"league with friends" Full Stream | Disguised Toast - Sykkuno - LilyPichu, etc...

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first time no idea what my character does also i took heel because i thought i was bot lane you i knew it i knew it i couldn't go bot lane i'll just go oh wait you're playing gin yeah camille jim works in the top lane i'll go i'll go yeah yeah yeah actually you're supposed to win that matchup because he arranged what's he gonna do jump on you and then burst you yeah um wow yeah wait hold on they have a bunch of like bruisers bot lane where they have this oh my god i didn't buy items you [ __ ] play this game anymore it's it's okay you know like yeah i can help you out i can help you out and then i can heal you it'll be fine yeah honestly yeah i could just give me a guardian proc we're good yeah yeah okay [Laughter] yeah this is the most annoying jungler oh dear oh dear man it's been a while since we played league albert's been wanting to play a league for a while oh am i supposed to am i supposed to leash no unfortunately what does this do partners dashes and empowers her attacks help wendy they're they're beating me up yeah they are beating you up don't worry we can get these trades down top and mid i want it pushed in so i can go bang this woody in his jungle yeah it's pushed in i might die though no no no no no if she tries to do cs just shoot her oh no not the herd to the udyr no no that will deal it's gonna double buff this food is trash trust me what am i smelling here who's doing a great job who is it lily peach it's midlane all right listen up i'm going to bang oh dear make sure no one interferes and turns this into a threesome what do we do wendy do i leave no you just i'll heal you up i'll heal you up we got this oh god i'm horribly wounded wendy i i can't you have do you have anything you left it left i i used my i took his life and his buff all i got left is uh oh oh geez oh oh oh jesus oh he flashed we're okay we're okay we're okay we're fine all right he flashed is this camille giving you trouble scarra no he's pulling you yeah he is i don't know how to play this game anymore it'll all be good all right scar make her jump on you i don't know okay i'm leaving [ __ ] you you can leave you leave all right they're going back perfect time dude lily what's the some situation report she has both wait did she flash i don't remember anymore ask your chat what damage but if they're inside your shield they take you take damage oh it's like guys all right let's go let's go we can win this wendy's we win this we win this you missed it you you missed it you missed it you missed it hey lily can't talk you for a sec just one second just one second i think maybe that wasn't like just one second okay yeah yeah what's up what's up buddy why'd you miss your route i can't account for every time i miss skill shots even faker misses skill shots once in a while she was literally standing one feet away from you actually never seen faker miss a skill shot yes he has there's a youtube compilation of his fails here you're comparing yourself to faker yes that's a spell shield i should have attacked that it's not good you know i don't really play this game here land a thing on them all right then i'll chop him drop him he's going to give him the snip snip give him the snip yo vasectomy oh oh what vasectomy you know i heard you the first i heard you the first time i just didn't think you'd repeat it we should push it into them push lily push in mid especially mid scar whatever you do don't die to the oh dear oh my god oh it doesn't work on towers you're insane i thought i thought i thought i don't take damage if it's out if you mouse over it it says works on everything except towers let's see oh yeah it does but you know i completely relied on wendy's destination she just said godzilla no i mean i listen i only remember a little bit i briefly looked over it before we started playing oh god you know this is my first time playing and not even watch a video [Music] scott whatever you do don't die oh it kind of this is bad wendy we're we're down bad oh um it's not it's not that bad hold on you have 30 cs and he has 30 cs look not bad not bad listen up bot lane we're about to make a big big play here okay and they're gone yeah they're a little oh oh it's over it's actually already over i'm not sure if it's like for same for you guys but on my screen they're both already at their house go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go huge step up sakura stop them real good in guys he's walking around he's just walking in a circle he's our number one weakness all right go back just walking in the circle no no there's no way there's no way i'm getting flash forward literally just walked in a circle and juked all of us all right lily so you think you can land you out this time hmm huh well we got the other guy that's all that matters you think you think you can handle that much no no i okay you missed you missed oh let's go oh okay good job good job missing the roof but atlanta dale don't commit i don't need your help mid you are very not supportive jungler i ganked your lane twice i didn't ask you to tank it you came because you wanted to most people just say europe thank you for the gank you see you're the type of person who does something nice but you expect something in return you know what i mean like a thank you toaster you're very welcome down here you know they're just uh you know they're like free you let that eight trucks get up talk to me oh you're going to top and then we sandwich them score let's go oh no oh oh you want to [ __ ] on me you won't [ __ ] second okay we go all in on one of them i don't want to fight this i don't want it okay okay good gin top get away from i'm i'm i own are you gigafed yet oh they're doing this doing this lily lily where are you at telly oh it's going bot sorry he flashed kiana's that was pretty good we got a flash this guy stole my scuttle [Music] now all you have to do is land this cute scar scarf i'm looking i'm looking right here right here right here no no lily he went back down oh no no he let okay so we had a 50 health ubia here ouch wait why why does oodia do so much damage he has two deaths i think i can't if i miss my bubble it's like big big trouble okay let's do the camille d no no no no god yes i still don't know what my alt does it looks like it really is that's all i know it's it's literally a really isn't it oh okay we got this you got this yeah okay i go slow rush i'm getting butt off that ass why don't we just get this guy oh there's that oh snip give him snip all right i'm going to do the dragon lily whatever you do don't let him come great i'm assuming you're going to not let her rotate i i uh yeah let me help you with the dragon oh yeah i don't really know how it works you just want turbo snip mode i gain a stack when i hit an enemy is that her making that oh so i have to auto attack a bunch of times before wait wait wait first thing it's like when you play that character oh you could we might be [ __ ] you're running eq like your agent i'm ditching you bye-bye q-e just know that your sacrifice will be remembered [Music] closely oh [ __ ] don't worry lily you think she's getting away why didn't you don't worry don't worry lily don't worry it's all gonna be okay you need to kill her otherwise our friendship is in jeopardy all right i'm leaving what the [ __ ] i feel like the typical top laner where like their whole team gets to do stuff and i'm up here 30 cs up top lane doesn't even [ __ ] matter you're playing an adc though that's where it all went wrong i've only died once so this is yeah it feels like i'm doing well you're doing you're doing pretty good pretty good all right i'm here again we're actually decently strong how's gwen bill charges he's sniffing yeah she's she's pretty good scar whatever you do don't die i got it actually hell yeah what the heck are you talking about we're so scared we're actually busted we're so strong this is oh dear yeah we're pretty strong check out this turbosnip [Music] piece of [ __ ] oh dear oh my god are you okay dude he's totally sniping how did you know i was coming explain go ahead i'll wait words a lot of things actually here got me here there's one way you just literally want me so i'm not going to no literally one way i agree with you okay uh he was maybe no no don't give it to me again we're gonna get over here tell us i really need you here okay i'm drinking some hot cocoa cocoa that's right scott i landed my fiance combo perfectly yeah he was stream sniping i said i saw it yeah yeah thank you thank you my chat i will be living top lane now you can't you you can't just give me that he's gonna think he's right okay i'm a top winner anything like i say to get the jungler up here i'll do oh bye i don't know i don't know this gin i do not know this gin wow our bot lane just dipped i think they're afraid scissors this is the worst you know we never ever did play among us with him after that day oh yeah oh that day i say we just bum rush them when they uh bum rush they push yeah i mean we're so much stronger and they don't stand a chance oh year's here oh don't worry i'm showing up with 2.4k gold um go buy some items let them push a little windy let them push we'll lure them into our bait i'm gonna lunge out of this bush and then yeah and then turbo snip uh yeah i have to build up charges apparently so you have to hit him first you have to hit him for auto attacks and then yeah he's coming he's coming so cool he keeps slipping he's slipping oh god delivered oh god step faster oh god we might be okay keep sleeping i'm not okay wait we might be okay with you you're okay oh you guys are okay let's go back in oh god okay go back go back go back they think they can outsmite me oh they're just they just left they just they don't care anymore i'm trying to bait oh oh right right right right right here oh right here oh shoot oh uh help lily oh no um oh geez um i want to point out that wendy was not there at all she was not there at all she was not that at all i'm almost there oh freedom baby wendy wendy hey hey yo yo yo yo yo yo you're a man lure them in okay i'm blurring all right guys i'm fighting four people up here that's like that's one person where'd he go what no kiana and camille was here do we leave do we leave we bubble this guy we conversed him oh he left he left [Music] go back to bot lane where it's safe yeah yeah yeah we're you know nice it's a good time bowling's a good time wait they're trying to get the dragon dragon okay we can stop we can definitely stop this we get stopped ready well you can stop this one actually no idea um you guys are not gonna take dragon anymore not gonna not really feeling it that much i have seven kills the first two dragons what are you guys doing what tell me what's everyone else they went here go ahead they they have another advantage huge presence he has five kpa i have eight yeah you know where four of the five are i'll get i'll let you guess oh wait where stop no no no jungle jungle jungle meta you play for jungle no jungle no jungle no jungle okay okay i just wanted one no jungle jungle jungle medal no don't go i have the lifesteal somehow okay i'm the wolf king i'm wolf do you think i can do anything go back top lane i'll shadow you mozart this guy one shot's being pretty sure don't worry actually i too shot him okay oh he just doesn't go in but wait until after i finish my blue buff you know i gotta get this blue buff all right interrupt his back no you can't jungle jungle jungle season oh [Laughter] all right all right all right a little slower okay oh god oh all right i'm alting all right bubble her bubble her how is she report my team oh hey that actually hit him somehow that actually kind of hurt him a little bit legal legends is a team game indeed one of us fails it's like we all fail oh i don't know what to do wendy there guys they're all they have five aed champs all right just build armor we can 100 win this yeah yeah yeah we got this for sure uh unfortunately i'm an 80 carry who who's unable to build anything that's start building tanks tank gin how is this beating me i killed him level one what's this balance riot all right lily you're gonna help me out yeah yeah i'm not helping i'm helping all day wait you guys are gonna get four v chewed yeah no i don't think we should there they are oh there's a guy in here it wasn't nice yes until someone yells at me to assist them like a real lady carrie why this car and they couldn't switch lanes because when i asked i could know if he wanted to play popcorn he said yes and then forgot yeah so yeah so i got queued for bot lane oh oh yeah okay keep going looked at the thing yeah i keep going says gwen top works and i say sure but i look at the thing again says bot lane spotlight i get ready for botlane get ready get ready get ready get ready get ready all right get ready get ready get ready get ready get ready there i think they know