League Of Villains Kidnaps You~ [ASMR] 360: My Hero Academia 360 VR

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god damn it subscribe already you damn nerd oh someone's waking up come on wake up wake up you look a little lost something wrong who am i who am i not i wouldn't try and move if i were you because you can't oh don't look so scared everything's going to be all right go home this is your home i'm your home you see i've been drawn in by you you're not normal you're special only special people catch my eye the last one didn't end up too well because he well let's just say he didn't listen to what i had to say oh nothing for now you're safe for the minute i'm not gonna do anything there's no need to be scared you're safe no one can hear you no one knows you're here what did i just say you are home this is your home now i'm your home no don't shake listen you're going to be very comfortable here why am i so close i just like to look extremely close because i've had to look so far away before this is the first time i've seen you close oh you're so scared there's no need to be as i've said i'm gonna make you mine what did you say you are mine and you're no one else's anymore no one can hear you scream for miles and miles you smell so sweet you're not going anywhere for a very long time no no no no no don't cry you're gonna be safe we're gonna have a great time you'll get food every day true you have to sleep in my basement but it can't get homely in here i suppose it won't be that comfortable i have to chain you up but you know you'll get used to it and that's all that matters too bad i can't not chain you up i wouldn't want you running away you might get the luxury of my trust at one time in the future but for now i know you're going to try and run away and you just have to learn that that isn't a possibility you're not going anywhere your mind will soon change and you want to be here forever and you won't know how to cope without me what get away from you but you're mine haven't you gotten that through your head i own you now and you can't tell me what to do it works the other way around sweetheart in case i wanted to taste [Music] i can just slice your hand with my knife and taste you only if i want to though and only if i get mad so i would suggest not making me angry stop crying you look better with a smile tears shouldn't burden your face you shouldn't shake i'm here for you i know everything you like your favorite food your favorite show your favorite movie your favorite hobby i know where your favorite cafe is i know what school you go to i know everything so we're perfect match don't you think how did i find it out i watched you i've been watching you for a long time you're special because you're you your hair your eyes your skin the way your clothes just fall off your body everything everything about you is special why you it's your fault really you caught my eye it's your fault because you're you and there's nothing you could stop it you can't stop it i found you and i'm not letting you go now that i've caught you stop moving it's not gonna help it's only gonna make me mad and you don't want to make me mad or else this knife will find a way to your skin and i'll taste how sweet you are we have funny ways of showing our love don't play looks like someone's awake where are you let's just say the league of villains finally found you you thought you could hide from us who am i you can call me dobby look at your pretty eyes you think you could have hid from us for long you what do i want there's a lot that i want it's more about what i need from you someone's being demanding you think i'm just gonna let you go you're an idiot you are mine now silly and i need information tell me who said i wanted to kill you if you don't give us information that's fine i'm sure i can have fun with you in other ways but that's besides the point you're gonna sit down here till i figure out what the hell to do with you because if you don't talk i have maze of making you talk you want your little head right there now now i said this once and i'll say it again what do you know i'll regret it why is someone gonna save you someone know where we are right now because i i sure as hell know that no one knows you or even exists anymore so you might start talking or every memory of you will be gone and then no one will come for you kyle you want but this is how it is let you go let you free now why would i do that i could do whatever i want and interest in you whatever do you mean by that we have oh no you are really pissing me off and i don't really get too mad often so here's what's gonna happen you have to the count of ten if you don't tell me what you know you can guess what happens ten nine eight seven six five four three two one you know that kind of torture works just as well as real pain you never know if i'm really gonna hurt you or not why are you so red by that am i doing something to you uh you're really something aren't you truth be told i just want you for myself i don't care what you know i just want you for my desires that's something you're never gonna tell anyone else because if you do i'll make sure you regret it understand me that's a good little one now in about five ten fifteen minutes i'm gonna take you out of those chains and i'm gonna take you somewhere where i can do more than just what i have been whether you like it or not okay i know you're gonna like it someone's looking a little bit cold this was just so you wouldn't move too much you know i actually do care about you believe it or not i didn't want now now quiet down i really didn't want to do this there's a so many ways other than what this is but you see i had no choice orders are orders and if i want to follow when the footsteps of the hero killer stay and i have to do what i must and if taking you and making you mine is what i have to do then i will got that good go to sleep tomorrow's a big day and it's the start of your initiation you're no longer a hero tomorrow you find out what really happened to you who you really are good luck [Music] you really thought you could escape huh there's no one around for miles no one can hear you scream why are you here i've told you this it's because i love you what do you mean prove it to you i'm keeping you safe from everyone that could hurt you and i have you all to myself what do i do to someone i love keep them safe of course and make them feel good you don't feel good here what if you wouldn't be