Leandria Johnson - I Won't Complain 2021
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Channel: 2B Music
Views: 15,138
Rating: 4.9254079 out of 5
Keywords: Leandria Johnson Deliver me, Leandria Johnson acapella, leandria johnson, l'andria johnson, sunday best, keke wyatt, kelly price, leandria on church, thank you lord, karen clark, kierra sheard, clark sisters, be grateful, yes to your will, i call you holy, whatch me praise, capella, sing, bet, whatch me praise him, improvisation, Deliver me, marvin sapp, medley, exodous, leandria johnson live, jessie j, black music, piano and voice, i call you holy kim burrell
Id: 40OZzo9PNOY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 1sec (301 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 28 2021
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