Learn Affinity Photo in 15 MINUTES! – The Basics For Beginners

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in this video I will show you how to use affinity  photo in less than 15 minutes let's go oh by the   way if you would still a very end of this video  I got a little present for you so make sure to   watch till the end and sorry for the interruption  once you open up affinity photo you want to open   either a photo or open a new document and in  this case we're gonna open a new document how   to do that simply go up here to file and click  new or use its keyboard shortcut c'mon and so   let me press come on and and this window will pop  up and it will start in my presets if you have no   presets this will be empty up at the top here you  can choose any preset you like these are presets   that affinity photo offers you can also create  your own new document with your own dimensions   simply fill in your dimensions here and let's say  4000 by 3000 for whatever reason you can either   create to create this document or you can hit this  little plus icon to create it into a preset now   you can rename the preset by right clicking rename  preset and let's call this one rename alright so   let's open our new preset I simply click it and I  hit create so a little bit about the interface on   the top we have a toolbar on the left side we  find our first sona's and on the right side of   our personas which are right over here we find  more options that we can use to change stuff in   our document on the right side we have the studio  panel or the studio which will look like this we   can change the studio however we like so we can  move things around we can clip them together we   can move them together etc etc so this is fully  customizable find out whatever you like and put   it down here in the tools panel if you want to  change your tools panel simply go up here to view   go to studio and click whatever you like to open  it let me open sources for now and you can see   that my sources panel will have opened I can click  and drag it to wherever I want and move it there   let me cross this for now and on the left side  more important are our tools these are all the   tools that we use to apply adjustment to our photo  now let's open our picture so let me go through my   pictures which are right here and let me open any  photo so let me start with let's say this one why   not so I simply go to the photo which was right  over here I selected I press command-c to copy it   and I go over here and press command V to paste it  another way to do it is by going up here to file   click place and select any photo that you want to  open and now we can simply click and drag to open   the photo so there we have our second photo so  now let me show you some other stuff what we can   do with photos let me select this photo right now  and let's select the move tool which is this arrow   icon or we can simply select it by pressing its  keyboard shortcut fee with the move tool selected   we can drag these handles to resize and reshape  our images if we drag the corner we can resize   and scale it if we drag the middle handles we can  stretch it so from any handle while you drag the   effect will pop out from the opposite corner so  if I would drag the bottom right one you can see   that it will stretch from the top left which is  the opposite of the bottom right obviously let's   say if I don't want that so I want to stretch  from the middle I can simply click now hold it   and then press come on so you can now see that  my image will stretch from the center instead   of from the opposite corner or opposite handle we  can also rotate our image by hovering just outside   of a corner handle once we click and hold we can  rotate our image if we would hold shift you can   see that it will rotate with increments of 15  degrees so we can be let's say more precise or   less precise depends on how you look at it we can  also turn the image by using this white handle on   top here so let's move this back to where it was  and another thing what we can do with our images   is that simply right click to transform it flip  it horizontally we can flip it vertically we can   change the alignment so if we would have want  to have it in the center we can press ENTER if   I would f12 have it aligned to the middle now it  will be exactly in the middle of our document and   let me flip this for now so it will actually look  normal again to change the perspective of an image   we would have to use the perspective tool you can  find the perspective - right over here so go up to   view go to customize tools and here you find all  the tools that affinity photo offers simply click   and drag any tool to or from your toolbar and you  will see that it will be added to the toolbar now   you can see I have a single column usually I have  it set to double column because now you cannot see   it yet but when I close this you can see this  little color picker thing appear here and since   I come from Photoshop I was used to it so I like  to have my Hoos panel let's say double column so   to change the perspective of this image we would  have to select a perspective tool which is right   over here our assistant will turn our image layer  into a pixel layer because we cannot really work   on a image layer and now when I click and drag  this image I can actually resize this image so   let me put it right here for a knob just because  I can and because it's fun let me do that quickly   and you can see that by using the perspective tool  we can actually totally change the perspective of   this image and some more things that we can do to  an image let's go down here to the effects panel   and this is the effects you can click on it and  this dialog box will pop up you can also click   the effects panel which I prefer using actually  because right here we don't have this where two   box popping up over our canvas we can simply do  the same options from here so let me outline our   image which is this image right over here let  me outline it for now with a fat black outline   we can also change the color of this outline to  red let's say of course we can do any changes   so there's more effects right here simply click  on one and make sure the box is checked and drag   and do some stuff to see what's happening  to your layer once you applied this effect   alright let me delete these two for now more  things that we can do our adjustment layers   and adjustment layers I used to change the color  contrast the lighting in an image the let me use   the other image as an example which is the image  let's say our background image and let's now add   an adjustment layer so let's say we want to make  it a warmer image then I would click right here to   select a white balance layer and adjustment layers  work like this usually a dialog box will pop up   and you can simply slide these things around to  apply the changes and you will see a live preview   as you will see so if I want to cool down this  image I would simply drag this one to the left   if I wanted to warm up this image which I want  in this case I would simply move it to the right   of course I can also change the tint degree from  green to more magenta so let me add