chained up if you didn't try to escape every second day fine if you promise you won't try and escape i'll leave you unchained door is always locked though get off me what do you think you're doing you kissed my cheek [Music] see playing along isn't that hard isn't it you taste so sweet no what's this you're sweating [Music] i wonder what your blood tastes like oh someone's getting a frisky pinning a girl to the wall isn't fair uh what are you doing hey i call the shots here [Music] get off me oh ah your blood your blood tastes so good [Music] [Music] [Laughter] do you think you could try and trick me to making you free how stupid do you think i am what are you doing get off me right now you know what happens if you try and fight me what are you doing i don't i don't want it this way no i'm chaining you to the wall again no you're not you're not giving me what i want at all i want your love not bribery for me to let you free it's not the start i want now are the chains tight enough do they hurt answer me do the chains hurt you smell so good ah someone's a little frisky to get out huh what are you doing that hand needs to be in a chain what are you doing you don't want me to you don't want me to leave when i'm not crazy i'm just crazy for you i won't leave i won't leave at all i'll stay here as long as you want me to hand this hand can stay free as long as you keep holding my hand here i'll sit down so you can lay on my thighs [Music] don't try and escape again i won't be forgiving hey don't fall asleep they're so cute little noises they make when they're asleep so cute good night cutie pie you there who the hell do you think you are you can't just enter my lands this is where i reside who am i you know i thought you know who i was everyone knows who the demon king dobby is now you enter my territory my permission now what do you think i'm gonna do to you after all you are in my home come again maybe i should make you mine maybe i should do something to you or maybe just maybe i put you in your place you seemed electable i could simply eat you but that's what you think demons do don't you eat humans like yourself i could do that or i could make you realize what you've done wrong that's right from this point on you belong to me you are my property you can't run away from me i'm dobby what does that mean it means in an instant i could like you ablaze in an instant i could make you a pile of ash in an instant i could send you to the depths of hell now you can play nice or he can play the hard way either way it's up to you [Music] your call good choice very good choice now why don't you listen up and do as i say that's right why do you look so surprised something wrong you've never lived in this kind of welcome to my home this is the place that i call my sanctuary oh no it's okay to be alarmed i know i was a bit rude and aggressive but look when you just step on a demon's territory like that no less not give a regard you can't expect me not to do something i have to put my foot down on my territory i really do you can't be mad at me [Music] you know i don't want to i don't want to hurt you in any way okay i'm not going to hurt you i just want to keep you safe after all if you made it to my land that really means that you're in trouble i may be a demon but i'm not a bad guy just in fact you can leave if you want to but it's dangerous not safe now of course there's just so many things we could do while you're here but it is dangerous out there there is a plague you shouldn't be out there especially a human like yourself who isn't immune to the effects hey you're telling me you don't have a family hey hey it's okay to cry i can't think i'd be so soft right now but hey look i'm sorry if i just took you away from your family or wait you're serious they're dead i know how you feel hey it's okay i don't know who my father is brother however was an angel given the powers of the light and the ice i always hated that idiot younger brother but other cursed me to be a demon so here i am i guess you and i aren't so different i mean the one thing that's different about you is that you're the lack of better words beautiful stay with me i want you are you here with me won't you be my queen a demon needs to rule with another why won't you be mine and ruin this castle with me i thought you'd say that your lips are soft i could kiss him forever welcome to the family my love you are no one with me the demon lord [Music] so you're getting hungry down here you didn't need any of your food that's not good you need to eat you're looking so tired have you been sleeping no you know what happens when you don't take care of yourself remember [Laughter] okay well i wanted to tell you that i'm going out today and it's the first time that i've left you alone so you're going to have to behave but before i go out i thought you know you could help me pick out my outfit you know my clothes i have a very big mission today one of the heroes is out with their lover and we're gonna catch them so quick but they won't even see us coming who's going with us oh it's just me and dobby she and i thought it would make a very good team for this small mission you know hmm you want to help me change no you're just helping me pick out the outfit i'm doing that all by myself okay so we have this one it's all black it's very mission helpful no one will even see me coming it'll cover my hair and everything not that one hmm i wasn't thinking that either you know my tastes so well okay hmm so what about this one it's like my normal battle outfit but a lot more casual because it's not that big of a battle it's only the stupidity suku even though she is really cute she's not as cute as you look at you all chained up helpless you wanna be unchained no you know the rules now you can have one arm unchained and that's it you have that one arm free and you can't get out of the other one because i have the key [Laughter] [Music] so don't even try escaping while i'm gone okay great okay so what do you think about this one you like this one do too okay well i'll be right back okay don't go anywhere [Music] what are you doing oh wait did you get the key do you think you can leave that easily yes oh stupid you think you can leave me you're never ever leaving you're never ever going to get out of here you're never don't try and run away from me i love you i just want to make sure you're safe it's a big scary world out there someone like you can't take care of yourself so someone like