i feel like they're leaving wait they didn't they wanted that they heard me say bottling 100 they heard it i'm lost yeah that that's unwarded they was unwarded i just cleared it that's worried now hey santa what's it like to be oh god nice nice that's nice let's get pressure elsewhere this whole bot as a push mid lane tower and not rotate no go no no no i'm going about it you're spiding yourself you're spiding yourself you rotated with this for us fighting you um they're here i think they're trying to get that i hope you beat the [ __ ] out of you i'll still save you guys don't worry our tv is coming we just gotta survive we just gotta survive oh i'm actually dying oh he's snipping them real good one here hey guys anyone killed lily hits the double room wait do the blossom it's a 2v1 against the wood here here comes lily back in the fight he's gonna hit the road with the pop blossom with the triple pop [Music] all right it's okay all right oh we play for dragon come come come oh dear spawns in 20 seconds guys i'm wait uh i'm gonna lose top tower doing this you've been doing that what i haven't been losing it's this guy you're doing a good job okay jungler's just broken what can i say all right it's not your fault you have to go gin talk true as hard is it thank you now no no it's not no all right look i only caught me great pow pow pow i'm here i'm here are you here wendy i'm here i'm like right here look she's are you okay you're a little angry today i'm doing so much to keep us in the game right now what no everyone's doing their problems have you tried doing more no you deserve to die wendy oh my god let him die let him die oh god snip this one oh wait there are two scissors i don't like twins kinda she's pretty good pretty good i don't wanna snitch but one of our players got caught out and made it for v5 okay you don't want to snitch but who is it well it wasn't me right i mean i i got like three kills there i don't know i have no idea wow like so fun don't worry oh god it's only cloud drake that's the worst ray for combat it's good for ultis yeah really significant ulti like amazon prime demo kills so oh the sad thing about this situation is i need a farm but i don't have what the [ __ ] is it what the [ __ ] is happening right here uh i can't do anything so i take your camps [Laughter] oh she's right there we see her wait i can't i don't think we can catch up all right fine we'll kill keith when do we just rush this sena the second she comes in is probably here oh scar come to barrett this is the bare snake of the century let's go all right lily let's go let's go that much damage oh just oh my [Music] [Music] oh [Music] i don't know if you know this toast but he's level 15 with seven kills now what happened uh mike i plain gin top with no escape to camille [Applause] tower oh i see a word but 30 seconds is a little no no no no we hit him with your rope-a-dope if you catch my drift right here [Music] oh you guys you guys are trash you guys are trash man you're his own teeth i called for that would you collapse hello bye oh god oh my god i'm gonna die no you got that special don't worry i smell them and they smell good i'm too far i'm too far oh wait a minute oh wow you definitely can catch them you definitely yeah yeah i give them a sniff how much [Music] oh this might oh god no no no no they have to back up that means we collapse mid oh baron baron barry yeah yeah yeah it's a good call toast good cause i like that call we collapse mid right here oh god oh let's get off though lily yeah yeah thanks oh god something that's tower tower yeah we need to we need to get some towers couldn't keep up i'm sorry then we can get mid and then buy yeah perhaps i am just a couple alive oh okay oh oh we gotta run oh maybe not oh scott got a kill i'm coming scarra as long as you don't die within the next four seconds you'll be fine now you turn around and help me another thing i'm coming you got what you got the tech score oh oh you got nothing get up get out get out your flank you're over here go in go in i'm going to sneak up behind and kill him i'm doing my special move auto attack i have no clue they have absolutely no clue more special moves special oh sniffer yeah vasectomy here let's go let's go guys chaser all right good slip good snip oh wait this isn't she's still keep snipping she's actually extremely fast we got her all right all right uh lily back lily back there somewhere buddy okay i'm backing him back he's behind us oh oh oh oh when you when you go back can i dash through walls oh god all right lily how is he all right lily stop the camille lily stop the camille he's just so fast really stop the camille oh god stop it he's too fast this guy's just so fast we can't catch him why didn't you guys start channeling so fast great gameplay game all right let's examine where i'm not gonna honor anyone well you know what i will honor oh god you know i could i could go for one more okay you were just gonna play one oh uh i mean after uh when you said you you play league with us that's minimum three games yeah two two games don't know three two two entire games three yeah that's a lot of a lot of the games no no it's fine but this time i where are you where are you going second wait i want a verbal contract i'm going to write it down top you're going top i actually think it's supposed to be good top one i mean she was pretty good with like nami bot because it's sustained [Music] yeah i'm just actually you're right wendy i'll go bot again [Music] let me sort out some of these real quick ask again okay you're going to have right now huh yeah yeah but you guys lost me lp i think like who knows the imposter for the mouth please you guys lost my lp i mean i'm bronzed for my lp is you know can it really go much worse hmm this guy okay this time i'm gonna play a friendly champion for the team i really oh ah this is friendly too yeah because i can trust my teammates to not be trash right that's why i play a support jungle have you ever heard have you ever seen me play draven no no it's like you're allowing yeah well where i only win scars are always clean true jeremiah was a boyfriend only good friend of mine i ever understood to think of what he said but i helped him drink his wine i see we're all playing our best champions i like that oh we're gonna win okay best champs yeah isn't the second the second game is one well he did fine last game yeah i didn't do that bad did i the rest of you okay their jungler's too good no the jungle was trash the jungler was too good now he was trash he kept down the best player he just targeted me come on nah you was trash he just he just put it in me what do i do huh yeah oh i have the space grief skin so i synergize with lily isn't it isis diana has 1.6 million points who cares do you think he knows the touch of a woman what the [ __ ] um who the 1.6 million points diana lee has a lot of lux that's a lot of points on diana what are we playing against yes oh okay i might not turn off the stream set turn off the stream oh welcome to summoners i swear to you i think i'm gonna go relic here what you meant with spell thief wait you really want yes yes okay okay all right all right not to sound rude but can i get a leash of course okay yeah but what about my skin so do you like shoot cats with that skin like laser beams probably she got some bell-bottom jeans boots with the fur autumn jeans what a throwback of a song she hit the flow so what does it mean to get low it means what does it mean for her to get low you know did i miss with my q oh i do shoot laser beams oh thank you for the leash these are bees hopefully they're not camping or not hopefully they're not camping here oh you're playing samita yeah except for that because i saw the skin [Music] so many sena players so lillian's car how do you guys actually feel about a hot tub stream i'm gonna do it but i guess showing up like in bikinis [Music] next maybe it might help oh god i shouldn't have gone he's yeah top his first second time don't yell at him [Music] the guy's gonna flash on me for sure i can feel it i can feel the set doing it now we just try to push in i you did absolutely nothing he's uh he's pretty strong story of my life am i right i appreciate that he's for sure gonna come oh my god oh wait that's the wrong way oh my god that's definitely the wrong way but you know what i came out five kind of kind of freaking me out set's missing god why does anyone play farming ganking jungler in this meta what's hell what's hell uh bots missing i don't know where they went yep careful mid might be push maybe oh help oh god hey kha'zix turn off the stream buddy i know you're a big fan i know you're a big fan turn off the screen please jesus just because they beat you doesn't mean there's streams like that he said hi he said how did he what do you say oh i'm probably dead oh god hey nerf zack or something how does he deal no damage he takes more oh is this a bottling gank all right is this this yeah we could try all right give me uh seven seconds five four three three alright where was the jungler how am i going to turn here oh oh okay oh he disappeared first the first all right so if we wait 10 minutes we can just go to a new game if you guys want ah i'll be fine oh we got this we got this we have scarra on samira we got lily on lux we got diana burns both songs okay that we got toast in the jungle are you okay now no no she's killing me under the turret she's a little stronger no some smith no i don't know how to break it to you but this game is over no it's not no it's not how much you want to be bad i'll be honest that oh wait wait wait can i die five minutes into the game we're gonna win we're gonna win it depends on what the battle next we lose no we don't um all right we get a huge shutdown i really uh maybe we have a chance so lily when you say diana no sums you mean diana does not have summoner abilities zero zero zero i'm like oh kha'zix behind you oh going we're going to go mid thank you for letting me know how does that context know i'm there huh how wow someone explained to me just give up okay we can't win we can't give you this game oh no that was that was it yeah you have to bait on that wave all right i'll come back we can do this with this okay all right all right there you go i hit it there i hit the knock up too yeah nice gank oh god okay all right i almost got her wendy go up go you just gotta win your own lanes it's a lost cause we got this we got this we got um don't worry gwen has cece for leaking how strong is she yeah she's really really strong she tower dived me at five minutes in okay is this warded how is she so strong wow she was tanking the tower and almost killed me that's a huge shutdown actually all right hmm okay i have my health now maybe we can do something my confidence has increased oh kha'zix says drake he's doing drake yo let's go [ __ ] this kid up let's go [ __ ] this kid up i'm gonna [ __ ] this kid out let's go double knock up into the double knock up again i'm pounding these kids she's just tower diving diana's on her way oh my god don't worry we got him off dragon nice good job good job that's huge that's huge that's huge i think i messed up my my rotation i didn't get ulti off that i really oh oh oh diana okay that's huge lily for the last time pushing me back for the push you [ __ ] you [ __ ] no all right kill the catholics you're gonna go here hit the rook don't worry i can't escort you i can escort what is this what is this he's here help kill him kill him kill him kill him kill him make a reason make a reason make a reset oh they're coming up they're coming up they're coming up is this making a reset lily you got addresses oh look it did a reset now they get dragon you guys are doing great we should we should go back we should be honest top lane's like as dunzo as it could possibly be there's she can 100 zero me while tanking the turret for like 10 years i'll be honest thank we have we have lulu with exhaust so it's probably fine if if you can like farm it's okay to help actually yeah i don't know if you can live no farming's a little oh jesus oh she's tough i'll be honest um she's really like i literally can't do anything right she's low she well she's life stealing it all back now but oh this is it the day zach becomes the hero and he's leaving and he's leaving what coincidence what convinces the i really alrighty all right secuno i know that she killed you seven times but this is where it ends i mean i'm just hiding behind the tower don't i wouldn't go in unless she's tanking the tower actually even if she's tanking the tower i would still be afraid to go in but oh my god oh god how did this happen we can still win guys we can still win don't listen to her no i'm serious i think you guys could maybe still win i don't know if i can hmm [Music] the team games i could though yeah the kills are zero zero zero one and seven now honestly if we kill diana they actually don't have that much power i mean i really are oh what