Learn Drupal 8 - REST API Part1

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hello peon this is similar today I'm going to show you how we can use the rest system of triple-eight rest in Drupal core now so first I have to an about our web services there's modules here is the rest module like how HTTP basic authentication there's full web services and serialization rest you I also have contributed modules to - from this admin panel so if I go to Google to pal sty then you can find easily this module so I already installed this audio in my in my project so if I go to configuration here is the rest configuration this feature is giving and coming from the rest UI module so there are some functions here even use and by default the content is here so you can eat it and or you can keep defaults this is also a power k post-deal it to pass so i will show you how you can use this rest verb so first I will create a counter type - for my yes to true yeah so my plan is I will create a content type and this content will be available for any platform so so if I want to use this content from iPhone from Android application so you can use this system so first I will create content types add content type so to name dream it and save and manage so if I want I can add on many fields for this content type but I want to keep default default fields is only title and body so we'll consider advocated now I will add some contents for this content type add content trim it like a love drop just body and save and publish I want to add another content Drupal is a great CMS just body to seven published great over we have two contents for this kundo type now I will show you how we can use the rest system using views so Buicks very important module for teas to Purdue any Drupal project so that's why now be used in Drupal core if I click the views I will add new views like trim it and normally using videos you can create face blocks attachment as a feed and minting but with rest a modules this reads web services will keep you to another great features like rest export settings so I want to keep the content here and I want to select my content type trim it and then I will select the provider as export first I have to add the system like API fashion on limit and save and edit so I can change the display name like dream it rest export phase or export say and I want to add a special fills up content types I took the identity then fields then apply apply so title here so here is the title and you can see the lesson for my daughter but I don't want to link I want just playing content so I and I will uncheck link to the content and applied now only the plain water yeah so I want to add another field like body filled great so our dream rest expose has been catered so I can save so these views will display our all three meat contents but if I want to add a single conscience I have to add another rest export but I have to use advanced features like contextual filters let's see I will show you how can use that like single dream it apply same I will add fields apply I will add another field body you say and I don't need link and then I have to add the pot like API in fashion or jm8 then % ensign so here our country so filter we will be working let's see I will add a contextual filter using node ID so if I search here like old ID and I would select there are some option here but I want just keep I just keep default that's it and let's see I want to add another field to know the dream it Content ID so I'm to add the node ID field here so I can reales the field like firsts node I didn't I tell them body section here so I have 10 and 9 and ID so let's see how you can use this option so I will just save the for and another features if you want to change Stasi réaliser accepted request for maps like Jeju on holiday shown so you can use this by default like those are shown and XML so I'm to keep the JSON and say now I will show you how we can retrieve those content using I will use here the postman's api like yeah that if you want dream it if I hit Send this is my lesson data so my dream content types data is available and ready to use from anywhere you know and if I need a single content like ten sorry let's check is only doing say fly and save so part is very important now if I change yes so if I change the another NID duper citrate so that's it for this check this part and in my next tutorial I will show you how we can update and create new drainage content and delayed also using the postman so thanks for watching
Channel: Imran Sarder
Views: 31,481
Rating: 4.7872338 out of 5
Keywords: Drupal 8, Drupal 8 REST, REST API, REST Web Services, REST Tutorials
Id: DnZo5lMICKc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 53sec (713 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 08 2015
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