next part of the scene remember that the funny situation here is that the therapist assumes that they are a married couple both working as software Engineers so she can't wrap her head around what makes them argue so passionately about the work tasks they had so there was a software malfunction I'm saving the computer from crashing you always have to be first to troubleshoot a problem when it's fine the way it is I don't need a troubleshoot I start at zero and I go up through the Cod you go up through the codes my files are clean files are so corrupt the amount that I have to clean up after you is wild really cuz the malware you have is incredible okay it's crazy that it's still even you're the one who did the thing after that's that's the that's the thing that actually me up you never want to give me credit for anything okay I'm good at pivoting I taught you that I'm always communicating with you on the job I'm keeping you in the loop third floor oh come on fourth floor [Music] whatever Jane always the Martyr I get it 10 four I'm going to K 11th 16th FL we're heading out to the [Applause] roof so there was a software malfunction when your computer programs suddenly starts acting not as it is supposed to act it freezes and glitches that's when you have a software malfunction malfunction is another word for crash or failure I'm saving the computer from crashing practice the American t or d sound in the word computer computer you always have to be first to troubleshoot a problem when it's fine the way it is so when your computer crashes you want to troubleshoot or figure out what's going wrong and how to fix it the word troubleshoot may not only used with the Technologies it can refer to solving problems in general so yeah you may both use this word for solving problems and in the context of computer programs I don't need a troubleshoot in this word chunk don't need we drop the T sound and Link the two words don't need your files are so corrupt when a computer file a program is all messed up full of errors and doesn't work properly anymore it's corrupt you can also use this word when talking about a person who is dishonest and broken morally like a corrupt politician last week any day the entire archive is corrupt the amount that I have to clean up after you is wild let's break down the connected speech here look at the phrase that I have to De I the T at the end of that stands between two vowels and we pronounce it as du D the phrase have to is commonly reduced to have to listen and try to repeat that I have to clean up after you that I have to clean up after you the amount that I have to clean up after you is wild Jane uses the word wild to emphasize how much she has to clean after John she talks about a huge amount of Errors maybe and the word wild can be synonymous in this context to the words insane crazy unbelievable really cuz the malware you have is incredible malware are sneaky little programs designed to mess up your computer and steal your information they are like the villains of the digital world always causing trouble that's that's the that's the thing that actually me up here we hear the curs word that is used in a way that is not insulting so even Jane sounds rude when she says uh this is what me up in this context to me up means to upset to someone up is to hurt someone emotionally or even physically but it can also be said about some physical damage of an object or a person it's not fair I I know for you to have to be the one to decide it me up sa being wrong about Brody it really it me up never want to give me credit for anything John reduces here want to to wna dropping the T sound and we hear you never want to give me credit to give someone credit for something is to acknowledge someone's efforts or abilities it's like saying hey you did a great job on that project okay I'm good at pivoting I taught you that when you suddenly change direction especially in business or a project you pivot here he may be referring to improvising thinking on his feed changing the initial plan keeping you in the loop you keep someone in the loop when you keep that person informed and share the news with them the opposite would be to keep out of the loop Loop it is usually about communicating some important news about the project or family Affairs but here the joke is that Jane was just naming the floors 9th floor 10th floor 11th for him to track her whereabout and keep up with a pace which John was obviously struggling with very little social engagement I know you're about to launch and you're keeping me out of the loop true the party is tonight tonight what you going to tell me this never whatever Jane always the Martyr I get it martyr or Mar what a tricky word to pronounce means someone who suffers for their opinions or their beliefs or even someone who is being tortured for that in a relationship and Martyr would be a person who sacrifices their own personal happiness or success for that of their partner so as we see John complains that all the credit goes to Jane as if he's not helping anyway like he sacrifices his part of success so that she takes all the credit why don't you check out this example you just St being such a martyr I am not being a martyr I'm a victim we're heading out to the roof you can use the word head as a verb to refer to going or moving in a specific Direction so for example if you head to the store that means you're going to the store hey guys that was amazing now do you want to test your comprehension let's watch the clip one more time without subtitles [Music] now has Jane been able to let you take the lead at all what did the therapist want to know when she asked Jane if she was able to let Jon Take the Lead she wanted to know if Jane let Jon Express his feelings and emotions johon wasn't aggressive in his communication with Jane Jane let JN go first and take responsibility for the situation [Music] since we saw each other last I tried away it's not my fault you have asthma uh why why even say that how is asthma relevant here she's just using it to cut me down don't do the thing where you twist it around and make it seem like you're the good guy and I'm being bad I'm not I'm pointing out what does to point out mean to tell what you think in another person's point of view is to bring another person's attention to some facts to check how many points another person gained I'm not the villain you were the one who was actually I'm not the villain either which word can be a synonym to the word mean and kind reasonable meaningful yeah how so how so elaborate on that so there was a software malfunction I'm saving the computer from crashing you always have to be first to troubleshoot a problem when it's fine the way it is I don't need a troubleshoot I start at zero and I go up through the codes you go up through the codes my files are clean my your files are so corrupt the amount that I have to clean up after you is wild really cuz in this context what does the word wild mean the amount that I have to clean up after you is wild the malware you have is incredible okay it's crazy that it's still even running you're the one who did the thing after that's that's the that's the thing that actually me up you never want to give me credit for anything okay I'm good at pivoting to give someone credit for some something means give money to another person believe what another person says acknowledge another person's good [Music] work I taught you then I'm always communicating with you on the job I'm keeping you in the loop third floor you keep another person in the loop if you share all the information with them keep everything in secret from them always keep an eye out for that person oh come on more [Music] whatever Jane you're always the Martyr I get it for I'm going to kill we're heading out to the roof die [Laughter] what what are you say was that what was that for was that for you or was that for me babe die did I miss your first movie he laughed at me holy in my face you learned a ton today so now go to the real life English app to review you all the words and expressions with the flashcards and if you're choosing what lesson to watch next let me help you with that here's another Dynamic lesson that you might enjoy released in 2004 National Treasure follows the story of Ben Gates a treasure hunter who discovers that there's a hidden map hidden on the back of the Declaration of Independence Riley is trying to tell Ben that there are many guards around the Declaration of Independence that's why it's really hard to to steal it to be surrounded by means to be all around something or someone it's just like the home theater or sound systems that people having in their home
Channel: Learn English With TV Series
Views: 71,576
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: learn english, learn english with tv series, english tv series, english series, english serials, learn english grammar, ingles series, learn english online, how to learn english, easy way to learn english, learn english with tv, reallifeglobal.com, mr and mrs smith, prime, prime video, mister
Id: t0ruAx3WwjQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 9sec (1329 seconds)
Published: Wed May 08 2024
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