Learn English with FROZEN — Anna Meets Olaf

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this Disney movie captivated Hearts worldwide with its enchanting Tale of Two Sisters Anna and Ela Frozen became a cultural phenomenon fostering a sense of empowerment and confidence in young girls everywhere and reminding us all how important it is to be our true selves in today's lesson we are learning English with the lovable snowman Olive who brings humor and warmth into the story now before we start if you are new here our method is really simple first you watch the scene with the subtitles then you learn all of the most important vocabulary grammar and pronunciation and finally you'll test your comprehension by watching the clip one more time this time without subtitles our team really enjoys making lessons for you guys and we would love to keep bringing even more quality content for you every week and as simple way to support our team is to subscribe to this Channel and hit the Bell down below and of course if you like this lesson please give it a like and leave a comment with new words and phrases you learn today and now let's watch the clip I never knew winter could be so beautiful yeah it really is beautiful isn't it but it's so wild you know how about a little color I'm thinking like maybe some Crimson shark Truse how about yellow no not yellow yellow and snow no [Music] go am I right hi you're creepy I don't want W back at you please don't drop come on just ahead all right we got off to a bad start e the [Music] body wait what am I looking at right now why are you hanging off the Earth like a bat I never knew winter could be so beautiful yeah it really is beautiful isn't it but it's so white you know how a little color I'm thinking like maybe some Crimson shark Tru so Olive is mentioning colors is here because you know it's winter it's snow everything's white and he just wants to spice it up a little right so Crimson this is a deep rich red color often times you can describe a sunset as crimson and pay attention to the pronunciation because I heard this word being pronounced incorrectly with s sound but actually the correct pronunciation is with the z sound Crimson another color chartreuse oh I really like chartreuse it comes from French and it is a bright yellowish green color it's named after French liquor I wonder easy if you have ever tried this liquor never but I do know of the color and I didn't know this word before uh hearing it here so uh living and learning right FR fruse uh it's French right so the pronunciation the CH in English it will normally be like CH like a check but here it's an sh sound like sha shart trus right so EAS why is he talking about k is here yeah as we'll see later if you watch the movie you'll see that he's kind of obsessed with the idea of Summer uh being you know Under the Sun and feeling uh the warmth of the Sun and he's never experienced it obviously otherwise he'd melt but he loves the idea of summer so he's talking about these colors because these are like colors more related to Summertime yeah it really is beautiful isn't it there was some connected speech also in this scense so it's a very common contraction so is not becomes isn't but then what happens next is we drop T in isn't and we link the n Sound to the word it and it in its turn drops the T at the end so what we get as a result is isn't what happens in the phrase how about is he but it's so white you don't have a little color yeah so I think he says how about about how about it's very short right and it's one of those lazy sounds that you have in English that you shouldn't bother so much trying to enunciate like how about you know because it's just casual like how about how about this how about that how about little collar it's very natural right so he drops the tea and thewwa sound is reduced so it's just like how about really no pressure no here I'm taking like maybe some Crimson shark Tru I'm thinking about these colors so so he uses the progressive tense here because he is right now considering what colors would match the scenery how about yellow no not yellow yellow and snow no go yeah this is funny so there's actual this expression in English don't eat yellow snow yellow snow is slow with urine with P in it and you hear adults saying this to kids because obviously they could see it and think like ah this is interesting let me try and put it in my mouth right but it's very likely some animal or maybe person did that um but this is also a figurative expression that people use to say something like hey don't make this obvious mistake and then he says like a yellow and snow no go no go so what does no go mean here okay so this is also a very casual and formal expression meaning that okay this is not possible this is not acceptable it's not going going to happen yeah it's no go it's just no go so we covered some new awesome words today but let me tell you if you don't review them you'll probably forget them very soon if you want to be able to actually use these new words in a next English conversation we have a perfect solution for you we've made an exclusive set of flashcards for free on our real life English app this is an amazing way to review and memorize all the new words and expressions from today's lesson here's the magic we use something called spaced repetition system it's like a smart algorithm that knows when you're about to forget a word and brings it back for review right on time just regularly practice for 10 15 minutes and you'll always have the right words at the tip of your tongue when you need them in real conversations ready to get started then using your phone click in the description below to get straight to the flashcards or simply download the real life English app from your favorite app store am I right hi you're creepy I don't want back at you creepy is something weird strange maybe unpleasant gives you Eerie feeling what are other things that you can think of that might be creepy