Learn English Vocabulary Daily #24.5 — British English Podcast

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hello and welcome to the English like a native podcast my name is Anna and you are listening to week 24 day five of your English five a day this is the series that aims to increase your active vocabulary by giving you five healthy pieces of vocabulary every day of the working week from Monday to Friday so let's start today's list with a noun phrase and it is train of thought train of thought we spelled this t r a i n train of o f thought t h o u g HT train of thought now your train of thought is referring to the flow of your ideas or the flow of what you're thinking how one thing leads to another so here's an example sentence Billy's train of thought was suddenly interrupted by the loud noise outside we sometimes have that don't we we lose our train of thought when something distracts us it usually is our phone a notification pops up on your phone or it goes and you lose your train of thought you lose what you were thinking about or what you were trying to do because you were interrupted so rudely and so suddenly I've lost my train of thought now I can't remember what I was saying I often do that actually in the middle of talking to people sometimes even when I'm live streaming I'll be talking about something and then I'll get distracted by a comment or by my own thoughts I get pulled onto a different subject or topic and then I try to come back to what I was originally saying and I've completely forgotten my point I've completely lost my train of thought okay next on the list is a noun and it is variety variety we spell this v a r i e t y variety variety is the quality or state of being diverse and different or a range of different options so if I go to an ice cream shop I would hope that there would be a variety of flavors in the shop that I could choose from what's your favorite flavor of ice cream I have to say I think mine is rum and raisin my children love chocolate ice cream so does my partner chocolate ice cream all the way but not for me I find chocolate ice cream to be a bit too rich it's not very refreshing on the palette so if I had to take one of the standard flavors I'd rather have vanilla or strawberry but if there's a real variety of flavors then RAM and raisin is something I enjoy I do actually like salted caramel sometimes next on the list is a verb phrase and it is rain Supreme so you might say to rain supreme or he will rain Supreme we spell Rain r e i g n rain Supreme is s u p r e m e reign supreme this means to hold the highest rank or position and have the greatest influence or power so if you reign supreme then you are the most powerful you have the highest position in the government or in the Kingdom depending on on which realm we are talking about so in the tennis world Serena Williams continues to reign supreme as the number one ranked player now I would love to reign supreme in squash but according to my app that follows my activities it will take me 12 years to become a pro squash player so I am a long way off and I don't think that my app takes into account my age so I think if I'm in my 50s it's unlikely that I will ever reign supreme in squash but it's nice to have hope so next on our list is an adjective and it is Whimsical Whimsical we spell this wh i m s i c a l Whimsical whims iCal describes something that is playful or fanciful so playful is a nice way to think of it here's an example sentence the Whimsical decorations at the party added A Touch of Magic to the room Whimsical is not a word that I use very often it suggests that something isn't very serious so you might talk about someone having a Whimsical Manner and that might actually be annoying if you need someone to be very serious and talk seriously about plans or to discuss something that is very serious in nature but they come in with a Whimsical attitude then you're going to be frustrated because this is a very serious discussion so Whimsical isn't always positive it can be negative depending on the context it can also mean to be a bit unusual okay so moving on to our last adjective we have bespoke bespoke we spell this b s p o k e bespoke if something is bespoke then it is made to order so someone's ordered it and then it has to be made it's not pre made it's not ready to go off the shop shelf just like my pronunciation assessments for example when you purchase a pronunciation assessment it's not delivered to you instantly because I have to do it I have to assess your voice and so it's made to order you get your feedback but it's made to order it's bespoke a bespoke assessment or for example over the Christmas period I bought this wooden jigsaw it's more of an ornament but it's like a jigsaw it's an ornament of four bears that all fit perfectly together like a jigsaw would and on each bear is written the name of each person in my immediate family so myself my partner and my two children and these bears are representing us and we all fit together as a perfect little jigsaw and so that was bespoke it was made to order it was custom made with our name on especially for us here's another example the tailor created a bespoke suit for the client taking precise measurements and using high quality materials now in that example remember a tailor is somebody who makes or adjusts clothing so you'd go to a tailor if you wanted a very special suit made for you or you might go to a tailor if you're getting married that's be quite a typical thing to do to go to a tailor to have your existing suit or wedding dress adjusted or made from scratch perhaps okay so that's our five pieces for today let's do a quick recap we started with the noun phrase train of thought which is the flow of someone's ideas or thoughts your train of thought then we had the noun variety variety which is a range of different options or the quality or state of being diverse or different then we had the verb phrase to reign supreme which is to hold the highest rankor position or to have the greatest influence or power we had the adjective Whimsical which suggests playful or unusual which can at times be slightly annoying then we had the adjective bespoke bespoke when something is made to order or it's custom made okay let's now do this for pronunciation