you can't leave me and you're never going to [Laughter] stop trembling stop moving remember this old friend my knife i'll drag it against your skin until you're screaming until you beg me not to hurt you anymore because that's what i'll do so that you never ever leave so i suggest not trying to get out of this basement you smell so sweet no matter what you always smell so delicious [Music] just one little bite before no i know what you're trying to do you're trying to show me that you taste so good so i don't leave well i have to go on this mission cutie it's important that we take those stupid heroes down the more that i take down unless i have to worry about them finding you oh just one bite wouldn't kill anyone oh no you're so [Music] [Laughter] good [Music] [Applause] you look so scared you keep forgetting you are home you're home with me and you're never ever leaving do you like the outfit i knew he would [Music] okay i better go dobby's gonna be really angry if i'm late again and if dobby gets mad at me you're going to get hurt because it will be all your fault for being so perfect okay i'm gonna go cutie bye bye welcome to the league of billions i'm the leader tomorrow shigaraki and you must be well hopefully you'll make a great acquisition to the league we need as many people as we can with strong corks as possible [Music] you see all my needs to be defeated after all what do you think would happen once we defeat all might [Music] you also want to defeat all might perfect i'm starting to like you already [Music] you know it's been a while since we've had a new member enter the league besides working with overhaul and their people we haven't really had anyone join our side [Music] our name is triumphant no one is better than the league we are victorious you know you have lovely skin i'm serious it's soft pretty now now think about it like this i find you remarkable i find your features quite pleasant and honestly i find you quite pleasant maybe you could be mine now now don't get so nervous after all you are a villain come on oh so you like it when i talk to you that way [Music] you must be a good villain after all you know this is the exact spot in where i planned this attack soon they'll know more soon all might will get his kurugiri release the no moose i said release the no moose yes yes yes now true chaos shall be released isn't this just beautiful almost as beautiful as you we'll show those damn heroes idiots [Music] how do you think all might will feel knowing he will die from my hands you really think so well here's all i have to say i want you by my side when we take down all might and i want you there with me no matter what i really need you by my side together we can finish this and together we can take down all might just like all for once said my master he knows how to kill all might and he knows something that we don't who his real son is [Music] see he was telling me how he left a family after stealing their son's cork he left their family he took this kid's quirking that quirk is so powerful it's scary to see him when i saw him use it i was terrified [Music] the quirk that he used was insane i had he took it from a green haired boy his son he never told anyone but he erased their memories of him replacing them with others they all think that their dad is some work business trip but that's not the case you see this green haired boy also needs to die oh mike's taken quite a liking to him even though he's father's son not really my father but even though he's my master son he needs to die so you agree with me that's good now come let us wreak havoc onto this city let us destroy this and let us let all might come for us knowing that he will die by my hand let's go come now kirogiri open a gate or a warp whatever the hell it's called let's go we need to find all might now [Music] who do we have here isn't it my favorite little hero i'm such a big fan of you always wondered what your blood would taste like oh your eyes are so beautiful when you're full of fear [Music] huh you don't fear me that can't be you know i'm a villain right i'm sure you heard of me i'm tilda himiko pleased to meet you oh yeah i know who you are like i said i'm a big fan of your work i didn't just say that because it would sound cool i generally enjoy your work for a very long time now but let's not dwell on the past let's enjoy the present oh your skin is so soft i hope you don't mind if i take a [Music] bite it even tastes better than i thought it would it's so sweet i think i got addicted to it oh you're shivering do you like it when i suck your skin like that doesn't that go against your hero morals well you're always been a perv so no wonder bingo you won the grand prize it's me you're old forgotten best friend it's been a while hasn't it but i'm happy that you made your dreams come true look i made my dreams also become true i didn't think that we would be on opposite sides fighting each other isn't it cruel how the world goes against you i'm sorry i didn't say it right away i just wanted to have some fun with you i know you have changed and i have changed too for the bear you still look so shocked what's up yeah i know they said that i'm dead how long did they wait a week a day an hour but that doesn't matter we are together now so let's make the best of it what no i won't come back nobody forces me to do anything i do everything on my own behalf this is what i believe in and you can't change that even you can't change that let's just forget everything who i am who you are let's just be together i'm so happy you think the same way now that i can trust you i can lose your bindings huh i didn't think you would give me a hug i missed you too my big strong hero you
Channel: Monster Of Truth
Views: 3,108,908
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: MMD, Miku Miku Dance, monster of truth, 360, mmd 360, my hero academia, bnha, boku no hero academia, mikumikudance, my hero academia 360 video, my hero academia 360 vr, my hero academia 360°, virtual reality 360 my hero academia, bnha 360 vr, bnha 360 video, bnha animatic, bnha cosplay, bnha asmr, ochaco uraraka asmr, rwby 360, rwby sleep with ruby, rwby asmr 360, bnha 360, bakugo 360, bakugo asmr, bakugo, dabi asmr, dabi asmr 360, dabi 360, bnha dabi, dabi x listener asmr
Id: 1OE1tdjXdZw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 39sec (3579 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 21 2020
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