about yeah yeah the aurelia i literally literally actually i'm here strong if i ever e in just ultimate we're gonna wait we're gonna get her on this you feel me dog um yeah okay yeah oh i'm here lily oh oh she's starting to run she's turned over that one that's a free flash baby that's a free flash and i hit her with the old loopty dude remember the loopty tube from last game yeah but this time we're going to execute you this time's going to take the inhib if you don't [ __ ] [Music] oh pog oh pog that's pog rug hmm we can win the all-in by the way for sure it's it but i need this guy to miss e first okay you talk about the the sena no the uh the set if the set this is the yeah any mariah carey fans in chat no no one here likes mariah carey oh sh she's good she is why do you ask no i just oh careful careful careful that's good i thought i really are going to i was thinking about peace [ __ ] hi lily what's this some situation on diana oh oh she's gonna get oh she's gonna get us she's too clean yeah i saw a vlt wow okay all right i really it's gonna be [Music] all right she shows up you should just leave would be is what i've been doing i've been dying less that's what she's worth a lot of shutdowns is juicing her upwards up oh don't let him leave don't let him leave baby oh they were waiting oh that kha'zix was literally in that bush what's up what's up zack here oh shoot [Music] that's good oh you're fine you're fine they didn't stay you just hit this guy touch my body so uh okay guys you might need help like you know what's the dragon situation here oh yeah don't worry i'm just i'm just trying not to go let's go oh he's trying to get the inhib though if no one shows up you know there's there's a solid chance you jump i think we have to never there's no way you can tank an inhib tower and kill me oh oh god okay and just uh and just killed us i think we need to shove and [ __ ] we probably need to just give up yeah you you uh oh i did not see the diana that's not bad it's okay you got free back that's true i did i didn't get back um so i'm just trying to die a little less it's not it's actually going well i'm dying slower but still dying good i'm pretty sure we're about to lose this inhib if uh i'm coming to you let's get some back up here yeah let's just say bait that [ __ ] oh she has 160 cs don't worry just you know around triple around triple it's been tough that just means it's easier for you to to cut the lead i've spent most of my time dead it's tough to see us do be tough it do be like that sometimes just shove like two waves here and then i think i need to go back with wendy or like wendy needs to come with uh with toes we literally just shove like i'll shove this wave and we just [ __ ] run because like i'm pretty sure we ought to lose we can't keep up with him all right just go my body okay you're very brave yeah well you're pushed up so oh worth less than a cannon minion right now yes then technically i really have my darling and senna great i haven't seen my blue buff this entire game oh my gosh she's so scary i'm here uh we'll stay there stay there when they said it when are you i'm here i'm here i'm here i'm here come here she used a lot of things for that what the heck i'm coming if you land all right all right lily just just named your abilities guy come on just find it bro come on just landed why i just like it come on i'm getting really decided i'm dead oh don't worry my special move run away wow oh geez oh thank you come on keep it to my blobby save me do it tp tp i don't i don't i don't think anybody has tp hmm i should not have picked the champion for the team oh that's my bad my mistake that one's on me i agree yes went a little bad i'll be honest can i jungle next game what do i do while you're jungling it's a porter and wendy can make oh my god diamond too oh why would they put a first-time bronze 2 player against a diamond 2 top laner think your mmr is definitely not what kind of rigged game is this oh [ __ ] come get me [ __ ] oh [ __ ] one kid go shut down let's go wait uh did their dude over here i'm scared he keep chasing he has no mana he ain't got no mana behind you there's two people coming oh that's just still a kill from no i was securing it yeah the problem is oh wait we should take drag we should take dragon school guys the dragon there's a set in here guys please guys i'm here i'm here ah please protect me this is trying to kill me this is trying to kill me guys and it kind of hurts she hurts everyone hurts gonna get this no lily you're gonna get it they don't have jungle yet are you guys ready to hop the fence and go i'm i mean they're coming they're coming from the left careful careful okay all right oh they're tpinging goodbye irelia oh she's too clean she's the cleanest player in the world right here 51d i'm leaving oh she stole the dragon nothing else matters it's just the center it's just the center it's just the center it's just the center you win these oh why would he want me to say he's invisible bro i'm thinking i just leave this like yeah we can't oh god oh that hit that hit me what the [ __ ] can you spell shield her old yes yes i just didn't think it would hit me i literally went max range all right guys no losing the inhib it's good because we get to farm super minions yeah yeah this is a win i see this as an absolute win they're definitely gonna try to turn on scar here i can feel it why am i the ones farthest up i'm up here i'm next to you guys you guys have to be fearless as we can't lose all three in hips because all right fine i'll kill the kha'zix oh use jump oh oh get this guy i see the diana let's go wait uh uh my character all right someone to come with me who's the bravest soul here let's go i got them both into the knock up let's go baby let's go get him get him get him get it get it get it again get this guy now kill this one okay clean oh oh oh don't walk next to each other guys trying so hard i have my ldr so hard to give you guys kills man i'm trying real hard right now now we got a lot of farm a lot of farm and unlimited farm i'll be honest the only way we have a chance of winning is that one of you guys that's still here if you guys do that we can do it they call me lily baronchu who all right are they going to do it now i think um i need some help with the warrants if all right i will help you wendy okay there's like 50 dudes right here oh oh no lily what i think i'm here i'm just gonna oh god there's so many things i just walk away well we kill our jungler so they probably don't do drake right i mean baron so that's a good thing i don't have all tea so be careful oh oh i'm dead oh god i can't even i can't even get to the fountain help oh god oh protect my blobbies literally this one this one's my favorite one the one on the left to take that one you let it die you let it die you didn't even attempt to save blobby i think you know how they say you can't end the losses can we can we do one more yeah i'll be honest i'm a little demoralized i don't know if this is a game for me one more i just i i honestly i guess i could play one more i didn't feel like i was even playing last night i will jungle oh yeah you're right did i even really play last time i was just gray screen simulating allow me to jungle one game just one game please wait okay so let me get this straight so where are you going no wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait let's let me get this straight okay so we want to win the game you won the jungle scar toast is gonna go not jungle okay no i'm just trying no i'm trying to piece out the pieces you know like i'm a logical thinker i like i like to put out the steps it's my pocket pick it's my pocket pick you'll see a moo moo who's in your pocket unless they ban it in which case i don't want to go jungle hmm where are you playing gwen you ready are you running back oh here we go listen scar i've i've developed a new strategy check this out okay oh my god you know what i respect galaxy brain absolutely i'm also gonna develop this strat would it be a bad for me to tell you that i think it really is a good matchup for you developing this strat look as a diamond player bronze 2 player the rating system do what you wait lily you're going to jungle wait wait i mean oh oh they did it anyways we want lily you want to win i guarantee you we will lose where did gwen go guarantee you if you fight jungle i will win we will win the enemy okay i'm 90 play mid i'm playing mid yeah told me this was good it's good it's good but you're going wait second where are you going you said lisa and top was good right yeah yeah okay i just heard someone say i'm going support i wasn't sure if it was you were touching i mean i can go support if wait who's going to support okay why the okay you know i really samira is pretty bad right now right because that last game i realized sabir looked [ __ ] awful um i'm looking at the enemy team cop i'm thinking wow i would love to play ad carry into that com that's the very first thing i thought the second thing i thought was can we forfeit guys what's up scarra oh you're playing lux hmm toast you like to kill people in lane yeah yeah i'm a big fan of that i'm picking a champion where it's impossible to do that it's oh really affect our chances to win [Music] we're playing luxe ezreal this combo's op as long as but we're gonna get pushed in for i know that guy wait what who the john i used to play against him when i played league like three years ago oh pretty sure he played professionally oh it's been a while oh that's him let me go look gm player gm player in our ranked flex game at the point where is that that's how are we we are uh huh i've never played this velcro skin before it looks pretty sick have you guys seen the new xerath skin oh where he looks human he did the thresh thing yeah they did the thresh thing where they he made him like a hot guy yeah i thought he was a bunch of rocks you got this right oh yeah what could pop exactly you know what you know what to build yep okay are you sure adorns blade uh go no go prowlers claw into the the health of the item a small shield no what dorian's blade no no no go uh prowlers call i mean there's a prowler's claw all right you right-click you know i'm gonna buy the dorans guys i'm not gonna lie i don't like this new skin i don't like it i look like a weird don't tell them don't tell blue wiggly thing against double tp hey hi i'll tell you first you leveled up come come just come just come just just a [ __ ] auto attack for god's sake jesus christ come come come on come on come on god jesus jesus what they know oh oh oh right right right right right here what the [ __ ] was this leave leave leave youtube youtube please explain something i don't understand why simple instructions like come come come come come come come come come come result of you both of you turning around keep saying that again why do i bother expending energy on these big brain plays for you guys to ignore it here's your leash she's a goddamn leader thank you thank you attacking me all right scar what's my job is this a farm lane no lane is a farm lane it's one of us we can't oh oh i'm [ __ ] this kid up i'm [ __ ] just get up you can trade the others there by the way a little bit what what does that mean like like we need back me back back by the way we need to get back video back be back oh because they're gonna get two first right here uh oh i don't know i don't think that was within your area code there you'd be surprised the the what you might call it range on that ability like that one yeah that one sucks hey not to scream for jungle but they're literally out our tower right now okay i need to get my red and you're right now oh okay okay that was pretty impressive dude he actually predicted that hook oh my god i haven't seen us in so long okay oh god help our top laner lily's coming for you to dash too oh lily look i i i thought you were gonna dash to me oh you guys good you don't need me really yeah who took my thing okay all right and you got hit by the spear too listen hey are you here toast yeah okay hold on hold on walk up and stare and kill wait what is going on here all right and he wants to it was waiting it was waiting i can't [ __ ] do this [ __ ] that's my that's that's fine what are they doing i don't know yes we're good you're sick yeah you shall believe it's not [Music] everywhere natalie's headed bot's side oh [ __ ] we need to shove this lane if nick comes just hold mine hold mine touch my body um oh oh god life of a support is rough out here for a pimp hey wendy's out csing we're doing a fine bot i could have got a kill lily is out yes they're literally winning everywhere yeah yeah i can i will not i will only go for the softening of cs can get that one thank you oh oops what happened i can't i can't [ __ ] hit these because they prepped them so weird wait for cs twice no i said i set it up perfectly what bot lane's missing i don't want oh my god i was scared okay oh wait when did i use my w oh i'm