easy yeah like a ghost or day you of a ghost like a cemetery like a house that's abandoned right creepy or something like an animal that is like a creature it's like a weird creature maybe creepy exactly so for example if you it's Halloween and you challenge your friend to go to the forest that would be creepy yeah right Dark Forest during the Halloween okay there's a very interesting chunk of words back at Kristoff pronounces it as one word beacha what is that yeah so this is the actual longer expression right back at you or right back at you or back at you so this is like a casual playful response when somebody compliments you or says something nice you know you can just compliment them back by just saying back ATA or right back at you so imagine like you're working on a project and somebody who assisted you in that project says something like hey good job and you could say like thank you right back at you mhh I think I heard it in sports as well so for example if you're playing with your kid or playing ball with your kid and Beach you it's just like returning the ball that's exactly what's happening in the scene right so they um pass to each other Olive's head as if a ball so Bacha in this context is just like returning a ball to Anna yeah like you pass it to me it pass it to you yeah yeah and the same with greetings the same with compliments you want a complimented person who complimented you right right exactly that no all right we got off to a bad start e e the body okay so when you got off to a bad start with something that you're doing maybe a trip a relationship a conversation that means that it didn't start well right it wasn't smooth or positive maybe there was like a misunderstanding uh you know you didn't really connect there so uh you got off to a bad start and a situation I can think of is Imagine This uh you got a new job this is your first day and you are late for a meeting so this is a definitely like you know you can say that you got off to a bad start by arriving late on your first day right good example yeah I mean that's exactly I think how one would use that expression e e the body so native speakers in English Express their disgust by this uh exclamation ooh what we just heard from Anna sounds funny I know it's funny like in Portuguese uh my native language we say eeka eeka we say foo foo that's so random but yeah in English like I just so you know was like you wait what am I looking at right now why are you hanging off the Earth like a bat first of all let's define the connected speech here what am I looking at could you break it down easy yeah so he connects all those words I believe like a what am I looking at so the T in what becomes a flap T it becomes like a sound so what what and then the m in M the word m connects with I so what am I what am I and then looking at there's like an Angy sound like a looking at what am I looking at and here is a great example again of progressive tenses uh this is all happening right now and he says what am I looking at why are you hanging off the Earth yeah this is uh just a good reminder for English learner to review when to use the progressive tense yeah the action that is happening right now at the moment of speaking why are you hanging off the Earth like a bat why did he say that yeah you know bats these animals that fly they are small kind of creepy they hang from the ceiling right so his face his head is upside down so they're seeing everything like inverted upside down and he the way he views uh Anna and Kristoff they're hanging upside down it's as if they were like bats so when you hang it's like imagine you have a rope attached to a ceiling or something and you're hanging there or hanging off as the phras of verb says all right wait one second oh oh oh thank you you're welcome now I'm perfect well almost it was like my whole life got turned upside down oh too hard I'm sorry I I just are you okay are you kidding me I am wonderful I've always wanted a nose so cute it's like a little Bey Unicorn hey who oh I love it even more all right let's start this thing over hi everyone I'm Olaf and I like warm hugs Olaf [Music] that's right Olaf oh too hard I'm sorry I I just are you okay are you kidding me I am wonderful Head Rush this expression is also known as a brain rush this is exactly that sensation of dizziness you have in your head and something happens when for example when you bump your head sometimes you get up too fast right mhm from you're sitting and then you just got up fast and you're like wait I'm feeling dizzy feeling without so much balance right exactly are you okay are you kidding me so he means by saying are you kidding me something like why are you even asking me that question I feel wonderful like are you kidding me right so it's just like that nonsensical sarcastic thing you can say it's like are you kidding feel amazing I've always wanted a nose so cute it's like a little Bey unicorn but hey wao oh I love it even more he's so positive right yeah his optimism if you like watch is first of all it's like an amazing movie one of my favorites we watched it like I don't know about 10 times if not more and his optimism is just like infectious he's really cool mhm like he loves it even more yeah so he's okay with that tiny nose then he says he loves it even more when it's bad like his carrot NOS but here he says I've always wanted he uses the present perfect tense right it's like when we want to talk about our dreams what we were thinking dreaming about you may exactly use this construction yeah I've always wanted and then you say what you've always wanted yeah to visit Japan right to learn Japanese actually that I'm just saying that because it is a dream of mine I've always wanted to learn Japanese all right let's start this thing over hi everyone I'm all off you can often hear this phrase when you make a mistake or something let's start over or let's start this thing over remember this phrase like uh we got off to a bad start so