some magenta   and this is what happened right here so this is  the before and this is the after as you can see   this adjustment layer only affected my background  layer so let's call this background for now you   can rename layers by double-clicking its name  let's call this building for now or whatever   you can see that my adjustment layer is positioned  in between these layers and every adjustment layer   only affects the layers below it or the layers  it is clipped to and now you can see that it   will only affect my background layer because  that's the layer below my adjustment layer if   I would drag this above everything you can see  that also this image it's hard to see but also   this image is being changed if I would clip it  to my building layer let's say now it will only   affect the building layer and not the background  layer so you can see how adjustment layers will   affect different layers depending on where the  adjustment layer is placed adjustment layers   can also be added to a group so let's say I group  these images together I click the bottom one hold   command and click the second one and press command  G to group them together now you can see they are   in a and if I would drag this within the group you  can see that it would also apply to both images   at the same time if I would drag the background  out of this group let me do it like this you can   see that it's not affecting my background layer  anymore but it it's only affecting the building   layer which is inside of the group the next thing  what we can do an affinity photo is drag shapes   with is this one right here you can simply click  and hold to expand the menu so you have more tools   right here and you can see if you can expand it if  this little arrow is shown so this one I can click   and hold and you'll see more options appear this  one I can click hold a click and hold and you'll   see more options up here same as this one so let  me select the shape tool and let me select the   arrow tool for whatever reason I click and drag to  draw an arrow and over here in the context toolbar   you have multiple options and the context toolbar  actually changes with every tool you have selected   so if I would select another tool you can see  that the context toolbar would completely change   its options but let me go back to the arrow tool  and you can see right here I can change my arrow   from left to right I can change the the arrow  head I can change let's say the the length of   the arrow I can change the offset of the arrow  etc etc so these shapes are fully customizable   obviously with the move tool selected we can  reshape them however we like we can rotate that   etcetera we can do the same things as what we can  do to an image now if you want to add text to an   image simply click this a or this artistic text  tool and click and drag wherever in your screen   to add text so now I have clicked and dragged and  I will type hello in exactly the same size as I   dragged my letter so let's say hello I am renze  like this let's move it a little bit alright so   I have my text layer selected with the text tool  selected which is this right here I can change the   font color to let's say let me select everything  I can change the font color to let's say white or   blue or whatever color I like I can reshape the  text I can move the text around I can position   the text I can also change the perspective of the  text I can basically do the same as what I can do   to any other layer so I'm not sure if I already  told you but right here you see some checkboxes   if you simply click them you can choose to show or  hide the layer another important thing what I want   to show you is layer masks so let me select the  arrow layer and let's create a layer mask so you   press this icon and a mask will be attached to the  layer let me select a mask and if I would select   the brush tool right now right over here in the  tools panel you can also select it by pressing B   on the keyboard if I select my black brush you can  see that I can mask out parts of my arrow however   now I have black selected so black will hide  if I would change my color to white by pressing   this little arrow icon or by pressing X on the  keyboard you can toggle between the foreground   and a background color and if I would select white  now and brush over it again you can see that I can   show parts of my arrow again so I can mask the  mask it back so with black you mask it out and   with white you will refill it let's say a very  very very very very important keyboard shortcut   you will definitely have to use a lot s command  S which is simply to save your document the first   time if you haven't saved it yet up here in the  toolbar you'll find the status of your document   this star means that it is adjusted and that it  is not saved yet so let me press command s to   save this document let's rename it test and let's  save it wherever I like so I've just put it on my   desktop and I press safe and as you can see once  it's saved you will see the document name appear   right over here and you will see this little star  I can disappear as soon as I make an adjustment   again so let's say I move the text a little bit  you will see the star I can reappear which means   that we actually adjusted something without  saving yet so now I could just press command   s because we already have our document which is  called test but now if I would move anything and   I just press come on as it was saved right to this  document alright so as promised I've got a bonus   for you as you might have noticed I use a lot of  keyboard shortcuts in my workflow and this is not   even the tip of the mountain what I've showed  you in this quick tutorial so I have created   a workflow booster cheat sheet you can actually  download it for free right below this video in   the description I am sure you will love it and you  will definitely 3.x your workflow at least once   you get to know the keyboard shortcuts obviously  there's a lot more to learn and the things that   I've just shown you in this video however  what I've showed you in this video are just   some great things for any beginner to know that  you can actually start creating and editing your   own photos straight away with these techniques  and tools if you enjoy this video please leave   a like and let me know in the comments what  was your favorite tip of this video feel free   to subscribe to my channel if you aren't already  and then I hope to see you in my next video peace
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Keywords: affinity photo, affinity photo tutorials, affinity revolution, olivio sarikas, learn affinity photo, affinity photo for beginners, affinity photo tutorial, how to use affinity photo, learn affinity photo in 15 minutes, beginners guide to affinity photo, how to affinity photo, affinity photo tutorial for beginners, affinity photo basics, affinity photo essentials, best affinity photo tutorials, affinity photo basics tutorial, affinity photo beginner tutorial
Id: gXoW0WLsbUU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 57sec (897 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 12 2020
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