Learn English with a Real Story and Exercises

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[Music] the story of Walter Carr [Music] this is getting ridiculous what's getting ridiculous applied for so many jobs now I applied to anything I see that I think I could do but I've heard nothing back from any I'm willing to do almost anything it'd be nice if they could just call and say no but I guess they have so many job applicants they just can't I'm just so desperate for a job what have you applied for well I've never studied or trained in anything so I've applied for laboring jobs and jobs working with the public that kind of thing ah okay I know how hard it can be to get your foot in the door fingers crossed for you man thanks and if you hear of any jobs going put in a good word for me yeah I will do that thanks man oh wait my phone is ringing one sec hello yes this is Walter Carr oh that's such great news thank you so much yes I'd love to work at Bell hops a trial yes I'd love to come in tomorrow what time yes 9am is perfect that's no problem at all that's great thank you very much bye yes I can't believe it I've got a job that's amazing I'm so happy for you where's the job it's at bellhops a moving company what will you be doing there I'll work as a mover I'm going to help people move out of their home [Music] I'll start tomorrow I have to help a family move from Pelham to the Meadowbrook area [Music] that's great can you make good money as a mover yes I'll be able to make up to twenty dollars an hour it's come just in time I should be okay to pay rent on my apartment now if not I'd be so close to losing it and having nowhere to stay then it would be a downward spiral my door is always open but this is definitely a better outcome good luck thanks I'd better get home and get my bag ready [Music] oh man don't believe this the engine won't start just my luck how am I supposed to get to work tomorrow I don't even have money to have it repaired looks like I'll be walking to work there's no way I can miss my first day I'm going to get this job by all means let me check Google Maps by foot it'll take eight hours oh man I'll have to wake up at midnight and get going but I don't have a choice I have to keep this job [Music] [Music] Oh my legs are killing me I'd better rest for a few minutes hi there young man what's your name hi there officer it's Walter sir Walter can I ask what you're doing walking along this dangerous stretch of road at this time of night I know this must look bizarre it's a long story but cut short it's this I've applied for so many jobs yesterday I had a call back and they want me to start tomorrow well today now but then my car broke down I have to keep this job otherwise I'll lose my apartment so I decided to walk it'll take me eight hours in total and I've done six so really I'm almost there wow kid that's some dedication I'm impressed thanks sir where are you heading where is your new job it's at bellhop's Pelham I'll be a mover good on you hop in we'll take you the rest of the way are you serious thank you so much [Music] have you had breakfast no I spent all my money on my apartment and won't have more until I start this job you must be starving we are too I'll stop at the next drive through but I don't have any money to give you I just paid my rent I have no cash on me at all not a problem for your dedication this one is on us buckle up and enjoy the ride thank you so much [Music] thank you hi officer what can I do for you hi there I have a special delivery of one Mr Walter Carr he is part of the bellhops team hi hi Walter can I ask why he has arrived accompanied by two police officers well Mrs Lamy Mrs Lamy well Mrs Lamy this young man Walter Carr had a few problems last night his car broke down but instead of phoning to cancel his first day he decided to walk the eight hours to get here we found him six hours in and brought him the rest of the way goodness Walter I am impressed with your commitment but if you had called we would have understood thank you Mrs Lamy I really needed this job though and didn't want to do anything that could jeopardize it well he's had breakfast but might not show you his best this morning after being awake all night but I'll leave this with you now Mrs Lamy good luck Walter it was great to meet you it was great to meet you too thank you for helping me out I can't express just how grateful I am no problem it's been a pleasure to help you yes thank you so much officer goodbye well Walter would you like a nap before you start work oh no Mrs Lamy please I'd rather get started please call me Jenny are you sure no honestly I'd just like to get started no problem here are the other two movers from bellhops too hi I'm Walter and I'm your new teammate oh hi Walter our boss told us about you I'm John and this is Matthew welcome to the team thanks I'm going to show you the ropes let's get started what a kid I've got to post this on Facebook I've never known anything like it [Music] hey you know I told you about Walter who was willing to walk eight hours to get to my home yeah what he had endured to help you with your move he's a very special young man that's right he's really incredible he said it was the way he was raised nothing is impossible if you set your mind to