exactly when something bad happened or not as expected at the very beginning you can say let's start this thing over mhm it's a great way to uh approach these situations right like if you get off to a bed start just start it over ask for for that mhm yeah beautiful so many lessons Olive can teach us and you are um I'm Anna and who's the funky looking donkey over there that's Sven uh-huh and who's the reindeer Sven oh the oh okay make things easier for me I'll look at him try to kiss my notes I like you too Olaf did Elsa build you yeah why do you know where she is fascina yeah why do you think you could show us the way yeah why how does this work ow stop it Sven try and focus here yeah why I'm Anna and who's the funky looking donkey over there that's Fen uh-huh and who's the raineer Sven oh the oh okay make things easier for me I like how Olive confuses here Kristoff a human and a reindeer right so he names Kristoff a donkey actually funky looking donkey let's first Define funky looking yeah I think they look strange right maybe bizarre it's another word for something that's more than strange and funky looking that's actually a formation that you could swap the word funky for something else like beautiful looking maybe it's a something that you could say right goodlooking actually but funky looking is like basically an adjective a way to describe something that looks funky or that looks strange yeah so and the dkey is this animal resembles a horse but has long ears and you can also uh call a stupid person a donkey so maybe there's this joke also about this like Dunkey is a stupid person uhhuh and who's the reindeer so a reindeer is a deer that lives in the Northern parts of Europe IR and America mhm like Santa Claus's reindeers yeah yeah and by the way guys I wanted to ask you do you know how these things are called that deer grow on their heads easy do you know mm yeah so normally you'd have like a horn like you could say it's a horn right it's a more common word for it but in this case if I'm not mistaken this is an antler right yeah exactly so these type of hor those are antlers because those are like like branches so if you imagine a goat or a cow or sheep they have horns but deer have antlers and another interesting point with this word is that deer has the same form for singular and plural so there is a deer and there are deer but reindeer it's an interesting word it has both form so basically you won't make a mistake if you say reindeers oh look at him trying to kiss my notse I like you too yeah so Olaf says look at him trying to kiss my nose look at him trying to kiss my nose but there's a lot of connected speech there and he connects look with at with him to say look at him so the the K connects with at look at and then the T becomes like a a flap T So sound and the H drops in him so look at him look at him trying t so that to t word becomes again like a a d sound look at him trying to look at him trying to kiss my nose nice and there is another instance where he says the same phrase tryina stop it Spen trying to focus here tryina Focus here and I believe that here even more reduction is happening because what you just explain yeah try du but we don't hear the sound here he drops it so all is left is tryina trying to focus here trying to focus mhm he even drops the words I am I am trying to focus here he doesn't say those words because this is casual right this quoi so trying to focus here I never knew winter could be so beautiful yeah it really is beautiful isn't it but it's so white you know how about a little color I'm thinking like maybe some Crimson shark Truse how about yellow no not yellow yellow and snow no [Music] go am I right hi you're creepy I don't want W back at you please don't drop me come on it's just ahead all right we got off to a bad start e e the [Music] body wait what am I looking at right now why are you hanging off the Earth like a bat all right wait one second oh thank you you're welcome now I'm perfect well almost it was like my whole life got turned upside down oh hard I'm sorry I I are you okay are you kidding me I am wonderful I've always wanted a nose so cute it's like a little Bey unicorn but hey wao oh I I love it even more all right let's start this thing over hi everyone I'm Olaf and I like warm hugs Olaf that's right Olaf and you are um I'm Anna and who's the funky looking donkey over there that's Sven uh-huh and who's the reindeer Sven oh the oh okay make things easier for me oh look at him trying to kiss my notse I like you too Olaf did Elsa build you yeah why do you know where she is fascinating yeah why do you think you could show us the way yeah why how does this work ow stop it Sven try and focus here yeah why thank you so much for learning with us today and remember to review all the words and expressions from today's lesson go to the real life English app you can simply click the link below in the description under this video if you're using your phone or search for a real life English app in your favorite app store and if you feel like learning more today check this lesson next I'm guessing you don't have much experience with heat nope but sometimes I like to close my eyes and imagine what it be like when summer does [Music] come be a buzz kids a blow and in fuzz and I'll be doing whatever snow does in [Music] summer I drink in my hand my snow up against the burning sand
Channel: Learn English With TV Series
Views: 52,837
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: learn english, learn english with tv series, english tv series, english series, english serials, learn english grammar, ingles series, learn english online, how to learn english, easy way to learn english, learn english with tv, reallifeglobal.com, disney, frozen, olaf, anna, elsa, kristoff, sven
Id: H3hEp79RS6k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 11sec (1331 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 13 2024
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