Leah Remini on Being Friends Tom Cruise, His Wedding to Katie Holmes: Part 3

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I'm gonna get there first after years of struggle Leah Remini had finally become a bona fide celebrity a star on the hit show The King of Queens the new role gave her a new identity fame money and increased prominence in the church that had dominated her life since age 8 why is the church so focused on celebrities because this is how you are promoting your religions celebrities are treated very differently depending upon how prominent they are the Lea remedies in the Kirstie Alley and the John Travolta and then ultimately to the Tom Cruise it's a very different Scientology world in fact famous Scientologists have their own building in LA not big blue but this elegant Chateau the celebrity Center Celebrity Center is my second home and there's not a person here that I can't go to when I'm having a problem in my life for him Leah was now appearing in Scientology videos and she says rubbing shoulders with this man how much must one do to call themselves a Scientologist the powerful head of the church David Miscavige she says she socialized with Miscavige and his wife Shelly exchanging gifts and holiday cards what's it like to meet with David Miscavige what does he like as a person he's really you know charismatic he's very powerful he's likable life was moving quickly for Leah she and Angelo got married a ceremony captured by vh1 I'm finally certain that you're not marrying me for my money she landed a role in the hit movie old-school hey it's a little cold out there huh and then the couple had a baby girl although Lea admits that in the delivery room she deviated from l ron hubbard's expressed preference for drug free birth you know I was going to attempt to do it you know for my church but you know when you start feeling a baby coming out of your vagina if there was a rock I would have hit myself over the head with it so I got that epidural as quickly as possible that same year Leah says she made an important new friend through the church the world's most famous Scientologists Tom Cruise who declined to comment for this report I think it's privileged Caruso Scientologist has something that you have to earn and because Scientologist does where she has the ability to create new and better realities and improve conditions what were your impressions of them at first it's very effusive it's very loving you get the like laser in on you and you're the most important thing that ever happened yeah it's what are you doing and how you doing it yeah great great great great Leah says her exposure to cruise this is them hugging at a movie premiere opened her eyes to his vast influence within the church and influence she says was exemplified by a call she got one night from a church official Tom wants you to come over and teach him salsa dancing she says to high-ranking Scientology officials were there with Tom at his home and so was his new girlfriend Katie Holmes he was like forcibly kissing Katie you know I said hey you get a freaking room and well I was written up for that and I had to go into session for it that's right she says one of those officials essentially tattled on her remedy says it's a common practice church members regularly write what are called knowledge reports on one another for breaking rules she says the accused then have to answer those allegations in auditing sessions does it create an atmosphere of mistrust you can assume if you say something that is critical to the church you will be written up husband wife mother daughter it's it's what the group does to regulate itself Leah admits to writing knowledge reports herself frequently said you ever write up a report on your husband tell you I wrote Angela all the time Leah says she continued to hang out with Cruz but did not hesitate to speak up when she thought he was damaging the church in the public view I'm saying I don't think he's becoming of a Scientologist jumping on couches and attacking Matt Lauer you don't know the history of Psychiatry I do an attacking Brooke Shields the thing that I'm saying about Brooke is that there's misinformation what the hell is this guy doing we need to rein it in we need to stop all this and he just needs to be an actor like he needs to okay I was immediately dealt with immediately the only reason you're saying these things because you have your own transgressions so you then become guilty being critical of Tom Cruise is being critical of Scientology itself you are a person who is anti the aims and goals of Scientology you are evil remedy says she became increasingly dismayed by the fawning attention church officials heaped upon the a-lister who was extremely close with the head of Scientology David Miscavige I would refer to him even in my own sessions I was like you're doing this for a frigging actor like it was so beneath what was truly important he's just an actor but despite all that she says she was genuinely excited when one day in 2006 Cruz invited her to his wedding with Katie Holmes at this grand Italian castle an invitation that she says came with a twist and he asks you to invite Jennifer and Marc but the church was really the one who invited them that shirt on Tom's behalf Jennifer and Marc meaning Lea's close friend Jennifer Lopez and her husband the singer Marc Anthony the couple agreed to go in fact here's a picture the paparazzi took when they arrived for the ceremony in Italy with JLo and Marc in the foreground and Lea there in the back I was hoping to get a picture like this you know where I look gorgeous and stunning but instead I look like that in her new book troublemaker there's a lot of color about the wedding including the moment when leah says Tom serenaded his new bride with you've lost that loving feeling echoing this famous moment from Top Gun you never close your anymore when I kiss your lips we're like interesting zone sing to your right but Lea says the three-day affair studded with stars from both inside and out of the church was not all fun Sun and song his wedding becomes a pivotal point in your relationship to the church she says at the wedding where Miscavige served as best man church officials took their cruise adulation to a whole new level Joseph says she was annoyed by what she saw as ham-handed efforts to separate her from her friend Jennifer Lopez by having them travel in separate vehicles and sit at different tables parts of what went down at the wedding seemed to be pretty it may sound petty but remedy insists this was not just a fuss over seating charts they were trying to extract me why I could only assume because they wanted to make Jennifer a Scientologist maybe I was borrowing that road for them but what Lea says really bothered her at the wedding was something else the fact that David Miscavige was there without his wife Shelly Shelly was always where David Miscavige was for such a big event was a wedding of the century you know I was like where's silly you would ask church officials go where's Shelly get up and leave it's such a simple thing it's a big wedding the the leader of the church is here and his wife isn't it's getting weirder because you're making it weird it sounds like you started asking the question innocently and then you were like a dog with a bone you wanted to figure out what the answer was well yes the church taught me that the church tells ABC news in regards to the wedding every claim is remedy has made is not only untrue but ridiculous and stupid for her part Leah says what she saw was enough for her to take a radical step she says she filed a wide-ranging knowledge report complaining about various church members at the wedding you left the wedding on a mission to save Scientology right I thought I now see where the cracks are in our church and it's David Miscavige it's Tom Cruise they were bringing Scientology down
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Views: 1,007,524
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Keywords: 20 20, 2020 full episodes, 2020 full episodes 2016, 2020 episodes, 20/20 full episodes, 20 20 full episodes, 2020 trump, 2020 full episodes 2017, Scientology, Religion, Leah Remini, Tom Cruise, Movies, Entertainment, Katie Holmes, Leaving Scientology, Scientology Members, ABC News, 2020
Id: 5fv910x50dc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 54sec (534 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 11 2017
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