feeling a fight here scar you feeling it mr krabs yeah well we hit six we other win the lane though so oh oh oh oh that's not bad what happened i blacked out for a is it second really dies nidalee's top god wants to play support you don't do anything but die hey lily so when you play jungle do you play pretty like pve game [ __ ] [ __ ] i actually missed my q flat getting my jungle creeps first i'm gonna reach level six and then yank it's been eight minutes uh nidalee was in your top jungle please god please god help please this one gank you're right lily right i am now level six i am ready to engage in ganks after i get my red buff uh yes can you buy it no [ __ ] yeah she was in your top lane or a top jungle oh my does so much damage she's right here she just spam harassing me honestly oh wait wait are you maxing w who are you what are you maxing um maxing the right ability whatever it is uh are you sure yeah yeah yeah so just so we're both on the same page which one is the right usually it's w unless you're really [ __ ] bri good and brave uh this lady can max e i usually maxi on lux uh i don't know they changed it recently but maybe that's missing they might try to do drake or they she's so low though she's coming oh [Music] sorry i'm bad oh he's clean with it oh god in my defense he flashed on me she flashed here yeah is asking if we want to win in-house uh no flash annie miss cliff wants to in-house he even play league of legends yeah he's like level 22 or five i don't know i've seen him play garen recently it's been really interesting all he plays is karen it's really interesting okay rub why what happened to prepping for me nope oh oh do you flash or anything what how did i missed you're dead it just flashed pretty good i thought that's fine though you got that i was a little far because of the minions oh god nidalee's spot she's really low though i'm dead i miss my q wait i flashed no no he also flashed struggle down here and you flashed oh there's no way she's gonna go for drake right oh maybe scuttle she's right here by the way then italy she knows well the way the spotlight com works toast is we bind someone and then you old t immediately and i ulti immediately you kill them instantly well that that we just hit six so um that's missing uh yesterday in house or no um just give him an answer i mean i don't know if psychiatrists will keep playing i've even heard him talk so probably the last uh he's still going so no snorkeling if you find a you know phil are the rest of you though yeah yeah they're all you just need one fill yeah oh thank you thank you oh my god don't worry our jungle is here after an hour what what's she gonna do with you can you find can you bike your bike can you bike in my mind oh i can't okay maybe that wasn't the best idea lily took the average of both players position a shot of mine in between what stop i'm trying my best she saw a target left at target right trying my best you're doing great you're doing great wendy you're doing good i love you i love you how is he not dead ooh okay all right oh i had to use my bro does anybody know where i can walk up here they're probably they might try to go for a dragon here yeah she's doing this the ad just died so we should we should contest if she tries to do anything oh we should do the dragon all right let me push on mid i can come back all right how fast does mark do dragon oh oh yeah super fast wait there was a pink there was a control wait what is that war positioning oh there's nothing to see the shadow on the inside oh that's so sweaty oh god can you can't walk [Music] see i was trying to walk away from our jungle so the splash damage doesn't happen i'm never juggling again i knew that was gonna happen she's doing um riff now i'm on my way i don't think i can do anything dash is here yeah they have two like watching and toast yeah are you are you oh galio's coming down jelly is coming down right now oh my god they have sent four bots before bought oh i gotta go out this way and help there she stopped doing it right yeah she stopped oh you got a tower okay coming men nesting all right i'm on my way guys for the team fight yeah my first item oh wait uh crazy what i press f nice psychonaut is the savior of this game oh god what about me where are you what about me really yeah what about scarra what about what about your mid yeah well he's ow why is he so strong oh but i have a hundred lily you're just kind of weak oh okay well do you like playing the jungle get yelled at i don't like being yelled at that's that's how the jungle works can we do a new meta where people don't yell at the jungler you have to play a different game yeah actually kind of true kind of true lily you have to do what toast does you gotta you gotta yell your leaners first yeah and then make sure make sure the best defense is a good offense make sure you say stuff like wow that guy was definitely stream sniping this guy was that he made a hearthstone reference he did no he said he was playing hearthstone that's a hearthstone reference that's him playing the game oh close i'm taking the scuttle crack because you don't deserve it toast you can't do it fast enough before let's see this thing from lily okay every lane is missing right now might be a little sketchy oh my god we're so dead do something walk up and find him i don't know if you can walk you will die during my special move walking up how many wait wendy you could possibly kill like the thresher actually that guy's kind of why is this minion following me right fix your game damn hmm wendy you got you got anything i have a laser god i'm i'm shielding you oh i'm dead i'm dead all right when the annie comes back here yeah late game late game wait game finder binder on the cup i don't know the cut okay okay oh she dodged it nothing could have done the trajectory of that would never hit her anyways let me try again oh god um ah that's how it's supposed to work all right another dragon another one let's go no no no no no no five seconds scar please you don't understand i understand that you have the jungler's here the junglers here the juggler's here oh come on oh here we go that was almost sick he's so low he's so low wait let's talk about your no no don't talk to me right now what do you do i don't want to talk to you right um pretty strong we can we can do stuff we can do stuff my borderline think lily should go tanky we have a lot of ap okay lily [Music] oh annie any annie right here ready ready ready ready ready ready right here right here um toast uh right here guys she blew her entire load on me that means she has zero abilities i'm almost there i'm so sorry i died i'm almost there where'd everyone go wow oh sakura this is cletus i know you play lisa i know you play lisa stunned how did you get stunned he auto attacked me for 1000 damage oh he went to war we killed him we killed him oh [Music] i cannot get hit by the spear lily okay owlette's to die she's painful right here right here right here right here right here right here right now right here right there right here right now okay now they're a little too tanky honestly i'm gonna hit where was that going how's it going why do you always like [Laughter] oh oh wait i'm in secundo's lane i can't be here this is it he called it this is what was his he did is are they a baron by any chance no all right can i support you we have a two dragon lead there's an altitude ah they are oh they just randomly got baron i'll stop you from believing and i had nothing i had nothing that's unfortunate already left oh there's a i found any guys found right here guys when she out and use all abilities on me no one was their toast when you play the support role you can't do that gosh my team oh so bad help him help him give him something to jump through okay i'm on my way i'm on my way oh god you guys have a feeling super strong oh wait he has like four items already what the heck yeah [ __ ] flashing nice there she goes don't worry we're poke comp we just poke him down we really are we're gonna hit the big pokey here the the big the big jungus oh man this is uh this is a tuffy dragon oh there's still oh i gotta steal it oh wait i don't do damage with this character guys she flashed in go go go go go flash plus annie out and i'm pretty sure i'm worth 50 gold at this point maybe i should go lie and try they have no no no no okay so i could not go that long oh i see what you want me to do oh my god oh god no turrick killed me uh oh oh he just he's too strong he's just too strong the turret did 1500 damage to me oh my god there's so much zanya oh my god i can't all right oh nice dodge all right this is it this is it wendy you gotta hold the line hold the line for five seconds oh hey guys we we won the first game right no we didn't we lost that one right so what did we just score get in there lose every game oh oh we uh all right didn't even respawn that fight yeah yeah we just kind of logged on and got repeated was a grand master and also a [ __ ] i'm bronze four how am i in a game with a grand master i'm literally bronze sports are you gonna end on that yeah yeah yeah as much as i love getting bronze four matched into grand masters and diamonds good chance for a break you know um do you want to do the 1v1 i mean i mean i'm in house with miss kiff or or what do i tell him oh he already stops he can get a fill for me oh oh he's not gonna do it okay oh my god i got demoted same oh i'm just gonna i'm gonna go uh you know all right thanks for playing playing those games weren't that bad oh yeah yeah yeah i mean like we didn't lose as bad oh are we are we done that's it we're ending on that oh he left now what you guys want to play tft can i you guys want to play aram you guys want to play valorant oh mellow valoposhum guys i need to play more video games i drink so much coffee today oh are you serious yeah yeah yeah i've been streaming for eight hours coffee run oh you're grinding today bella bella come on bellow one game of aloe i'll play exactly wait wait wait wait we can just play league are we gonna really quit on losses yeah but we need one more for a rain flex well i need to go to the bathroom i'll be right back okay i'll play ah me too i will also go to the bathroom we'll also go to the bathroom [Music] did something something happen did i miss something yeah wow hmm what's happening um i don't know guys want to play one game of valor i thought we're gonna play one game of league okay i don't know what are we gonna do well we'll toast are you there okay yeah yeah i will play what would you prefer to play this is like us deciding to go where to eat oh man [Music] oh i'm just saying you guys wanna what do you wanna play i'm down for anything tell us do you think we can we can we can leave on a loss uh when you're fifth player though right i mean everyone plays league of legends it's the most popular game ever no one plays this let me ask oh that's albert oh yeah he's been looking okay well toast is the party owner now so it's up to him oh ask albert cannot play he just got vaccinated oh geez apparently it's hitting him a little bit oh um i might be able to find one if you need one yeah i don't already have people yeah oh wait wait wait wait wait have you asked have you i'll be asked the obvious one yvonne oh yeah ask oh yvonne's in uh should i have no yes no says she's in a group well all right let's so we're going to go play ballot i'm not for one ballot okay it can fill if we need one oh just get them in yeah i don't want to quit league without tasting victory you want the fighting one i need to know the taste of of it i'm down to play another league game and then why don't we do one league in one vallo no no just just one league yes one league in one valley lily just just one league okay i don't know jungle anymore it's okay we have two junglers now and a pickle top too hello hey you're just in time to play league of legends your favorite game we definitely have been winning all day and we just thought you'd like to win with us too oh true i'd like some i like some wins all right perfect start it up one more hello league of legends same oh my god scar you scared me i thought you were saying same because i i was not muted and i was talking about something and you said same and it scared me but okay why did you say same at that timing you know it is what it is are you an oracle yes all right what are they gonna play let's what would you like to play i'll play whatever flexible guy that's what i like to hear i would like to play the top lane okay so then abe is bottom laning with me oh okay that sounds good nothing that can go wrong then he's going to be playing vayne whoa whoa well you can't just assume what i'm going to play i think now i'm definitely not playing don't play vayne don't play vain then gosh can you believe her i mean history has shown me oh what is this that's that's gwen nap bruiser ah did anybody feel the deja vu come in yeah yeah but like this time this time when i go top i won't be gin okay