it well I posted his story on Facebook and it's blown up I think it might even go viral really yeah what are people saying mostly positive things some people are calling him crazy which I kind of agree with too yeah I'm not sure I'd be willing to walk eight hours although I can't say how I behave if it were my apartment on the line and I didn't have any cash this job is his lifeline definitely what else are they saying some people suggest we set up a GoFundMe page to help him with the cost of his car what a good idea do it he mentioned his car would cost around two thousand dollars I'll set the target for that great idea [Music] foreign [Music] hey Walter can I speak to you for a moment sure what's up well I was so inspired by you last week I wanted my friends to know so I posted your story on Facebook really I hope you're not mad no it's cool there was so much support for you I then set up a GoFundMe page to raise two thousand dollars for your car wow did you reach it yeah your car is covered oh my goodness are you serious thank you so much I was really worried about how I would pay for it I can't believe it now I can relax absolutely it's all taken care of we all need a little extra help from time to time thank you so much Walter there's more what do you mean the total went above two thousand dollars way above two thousand dollars okay how much above two thousand like one hundred thousand dollars what that's Madness that's amazing but I can't keep that much I'll donate twenty five thousand dollars to An Education Foundation or something that's very generous of you I think the generosity lies with the public for donating so much to somebody they don't know it's heartwarming and humbling as much as this money will help me I haven't done anything special you have inspired the world Walter [Music] Walter Luke Markland the chief executive of bellhops wants to come in and meet you on Monday I would say make sure you turn up for your shift but I know you will really wow I can't wait to meet you [Music] Walter Carr it's great to meet you finally it's great to meet you too Mr marklin I've heard so much about you my story has spiraled out of control but in a good way as an adjust what made you decide to walk here I mean eight hours that's a lot that's more than the average Joe would consider walking this was such a fantastic opportunity I'd applied for so many jobs and heard nothing I knew I had to get here at all costs and the price was waking up at midnight and walking through the night and was it worth it absolutely I'm enjoying working here and I hope to be here for many years well so far I've only heard good things so I hope you'll be with us for a long time too great Walter there's another reason why I came here today your story dedication and drive to get to work have warmed us all and I want to show my appreciation oh you won't need the money for a car after all not really what do you mean Walter this is my car it's brand new I barely used it I'd like to give it to you what you deserve it for your dedication and commitment to our company it's in much better hands with you than it is with me and I couldn't think of a better way to part ways with this or to put it to better use you can't believe this is happening to me well you'd better start because it's yours thank you so much Mr Markland you're welcome [Music] one why is Walter Carr desperate for a job a because his family needs financial help B because he needs to save money for a new car see because he needs money to be able to pay his rent two what does a mover mean in the story of Walter Carr a someone who helps people move their possessions to a different place B someone who likes to move and dance C an energetic person three what does the phrase just my luck mean a I am very lucky B I am unlucky C I am very fortunate four how many hours will it take Walter Carr to get to his job by foot according to Google Maps a eight hours B two hours C 24 hours five who helps Walter reach his destination a his friend B his boss C the police six what does Walter say when Jenny invites him to take a nap before starting work a yes I'd love to because I'm very tired B no honestly I just like to get started see can I take a shower instead seven in the sentence I'm going to show you the ropes the idiom show the Rope means a show someone how to do a job or activity B show someone where the ropes are C show someone how to use the ropes eight why does Jenny set up a GoFundMe page a to raise money for a home for Walter Carr B to help Walter with the cost of his car C to help Walter pay for his rent nine how does Walter's boss show his appreciation a he gives him money B he gives him a week off see he gives him his car 10. what important lesson does the story of Walter Carr teach us A A friend in need is a friend indeed B nothing is impossible if you set your mind to it C Love is All That Matters thanks for watching and be sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel for more videos like this
Channel: Easy English
Views: 201,556
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: DAj54jFz944
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 2sec (1082 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 13 2023
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