please repeat after me train of thought train of thought variety variety rain Supreme rain Supreme whimsicle whimsicle bespoke bespoke very good okay let's test your memory now I go to a clothes shop and I find some beautiful jackets in fact there's a huge range of jackets available lots of different styles and colors what noun could I use to describe this large range variety there was a variety of jackets available to buy however I am hoping to become the president of the world because I've always intended to hold the highest rank in the world what verb phrase could I use to um replace hold the highest rank I've always wanted to reign supreme yes I've always wanted to reign supreme and now I have a chance to become the president of the world so I go into this clothes shop to pick from a huge variety of jackets now I have this very long conversation in my mind so one thought is flowing into another thought and suddenly this lady appears in front of me excuse me do you need any help and she completely interrupts my flow of thoughts what noun phrase could I use to describe this flow of thoughts train of thought yes she completely interrupted my train of thought and for a second I totally forgot what I was doing in the shop and I was stuttered and stammered and uh said yes I I am looking for a uh uh uh and then she jumped in and said do you fancy a jacket we have lots of jackets on offer today a huge variety of jackets on sale in fact and she picked out a jacket and showed me this very colorful jacket now it was actually quite a playful jacket with lots of pretty designs that were quite funny but what adjective could I use to describe this playful jacket Whimsical it was quite a Whimsical design on this particular jacket and her showing me this jacket reminded me I finally found my train of thought again it reminded me why I was in this shop in the first place and I said to her Yes actually I'm hoping to become president of the world and I need a very special jacket I don't like any of the jackets that you've got here even though I see you have a huge variety of jackets including this very Whimsical jacket but what I'm looking for is something special do you do customade jackets what adjective could I use instead of customade bespoke do you have a service that creates bespoke jackets perhaps I could get one made so it's exactly what I want and she says oh yes we do we do have a bespoke option that you can choose come with me me okay so let me recap that little off-the cuff story I headed into a shop to buy a jacket because I intended to reign supreme I wanted to be the president of the world but in the shop there was a huge variety of jackets and I was having a conversation with myself in my head about what kind of jacket I needed when I was interrupted my train of thought was completely lost and for a second and I forgot what I was even doing in the store the person who interrupted me was one of the shop assistants who asked me what I wanted she showed me a very Whimsical jacket one that was covered in all these funny little patterns very colorful and this reminded me why I was there and I asked if they had a bespoke jacket service would they be able to make me a jacket I wanted a bespoke one not one off the rail okay so let's visit these words and phrases once again in today's story [Music] time in a world where technology rigns Supreme it is no surprise that online shopping has become the norm for many customers and with the rise of popular online shopping sites the market has become saturated with the same products and lack of Personal Touch that's where Julie comes in Julie had always been a creative soul with a passion for handmade crafts after losing her job due to the pandemic she found herself with plenty of time on her hands and a train of thoughts that led her to start her own business she wanted to bring back the Personal Touch to the online shopping experience and what better way to do it than with handmade and bespoke greeting cards with determination and hard work Julie launched her online business selling her unique and one-of-a-kind greeting cards she poured her heart and soul into each card carefully handcrafting them with love and attention to detail and it didn't take long for her business to take off word spread quickly about Julie's business and soon her cards were in high demand customers were drawn to the personal touch and the variety of designs she offered from cute and Whimsical to elegant and sophisticated Julie had a card for every occasion as her business grew Julie faced challenges along the way she had to learn how to manage her finances and marketing strategies but she never lost sight of her ultimate goal to bring back the Personal Touch to the online shopping world through hard work and determination Julie's business became a success she was able to hire a team of like-minded individuals who shared her passion for handmade crafts together they continued to create beautiful greeting cards and spread joy to their customers Julie's online business became known as the goto for unique and personalized greeting cards and she was proud to have brought back a piece of the past into the modern [Music] world and that brings us to the end of today's episode but before you go please if you enjoyed today's episode or any episode of the English like a native podcast Take 2 seconds to hit the like button or to leave a rating or review I do hope you have a wonderful day whatever you're doing until next time take very good care and goodbye
Channel: English Like A Native Podcast
Views: 4,990
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: British English, English Lesson, Learn English, English Like a native, Anna English, English podcast, english like a native podcast, learn english podcast, podcast, podcast for english learners, learn english, british english podcast, british podcast, anna english podcast, english podcast for learning english, five a day english, english five a day, english 5 a day, learn vocabulary, learn vocabulary english, english language, british accent, learn english vocabulary daily
Id: NsyZtYNi5To
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 41sec (1061 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 26 2024
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