trust me we got it okay what do you mean deja vu oh uh sakura's first game with us he went gwen bot with me oh yeah yeah oh yeah and i'm gonna bring it back with the same comp actually it's pretty strong bot it's actually pretty good pretty good wait can you pick slow uh but just make sure you lock it in okay the [ __ ] is top lane i know you guys are thinking wow i miss box box me too i'm gonna channel my inner albert inner box [Music] hmm i don't know what to do with this magic hold up a sec wait so she's ap right yes you go uh risk uh sorry i was let's say risk thirst you go the uh spell vamp mythic into nashers oh vamp mythic call them [ __ ] hello riffmaker yes i think just both of them eventually yeah okay you're you have see what your character is like this she auto attacks gets stacks and then like gq and then you you hit people with like you you sniff them yes wow what a leash what a leash huh you guys are there well you hear this way oh what the work oh god i snipped them i snipped them did you snip them oh it might look like it does negative damage that's because it does later it doesn't only just made me you just made me miss a farm i did well don't blame wendy for your own failures i didn't do anything you missed the farm auto attacked it yeah so that we can get a level two advantage see now they have a level two advantage oh my god see oh my god we're gonna die wow this character sucks no she's good oh i'm skinny okay when can we kill them babe uh i don't know later if he wants something how about now i don't think he can kill him now all right sorry already more than you yeah he just wanted though i don't give a [ __ ] oh by the way i don't have bear stance what i have auto attack stance blue push yep that was kind of close you don't have bear stance are you level three so that my burst stance deals more damage jeez geez if atp's cancel that okay and let's back real quick swing no flash ghost he used everything actually so you know got it got it they might reach you first nice oh i dodged every single ability from this earth but no i [ __ ] clean them what the hell does my w do uh it blocks damage outside of your circle oh really a cop but it blocks damage yeah i really can't think yeah you can't it can't okay okay okay now oh my god i'm getting slowed don't worry i got this oh my god this guy's such a nerd i mean proclaim oh oh that was close this hurts they're probably looking to cheese you somehow oh sarah actually i literally hear you're actually dead from lily's room the entire [ __ ] but he was yes he was they're freezing nice car i remember this [ __ ] flash right i remember him flashing like a [ __ ] right yeah yeah yeah yeah wait i need no no you don't need anything you just need to believe in your friend disguise toes [Music] oh we got another one he wants some too scary this guy wants them too i am really far away yeah you're right you're right yeah i apologize oh you can help me show okay man why do people even get turtle stance it's such a beta ability it's like oh don't hurt me let me i don't have a lot of people careful with the trades whatever don't let bot lane rotate to your uh jungle they're literally coming up they come you follow you shadow shadow they're coming they're coming they're coming they're coming they're coming they're coming i can't i okay i'm stressed i'm stressed i'm stressed those can you stop stressing out my girlfriend huh good job ah you might wanna run okay i might you're fine you're fine you're fine i'm coming i am coming guys we're turning this we are turning this do you understand what i'm saying i'm saying i'm staying i got him okay okay he has everything whatever you do don't die oh great job tp bot oh he's oh oh oh okay what does my old do uh needles uh derelia uh you throw one needle then you have to land that ability on auto and then you throw three needles and then you land ability on auto and then you throw five needles what yeah it's not really out but you make sure you hit them uh between the char the charges what do you want from me huh i think they died they're diving um being as strong as you are you could surely expend some some of your resources smith i apologize for any time i offended you in the past and you are always right i like belly lily you see this viego yeah this is viego yes i do see that we're gonna come we're finding this we're finding this we'll find it this guard is coming nice okay yeah you just said yeah just get one yeah is that okay lily is that good enough oh my god two kills is that enough is that enough no no you didn't give me the kill i had to work for the kill as well you know that right like that was a 50 50 where's the faith i yeah you ended i don't understand your logic oh i thought that doesn't mean can you come in protect the tower i don't think anything lets you tank tower hits i want i'm back i'd like to go home i have a scissor oh okay this is not good this is not boring you might die but i will live no don't you freaking serious how does that reach that's so lame it's okay on the i think i think something bugged down and i saw something oh never mind all right fine i'll kill him oh my god they don't they [Music] how i wait for me okay okay okay i need to keep them from backing okay okay oh right right try to hit me try to hit it do i hit me [ __ ] you too [ __ ] you should just live sure just look you could have lived you don't [ __ ] yo if this guy comes oh i'm all seeing you're windy good sniffing good snipping i'm snipping him i'm saying you stole my kill again i ignited dude this character's kind of crazy she's pretty cool you know if you don't want me to lean with you you know it's fine i can leave no i uh okay listen not everything in this lane is yours okay oh i thought everything belongs no what's yours is mine and what's mine is mine you forgot oh oh oh i've heard that before hey can jungler commit please yeah i'm here okay can you kill him like next time he comes back to lane because he doesn't have flash anymore does that flash how do you use this flash uh he used to splash because we were fighting right now people use flashes when they're fighting a lot oh got it did he kill you when he used to slash no that was i i gave it to him so you could get the shutdown he doesn't have a shutdown oh my goodness oh he took mike he took my creep camp when you kill him kill him hit me but it's only for you right now for teammates yeah i think so okay all right i'm down to online in like five seconds when i have my five seconds okay honestly you could go whenever oh maybe i should've gone bears dance oh i missed oh oh oh we're still going oh okay i'm gonna go back i have a lot of money scar is this a truck's bothering you he's all right guys we're not gonna let him back are we yeah all right now he dies ready oh what the [ __ ] we're gonna lose this tower i'm talking i'm taking i'm attacking him oh my god no please don't let them take it test why did why didn't you just wait for the wave scar i said i'm coming from here and you stood here for three seconds and then it took three turret shots but you backed off why did you just not wait for the weight because that was just a free kill he was gonna back why would you want to take damage there what just you don't engage on that huh you're griefing no no no ask your chat skara i i am ask your chat they know you're greasy i could have cleaned them i could have cleaned up the kill but the way you started it was terrible guys why do we fall apart it's legal is it league wait are we winning we're winning but we're still falling apart that's like prime league of legends like team-wise there's just so much yelling i'm not yelling i have five kills and six assists eleven out of five i want to point out when do you miss her out when do you miss her out on the bears i'm not you wish y'all are the bearers i my alt was not missed there was it hit one dude one dude one of the dudes they're coming guys just gotta be relaxed he yells at me i relax if you don't miss your abilities i won't yell at you we wendy's we wear these we wear these go go go on this guy oh that guy okay that guy's fine too that guy's fine too oh wow you took it from the jungle and the adc one d no no no wendy don't let them believe nothing is killed you did nothing yeah you did nothing wrong listen i can totally carry from the support position by healing you even more yes i'm taking cs [ __ ] you i will help you take him in lily no i'm taking his jungle wait lily but this is this tower this is not even his jungle where's the jungle it's not even there anymore oh right here louie oh i'm coming oh there's a dude there's a viego that's coming this is got blue oh guys we're gonna get sandwiched oh this is free this is free this is freezing free free freeze right here we go we got the cut off we got the gun off you can't leave you can't leave oh my god toast oh okay nice okay okay okay okay okay we're ready you ready you ready lily you ready lily right lily are you ready yeah i'm so ready okay we're ready what am i ready for we're turning you guys come in uh i see you two have watched box box's new video oh what what that's just never mind your dad oh you weren't ready ah oh what's going on here oh my gosh what ouch i'll be ready i'm ready i'm ready okay are you good alone here sir okay oh man oh okay two mid two mid three minutes three mid all right hold on i need to go farm this i'm like go oh look how clean we are we're so we're like mr clean with the guys level nine now you can take that turret it's free i tried so hard blue buffs up for somebody oh this i see i see i see this guy okay there's guys that we see i'm going for it i'm playing for jungle lily we're playing oh there he is i'm chasing do you think you can outsmart me i can't believe you didn't get that all right let's go let's go he's on me oh no he's scissors girl oh he oh yeah we just beat him we can do this now okay he left he didn't oh all right all right we'll kill this train all right you guys ready um yep yep oh oh oh can you catch him yeah i'm [ __ ] here boy i'm faster yeah it's in my name baby nice clean and then we go for this guy [ __ ] damn yeah yeah oh dear is kinda don't worry lily i'll stop her from killing you where'd he go over here [Music] i think he was trying to ward oh all right don't be a [ __ ] come here i've got my special move run away there's a good move i was actually just run away he did i said i was using my special move jesus man come on honestly turtle stance isn't that bad i'm coming mid i'm coming mid you just had a blue buff you need another one yours hasn't even expired just come here just come here just kill me okay just help me execute this play okay okay no don't come don't come down let me break it yeah yeah yeah babe why why are you face-taking we're gonna kill this [ __ ] we're going to collapse all right all right you guys ready i'm ready all right [Music] interrupted him and i'm really engaging and oh he's on his own i punched you towards us i'm punching with toys i'm jumping over this i'm healing i'm really baby oh i'm dodging i'm jumping another one you guys started i'm going i'm going i'm going we can't follow that we can't follow that one no go go you won't oh this is a verse here oh he pisses out i'm punching him one one two punching oh he has prowlers what the [ __ ] okay i was trying stun him he's dead never mind if you stun him he's dead though yeah okay i don't only have 150 goals shut down i'm such an important member no it's okay it's okay it's fine it's fine it's fine oh god i don't want to be here anymore guys look i know what is up red bull leaving i'm leaving i'm going in you're not going in i'm leaving i'm going in okay oh lily's done no i'm not i'm dead you're dead you're dead he's dead that's really sad i'm sorry what the heck what why did i get oh dragon's coming up in a minute okay all right kill him all right lily ready ready ready we're gonna chase him down we're gonna change him down like the dog is park board [ __ ] he he flashed i'm supposed to be punching as a phoenix or punching as a tiger nice did you get it nice good job yeah i think you just choose one of them but like i feel like i switched to q for the attack speed yeah you can do it once and then go back uh you just stay here honestly i just press all of my q w er and i hope i doing the right thing you ready oh okay let's go i'm here all right let's not go oh come on come on fair boy i'm the bear man baby i'm punching this guy and now i'm going to punch this guy okay and after i'm done punching this guy i'm going to go back up to punching this guy oh thank you thank you all righty now i'm running away oh i'm gonna punch a dragon oh okay okay let's go baby i think he'll win 45 yeah yeah yeah yeah you're certain so i'll leave right now there's no way you lose please don't leave i will report you all right we're winning we're winning why does this guy always do this to me you are the oh i'm on my way i'm on my way oh you got oh you got stun locked um he got help