Learn Code Faster with the Feynman Technique

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I'm not much of a teacher I just like to share my experiences of software engineering and the like on YouTube but today I want to talk a little bit about what is called the Fineman technique the Fineman technique in short is just teaching what you learn or in other words taking a complex topic and boiling it down into layman's terms simple enough that you can explain it to just about anyone this is what I want you to do after any study or coding session that you have for my long-term subscribers remember when I did I def journey if you don't know is essentially when I was on my iOS development journey that I coined I def journey I trekked all of my progress and learning iOS development on this channel what I would learn that day that week I would consolidate into a video and talk about what I had learned the reason I did that is because it helps me remember what I was learning in order to apply it next week and then the next week and then the next week because when you can actually understand something you're able to remember it a lot easier and then when you're able to memorize something I'm sure you've been there you've taken a final you forget it five minutes after the final or even worse you forget it five minutes into the final that's not good you can apply this technique to anything you learn are you a student computer science student maybe do this in all of your classes your computer science classes your math classes your other science classes and the other random classes that you have to take just so you can pass what we're about to talk about now or the steps that I want you to take after every coding session study session what have you in order to implement the Fineman technique this is the Fineman technique step by step and how to do it in terms of coding what you want to do first is pick an emphasis within software development that genuinely interests you and start studying for programming this can be a daunting decision because there's so many different options you can do iOS development Java program and game development but the thing is it doesn't matter you just need to focus on one that genuinely piques your interest and commit so step one is picking what you want to learn if you're a student that may make things a little bit easier considering you have to learn a particular set of classes in step two you are learning and studying this can be done in various different ways with the two main ways or one this is genuinely a hobby of yours a passion of yours if you will then your imagination is gonna take you wherever at once you have an idea and you're just gonna use Google and Stack Overflow and all of that to your liking even though you don't know much about programming at all and you're just gonna figure it out there's also another way maybe a little bit more practical way but kudos to those of you who can just use your imagination and start googling things and figure it out but the other way is a structured way if you're in college then this is your curriculum your syllabus week you learn all of your curriculum for that year that's this or if you are self-taught then you're going to go on a site like Skillshare who is indeed the sponsor of this video and pick some type of development course or if your learning business or photography or videography or marketing or anything like that that skill share has to offer you're going to be picking that course and that is going to be your curriculum all you do is click the link in the top of the description and anybody who clicks that link in the hub description signs up you get two months ago share premium free I'd recommend taking a look at their technology courses to find one that matches your interest consider we're talking about learning code or if there's not a course on there that fits exactly what you want to learn let me ask you what do you plan to do with your skills once you learn them maybe freelancing or starting your own business if that's the case I would recommend taking a look in skill shares business section you can find freelancing courses and other business-related courses and considering you're getting too much for free when using that link at the top of the description I say there's not much to lose just remember when you're going through that course come back to this video Fineman technique now quick recap before we get into step three so step one was picking your emphasis in which you want to learn you're genuinely interested in step two is studying it pick a particular topic study that particular topic or chapter or lesson however you're going about it and then step three write down what you've just learned as if you're teaching someone else what you just learned this can be in words or pictures or diagrams it doesn't really matter but will really help you as well as speaking as if you were teaching a class like a teacher in a classroom this really makes you realize what you understand and what you don't understand for those little pieces that you don't understand go back to step two and study repeat steps to in three where you study and then you speak and write what you just studied until you understand everything step number four once you understand what you just learned put it into simpler terms you may understand it on a complex level if you're talking to somebody else who already knows this then okay you may be able to hold a conversation but if you need to describe this to Joe or Sally over there then you're gonna be in trouble step four is to take out the middleman and be able to describe it in layman's terms if your explanation is a bit wordy or gets a bit confusing then you should take a step back and start again so you can actually describe it in simpler terms because that means you really understand what you just learned when you have the ability to explain an idea or topic in layman's terms then you'll remember for a very long time as opposed to just memorizing and cramming for a final and then forgetting it five seconds after you leave and that's it that's the Fineman technique this is something that I have used time and time again without even knowing what it's called because I just always figured it was a lot easier to remember something when you're trying to teach somebody else I think there's a quote that goes something like you don't really understand something unless you can explain it to somebody else maybe I would I say and said that maybe someone else said that I'm not sure so there's four steps pick something you really want to learn like you actually want to learn step two is study that think step three is write and speak while you're writing of what you just learned explain it out loud and in writing and then step four repeat it out loud or draw some type of detailed diagram until you can put it in layman's terms oh I can actually put that in simpler terms so here you're four steps pick what you want to learn study it understand it simplify it boom done I hope you guys enjoyed this video a lot of y'all asked me to make sure I remind you to leave a like on the video because you often forget if you're new around here consider subscribing if you like code software engineering or computer satellite and consider subscribing I'd appreciate it and don't forget to sign up for Skillshare for free not just the first 500 of y'all but any of y'all don't matter if it's 500,000 of you you could all get too much this goes here for free by using the link at the top of the description till next time guys have given peace
Channel: ForrestKnight
Views: 511,909
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: software, developer, learn code, learn code faster, how to learn code, learn code faster with the feynman technique, the feynman technique, learn faster with the feynman technique, what is the feynman technique, learn to code, learn to code faster, learn to code faster with the feynman technique
Id: vWNa15pjzi4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 41sec (401 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 27 2019
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