and he flashed and ghosted i won so okay me all right oh yay thank you save me tv i'm trying i'm tv we're going we're going trying okay yeah this is the scuttle crap talk [ __ ] about my mom give me one sec oh okay it's okay all right i've dealt with him getting an alarming amount of kills oh okay oh scar no this verse can't do this he can't do this you cannot do this running them just around them you're alive you're alive oh no a lot of damage you should get uh the other lanes yeah yeah you guys ready for that yeah absolutely there you go oh my goodness all right ready go back in you ready round round oh god oh lily bite you works in the auto in between like a true lux player all right waves come in [Music] oh god oh [ __ ] all right so if i walk this way i yikes okay what else do i buy here come here boy come here you flash why you think flash is gonna get me away from you [ __ ] you viego [ __ ] you too oh god oh oh well can you run away yeah i got my special move run away later [ __ ] go clear that award winning come on okay so clear that word when you got it all right i cleared it all right get the swain all right he's dead was he dead oh there's tp here below us oh he didn't dodge uh um uh there's a lot of uh people all right here's a redemption for you oh oh my god i've ceased the whole time reverse oh guys what if we lose this we're not gonna lose we're gonna lose this yeah but what if you know it's only like it's all like it's like i will give someone 100 subs oh one of us yeah including me if we lose i'm living in all that for right now oh i see an aatrox oh he's i can't believe he appeared on my screen with disrespect do you like that character she's fun right i like her oh she looks because it shoots like missiles yay she's like gothic lolita vibe we're very tanky oh yeah i don't think damage anymore yeah tell us is playing an s tier jungler right now so that's are you guys ready are you guys ready yeah are you guys going all right i'm popping everything brown wow [Music] fake fake friend fake friend big big fake you really gonna leave your life like that oh wow she couldn't commit she was faking she got killed i was like i was gonna do but my mentors i'm selling it oh no i'm a fake friend oh no the hesitation oh are they gonna let the minions end it no no they're not wait so if i auto attack like a monster or a minion in between my oh it still counts right yes like commonly you'll attack a minion after you e just to get the cooldown reset oh wait you see this dog you see this dog you're with me let's go let's go i'm with the dog i'm with you dogging with your dog what's your dog i'm with your dog oh i'm with you dog i'm with your dog oh my god wait i did this who's wrong bye scarf oh you're woody i'm coming back here i'm with you dog with your dog our redemption here redemption here oh i killed one with the redemption keep going keep going just can't stop stealing kills huh wendy oh oh oh i got cece i create his weakness it's not intentional [ __ ] i should be used to i should get to nasty greatest weaknesses and artist girls oh [Laughter] also true of appreciation for the arts what's wrong with that but only if they're hot oh hmm oh i'm oh they're coming they're coming holy [ __ ] what happened oh god oh god you're trying to kill me oh god oh my god she's pretty good [ __ ] oh my god what is that slow oh abe you can queue and then eat aatrox i can oh really trucks yeah i thought you died that that's what makes that oh my god asking for death all right do we want to win the game overall what's going on yeah let's let's win the game let's go kill them first kill them i'm in the dog i'll go ahead now let's knock him up oh oh god now he's fast af boy guys what if they what if they get out there and we lose oh no oh nice combo okay okay right here this guy this guy okay okay clean clean all right nice stop okay okay more more they might get elderly no no but four of them are dead so we could get elder you know we the three of us you know with uh eve and me and we could get up that was kind of cringy right now my name's trying to win the game we're doing trades are we are we trying to get this dragoon i'm so cringe someone please teach me how to be based based wow that's a term i haven't heard in five six years well i know how to do it are you guys ready okay it's over oh they're coming yeah yeah don't worry this means you buy time to beat me oh wait i kind of just agree throw them oh you kill them you got this scar [Music] i'll give it to scara i'm gonna give it to lily i [ __ ] ganked your lane four times by the time wait but i thought you were we're okay right we're still cool right yeah we won i ran around stunning everyone nice night nice nice game are you done playing scara look i can play one more like one more valerian game if you guys are playing about it oh yeah like i'll tell you what move five steps peak one five times i'll play whatever toast wants to play uh running back league of legends let's go where are you siri let's go let's go come on lily why'd you leave the queue oh i i said uh i was gonna play a game of valor without michael wanted to play like game of thrones but wait all five of us were gonna play with you lily said he was gonna step out i didn't know okay i'm actually gone i'll stop no it's actually i'm gone i already closed the clock i'm actually ending my stream right now what's what's that i gotta go so lightning just struck me and raid lily peach goodbye this is terrible this is the worst timeline you didn't actually end right scar because i can just get food i'm kind of hungry stop talking keep playing you wait so what game are we playing valor run uh all five of us um well nascar's gonna go eat food he'll probably cry while he's eating it i think please stop i valor look how happy michael is we love valerie he's so cute we love playing breeze six times in a row hello michael hey how's it going you sound very enthused [Music] what the [ __ ] oh [ __ ] you're in the garage hey what's up do you have the weight or here or the elbow the weight i gave you yeah i don't know oh yeah it's upstairs somewhere what if they're all three different that would be great legends never die [Music] they become a part of you can you hear them screaming out it says missing string table entry when i try to invite what does that mean table entry god did you guys get my invite no did you get that i can't maybe open party i open party i'm in hello hello hello okay it's back hello i don't care i can switch accounts do you want to switch accounts do you want to do it oh camera hold on wait wait hold on silver accounts bro do you guys have any accounts around bronze or yeah if we don't have silver accounts do we have bronze account micah do you have a silver account i have a bronze account oh that works it could be it could be silver or bronze let's see if it works silver or bronze works let's test it out let's get this they're so close to silver oh looks like my earphones are acting oh this one's go oh no guys i think all my accounts are gold ah that's such a difficult problem to have i'm sorry guys okay i'll get back on my account we love breeze we love breeze let's go or just any unrated um can you join up for meet us i still have gold accounts i'm sorry i'm sorry oh okay we can just unrate it all right run it back let's do breeze let's go i don't really like brace actually not run it back on rated let's go i'm not we should breathe we should practice right yeah i haven't actually played that much because i played maybe three or four games yeah let's practice breeze match found wait i lost connection on the game i have to restart no okay i think it's fine i just like reconnected it's fine whatever uh my client disconnected randomly it happened to me before too oh i can't hear [ __ ] okay all right go again you you can someone talk real quick talking talking talking pogers thank you thank you match found the art is pretty we're playing for fun fun i guess i'll lock in your [Music] that was it that's it good one good one hmm what am i saying of course he does oh because we have a sofa too huh huh the sage said a lie she said a real banger back what does he say what she say lily oh no it's not thick enough okay right uh actually don't want to kill him here so he doesn't get more money right that's true i like you guys a lot there he was so far away what's the economy ah let's see they're all pretty lit up oh shoot i'm not in position there they are enemies you smoke their entrance to be here again really what position is that what happened oh he was behind the tower one enemy remaining damn eh let's go we pull up let's go i know you're ready right oh yeah that's why i'm here right there in the hall hear them they're opening the door now oh my god why do you can't let them open the door they open the door already there's one here oh oh oh that's illegal you go you go directly you're executed immediately if that happens to you wow you are a force of nature how do you feel about this map um sure i haven't seen like people do well on it yet but it's pretty bad for like judge right uh yeah but especially decoy a is okay because you play around pyramid but yeah he's a little rougher judge hey do you see anyone yes i think i hear them there was one i think there was one more yeah they're definitely watching and check it out i'm i'm not yeah yeah okay that one puts them [Music] one enemy remaining last one mid and one oh among us come into the unknown oh [ __ ] i know that's my bad enemy spotted hey thank you and when they played these balls that's why i'm gonna push up i will find you i hear events cage you will not kill my ally i should have killed the stage first [ __ ] [Music] okay spike down a cover going up okay what joke's over you're right you're right last player standing oh they can see me here they're all honey they're both on unless 30 seconds left the spike's down here ah one enemy remaining bike down michael where are you looking i was looking at i thought he was in the hall i thought i heard him yeah there's like a little there's like a little thing there oh i see the shop oh yeah i think i thought i did i thought you smoked nothing i was so confused why did i just kill that scene we should just kill that stage i will rip the light from them cutting through i'll handle this [Music] i need help i don't know why you're smoking this entrance careful you're hull not clear okay you gotta walk toast we gotta walk they're dying really they're dying yeah they're dying there's an operating window lily do you hear me all right what to do besides you you're out that round time i'm not gonna respond to negative i'm asking i'm serious no no no no you're disguising it as like i'm just curious but you asked me a question that makes me look bad because i did nothing that round there it is this is a nice spot this goes here is there a way to get up here oh there is picking it okay with the spikes here cage they're gonna flank us they're gonna find kids yeah nice to go lily look at me lily i use my ultimate ability i reviews whatever what is standing sorry am i disappointed one enemy remaining 30 seconds my camera is destroyed the spike is there he has a punt there are we defending or attacking we're defending okay he has a plant there one bullet he has a point yeah 10 seconds left wow i forgot there's a rope that's cheating the aggressive walk right at the up slowly i scare myself i can't tell if you got outplayed or if you just got extremely lucky because i feel like that was so like risky yeah although you're playing here okay hey i i just i don't know are you gonna watch the movie oh no that's sorry spike down mid oh lily look at the left there's no water right god this map is like a horror game i don't know where it really is so you're not a good shot today there are other ways you were here and you looked to the right i never said yes i never said yes you'll notice i never said yes oh sorry where am i going i don't know what i'm going to uh you watch watch this okay yeah i'll go yeah got it nice i'm coming in window what are you gonna do [ __ ] maximize that was hilarious i was watching michael's theory and you see sofa okay yeah imagine there i heard a knife yeah that's stabbing the [ __ ] wall you will not kill my eyeliner what that's mid and a there's two caves one mid i need to watch caves i can't watch anything else all right i'm watching i killed man where is that no idea no idea the map is is 900 acres big nice what the [ __ ] was it the sage was caged but i haven't seen it in a while go on stairs our hollows wishing one enemy remaining i'm swishing like a swisher fisher oh save nothing why did the enemy team say pokemade this goes here wow this is my spot wait now they said me they said how do they know where to run i'm healing [Music] camera taken out no hot feelings oh my god i had that camera wait a minute [Applause] nice because he altered and he killed him like within one second that's clean last thing [Music] um one buddy you [ __ ] i got this i got this he's coming to your own enemies i did 71 to the omen how much did you guys do 91 to phoenix 40 to omen omen's five health got it got it got it got it okay why is this map so scary right yeah there's a lot i when i'm just like walking next to someone and neither of us realizes but they're like they're like long angles yeah i'm gonna smoke there's a lot of different places that they can pop out of i'm venting oops i don't mind that oh i'm gonna do some vent type [ __ ] shut down down boys where are the orbs yeah wait how did you get the camera over there hello he's going to come out okay you're going to shoot him in a knife get your knife out get your knife out approach him yeah yeah little leaves behind him i'll flash him you're never going to be kept on him oh look at me look at me come on come on look at me [Music] okay when he gets blinded he can't hear your footsteps oh really wait you're right oh my god completely forgot about that lily let you die one day lily i didn't let you die maybe you shouldn't have died have you thought about that oh yeah is that what you want to say to me dying lily is that is that what you want to say huh i'm not being very quiet oh my god there's a fish tank in this gun i hear oh [ __ ] [Music] double doors i'm confusing him with sound oh wait it sound like you vented yeah i uh alt or i teleported after jumping in it reloading spike down right look at that oh my god he's so lit i hit him in the leg three times all right fish tank wait i hit him 70. worth like three of you fighting it yeah wait you didn't hit him 90. i did it for 19. you said you hit it three times with the legs yeah three times in the leg through the wall 19 19. what kind of using to make it sound like you did more damage with the hole i hit him three times in the legs that was you were on purpose making it sound bigger than it was three times i did nine damage okay it might have been a while bang [Music] oh 155 on this ray now that was oh no really you forgot to turn off your if they try something am i what huh oh what what finish it i'm kind of poor guys why don't we like plow something say less i hear the word plow and everything that's his favorite word is it p l o w o p l o u g h i think it's thinking i think it depends right oh i can find that head instantly all right honey i don't want to think so why don't you definitely watch double dog i'm on my way this one little okay wait wait wait listen okay yeah you're gonna no no go around turn around and look to your right yeah you're gonna go up this path [Music] and a triple here with a single here yeah okay okay okay all right all right yeah michael's gonna execute right here and lily's gonna explain here all right one two three break wait what am i doing what was i doing yeah okay go go go go go go go go oh they have a knob here they haven't up here oh god uh i want you to know if i miss or if you miss we're both dead okay got it okay the guy can see me that's cool downside fine behind you what angle did they see me from when i need to run a play here i find them i cannot okay all right i have a quick game plan all right okay all right lily what i need you to open up your obs yes and cover your map i will be their nightmare shadows traveling men we just kill them all oh wait for it wait lily auto sound to be auto sound to be used ability okay all right nice teammates off wendy's upper mid upper mid no matter what do not take that teleporter honey you definitely shouldn't take the teleport but what if you did you got hey lily what if you did take the teleport do it there's so many things so listen when we hold aside we need to watch angles in the way that they can't cross so wendy will be here watching here and lily will be here watching now so when what you did is you watch tight right angle so the phoenix walks here and shoots me here so you want to make sure he can't cross you does that make sense okay all right tell us what all right uh let's hold smoke for a bit okay for heaven look at the right side of it i'm smoking the left side of it i don't think your alt is reaching the back i'm watching your right toast oh they're flanking they're flying i heard a rope oh yeah joke's over what's jumping on him he's on the right i got the omen though hey you guys got enough okay last ones here and here come on nice wall oh there's a hole in it i think that's fine you can move up to the wall here wendy yeah no oh that's nice one enemy remaining all right grab the up grab does anyone want this someone take this that goes there hello okay hello honey send your footsteps right there okay you see where i am right there try to get it in the hole okay don't don't do it yet but but do it in a second don't do it yet don't do it i mean do it okay while destroying he's coming he's coming okay oh no no no i was up there damn it 39 to him where uh oh i see him he's on the beach on your left a little bit can you peek that he's looking at me last player one's coming from cage 30 seconds left what oh my [ __ ] god so bad i have retrieved the spike give me a real god [Music] get it together get it together okay i need a drone so you can yes thank you thank you i got it i'll get it together all right lily do a flash on to the east side uh michael smoke tunnel wait wait for silva recon if he reconciles don't wait for [ __ ] let's go oh he's close oh god [ __ ] that that's what i say why didn't we do that why does anyone do anything be anywhere [ __ ] so this is huh nice why are there so many holes in this map [ __ ] there's a rope behind me i hate that road you will not kill my allies thousand tunnels yeah so they have really far away that's crazy what are you gonna do huh are you gonna do nothing nothing because you can do nothing oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] they're coming for you all right match point let's end this huh what's up oh no you want a vandal here come have a vandal no no no no no no i don't want to don't find me i don't want it no no phantom lily take this take this one okay and i'll take this and toss about your knot oh i need this oh okay i can just all done to a site oh [ __ ] this let's get the [ __ ] out of here let's do it actually get the [ __ ] outta here go outside [Music] where bro oh my ego oh my god oh my god why are you killed by freaking chalk darts [Music] okay that's a good game thanks for playing that's it one game yeah i'm tired on one oh it's okay i'm also making this i can i have wireless headphones now so i can hear you guys like this also oh cool can we hear you piss [Music] [Music] oh you guys want to see a sick picture i commissioned that's sick okay let's see it all right fine you guys you sound like a pain no show it match found i posted it on my twitter you're in italy huh wait really yeah you're at the center actually that is so epic wow the commission art piece i had made oh oh my god this is so good wait i want to see what the heck where where's the leak it's on my twitter oh it's already posted it's on toast twitter let's see oh [ __ ] um who do i play wendy you're in it too what what about me what about you're in it too oh i see me why does it look like i'm about to sh about to put down wendy for someone else what happened here they're your children now wait why did you stop oh no wait wait you stopped streaming but you're still playing oh yeah yes it does i can kind of chill you know i don't have enough juice boxes for you stop streaming as you went my molly bounced off the wall into the stratosphere so don't count on it you know what that one's on me neutralized two on your right yep one enemy wow what a toy wow what do you say ready to stretch your wings oh my god this is such a cute banner it's not fan art it's commissioned it's awesome cost thousands of dollars don't call it fan art don't sully it's name turned out you look so funny you're like so shocked where are you wait michael do you want this ghost well here we go russia oh wait how did i not kill her all right would you like some feedback i don't want your unsolicited unless it's really nice really nicely all right lily so sometimes you hold it here that means you're in a position that is only relevant if everyone on your [ __ ] team dies and you're going to fight at 505. don't you get stressed out when you go 5v1 it stresses you out right yeah yeah then why don't you put yourself in a position where it like it can only be a five you want you're right okay the um yeah kind of cringe turned around like what happened to my friends she's in the garage oh there's one uh one enemy remaining okay one more minute nice oh nice lily nice uh actually you know you shooting what's good they didn't expect me exactly i wanted them to know that there's no one there you know thank you thank you thank you wait oh man i'm not streaming so no one saw that that's okay let's turn it back on turn it on turn it back on [ __ ] get it back on i'll pay you 20 bucks if you spectate me so i'll just go die and go die i'll just go die for 20 bucks fourth might be up ramps already i'm looking at it i love this wall because i can tuck myself in here yeah this is what we did at the tournament comfy yeah your comfy wallet i'm staying at they probably are they molly the mid they set something up a bit so killjoy's midish garage is completely open sorry wait how did they get through here oh [Music] he could be coming back eh 30 seconds left yeah he's mid he's suicide lily i'm spectating you oh oh okay it's your time to shine hold peacock oh i'm ass all right go go go go go go go go run lily oh kill joyce hit 80. recalling my boss boss coming back 10 seconds left spike planted they can stop the round stairs yeah there they are [Music] you're going to watch heaven you're going to protect a vested defuse you can watch heaven keep watching heaven yeah yeah all right behind you now oh never mind you said no i'm sorry sorry sir you were right i was wrong wow notification i know i'm perfectly capable of recognizing when i'm wrong right i don't know no no that's not that's not your problem what's my problem yes you think you're right too many times when you're not wait that's the same thing oh michael let me buy you oh wait you're here too no i guess two sentinels here this is kind of weird that was almost worse than the loss if i'm being honest with myself obviously i was paid to spectate you five times so we have to play another one [ __ ] match found [Music] um uh scent uh nothing stays hidden from me nothing they have a race called wandy 1d they do 1d i have my names 1d boosted he's calling you boosted how dare you call you a boosted e girl sorry that's my inner misogyny coming up do you need therapy this goes here oh um turn out where do we go do we slam sp looks like we're spinning [Music] like a split soup shadows i don't see anybody cat okay [Music] i'm forcing you bought a sheriff and that's it is that your horse yeah this is my voice in my mind why can't you only afford so little why didn't you spend on last round oh it's because of my youtube oh because i bought a sheriff last year what the [ __ ] for 14. paul asked me to spectate you five times really i'm gonna go write it down mid now no no no [Music] uh [Music] guys [Music] fast that means they really take grass okay okay okay we just had to smoke then slow down yes but you can run past i ran past here run pass with me how am i the only one always running past all the stuff that's stopping you get over here you know what i agree i agree let's go let's do this let's go i recon and we run in yes no no we run in while you recon okay okay okay we're going let's go let's go let's go go now it's going down he's gonna watch he's gonna walk break it break it break it break the freaking [ __ ] this guy [ __ ] this guy go go go go go go go stand ctrl they're breaking it right now i think they're both in the back okay yeah yeah one enemy remaining [ __ ] all of you you guys are trash yeah he got it all up he got it all up during this round facing sentry here babe have a phantom oh do you like my spectre thank you no more charges left all right [Music] when's your next smoke michael oh it's done there's nowhere for 20 seconds i'm gonna uh camera this angle you too you need to tweet with me and tweet them what are you thinking what's up okay executing a secret i'm here they can't they can't they know i'm here okay okay right there right there right there nice job lily great job okay okay the doors are closed all right ready for 120. now if we have flank so we don't have to watch it because of the robot okay that's gonna they're you won't be able to help wendy when she gets shot in the face there's no way she checks her because no not a chance no no no yeah she does suspect you because most people will i've seen lilly let monday die so many times [Music] [Laughter] uh hold my chat okay cat yeah i dropped it youtube okay default as that simple as that find them kill them this is a nice spot oh i bet he's been watching him on tick tock time to shoot through the wall i can open to be good did you say he's on the wall here right here he's on top of the wall all right lily [Music] nice one more ct after this game all three of them three of them three of them that was a headshot uh one enemy remaining oh continued to win yes this should go facing century i like that oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] um i was trying to avoid these grenades that were strategically placed upon my body deploying yeah does your gun still work when you're getting aided well my eyes weren't entirely cover going up oh you see somebody [Applause] a and abe's going to follow you you can check your left as you cross that's fine you're going to put a bot 30 seconds left in the middle yeah yeah yeah abe is going to take a shot here able to take a shot so that they think you're moving you're going to close oh okay that's okay they know you're good ten seconds ready that's okay that's okay he's in front zone wait doesn't it i want the op that's that's yours you picked it up all right here's the play here's the plate we get an odin we see him here she's gonna wall and be like oh let me run down the lane [ __ ] shoot her through the wall as she runs all right right here that includes you uh i'll recovery i'll recon for you okay oh [Applause] yeah send me to heaven [Applause] set me up what are you doing hey we're going we're going hey we're going we're going okay we're gonna keep making noise okay if you have the bomb okay we can't go we can't go ahead we have to go we have to go we have to come with b we're gonna burst through the mid all right one two three go all right hey you gotta clutch you're just looking at me i didn't realize we had two geniuses on the team my bad only got four of them do better next time wow this is a nice spot can't talk to you for a second dude so why'd you hold a spike and not come in well i was confused because i was using the ops i was just you know like looking to get picks from the rotation um oh i did over 300 damage that round okay can you fix that though turn it out i did over 300 damage okay sounds like a long way to say now [Music] [Music] now i get to spectate lily all right lily camera oh okay okay yeah um uh i trust i'm getting this 120 on stage two and two in three rooms stage is closer i know you're here i know you're here [Laughter] oh oh oh [ __ ] camera battle on his [ __ ] camera 30 seconds left you see with your special eyes oh my god see that you're so bad battle this goes here yes this should do all right so it's warming warming wait i have all right i'll bang it buy a node and let's go but uh where is everyone doors oh yeah let me just camera oh he's right here yep there he is i didn't kill him oh my god oh my god did you see him i saw the barrel off his gun and i hit him with the leg chest and head i'm pretty sure it's one forward this is a nice spot that goes there oh can a play i haven't been here in a while did good luck getting out of here whoever's here um you guys oh bye oh oh he moved to the left teleported that sound of a [ __ ] absolutely thank that's you true all right the stage is for sure so we kill her oh are you wait a second she's unhinged she's gone this goes here as [ __ ] nice um they went to this one one enemy remaining spiked down attacker spawn with his special eyes where is she huh 30 seconds left remember that this is a nice spot triggered yeah because they don't have a silver i'm sorry oh oh there is i'm anchoring i'm not like where i think it's over okay he's there he's literally made oh my god [Laughter] oh they're breaking my wall immediately while it's broken i smoke i smoke a lot of [ __ ] here oh [ __ ] yeah a lot of [ __ ] i love [ __ ] oh they're in there match point we can end it now once more so they can't come a and they can't they go mid that's their next wasn't these guys was the one that he backed this was the last thing they keep actually oh they rushed so hard what is that [ __ ] noise oh gum foreign hasn't been doing that all day a little bit let me try wow this is a nice spot this goes here yes this should do let us hunt wait lily can you buy wendy i don't even i don't know okay um give him the ghost oh my wall just broke i'm gonna go where am i give him the ghost uh even though uh wait how did it go okay okay oh oh they're gonna spray once mid-market one's been one enemy remaining last one on site tagged 80 wendy when he flashes shoot him when he flashes do we really want to win the game here [Music] actually don't know if you made it wait i think so wait a minute guys up honestly kind of lily's fault for really why billy yeah does report grief you caused me grief life goes there ah this is a nice spot fight any noises the camera a oh [Music] oh oh my god that mario [ __ ] you know what that means you know we need to play another game because of that you know we have to you know we have but it's 12 a.m you know we have to do it because you shot him now just christ the league ah fine i'll play another one all right come on start it off okay no this is don't make the rules actually the last one okay okay okay all right lily why do you think we play so late because we don't want to confront reality after we're done huh because we don't want to face tomorrow when we wake up late push it later and later huh anyway let's have a good game do i have time to wash my face nope you're gonna go to bed with an oily face oh i really gotta wash my face i'll be right back okay sounding like a melody in mind match found oh nice alice we're playing like all the different maps ice ice box i see boxing our last game is going to be washington's so fast yeah i rushed i didn't want to miss it now what are you playing lily um i want to try you know what i'll play cypher no no no you won this is like your morgana jungle you're making me want to play sci-fi even more morgana jungle what's wrong i play killjoy so it's like basically the same [ __ ] you know kill joy it's just a better cipher anyway they think i'm an old dog i'll show them just how many tricks i know a lot of people said i should try out cypher if i were like killjoy so much no no why no you're why no you could place you could play sage lily we can swap i'll play kj you play no i don't like placing sage's wall it stresses me out oh you know i i understand i used to get really stressed out with her wall too right yeah it's true oh god they have korean and japanese names oh no they have the entire eastern asia block rise out my chinese brethren [Music] yeah it's just like the wait you mean his name yeah like the enemy team the jets name oh i can't even see it i have names turned outside i can't yeah it's a lot of korean words [ __ ] you try to kill me one step closer to being back in pajamas who wants a ghost who wants a ghost all right i can oh lily can you lock down a you got the lock down oh yeah you don't need to worry about a okay okay i'm not gonna worry about it yeah don't even worry about a yes i okay you literally can just afk a i hear a lot of steps towards michael uh cyprus one end one enemy remaining the last one's won when you're going cypher you're trying to get far away so you have rage huh is that what you were trying to do michaels she didn't say anything that like implies his hatred for koreans that's implying he hasn't he does this don't worry no one is it's okay it might be a little default no no no please come here no no he shot us [Music] spike oh what the [ __ ] over here huh what's so interesting over there wow getting murdered my feet to your left i thought you had it it's not my fault oh my god oh my god oh my god both of you [Music] wendy i'm not friends yeah i always assume they'll run out before the eyeball goes off toast you want to knock the cipher always lurks mid and b side every time really you did not have a lockdown you did not keep it cool all right the cipher is [ __ ] dead i heard someone say cypher always lurks mid he does he does yeah he does and then he proceeds to get kills by deciphering holy [ __ ] michael march begins oh the guy the guy the guy mid yeah yeah last player standing all right lily lily lily what are you watching my time because he definitely went through the tube with no problem spike planted but really if you kill them all here you were it's too late for that positive reinforcement hey right here are you going to die to decipher again no i'm going to kill him kill him are you going to lock down a this time no okay i'll stay here with you these guys ain't [ __ ] smoke's down i don't like ice blocks hear b's footsteps sage has no armor oh my god they're so good healing just watching open up the sky launching smoke oh just smoke time i'm so bad spike planted wendy i want to see that aggression all right place your best we'll literally get one kill yes no no look there look there turn around [Music] sorry she got the kill though even though you kept turning around after i told you specifically just keep watching lily lily i could buy your specter uh let me wallop fight full armor i will kill someone i promise i got your right [Music] oh kill him i'm so sorry no that's okay that's okay give him a solo give him all the darts don't worry who just punched the wall good [ __ ] good [ __ ] i know you got the lock down on there right yeah yeah yeah your second top frag you're about to be top frag oh you're right you're right yeah yeah you can see the lead right here i can see that means this begins that's here that's here i'm leaving i'm scared i'm afraid made footsteps okay oh my god he's hung out oh what is this [Music] [Music] oh [Music] out launching smoke i heard a footstep dude yeah there's one on top of green smoke down i'm not enemies down you go oh that's okay armor nice them oh we need that off okay operation all right one enemy remaining operation kill the other guy i'm i'm my ball okay okay he's behind my smoke he's behind my smoke i'm gonna go walk up to this off my arms so weird that was efficient movement jumping oh oh my god this just oh see that [Music] oh my god i got killed by the korean take flight oh it's the asians nest yeah wait you saw another one do you left two left yeah right here you're a [ __ ] lily she's going to be right to your left okay you go to the right and you're going to turn the left i got you i got you okay now turn left you got me right here right here you [ __ ] i didn't know if those were talking to me or to someone else when he said to the left i literally just flung my uh i'm cyprism all right there's no more there i don't even want this guy i don't want this gun anymore right down the wall all right nice reload you see one in nest okay [Music] oh no all right let's see the uh no scope let's go okay yeah yeah yeah [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [Laughter] is ow don't overthink it that's my job get out of my way they're bringing my wall here cringe oh damn i hit it for 120 last round before the switch while she was feeling proud to use our cribs and abilities don't waste your firepower all right lily can you buy me this uh okay wait and then i can buy oh come on oh yes thank you the fun begins oh [Music] welcome to my world [Applause] it's the rat it's the rash yeah he was probably mid around two so i gotta line up for this okay nice nice being right here yeah knife oh right here what what the attackers they only wanted to play attack that's crazy um [Music] you still hate ice [Music] literally the last one though yeah yeah for sure yeah for sure for sure just one more for real for real yeah yeah you guys ever have real shakes oh yes yeah those are pretty [ __ ] great right dude those are so awesome i actually um i actually had those for the first time in college those are so good uh i remember they put one at the 7-eleven near my house it was like it was like getting a target in the area but just that machine is so much mm-hmm that machine that's so cool a very bad kiss [Music] c match found a sense again no bind no haters no haven we didn't play haven did we play even no we didn't no no halen yeah no haven if you want to dodge i wouldn't blame you in dutch um up to you guys tell me say it hmm we can just play we're work i want to bind anybody like the loading screen i actually like this one right did the game go through yeah oh a dodge too late oops you remind me what you count i'm on i think it was disguised this guy's totally disguised i've never seen it do that before that's wild terminate terminate please terminate terminate thank you your game requires a system restart to play all right yeah
Channel: Disguised Toast - Behind The Scenes
Views: 12,983
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: disguised toast, disguised toast full stream, disguised toast league, disguised toast league of legends, disguised toast behind the scenes, league of legends, lilypichu, sykkuno, scarra
Id: qRpiPPcBmrg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 278min 34sec (16714 seconds)
Published: Sat May 08 2021
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